HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-02-29, Page 4.1
••.8 4
toiks, .& -
filatures from
Th. World of Women
May become first woman
in the Presbyterian ministry
ROCOrt1 Religion --Editor
Kitchener -Waterloo Record
TORONTO- -" Why is he a
girl, Mommy?"
A small youngster was con-
fused when he saw Ann Wightman
in the processiOnal at a Toronto
church. He had never seen
anything but a male minister
Miss Wightman, 22, a for-
mer University of Waterloo
student, who is in her second
year of theology at Knox Col-
lege, Toronto, may well be
the first Presbyterian woman
While she was at University
of Waterloo, she worked at St.
Andrew's Presbyterian Church,
Queen anclideber Sueets, for
the summer of 1965 and the
winter of the following school
year. That was the year she
decided to enter the ministry,
• although she had toyed with the
' idea since she was in Grade 13.
Several women have taken
the three-year course at Knox;
but have not been ordained.
Until June, 1966, the Presby-
• terian Churclidid not allow
• Women ministers. If these grad-
uates decided to seek ordina-
tion now, they would have toti
'serve fora full year ori a mis-
sion field and many of them
re already established in Christ.-
, Ianedudation or social works.
One women, now in herlinal
year is uncertain whether she
wants ordination.
•• • •
- "One of the main things is
that we accept ourseives•as
wotnen' and as people, and that
we don't do the'job the same
way as meti,do,"Isaid Miss
*ighttnan. ,
We tend to take the minis•
try 'from theWonianws 'Viewpoint
• time messing over little things,
.but sometimes`we go deeper..
Into Iitt/e -things too. We get
more emotionally involved.
"With pastoral eounsellii'10
-sometimes it s a real advantage
to be a women. Men, on the
'• whale, tend to be a little re-
moved, though, they can be a
-*little moreobjective. ,
But people seem to be able
,to.epen up to a woman mote
• Miss Wightrnan, who has '
-11ever ,known any Women clergy,:
kels that it warlitake the
whole church stronger to have
men-andivotrien ministers work
ing together.
• It's wrong for women to enter
the- ministry with the idea that •
. .they're going to show the men
bow it's done, she- said.
Miss Wightman grew up on
a farm near Belgrave with two
blethers and a sister. The fam--
ily attended thePresbyterian
Church in ,Belgrave„
• • • - •
At that time women could
not be ordained although there
were 'indications that this ruling
might be changed:
"I feltthat if I couldn't be
•ordained by -the -time I had. fin-
ished I might. go into Christian
education or social work --
sotnething along that line.
"I was really aiming for the
ministry but 1 Wasn't going to
campaign for It... There are
enough other areas in the church
where trained people are needed
that I didn't need to be ordain-
"Sometimes I sound like a
suffragette but I don't mean to.
A lot of things women feel they
have to campaign for are not
worth it. They should just ac-
cept that they already' have a
lot of these things. -
While she feels there are a
few things.women do have to
lobby for, she is not willing to
give up being a women and all
the little courtesies that are itex-
tended to wo .
"I find if I o about it like
a man I get nowhere. But if I
go about it like a woman I can
get ,S11 -sorts of things done,"
•she said. • •
When she was on a summer
mission fieklat Tolland, Alta.,
- last summer, she found the best
way ril'heeIt'llieteldfdair;;Provid-
ed in running order was to bat
her eyes and took feminine did
helpless. „
• She found her rural back- • .
ground a help last •summer be-
cause she was able to talk to
the men about the crisps and
the effect the weathet was hay-,
ing. And unlike most of the
male students, she was abiays
interested in the numbers of
jars of peaches or tomatoes that
had been preserved.
Her congregation laughed] at
their Eastern woman student •
minister who had never seen
gophers before and who fre-
quently stopped to stare at, or'
photograph them. The day she
left they presented her with,a •
stuffed gopher.
"At the end of the summer
one of the women told me to
tell the mission board to send
out- another woman next year
• because they hadn't had so
many men out to churchin
"The congregation were very
accepting of it. Country con-
gregations are much more will-
ing to accept it (women clergy) •
than city ones.
'There is an occasional
murmuring when a coregatlon
sees their student minister for
the day is a girl. Out I find, it a
real advantage when it comes
to the sennon, They don't
seem to go to sleep quite 'as
She believes ixr short ser-
mons. "When I've said what I
want to say. I don't see any
sense in repeating myself just
to make it 20 minutes long." •
She and other student min-
isters go out each Sunday to
supply churches needing a min-
ister that day. She is now work-
ing as a student assistant to the
minister at a Willowdale church.
• • •
Sometimes, preparations
for Sunday morning and .for the
youth Meetings on Sunday keep
-her home Saturday night, "But
sometimes the reason up )
so late preparing for the next
day is that I went out anyway
and have to stay up until the
wee hours to get the work
done," .she said with a grin.
She hopes to go into the •
parish ministry, but this will
not prevent her from marrying
or having childten, she explain-
"I think it's possible that a
woman minister can be married.
I can see some difficulty when
she has to ask, for a sabbatical
to have a baby. It (marriage)
would need serious eonsidera-
tion. You would need to have
a very special kind of a hus-
band, though I don't think he
would have to be a minister.,
• • • •
"It is rather ridiculous to
think that women couldn't be
married just because they are
in the ministry. As for being
pregnant, if they make us wear
gowns, kt won't be that notice-
able. Aleit depends on the
congregation and the minister
• herself --if the accepts it. Let's
not -flaunt it but let's not be
ashamed of it.",
• I enjoy preaching, young
people. teacliing and.visitation.
The minignis, afigerad „way to
have all of, it."
Her father, Edgar Wightman,
is really pleased about the de-
cision, , although one of the
most difftult,parts of het train-
ing so far, was having her fam-
ily hear her preachfor the first
time. .
---,Her older brother refers to
her as, "my sister, the parson."
- Although she and her family
and many others, have accepted
her as a minister -to -be she
,still surprises and shocks a
good number of people.
'The most frequent question
I get asked is, 'well, what in
the world do you want to befa
minister for -- particularly a
girl,'" she said.
--Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Devereaux, Molly and Danny .
of Alliston visited with his par-
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Gut Dever-
eaqx in St. Augustine and with
other relatives in Winghaln
over the week -end. Her moth-
er, Mts. Jos. Brophy,. returned -
home with then after spending
the past three weeks in Alliston.
--Miss Agnes Williamson
spent a couple of days last week
with Mrs. Marguerite Chopin in
O0itiOnding Iife now
than for pioneer women
BELGRAVE-4411. Cliff A
Logan was convener of the his-
torical meeting of the Women's
Institute held in the COMMunity
rooms with Mrs. WinWight.
man presiding. •
Items of business included a
motion to cater to the Co
turkey banquet on Marek \
with Mrs. Cliff Purdon, Mori.
Robert Higgins and M.
Anderson in charge of arrange-
ments; 425.00 was donated to
Belgrave, Blyth, and Brussels
School Fair with Mrs.: Albert•
Coultes, Mrs. Walter Scott and
Mrs. Jack Taylor to arrange
prizes; $10.00 was voted for
•-75th anniversary Macdonald
Institute Fund.
Mrs. Stewart Procter and
Mrs. Richard Procter were
named to the nominating cenr
mitte. Mrs. Norman Coultes
Receive awards
for atlendance,
BLUEVALE- -Clifford-Brewer,
assistant superintendent bf Blue -
vale United Church -Sunday
School, presented the following
awards for attendance in -1967,
on Sunday:
Diplomas, Judy Sellers, Ken
Warwick, David Brewer; 2nd
year seal, Mary Ann Nicholson;
3rd ear,' Kathy Willits, Joanne
Edgar;,4th year, Danny. David,
Joan, Ruth and -Jane Campbell;
5th year, Bill Sellers; 6th year,
Glen Warwick, *Allan
gth year, Louise Stamper.
Mary.E. Garniss; 8th year pins,
Jim Hetherington. Bruce and
Murray Willits. Doug and Bill
Gamiss, Don Edgar; 9th, Doug
and Darlene StamPer, Mac Wil-
lits; 10th year, Betty and Cliff
Hetherington. Bruce and Bob,
Corrigan; Ilth year, Marg eraig
12th -Ken Mathers; 14th; •Itiltir
Mathers, Lloyd Peatock; 15tir,-
Terry Johnston.
and Mts. Cliff Logan wili plan,
an arterneen euchre for (Matett
12 in the eeriiraynity rooms%
There will be*. food -return.
"Hew to Make the Most of Tour
Freezer' otrApril 18th in Wing -
call was answered by
naming a Canadian and stating
why he or she is remembered.
ot debate." Resolved that the
average pier woman led a
more demanding life 'phreial-
ly and mentally than -the aver-
age homemaker of today"; was
well presented by Mrs. Clay -
ence Hanna and MIs. Victor
Youngblut for the affirmative
and Mrs, William Coultes and-
mii. Stan Hopper for the nega-
tive. Mrs. Ross Anders011, Mrs.
George -Procter and Mrs. Leslie
Bolt were the judges and their
decision was in favor of the
negative side.
Mrs. Cliff Logan gave two
readings,. "Somebody said It
Couldn't Be Done" and "Grow-
ing" . Nancy Andetson was the
accompanist for Doreen and
Sheila Andetson who sang "I'M
%Little Teapot" and "Billy
Boy". Sheila sang "Frosty the
• Mrs. Ivan Wightman and -
Mrs. Cliglogan thanked all
who helped with the meeting.
Lunch was served by Mrs.
•Stewart Procter, Mrs. Gordon
Higgins and Mrs. NelsOn Hig-
--Mr.—and Mrs. George
Fitzpatrick of London, Mrs.
Jack Rich and Mr. and Mrs.
Harry E. Van Grekanof Hamil-
ton, Mrs. Leah Fitzpatrick, Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Holmes, Mr.
• and•Mrs. Doug Dunn and Mr.
and Mrsi, Jim Winner of Kitch-
ener, .Mts. Edith•McLeod,14r.
• and Mrs. TomAldis, Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Martin, Mr. John
Mcl.eod and Miss Shirley Mc -
Leal of Tailicr, 14.#11M ,` were
out-of-town guests at the Rich -
Peterson wedding on Saturday.
.-Mr, and Mrs. (rick Briphy
and family Spent Sunday with
her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis
Letidy of Kitchener.. They were
• godparents for Michael John
teddy, who was christened on
Sunday in St. Anne's Church.
by Fr, Quinlan;
,-"°11/It. and Mrs. Albert
Smyth and daughter Andrea, of
Kitchener. spenvthe week -end
at the home of his parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Smyth and with
her mother, Mi. Leach of
New member for
Ladies' Auxiliary
A poi luck supper preceded ,
the regular meeting of the
Ladies' Auxiliary to the Legion
on Monday evening, for which
there was a good attendance.
Mrs. Joe King presided and
Mrs. Bill Hogg was pianist.
The charier as draped in
memory of Mrs. T.Y. Smith.
Mrs. Stuart 'Henry was in-
stalled as a new member and
applications for membership
Were read from Mrs. Frank 01-
heiser and Mrs. Percy LeBlanc.
It was decided to donate to
the Legion Scholarship Bursary
Fund. Thank you notes were
read from the veterans and
shut-ins who had received
The zone commander, Mrs.
H. Carrolrof Goderich attended
the meeting and presented Mrs.
K. McLaughlini.with her past -
president's badge.
Mrs. Bill Walden, sports
convener, announced that
Wingham players won both
euchre and bridge prizes at the
card party in LucKnow. Other
announcements were for the
branch St. Patrick's dance on
March 16. an -Invitation euchre
on April 15, the spring rally in
Hensall on May 15, and the
convention In Ottawa in Sept-
ember. ..
Mrs. McLaughlin expressed„ -
ry for Mrs Cant a
and presented her with a gift.
Rich -Peterson vows said at
Sacred ea in, Wing am
ered with lace,and carded
.muffs with yellow and whit*
mums, Darlene Rich, sister of
the groOM, Was the flower girl,
wearing.white oystal thattn
and carrying a basket yellow
and white mUMS..„
GroelPSMaii was Warren Rich
of WridOn, brother of the groom
and the ushers were.Etic Peter',
SQ0 of lAndOn, brother of the -
• bride and,Ken Chettleburgh of
Hensill, the bride's step -broth-.
A receptiOn was belt/ at
Danny's Resaiirant where the
bride's motherreceived, in a •
pink 'crimp knit dren. pink_
hat and brown aceessories, tier
corsage was yellow rosebuds.
The mother of the greens' %%rote
navy blue linen with red acces-
sories and -a corsage of white
• Special gueits s'irere the three
grandmothers of the bride and
groom. Mrs, Nicholas Bon's of
London, Mrs. Ann Rich of Wing -
ham and Mr. Leah Fitzpatrick
of Kitchener. •
Mr. and Mrs. Rich will re-
side in Waterloo. ,
Sacred Heart Roman Cabo -
lie Churchln Wingham was the
setting for a pretty winter wed-
ding on Saturday at 5 p. mt.
.when Louise Anne Peterson be-
came the bride of George Ed-
ward Rich of Waterloos The
bride is the daughter of Mrs.
Robert Chettleburgh of Wing -
ham and the late Mr. Olas
Peterson. The groom's parents
are Mr. and Mrs. EdOard Rich
of Wingham.
Father J.G. Mooney, parish '
priest, officiated and the organ-
istslr)was Mrs. Richard m peau.
The church was dec ed with
gold, mums for the odc-asion.
Given in marriage by her
stepfather. Mr. Chettleburgh..
the bride was attired in a dress
of satin overlaid with chiffon,
fashioned with fitted bodice,
full skirt and long sleeves.
Pearls and rhinestones enhanced
the neckline. She carried
yellow rosebuds and white carn-
ations on a white Bible.
, Miss Mary Chettleburgh of
Wingham was the maid of honor
wearing a long dress of apricot
crystal charm in A-line design.
Bridesmaids were Ruth Anne
Chettleburgh; Esther Chettle-
burgh, both 9f Wingham and
Anne Marie Steinsland of Lon-
don, the junior bridesmaid.
°They' wore dresses of satin cov-
--Mr. and Mrs, Allin Stall
of Toronto visited with Mr. and "
Mrs. Hugh Mundell on the •
week -end.
§ . .
.11 •
F.,- •
E-1Our prices are .low...
WINGHAM MEAT MARKET 'is known for its fine
quality, top' service and low prices . . but last
i• week's ad, we must admit, was a typographical
i error. The item Burns Wieners in a 6-1b.,box should
have read $2.69.
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