HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-9-27, Page 1PAM% Tt,fer..,7
Mtdb.-Maker & ,%Weiler
' For the Fineet Stock and Cheapest
GOod§ to be famed in Ontarioo call oa
Wateh -mak
Eine Asselt
all kinds
work sent to
or, Jeweller
Parkhill. A
inent of Sil-
pairing of
promptly 4
ily done. No
but all exe outod in his
own establishment, undor:his personal super-
Spectacles of all sizes to suit all sights
A t
L. DICKSON, Barrister, Soli-
eitor ef Supreme Court,NotaryPublie
ConveYancer Commlesioner, Fze Money to
i0 Mee in Eanson's Block, Exeter,
arrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc.,
Ofeceqamwell'sBlock olcl office.)
Solleitor in the supreme Court of Ontario,
•Conveyancer, Conimiasioneri ftc„ &e. Special
attention given to the collection of caaime 111
the United States: Patent e procured', money
.to loan at lowest rates. °dice: Opel'a ;House
Block, St.1)farys, Ont.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Conveyancers 86c, &O.
Itlt.loney to Loan at Lowest Rates of
B. V. itx.racm. 3. mane,
OFFICE: over 0,.1rElL9SIlata1
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
"A --/L
Extracts Teeth withoutpain
by giving Vedgetejele Vapor. Gobi
Filings an all other dental
work the best possible. Goes
to Ztratem on last Thursday in
each month:
(I LUTZ , D. M.,
V • °Decent hisresidence Exeter
tr • P. S ,Ora duate Vieteriattniversity.Offi
wee esi de no e,D o mini° nIat bor atm v, Exe be r
TAR. HYNDMAN, coroner for the
County of Huron. Oillee, opposite Mr.
. Carling's store, Exeter.
O °face, Maim Sanseter,Ont.Residen
oe houtierecently occupied by P. McPhillips,
--T-TENRY EILBER, Licensed Auo-
tioneer for tway,Steplien, and meGilli-
eran:Townships: Sales oonduoted atmoderate
rates.' Offiee-At Post-olltice,Crediton, Ont.
TOHN Auctioneer for the
V Townships of Stephen, Hay and Hebei:Jae
and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this office.
Tennant & Tennent
Graduates of the ()uteri° Veterinary College,
OFFICE : One clear South of Town Hall.
1V1- ONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6,12-
-1-1.1- per cent, 525,000 Private Funds. Best
Loaning Companies represented.
This comr.tiny has been over Eighteen
years insuccessful operation in Western On-
tario,andcontinues to insure againstioas or
damage by if ire ,33uildings,Morchauai se
life,ctories,and All othordeseriptiousoffinsur-
able property. Intending insurers have the
option of insuring on the Premium Note or
aah. System. '
During the past ten years tbis Company
• hasissued 57,000 Policies, covering property
to theaanoentof e40,872,088 ; and egad inloss-
es a 1one5700,752,00
AssetS, 8176,100.00, consisting of Cash
n Sank, GoyernmentDepoeitamd the unase.
es sad Pr emiurallotes on hand andin force. 3,
W Viratonn 11 D. Preside Et . 0 . f. TAYLOR,
Secretary. Jere . Hoonee,Inspector. CHAS.
NELL Agontfor E seter and vieinit v,
Tito Great English Preseriptical.
A successful Medicine used over
30 years in thousands of cases. •
Cures Speretatorrhea, Nervous
Weakness, Emissions, Impotency
• and all diseases caused by abuse.
[sEronaj indiseretion, or over-exertion. rematril
Six packages Guaranteed to Cure tehen all others
Vail. Ask your Druggist for The (Arent gnalish
Premorluilcoti take ne stbstitute, One package
Si. Six $5, by Rita Write for Pamphlet, Address
Atireka Chemical Co.. Detroit. Mich,
arber Shop,
A. Hastings, Pro p,
worrnammasarom...reem. mom
Sluiviog and Heir cutting in tho latest styles
of he are.
Every attentien paid to matting
Ladies ana Children' s Hair.
• Market Square
General Store
The undersigned would info= the pub -
tic that he has just received his
A. full line of Dry -Goods, Has & Caps, and
Crockery, Boots and &fled.
Those wishing anything in my line will
find it to their advantage to call and in
sped my geode and prices.
Highest prices paid for But-
ter and Eggs and all
kinds of produce.
J. P. JEtoss:
To Let.
Apply to the undersigned.
Juno 14.- I. OARLING.
For. Sale.
Three first-class farms -100 acres each -Lon.
don Road, within one mile of Exeter.
Solicitors, &o., Exeter.
• For Sale.
A good farm for sale on easy terms
lot 32 eon 2, township of 'Osborne, leo acres,
gcod buildings and fences, wellunderdrained
convenient to churches and school. Apply
to Elliot & Eniotelearristers, or John T rusk,
To the Deaf.—A person cured of
Deafness andnoises in the head of 23
years standing, by a Temple remedy. Will send
a ascription of it Fens to any one applying to
Nrootsox .30 St. 7ohn-St., Montreal.
To Rent,
One hundrel acres in 9th eon., Blanshard,
excellent soil, andin good cultivation. dry
rolling land, well watered by spring creek.
Large barns and comfortable house. 13 acres
summerfallow. Liberal terms to good tenant.
St- Maryy P.0.
Well Digging.
The undersigned wishes to inform the pub-
lic that he is now engaged in well digging.
He will dig, brick up and bore 25 feet for
515 25 cents raise on every additional ten
feet'. Atrial solicited.
THOS. SMALE. Ellin -vine I'. 0.
For Sale.
Brick residence and two lots on Gidley-st.
Good house containing seven rooms,two halls,
kitchen, pantry, wash room and cellar. Also
a good stable and fruits in the garden. The
property will be sold cheap as the proprietor
is giving up house -keeping. pPly on the
The OPENING. of the Forest City Business
College on Sept. 3. was 25 PER CENT. IN AD-
;VANCE of any, previous year. FACULTY has
been Strengthened, and Seating Capacity in-
creased to accommodate 150 students-
1Iy Our own coerespondents.
Ruite a number from here attended
the London fair this week.
Rev. Mr. Orbwein'who has been attend-
ing the Sabbath Sohool convention in
Zorra, returned last Saturday.
Mr. 11. Cook raised; ale new barn last
Monday. About 50 men attended the ris-
ing, and nearly as many women attended
the envier.
Aft:. Henry Birk, who has been the guest
of lir Sparrow, during fair week, returned
hos Nb Monday night. Harry says he en-
joyed himself, and was loath to leave the
city, for what reason is known only to a
seleot few.
Baters.-The harvest home services in
the Methadist church here (mine off as an
nounoed.-The sermons on Sabbath by the
Revs. Wilson, of Exeter, and Thompson,
of Centralia, were excellent. The supper
on Monday evening was worthy of the
large attendance. Roast beef, (thicken,
vegetables, and pastry, in great variety,
composed the bill of fare, The gross re-
ceipts amounted to $85,00. The addresses
given by the ministers who preached on
Sunday were creditable to themselves and
could not fail to edify the audience. The
musimby both band and choir was good.
The pastor of the church, Mr. Fife, rioted
as chairman and carried the programme
through with his usual gracefulness and
tact, The decoration of the °hunk was
especially worthy of mention.
The subscriber would. respectfully announce
to the public tleat he has now on hand a lerge
stock of tho TATiOUS kinds of wooden pumps ;
and that he has added facilities, by which be
eon supply ordered work on the very shortest
Well -digging for fifty cents a foot for 30'
feet, 25 cents for every extra ten feet.
A call solicited.
Exeter, July, 1888. Huron Street.
The direct route between the west and All
points ou the lower St. Lawrence and Bale
de Clhalour, Province of Quebec, also for
New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward
and Cape Breton Islands, Newfoundland and
St. Pierre. fo
All the popular 011MITIOr sea bathitg and
11 shin g resorts are along this line.
New and elegant Buff et Sleeping andDay
Oars run on through Express trains, be-
tween Monti:eel, Hahn= and fit. John.
canatlian European Mail and
Passenger illente.
PassougersforiGroat Britain orthe Conti-
nent by leaving Montreal on Thursday, will
join outward snail steamet at Rinabusiti
the some evening.
Tho attention bf shippers is direoted to
the superior faidlities offoted by this route
for transport of flour and general merchan-
clize intended for the Eastern Provinces and
Newfoundland,a Iso bot shipments of grain
i ,
and produce ntentleel for tBE European
Tickets fluty be obtained and all informa-
Moil about the r onto, freight and passenger
rates on application to
Western Pi:eight &Passenger Agent
93 Rossin Donee Blook,York l. Totcnto
Chid SUperintendent.
Railway Offkoe, Moncton, N B, March 28, '88
BRIEVS,—Considerable &image has been
done in the swamp by fires. -The steer, of
Mr. M. Elford's that fell 'into a well some
Iwo weeks ago has been killed, -Last week
some 000n htmters felled a tree the proper-
ty of Mr. R. Coward, which fell over the
line fence into Mr, Silas Johns' bush, and
a two-year-old heifer was bably tousled by
the limbs. They also had fires lighted
dangerously close to the fence. Coon hunt-
ing may be good sport, but hunters Should
not inflict injury on any other person. -
Mr. Philip Halls started on the Manitoba
excursion Tuesday. -Mr. Eli Coultioe, who
had his leg broken about two months ago,
and whoas so far recovered as to be able
to be up, had the misfortune the first time
he ventured out, to catch his foot in the
ground andbreak his leg again. -Mr.
Jones threshed Mr. T. Similes crop in the
short space of fifty minutes. It was either
fast threshing or a small crop. -Mrs. A
Thomas has an attack of typhoid fevere
Mr. T. Andrew and wife attended the
neral of the latter's sister, the late Sarah
Elliot, of London, formerly of Elinaville,
last week.
Sauble Line.
Wedding bells were ringing in the happy
event that makes two hearts cne, on Sun-
day ;last, the happy couple being Mr. J.
Rau itud Miss Etu, both of whom belong to
our neighborhood. The marriage ceremony
was performed in the R. 0. Church by the
Rev. Father Keeley, incunabent of same, at
the hour of 8 a. m. In the afternoon the
young folks were ;invited to the ball room
in connection with Bossenberry's hotel,
Drysdale, where they tripped the light
"fantastic" in a style whiele showed that
everyone there were enjoying themselves.
At 5 p. ne, the party returned to the resi-
dence of J. Rau, Br., where a splendid
wedding spread awaited them. We take
this opportunity of wishing Johnny and
his better half all thepleasures of married
life and may their shadows never grow less.
Bniers.-The smihneeface of our old
friend, Miss Sarah ,Duclearme, is amongst
UB again. Wnen you come again Sarah
remain a little longer. She was accompan-
ied by her sister and brother of Aux
We take pleasure in congratulating our
popular saddler and harness -maker, Mr. E.
Y. Hardy, on his suocese on fair day. Be
not only took two let and two 2nd prizes
tor harness, but also oarried off let prize
for his mare, evlaich he sold about an hour
after the prize was awarded, for the hand-
some SUM of $175. Ed's mare, for a styl-
ish and showy appearance, was always the
• Daisy" of the town.
Bitenes.-We are sorry to learn that Mrs,
S. Latta is very ill. -Mr. Mena Geiger,
who has been in the employ of,Reicl Bros.,
photographer's, of Seaforth, for tbe past
few years. is noW fitting up a photograph
gallery in a part of H. Well's cabinet store,
The gallery will soon be in good working
order, and once More our towia will have
another business man. Meno is a good
pushing fellow, and is able to put up good
work. -Mise O'Mara, teacher at the French
settlement, passed through tosyn on her
way to London to visit friends at home. -
A number of our townspeople visited, Lon.
don fair this week. •
Courtnorroils IN TEE PRIZt LIST. -The
following errors in the prize list of the Zu-
rich fair published in last week's Times are
hereto"' rectified: -In the poultry class the
Rev. J. W. Ortwein, of Dashwood, received
1st prize for Wyandottes, inateed of Spicer
& Eamon, as credited. For twe year old
filly, S. Seeders, Stephen, got 2nd prize,
ineterid of J. Cooper. For One year old
filly the first prize wag giyen S. Sandets,
instead of 1. Sanders. Por the special
prize by T. Murdoek, for the boat colt sited
by ',Joe Gale," 5. Sanders was awarded ist
• ptize, ineteed of J, Cooper. Tee reporter
ie not in fault for the above errors. He
goer§ by numbers in the judges' books,
therefore thennistake must originate in
the numbere being opied 'wrongly from
the tickets ; 61 as is often the CASS the
changing of an award front ono ozhibilor t�
rinotheit, and negleeting 10 change the num-
ber. In a small degrse the copy -bolder
may be to bianni, but the majority of er-
rors 000111 40 liboV6 explained.
JOHN warm. & SONS
Publisher and Proprietors
Aninoirensive eid man of Adelaide town-
slun ifi the victim of foul xnuider. His
ilead •crushed in with an axe and hiS
• aheoat out from ear to ear. '
Intelligence teaches us of a moat horri-
ble tregecly occurring to Jonathan Robineon
an old and iespeoted resident of Adelaide
township, some time recently, tlae discov-
ery of which was made Saturday. The old
gentleman lived by himaelf, being a bache-
lor of 73 years of age, on Mr. Harris' farm
2nd eon. smith. Mr. Robinson was to
leave gone to Michigan on a visit, and
everybody, 'not semeg any stir about the
bouse, conceded that he had done so. The
facts were brought out Saturday, bowel er,
by a couple of children, who, while play-
ing about the premises, noticed the back
• door open ; and on going into the house
aav, to their amazement, the body of a
MAU lying on the floor behind the Stove.
The discoyery was at once made known
and a visit to the premiseinof older persons
revealed the feet that Mrallobineon had
been neurdered. The ne we of the murder
soon spread, and on the det oft house
being opened the foul odor4at , as emitt-
ed was something horriblaa shewing that
the body muse have lain' in the house
for days, and decomposition already set
in, On the arrival of Coroner Lindsay a
jury of twenty-four was enapannelled. The
body antpreraises were next visited by
the jury, when a most sickening sight met
the gake ()Mhos° present. At the back of
the stove lay poor old Robinson, with his
throat out in such a manner as to ahnost
sever it from the •tern*, while the bleed
lad run underneath him and saturated
his clothing and the fluor. The lop of his
head and his forehead were also meshed
in, as if from a blow with the back of im
axe, and his arms were both broken, while
blood and hair were notiGeahle on the
stove ancl floor, An axe was found in the
shed, on which were severallgray,hairs, and
a cap near the door which the old man con.
tinually wore was found, on the peak and
top of which was the imprint of the back
of an axe, while a chair near the back door
bad an indention in the seat as theugh
made by the back of an axe. From the
appearance of the interior it is reasonable
to suppoue that the old man had been read-
ing, as a lamp stood on the cupboard, and
near by a table on which were his specs
• and paper, rind had got up to answer a
eummens for admittance from the rear
door, and, opening this, was struck twice
on the head by fin axe in the hands of an
assassin, smashing it in, and breaking his
arms in hiwattempts to ward of the blows.
Stunned by the blows, the poor old man
eppears to have fallen forward oa the
• stove, as the ,marks thereon bear out this
impression., The murderer next appeers
to have dragged his viotim from the front
tine stove to the rear, and placing his
ead on ;apnea -kicks ainder the stove, out
the poor old man's throat, as before stated.
The house was ransacked, and drawers and
cupboard opened, robbery apparently being
the incentive to murder, as it was supposed
the old man had money. Them is no clue
to the murderer. The 'neighborhood is
greatly worked up over the affair.
A jury was empannelled and after a
short session, returned the following ver-
clicti-"That Jonathan Robinson, at some
date eubsequent to the 13th September, at
his house in Adelaide. was feloniously and
with malice aforethought killed • and. Mtn,
dered by some person or persons unknown.'
It ie understood that the Township of
Adelaide contemplate the offering of a re-
ward of $5,000 for the apprehension and
conviction of the murderer.
It has been ;earned that a deposit of $111
to his credit is in the Bank of Commerce.
He was supposed to have abont $30 in his
possession before the mender, but not one
cent was found after the discovery of the
Tbe unfortunate man was evidently a
°rueful house.keeper, for the bedding and
surroundings present a very cleanly appear-
Fall wheat is looking good in this local -
A large number of people from this vi-
cinity have attended the London fair.
Married by the Rev. P. W, Jones, at the
residence of Mr. D. Brophy, Wednesday,
Sept. 19th, Mr. Frederick Kounerly to Miss
Sarah Berraington.
The ineinbers of arace church will hold
their harvest home dinner on Weeneeday,
Oct. 3rd. They extend a cordial invita-
tion to all. Dinner ovill be served in the
church ahed from 6 to 6 o'clock. The
annual harvest home dinner of the Boston
Methodist church, heel Wednesday, was a
great smug. Proceeds $94, whieh go
towards repairing the church.
• Miss Rose Brophy is on the sick list
with malaria fever.
Tan FAIR, -The annual fall show of the
Bicidulph Agl. Society, held here last week,
was the largeet ever held, and proved a
thorough SUCCESS. The speeding in the
ring was excellent„ Seven horses entered
the farmers' trot which waekeenly contest-
ed, and six enteved the open trot. There
wee a large crowd and everything was well
' Bolam.. -Mr, John Kennedy, of the ilIb
con., has vehisecl a large sum for a couple
of thoroughbred Lincoln lambs. Mr. K.
keepe good stock. -Some sneak thief re-
cently stole hem Mr. John Bacheraft, tiev-
oral. small articles, Amongst which a shoyel
which Mr. R. prised dearly.--Thoe, DOWAtl
last week, dug 15 feet for water, and. in a
very ehort time the well was fullof water,
His Mttell's SUEFER.-Ouo night tooent-
Iy, While, it is supposed, some of our young
men were on a coon hunt, they, finding the
epott rather atilt, 4o1e about to giye up,
!nit came LIMBS a ivater,melen plantation
owned by Mr, Albert Beatsom After pot-
ting away nearly all the molehil, Alla a
quantity Of cucumbers, they tramped the
*int% and almoat ruined the witch. Mr.
B. says he would not mind the boys hatt,
ing a few melons, but when people make
ilogs of the03o8ive3 awl stoop so low as to
destroy property it is thne to cali a halt.
• Additional Locals.
Twenty-eight cars packed with peo-
ple passed down yesterday to London.
Dr. Tennent has purchased frorn one
of the best kennels in London, a thoro'.
bred English pug dog,
• The public school children and teach-
ers were photographed, in group, on
The London fair, thus fab, has been a
success. The fire -works display each
evening has been grand and attracts
much ettention.
For refusing to pay for • meals and
smashing dishes ab the Mansionhouse,
in the absence of the proprietor, a
stranger vent Tuesday in the 'cooler.
The opening meeting of the season of
the Jame -s. Meth. S. S. Band of
Hope, on, Tuesday evg., was a, success.
The programme was extended and var-
ied and tin; attendance was large.
Mr. Thos. Russell of the "Riverside"
farm, Usborne, has been successful with
members of his herd of Shorthorn, 'at
the Western fair. He has repelled 1st
prize for yearling bull, anti 2nd prize
for bull calf. •'
Merchants and ophers requiring fafl
printing, in the lines of note and letter
heads'bill heads;, statements, envel-
opes, iFzc.'will find:a full stock with low
prices at Tines office. A large Tar -
chase of the above stationery just to
The Timms from now until January
1890 for $1.25 ; or from new until.
Jan'y 1889 for 25 cents. The neighbor
who borrows the paper will save trouble
to himself and inconvenience to his
obljfing neighbor, by at once subscrib-
ing for the TIMES.
We hope none of those who took in
the Western will be unpatriotic enough
to forget our own show at Exeter en
Monday and Tuesday next. It is th4ir
duty to enjoy the greater, but not to
forget the lesser, and endeavor to -make
, .
it a success.
The concert on Friday evg., nnder
the auspices of the Exeterfoot-ball club
was a success as far as the merit of the,
performance is concerned, but was a
decided faildre with regards attendance,
the receipts barely covering the expim-
diture. The boys were disappointedrby
the non-appearance of the London harp-
ers, with whom an arrangement had
been Made ; but it appears that 011E of
the band, not knowing of the engage-
ment, had agreed to go to Napiterville.
• Ate attempt was made to,,bax.e4he, • only
• other Italian band here, buts theevore
at St. Thomas and did not get back isa
time. The Committee secured the tier -
vices of Mr. Cosgrove, of St. Marys,
and his musical selections on the guitar,
mouth organ, triangle and zilophon.e
were of a, very high order. Three very
pretty tableaux, representing scenes on
the base -ball, foot ball and. lacrosse
fields, together with the negro farce,
'Bruder Gardners at home," wound
up the programme.
The Molsons Bank
(off A SNlillidiD T, sew
paid up Capital $`4,l,l0r),00
Rest Pend ,„ 870,00
20 branch eflioes in the Dominion. Agencies
in -the Dominion, 'U.S. A. end Thirone.
,Elxotor Branch,
Open every, lawful del, from 10 a. nie to 3 p
SATURDAYS, 10 a. m.to 1 re, un
e 3 Per Octet. per enema allo,wedfor money oh
Deposit Receipts apaiSaVingli 13ank.
The 'growo-up people, who, every
Sunday, visit Ole cemetery, and make a
practise d robbing the graves of the
beautiful flower, which some kind and
loving mourner has donated mit of TE:$-
pect and in, remembrance of a departed
friend, should feel heartily ashamed -
An example should be made of some of
the grave vandals.
See LEON WATER. ---The Great Ilealth
restorer. If your syetem is out of order
drink St. Leon and be happy. Go to the
spoatsmen's depot at Geo. Sanders' and
see his celebrated powder, the Wild
Rover end Teeple's Favorite; they, are
the .latest. A full supply of sporting
goods. An inspection will convince.
N, Stanley, the'; celebratei optician
trf Toronto, will have a representative
at R. Hick's jewelry store, Exeter, on
Tuesday next, Oct. 2, in the person of
Prof. L. J. Druiff of London, England,
to attend to persons requiring specta-
cles or eye -glasses. Those having de-
fective eyesight will do well to cell on
the above date. No charge for exam-
couple of plausible looking men
are travelling through Ontario these
days on a new swindling expedition.
They are 'well up' on the sheep ques-
tion, and being homespun in their
general talk and conversation, are wont
to disarm suspicion. They. are after
lambs. They are devoted. exclusively
to breeding and selling limbs, but can
never get as many as they can dispose
of. There game is, therefore'this :
They sell a ram for $50 cashon, the
understandingtthat they will purchase
at a good high figure all the lambs of
his get the following season at weaning
time. The sale is effected, the ram
delivered and paid for, and the two
fronds never turn up again there a
second dine.
Paste this in your hat.
All our local niinrocis ought carefully to
read the following extract from the Stat-
utee of Ontario and thus avoid trouble.
None of the animals or birds mentioned,
shall be hunted or killed within the
periods limited : Deer, elk, moose, rein-
deer or caribou, between the fifteenth
day of December and the fifteenth day of
October ; grouse, pheasants, prairie fowl
or partridge, between the first clay of
January and the first clay of September ;
quail, or wild turkeys, between the 15th
clay of December and the fifteenth day of
October'but no wild turkey shall be
hunted, taken. or killed before the 15111
day of October, 1889 ; woodcock, between
the first day of J anuary end the fifteenth
day of .August; snipe, rail or golden
plover, between the first day of January
and the first day of September ; eucks of
all kinds and all other water fowl, be-
tween the first day of January and the
• first clay of September' swans or geese,
between the first day ofAiley and the first
day ot September; hares between the
fifteenth day of March and the first day
of September. 49 V. C. 45, S. 2. No
beaver, mink, muskrat, sable'martin,
otter or fisher, shall be hunted, taken or
killed, or had in possession of any person
between the first day of May and the
first day of Noyember.
South Huron Fall Show.
The South Huvon exhibition, was this
year helcl in Seaforth, in conjunction with
the Tuckersinith Branch Society. The
weather was excellent and the fair a
success, the show of hems being good,
and surpassing any exhibit on former
occasione. The following persons in this
vicinity received prizes:- Alen. Monteith,
third for three year old gelding. Robb.
McAllister, second for two year old geld-
ing. White and Snell, first, pair carnage
homes. Leonard Hunter, first, pair
roadsters. Li Durham !cattle, Messrs. H.
& W. D. Smith of Exeter, ieeptered near-
ly all the first and seeond prizes in the
varioto classes. They are meeting with
great success at all shows yet held 1»
the sheep class the name of Mr. George
Penhele of Stephen, appeare very often
as first prize winner. Mr, Penhale has
some splendid flocks of sheep, and yearly,
captilrea all the prizes at the different
shows, For Berkshire hogs, Mr Richard
Delbriclge of Ueborne, was awarded two
filet and two seciond prizes, Mr, Dot -
bridge has been euccessful in this lino.
There was a good show of poultry, and
among the prige winners the firm of
Messrs. itovvard, Tolland, & Pickard of
Exeter, appears quite often. In the var-
ious °lessee they ettptured twelve first
and three second prizes. We compliment
the boys on their snecess. l‘elessrs. Peter
Metwen and Robt, McAllister of tray,
were suecessful in winning prizes for
grain, roots, Sm.
lyfor October. The institution which has
clerte so much to foster art in America,
'The National Academy of Design," has
its history well told by A. S. Southworth,
in the opening article of Frank Leslie's
Popular Monthly for October, Ity is illus-
trated With views of the building mad
portraits of its Tresidents-AB- Durand,
D. P. Huntington, 11. P. Grey, J. Q. A.
Ward -and Seoretare T. Addison Rich-
ards. Ladies will read with pleasure
'The Gowns of the Butterflies, full *
suggestions and hints,to study cornbinen.:
tions of color and texture from Dame'
Nature. 'Early Navigation. of the, Ohio,'
by Mary M. Melline will be read with in -
interest in, connection with the recent cab-
tertniatoi,ethe ttate named after the beim- ,
tiled riveraandthe illustrations carry one
back' to theediTy days. ,Tri—titeso days,
when Shakespeare and 13acon are so -
strangely mixed up by the skillful literary
art of an accomplished man, it will be
gratifying to have brought together 'What
is known about Shakespeare,' and this is
done in a very readable article; and
whether he wrote the plays that have
always borne his name, here, at least, are
facts relating to them which all admit.
Louis C. Elston, the bright and compe-
tent writer on musical topics, discourses
of 'Hector Berloiz and his music' ancl the
illustrations heighten the interest of his
narrative. 'The indigenous Animals of
the Andes' treat of that Llama family
which gave Peru beasts of burden and
fleeces for the garments of Incas, and
common people. A lady tellsiof a visit to
far-off 'Tangier' town that England once
held, and, which would even now be an
important hole. beside Gibraltar. 'Three
Days on the Summit of Mont Slane' gives
a picture of what our martyrs for science,
even in these days of modern improve-
ments, " are compelled to endure. The
stories and adventures in the number are
all attractive and well illustrated, and
some, like 'Venezuela. and Great Britain,'
by Ahnont Barnes, of no little value.
Albany stands eighth in the Inter-
national league. Its members hope to
do better next year. They do not
want to retally 8.
Ten years have passed. since the Re-
formers were banished from power, and
for ten years the Conservative adminis-
tration has been tottering on the brink
of destruction. ' Isn't it a long-winded
totterer ?
G. J. Charlston, formerly postmaster at
Buxton, is being tried at Chatham for
ear -old boy namea Harvey was
accidently shot by a companion, at Brook-
lyn, N. S., and his brains were blown
The inquest on the body of Jonathan
Robinson, at Strathemy, brought no
clue to the muclerers.
The first shipment of Manitoba Wheat,
this seasons crop, arrived at Port
Arthur yesterday.
Montreal authorities are taking steps
to prevent the introduction of smallpox
in that city.
Stratford Herald: -The people of Cana-
da ought to be thinking how to contrive
to do away with about half of our govern-
ing officers and bodies, Canada is to
meich governed,
Chicago hag cue old settler who lenient
leers well lithe days when the postmester
carried all the mail in his hat. The first
private letter box WAS IBA& Ott of a boot
With A part of the leg mit off. In those
days, less than 50 yeees ago, it cosb 25
c e
tsto gond 1.etter fiont NOW York to
Wieneson, Sept. 23. -It woe aimonneed
thismornieg that the lieutenant -governor
of Ontario had settled the question of the
cliyisiou of Sandwieli, rued that Wittelsor
eves to gain tt large amend of territory
and about 500 in population by the de-
eisime The authotitibe have worked hard
for this end and aro highly elated. The
mew portion will be knowe at the eieth
e)vralde.Sftedevich loses a lot of its boat