The Exeter Times, 1888-9-20, Page 8INSURANCE'
"-d T1117 W1 TBlNASSvRAN"vl"ie..COM-
PAI1Y of Toronto ; also ter the Inine>1I
VIII F. INsine A 140 COMP .c4 Y, Ot ,LA ca,
I;ngland,the iiOOXAL C1ANA1)IA,NT,'of Mon-
treal, treal, and the 13RBITI$I'l EMPIRE PIRE 1+1] A8•
13U'RAN0 i COMPANY, of London. lant;laud,
.established 18427. assets over KM/Q.000;
claims and bonuses paid, over $10,QQQ.000.
LOCA i+i,gIVS,---k eaballbeltappytore-
szre at ail titues, frent any part' of the
°owflty, items of local neve, .'itch.,vs ac-.-
cicleuts,or any iAteresting»ittcicdent zv7tat-
ever, front any of .our subscribers or read-
ers generally for the purpose of public
THURSDAY, SEPT. , 20th 1888.
run Undersignedwouldannounce to
tlu public that be has now on hand out of
the best assorted stooks of harness, boots
and shoes, &;c, in town, and would call
speeial attention to his Scotch Collars,
Children's Carriages, & Express Waggons,
as they are the best in the market, and at
prices to suit the tidies. Boot & shoe re-
pairing promptly attended to. Call and
be convinced. C. EACRETT, Exeter.
fiat! Salt h Salt 1
The Exeter Salt .Works Co. have on
hand any quantity of fine and land salt.
Fan Shows.
Fall Shows will be held this season as
follows :
Clinton, on Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday, Sept. 19, 20 21.
ExETER, on Monday and Tuesday, Oc-
tober 1 and 2.
Godeiich, on 'Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, Oct. 2, 8, 4, 5.
Torout o,'Sept..10to 22.
Provincial, at Kingston, Sept, 10 to 22.
Western, at London, from the 20th to
the 29th of September.
East Wawanosh, at Belgrave, Oct. 9.
East Huron, at Brussels, on Thursday
and Friday, Oct, 4 and 5.
Stanley, at. Bayfield, on Monday and
Tuesday; Oct. 8 and, 9.
Morris; at Blyth, on Wednesday and
Thursday, October 10 and 11
Colborne branch,. at Smith's Hill, on
Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 16 and 17.
The picnic i' Taylor's grove, in aid of
the Catholic church, was a complete suc-
cess, and everything passed off as was
anticipated'. The grounds whieh are sit-
uated on the shore of LakeHuron, were
filled throughout the day, and everybody
seemed to enjoy the affair immensely.
The Exeter brass band was in attendance
and made things lively by rendering
choice selections for which they are noted.
A large number, of Exeterites attended.
The vote for the flag for the most popular
hotel-keepar on the grounds was keen,
the contestants being Hodgins of Hensall,
and Brenner, of Grand .Bend. The par-
ties for each man' did their best in col-
lecting, but Hodgins came out ahead. by a
close majority. The German music box
was awarded to a Brumfield man, he hold-
ing the lucky :ticket. The large horn
was not given, owing to the lateness of
the hour, when the sports were finished.
Mrs. Foy, of St. Marys, was the • guest
of Mrs. Nelson Hooper, last week.—Mrs.
and Minnie Muir, of Clinton, who were
visiting friends in and mound Exeter,
returned bonne last Thursday. -Mr. Wm.
Gray left for his home in London, last
Friday. He will go out west in a couple
of weeks. -Mr. E. Carley, of Palmerston,
is home on his vacation.—Messrs. G.
Weekes and A. Williams left on.Monclay
morning for Chicago.— Messrs. Foy and
Hooper, .of St. Marys, were: in Exeter on
Sunday. -Miss Mageie White spent Sun-
dayin St. Marys.—Messrs. Sam'I Gidley
and A. A. C Denovan.returned from a
visit to the Toronto Exposition the other
. clay. They say itis far ahead of former
exhibitions, and the crowds of visitorayare
estimated to be .greater.—Several of our
citizens, amongst whom Dr. Rollins, L,
Dickson and John Spackman, left Tues-
day to attend the. Industrial at Toronth.
H, B. Elliot, mail clerk, spent a few days
in town this week. -Mr. Samuel Carter
and son, of the ]Slue Line office; Roches-
ter, N. Y., who have been visiting.Mr. J.
Fa rhurn and friends in Exeter, retarned
home last week. Mr. Carter is a very wel-
come visitor to Exeter.—Mrs. Levi Lewis,
of London,' is the guest of Mrs. Robert
Pickard, of Exeter. ---Miss Inman, of Nor-
wich, has arrived and taken. charge ofleas.
Piokard's millinery department.—Mr. A.
Ross, late of Chicago, has arrived and
taken the position of cutter in Jas. Pick-
ard's tailoring department. •
Bifle Association.
A meeting for the purpose of forming a
Riffle Association was held in the Town
Hall on Monday evening last H. L.
Billings was elected chairman, and L. H.
Dickson, secy.. Capt. Andrews addressed
the meeting upon the objects and advan-
tages of the intended association, in a very
able manner, He said the main object of
the Association to lend an im-
petus to the 'Volunteer company andpop-
ularize thse same. It was riot intended,
however, fo make the association at all
e vexclusiye ; but to invite all men of good
shooting reputation and men who will
help th association. He' was followed by
Lieut. Dickson, who in his usual master-
ly style, pointed out the `:position . that
the .Association would have in the
Dominion Rifle Association. Also the
difference between the members of the
volunteers and non-rnembers, which is
very slight with regard only to Some cer-
tain privileges. The roll book was then
opened and the following name inscribed
as members of the Exeter 7iflle Associa-
tion :--Capt. Andrews, Lieut Dickson,
'Lieut. 73illings, Sergt. W. R. Kerr, Sergt.
'T. Worn, Corp. I. Wescott, Ptes. Fred
Hornsby, James Carrick, M. McGinnis,
G. Weir, 1=1. Fortner, G. Davis 0. San-
ders, Thos. Swallow and Messrs. James
Beer, Ed. Bissett, 1). Johns, N. D. I3,ur
don, names Wescott, and A. G. Dyer. At
the election of officers, the following is
the result ;—Patron, Lieut -Col. Coleman,.
.Settfcrth ; fres., Dr. J. Hyndr>;lan ; Vice'
Frests., J. A, Rollins, M. D., D. John, E.
Pissett and A. G. Dyer ; Seey., Lieut H.
L. 13i11ilrgs ; Treas., Capt. Andrews ; Au-
ditors, I) .. ,,
d ern . J ole r
nsanlA.Gr. Dyer er Lxo.
S' r
etttive Coin.., ler. 1Iyndman, Capt. An-
drews and James Beer' reexeontrve Of ioets
Lieut Dickeon and A. G. Dyer ; Range
Officers, Capt. Andrewe, Lents, D'reksen
and 1#illiege, D. Johns ; Courted, An-
drews, 1.Iiekson, Billings, Kerr Sanders,
Wescott, Johns, Bissett, Dyer, Beer and
Dr. I.lyndntan.
A Word To'Tho \Yfse,
to ease an. exeo1,'ltorSl anneeecenxeiit
advertised three times in a newspapor
and you have a claim of $800 against •tee
estate, the law.eeives you no claim if you
don't see and take heed of the notice given
and putiri your claim within the specified
time. In case you lose stock or horses
and they are advertised in the paper and
yen do not ,see the advertisement you lose
your stock. if you keep stock and dont
advertise them the law does nob excuse
you. If you do not read announcements
of the townslxip or village clerk at the
time suck announcements ere made and
take heedthereto in the specified thee you
may lose your vote, and apart from news
there ,are several .things about a newspaper.
which makes it iudispensible in the coun-
try home, and yet there are seuxepeople
who are too miserly mean to pay two cents
a week for a local paper.
Mr. Geo. Eacrott left Monday for
The Trane from now until 1$S9 only
25 cents:
Thi Seaforth fair was held Monday
and Tuesday.
Several parties visited the roller rink
Thursday night.
Quite a number of Exeterites attend-
ed the Seaforth fair on Tuesday.
The lightning rods on the Central
hotel were repaired last Friday.
The football entertainment will be
field in Drew's Opera House to -morrow
Mrs. Dan. Davis is at present very
low and her speedy recovery is anxious-
ly looked for.
The. St. Marys and. Ailsa Cram base-
ball teams played a match at the latter
place yesterday.
Messrs. Pickard and Howard took
a selection of chickens to Seaforth fair
on Tuesday and carried off a number of
Rev. Wad -der -ward recently lectured
in St. lefls•re s and the people of the
stone town are of the opinion that the
Rev. gentleman is an imposter.
A football match will be played at
Eden to -morrow night between the
Eden and Fairfield clubs; A good game
is expected as both clubs know how to
LADIES. -Lovely Plushes and braids
to snatch our new dress ;goods.
The rains of Saturday night and Sun•
day were welcomed by everybody in
this section of country. "A large, num
leer of wells had gone dry,b ut since the
rain are r -order.
Those in need of Fair printing should
send in their orders , at once to the
Teemsto avoid the rush on Fair day.
We do neater work than any other of-
fice in the county and" our prices are
Mr. G. Page, formerly of Exeter,
who recently had three of his fingers
cut off in Kern's organ factory, Wood-
stock, has nearly recovered, but it is
probable thrit he, will not be able to
work at his trade again.
Two young men from this place vio-
lated the fourth commandment last
Sunday by going shooting in a bush
not far from Exeter The boys' are
well known and their names will be di-
vulged if th ey repeat the act.
The agents for the Globe Lightning
Rod Company, of London were in Exe-
ter last week and put up a number of
lightning rods around town. Fred.
Fisher and T. Coatesare among those
in Usborne who had rods erected.
The Exeter football club will likely
play their return match - with Bruce -
field next week. The boys should get
out to practice and when they go- to
Brucefield they willmake a better show-
ing than they did in their last snatch'
LADIES, -Don't` forget to see our
Jackets, Cloths and Ulstering's.
The Exeter band this week issue a
challenge' to any organization, or a
scrub team, to play a game of ball.'
There are some splendid ball players in
the band and their challenge will be
,y accepted by a picked
The parlor social held in Dr. Rollins'
residence last Friday night was quite
successful and every person 'present.
spent an enjoyable evening. A lengthy
programme, consisting of instrumental
and -vocal music was rendered, after
which refre
sliments were strived.
On Wednesday night, the TIMES
office nearly suffered a disastrous fire.
A lamp which was placed on the mail-
ing table upset .and broke into frag-
ments on the floor, the oil igniting
immediately. The flames were extin-
guished, however, before they had made
any headway.
Sunday night, about eleven o'clock,
after a slight ram, a bright light having
the shape of a rainbow, appeared in the
north-eastern heavens. The peculiar
light lasted for nearly ten minutes,
when it gradually disappeared from the
ends like a rainbow. The moon, was
shining at the time.
A football match was played at Eden
Monday by two clubs Captained by C.
Coates and James Dempsey. After
three hours' play Charles Coates'
side was declared winner by a score of
five goals to two. .A. first class club has
beeh organized at Eden and is open for
challenges from any outside team,
LADIES. -Big lot of Ulster., Jackets,
Dolmans, just arrived. at
On Mondtiy evening last while those
who are to take partinthe football con-
cert were rehearsing in Drew's hall, sev-
eral young men on the outside were
conducting themselves in a very ungen-
tlemanly manner much to the annoy
ante of those passing by. If the boys
repeat their conduotan example will be
made of them.
The tramps have struck upon anew
and, as yet, very sedecesful begging
scheme. Oil.o enters the house, saying
that ire, has been looking for work all
the morning, but could not succeed in
getting any, and offers to buy a few
slides of bread and butter. Whets he
receives it he searches in his . coat to
find, the money, Much to his apparentrent
amazement lice discovers that it has fall
en through a hole in his pocket and he
offers to return the food.. His offer is
never accepted and he gets, a good. meal
besides tote of sympathy for his loss.
Fire them Out Withopt delay. They
are all loafers end thievesee',
ugrvarG!q'J.w�•..�.....�ara'�asp �vnnupu�:. mr�fissx+F,quasYa�'iYna�»xxarwemx:,;nroaca�axraarnrra 0...,
Subscribe for the nines, 25 cents
frorn now until Jan. 89,
A side ahoy •passed. up Main street
011 `J'hursclay, err; route for Ziurich fair.,:
The London Fair conixnencos to -day,
and ~rill continue till Sateetley, 29th
The band played' on the street as
usual Saturday night, and the selections
•evere excellent •
' The baseball bpys express their cps
preciatiou, as to the way the ` encs puts
in the baseball score.
Southcote's new block is nearlycent-
pieted. " It will' add to theappearnceof
town when completed:
Rev. W. H. Fyfe, of Crediton, 'oc-
cupied the pulpit in the Main-st. Meth-
odist church last Sunday.
.k large number:Intend taking in the
London fair this week. ' This . section
will send several exhibitors.
Mr. D. Spicer had a large selection
of chickens at the Zurich fair last week
Tani carried off .several prizes.
Tho Southern Counties Fair at St.
Thomas, commenced on • Monday and
will last' till to -day, (Thursday.)
This is the season .when the small
boys (and the large ones too) have a.
peculiar liking for pears and grapes.
The hen, which layed the large egg
in the engine room of this office last
week, won first prize at Zurich, fair last
The Toronto.exhibition will close on
Saturday. The exhibition, this year,
has been more successful than that of
any preyious year.
The base ball season will• be over
is about a week and the clubs in the
respective leagues will finish in the
order that they now have.
The circulation of the Terms is rapid-
ly increasing, and by the fall we expect
to double our present list, Try it from
now until January fortwenty-five cents,
LADIES.—Remember the dates of
our millinery opening, Wednesday and
Thursday, Sept. 26th and 27th.
. .Tames PICKARD.
The funeral of the late Mrs. John
Anderson, of the Thames road, on
Thursday, was one of the largest ever
seen in Usborne, 86 vehicles being in
the cortege,
theenerxn'r. —The members of the
Exeter .bandehereby;challenge any other
organization in town to a game of base-
ball ; and
ase-ball;'and if Shipley is' given us to catch
an acceptance will be entertained from a
picked nine.—Jas. FAIRBunx, Secy.
Our townsman, Dr. Rollins, has re-
cently disposed of a couple of pieces of
land in Manitoba -480 acres in all—at
remunerative prices. He reports an
active enquiry for land just now, which
is indicative of a good future for the
prairie province.
Messrs. Snell and White recently
purchased a handsome pair of grey car-
riage horses for a good sum ;• and have
been successful in carrying off the first
premiums at all shows yet held. For
style, they are exquisite, while with re-
gards syrnnetrical 'qualities they are
types of perfection.
The entertainment in Drew's hall un-
der the auspices of the Football Club',
to -morrow evening promises to- be `the
best of the season. The committee has
spared no pains and the programme is
long and attractive, consisting' of tab-
leaux representing nearly all ,the ath-
letic games. The Italian harpers; of.
London have been engaged for the
evening. The affair will wind up with'.
a comical farce entitled "Brother Gar -
diner's at lepme."
LADIES. -We will be pleased to see
you' in to inspect our millinery at the
opening, Wednesday and Thursday,
Sept. 26th and 27th. ` JAMIE. PICKARD..
LADIES.—Call and see our new dress
goods—newest shades.
Our esteemed townsman, Mr. G. 'A.
It. McLeod received the appointment
of Grand Standard Bearer of the Grand
Chapter -of Royal Arch Masons' with
the •rank of Very Excellent Companion,
at the last grand Chapter meeting at
Toronto. The appointment is an hon-
orary one, and we compliment the Roy-
al Arch Chapter, of Exeter on its
achievement on such distinction ; also
Mr. McLeod on his receiving such a
ran k.
Johnston, alias Mack, alias Gillies, of
Lobo township, who some finis ago was
committed at Crediton to stand his trial.
for stealing sheep from a Mr. Box, of
Stephen and Harvey, of :Usborne, has
been sentenced by His . Honor Judge
Toms to two months at 'nerd labor in
tue common jail at Goderieh. For the
first charge he was acquitted and on ac-
count of the second offence the above
sentence was given. It is felt here-
abouts that the punishment meted out.
by His Honor was not sufiicientlysevere
as a man with so many, aliases and one
guilty of so barefaced a theft should
have had the full extent of the law.
It is understood that the Postmaster
General has decided not to enforce in
future the regulationunder which. it has
been required thatI
q registration .charge
made in the ease of registered letters
should be prepaid by a special registra-
tion stamp. Hereafter, therefore, any
letter posted for registration, bearing
upon it ordinary stamps to the amount
covering the charge for registration, in
addition to the postage charge; may be
registed and sent forward to its des-
tination.The cls i1
clump will doubtless bo
appreciated by the country people, who
leave heretofore in many cases suffered
inconvienence by being compelled to go
a long distance to obtain registration
This fall, the Exeter market bids fair
to be the central point for the farmers
of the neighborhood, for a radius of 20
miles. Already vast quantities of all
kinds of grain is being marketed here
and the very highest prices are being
paid—for instance $1 per bushel`'for
fall wheat has been the ruling price for
the past two weeks, Two courteous and
willing buyers in th'e persons of Messrs.
Levett and Mcltoberts, now grace the
market squar>R, gentlemen, who by their
ready ways and friendly dispositions.
have won tIIO re
scot and confidence of
all with whom tiny con i
y have ednte in con-
tent, It is gratifying to learn that such
a state of affairs exists, and it is most
pletising'to know that the business of.
the town is iri{.`i'epsing and that it will
ncteaee proportionally as the season
meq• ,Fm';.SiWDFF",' 14R7S1PI,.2."Tl1.'
Absolutely Pure,.
This port] ernever varies A.mareelofpar-
ity, strength andwholesomebtes. Afore econ-
omical thanthe
eon-omicalthanthe ordinary binds sled cannot
be sold in eonape Mimi with the multitudes of
low test, short weight, alum or phosphate
powders. Sold only in oars,—BOYAL BAK-
ING -POWDER CC..lOo Wailstreet N. Y
WANTED, .good girl to do light house-
work. Apply to Mrs. J. R. Jaynes.
WANTED. -A good servant to do gen
eral house work.—Apply to Ilea. D-
J ol3Ns. '
If you want a servant ; if you want
to sell village or farm property, you
will get a quick response by placing an.
ad. in this column.
Advertise all your astray animals' in
the TIMES. The law compels that they
shallbe'advertised, under aheavy penal-'
For the sum of 5 cts. per line each in-
sertion advertisements of wants, articles
for`asle, & o., will be inserted in this
column. Give it a trial.
Don't forget to attend R. Hicks' dis-
count sale of Watches, Clocks, reweiry;
Silverware, Spectacles, etc. All should
awail themselves of this opportunity.
At the old stand opposite James 'Pick-
ard's store . -R. Hicks. •
Look out and remain over to see the
when n visitingthe fair.
Bellrm5ers w e
,Bring your wife or sweatheatt she will -
enjoy the treat in store at. Drew's Hall
1st and 2nd Oct.
Don't forget the Bellringers will give
a grand concert at Drew's Hall, Oct.
1 and 2, fair night. Come and bring
ybur families, fun for all. ' Popular
prices, 35 cents and 25 cents.
Cheap excursions by the CanadianPa-:
cific Railway to the ^ Canadian. North-
west.. ad. return.e Good to 'return till
21st of November from Exeter for $28.
Apply to W. J. Carling, Agent.
Furniture Undo staking
In returning thanks to our numerous
customers for past favors it affords us
great pleasure in stating that we have got
nicely settled in our new and commodious
premises,and are prepared, (if quality
and selection of stock, and honest dealing
will do it) to supply the wants of the
people of this district, in the 'furniture.
and undertaking line, with roods
The finest stook in Huron county to choose
from, For proof positive as to the
extent of our stock and. he
low prices at which we
We publish no clap crap nonsense, but
produce facts, which ,can be verified in a
practical way
Our stoekinf undertaking goods is very
complete, embracing funeral furnishings
from thehighest to the lowest grades, and
at prices far below any in town.
An inspection of our goods is respectfully
(Successor to C. & S. Gidley)
July, 88.
rALL rir
Samwoll g Pliant
Have just received direet from England
a fine assortment of Ladies' Walking Jack-
ets, Dolmans, and Ulsters, also a Fine As-
sortment of Sealettes, Imitation Lamb and
Our Stook is Complete
`. illinevgr' Opening
& 2nd I
When we will show all the latest nov-
Ities, in Millinery. -
Ever" lady is in itodto call Y v 1 and iii-
pact the stock.
inert"' . he keeps
The l,Tnclerslwned wishes to inform the public in eerier the p
--constantly in stock—
circ sed—•inch inch -and -a - quarter, Bell Stuff, Flooring, Siding, g, s arter, inch -and -a q
half and two inch: Sash Doors, Blinds,;Mouldings' and all Finishing Material
Lath, coo.
SHINGLES A SPECIALTY. --Competition challenged. The best and the
largest stock, and at lowest prices. Shingles A 1. "`
All dressed lumber thoroughly seasoned and ready for use. No shrinkage
assured. A call will bear out the above.
Mall/: sJ
10 Reward for the Conviction
Eureka Cylinder, Bolt- McColl Bros. & Co,,
„Cutting & Wool Oils. For sale by all leading dealers. Toronto.
BISSETT BROS., Sole Agents, Exeter.
p M Ea i j 8 8 .. (Dip
At Toronto.Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used on all machinery during the
Exhibition. It bas been awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS during the last three years
'See that you, get Peerless. It is only made by
5,as. 'Z'ETes ROCMRS S & CO,, TORONT
--GREAT—A entsWanfed Immediately
Cl®ar1nSale, R. L. HT
RRTCi,& Co., - -Nlirrym
,GooD WAGE.. STEADY Weill:.
Cheap Chea Store Credito,
For the next 60 days at cost, consisting
Pry -Goods, Boots & Shoes, Felt and Straw
flats (about 400 to select from.)
Having secured shop license to sell all
kinds of
Q ,
I have decided to clean out some of the
above lines at or below cost for cash
and ready pay, to make room for
a large stock of
Don't forget as it is no humbug. All
accounts due 1st October, 1888.
Cheap Store Crediton
T o the Public at Large.
I am, offering my summer goods at COST
PRICE,• to make room for
I all Purchases
My Fall ..:: t ,, eh
Please call and examine before going
Organs for Sale at
Cost Price.,
House 6c. Lot
FOR SALE—Opposite Town Hall
Dr .A. sena
O. A. H t'}Ib T'AN.
Call on G. A. H. for Groceries
ci .. Teas
" Dashwood flour
" :Petty Hams a.d'
Smoking tobacco a
five cent piece with every 3 plugs.
And examine Senior's Show Window
where you will see some firstclass pho-
tos, equal to any City Work.
And you can rely upon getting value
for your money'everytime.
Photographs ra hs $3 a
$1.50 FOR CARDS.
He also has a fine line of Photo Frames
and Mats, at Right Prices.
tarCall — and — Seems
Opposite H: Spackman's Tinshop,
Summer Silks, Dress Goods Muslins, Prints, Ginghams
Laces ibbcns, HisiArv, Gloves, Underwear,
Corsets, Pasasols, Millinery, Trimmings, etc
At ` Greatly Reduced Prices.
Grand Da iin in vry D-par1nt
'Lft4 er do not Mese thin opportunity to buy'cheap goods, as the subscriber bee
ono of the fluoat otoclta fn ilio Ioimet tb n loose fi:ono A call will repay you.
° r