HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-02-01, Page 7Mr, *011 Mts. Arnold iflohle
sad family of Marylal, visited
linaday with her mother. Mrs,
Irmo Haugh and Mb* Olken
Josophizie Street
P11011e 3574301
el rave
Mrs, Rivet MarthaU of
London spent * few days,ta*
week wills her father, Mr. Stew
ley Cooki while her mother was
* patient In Wineram and Disco,
;let Hospital.
Friends of Mr.. Lewli Cook
were sorry, to kern that he fell
and broke some ribs whilele-
pairing a pump at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Sles-
set of Kincardine visited with
Mrs.'TeIford Cook. on Monday.
Master Murray Irwin, son
of Mr. and Mrs. William Irwin
Men's -Suits Now Reduced
underwent surgery on Monday
Morning in the •Wingharn and
District Hospital.
Master Randy and Stephen
MacKay and Miss Tracey Mac.
Kay spent the weekoend with
7'theit gtandporents Mr. and,
MO, ;linty McGutre.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
ick of Kitehtner spent the
week -end with her mother,
Mrs,.-Clarersce Hanna and ,also
Visited with her father, Mr.
'Clarence Hanna Who is * pat-
ient in'Winghain and District
Soyle and Mr.
Gus Boyle of Winghatn spent*
last Friday afternoon withA.Pit,
and Mrs. Mark Armstrong,
Miss Nora Van Camp has
been visiting anions relatives.
Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Johnston
of Clinton, Mr. and MO. Clare
Van Camp And lvir. and Mrs.
Glen Van Cartip, due to having
'Master Murray Cook, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cook
has been a patient in Wingharn
and District Hospital having
undergone an operation for ap-
pendicitis last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.
Coultes spent the week -end
with Mr. and Mrs. lbssel
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Free -
thy and Dianne spent the'week7
end with their daughter, Mrs. ,
Mac Harvey and Mr. Haridy of-
Mrs, Stanley CoOk returned
home on Sunday from Winer=
and District 'llospital.
Mr. arid Mrs. Cyril Can-
ning of Brantford and. Mrs„.
*Velma' Dow of London spent
the week -end with Mr, and '9
Mrs. Norman Coultes.
Another of the several' casUalties at WDI-IS is Mr. Jones,
who injured his arm during a basketball session. With
him is Mr. Kopas.
Teen Topics
QUiSTION: "What would
you do if you Were DI for the'
"'Well, first of 4111 wouldn't -
play any country 'and western
music! Secondly, I werildn't
babble away through the rec-
play the top tea between per-
iods and rd have Mr. Ritter
sing the announcements in the
mitts. records .and French music':
make a dedication to Tiff and
music and no advertisements."
put on an album and play it
-"straight thiough with NO.inter-
don't you ask Mac Ross?"
By $15.00
Take advantage of this substantial saving
(Wingharn) Limited
Safe„driving requires all
your attention, all the time..
Many drivers are able to
keep up an interesting conver-
sation with others in the car
and still pay full attention to
their &lying°, ,.but, equally
true, others capnot.' They let
.their attention w -a -n -d -e -r.
maybe only for a second or
.two but there are times when
eyen- one second of inattention
It's Happening
*Two mernbers of the Mustang Wrestling teaM are Brian
Forsyth, on the mat, and .Pete Snow who seems to have
t e wooer hand ,at thelt's mem'.
4 it
. The lighted. cigarette between the lips of %ht.
minion Canadians represents, in the opinion -
of many doctors,- the greatest health problem
in the country today.
Th. effects. of cigarette sMoking can be deadly.
The mixture of particles and gases in the ismoke
reduces(the function of the lungs and, as the
years prOgress, the continued_ inhalation of. the
noxious mixture is contributing to a higher and
higher" toll of disability and death. Inhaling
. smoke. from even ONE cigarette increases re,
sistance In the tung's airways. The tiny particles
of tar in- the amok* act as an irritant, -causing
the .bronchial tubes to sWell, and as a result
the smoker •has te work harder for the, air he
breathes. The gas.** in cigarette smoke inter-
fere with . the cleansing mechanism of the res-
piratory system. Normally, the lining of. the
respiratory tract has a coating. of fluid from the
nose down thretigh the imallest air passages.
Inhaled dirt and bacterit settle on this fluid,
and tiny lialr-like Cells called "cilia" sweep the
fluid vOntalnirig its load of harmful substances •
up to. the nose and throat where they can be •
eliminated. • But cigarette smoke slows down
or eventually stops the cilia's action,, perniitting
dirt and bacteria to remain in the respiratory
tract. If they remain Jong, irritation, infection
and illness can result.
Chronic bronchitis is frequently linked with
heavy cigarette smiting. The lining of the
bronchial tubes becomes inflamed, air floW to
Ind from the lungs is hampered and mucous is
coughed, up. The, victim' hacks and spits and
very often cills it a cigarette cough,. hut it Is
actually 'bronchitis and as the disease pro-
gresses, debility, progresses with marked ob-
, struction. to air ifew,heavy cough and sputum
and shortness of breath. Chronic bronchitis
sometimes cause% death, but more often it leads
to other serious disabling diseases. .
Emphysema is believed to be a late develepment
of chronic bronchitis. In this disease, air ,ise-
comes trapped in the lungs when the airways
are obstruCted. The lungs became. distended
and the sponae-like tissiie that absorbes oxygen
-from the air is damaged irreversibly. Emphy7
soma interferes with a. man's earning ability
and closes the door to an °active social life.
At its Worst, emphyseitria reduces life to a 'fight
for every breath.
When the- lungs become. tinis damaged,. blood
Cannot flo;); normally through the narrowed
small blood. vessels, and the heart intfat work
.; harder to push the blood through. THE
Lung cancer is second as a risk of cigarette
smoking. In 1930, shortly after smoking be-
. came a national habit, lung cancer was tom-
perativeli rare: In the United States deaths
from ilungtcancer inc'reased from 2,500 in 1930 •
to 50,000 today. And the estimate is that king
Cancer 10 times as many cigarette smokers
as non-smokers.
Heart disease, lung cancer, -emphysema, bronch-
itis, shortness of breath, chronic coughs .
and some riskt we haven't mentioned, such as ,
premature -babies, and neonatal deaths . . are
often the results of cigarette smoking.
EVen when the lungs are badlyo damaged, say
doctors, stopping smoking will slow, down the
disease or, at least, reduce cough and sputuM.
And, of course, if you're lucky enough. not to
have developed diseases aisociated with cigar-
ette smoking, you. vastly improve your chances
of escaping them .completely --if you quit now!
Your Christmas Seal contributions fight TB and Respiratory Diseasss and
the conditions that aggravate them.
-been received here by -Mrs.
Cecil Falconer that Kevin, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Falcon-
. er of Streetsville, was injured
;While tobogganing on Thursday.
A sliver, three.euarters of an
indh wide,' entered his leg be- ,
:hind the knee and extended
upward toward the body. sever-
ing muscles and puncturing an
artery which caused severe
bleeding. Kevin lost conscious-
ness. He was admitted to
On Sunday word was re,-
deived that he Was doing as
.well as could be -expected.'
spent many holidays wish him
a speedy recovery.
The Eastern. Star held a
bridge. party 'last Friday even-
ing with 18 tables in play. High.
lady was Mrs. George Fisher .
MacLennan. The mystery .
o prize was won by Jack Reavie.
--Mr. and Mrs. Herb rut-
. ler of Lion's 1 -lead were in
town -on Monday. Mrs. Fuller
remained for a afew.days. Bill
Fuller is a patient in Wiarten
Hospital where he had his ap-
pendix removed at the week -
--Mrs. Tom Burke' was
North Josephine Street last
week from the Wingham and
District Hospital.
Nicol of Brampton visited on
Surrday at the home' of his
mother, Mrs. Annie Nicol of
Minnie Street.
--Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Smyth and Andrea of Kitchener
Spent the weekk-end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
Smyth of East WawanOsh.
--Mr. and Mrs* Farish
,Maffer and Gordon'of Toronto
attended the 83rd birthday par-
ty of Mr, Alex McKenzie at ,
Lucknow on Saturday evening.
Mr. McKenzie is Mrs.-Moffat's
On your travels about the
school you are apt to bump in-
to a stranger wearing a hard
hat. He is probably one of the
construction men working on
the new addition to our school.
It's hard to imagine what the
new addition will look like. -
However, time °will telli,
There is rumour going
around that the offices are ex-
pected to be completed within
the next few weeks. This will
be a relief to the office staff.
'arid will clear theiym for reg-
Ular activity as, office equip- •
ment is presently in the gym-
Appoint officers
at annual 'meeting
of Baptiti Church
Encouraging reports Were
given at the annual meeting of
the Wingham Baptist dhurch
Friday night, with the pastPt,
Rev. Bruce Penny presiding.
Total reCeipts for the. year am-
ounted to more than $13,000
from all departments exclusive
of the parsonage fund. All de-
partnients reported a surplus
with the total being $2,.311.54.
During the Tast year- a- parson -
Officers for 1968 include;
DeacOns. Frank Collar, John
,; Currie; truStees, Bruce Mac-
Lean-. Bill Stapleton, Wit -mei
Harcourt; Wade Stapleten,
Richard Kilpatrick; Alfred.Ma-
sistant'treasurer, Mrs. Richard
Kilpatrick; organist, Mrs. Eli-
nor Collar; assistant organists,
Miss Joan tantelon. Mrs. Wil-
fred Stainton; music committee,
Jar, Mrs. Glenn "Scheifele, Mrs.
Merrill Cantelon; 'baptismal
committee, Wilmer Harcourt.
' Richard Kihiatrick„ Mrs. Glenn
Scheifele, Mrs. Bill Stapleton;
visiting committee, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Collar, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Kilpatrick; flower
committee, Mrs. Glenn Schei-
fele,. Mrs. Elinor Collar; om-
munior stewardess, Mrs. Wil-
fred, Stainton; assistants, Mrs.
Richard Kilpatrick, Mrs.
George Hotchkiss; general Srin-
day School superintendent,
John Currie; enior department,
Frank Collar; Junior department
mr§. Wikner Harcourt; press
reporter, Merrill Cantelon;
fellowship agent, Mrs. Alvin
Procter; auditors, Mrs. Mac
junior church committee, Mrs.
'John Currie, Mrs. Alfred Ma-
son, Mrs. William Stevenson.
yingham Squirts dropped
a 2-1 decision to Lucknow on
Friday night in Lucknow, Peter
ifilb%ert scored the onli goal.
Clio Club
Come into our parlour,
you walking encyclopedil. Yes,
you who walk our hallow"d halls
with all 'Oat vast knowledge -
lying hidden in your,brains!
Come into the "Tall One's"
Room and peacefully listen tO „
while you work, Man. what a
ems, it isn't exactly a 'hip
240, really, worried par -
joint" --not quite! lititgiven
time we'll turn it into the
of the Antarctic. • "
swingingescv history club 'mak_
Yessiree, Clio Club time
is here again (it was here a
long time ago but they're just
getting areund to us), This
year eireryone is really ping
to sit up and take notice.
Our wild projects include
a trip to Ontario's swingiecap-
ital, therein to visit Parliament
and Royal Ontario Museum.
Ready for that 7:30 a.m. blast
We're also writing a "fib"
diary for our. first hundred years,
Everyone brings in some " swing-
neWs stories from the "hip"
joints -- Wingharn, Brussels.
Teeswater, Delmore etc.. and
we put it all down in wild
writing -- like Dark Ages, matt
It's like a real "freaklout",
is year there's siLeapins"
Lynda Johnston, "Wild Man"
Jim Graham., apd yours truly as,
pectively. Mr. "Tall.One"
Higgs is our "way out" supervi-
So listen out there all youl
'hip" cats -- like man, join
the "Tall One" ied have a
Senior boys'
Pat Walker
Kerry Stuckey
French Club
tegult4r cilIasseT"es1401fYthaeft:Irayt,i,le
French -minded students from
grades and mot with Mrs.
1Seuarrerri g7a:ns.. 2:16tlistothepftipor
'praedcal use the French:they
ocinfly*:"et'intvf:a.ocals," which„
leaves sdroe of us puzzled roost.
The activities vary from
listening to ."desilisques Iran -
cals." to picture identification.
Do not get the impression
that only. A -students atiendl
'Mrs. Suter Welcomes anyone.
'pinatteereisntedthilsP.:0Vserfeuelc. haat: e.Pnairloylc.i•
able activity.
Junior boys'
• On Tuesday of last 'week .
Wingharn played host to $ea -
forth for the sixth scheduled
game'of the season. The Jun-
iors dominated the playthrough*
out the game and. managed tO
down the seafiirth club 29-22.
Bill Skinn played another out-, '
standing game, constituting 19
of Wingham's 29 .points.
Wingham has now won
three of six scheduled gimes
and is back into contention
with teams in the immediate
.area for the playoffs. Since
we cannot afford to lose any
more homegames we will be
looking forward.to your sUPPOrt
in the upcoming gatneSt The
Juniors shbuld be corePliMe*
lieres; hoping they can keep,.it,
Mark this date, Tuesday,
January 23, for thii is the date
that the Senior Boys racked up
their first victory in tit), years!
Wingham failed to gain -
ground from•the opening basket
to'the end of the third quirter
in their game •against Seaforth.-
. At the start of the fourth quart-
er Wingham trailed by 11 paint%
a seemingly unsurmountable
marginOudging by the way
Wingharn was playing) but
thipugh hard play. teamWork
.and.LUCK we managed to over-
take our coMpetitors and Make
a few extra points; just enough
to win. The final Score was
43-39, for Wingham, in one of
the most thrilling and hotly •
contested bouts of the season.
We promised you. a win
and., we kept our promise so now
I promise you another victory.
' Maybe not this week but at
°least one more this season.'
Science Club
There are ,abOut 35 mem-
'Science Club 'membersaneet in
.president is Diane,Wamsley and
.crihaenme.is.nyr: b.iology
bers, who are divided into varl.
oi Mr. Wilson. The ,club's
Room 240. under the guidance .'.
EVery second 'Thursday the
ious science:groups such as
. astronomy.
physics etc.. Each week a dif-
films or experiment, sornething
in their category of sdience.
In some of the past .meet--
ings. the students havespen
films, examined blood cells
under a inicroscope. and at the -
last meeting the. physics group
conducted an experiment tO
show direct and alternating
hO are interest-.
ed in science this is an ideal
club foi you.
get big savings
on a
(by Fairlane!)
Ford's newest bright idea, Torino, Can
"light up your life!" AT:I so will The
savings ot your Ford Dealer's Quiet
Serie. Don'f miss out! Especially see the
new Torino GT Fastback. It's fabulous!