HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-02-01, Page 54
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Personal Notes f
Mrs, George:tither and
Dods of Wfngbaa ri were Sunday
visitors with Mr. -and Mrs, Gott
don'Fisher and rtarraily of
Jim Falconer spent a few
days last week with Mr. and
Blyth. •
Mr, and Marrs. Bill Evans
spent: Thursday evening with
Mr, and Mrs, George Fisher
and family of�Wingharn.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tif-
fin and Trod Tiffin: were ill
London on Erinay where Charles
received'treatment at St, Jo-
ph's Hospital.
Mr, and 10s, ° Eldon Emer-
son and Varlet* of St, Cathar-
ines spent the weekuend. With
Miss lilac Emerson
The church service at
Langside and Chalmers Presby-
terian churches were cancelled
on Sunday due to weather con*
ditions and Rev. Horace Braden
of f'ondon was advised of the
H.r..N.OIraNNjIH1HIru. il040040.#;U U.il MN00.0t FMM.
Belmore Personals
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Has-
kins of our area, and Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Haskins of Gorrie,
attended the funeral on Wed-
nesday of last week of Mrs,.
MacDougall ''of .Hamilton, who
passed away on the previous
.Sunday, Mrs. MacDougall
was the - former Vera Haskins,
daughter of the late Martin
Haskins, and first cousin of El-
mer and Ivan. She lived in
this area_during her early years.
She was 71 years of age at the
time of her death. Our sym-
pathy is extended to members
of the Haskins family on their -
Miss Marjorie Nickel,.
nurse -in -training at St. Joseph's
Hospital. London, spent the
week -end at her home in the
OP Wednesday of last week'
Grant Wilton, Doug Fenix*
and Dave McCallum attended
the Farm Equipment Show in
Mi. and Mr,s. Wallace
Pollock and family' and Mrs.
Ernest Pollock, an of Ripley,
were Sunday guests of l4r, and
Mrs, Lorne Fischer and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dar,�I,n�g
and family spent Sunday even?•
ing with Mr. and Mrs.. jW ilfred
Johann and' boys, the occasion
-being.the annual get-together
to celebrate some birthdays in
"both families. Happy birthday,
Mr. and Mrs. David Mc-
Callum. spent the week -end `
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Edward McGill of Bolton.
m Whites
M. and WS. Gerre
Y'enng and Heather were Seel.
day visitors with her parenti,
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Jo# hon«
. and MIs, Ivan laid -
lid -Law and Janet were at london's
V'ictoris Hospital on Saietuardsy
And her father, John 'Ctowstoa ,,
a patient there, was allowed
to return %with them to his home
at Lucknow.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibsdn,
;Rhonda, Billie and Gregory
were Sunday evening visitors
with her parents, Mr. And Mrs..
George Fisher and family Whig'
Donald Gaunt of Toronto.
spent the 'week -end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russel
Jim Falcconer is spending a
few days this week with Misses
,Annie and Mary Laidlaw.
Mrs. Emma Bagg of Tor-
onto visited during the -week '
With her daughter, Mrs. E1-
wood Groskorth and Mr. Gros-
Mr. and Mrs,, Dave Gibb
;and Murray were in London on
Mr. and Mrs. George
.Gaunt of Lueknow were Sunday
Visitors with his parents; Mi.
wind' Mrs. John Gaunt.
Mrs. John Gaunt visited on
Thursday with her mother. Mrs..
George Coultes, at Huronview
Rev. Ure and, Mrs. Stewart. -
For conclusive proof of GM Ieadership
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cr• 1 aalo
of ,Seaforth was Friday vara
with Virs« l 91110540«
Mill Pods Tither broke *
bone in her leg why' playing.
in snow in fro* of her hOme
n 'Wingharltl p Asa remit she
tKOW ill a cast *id Mcanoes..
wan •
about on
Mr. and Mrs. RObert Gil-
lespie and Sue, of Tor into,
visited Mr„ and Mrs: Mena
Sellers at the week -end,,
Mr. and Mrs.. A.D. Smith
were sr theluneral borne at ,
Auburn on Sunday where furter*.
al service was held on Monday
for Mr, Thomas McPhee.
McIntosh .united
Chinch annual
BELMORE--The annual
meeting of the McIttosh United
Church was held on. Ttiasda
evening of last week in the
church. Rev. Rea Grant was in
The minutes of last year's
meeting were read by Secretary -
Bruce Harkness, The reports
for the past year. for all organi-
zations in the church, were
then read and adopted.
Election of officers fort 1968
took place as follows: Congre-
gational secretary, Bruce Hark=
ness; congregational treasurer,
Jim Renwick; U.C.W. repre-
sentative to the official board,
Mrs. - Bruce klarkness;-.stewards.
Bruce Harkness, 'Oliver Dustow,
Graham Wright; organist, Laura
Inglis; choir leader, Mrs.` Jack
Inglis; ,caretaker, Bruce Hark-
Sunday, School superintend-
ent, Walter Renwick; assistant,
Mac Inglis;. Sunday. School trea-
surer, Ross Harper; assistant,
Robert Harkness Jr.; manse com-
mittee, Clark Renwick, ' Alan
Darling; ushers, Ron Harkness.,
Harvey Darling; cemetery
board, George Inglis, Leslie
Harkness, John Farrell, Robert
Harkness, t Oliver Dustow.
During the business it was ,
decided that the Observer be
sent to all students studying In
universities and colleges; or
training in hospitals some dis
, tante- from their homes. ° It
was also agreed that Miss Jan.
ette Wright receive a,note -of •
appreciation for het years as +
organist. Rev. Grant was ex-
tended a vote of thanks for his
co-operation and assistance
during the past; agar;
At the close. of the meeting
lunch was served by the ladies
of the church.
United Church
annual. meeting
BELMORE--The annual.
meeting -of the ,United .Church,
was held on Thtirsday evening
of last week in the manse, with
Rev. Rea Grant th charge.. He
. opened the. meeting with devo-
tions and led in prayer.
Rowland Ballagh was.de-s:
signaled to act as secretary, for
the meeting,the absence of
Roy Rutherford wh is ill in
hospital. The mi utes of last •
year's meeting were read. and
all last year's reports adopted
as read.
' Election of officers then
• took place as follows: Congre- a"°
gational treasurer, John Ruther-
ford; congregational secret ry, °
Murray Mulvey; stewar , Wil-
liam Mulvey Earl .Mc ' es
Harry Mulvey; caretaker.. W ils
Liam Mulvey; organist, Mrs.
• Norman Newans; manse com-
mittee, John Rutherford, Wil-
liam Merkley; auditors, Mrs.
Murray Mulvey, Earl Fitch;
ushers, Elwood;Fitch and Barry
Mulvey. -
Sunday School superintend -
end, Lavonne Ballagh; assistant,
Mrs. Earl Fitch; treasurer, Mrs.
Murray Mulvey; organist. Mrs.
Wilfred Johann.
During the business portion
of the meeting it was decided
to remember members who are
confinedto hospitals or he/nes
with .illness. A pastoral plan-
'ning,00mmittee was elected
for the purpose of discussing
future church relationships;
...former members Mrs: Harry
. Mulvey and Fred Doubledee
are now joined by Lavonne BalEl-
lagh. Wilfred Johann; Thomas
Abraham, and Earl McNee. At
the close of the meeting, the
ladies served lunch.
'Disguise the hamburg loaf!
fust before the cooking period
ls finished, spoon condensed
tomato soup over the loaf and
finish cooking as usual..Garnish
with a sprig of parsley.
ALVIN SMITH of Bluevale, right, chairman vdf the .Maitland'
Valley ;Conservation Authority for the past two years, turns
over, the gavel to the incoming chairman; W. J 'Keller.
born of Milverton, at the Authoritys annual raneeting held
at Danny's Restaurant last Thursday.
--Advance-Times Photo.
NH...i..H.. u..H......u.N.r.r,MIIHI .Hr
N.HI.14414444444844 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 114 H.
U. Church ends year with
balance; officers elected
nual meeting of.the United
Church; held last Wednesday,
was chaired by Rev. Mathers
of Blyth. who also gave the
opening prayer and read Scrip-
Milian Moore:. was appoint-
ed secretary. His report of the
General Fund showed receipts
of 32.752.26 with a balance
of $386.52 and $1, 220.15 to
the Missionary and Ma4nten-
Sunday School receipts of
$171.96 were. reported by El-
mer Sleightholm and Mrs. Mil-
lan Moore reported $783.54
for, all purposes collected by
the U.C.W. Mrs. Dave Gibb
gave the Messengers statement
which showed receipts of $97.93
Russel Gaunt was elected to
the session for a 4 -year "term
and those nominated for three
years to the board of stewards
were C, Laidlaw, A. Coultes,
C: Whytgek .`Fred .TiffiR and
Md. Gamier Vanier, T vd-
year term appointees were. Dave
Gibb; Mrs. Elwood Groskorth,
and Mrs. George Thompson
was appointed for one year.
Ushers nauled were Russel
Chapman, Clifford Laidlaw,
Garry Chapman, Elgin, Sleight-
holm, David Sleightholm•,and
Elwin Moore.,; *Elwood Gr'rbs
korth and Russel Gaunt .are the
auditors with Millan .Moore.'as.
secretary -treasurer. The .. '
church organists are Mrs. Gar
net Farrier, Joan Tiffin and'E1-
wood Groskorth.
It was -decided to• pay fort'
the Observer for each family, -
All those who bad helped
the church to progress spiritual-
ly and financially throughout ti
the 'year were thanked:
Unexpected: company for
dinner? To stretch the amount
.of hatnburrg, home economists
at Macdonald Institute, Uni-
versity of Gt ielph, 'suggest that
for every pound of hamburg
you have, add 1 cup bread .,
crumbs and cup _milk. Mush-
ushrooms from your emergency
shelf supplies will add the final
"chef' touch to the meat 1
Too 'much driving, and.'
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