The Exeter Times, 1888-9-20, Page 4eutvir Moo.
:11,URSDAY,&aaTuniiiva2, alta, a°au,1888.
AI. rY.
Two weeks ago we called atteu-
ton to the disloyal utterances of
the Seaf'erthExpositor. Last
week : our cotem tries to answer
that charge by stating that the
TIMES and 'Expositor considered
disloyalty from two different stand.
poir, ts, For once in that assertion
oily confrete is right. We would.
be very sorry indeed to preach
the doctrines of our cotena
at the present time. The position
between Canada and the American
Union just now is : The old treaty
of 1818 was super,eded by the
Washington Ti eaty, the causes of
which relating to fisheries, were
terminated by the United States
Government. A new treaty was
made that was considered fair and '
llonorabie by all parties concerned.
The United States Government
refuse to ratify that Treaty. Up
on its rejection Canada holds by
the old treaty of 1818. President
Cleveland then asks for and gets
power for retaliating (as he calls it)
on Canada. Canada, during all
these years treated the United
States and their fishermen with the
greatest consideration, and even
leniency. Neither Mr. Laurier
nor the Expositor have ever dis•
proved that, Years ago it was a
different tune our friends sung.
Then it was finding fault with our __—
Goverement for allowing Yankee TO -DAY the agreement between
poachers, &c. in out limits, vac. the Northern Pacific Railway and
The United States solemnly
agreed for certair- valuable privi-
leges to forego that ofshipping fish
in bond across Canadian Territory.
Now they claim not only the
granted privileges, but far more ;
and also the shipment of fish m
bond. While holding on to all
privileges granted them, they also
want others which they deliberate-
ly ceded away for those others,
and want them without any con-
sideration being given us in re-
turn. And the Expositor says the
Yankees are right and Canada
wrong ; and then proudly boasts
that that is the loyalty to Canada support of his motion regarding
upon which it stands. Mr. Laur- the relations between the States
ler says, and, of course, so says and Canada, taking strong ground
the Expositor : "that Canada has against the Retalialion Bill and in
been harsh with the States." Yet favor of closer relations between
neither gives one single example the two countries.
10 prove it. They take as proof,
the wild and bombastic, as well as 1\+IARRIAGEAI3LE women are scarce
ignorant Turnings ofcertain Yankee in New York ; or at least that in-
polititions, who have very dull ference is to be drawn when the
'axes to grind. And both claim
that as loyalty to Canada.
With the statement the other
day, of the Hon, G. roster, Minis
ter of Marine and Fisheries, that
not one single case of hardship,
nor yet unfriendly conduct, could
be proved to be committed by the
Canadian Government against
Yankee fishermen ; but on the
contrary, citing case after case of
the utmost leniency and concess-
ion;—with this statement, we say,
made by a responsible Minister of
the Government, both Mr. Laurier
and the Expositor, fail to deal or
to notice.
At the time of the Washington
Treaty an understanding eras
come to, in which Britain
agrees to urge Canada to grant the
use of her canals to Yankees with
same terms as to Canadians. Can-
ada agrees to that and such usage
is now in force. In the same
Treaty, in consideration of this
. very concession, the U. S. Gov't
agrees to urge the several States
to grant the like use to Canadians
of their canals. That priyilege
has always, and is now refused to
Canadians. Yet the Expositor.
following its idol, Wilfred Laurier,
holds up both hands and shouts
that Canada is wrong, and the
Yankees right and generous ; and
then boasts that this is the kind of
loyalty that does Canada good. THAT Canada has areal future
Mr. Laurier and the Expositor goi
would have us simplyn prospect is becoming plainer
ask the _
Yankees to accept as a gift our every day. The British Consul at
valuable fisheries, our canals, our Yokohama writes that the ship.
great railway system ; anything merits of tea via. the Suez Canal
]n tart, Canadian, that they may are 6,000 tons less• iu a given time
happen to want; -only for heav than heretofore, owing to the •corn•
en's sake share us from a row and petition _ of the Pacific Railway.
don't threaten us, That is the Tnis means big things tor this
attitude of the Expositor's loy; country, as our own railway is a
alty. No wonder it says that, • it shorter and better constructed and
and the Truss have different stand- equipped line for freight aud pass
our standpoint is than the other trans contf-
widely removed from that of our nental lines. If six thousand ton
copper -head coteml Eof tea have been sent by part
Zhe Expositor p once before rail .route, it is certain that other
lowed Hons. E, Blake and W. classes of goods will follow suit.
Laurier in their road race and The retaliatto,+ policy of the Ain
revenge campaign. Did itgain ertcans. a d it has become g p g ,e such In
the respect of a decent Canadian a national sense by the action the
by its disloyal and cowardly course House +
. y y e of Representatives, may be
at that time? No, it lost the res- viewed with much more tndiffer•
pect of many of its best f fends 1 encethan before, our great railway
and bids fair in its present cru' was completed. ,Instead of in,jur-
sado'to Canadian real tiit•rievery C dian ing Canada in ' tie final outcome,
who reads it, into il., most bitter such a Chinese wall at trade clic'
1� 7
enemy, The Globe patt y was inthe on part at Americans will be a
sanie box as our cotem, the Ex• positive benefit. Canada has
ositor, in the race and revenge ai - lot
)� ge ivs, tee too g for something to
crttsa lc, but to it, honor, be it happen en k is 'high. time to "go it
repud:ates ^. 1?p ' There high. g ,
said, the Globe rIlli, alone,' .l here Wa'S never a better
Laurier and those fewp vipers time than rio'' to make the ural.
fol'owitig in his wake, tri theft° torte. It is better to volunteer
present anti. Cana,'tanadyocacy, than l,•o forced,
Our cotelil's charges about our
being 'subsidised, getting patron.
age' ,�
pass whatn
t it
is worth. 'a'lle Expositor, as is ane
of its chief characteristics, unable
to defend itself, begins to pelt,mudr
The TxuBs is not supporting the
Government at all in, this connec-
tion. It is trying, to the best of
its ability, to support the righteous
cause of Canada, and under simi-
lar circumstances would do so,
were Edward Blake or Wilfred
Laurier Premier ot this country..
We never have and we neyer shall
allow any .party bias to induce us'
to decry our own country when in
the right, 'to applaud a foreign
nation wheu in the wrcM . That
is a proud boast and one which
the Expositor dare not male..
But the rebukes now being ad-
ministered to such copperheads as
our cotem, nay soon cause then to
open their eyes to their own
treachery— and a consequent
change of base. We hope so, at
SUGAR in Canada, especially the
cheaper grades has been increased
in price three eights of a cent per
Ida. R. S. WHITE, son of the late
men`iber, receives the unanimous
nomination for the Commons for
Cardwell county, and will prob•
ably be elected without opposi
the Manitoba Government will be
ratified, and the company will at
once proceed to get the Province
where it wants it.
IF the crofters whom the Imper-
ial authorities will assist to emi-
grate to Canada are selected with
the care reported,. Manitoba will
get a good class of settlers, and
they will get good homes if they
are industrious.
Senator Sherman, of the U. S.,
Tuesday, addressed the Senate in
men of that city import Swedish
maidens under contract to marry.
Twenty-four arrived in New York
S� turday last and the engagements
were made by photograph corres-
give less attentioa to his retaliatory
measures on Canada, and turn on
the Fellow Jack, ot his own coun-
try, the results undoubtedly would
be more satisfactory to the people
of the southern and western states.
Yellow fever has' made its appear-
ance in New York and will spread
throughout other cities.
ONTARIO, it has been esmated,
will this season have something
like 151000,000 bushels more grain
than last year, and,the gain in
value wax be still greater. For
instance `Fall wheat shows 12
per cent. reduction in yield but is
worth 25 per cent. more in money,
and spring wheat with about the
same yieldis worth about 25 per
cent. more money. The oat crop
is larger'by xo,000,000 bushels,
barley by nearly 4.,000,000 bushels
and peas by 1,4.00,006 bushels.
The present outlook for the On
tario farmer, is therefore brighter
than for several years.
he Wardens Conlinfttee hoots, pro.
pounces. A4 Stt4'e, nod christen,
it oVictorlit."
On Tues'la3 ; last the tnrardee's conn•
niittee for the county of r:tu'bu met at
E4eter for the purpose of examining and
taking the new iron bridge off the lnznds
of the contractor. The bridge roplapee
the wooden strueturo which, for mai*,
years spanned the Aux Sauble river at
this point, and it is a spoeinaen of work
rarely seen, and alike creditable to county
and'oontrnctors, the. Messrs, Hunter Bios.
of Kincardine. It is a suspension britlge
60 feet long with an annex five feet wide
for a walk, It is neat', and strong and
while serving as an ornament for Main
street, itQ durability' will be everlasting.
At two o'clock the warden, T. U. Kay,
Heck., of Usborne, the affable county clerk,
Peter Adamson, Esq., of • Gxlerlch and
the members of the Warden's .committee
together with numerous citizens repaired
to the new structure, and after exaxiiin-
ing the work carefully and recoinmendilig
a few minor changes and additions, the
grand test -took place. Two heavily load-
ed gravel wagons and the street watering
tank filled. with water were driven at gal-
loping speed over the bridge. The stx ac-
ture was found not to give nor shake, and
being deemed satisfactory and in compli
ance with"the contract, was accepted.
Completing the examination atxfcl test
our wortbyReeve, Dr. Rollins, invited
the Committee to a supper ; after which
business connection with the recon•
mended additions to the bridge, and other
matters, took plaace.. It was recommended
that one additional gas pipe be:put on each
side of the bridge, two being insufficient
to the safety of pedestrians and small
stock. Some of the members of the.. com-
mittee fodght strenuously against any fur-
ther awards, bat through the iinpressive
debating, powers of Deputy•Reeve Bissett,
of Exeter. one of the Committee, the ad-
verse contentions were swept as , by a cy-
clone, and the concessions necessary and
sought for were won. The jovial P Kelly,•
Esq., Reeve of Blyth, was present, and as
usual, business had a visible huni about it,
Mr. K's legislative abilities being iuvin-
cihle. The business done is as follows :—
Exeter, Sept., 18 1888.
The Warden's committee met to -day
pursuant to notice. Present :: Warden.
T. M. Kay, of Usborne; Kelly, Blyth
Baine, Howick; Rats, Stephen ; Bissett,
Exeter, Beck, Colborne and Griffith, Ash-
field. The warden stated that he had call-
ed the meeting to examine the new iron
bridge at Exeter, and to compare it with
the bridge recently erected near ` Wing -
ham which they had examined for the fut-
ure guidance of the council, if they notic•
ed any difference in the construction of
the bridges between the Peterboro and
Kincardine companies. He also desired
to have the advice of the committee upon
the solicitor's opinion in reference to the
jam in the tiaitland river between the
town of Wingham and the township
of Turnbury. Moved by Mr. ,Bissett, sec-
onded by Mr. Kelly, that the iron bridge
at Exeter be accepted and that the con-
tractor be paid in full.—Carried. Mov-
ed by Mr. Bissett, seconded by 'Beek that
the additonal gas pipe be put on each side
of the bridge. --Carried. Moved by Mr.
McKaine, seconded by . Mr. Kelly, that
there be onlyone gas pipe on the bridge
and that on he est s e.—Lost. The
opinion of the county solicitor was read
by the clerk which had reference to the
jam in the Winghatn mill dam. Moved
by Kahle, seconded by Mri. Beck- that no
action be taken in the matter uutil the
next meeting of the council. Moved by
Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr. Bissett, that
the clerk order the wood required for the
gaol and court house, and advertise for
all that may be required, except the 30
cords already ordered.
ESTRAY.—Came into the prem•
ices of William Stacey, Lot T. West
Boundary, Blanshard. on or about the First of
September. Three Ewos. Tho owner can have
the same by proving propert*•and paying ex-
penses, WM. STACEY, Kirkton,
With second or third class certificate,
for school section No. 8, Usborne. One having
experience preferred. Duties to commence
after Christmas holidays. Personal applica-
tion desired. JOHN HEYWOOD,
Secy Board.
To Advertisers,
A List of 1000 newspapers divided into States
and sections will be senton application—Pegg.
To those who want their advertising to pay;
we can offer no better medium, for thorough
and effective work than the various sections of
our Select Local "st. Otto P. ROWELL & Co'.
Newspaper Adv. ureau, 10 Spruce st. New
SEALED TENDERS addressed to the under-
'-' and endorsed ''Tender for Post
Office, Goderich, Ont ," will be received at this
office until Monday, 15th day of October, 1885,
for the several works required in the erection
of Post Office, &e., at Goderich, Ont.
Specifications and drawings can be seen at
the Department of Public Works. Ottawa' and
the office: of the Town Clerk, at Goderich,
Ont-, on and after Wednesday, 5th Sept., and
tenders will not be considered unle3smade 'on
the form supplied. and signed with actual sig-
natures of tenderers.
An accepted bank cheque, payable to the or-
der of the Minister et Public Works, equal- to
five per cent. of amount of tender, mustnceont•
parry each tender. The cheque will bo forfeit-
ed if the party declines the eontrnet, or fails'
to complete the work contracted for, and will
he returned in case of nonacceptance of ten-
The Department does not bind itself to co-
gent the lowest or any tender.
BY, Order,
Score ary'
Department of Public Works,
Ottawa. Aug. 31st, 1888. #
Justice, Chancery Division.
Be Lbnpiish: Lrsotrse vs. FoRo.
Auction Sale
h.7 cru 1 .,✓
-OF A --
Valuable Fara), vii : Lot
8, Con.
Township Stephen.
At BRENNER'S Hotel Grand
1888, rtt Oono O'
ek t nr.
,Farm contains
s 111 acres . c
5 of it cleared, bal-
ance i;itnbored.
There 10 on theremises a
p dwelling house,
r2 frame barns 56x30 and 00x80 and a driving
2S IS good orelrard,and hever failing supply
of we tee,
eerEvro '.
p p is Si miles froth 1'a
rkhill, and
about 4 miles from.Lurich.
Ten per cent. down,balanee in30 . da a
mediate possesion,can he given. ? Iiu
For further p0rtiellhtrs 100 nesters, or aunty
to Plaintiff's Solie}tor..
Dated t}iia 11th September..1888.
.ocallfrtstorntt ,.
P' ori n ri 1C'r• .. r01'e•eiir. Thn rkhi'r.
1 ► Turney.
isproliahed to, do all kinds of dress and nxatntle
m!t iing 1n the latest fashions, Cutting and
flip 05 rt speexalty. Next door to 8outhoott a
tai or shop
Prices Reasonable at Times
Merchants can got their Bill Roads, Lotter
Ileads, &a•, .tie„ printed at 'Tnoxs Ofiiioe. for
very, little more than they geziorally pity .far
the pltper, and it helps to advertise their busi-
ness. See samples and get prions;
Good work is done at TIMES
NOTICE is lereby•g'{ven that a By -Law was
passed by the Municipal Council' of Stephen,
on the' Third Day of September,' 1883, vrovid•
ing for the issue of debentures to the amount
of 86,605, for the purpose of dredging the river
Sauble and making an outlet of said river di-
rect to Lake Huron et the Gaud. Bend, and
that sneh by-law was registered in the Regis-
try Office at Goderich in the County of Huron.
on Tuesday. the 4th day of September. at noon.
Any motion to quash or set aside the the same
orany part thereof must be made within 3
months from the date of registration, and can-
not be made thereafter.
Dated this Gth day of September, 1888.
0. PTROUTY, Clerk.
The above amount is the amount required to
beraised by Stephen alone ; the whole estima-
ted cost 18 over 920,000.
,i, }4itt WAS*
One Door South
of Post Office
----HE HAS --
Sewed work a speciality.
Repairing promptly attended to.
tt._ c:...79 gi
St. Lawrence Canals.
Sealed tenders, addressed to the undersign-
ed and endorsed' or
f the StLaw-
rence rence Canals " will b received at this otB
o ce
until the arrival of the Eastern and Weetern
mails on TUESDAY, the 25th day of9eptem-
ber next for the. construction of. two loo'cp
and the 'deepening and enlargement. of the
upper entrance of the Galops Canals. And
for the deepening and enlargement of the
summit level of the Cornwall Canal, The
construction of anew lock at each of the
three interior lock stations on the Cornwall
Canal between the Town of Cornwalc and
Maple Grove the deepening and widening
the channel way of the Canal ; the construc-
tion of bridges, &c.
A map of each of the localities, together
with plans and specifications of the respec-
.tive works can be seen ion and after Tuesday,
the Jlth day of September next, at th,s office
for all the Works, and for the respective
works at the following mentioned places :
For the works at Galore, at the Lock -keep-
er's House, Galops, For deepening the sum-•
nut level of the Cornwall Canal, at Dickon-
son's Lansing ; and for the new locks, &c., at
lock -stations Nos. 38, 10 and 20, at the Town
of Cornwall. Printed forms of tender can be
obtained for the respective works at the
places mentioned.
Iu the case of firms there must be attached
the actual signatures of the full name, the
nature of the occupation and; residence of
each of tiio same, and further, a
bank deposit receipt for the sum of 80,000
must accompany the tender for the Galous
Canal Works; and a bank depositroceiptfor
the stun of 92,000 for eachse,tion of the
works on the summit level of the Cornwall
Canal; and for each of the lock sections on
the Cornwall Canal a bank deposit receipt
for the sum of 54,000:
The respective deposit receipts—cheques
willnot be accepted -must be enrtorsed over
o the Minister of Railways and Canals, and
will be forfeited if the party tendering' de-
clines entering into contract for the works
at the rates and on the terms stated in the
offer submitted. The 'deposit receipts thus
Sent in will be returned to the respective.
parties whose tenders are not accepted.
The Department does not, however, bind.
Itself to accept the lowest ur any teneer
By Order,
A. P. ]3B ADLEY,
Department of Railways and Canals,SecretarJ,
Ottawa, Aug. 8th,1888,
Sault Ste. Marie Canal
Notice to Contractors..
SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersign-
ed and endorsed "Tenders for the Sault Ste.
Marie Canal,'' will be received at this office
until the arrival of the eastern and western
mails on TUESDAY. the 23rd day of October,
next, for the formation and construction of a
Canalon the Canadian side of the river through
the island of St Mary.
The works will be let in two sections. one of
whieh will embrace the formation of the canal
through the island, the construction of locks.
&o. The other, the deepening and widening
of the channel -way at both. ends of the canal;
construction of piers, dtcc,
A map of the locality, together with plans
and specifications of the works, can be seen at
office on and after Tuesday. the 9th day of Oc-
tober, next, whore printed forms of tender can
also be obtained. A like 018E8 of information
relative to the works can be seen at the office
of the Local Officer in the town of Sault Ste.
Marie, Ont.
Intending con
trnptors are requested toboar
in mind that tenders will not be congidered
unless made strictly in aceordaneo with t,o
printed forms and be accompanied by a letter
stating that the person or persons tendering
have carefully examined the locality and the
nature of the material found in; the trial pits,
In the 0080 of firms, there must be attached
the admit signatures of the full natno• the
nature of the occupation and residence of each
member of the same ; and further, a BARK nn
105111 REORI1'T for the stun of 920.000 meat 0c -
company the tender for the canal and locks ;
and rt'e u<nxrosre E.E0 art for the stun of
S0.500 must accompany' the tender fair : the
deepening and widening of the el attne1-
way at both ends. piers; &c,
The respective nrn'osre neente's--Ohequefi
will net beaeeepted—ntust be eadortied over
to the Minister of Rai west and Canals., and
Wilt be forfeited if the pr,;rfytentlerin(r bailees
entering into contreet'foe the weeks, at the
rates and onterms !stated intheoffer a1;ibinitt-
e Che deposit reeeipt thus sent in will b re
turned to the i'espeetivo Parties whoxre tr tt[eta
ere cot rieeofitcd.
rJ his Dopartiuent does not, however. hind It.
self to accept the lowest or any tender.'
I3y Order,
A' 14*
4 EnAnr r v,
lie anon ' t r' 1 ' r .. Napretory..
p, cu,.t f II itnrl ,rrnrtte,'t
1111 :ivh Rib .t it"ter, 1 int, 1
Commercial �Aioa,
I care nothing about 'Commer-
cial '[Union with the U. S., but
T do desire union with the oiti-'
zens of Exeter and surrounding
Owing to the great depressiou of thenar
kets I have been aide to plu'ehase my stook
znnoh below, the, regular ovgolesale pricesp
and will give my customers the benefit of
Dr,y Goods, Groceries, Boots and
SIIons, - CnocKEal, CraAssw,uux, &a.,
'The prices of which are in no.way influenc-
ed by customs duties or other tax' itupo-
I dto snotive m
g y o Gods away, but sell.
them at the lowest ,figure ooneistent with
good business principles. Parties in want.
of goods will consult their' own interests by
examining my stock before purchasing else-
where, Remember this a new stook: No
trouble to show goods,
Farm produce'akeu,at market prices.
One door north of Town Hall, Exeter.
Orley In 11!
The plain meaning of this language is :
D. W. Dulmage, of Kirkton, sells Cheaper
Gor.ds, and More Goods for the Money
than any other merchant.
There is Nothing Small About
Dulmage, Except His
Prices & Profits.
These are the smallest of their kind-
veritable dwarfs. You are not asked to
take the advertiser's word. Take the tes-
timony of bustomers, or better yet
Cor. Main & King William-sts.,
Tairkton - Ont.
ANp Qr�.,01-‘P
Liver Complaint
Sick Headache
Kidney trouble
Skin Diseases,
And all im-
purities of the
blood from what
ever cause aris-
The Great Spring Medicine
PRICE 75 Cts. (with Pills $1)
Dr. Iodcler's
Little Liver - Pills,
Very Small and Easy to Take.
Sold everywhere ; price 25 cts.
Union Medicine Co. Toronto, Can., Props
DR. Washington,
Throat & Lung Surgeon,
Of Toronto, will be the Cent) al Ho-
tel, Exeter,
TU S. ,smFT. .Bth
Catarrh,Bronohitis, Astha, Consumption,
ete, permanently and effectually cured.
A few Prominent Testimonials
of Permanent Cures > :
Mrs. John McICay, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh
and Consumption.
John McKolvy, Kin gston, Ont., catarrh,
Mrs. A. Hopping, Kingston,' Ont., Broncho
Mr. E. Scott, Kingston, Ont,, Catarrh, head
and throat.
Read W. H. Storey's Original Testimonial.
Catarrh Throat Cured.
Listen to W H Storey, Esq , of the !firm
H Storey &Son, Acton, (linen Manufact
,also Preaidon t Manufaoturors' Association
lyasnxo'roN, 215 Yon go-st:, Toronto,
Dun Sik.--1 assure you T foel,grntoful
the radion euro you have effected in myihr
trouble, and though I dislike having my nn
heroin connection wit}, the testimonial b
es, yet, having regard for those tvlib
similarly affected its well as having a desire
ngniothorosnits� y,:urtrentmant,Ima
departure in th , . Prior to myuognai
ance with yr+u, I ' :mffored for two yo
,from. nspcnto;i • acha Of oatar•rhnl sero throat
each suticood,r , tack being ninon prolonged
and Violent ' nt the former: A t them nim
d violent rkF vt coughing, and would d
rrge}ttrga gr:a�t7ities of muttons., Foot
rated, L sought flintiest nrirdidnlslcill ava
e,frtclud}r,an. nriloh-rated SpeOialiati, n
ale nlrnaat arnr, „ring knnrvn fo orcein
without particle bf relief. Z
tiriglwoirttofrinrope. trite aid
good, but on my rnturn the old trouble
wpd. ziefngyou ndvOrtisea to visit t
1pp,%t�rnght.Iwould consul tyou although
nps�l not n
a z r.1
with 1, ztt,hhc hope 0 in !
V g
niA �. i however, i it es fnvur �br rotrzds
ly Year With �' r, and rot+nlvet. ;riv0 y
0tlr inti- trial,
, r 4 Thu rnrndt. • nippy
inform datnt:'lt;eo'i ,nd tiro
rlsrd in Ito oh0r0ctai art ;iso both
land lrryfrinnds, From .;styourm
icine gave
f, len two mac. I wan an two ly well h
oantinuorl, thtatl,q�{i the nicer unfa ora
aaorl af.yo0r, ,You are i1t, liberty tn� m
groan you plonaaof this ietler,nn:1J,' sl
pleased to anaworany enrrilniOAreldii�i
y ease. 'Yours vor3' 'onto!
�on,,ran,ls}Ih.YH��, tV, ,1�8�1?tltt
Cs0'0,(Y.t ';.T. M..v i" C;r:}•t 1t
Re al.
1. of
W ur-
er9 ion.
appear us
reg Ice
a dnt-
es I
i is-
e11i Feeling
abi end
to „medicine
wi Last
spring me
p my
trd our
ini to
Nei my
lie roe
to have
linemen bl
wh make
be shad'
An la x
easto ,r
Our S oo1Ae N.a d8 permanently restores
and 01ON/ BAL D f@131L;ITY when other treat -
trout fails. Send' 0 aorta In stamps for our
Treatise lttl0Dirac tions forixorue 0tiro.; To-•
nosso AlEiriorxo 00„ 813 Speditut- A've,,
ronto, Out.
O P OWD. "e .i _
.Aro pleasant to Late, Contain thef 't)wn
ati e 1' , • d
v ., Is a s;;ic s t. .et�d erre X #
fategroyer et worms in i uildren os'Ad`u1ta
Everest}w Cough 'Syrup.
Try it and be convinced of its wonderful
ourativo propex-ties, Pries 25'cts'
(Trade Mark,),
ForDiseases of the Liver, Kidneys &e., an el
purifying of the Blood. Price 91. Eix
bottles, 85. Por sale by all drug-
gists. Manufactured only by
G. M. EVEREST, Phemist, Forest
or any injurious materials. }'• -
LLETT+ T0RC0NTo, ort.
}4zn'i"roftheCELE00AT BSOYALYEASTn4E31
Drug Stare
A. full stock of all kirl:ds of
Dye- stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on.
hand. Winan's
the hest
in the mark-
et and always,
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at'
Central Drug Store Exetel.
Wanted Butter
J1 these
Our Stock is Well Assorte
t S 1 1
IGlbs.%su ar
$1.00;13 lbs. whito sugar,
We can't be undersold in Teas from 20t
to 750. per lb.
Boo Shoes Boots $� h cs All Styles at how. rice
s Prices
A nicely assorted stock of
FORKS, ' SCYTHES and GLASS all sizes
(Cheap) Beat Machine Oil 60e per Gal.
S-3- A nice Tea Sett of 14 Pieces, M711
A od suit of ready-rnalc clothing oo $
Ordered suits got tip in Good Style,
Our DPoss Good are marled down toy
the Lowest Notch.
L"OTTCN 20 YARDS NH: ONE✓bi,i1J1:'6
A14`ouer and,Icol AlsoaIIarta for Stilt'Ap0Iyib. r
JO:FIN MAr,,X,'.eT.ENS )!