HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-01-18, Page 3No TAY MAR► irs HEMINIOR °Men stay. married,, live ton er and be healthier than your. divorced brethren. At least that's what a study re- leased \recently by the Califor. - iiia►'Department of :Public Health siiowie, The death rate for divorced. men, according to the study, is more Chau twice that for married men *- 2C.8 per 1.000 versus U.4. Divorced men fall ill al.. bat twice as frequently, as Married. men, 44 disability days for the former as against AW -days for the Latter, SII )NCE: The only sueeess* ful substitute for braids, Wingham Advance-V*M 4 Meinori.al Hospital where he recently underwent surgery. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stewart were Mr. 'and Mrs., William, Mulvey, €rey and Cindy of Delmore, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sothem and Timmy Of Palmerston, Mr. and Mrs. James Vittie a: d Mr. and Mrs. William Sothern. Miss Hannah Kiaassen of Kitchener spent the week -end with her parents. BIRTH MARTIN -To Mr. and Mfg. .Gerald Martin, a sen. on ursday, 1 n. 18; Saturday, January 13, in the e County 1ipspita1.at Walkenon. PREFINISHED Genuine hardwood panels with four -coat, • sdtin smooth, protective finish like fine furniture. Random ,,V-groov- ed. Your choice- df grain and colour.: Oak �r Elm. ONE LOW SALE PRICE NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT TO 'FIX UP YOUR HOME!! FACTORY FINISHED MAHOGANY PLYWOQQ PANELS W.kly euchre BEi GR4 -.. There were tables of 'each e in play at the community rooms last Wednes- day night. High lady w,ai Mrs. Welwooll;._hiph man. William Gow; 1o'( : ', Mrs. Elizabeth Leslie; Jow ani, Edgar Wight- rnan; novelty..prizes, Mrs, Ro- bert Higgins and Jess .Janet Adams, playing as ,a man; BELL LINES PROVINCIAL HONOUR PINS, and certifi cotes were ,presented to several young ladies at %the 4-H Achievement Day held at the Hoick Central School 'on Saturday. Recgiving awards were, from • the left, Louise McComb, No. 1 Clifford; Carol Ann, 1 Hohristein, No: 1 Clifford, and. .Marion • Harding, No. 1 Club Gorrie. The girls have completed twelve projects to. qualify 'for the awards. A fourth girl, Verna Ronnenberg of Monkton, was not present _.for thc• picture.--A-T Photo. by W. M. Campbell your telephone marlage'i Pacific mahogany,: prefintsh- ed in a. soft coral tint, ran- dom V-grooyed, ready to ap- ply. Distinctive colour and warmth:' Toasted colour tint to natur- al mahogany with a soft lus- trous, protective finish. Ran- '- dom V grooved, ready to apply. Good colour and grain for any room. rr Sanded 'satin smooth and ran- dom V -grooved mahoganv, ready to stain or tint to match ,your de room cor.. 4'x 7' Panel' a _ 6 4'x8' — 4,19. Any Quantity The cheerful warmth of an- tiqued cherrytone added to natural . mahogany, sanded, lacquered and .polished to a fine finish. Random V -groov- ed, ready to "apply. 4' x 7' panel. 4'x8' 5.19 TEAK GRAINING AND TRUE COLOUR ... . BEAUTIFUL!! Prefinished 1/4" •wood- .grainedd hardboard with the Mar ` *tent . •finish,. random Vrooved:; ."E sy'' - to apply,. _ A shi. vement Day at ` owick school •GORRIE-The 4-H Achieve- ment Day was held at Howick' Central School on. Saturday. Miss Sharon Carroll, home,eco- nomist for Huron County pre- sented. Provincial Honour pins and certificates to 'Verna"Ron- nenberg of R. R. I Monkton, Louise McComb of R. R. I Clif- ,ford, Carol Ann Hohnsttiii, of R. R. I Clifford and Marion Harding 'o f Gorrie R. R. I. Clubs showing exhibits were from Moncrief, Belmore 2, were rie 1, Lakelet 2 and Molesworth I with the commentators being Marie •Ronnenbetg, Jackie Gold - rich, Jean Brown, Carol Ann • 7'Hohnstein and Donna McMurchy respectively. Miss Cathy Cowbrough, the Bruce County tome economist, commented on the exhibits. yen Clarke of R. R. 2 Lis- towel, Chy Dickson'of R.R. I Listowel,; Evelyn Dickson and Marlene -Inglis of Belmore were presented with County. Honour pins and certificates by Miss Carroll. Five -Year leadership 'awards were presented to Mrs. Wilfred Johann of Wroxeter R. R. I and •Mrs, Scott Clarkson of R. R. I Fordwich: Mrs. Johnston of R. R. I Corrie re- ceived e-ceived a ten-year leadership award. Skits and demonstrations were presented by the Gorrie 2,. Lake let I, Fordwich and 'Belmore I clubs with Miss.Cowbroug`h giv- ing the 'comments. ` There was a good attendance and the exhibits and displays,of the girls' cushions, dresser scarves, wastepaper baskets, -bedspreads and record books "-were interesting. • LIMITED- QUANTITY. 4 Colours 6 00a ■ Per Ctn. 54 sq. ft. per`' etn. 1 CEILING TILE ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE umITED1t1/2c QUANTITY Sq. Ft. FOR A WARM FLOOR 111):yl'e Rec Room, !Bathroom, Or Kitchen, This Broadloom Can Take It _ ,Dep pile 100% poly- • 95 p opolene that won't . rot, mildew or 'fade a. long wearing, easy to clean,. needs no pad- ding. 6" ah .• widths. A SO. YD. Shop early' for Best Selection trinity: meeting F;ORDWICH-The annual ves- try meeting of Trinity Anglican Church was held Saturday, corn= mencing with a pot luck dinner at noon. Rev. H. Jenkins presided fir the business meeting. Mrs. D. Bunker, vestry clerk, read the minutes of last y'ear's vestry • ,rneeting:.and all the board of management meetings 'during the year..The financial state- •rnent showed that for the first" "time in many years the mission budget was oversubscribed. All other church organizations had a good year.,._ The 1968 officers are: Rec- . tor's wwrden, Emerson Fergusorz peoples warden, James Foster; delegates to Synod, J. , W. Daunt, .Mrs... E. Fergfisori; sub- , , st'itutes,° Mrs. Ruby Forster and I5oug Bunker; Board of management, Dave Dinsmore, Mrs. Peter Browne, Hector Browne, Miss Elva Fos- ter, Mrs. L. Jacques, John Gam'- ble, Bert Hubbard, Robert A1- len, Mrs. Ruby Foster, 'Mrs. W. Sothern, Garnard King, J a c•k 4 Douglas; auditors, John Gamble • and Dave Dinsmore;, treasurer, Mrs. Pat Daunt, vestry clerk, Mrs. Doug Bunker; organist, 'Miss Elva Foster; caretaker, • Randy King. Elect officers at "CGWT meeting GORRIE-'he January meet= ing 'of the -C► radian Girls in ' Training was held Monday of - last week with Mrs, Norman Fairies, leader, in charge of the ' worsnip period. Crafts for I96S were discussed and liuid em- broidery was chosen. 4 Officers erected were, presi- dent, jean Brown; vice, Janice' Elschner; secretary, -Cherub Toiripkins;.treasdrer, Joyce Hamilton. Fordwich Mr. Elwood Jacobson left • last week fpr British Columbia after spending the past three months, with his parents. •His mother, Mrs. Carl Jacobson, accompanied him to Unity, Saskatchewan, where she will visit with h'er parents for two weeks. Master Kevin ott of Alma spent several days last. week at the home of his grandparents; Mr. and Mrs. Parker Eurig. Mr. and Mrs, Fred McCann " 'spent one day last week in • Kitchener. . Mr. and Mrs. Vernon•Jacob.- son•of Guelphspentthe week- end with Mr. Carl 'Jacobson. ' 11Qa. wand Aims. George Ash ton left on Wednesday of 'this "week for California, where they will visit with relatives, for a • month. Mrs. Mary Wade and Mrs. Gerald Cruickshank of Wingham visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Jordan._ Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. James Vittie who on Monday, January I5th, celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Milton Pries was able to return hone last week from the hospital. Mr. and Mrs.. William. M-ar- riner, Rick and Wayne Marriner were guests on Saturday at the ; wedding of their nephew, in °. Peterborough. Miss•Helen Johnston left on Monday for Gwen Sound where. she will commence. trainiia as a nurse. Mr. and 'Mrs.. Dave Dinsmore , spent one day list week in Ldn- don. ' Mr. Jack Douglas returned • home Thursday, from Listowel Recently- someone asked me: "Do you sell telephonnes11' Of course I said "No." That's, right; Bell Canada doesn't Sell telephones. We sell service.. That telephone in your home or office or store is just a small part of a very large, complex communications network.. • When you lift- the ift-the handset, a nation-wide service organization of skilled, responsible people is placed at your disposal. Connected to your 'phone are more wires, poles and. microwave • channels than. you'd• need to '.string a circuit to the moon and back. Enonigh switches, tubes,, relays, amplifiers, and transistors to 'wire the world. for sound. All these ele- ments, big and smell—plus -some that we haven't even. • mentioned—work in close harmony to build a voice path- for ath-for you to almost anywhere in• the world. No, we don't. sell telephones. And we don't sell people, wires, ,poles or switches eifher. But we're happy to put the whole works et your service for a siiiiall monthly three. Day •or night.. your telephone is ready to serve you, • Repairing telephones isn't a bull job, at least for one re- pairman in British Columbia. One day he went to the forest ranger's cabin to find out -what was wrong with the telephone. He analyzed the trouble as a short circuit and traced it to a nearby vacant lodge which was oh the same line as the ranger's telephOne. Hearing movements inside, he rattled• the door—and a huge, frightened bear, bo}inded through. the side window and disappeared into. the forest. The repairman entered the .cabin and found that the bear had knocked the receiver°off the took, cans- - ing all the trouble. After resp ting the„receiver, getting. in touch with the owner to he the window repaired he calmly reported the trouble ' all cleared." • eM, you have a party line? It's a thriftyand convenient ...ervice. And, it can be very pleasant, for )everyone es- pecially when simple Party line etiquette is observed. �. It's really, just ' following the Golden Rule: You . appreci- ate h ing °the use of the.. line when you need it ,and so do .y �Y party line `partners. Being sure that the 're- ceiver is hung in place, keeping calls spaced out and brief, teaching your children good telephone manners, respecting privacy—these are things that help, give ell party line users full value from their telephones. In, those areas= where there are several "Partners on °a line and different rings are used to identify -the number want ed, it's courteous and "thoughtful to answer your ring. as quickly as possible. Especially in the late evening hours when youngsters or neighbors who are 111 may be 'asleep, it'sreal kindness to all the "partners" on the line to • spelt' iiy answer your ring.' That way, you' get 'your call but others are not 'unduly disturbed. e INVENTORY sfiFP 0 it ,Last of the line clearance -at greatly reduced • price: --shop early! FIR SELECT SHEATHING 4' QUANTITY _3•as,„.., COFFEE TABLE TOPS_, - DOORS INT[RIOR..-' DOOR$gEXTERIOR IID X FOUK$ 14' ONLY. UNFIN1SHIfl MAOOIIANY DOdT•NOW Bt1p6ET , TERMS ' Sidesmen, Jack Douglas, Wil- liam Sotherni, J-im.King, John Jacques; DouglasHargrave, Ran- dy King, Roy Simmons, J. W. _Daunt, A vote of thanks was moved • ' to Rev. H. D. Jenkins for his spiritual guidance in the corn- munity. Shower held GORRIE-The. Guild hosted a shower when Mrs. Thomas At- th-ill of Kitchener, the former Leone Harris, a bride of Nov- ember 17 was honored in the Anglican Church Sunday School room on Saturday evening by. the4.1adies of the church and neighbors. , The bride was assisted in the opening of the many riscel' laneous gifts by Debbie Stetir- nol, Ruth. Hays and Beverley Newton. Mrs. John Stafford and Mrs. William Bennett cbn- 1 ducted contests and ganies.. Re- fresl menis•were served. Demonstration at WI meeting LAKEL.ET--fifteen members and tithe visitors of the Lakelet Women's Institute met Thug= day afternoon at the horne of Mrs. Harold Wallace. Mrs. Wallace welcomed the ladies. The devotions were read by Mrs. Ed. D•avid.`°'I'.he feature on Huron -County was gi'eri by Mrs. Allan.Wylie. Thank you notes were, read from Mrs. Charles Scott fdr'"a plant sent:: to her .at Christmas and from Mrs. Stan Dennis for the cup and saucer given to her before mov- ing to'Goderich. The ladies were reminded of the' summary day Tor "Baking with Yeast" at Wingltam on Wednesday. The highlight of the after- noon was a demonstration on " Trix with a infix" by Mrs. Wallace and Mrs. Jack Fergus- on. They made a c innarndn ring, a salmon pie and tea bi-- cuits, Ttcese delicacies were enjoyed for lunch served by . Mrs. Harold W.allace., Mrs. rack Ferguson and Mrs. Lloyd Jacques. it helps you save ,) forsomething reall�you . �' want: L.01. euchre • GORkIE-Mrs. Thomas McIn-• 'hes and Mrs. Bert Hubbard tied for high score it the Gorrie i..0. L. echre party in the Or- ange Hall on' Wednesday even- ing with Mrs. Hubbard winning the draw. Bert Hubbard hall the high score' for the men. Mrs. Burns Stewart and Mrs. Norman Wade received consolation prizes.. 0 A 41/2( Savings "Account at -the Commerce helps you save:because it's a Little morf difficult to dip into your savings. ,Withdrawaira from your 41/2c; -Savings Account must 'be made in- person. There are no chequing privileges. The Commerce helps too, by giving higher 'interest, calculated on your minimum monthly balance. Thar)kk of something you really want. Then open a Commerce 41/2 °,o Savings Account. • CANADIAN IMP t4• RIAL J "' BANK OF COMMERCE t