HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-01-18, Page 2- '/
age 2--Wingham AdQi°u11iaC,-Times, Thi"v,alcly, Jan. i1 N. INS
Howkk co!tmciFhoids
its first meeting in 1968
GORRIF, - Residents of tiot,
ick have found that w vile
fox population is decreasing,
the grountidhog population in.
the township is incrcasang ,tarsal=
the .groundhog is a amain good
fair the fox.
About JO fox bounties ihere
paid by Howick Township hist
year., The bounty system was
set up about six .years 'age dur-
ing, a rabies scare. .
The ,appointments for 1968
.were made at the inaugural
Meeting of Howick Council last
week and are as follows:
Ivan Haskins was appointed
relief administrator; RoyStrong.
building and trench. inspector;
Jack Ferguson: tile -drainage
inspector, and Harvey McMich:
ael- livestock valuator.
-Other appointments are Jack
Ferguson„ Saugeen Valley Con;
servation Authority; Harold
Robinson, Maitland Valley Con-
servation Authority; Harold HO-
Wingham and District
Hospital „board;,, Frank King.. to
Wingham fire area; Mel Allan,
LiistoWel* ;fire' area.
Members of the Fordwich
community hall board al=e. An-
son Demerling, Mel -Allan. Jack
Ferguson, John Winter, Ira
Schaefer. Garn King, Stanley
Bride. Mrs. William McCann.
Members of the Fordwich •
community hall board are Ross'
MeKague, Jack Ferg'eson. Frank
King, Kenneth Dickson, Thomas
Inglis. Clark Renwick and Mrs.
Harry -Mulvey.
Jack Clark, William Maar.
Andrew Gibson. Harold Robin-
son, Mrs. R. Brown, P. L. Dob-
son and Mac Newton were ep-
Pointed to the Wroxeter gall
,Members ofithe Gorrie hall
board are Wilford Ring, Har-
old' Robinson. Frank King. Har-
ry. a Gowdv, Harry Hastie, Mrs.
R. Templeman and Ivan Has-
kins. efj
'.r°nointed to the recreation
eouilii ttee are Bruce Robertson,
1!Irir•ry li + ties. Harold Kiel. Wal-
ter Reim ick. D. Neilson, R. Mc-
Michael, J. Robinson, Mel Allan
and Mac Newton.
Warren Zurbrigg, Hartwell
Strong and Harold Robinson
were appointed to the -Pioneer
Park eoraimittee.
'. rKEI€T
The sympathy of the com-
ii�u riey is extended to Mr. and
ties. Irvin Dicke rt and family
in the passing of her lather,
Mr. George Klein. •
We are sorry to report that
Mrs, Harvey Demerltng was
taken to Listowel Memorial
Hospital -last Monday. She is
sir -feting trim a pinched nerve
in the back and .has to be kept
quiet tor.some time. •
I its; Sam Webber is. still a
patient at Bruce •County Hospi-
tal, Walkerton, but. we are
pleased to report that she was
able to, sit up in a chair. this ..
Mr.. and Mrs. Warren Zur-
brigg attended the funeral of
Mr. Levi Karges at Calvary
United Church, 'Listowel, on
Saturday. The deceased was
an uncle to Mrs. Zurbgg. -
- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Edgar
spent the week -end at Moon
Rizer. •
system of easy payments and
difficult collections.
Us SHOW You How
"-Keith McLaughlin
J phine St., `Phone 357-3472
- W I .N ° G H A M
fri9Vn0:4 rr& v II P` -,ti Vona vt116n Its s,v.,,i- ,±ca•,
Get your Free admission ticket from your local or Equipmeflt Deolit
sets salaries
The 168 inaugural meeting
of West Wawanosh Township
council was held, at 11 a.m. on
Jan. 8th at the home of the
clerk. with all members pres-
ent. Each member subscribed to
the declaration of office.
A petition for drainage, re-
ceived from Andrew Gaunt' and
Robert Aitchison -was accepted
by. council and the clerk was
instructed, to contact the engin-
eer, Douglas Gaansby, of Gams-
-by and Mannerow, with regard
to undertaking ,the work.
A bylaw to name the elected
representatives and officers for
the- township and set their re-
spective. salaries was passed.
By reason of this by-law the sa-
laries now are Assessor, K.:
Scott, $600; Clerk. J. Atermstrong,
$900; treasurer, .C.Greer, $525;
reeve, $250; councillors, $200;
grader 'operator, $1.85 per hour
and wingman and casual la- •••
borer, $1.50 per hour:
A by-law authorizing the bor-
rowing, .if .necessary, of an am-
ount up to $70.000 to cover cur-
rent expenditures was passed.
The road superintendent. H.
CulbertM was -given a raise to • -
$1.90 per ,-hour, subject to the
approval of the Department of
Hi rhways.
The road- and general pc -
counts were passed for payment.
In the year 1966, the 'W Ing-
ham Detachment investigated
. 227.motor vehicle accidents.
In 1967, officers of the detach-
ment investigated 249 acci-
' dents. This is an increase of
twenty-two accidents.over a
'period of one year. This year,
there has,already been four-
, teen!laccidents' in our area. ,Let
us all makea greatereffort to
reduce the. number of accidents
in this area. .
Following are some 'of the
drivers who cause traffic ha-
-zards for other motorists arid
c' themselves.
1. The free wheeling lane
changer who swings back and
.forth, usually without proper
signalsR.. -
2.. The bumper ,chaser,' whq ,
follows the c at-ahead.ta close-
• 3. The driver who slows
down in a curve instead of stow.
ing• down before he enters it.
4. The driver you' see. in
your rear vision rn)°ror who is
driving too fast and , is likely to
misjudge passing speed and dis-
5. The twilight zone driver
who drit s in early darkness.
without. lights.
6..' The driver who rides his
brakes and creates in the. 'minds
of other drivers uncertainty as
to what he- intends, ro do„'
7. The signal jumper who
spurts from a'•signal as.it starts
changing or crashes through as
the signal turns red..
8. •The highbeam headlights
'driver blinds approaching ori- '
vers. •
9. The oncoming high speed
,driver who,' too often, is res-
ponsible for head-on collisions.
10.The stop sign juniper
who fails to step and look be-
fore proceed.ing into the inter-
. This year, review,your -driv-
ing tactics . and don't let your-
self fall'inh any of the above,
categories.. • '
stop to think when they're behind the wheel. They
stay relaxed but alert.. o don't getJeated up over ,
the other guy's actions. They know that anger can
color'their whole driving attitude and make then)
a menace to other drivers on the road..
Insure their cars with State 1=arni. They like State
Farm's famous low rates -rates so low that one
out of two maysave important dollars. And, they
like State Farm's "Hometown" claims service too °
-provided by the world's largest network of full.
time agents and salaried claims rep-
resentatives. Sound like the combi-
nation of big savings and bigservice
you've been' looking for? Cll tcdy!
REUBEN . ' W. 1). "Bill"
357.1679 3574280
Canlidirn Hand Office: Toronto, Octavio.
' P647$
WEDDING: A cereuiOny at
which the bide always looks
d the sroon't, *un
:,. RptvG „ vi THEY
i Mt.TI.1 er �
Mo °
` ►R. At►11. OF ''fO $-
CATHY DICKSON of No: 1 4-H Club, Lis --
towel; Joan Clarke-, No. 2.Listowel; F,velyn
Dickson and Marlene Inglis of Belmore,
were winners of county , honours at the
Reeve, councillors sworn
4-H Achievement Day staged 'at the 'How -
ick Central School, "last Saturday. The
girls have completed ,eight projects i`n
order to qualify for the awards. F A -T Pix.
nu...t....i �1u..
Morris council makes 1968
appointments at inaugural
The oath of office was ad-
ministered to Reeve William El-
ston and Ross Smith,. James, .
Mair, Thomas Miller and Rpb-
ert Grasby, councillors, by •
Clerk Helen Martin- 'at the inau-
gural meeting of Morris coun-
cil, Rev. E.' R. Hawkes of the,
Bluevale Presbyterian ,Church,
conducted a short period of de-
In his opening remarks Mr. •
Elston' welcomed the two new
members to council, Mr. Millet
and Mr. Gushy. Salaries were
set at $400 lo be received 'by`
the reeve --and $300 for each
councillor, plus $10.00 for each
special meeting; Clerk' Helen
Martin, $1650; Treasurer Geo.
Michie, $550; -assessor, $1;000.
Poundkeepers are Carl John-
ston, Clarence Goll, Ross Tu'r-
vey,. Mel Mathers, John
man, Stan Hopper; ,Clarence
:.Yuill, Mervin Pipe, Leonard
Rooney,.? William McCutche'oie
Salt rear",eRob Bird, Milli
Craig. GeoegeaBlake,;;Jgthrt -les
bit, Rae Huether; livestock vat-
uators, • Herbert Garniss `and '
Ken Taylor; fenceviewcrs, Har-
old Procter;• Milo Casemore:
Bert HastingseWilfred Warwick,
William 'Peacock, aeries ;Bow-
man. James Wileon, Bruce
Smith, Bruce Richmond, Ken
McDonald, .James :Smith, 'lar-••
ence M Cutcheon.
Stewart -Procter. as weed in- -
spector. will 'receive $1.75 per
hour plus .I0c, per- mile; grade
erman, James Casemore. e2.00.
per hour and John Smith at
$1.75 per hour. Wages for la-
bor will be '$130 per hour. Tile
drainage °inspector, George
Michie, and trench inspector,
William McArter, at $1.50 per
honr and 10c per mile.
The following representa-
tives were named: Robert,
Grasby to ' Maitland Conser-
vation Authority; ;James - Mair,
Brussels Recreation Comm..'
William Elston and Stan Hop-
per recommended"to Belerave-
Arena 'Board; William Elston
and Thomas, Miller to. RNA
Fire Area Board; • Ross Smith
and James Mair to the' Wi'ag-
District Fire= Area Board;
Robert H. Coultes reeomneend-
ed to the Wingham District -
Hospital Board; Walter Short -
reed ,recommended to the
Seaforth Hospital Board; Wil-
liam Elston for one year and
Stewart 'Procter, hon -council
member for two years to com-
plete the term of William
Peacock on the Wingham Dis-
trict Planning Board.
,The printing contract was
given • to :the- Blyth 'Standard ; at
5250. A' borrowing by-law for.
$70,000 was passed. Member-
ships to the Good Roads As-
- sociation and the Ontario As-
sociation of Rtiral Municipali-
ties Were' paid and Thorne,
Gunn, Helliwell & Christenson
were 'engaged as auditors.
The 'petition for. the exten-
to the Little Drain was
sent to James A. Howes,,,
O.L.S., for him to make a sur-
vey- and report on the Odell-
. sion. William Elston was
named to look after the ad-
ministration of •welfare at
,$1.50 per hour and 10e per
mile,, -
The general,
ile -Thegeneral, accounts and
road accounts were passed for
+ e
Rev. Roberts addresses
Council's inaugural
East Wawanosh Township
council --held its inaugural
-meeting on Jan. 8th in the
Belgravee cemrn,untty. centre, •
witii ; : Reese . Pattison pre-
siding -`arid the council mem-
bers, Norman Coultes, . Siinon
. Hal'lahan, lames . Walsh and
Gerald McDowell present. Each
signed the oath of office.
Rev. Roberts addressed • the •
councifi reading: `'a passage- •
from the Bible and asked for
divine guidance during the
year 1968. Reeve Pattison
thanked. Mr. Roberts and' also
addressed the 'council, thank-
ing them for their co-opera-
tion in the past year and ask-
ing fol their continued co-op-
eration during 1968.
The following ' membership
fees were passed for :pay-
pay-ment: $10.00 to the Assoc. of
Ontario Mayors and 'Reeves;
$1.00 to Ontario Good. Roads,
Assoc.; $15.00 t9 Ontario Assoc.
of Rural Municipalities.
Mr. • Beard, manager of the
Canadian Imperial Bank of
Commerce in Wingham spoke
briefly: •
Township 'borrowing by-law
for 1968 .was ,set at $1-00,000.60.‘
following were appoint- '
ed to act on various boards
and committees: Belgrave •
Community Centre Board, Nor -
Man Coultes, Gerald McDow-
e11, Hugh. Bair; Auburn Hall
Board Gerald McDowell;
Wingham District FireCom-
mitt°e, Roy Pattison. ',Norman
--Coulter: $'lytfr District Fire
Committee, James Waist), Sim-
pn Hallahen; . Wingham and
District Planning' Board. Roy
Pattison-; Blyth- Union Ceme
tert' Board, James Walsh; Si-
mon Hallahan;" Ease and West,'
Wawanosh Township Park, -116yn
Pattison, : Norman 'Coultes,, •
,Geeelel McDowell; Hospital
Board, Howard Walker; town-
ship repfesentatives for the
Maitland Valley . Conservation°
Authority for 1968, Mason. Ro-
Salaries were set as fol-
lows: Allan -:McBurney, $2.00
per hour snow plowing and
$1.80 per hour standard' wage;
second operator, '$1.70 per
hour and helper .to receive
$1.40 per .hour; clrk's salary
$125.00 per month.'
Delegates .attending the On-
tario Assoc. of_ Rural. Munici-
palities . convention expenses,
$55.00; delegates to Ontario '
Good, Roads convention, $55.00
plus registration for attending •
the two day convention.
The salary off -the reeve is to
remain at $300' -per year, and
the ` salary of the - councillors
to. remain .,at $200 per year.
Special meetings called, by the
reeve, $7.00' per meeting . and
$5.00 per meeting for .the
Planning Board and-. Wingham
District and Blyth fire commit- -
tee meetings. . _
The salary of the township
assessor, Ken McDougall, will
remain at $600 per' year.
Road accounts in the amount
of $1,811.64 and general ac-
co>itnts of $1,529.41 were pass-
ed for payment.
Chesley farmerspeaks on future of the
federation of Agriculture of meeting
LAKELET--The 27th annual
meeting of the Howick Federa-
tion of Agriculture was held_. in
the Howick Central School last'
Thursday evening.
The president Stelea'rt Doug-
las, chaired the meeting and
welcomed the audience, He -
reported that some work was
done in the township on °a sur-
vey towards a beef marketing
plan. There were also some
co'mpleints regarding the warble
fly spray and some farmers are
going to a systematic control.
Pr. blems in agriculture are vete
Elmer Harding gave theeliog
Producers report. The Huron
County 4-H Swine Club sale
will be held at Clinton in the -
spring. The quality of the gilts
in the sale is good and he an-
nounced that the Huron County
Hog Producers annual meeting
will be held Februarjr
Jack Stafford introduced the '
guest speaker,, Jim Jadk.lin of
Chesley who is a member of
the Board of Governors of the
Ontario Federation of Agricul-
ture. 1-ie'chose for his address ,
"The Future of the Federation
of Agriculture" .' 'He said that
he has had updrtunities to
work in industry but decided to
be a farmer. At present he
operates 400 acres an d•produces
hogs and beef. This is a lot of
work but Men in other "fields
have to work too, he said, to
be successful. • Agriculture arid
government _will have to work
out a two price system for farm
products to compete in world
food prices. , industry has a two
price system. He- spoke of the
countries of India and China
'-whereeople are starving and
Yrs >
in. nee ,;, r, 4 fichip x ibt ui liclesi
an every child' then it wane
the job of agriculture tohelp
feed those who age hungry.
. • He asked the question,
'Whet about controlled prod
duction?"' Softie say, this takes
away our freedorn but we don't
want to go„broke. ,"We must be
able to produce as the domes-
tic requi ements are needed.
Milk producers are in a type of
controlled production at the
present time with a quota sys-
tem corn ig iito-effect.,
The Ontario Federation of
Agriculture has discussed one
)ver -ail farm Organization. p It
has been difficult to get our
voice across when there are
two groups, he said. A com-
mittee of sixteen men has been
appointed to ser up ways for a
new farm organization.
Jack Ferguson, thanked the
;Ross Smith vice-president of
tht Huron County Federation in -
* lined. the meeting of -the 'Rural
Line program over CKNX tele-
vision on Sunday at 2 p.m.,
starting January -21.
The president of the ltiiron
County Fedetation, Elmer Hun -
ter, spoke on community
leges. Huron asked the Cones-
togo College to put on a course
on computers. • The Federation
was asked to send an interested -
person to this course.
Bob Henry, a member of
the -Federation Insurance Com-
mittee reported that C.1. A.
no., has over 8,000 policies in •
lturorr •.County and the commit-..
tee -is prepared to deal with any
insurance problems in:the ^co}in-
ty. .
• Reeve Harold Robinson stated
that the warble 'fly petition was
in favour of spraying and if
farmers don't want it it will
have to be voted out:
-Eltter Hunter conducted the
election of officers. Jack Stiff- e
ford Was elected president and'
Scott Clarkson .vice-president.
Concession directors will be the
same as last year.
Lakelet Women's Institute
served lunch after the close of
the meeting. ° e
a 916. and
.teo.cl i tt t1,
L,.. C -Z8 tCt'
DIAL 357.2170
Emergency:. 357 -2992 -
Please note the following important announcement!
Last week the Wingham Business / ssociati1n announced
Monday closing, for all stores -this has no bearing on the
"health' professions." The hospital will be open and the
doctors will be continuing with their regular calls and
office. hours. Serving a radius of well over 20 miles in
this area, VANCE'S DRUG STORE has become _a well
recognized member orthe health professions, because of -
its valued stria of emergency medieat on,,� . This continu-
ous demand for_medication dictates that 'VANCE'S DRUG
STORE cannot and will not be closed on Mondays. ,You
can expect the ' same prompt prescription service on
Mondays in the future as you have been receiving. Rely
on- VANCE'S DRUG STORE in Wingham for the best
in drugs and prescription service, - ^
.-100s, reg. 91c ...... 67c
BROMOSELTZER, reg. $1.09 ......:.. 09c
EX -LAX, 36s, reg. 89c 69c
GELUSIL TABLETS, lOOs, -$2.25 .... $1.69
reg.. $1.45
LISTERINE, 14.oz., reg. $1.19
°MODESS, 12s, 'SPECIAL ° '2/91c
..r 1lLN d ,
�nM 9CL1
r.� ohnsn
A complete stock •of motors from an eighth ,to
five h.p. model. .• y .
Phone 11 'R 12
' Wagner Leland, Franklin
Herb Watson • ' -
Here ere some quest• ions and answers for. you men who
raise hogs.
FIRST .QUESTION: How moth EXTRA weight vat
. ing can be expected by feeding •SHUR-GAIN Creep
Feed - -
NSWER: You tan expect to have six extra pounds
per pig; or about 21 percent of the pig's overall weight
at six weeks by getting it started' on Creep Feed by the
tenth day after farrowing:
SECOND QUESTION: How much- Creep Feed is
recoririmended? '
ANSWER: About five pounds of SHUR;GAIN'Creep
Feed per pig starting after ten days. Hoge' make their
biggest and most profitable gains at this ea y stage in
their 'growth. You get your 'pigs off to a h Ith , and
vigorous start, which Is 'likely to continue "trio . , through
to market.
You'11be well repaid for the `modest coot cif feeding
SHUR-GAIN Creep Feed at this time.
STARTER No. 10 .and 'get 1' BAG FREE
SHUR-GAIN 18%® Pig Stater No. 10
Per tong ' - - $100.00
hid Mk*
Feed: Mill.
DIAL. 3574060