The Exeter Times, 1888-9-20, Page 3HOUSEHOLD. The heelth is of all things the ohlef VOS. Messiou worth leaving in this world is evinc- ed eveu n the oommon forms of salutation among almost all peoplee when individuals meet fetch other : Hew do you do? How do you oarry yourself? I hope you are well. How is your health? The ancients /Mowed their regerd fer health whets bey imperon• abed it by a beautiful and immortal young :girl carrying driok to The genle ; paid the moderns show their ,regard for le by be broadsides of their newspapers filled with the advertisements of patent medioines thet are to restore it, being lost, and whose liber- al use by those of slight ailments doubtless doe m.uch eoward ocoaaioningits lots. There is, indeed, no Wooing to be heel that com- pares with that of a sound minci and body, and in fad one can hardly be had without the other, ,although we know and think very little aemteb the matter until we bave lot one or the othbr. To be well ! What aworld that phrase im- plies ! Liberty to move and have one's de- sires; to do one's work, to fulfil one's aims and plans and purposes; in short, to round one's scheme of life and develop one's nature to to the full. That large liberty of movement too, how much it signifies 1 How very much it signifies to one that does not have it 1 fa there music'one shall hear it ; is there scen- ery, one shall mem it ; la there pleasnre, one shall take it; one shall go about the world, see friends see famouspeople, famous cities, • be a part Of the life of it; one shall walk, one shell ride, one shall run, shall :climb, shall dance, whatever there is to do one bell do it, and be as rimoh altee as the do, blows from height to height, as the stars that swing and sparkle along the skies in • their perpetual procession. Fir health is • nothing less than wings' to the Beal that as- • pires. And not to dtrry out one's desires and aims and plans, that is not to live one's life; it is to have one's powers oontracted, one's scope limited, one's nature dwarfed, one's resources •the saine as annihilated— • that is not life at all, it is rather a living death. And what crucifixion is this, tmoreover, to be conscious of great powers and capabili- ties, to know that one could have excelled in this study, could have penetrated those secrets of nature, could have made that ex- ploration, could have written, could have sung, could have subjected the elements, 'could have fought the battles of life, could have swain on the top of the world's crest; and one is chained with a ball, limping, 'helpless, set aside, and left by the way. To have health! That is be iv aocord with the right movement of la, earth in her orbit, with the growth of her plants, with the flowing of her tides. Nob to have it is to be out of tune n ith the universe. If it is not your sin, it is the sin of some one in the pest come to light in you ; the combined sin, per- haps, of many breakers of law. That great things have been wrought by those whose •then put in the othere, and cook in Berne way; afterward boil down the vinegar till it well just °over them. Keep under with a plate ad petite five or six papers over. Plena lYlanunnAnn : the plums 1 after straining off the jebse tor jelly; p them through a sieve to remove tames a skirts. Then prepere in this proportio One pins pulp, half pound eugar. B slowly, stirring well to •prevent bunt until it is a smooth, thick pante, Exoelle marmalade is made by mixing the sift pulp of wild plums and cr&Re ib im UNSALTED PICKLES —Pour over n tw quart j of small cueumbere, the followi preparation hot One quart good vineg one cup sugar, one blespoon whole clov two tablespoons allspice, two tablespoons u ground cinnamon. Boil tbis five minute pour over, tie up with paper and sprea.d ov with starch to excludethe air. 5$ !O'ER AN OA A Gerinen paper ;Tates that 10,000 'per - eons die in Gertnany every year from eftof delOtent tre2ESES, while bY"siX per eent, the convicts in the prisons are drunkards. ut The Moderation Society in New York hes n a perambulatiug tank of ice water, which is ott driven about the city all day mid. makes ne frequent stops that the thirsty may tele.? •1,11 advantage ef the water, The tank holds ed 300 gallons, and on hob days is filled three times and uses up 2,100 pounds of ice, e. This is the second season of this mode Of as. slating temperance. ng or A, review of the first year of the high es: license system lginnesota showe Bade. footory result, The number of saloons has 0, been reduced from 2,806 to 1,597, while the or revenue has been booted from $850,000 to $1,100,000. A decrease in the consumption of liquor le shown in nearly every county, the traffics is under better police supervision, and low groggeries have been almost cone- pletely banished. rd A whole temperance sermon was recently b n„ preached in a few words by the proprietor of a meat market where a young lady called, he and veld' much misgiving asked for a dollar in towards paying a temperance lecturer of os nein, who was soon to speak for the'•;..V. C. E U. His reply was as follows " There's ne nd your dollar. I've sold more meat in one day since this town went no license, than I used to to sell in. a week whenwe had saloons." of Pablio sentiment is being aroused in Mon - to treat in regard to the sale of liquor to minors. d Tim !statement which has been often made that a large nuraber of children frequent the 0, liquor saloons of the oity appears to be too h true. Slime January last two hundred mi- d nors have been brought before the Recorder d charged with drunkenness. These Oases no were, of course, very frequent Jos, or they to would not have engaged be attention of the polies. The Montreal "Star" estimates that the youthful customers of the liquor saloons of the city number about six thousand. •CUCUMBER Plincens,—Qather one p caoumbers, quite small and of even eiz ist day, sprinkle with teaeoup salt a cover with boiling water: 2nd day, dra and cover with fresh boiling water: 3 b day, draand cover with fresh boili water, 4th ,day, draand cover with be ing vinegar, 5th day, drain 'and boil t vinegar and cover again. gbh day, dra and cover with new vinegar in which h been boiled—one tablespoon cloves, o cinnamon, two allimioe. Peek in a jar a cover with slices of horse -radish. PICKLED Onions.—Psm eel all, vehi onions, and boil them in equal portions sweet milk and water, until they begin get tender. Drain them, put in jars, an cover with hot spiced vinegar. TOMATO HONEY.—One pound yellow t melees one grated lemon peel, six fres peach leaven. Boil these together well an equeeze through a bag. Then to one poun or juice, add one pound of sugar, juice of o lemon. Boil till thick as jelly, pub in gleam and cover with paper. A Novel Awed. Some little time since, under the title of "ASubaqueous Excursion'h" we embodied our impresarios on visiting te caissons of the Fourth Bridge at Queensferry, and portray- ed the scenes enacted in the air-ohambers, where, aoine ninety feet below water -level, the foundations ot the huge structure were being excavated. All this is now changed; the busy workers no longer ply pick and shovel deep down beneath the weber ; but high up in mid-air above the gallant Forth ' are rearing the steel euperatruotion of the giant cantilevers. The main steel piers are now erected to their full height, and their ascent forme an expedition so novel and unique, that we have endeavoured to briefly clepeo our experiences in gaining the alumna. • Leaving the cla' ssic Hawes Inn Immo- telised in the Antiquary, and whioh at one time or another sheltered many historic personages on their way ,aoross the Forth, a steam-limmoh conveys us to Incligarvie, the health was a thing of doubt or a thing bee island in mid -channel. We pause on land- yond dortht„ being so hopelessly deficient, it ing, and look npwarda at the mighty is not to be denied, by men and women towering structure. The Forth Bridge stands -whose hearts, whose stomachs, whose three hundred and sixty feet above water - spines whose nervous systems, were levet. below which its foundations at their only intthological spe4n.tens of diemdere- greatest depth extend some ninety feet— Yet it has been in rare and excepdonal giving an over-all meesiirement of about instances, and the work done has eel- tour hundred and fifty feet—a height but dom been more than the completion of that 'little exceeded by the Great Pyrionid of begunein health, and finished only under the !Egypt, whioh reaches four hundred and impetes-thus acquired. Bus those who have sixty feet, or by -Cologne Cathedrafand Old been able under suoh circumstances to a c So Paul'a, standing respectively five hundred complish much have been rarely exceptional, and• ten and five hundred and eight feet for the majority of people are incapable above ground -level. in pain, in languor, in distress, of thinking of much outside of their immediate oirole of The "cage" which we now enter will ac- commodete about a doeen mein It is strong. wants and emotions'and when out of health ler constructed of steel,. and differs but little ear, also out of energy and desire to do any- from those similarly employed in ooal-mines. thing but to get well or die. • In India The bar across the entrance is closed ; is sig. there is a god to whom the sick resort, 'nal is given to the man in charge of the wind and having rubbed his image with gre"e ing-engine, and we are off. Visits to will - or oil in wherever part of the body they . eries have been so frequently described, that are themselves afflicted, they rub them- the sensations generalty experienced are tol- selves likewise, and depart cured or about erably familiar, at leant: on paper, even to •to be cured; the god is thick and dark ; those who have never personslly ventured on with his 'ooatinge of grease, attesting that somewhat trying novelty. But here all both the faith of hie worshippers an is reversed. The samecage is attached to e. their great eagerness for health. In America , wire -rope, wound by a similar hauling:engine the like god to whom appeal is the , but darkness gives plaoe to light, and the patent medicine bottle, and the purses and dread feeling of sinking into the bowels of palaces of its proprietortestify to the eager- ithe earth never to return yields to a sensat- nen of this deity's !subject worshippers. ion of easy and luxurious a 'ovation and airy Yes we all value health, and yet how we ascension, as we rise higher and higher waste There is no way in which we do 1 throughoomplex moos of braoingand strut - not dieregard the rules that compass it. ting, till we land on the platform at the sum - We read, for example, in the dark, and in mite and jampieg front the cage, experience i bed, and in the cars, netead of waiting for re, plettaing sense of exhilaration in the fresh light and quiet; we sit all day at work breezes, the vast expanse of country open to when we should vary the day with exeroiee ; our gaze, and the thought that we have be - we eat in a hurry, as if we feared each mor- ,neath us the 'argot railway bridge in the sel was to be snatched from us, when we world. ehould eat slowly and invoke the powers of I A glance over the edge reveals to us the digestion; we steal from sleep the hours ' very great height at which we stand. Far that belong to that benign reaterer of tired below in the giddy depth we see men, re - nature; we delighb our gustatory nerves ducod to the size of pigmies, hurrying about; over banquets which millstones oould not I whilst the guardship is dwarfed into a toy. grind to digestion and we drink draughts I boat. The view is one never to be forgot - which itifieme the, stomach, and wet the ; en. It is a clear day, and one by one we brain on fire, and bring the body to naught. ' see the islands of the Forth reposing on its And when all is done we go about, if we are ,plaoid surface, and mark the grand outline still able to go about, complaining that of the western hills, fading away into the there is no health in us, and we blame fate blue distance. Arthur's Seat stands sharply and the divine laws when we have ourselvee marked against the glowing skies, and the to blame and our ammeters. 'smoky canopy of Auld Reekie fringes the But the worst thing of all that we do ia ' glories of the beautiful grounds of Dalmeny. so to beggar our own stock and amount of Turning northwards, Inverkeithing and health that we have none to give to our "Dunfermline gray " lie almost at our feet, children, and we let them :mine Into the ' and the Ochil Hills flank a scene seldom • world with impaired phydeal systems to be. if ever surpassed.. gin with, snd ef ten let them run for luck in We turn from the beauties of nature to the care of those eysteries afterward. If we the gigantic cantilevers beneath our feet, have no sense of the attention we should ' and mark the busy workers at their toil. give our own health, if we neglect and in. No light task that, to labor hour after hour jure ocr own bodies—those temples of thelbetwixt heaven and earth, summer and win - spirit that deserve religious care—We have ter. All honour to British pluck mud deter - no right to take liberties with the bodies of mination to the minds that direct, and the others; but the moment that the health of hands bleb execute such an undertakingl the children intrusted to our care is injured, • either by neffle0t, or by wrong indulgHarvest Excursions.ence, or by want of wisdom, we are culpable ; for• we not only rob boo children of a birth- The Chicago & North-Western Railway right, but we rob also the whole race, of Company announces a series of harvest which they they and their desoendante are a part, oratorio to points in Iowa, Minnesota, of that which is their portion, and which :Dakota and Nebraska, for which tickets will they have a right to expect, since health, in be sold September 11th, September 25th, any normal state of society, should be as October 9th, and /Dobbin 23rd, at the rate much tl inheritance of a ohild as it& of one fare for the round trip. These excur- mother' life -blood or its father's name. done will afford exceptional opportunities for personal inspection of the productive country reached by the Chicago & North- Westren Railway lines. For full informa- tion, address E. P. Wilson, General Passen- ger Agent, Chicago. Seasonable Reoeipta. TOYIATO Cersor : After you have cooked and sifted your tomatoes, allow the follow. ing ingredients to one gallon of juice and ,For the Babies plop •- One pound brown sugar (may be omitted) 11 18 not necessary to buy corn cures. Men one quart good vinegar, Six lierge onions I and women shmild remember that Patneen's (boiled sofb and Sifted,) one ounce black Pep', Pebbles Corn Extractor is the only safe, sure, per, one tablespoon allePieet tea0P.,.°n . and painless corn remover ettant. It doebe cloves, one teaspoon cayenne pepper. oil its work quickly and with certainty. See the pulp, vinegar and sugar together half an t. tot the signature N. C. Pelson & Co. ap- hour, ekim, add the ispieee, and boil nearly pears on each bottle. Beware of poisonous half away. Seal and keep in a dark, cool imitations. place. Peoitatn Pe:Amiga Three gellondpared peaches, tWe/ (parte strog eider vinegar', three pounds brown sugar, One °mum stiqk cinnamon, tVire or three cloVeVitnek hi each. Boil the vinegar, DOW and oninainon toge. tiler ; when it hie been skimmed, pat in ball the peaches and boil till they begin to get tender; take out carefully and put into Jars; A Look of Hair Embedded in a Tree. While Workmen were sawing titnber at Frederickebterg, ()hie, recently, they found a lock of red hair deeply embedded in a large tree. The hair had been there for Many years, aft itwas covered by fifty-one growths of the tree. Although prohibitory laws have been en- acted by Congrese for Alaska still there is a great deal of drunrsenness In the country, and a very loyt state of morals generally. Mrs. J. A. Ackermann writes from Sitka that she has been holding night temperance meetings in the court room, and prayer - meetings in the afternoons everywhere among •the native children and the whites. The Governor's wife gave great assistance in this work, and as a result two unions were oga. razed, one among the whites and one among the natives. Loya.I Legions have also been organized among the native and Russian children, all of whom have been much given to the use of tobacco. —Canon Wilberforce, well known as a lib- eral churchman, and a vary pronounced total abstainer, has'given great offence to blue of the good people of Dublin. In a letter ad- dressed to his parishioners during a reoent tour in Ireland, and which has found its way into the newspapers, the Canon says :—" I preached on total abstinence in St. Patrick's Cathedral on Sunday, which was orowded to woos. The two Protestant cathedrals are both memoriale of drink, St Patrick's having been built or metered from the proceeds o porter brewing, and Christ church from whiskey distining. The largest Presbyteri- an church and the grandest; was built by a whiskey man." Brewing and distilling; he addie are the principal industries of the city. Dublin he characterises as the most drunken city in the United Kingdom, anel he cleems that half the orime—not agrarian --that is crime in towns of over 100,000 inhabitant, is committed in Dublin. Frequent drinking makes a glib tongue, and matters that might be regarded as State secrets outside the pale of the bar -room are there discussed with a shocking • lack of reserve. The funny part of it is that the bartender is taken seriously into the dire cuasion, and his opinions are treated as of great respect and authority by persons who, when sober, have no companionship with the mixer of drinks. Think of a man taking his business affairs, his love effete% his family affairs, bo be submitted to the judg- ment of a bartender, and you will have in mind what actually happens very, very often. Place a white-aproned man behind a whiskey her, and he becomes, in many instances, the leader in thought and expres- sion of those who exchange money for drinks over the two feet of walnut board that separates them, and this explains, in a measure, the vast influence of saloons in politics. Infant Marriages in India. One of the most significant and encourag- ing incidents in East India social history took place a short tinie ago. • The Primes of Rajpootana hold the higheet rank in }Endo° society in India, and the associations eon. noted with their history not only show the bravery of the men, but also the heroism of the women. Swale being the fact, it is specially gratifying to have to announce that these Princes have made a change in the law of marriage within their teriitories, which Viscount Cross, the Secretary of State for India, has characterised as one of the greatest reforms ever made in India, and as to be looked upon as one of the greates advances that has taken plaoe in that coun- try during the present century. Those chiefs have unanimously in Council assembled resolved that henceforth no girl shall be married under the age of 14 and no boy before he is 18. This is equivalent to a sooial revolution, and is sure to be fol. lowed all over the country. It rings the death -knell of the abomination of infant marriages. • Recent reports of the International Sun- day School Union show that therelare 613 Suncley school teachers in the world and 12,680,267 scholars. Too well known to need lengthy advertise- ments—Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. • Artists not only take out tido teeth but also often oarry their palettes in their hands. Harvest Excursions to Minnesota, Dako- ta and Montana. Fires class accommodation. Tickets good for 30 days, including stop over privilege of 10 days going and 5 days returning, on the following dates: Tuesday, Sept 11; Tiloaday, Sept. 25; Tuesday, Oct 9 and Tuesday, Oot 23, For free maps, beaks attd all perticalars, address J. M. Humans, Tray. Pass. Agent, Palmer House Block, Toronto; F. I. Wreientg, Gen'l Passenger and Ticket Agent; A. 1VANVEI4 General Manager ,j. Boort- WAtninie, Land Commissioner; W, S. ALEX- ANDER, General Traffic Manager, St. Paul, Minn. We mount to heaven meetly on the ruins ef our cherished schemes, finding our failures 1 were successes. ' A Cure for llirunkenness. The opium habit, depsonaania, the morphine habit nervous prostration caused by the use of tobacco, wakefulnese, naental depression, softening of the brain, etc., premature old age, lose el vitality caused by over-exertion of the brain, and loss of natural strength, from any ammo whatever. Men—young, old or middle aged—Who are brOken down froth any of the above causes, or Misrelate° nottnentiensect atm send yoUr address Midi° dente le stamps tor Liaison% Treatise, in book formD , of i6e.a.e66 of Man, Bocks sent sealed and Motile from obeervation, Address 11. V. /Milos, 4 Wellingto street Elan Toronto, Ont. Value of AdVertiS0IneRtii, "Do 1 believe in advertising," ineitl a pp.ln inent lawyer, a day or two ago, 4 WGIft rather; and in the hidden advertieement mere than in any other, 1 reniember, one day, reading a very interesting Story, that ended in what I took to be a puff for Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellet% l thrOW clown the paper in a rage. Not a week after thab I needed some inedioine ef that kind, and went and hought those same little pills." " Did I find them good ?" "Why, yes, the heist thing of the kind I ever saw, but that has nothing to do wtth the first guestion, and 1 only mention the joke on myeelf to ehovv that advertleing doe pay." .Two hundred dollars worth of gold leaf has been pub on the tower of a new summer resort hotel at Ossirtee Hill, in Maine. At Drat a little, hacking eouFb, "'Tis nothing but a cold,' Theyeay, '"Twill very icon wear elk." Alas the story old! The hectic cheek, the failing strength, The g. Jet that cannot save, And ilfe'o wan flame goes out at length, In a contumptive's grave. If persons would oil Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical, Discovery, when irritition of the lungs is indicated by a cough, it would be an easy matter to avert consumption. Be wise be time. • Always keep your books out of the reach of email ohildren„ and in a clean, dry place g A. P. 415. dIECIE=Mxime119111.3231611:11 MONEY, t1:28.4:,,,nd.__ M11171141 SELF WRINGING mar Co., Toronto, Oa • AGENTS WANTED—" EAGLE Steam Washer. Address DEO. D. FERRIS, Si Church St, 'roe -onto. FARMSFOR SALE or mar. Ate Sizes, RINDS and PRIM. Some special bargains. H. S. MITCHELL, DRAYTON, ONT. TO "DAN on Farms. Lowest Rates. No delay. Correspondence solicited. E. W. D. BUTLER, Financial Agt., Establi8hed 1860. 72 King-st. E., Toronto. ONTARIO VERERINARY COLLEGE — OVER five hundred students in successful practice; fees fifty dollars per session; seesion 1888.9 begins Oe. tober 20th. Prino!pal, Prof. SMITH, V. S., Toninto. ANADA SHIPPING 00.—Beaver Line of Steamehips, sailing weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. Saloon tickets, Montreal to Liverpool, 540, 550 and 560. Return tickets, $80, $90 and 5110 according to eteamer and accommodation. Inter- mediate, 530; Round trip needs, see steerage, 550' Round trip tickets, 510. For further particulars and to secure births, apply to H. E. emit:RAY, Genera. Manager, 1 Custom House Square, Montreal, or to the Looal Agents in the different Towne and Cities. MORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE.-- Book. keeping, Actual and Practical Business, Tele. graphy, Penmanship and allEnglieh Branches. Short- hand and Typewriting practically taught. Students in attendance from New York tAty and State, South America, Bermuda Islands and all Provinoes of the Dominion. Send for eircuiars Corner Tonga and Shuter Streets, Toronto. J. M. OROWLY, Proprietor and Manager. MONEY LEATHER BELTING. BEST VALUE IN THE DOMINION, F. E. DIXON & CO., Makers, 70 King Street East, Toronto. t'Send for Price Lists and Discounts EEAN AMERICAN WALTHAM SIL. ITER WATCH, also SINGER SEWING MACHINE. For par ticulars address, 0. W. DENNIS, Arcade, Tonga Street, Toronto. SELF -THREADING NEEDLES.701,= Out ! Instantly three:led without posing thread through the eye. Agents coin money selling them. Sample packet by mail 15o, dozen packets $1.00 Whiten Ha attract tiring Co.. Toronto, Ont. . THE BOILER INSPECTION and Inas'''. once Company of Canada, Committing Engineers and Solicitors, of.Patents. TORONTO. G. 0. ROBB Chief Engineer. A. FRASint Sec'yareas. ‘iA.N ADIAN BUSINESS IINIVERSITY, Public Library BuildingT,Toronto. Students from British Columbia, California, Kansa% Illinois, and quite a number of other States and Provineee, now in attendance. Write for Descriptive Circulavs. THOS. BENGOTJGH, CHAS. H. BROOKS, President, Say & Manager. flIORONTO Cutting Eichool—Scientific and re - L liable systems taught whereby stylish,perfect. fitting garments are produced. Cutters having trou- ble should secure my systems and ensure future sue. cm. Entire satiefaction guamnteed. • Shirt system taught separate. A rare chance for young men to acquire a lucrative profession. S. CORRIGAN, Prop., 122 Yonge St. Terms on application. oquets rit Business College. carreina, owe— This popular Institution, now in its 4th Year, io_ng a grand work for the education of young me n and women in those branches, a knowledge of which is so essential to the intelligent arid successful management of practical affairs. Its graduates are everywhere giving signal proof of the thoroughness of their training, and bearing grateful testimony to the monetary value of its course of study. The Fourth Annual Circular, giving full information, will be mailed free. Address M. Macelloamiox, Principal. • Young en SUFFERING from the effects of early evil habits. the result of ignorance and folly, who find themselves weak, nervous and exhausted; also Minnts-Acam and OLD MEN, who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over -work, and in advanced life teal t,he consequences of youthful excess, send for and read M. V. Lubon's Treatise on the Diseases of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of two 80. stamps. Address If V. LUBON. Wellington 8*, E., Toronto, Ont. Stained Glass FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS. AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. rill'OAUSLAND & SON, 76 king St. W*4 Toronto. TORONTO EXHIBITION • BICYCLES VELOCIPEDES, etc. For Bovine, don't fail to call on CHAS. ROBINSON 8; CO., 22 Church St., Toron CANADA PERMANENT Loan 86 Savings Company IN€081.°11A190° 1855 - Head Office Toronto St,, Toronto, Subscribed Capital. f$ 4.810,000 Paid ing capitat eettonitio Total Aasete 10,060,000 The enlarged capital and resourcee of this Company, tegether with the increased facilities it hael recently acmilred ter supplying land onn ere with cheap money, enable the Direeters to meet with prorapthees and 46 the loweet current rate of interest all requirements fax loans upon satisfactory real estate fiefthrity. Applioation, may be made to either of the geom. pany`e looni APpfeeseta er 18 J. IIESIDMIT leASon, blancig'gDireotor, Toronto. IS THE BEST For Young Infante it is a perfeet enbetitute for mother's milk, often saving life; for the Invalid or Dyspeptic it is of the greatest value. It is THE FINEST BABY FOOD, THE BEST INVALID FOOD, THE MOST PALATABLE FOOD, THE MOST NUTRITIOUS FOOD, THE MOST ECONOMICAL FOOD. 150 Meals for an Infant for 111.00: A Cabinet photo, of Dna. DART'S Tan:man—three beantifuliihildren—sent to Mae mother of any baby born within a year, Ale° a valuable pamphlet on the Cato of Infants and Invalids, Soldby Druggists. 26c., 150o., 31.00. ,WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO. MONTREAL, Pe). Saf ughAN2 ,.,,I3u%Rat,z, . apt t constantly in stook. , A number of Second•hand Safes at lowprioes. J. Su J. TAYLOR, Toronto Safe Works. BEAVER LINE of SVEAMSHIPS. —SAILING WEBELY BBTWERN— MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL. Saloon Tiokete, 540, 550, 560. Return, 580, 590 5110. Intermediate, 832. Steemge, 520. Apply to H. E. MURRAY, General Manager, 1 Custom House Square, Montreal. H.WILLIAMS & CO. Siatera ROOFERS 11ANIFPAOT5TRER8 AND DEALERS IN Roofing Felt, Slaters' Felt, Deafening Felt, Carpet Paper, Building Paper, Roofing Pitch. Coal Tar, Lake Gravel Office: 4 Adelaide St, East, Tormito, AGSTE12 AND OXFORD 1 00 II1BEFEREN+11 BIBLES. bonne • in French Morocoo, Gilt Edges, Map" Protected Edres, with your name in Gold, from mimeoup, A. G. WATSON, ITANAGBIL, Toronto Willard Tract Depository. Merchants, Butchers, and Traders generally, We want a GOOD DIAN in your locality to pick up CALF SKINS For us. Cash Furnished on satisfactory guaranty. Address, 0.8. Moia.G-10, Nene Pao, Vermont, U. S. ORONTO COLLEGE OF MUSIC, ,t 14 Pembroke St., Opens 1V1onday, Sept. 17. Announcement now ready and will be 001It free Ora pplication, F. II. TORRINGTON, DnucToR. THE TORONTO SILVER PLAT, CO Manufacturers of the Highest Grades SILVER-PLATED WARES. TRADE MARK.' FACTORIES AND SALESROOM : 420 to 426 King St. West TORONTO E. G. GOODERHAM, •J, 0. COPP, see -frees. manager. Han Line Royal Nail Steamships Sailing during winter from Portland every TeuredaY and Halifax: everySaturday to Liverpool, and in aunt. mer from Quebec every Saturday to TAverpool,calling at Londonderry to land mails and passengers fort Scotland and Ireland ; also from Baltimore, via Hall fax and St. John', N, fa, to Liverpool fortnightly during suminer monthe. The steamers of the Glas. gow Imes sail during' winter to and from Halifax Portland, Boston and Philadelphia and during sum. mer between Glargow and Montreal weekly; Gas. gow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and, Pheadel- plea fortnightly. For freight, passage or other information apply to A. Sohumaoher & Co., Balthnore ; S. Cunard e Co., Halifax; Shea Er Co., St. John's, Nfid, Wm. Thomp son & Co. St, John, N. B.; Allen Co., Otieago Love & Alden, New York; E. Borulier, Torontot Allans, Rao n Co., Quebec; Wm. Brookie, Philadel- phia ; H. A. Allen Portland, Boston, Montreal. 10000 PRESENTS TO FIRST APPLYING, wuree THEY LAST. AVe will send by mail an ap- propriate gift to each maiden, wife, mother or cook—one to a family—who will try the BREADMAKER'S BAKING POWDER Cut the red circle from the label and send 15 10 a letter stating honest opinion after fair trial. Either a 5, 10 or 25 cent size will secure the gift. Any grocer or storekeeper —knows where toget it if asked for by you.—Aa'cfress- -a0HURGHILL & DO, T0R0111'0, Whaley,Royce Oo MS longs Street, Toronto. The Cheapest place in Canada for BAND INSTRUMENTS New and second-hand. Agents for " BESSON " and "HIGHAM BAND & ORCHESTRA MUSIO. Repairing of Band In struments a speoialty. Send for Catalogue Nervous Debihty. DR, GRAY'S Specific has been need for the pas' fifteen years withgreat success, in the treatment of Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from es. ceases, over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing in th ears, palpitation, etc. For sale by all druggists. Price $1 per box, or 6 boxee for $5, or will he tent by mall on receipt of mice. Pamphlet on application THE GRAY MEDICINE CO.. Toronto. JORNSTONS FLuitaggE To all who need a highly NUTRITIOUS FOOD It is of special interest to know that JOHNSTOIPS FLUID BEEF IS THE MOST PERFECT FORH OF CONCENTRATED FOOD. It is palateble, easily digested and quickly strengthens and invigorates. There are:many nerrevoris of Peerless " MACHINE OIL, but none equal 15 10 lubricating properties. Fanatir inis, Mittman, eta, find none equal to the mous Peerless made by SAMUEL ROCERS:& CO TORONTO • Sold by dealers everywhere. Barnum Wire &Iron Works, Windsor, Ont THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FENCE. Made from 3-16 Steel Rods, with Heavy Iron Frame and IronYoundation. We are offering the Fence at ex- ceptionally low prices. Iron Fence Cresting, Stable Fittings, and all kinds of Iron and Brass • Work. Capital and Fluids now over $3,00111,000. IS TORONTo ST., TORONTO. HEAD OFFICE. A Home Company, Established October 18i. To this Date, October 01, 1887, there hag been returned: To the heirs of Policy holders (death -claims) 5649,249 00 To the holders of matured Endowment Policies 26,402 68 To Policy -holders for Cash profits (including those allocated and being 44244 02 To holdera or Annuity Betide 113,067 84 Loaned to Polioy-holders on the Security of their Policies 82,264 08 51,806,174 47 Policies in Force over 10.0410. Amount Over$15,000,1100 PRESIDENT --Hon. Sin W. P. Howneein, C.B., K.C.M.G. To Policy -holders on strionder of PolicieeII98,656 00 VICKPRESIDENTS--Wittettle ELLIOTT, goo.; EDWARD 1100PER, EQ. J., L1111ACDONALD, Ditnaging Director: Policlee Nonforteitable atter 2 Years and Indefeasible after 8 yeare RELY ON HOP BITTERS A WONDERFUL NERVE ToNic, A Medicine, not a Drink. Cure All Diseases of the Stomach, Soweis, Mood, Liver, Kidneys, Urinary Organs, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Ferhtile Complaints, DitUtiKENESS. It may Dave Your Life. or 1,600 Reward paid for a Cage they wIII net cure.