HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-01-11, Page 1i
r PASSING PUPILS were the first to notice
smoke pouring from the Lucknow` Public
School about .7:30uesday evening: fire
wss believed to have tarted in the, fu.rna..
Fire destroys eightoroom
public school at Leicknow
Public School are enjoying an
enforced holidiiy this week as
the result of a fire on Monday
.cvening which gutted the 90.
Year-old building. .
Youngsters passieg the build -
saw smoke peering from the
strecture and turned.in the
alarm. Fire bad apparently
,broken out 'tithe furnace room
and in a short time had reached'
the upper floor. The Lucknew
firemen kept the fire confined
to the second floorformore
than an hour, but the lilaze ate
its way through the roof and
eventually,,destroyed most of,
the ieterier of the ground floor
as well. When the fit4Sifen.,„
finally lett the scene at seven,.
Tuesday morning little was :"
left but the brick Walls.
School. board
offers hIp
to lucknow
F_ollowing the inaugural .
meeting of the Wingham Pub-
lic School Board on Monday:
evening, the board offered any
assistance it could render to
the Lucknow Board which lost
its school building by fire the
same evening.
The local board offered aid.
in the form of school.supplies,
and if necessary, the ate of
the gymnasium in the school
for clasies.if transportation ofl
Lucknow pupils can be arranged,
'William Harris wasseturned
.as Chairman of the board as
wet! the two committees. /The
property committee is"headed..
by Roy Bennett with Seott Reid,
Perry Holmes and Lorne Mc-
Donald as mernbers. The fin- •
ance committee has Scott Reid,
John Currie and Murray Gerrie
with Dave 'Murray as' chairman.
The treasureweported a'
sood' year tinaecially, and
read the list 'ot ace:stunts which
were ordered paid. '
-The board will' ask Police
Chief James Miller to'visit the
telipor and give a talk on safety
to the stedents.
principal Stew,,art Beattie
, reported enrolment in Decem-
revious month.
New apartment
appears likely
From information presented
at council on -Monday evening •
it appears likely that the Ont-
ario Housing Corporation.will
senior citizens' apartment in
A letter from•the corpora-
tion stated that tenders for air
•eleven-unit,building had been
received, to be, cOnstructed on
the Charles Street property of
enit building to' be erected orr
Still investigating
Brucefield robbery
' Rumors have been rife
this area to the
culprit i
t at the
ved in the armed
last week was in Wingham and
comes frorn this district.
The investigation of the rob-
bery is being made tinder the s
supervision of,Detective Sgt.
George Harries.- Mount Forest,
who said on Tuesday that no
can be released. He did in- .
dicate that the investigation
has led police .to this area, as
well as to Many other plaCes in
Ontario and for that matter,- 'I
right across Canada.
It ,appears highly likely the'
rumors spread in this district
are•without foundation and
certainly do not warrant public
suspicion of any individual.
Three, fire -
are answered
• The Wingham fire brigade
Stone Orr -New Year;i:Day where
overheated •stove pipes.in the
early afternoon.started *a fire in
ceiling tile and joists,. The
fire was soon extinguished.
On Sunday afternoorrthe
brigade received its second
call in the New Year when an
concern at the home of Mrs.
Roy MacDonald.. There was.. ,
- On Monday evening the
department responded to a 'call-
-in Lucknow where the public
school fire.was.in progress.
The services of the localssbri-
gade were not required. ,
property on Alfred Stree't,
, which is owned hy the Bell
Telephone cp.
.The corivration asked if
cOuncil had any objection to
the latter site and none were°
Fire brigades from Ripley
and Wingham were summoned,
but the latter were not required
and returned to Wingharn. The
fire was a miserable one ta,
fight in the low temperatures
which prevailed° Monday evens.
_gig,: Ice forrned as soon as
chilled to the bone,
The problem now is to find
classrooms for the 2-69 pupils
who attended the school. Offers
have been received for use of
the town hall, church base.
tnents, ,,etc.. bet no final de-
cisions have been annotinced.
The use of portable classrooms
is under censideratioe,
The pupils were due to
move to the. present Lucknow
District 1-kigh School in Sept-
ember of this year,„ . The high
'school will become the Luck- .
now -Kinloss central pubrlic
school at that time, However,
the high school' students are to
be accommodated in the Heron -
Bruce Secondari School at
Winghain and the extra rooms
required for the..motte'i4 far
fro= ready as yet.,
Lions to meet
Business Assoc.
The Wirigham Lions Club
has -a meeting ,planned with the
in the near future to discuss
the "Strees MalP' is The 'mall,
a 'successful club \project last
year, was proposed again for
1968 at,a Lions meeting Tues-
day night at tbe.Little Curran
The Lions''spon§ored hockey
yub, the, Midgets, is doing
quite Well according to Presi-
dent Fred McGee who said -they.,
have lost only one game -so- tar...„,
Suggestions 1968 were
made and a brief.financial re-
port on recent projects was
. :Hap Swatridge led the Lions
in a sing -song and showed,
slides ,which included,the--1961
'centennial parade.
Thomas. Turbitt, controller
at the Western Foundry, has
purchased the John Street hpme
of Mrs.,1-lugh Carmichael. Mr.
Turbitt, whb. was with Camp-
bell SOups at ListOwel, has
been' cotnrnuting from that
community since taking his
The neW owner will not
move into the WingharK-home -
until,Mrs„. Carmichael has
found other.,accornmodation.
minim! aliimowees•••••••••essauKsemesimiess.
rOom and spread up a ventilator. to the .
attic. The roof Caved 'in, about an hour
-4..ucknow Sentinel Photo.
FIRST .SESSION of 196816,/ the Wi,egham Town Council was held on
Monday evening. Rev. C. M. Jardine; minister of the Wingham United,
Church, centre, offered Operang prayer's' and Scripture reading. Seated
from the left .are Councillom'Al Williams, Maraaret _,Bennett, Deputy Reesses,.........„
jack Alexander, Reeve Joe Kerr and Mayor DeWitt Miller. Standing: ,Couh.
cillors John Bateson, William Walden, G. W. Cruickshank, Harold, Wild
and Clerk William Renwick.
own council and standing committees are
nchanged for second round of two-year term
- For its first meeting of 1968.: .
the Wihgham Town Council-,
on Monday evening, returned
to office all .committee mem-
bers and appointees to various'
menicipal.boards. Council is _
starting -its second year of a,
two-year term.
-Mayor Miller did..not have
an inaugural address to council;
but did call on Rev. C.M. Jar-".
dine, pastor orWingham United.
Church, for sopening -prayer. ,Mr.•
Jardine also brqught greetings- -;
from the ,Winghani Ministerial
Only new appointments oil'
the list were Richard Wehrneyer;
Gordon Beard aed-Wiltace Agar
to the Riversidii Parks Minag-
ment Board for,two-year terms
Wa den
for a one-year term. L
Carter and George, Howson were
,returned for three-year terms.
library board, three years; •
Mayor Miller, Wingham and
District HosPital Board; Monty
Bennett, Municipal Develop-
ment Board, three years; Cal
Burke, Wingham and District
PUC. stif.f gets
boos, in pay
At the inaugural meeting
ties.COmmissiori on Monday
evening, John .Pattison was re-
named chairman of the organ-
ization. o'Other members are
Mayor DeWitt Miller and W.W.
According to the chairman',
two items of interest were setr
tied. The six -man stiff em-'
ployed by the commission was ,
.granted a pay increase amount -
A motion was also passed to—
eliarge rent -for water rneters of
Over one -inch pipe capacity:
'This will affect only a few of
the larger water. consutners in
the community.
Hospital staff
members on job
despite weather
A number of-Wingham and
ISistrret Hospital staff have
had minor accidents on the icy
roads.. -Despite the very bad
stormeand the condition of the
sideroads. hospital personnel. "
on all (shifts, have made a vat-.
iant efforetts report for duly
be at work regardless of the
weather. Their efforts have
been partichlar19 appreciated
since the staff has beep badly
depleted due to the enrient flu
Neighbors and passing mot-
orists.have been kied enough to,
help some of the stranded lad-
ies by pulling them out of dit-
ches; pushing, ete. and snow.
plow drivers have atlisted as
Planning Boarid, three years;, -
Stewart Leedham, • William
Children's Educational Author-
Council endoried a resolu-
. calling for new provincial leg-
islation tb relieve the munici-
palities a the levy made for
county roads. The reseletion
statedin part, " The' rebate 14
• the county to the municipalitie:
sion:of doubt as to the justifica-
0,11 ma
William. Harris, chairtiian of
the Wingham Public School
Bo.ard, attended council with
the request that some proce-.
dures in regard to th,e school
crossing guard. be: changed. s,
Council agreed to.his suggestior
that the guard (Jack Reayie) r•-•
should be supplied with cloth=
ing that will identify him as a .
guard; that an iinprove,d step .
sign be 'supplied; •and that the
children should wait until the
guard has stppped traffic before .
starting to crossthe street,
rather than' following the guard' •
ew ambulancq_
rates now in effect
Starting at theyfirst of Jan-
uary new -rates ,for ambulance
',service came into effect for
those persons using the° facili-
ties provided -by the ambulanc-
es based atthe Winghafft and
Distript Hospital. The chalge
plus 50¢sPer mile one way.
The, rate change was made
necessary by regulations & the
Emergency tervices Brandh of
the...Ontario Department of
Health. 'Following the codclu- .
SiOrl of. an agreement between •
the provincial body and the
'County of Huron, all ambul-
ances operating ender the .
,agreement must be charged for
at the above rates, as laid
down by the Toronto office.
Routes followed by the' am-
bulance drivers in calls in this
, area are diatated firstly by
safety reqeirements. Since the
driver and attendant are splely
.-responsible. for the safety of the -
patients they must select the
„.4outes which are most likely to
guarantee safe arrival_at the •
Those who,call-in to the
hospitaffor an ambulance are
reminded thallti4 vital -to'
Clearly describethe location
of any -accident, or a horrie to
:Which the ambulance is called:
Failure to do. so is bound to.
cause delay --and such a delay
could be fatal.
HoMe-b.wners, particularly'
in the country are. as ked to
have lanes ploughed sothat the
- ambulance can bel driven tothe
house. The alternative may
I mean a long carry of th.e'patient.
to the road, extremely risky in
The ambulance .drivers and
attendants will answer all calls, -
regardless of road or weater
conditions, bOt patients and ,
',,their 'families are asked to bear
mied the difficulties involv-
ed in such a service when condi.
dons for driving are hazardoUs.
The hIgh schpol students
have demonstrated considerable
courtesy in making way for the
ambulance since the problem
was aired at the lastrneeting
of the hospital board,and iheir
co-operation is appreciated..
when he steps off the siclewalk;„.
Council also discussed aspects
of traffic control around the •
school to gisre better protection
to:children,_ with the seggestiqn
being Mire that council might
consider making the foer-inter-
sections as John, F-rancis. Cath-
erine and Victoria Streets;
four-way stops.
The conversation also spark-
ed council -to again mull over
the idea of trafficqights at the,.
five -point intersection on main
esv_en_tathe idea of CIQSS,-
walks. Councillor Cruickshank
said he hoped that Diagonal -
Road fr4in John Street to.Vic-
toria Street will become a one-
way street. Howev.er, no ac -
result bf any of these' discus»,
Treated at hosp. -
after accident
There were no serious injur-
ies to the four people involved
in an accident about 4;15 p.in.
-Monday on the Bluevale Road,
Henderson. .
A car driven"by Kay McLen-
nan was.pulling off the road
shoulder when it was struck in
the rear by a car driven
Kay McLerinan,teceived
whip lash injury to the neck.
. Her mother, Mrs; McLennan
was not treated for injuries. ,
' Douglas Garniss, Y7 of R.R. 4
- hip when he apparently struck
the steeringswheel. Mrs. Isa-
bel Garniss, 50, injured her
right ankle and lee.
There were no hospitalized
patients in the accident.
Two design awards received b
local furniture film at show
,Fry & Blackhall and its
parent ,company, Honde rich
furniture Co: Ltd., of Milver-
ton, have received Design
Awards at the Canadian Furni-
ture Mart in Toronto this weeks
The Mart continues until Fri -
Fry & Blackhall of Winghain
feteived the Special Award, for
ture and the Honderich division
for Contemporary Upholstered
Furniture. DaVid Wollin, de -
from Fry & Blackhall wit* a
La,Dauphine Empire chair; the
Honderich entry was -a Unity
armchair and,loyeseat.
Before the pieces were sent
Ao'the show last weik The Ad -
Vance -Times spoke to Jack
NeverY, manager of the local
, plant, who said his firm is
showing several completely
new lines at the Mart.- ,
4,. A number of neW pieces,
' authentic reproductions -of per-
iod chairs, mostly Louis XV
and XVI and oueen Anne styles,
are on display, /as well as -a
completely new line of contem-
porary designs listed as "Minit;
basically, designed for apartment
use and will retail at a relative- .
New Hon rich lines, whtch
were takeh ver by the firm '
last year ate also ait.thetshow,
and niany of"them have been
maiinfaetured in the local plant.
For the first time a,lItie ef con.%
:temporary sofas ii offered under
the'llonderich name, as well as
.new bedroom furniture in grace-
ful centemporary style, -whtch
has made the firtii•famotas. New
'Under the same brand is a line °
of Upholstered chairs.
We saw a number of pieces
in the Fry & Blackball line Of
antiqued furniture. el-assic- in
design, the pieces have been r'
treated witli the firrn's*new'
"museum finish" and stressed,
•meaning.treated to simulate •
great age, withthe result that
the furniture appears old, and
in some cases even worm-eaten
with the patina of great age.
Many of the 'pieces are enhane-
ed by fabrics recently asiembl-
. ed and iMported for exclusive
use by the local firm.•
Mayor Miller paid to•
, passed -away since the_Depem-
said that Ted Mo'szkowski;" who
served ta one-yearJertn, bad.
considered it ran honor to be on -
council and:that the cornsesis.
the late Themas 'Fells, -a icing.
time councillOr and former
mayor, Mr... Miller .said Mr..
Fells Wad been a dedicated ser-
vant of the town and had re-
taineda keen interest Int coin-.
Inunity.,affairs right up until
the timer& his de,ath.
Routine by-laiiss covering
the borrowing of $150,000 and''
,for the andual Department of
Councillor Cruickshank re-
ported that the police cruiser
had' been repaired and that the
,problem had not been the fault'.
of any of the'officers driving,
the vehicle.- The difficulties
had apparently been defective
parts and should be under war-
• The councillor also stated
that eonsiderable" time has been.
spent on a study to prepare a
hys-law governing taxi service.
and a.draft copy was eivee to
each councillor for perusal un-
til the February meeting.
be necessary -Jo change
the cards in the parking meters
'which set out the houri.of park-
ing, since local merchants
have.decided to close -all -day
Monday. and stay open On,Wed-
nesday afternoons.
Reeve Kerr stated he wa,s of the
opinion that when Diagoeal
Please Turn to Page Three.
CKNX engineer to
move. to the States
-Das-rid Burgess, studio engin-
eer at CKNX radio -TV has ac-
cepted -a new pOsitiOn as super -
.visor Ot studio engineering at,
station WENH Ty, Durham. ‘s:35
The.studios for The state
educational Ty system are at
that °station which is located at
the -University of New Hamp-
Dave, his wif,e and, three
children Tab, Trina and jandy
will be miissed in 'this dernmen.
'ity where he has been ,active in
community'saffairs. He is a
pArs:president-of the Kinsmen
Club and h‘ss been president of
the local Credit Union:for three
years, an organizatiorshe
ed to establish. He is a native
,of Mitchell and a veteran of
the -Royal Canadian Navy. He
has served with the local broad. -
casting cornpany for the paF
,ten years and has also bpen 'ac-
tive with area.arnateurllradics •
the move ;gill be made
when the family can obtain all,
the necessary visas and other '
red '‘ta e has been cut.