HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-01-04, Page 6iaaWingititin Advance.Tiu et. Thursday. Ian, 4, 1068 a p usis .•. CINAWSSi��E�eAEDS FOR SALE - 'SNOWBLOWER for sale. Ph. ,357-1093. 4b FLEECE LINED OVERSHOES, allsiaes, 20% off. Dobson's Store, Wroxeter. Open Satur- day nights until 9:30. Closed Wednesday afternoons, 4b FILTERS for sale, plain, rapid flo, 6' •" •,R, 85c a .box. Alexander's Hardware, phone 357-3631. 16rrb JELLO JELLY POWDERS, 3 - oz. pkg, 10 for $1.00. Dobson's Store, Wroxeter. Closed Wed-' raesday afterfnoons.open ' Sat urday nights until 9:3.0. 4b VACUUM CLEANER. SALES.. Service on all makes. Filter Queen Sales. Zurich, ph. Hen - atilt 262-5350 collect. My26rrb MA CWEELL HOUSE Instant Coffee, 6 -oz. jar 99c. Dobson's Store, Wroaetet. .FRONT -QUARTERS, 49c lb.; • hind quarters, 69c lb.; sides of - beef, 59c lb. Al) cut, wrapped", ready for your freezer. Order yours today from Wingham Meat Market. EAVESTROUGHING ti. a n. d metal flashing, material apd labor. For free estimate• all Morrison Bros.,, at Murd e s • Hardware, Lucknow, Phone '628-2906. ° Ap20rrb • ffi ®1D -FASHIONED bread .intx, 1 pkg. makes 4. large loaves. Dobon's Store, Wroxeter. 4b SAVE ON PAINT — 10% off regular .prices on Kem. Glo Enamel. Super Kern Tone and Martin-Senour.'Your headquar- ters for Kem lines. Alexan- der's Hardware. ' rrb CLEARANCE SALE Shop floor demonstrators, sew- ing machines,vacuum clean- ers, floor polishers, typewrite' ers, all reduced. Shop now and save. Singer Co. of Canada, Goderich, Ont., ph. 357-3`130. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 2 -STOREY 7 -room 'house- for sale, large .kitchen. With built- in cupboards, : living room, dining room, 4 bedrooms, 4 pc. ' . bath, oil laeateda Owner .leav- ing town. 'Phone 3579794: - D21 -326b CARDS OF THANKS FOR SALE — +1 storey house, all modern conveniences iNithr new barn, 35'x60', suitable '!9r hogs or :poultry: r' Ideal. loca- "° tion for extra earnings or re tired couple. Fifteen minute drive from Winghatn. Apply Box. 74, Advance -Times. 4b Gibson Willouglbv • LIMITED REALTOR 100 acres on, paved county road. • 150 acres, 2% miles .from village. ' • 108 acres, good' house and barn.. •50 acres ' on ,county road. Gond house. ' ` I Broiler barn in village. Quota 14,460. Broiler barn edee,of village.. Quota 70.000-105,000, (a- thriv- ing business). 1 .Delicatessen business - in Lis£owel. FARM FOR SALE 96 acre's. 80 workable; 16 acres young hardwood busty: 7 room colonial Opp house? 11 years old, 3 -pc. bath upstairs, 2=pc, bath downstairs. Built-in cupboards. Furnace. Bank barn 40x60, in good repair. Situated on a paved county road ever - looking a large 'pond. • Spring creek on farm. Don't hesitate en this one at $16.500. CHICKEN BROILER FARM SITUATED in the village of o- Clifford. Consisting of two stories 20E0,30 'ft. Steel. covered 'fully ventilated, new wiring, large feed bin. Partial auto - Matic feeding. Price includes all equipment plus quota of 14,460 birds, 4 times yearly. PLEASE contact Mr. C. G.' Cook, .Gorrie Office -- Call Wroxtieter 285W. If you are thinking of selling your prop- ' erty please contact Mr. Cook for dependable service. • GIBSON WILLOUGHBY , LIMITED — Realtor. 4b My sincere thanks for the thoughtfulness and kindness shown to me and my family during 'our bereavement. It wag deeply appreciated.—Mrs., Clara Coulter and family, Wroxeter. The family tlf the late Rob-. ert G. 'Gibson, Wroxetr, would like to extend sincere appreciation to the nursing staff at the Wingham and Diss trict Hospital, Doctors Leahy, McGregor and McKibben and all who sent cardsand ex- - pressed sympathy. --Mrs. Rob- ert Gibson. and WIRY and 'Mrs. Rachel Gibson and '`4b fam- ily. - _ The family of the late Mrs. Wilmer 'Bridge express their sincere thanks to all their neighbors, friends and rela tives for the many messages of sympathy, flowers and the kindness alfown .them at the time of their 'bereavement. Thanks. also to the nufses and 'attendants at WinOham and' -.7 District Hospital and to those who sent cards while . Mra. Bridge was a patient InR Vic- toria Hospital, London.:, 4p ,' Thanks -to those ' who sent / flowers, cards, gifts .and visit- ed me while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hos- pital: Special thanks -to Dr. Leahy, -Rey.; G. L, Fish and. Rev. C. M. Jardine and the staff that took care of me. -- -Annie H. Kennedy. 4p I would like to thank Dr... W. A. McKibbon and Dr. Wilk- ins and, nurses in intensive care and all those who sent me gifts ands cards white I was a patient in the hospital.—Mrs. Cecil Coultes. . 4p :f wish to express, my sin- cere appreciation . to all my' relatives, friends and neigh-, bors for all the' cards, letters and gifts I received while a patient in . Oakville Hospital. Also thanks for - the kindly deeds for Fred at home. -Mar- jory Doubledee. 4b I wish to thank all (hose who sent cards, treats, flowers and visited .me while I was a patient in 'Victoria .Hospital, London. Thanks .to the doctors and 'l:henursing staff •on the third.. floor. It was all greatly, appreciated. Mrs. Orville Tif- -fin.`" 4b I •would like to express my appreciation to my.r many friends aid neighbors Who re membered me with get well cards and visits •while I was a patient • in Wingham and Dis- triet Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Wilkins. the nurses and staff on second floor, the. Bel - grave UCW and Wornen's In- stitute. 'T'heir .kind thoughts will long be remembered. ,Clarence Rath, • . • 4?, TRUCKS FOR SALE 1949 %-ton MERCURY pick-up for sale, in good condition. Ph. 357.2798. ° LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 12'PIGS for sale, 10"weeks old. Wilson' Thornton, 'Bluevale, phone Brussels 344W4. 4b PIGS FOR SALE -9 :chunks,9� weeks old. ' Contact tow Wilkinson, R.R. 5 Brussels ph. 363W7. 3 FIRST LITTER sows for sale, due 1st February, call over 350 lbs. John Rinn, 35/-3048. SALES HELP WANTED Mali ' Be a Rawleigh Dealer In part Huron County.. Good year •= around earnings. No capital necexnary, N Wr^itwi .- Rawleigh, Dept. A-453°870, 40(15 Rice- Ilett St., St. Henry, Montreal. - 4b MISCELLANEOUS 4 coming ODDFELLOWS, EUCHRE Monday, January 8, at 8:30. Everyone welcome. - ANNUAL NEW YEAR'S DANCE AND DRAW In Bluevale on Friday, Janu- ery 5th,, sponsored by the Rec- reation Association. Music by the Ranch Boys. 284b -PAI1ITING\ and. DECORATING ROBERT" E. SEARSO Phone 3574044 - Wingham BLYTH SINGER CENTRE Repairs to all makes and mo- dels of sewing machines. Warner ' Collings, ''Prop. M Phone 523.4275; Res. 523.4591 Pets L. G. BRYCE Auctloneer • We handle sales. Targe or small, anytime or anyplace. Phone 357-2339, Wingham. FLOOR SANDING AND ' FINISHING Old floors and new' - Free estimating . Paul 'Rantoul, Wingham LLOYD W. WALKER 'Custom Backhoe and ' loading and hauling service eAll types Of excavating, bury- ing stones, ditching , • Septic tanks and weeping Meds Phone ` 307.1359 R. R. 1, Wingham, Ont 4b EUCHRE ' Sacred -Heart Parish Hall, Tuesday, Jan. 9, at 8:30 p.m. Good prizes. Lunch. Everyone welcome. cge26rrb CASH BINGO Attend the cash bingo in Teeswater Town Hall on Tues- day, January 9, . commencing at 8:30 p.m. 14 games for $5 each; 3 specials for $25 each; 1 share -the -wealth; Jackpot on Specials and share -the -wealth. for -$85 on 56. numbers. Adm.' 50c; extra and special cards 7 for $1.00, Sponsored. by Tees - water Lions =Club for welfare work, ' ' 4b Events 41 r SKATING , •�" ' At Wroxeter Arena, Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday' nights from 7 to 9. Sunday' afternoons 2-4. Saturday after- noons 2-4 for children 9 yrs. of age and under only. 4b LIVING FAITH "The Year 1968 - will be the theme of Living Faith telecast this Saturday, January 6th, 6:00-6.30 p.m., on CK X -TV Ch. 8. Rev. Mr. Armstrong., of Neustadt will be the speaker. Watch for it! . 4p A SERIES OF PRENATAL CLASSES Will begin Wednesday, Janu- ary 10th., 1968, at 2:00 p.m., in the Therapy Room, deavn- stairs, tri - the •Wingham ,land District Hospital. These' Will be held° at weekly intervals- for nitre weeks. Those interested 'are invited to attend on .,the above 'date or write to the Health Unit, Goderich. 28-4b • BIRTHS STRONG — ,In Wingham and District Hospital, on Tiles- day, January 2, 1968, to Mr. and Mrs. John Strong Wingham, • a ,daughter.. •• TENDERS WANTED . TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be received by the undersigned until - 5 . p.m., January 8th, for the purchase • of the Town ' of Wingham works'department shed on Al /bent. Street. Lo st or any tender not necessarily .accept- ed. William Clerk: Renwick, Town / 26-4b • WANTED WANTED ;— Guns and n�''111es, old clocks .and gramophones. Cameron's Billiards. 4eowb- 'WANTED TO RENT —1 (Quiet 'business couple and eight -yr: old'•d;aughter require small home or 2 bedroom apartment in Wingham immediately. Ex- cellent references. Ph. 357- 3840, evgs. 357-i117. FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm- Liability, Accident and .Sickness Home Protection • Call your Co -Op Agent.- LLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 •Map1,e Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739 SEI GEORGE': BROOKS at Stratford Cemetery Memorials Ltd. •' for Memorials of Distinction Lowest prices in the area ° 311 Avondale Arlene 1. Stratford Phone 271.6736 Collect IN MEMORIAM . GOWDY - In loving memory. of a dear husband,. Roy Gow- °, dy, who . passed away one year ago, January 4, .1967: Asleep in God's, beautiful garden - - ° Free from all sgrrow• and pain, sand when our i life's journey a is ended, ..We know we shall ^meet him again. •--Lovingly . remembered and • sadly missed by his wife. 4p beadStotk Removal HIGHEST CASH PRICES .paid .for fresh dead, disabled cows and • horses. over BOO ,pounds. �Ib. weighing" For the most prompt and courteous servlci . in this dis- tract PLEASE CALL COLLECT MARLATT • BROS. Phone 133 • Brussels, Ont. 24hour service -7 days a Weak ' License No. 390 -C -6;i ,p ,, a. SNOW NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO -CREDITORS AND OTHERS , • IN THE MArrrat_ OF THE. ESTATE OF TADEUSZ, MOS- ZKOWSKI, late of the Town of •Wingham in the -County of Huron,. Base Manager, Deceas- ed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant' to. tie., Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Es- tate of the .late Tadeusz Mos-* . zkowski are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified; to J. T. GOOD - ALL, Solicitor. for the :Execu- trix of. the said Estate, on or before ' the 20th' day. of Janu- ary, A.D. 1968, and that after,. such date the Executrix will 'proceed to distribute %.the. As- sets of the said Estate, having regard only. to, the claims, of which she. shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham,' On- tario, this 16th day of Decem- •ber, A.D. 1967. . J. T. GOODALL,. Box 119, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executrix: 21-28-4b 1 Robef Gibson� was lifelong Wroxeter resident Robert George Gibson; well- known Wroxeter resident, died on Saturday at the Winghaiin and District Hosf after a short illness. °He was in his ' 64th year. - Mr. Gibson `was born in Wroxeter, a ,son of the late John Gibson and Rachel Willis Gibson. His mother recently celebrated her 90th birthday. His father died in 1938. Mr. Gibson received his • education in Wroxeter and later became' a sawmiller;.. a,trade which he c arried.,on throughout his •life,'at the Wroxeter saw- mill. On July 2, 1927, he was, rn.a •ried at 'Bowling Green, Ohio, to the former Johanna Ewald, whb survives. DEATHS CASEMORE, George Good- fellow, 84, ofr Turnberry Town- ship, Tuesday, Wingham and District Hospital.. Survivors: son, Harold, Turnberry Town- ship; , daughter, Mrs. ' Frank .(Nettie) Ross,' Turnberry Town- ship.Service, 2 p.m., Thursday, R. . Currie & Son funeral home, Wingham.._. Wingham Cemetery. ' Full obituary next week. GIBBONS, Miss Mary Mar-. garet, 69 Beattie Ave., .London, - -Sunday, St. -Joseph's Hospital, . London. Survivors: rothers, ' Joseph, London; Re . John [- 'Gibbons, Strathmore, Alta.; ' James, Wingham; • sisters, Mrs.- Joseph rs.Joseph ' (Agnes) O'Hagan; Mrs; Maurice (Angela). O'Hagan, • both Jamestown,...N.Y.; Rey. Sister 10I.'Iranita, CSJ, London. Mass, 10 a.rn., Tuesday, St. Patrick's Church, London. Sa- cred Heart Cemetery, Wing - ham. • RITCHIE, Mrs. Leslie, 76, of Lucknow •Sunday, at Lucknow: ..Former Alinn Deneda Sher- wood. Survivors: husband; son, Alvin,. Sarnia; brothers; James Sherwood, Goderich; derich; Charles . • Sherwood, Detroit, Mich.; 'Carl Sherwood, Carlow; . sistl t s, Mrs. James (Ida) Barber. -Jaen- don;. Mrs. '!'Andrew ` (Tillie), Gaunt. West. Wawanosh Town- -ship. own-"ship: Service. 2" p.m °• .Tuesday, MacKenzie' Memorial •Chapel, Lucknow. Temporary entomb- ment South Kinloss 1Vlauso---' leum.. SCOTT,- Robert Purdom, 86; Teeawater, Monday, Wingham ° and District Hospital: Survi- vors: Wife, former : Annie Grant; daughters; Mrs. M. A. (Lorrine) Mclionald; • Fort Lau- derdale, Fla.; Mrs. Harold (Margaret) Brown, Kitchener; son, Arnold, Culross- . Town-, ship.' Service, 2 p.ni., - Thurs- day, MacPherson - funeral home, - Teeswater. Teeswater Cemetery. " r!> , NOTICE TO CREDITORS iN THE ESTATE 'Or FRANK' - - 'SELLERS. ' ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on the 27th day of November, -1967, •are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or ,before the 6th' day of January, 1968. After that date the Exec<f; , trix will proceed to .distribute the, Estate having regard only to the claims of, which:- she shall then have had notice. DATED, at • Wingham, this 14th day o' December, 1967. CRAWPORD,�SHEPHERD and ° . MILL, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. - 21-284b JIM'S nazi Local and Long -Distance PH. 357.3680 ;.. WINGHAM JIM NIETTERFIELwD 025rrb ° a -a. He was a member of the Wroxeter United Church;"and• an ardent Mason, holding member, ship in Forest Lodge No 162, Wroxeter; Lebanon 'Chapter, .R. A. M. , Wingham;) St. Elmo Preceptory,Stratford; Mocha Temple, London and the Mocha Provost Corps and the Pal Mocha Shrine ebb,' Pal-• merston. - . Surviving, besides his wife and mother are three sons and a daughter,, Robert dibson of ^ ° Brantford; John, Wroxeter; William, Australia and Miss Daisy Gibson, Waterloo; five brothers and fear sisters: Sher - - riff Gibson, Florida; John, ' Anderson, Arthur, ard William of -W roxeter; Mrs. Wilfred (Mary) Meths-, Kippen; Mrs. 'Leonard (Isabel) Siefert, Tor- onto; Mrs. Thomas (Agnes) . Burke, Wro-keter; and Mrs. JohnaMargaref) Barnard,' Nairn. There -are Jive grandchildren.• Service was conduct edat the Moir funeral home in Gor- -fie ,on Monday at 2 p. m, with, interment in the Wroxeter Cemetery.. 'Rev. Ronald'Sween- ey of Wroxeter,United Church_ was in charge. • The pallbear- ers were Jack'McLean, Mac Sanderson., Mac Wy4lie, Ken McMichael, • Rae Louttit and., Jim Wylie._ Aylmer,,—Aylmer, 65th year, Wingham, St.' Jose'phi Hospital, London, Tuesday, . January 2nd'.-, Service, 2 p.m., Friday, Jan. 5th, S. J. Walker funeral home. Wingham Cem- etery. Full obituary next week. Morns native, .. Alexander Kerr dies in :West Alexander Kerr, 76, of St. Anthony's Nursing Horne and formerly of the Tuxford District in Saskatchewan, died Monday, December 18. Mr. Kerr was born and raised on the farm now owned by Jacl< Wicakstead, R. R. 5, Brussels, the third concession • of Morris. _He went td the Tux - ford district in 1916 where he farmed uptil his retirement in 1962.. He was a former member of the 1.0.0.F. lodge. and a member of Tuxford United Church. Predeceased by\his parents, and two'sisters, Mrs. Mary Knox of Moose Jaw and Mrs. . Janet' Scott, of Toronto, he is survived -by one brother, Hugh Kerr of Tuxford district, one niece, Mrs. A. B. (Ruth) W'iste, Moose Jaw, two nephews, Align Kerr of E flnonton, "and Kenneth 'Scott,- Torenio. Funeral service was held December 21st. Rev. Lovell • Hubbard, Minister of Tuxford • United Church officiated. - BELGRAVE Mr. and Mrs, James Coul ter and family. of Goderich and Miss Mae Coulter of Aylmer had New Year's with Mr. and Mrs., Clifton Walsh and family. The Rev. Hugh and Mrs. Wilson called on Belgrave -friends last Friday afternoon. It Belgrave Personal V4�tes Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Ed- gar .and family of Clinton.. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johgaston. Mr. and Mrs, Edward Daer, Mr. and Mrs,- ,poa1d Craig and family of Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse' of Belgrave, Mt, and Mrs: Arthur H. Edgar and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Orvis of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Edgar and 1arni1' were with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Edgar and family for Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Walsh and4amily spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. James Coulter and family of Goderich. • Mr. Ross Wightman of Guelph and Miss Apn Wightman- of Toronto are spending a few . days with Mr. Edgar Wightman. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ander- son and fancily and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Shaw and family of .London -spent Christmas .win Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson. Mr., and Mrs.„ Cecil Arm - "song and Kenneth of Thorn; dale, Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Armstrong, Gail and David of ',London, Mr.. and Mrs. Jack Armstrong of Hamilton, Mr. and -Mrs. Harold Robert& and Mrs. Hilda. Roberts of Listowel, Mr., and Mrs. Robert Grasby, Mary, Donna andaa:/fr. 'Gary . Leich of Arva were Christmas guests of Mrs. Dave' Armstrong. ' 'Master Murray Rinn is spend-' ing his Christmas holidays with ti• Mr. and Mrs. -Norman Cart- wright art-wright of Londesboro. Miss Mae Coulter of . Ayl- • mer called on 'Mr., and Mrs. ' Lewis Stonehouse last Wednes- day. Mrs. Norman.Cartwright is ' - a patient. in Clinton Hospital during Christmas holidays. • Holiday? visitors with Mrs. Harry Rinn were Mr. and` Mrs,, s, •Elory ;Kuntz and Kimberley of Elmira, Mrs; Keith Cartwright , Mr. Norman- Cartwright and John,of Londesbero . Mr, John Wightman of Tor- -- onto visited Sund'ay-, afternoon with ;Mr,, Edgar, Wightrnan. e,. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Camp- bell of Kincardine,: Miss -Mar- lene Walsh, 'of W aterlgo,a.Miss Ann Wightman of Toronto, Mr. Ross Wightinan. 'of Guelph, Miss Barbara Ferguson of Ger- - rte, .and --Mr. Edgar Wightman of Belgrave spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. James Walsh. Mr and Mrs. John MacMi1- • liam and family of Listowel spent ,New leaf .s ,with Mr. and Mrs: Mac Scott. Mr, and _Mrs. Russel Walker of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Marry I4eGiiire and Mr. and ,Mrs. Robert Coultes had New 'Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse. Mr, Murray Vincent had his tonsils out on Monday in the Wingham and pistrlet•-li?spltala Mr. and Mrs. Lyle S`ratith of Sault Ste. Marie spent the hol- idays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Charles Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and.i)riargery,, Mr. Gordon Mc- Dowell and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Smith sent New Year's with ` Mr. and Mrs.;John,Gear of tscsigape:Trillut1111.41,1101.10,...7.1.104 w/NOrt ”1111110.$4111111;• • .4M, .41111111.•14•11111.••••/01/ 411 iack,:Akxander • AUCTIONEER. and Appraiser We handle Town and Farm Sales 1.! ��' Phone 357.3631 - Wingham . 1 UCTION S Waterloo. ' New Year's visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Coultes and, family were Mr. and Mrs. .James Cook and Susan, Mr. Kenneth Davies of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Babensee of Waterloo. • . Mrs. J. M. Coultes spent Chrl trnas. with Mt. an , t, P. A. lackett of R. R.3, Luck* not and had New Year s with Mr.,' and Mrs. I•low ard Walker, R. R.3, Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Faro, Tier and family of Long pranch. and Mr. and Mrs: Thomas Pleteh and family were holiday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Nel- son lli.ggins. DEDICATE GIDEON B I D L E S AS A CONTINUING MEMORIAL May Ylobe cal fu era tdirectorYaur LetUs SHOW YouHow With a Milk Keith MCL.aughlin . Josephine `St:, Phone 3574472 - W`INGHAM gueItfj graphic arts WINGHA . — LETTERHEADS - BROCHURES COLOR CONSULTING SILK'.SCREENS BANNERS - SHOW CARDS 'SIGNS Everything performer with QUALITY in mindl 357-3811 • m AT THE . . ROYAL "T" DANCE HALL. Located on No. 4 Highway, '/4 -mile north of . WINGHAM, ONTARIO k.. SATURDAY. Af ternaon, -JAN: 6,-105 p.rn. sharp REPOSSESSIONS. -BANKRUPT STOCKS Marty( Many Personal Consignments -consisting of APPLIANCES - FURNITURE TELEVISION - CLOTHING FURNITURE --A 2apiece Dayenport Suite that folds out to`•a full % size bed with nylon cover and' swivel rocker; a 2 -piece French Provincial Chesterfield Set covered in a top grade nylon .cover; 3 other assorted Chesterfield Sets with foam-cushions;2 0 -piece Coppertone or Chrome Kitchen -Dinette ' Sets consisting of 8 chairs and a 72" table; 2.7 -piece Sets consisting of 6 chairs and a . 60" table with ` an inlaid stop; 1 5 -piece .Deluxe Coppertone Dinette Suite; 3 Bookcase Bedroom Suites complete with bed, dresser, chest of,drawers and a matching Box Spring and Mat- tress with each set; 2 sets of Lamps consisting of a Trillgght and 2 Table Lampsto eachset; 1 set of Solid Step and Coffee. Tables in an arborite finish -other Step and Coffee Tables; 2 - 39" Continental Beds.complete complete With . headboard and legs; 1 54" Continental Bed complete; 4 full size 54". 'Spring Filled Mattresses; 2 Hostess Chairs; Pldtf orm Rocker; 9412 . Rug; Hi - Chair; Telephone 'Table; Kitchen Step Stool; Chrome Rocker. APPLIANCES and TV—A large Refrigerator with-ay.full cross - top freezer; 2 Electric Ranges, one -being a deluxe model; a Long -skirt Washer with pump; Automatic Washer and Dryer -- matching, pair; Combination Radio Record Player, and last of all, 4 different Television Sets,. 21" models that have all been checked over and are - in Al- : working' condition. All the ap• pliances in this sale are guaranteed to be in Alrworking con- . Clition . when you hook them up at your home„ WINTER CLOTHING'for the ENTIRE FAMILY—Large selectibn of 'Winter Clothing has just • been received `for auction from one of the largest clothing wholesalers in Canada. This lot consists of MEN'S CLOTHING --Socks, Underwear, tea, Sweat- ers, Dress Shirts, Sport Shirts, Pyjamas. T•Shirta, Work Socks, Work Shirts. For the LADIES and TEENS -Skirts, Blouses, Nylons, . Cardigans, , Pullovers, Slims, Jackets, Dresses, Socks, Pyjarnas. BOYS - GIRLS'. BABIES—Jeans, Sweaters, Shirts, Blouses, Socks, Jackets, Pants, Sleepers, House Coats. Crawler Sets, T -Shirts, Jumpers, Skirts Dresses, Sweater 'Sets, Girls' 3 -Piece Sets, Sleep arid Play Sets. 3 -Piece Velvet Suits, Coat and Hat Sets, and many other items too numerous to Mention. DON'T MISS THIS OUTSTANDING SALEI .... :,R . Auctlone.r -Leo. Bird Clerk -Lloyd Tanner Operated by ... FOREST CITY DISTRIBUTORS Terms Cash •8arl��x Accepted cc ed on Furniture ° )':' r"'83• ' REPAIRED AND' REWOUNDr ,• ►•� ¢ 'A complete stock of motors 'from an eighth 'Ib -a five h:p. model. • • Phone • 11 R 1 FORDWICH Ont. AUTHORIZED SALES'& SERVICE DEPOT Wagner - Leland, Franklin • • N9eowtf . do ° a ture \ALUE ma Pc.. SAVE 00-tt .. $69,00 ,SUITE 4/6 Book Case Bed • Double Dresser • Chest Drawers • 4/6 Multi Quilt Mattress •Matching Box Spring Terms: $3.19 WEEKLY NOW ONLY x249.0° CURRIE'S WEEKEND SPECIAL •4/6 MULTI QUILT MATTRESS • MATCHING BOX SPRING ONLY ® 4 $991® A FURN TORE 2 4 •