The Exeter Times, 1888-9-20, Page 1eeessewee wereereteeressoweeeeseareenrseneer PRACTCAL Watch -Maker & Jeweller. Fon the Finest Stook' and OheitpeSt GeOda to he found in Ontario call on CReichertbach aVateb ,inalt , & Optician.ft. 3fine Assort f Terwaro. no I all k i n de -satisfactu r or, ,Teiv'eller Parkhill. A inent of Sil- Pairing of promntlY & ilY done. No work sent to -, .,-ho 'ut all bexe own eetablishment, -vision. Spectacles of alt At rial cities, .- , cutod in his under his personal super- sizes to suit all sights $ 0110ite (.1 • . C. BTIBN BliOBAIn, . - . . , . . ..., LEGAL . 1 !NH. DIOKSOIN, Barrister, Soli. i e e . after ef Supreme Court ,NotaryPublie i :loriveyaneei Comm isdioner , &O. Money to Loan. Odle° in Fanson's Mock, Exeter , - H. COLLINS, I id. B arristerI SolicitorI C onveyancer EtcI ., lb X.LITEE, - ONT. 4Dffrireq.amwe11's131ock 11 all's old office.) -- ARmouR W, FORD, Solicitor in the Supreme Court of Ontario, Conveyaneer,Commissioneri&e., &c. Special. attention given lio the colleotion of eilaims in 1 ihe United States: Patent; premixed), money to loan atlowest rates. °dice: Opeta, ;House Block, St.Marys, Ont. VLLIOT &ELLIOT, -I-LA larristers, Solicitors, Notaries PbliQ, Conveyancers &c, &o• t3raloney to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. OFFICE, - MAIN - STREET, EXETER. L V. vernox. J. nx,LIOT. • JJENT Ai. 11 L. BILLINGS, • mmiv-TxsT, 0 IF PIC 1E : over 07.1rELVS Hanle Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. ja KINSMAN ,DENTISTai.D.S Santwell's Block, Main-st.,Exeter,":,.` Extracts Teeth withoutpain, by giving Vegetable Vapor. Goid ic• Pilings and-- all other dental , work the best possible. Goes 4 • W. to ZURIon on last Thursdayin ,,. _ .... each anent h t, • MEDICAL 0 LUTZ, D. M. , ‘,..1 . oincieat hiereeidence Exeter T BROWNING M. D., IA. 0 CY • P. i ,GraduatoVictoriaDniversity.0ifice 4ndiresidence,DominionLaboratory, Exe ter R. RYNDMAN, coroner for the ill County of Huron. Oce, opposite Mr. . Carling's store,Exeter. •TVt. 3. A. ROLLIN b, M.O. P. S -11-, 0. Oftioe, Alain Ei...Exeter,Ont.Besiden e nous or ecently occupied by P. lasq. AUCTIONDEES. ENRY EILBER, Licensed Auc- tioneer for Flay,§tophert, and MeGilli- 7ravTownship5: Wee a onducted at moderate sates. 0 ince-At Poe t-oiliae ,Orediton , Ont. TOTIN GILL, Auctioneer for the PJ Townships of Stephen, Efay and Usborne end the Village of Exeter. All sales pronantly attended, non satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged lit this office. VETERINARY AND HURON & MIDDLESEX iAZ1TPL. "'HEW TO TEE LINE,, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." OL. XVI. NO., 4. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPT. 20bh 1888. Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY SURGEONS, -- Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College. OFF= One �oor South of Town Hall. Market Square eneral, Store - The undersigned would inform the pub- ic that be has just received his PRING STOCK -11NOLUDING-a- ful1 line of Dry -Goods, Hats & Caps, and Crockery, Boots and Shires. Those wishing anytbing in my line will ncl it to their advantage to oall and in pect my geode and prices. ighest prices paid for BUt- ter and Eggs and all • kinds of produce. J. P. Ross. •To Let. STATION HOTEL TO LET. Easy Terms. Apply to the undersigned. June 14.- • I. CARLING. MONEY TO ,LOAN. ATONE/. TO LOAN AT 6 AND 61 - per cent, 825,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L. II. DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE . For Sale. Threefirst-elass farms -100 acres each -Lon. don Road, within one mile of Exeter. Apply to ELLIOT &ELLIOT. Solicitors, Sto., Exeter. For Sale. A. good farm for sale on easy terms lot 82 con 2, township of Usborne, 100 scree, gcod buildings and fences, wellunderdirsined convenient to churches and school. Apply to Elliot Bs Elliot,barristers, or John T rick, Exeter. ffill'E WATERLOO MUTUAL _s... FIRE IN SIMIAN 0E00. •••••••••••• rpo the Deaf. -A person cured ot Deafness andnoiscs in the head of 23 years standing.bY a vimple remedy. Will send a description of it rann to any one applying to Nraotsort,30 St.John-St.,Montreal. To Rent,' One Alundreil aeres in 9th eon., 131anshard, excellent soil, and in good cultivation. dry rolling land, well watered by spring creek. Large barns and comfortable house. • 13 acres summerfallow. Liberal terms to good. tenant. Apply to ROBERT BONIS St. Maryy P.O. Established in .3163. ,I1EAD OFFICE - WATERLOO, ONT. This conaT.anv has been over Eighteen yeare inammessful operation iu Weetern On- ta,rio,ancloontinues to insure againstloss or damage by Pire,13uilclings,Merchat dise,k4an- mfactories,and e.3.1 othectleseriptiot soflinsur- able property. futending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Noto or ealh System During the past ten years this Company has issued 57,006 Policies. covenin g property to thettinount of 040,372,088 ; and paid inloss- s a ione $ 700,752,00 AssetS, 4476,100.00, consisting o f Cash dank, Go venni-lent D o sit ,thn d the uneas- e seed Premium No toe on han dant' in force. , Atipxnq INT E. Pr eside t. . 10. TAyLon, Secretary. J.L' lineiniss,Inspeotor. CHAS. NELL Agontror Exeter and vicinitst. ugumaniumegnmemurriorworsowsus• The Great English Prescription. • A successful Medicine used over 80 years in tlsouSands of cases. Cures Sperniatorrhea, Nervous 'Weakness, Emissions, Impotency and all diseases canted by Abuse. frizaront] indiscretion, Or over-exertion. (amen] Six packages Guoranteed to eurewhen all others Fail. Ask your Druggist for The Greet English Prase:06.m, take no substitute. One package Si. SIX $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet, Addtees lisatneka Chemical Co.. Detroit. allohe s • Cli1NTRAL arber Shop Well Digging. ........m...sominswousvanewaramenstr • TOMO THE COUNTRY. By Our ()win Cori.expondents, • Znrich. Fair. The first Agricultural show in this local- ity this season vas held at ZUrieh On Thursday mut Friday last under the axle - pins of the Hay Branch Society. As penal notwithstanding the ditto being early, the success of the Society was equal to former years. In all departments the °lessee were well tiled and the exhibits of a high order, displaying in a marked degree the enterprise and tastes of the citizens of Zurich and surrounding country. The weather was pleasant, tbe attendance large and everything considered, the Directorate have good reason to compliment themselves upon the •unprecedented eumess of this year's fair. Following is a list of the sue. cesful Prize winners. The undersigned 'wishes to inform the pub- lic that he is now engaged in well digging. ' JOHN warterB & Sools Pobiisher sarsdProprietors .M•1116011101111111111•71•11161111.111,101141101 Honsns.-Draught-Mare with foal at aide, foal not judged with mare, 3. Load - mats, S. Sulfite, D. McKinnon; Foal, 3. Loadman, D. MoKinnon, S. Smilie ; Year- ling colt, Thos. Woodley, F. Taylor ; one year old gelding, R McAllister; two year old filly, 'J. Sparrow R. MoMurdie, A. MoMurdie ; Span of horses in harness and wagon, F. Coleman, J. Rennie, A Gei- ger. Agrioultural.-Brood mare with foal at side, foal not jnclged with mare, R. Mc- Laren, jr., A. MoEwen, 3. Munro; Foal, B. Collins, R McLaren, jr., F. Taylor ; Year- ling oolt, A. Sparks, Love Bros. ; two year old gelding, W D McLean; one year Sold filly, T Caldwell, 3 McGregor, Wm Thursk; two year old filly, P Munn, A Buchanan ; epan in harness, 13 Crawford, G Ross, la Bauer. General Purpose. -Brood mare with foal foal not judged with mare, R Mc Allister, H. Bauer; foal A Geiger, Jhfulhol- lancl, liMoAllister; yearling colt, J D Bali, R McAllister year old gelding A Monteith, -----, A Monteith; two year old gelding, Lo ve Bros., Jno Schnell P Donates ; two year old filly, R 'Kettle, J Cooper, J Frayne ; span of horses in har- nem and waggon, J MoKealey, J McGreg- or, A Sparks, jr. Oarriage.-Brood mare with foal, foal not judged with mare, Thies, Ballantyne, EC MoTaggart, A Buchanan ; foal,Jas Hodgins. W Dickson, 3 Sport; yearling colt, W D McLean, 3 Mackay & Sons, A Spark; year old gelding, A Bu- chanan Geo Shellery ; two year old geld- ing, W Dickson, Thos Woodley, 3 Vidour ; one year old filly, J Sanders; two year old filly, W D McLean, A Ingram, A Buchan- an; span of horses in harness and carriage White & Efawkshaw, Thos .Bissett; buggy horse in harness and buggy, A J Haray, T Bissett, J Sparrow, CATTLE. - Thorbughbred Durham - Mich cow in milk or in ottlf,Elcott Bros., lat and 2ud, 11 13appel ; two year old heif- er, H & W D Smith, H Happel; yearling heifer, Btpott Bros., J Reader, Eloott Bros; heifer calf, H Happel, 3 Roeder 2nd & 3rd; bull calf, H & W D Smith, W Trumbull, J MoAltistee.--Other thanithoroughbred Dur- ham. -Milch cow, J Hedging, J &warns, 0 hillier; heifer calf, A Ingram lat and 2nd, Hudson; yearling heifer, D Stemma El- cott Bros. 2nd and 3rd ; two year old heif- er, A Ingram, J Voelker, A Ingram ; two year old steer, R McArthur, U Happel 2nd and 3rd ; one year old steer, AIngram, 311. ecu Bros. 2nd and 3rd , fat eow or heifer, Eloott Bros. ; fat ox or steer, 11. Happel let 2nd and third. • Si:ranee-Lone Wool -Ram lamb, Geo. Penbale, let and 2n4 ; pair ewes having raised lambs in 1888. Geo Penhale 1st and 2nd ; pair yearling ewes, Geo Penbale ; pair ewe lambs, Geo Penhale lat and 2nd. Fine wool -Aged ram, J. Coopers W Coop- er ; yearling ram, Jno Duncan W Coop- er I ram lamb, Oooper let and 2nd ; pair ewes having raised lambs in 1888, 3 Coop- er, J Daman ; pair yearling ewes, J Dun- can, J Cooper; pair ewe Iambs, J Cooper, W Cooper; pair fat sheep, W Cooper, Geo Penbale. Perm -Large Breecia-Aged boar, 3 Tro. yer. Berksbire-11 Delbridge, al & W D Smith ; aged sow, P Koehler ; spring hoar 11 Deibridge lat & and. HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS. -- Collection of apples, E Gies, A Kaercher, A Lemon ; piste of 4 named varieties fall apples, J Suratus,E Gies, A. Kee:Tiler ; prate four named varietiee winter apples, Jos Wild, Surarus, D Stumm ; plate of 5 northern spies, N Deichart, A Kaerther ; plate of 5 Baldwius J Mellick, A. KaercLer ; plate of Spitzenburg, Jos Wild, I) auroras ; plate ot 5 Newton pippins, Jos Wild, A Kaercher ; plate of 5 ;mow apples, 11 Koeh- ler, jr, P Koehler ; collection of russet ap- ples, J 13rown, II Wu= ; elate at 5 Can- ada red apples 3 Surarus, A Kaerchor ; plate of 6 Ribston pippin apples, A Karcher Surarus • plata of 5 fall pears, 8 Martin, D Sacb ; collection of pears, J Koehler, A McEwen ; plate of 12 peaches, H Ortwein, G Ruby : plate of 5 golden russets, H Bauer, J Snell ; Plate of 6 bunchee of grapes. R Much, J Ruby ; best colleetion grapes, a Dihler ; plate of 12 minas D , pounds, D MoEwen, Wurm. ErrhAS,--Twine work j Valour ; work- ed slipper 011 cloth, H 0 Faust ; cone work H 0 Faust; ;mach holder, 14 0 Faust ; fancy fan, 5 Booker; wreath on cotton, Pt Wagner ; darned net, Wm Parsons ; crochet work, J Cooper ; watch pocket, E Jaossenberry ; darned net pillow shams, E Bossenberry ; Berlin wool work, A .fohn- ston • pin cushion, Geo Shelby; lamp mat • R iVagner ; crass: werk cushion, Wm Pareons ; ric Teo shirt, E Bonsenberry ; Berlin wool evotk on velvet, Dr tuebanan ; Japanese Lim A Doan ; cauvae tidy, J & D Monier ,• sett buffalo harneae, A Doan ; wool ball tidy, 8 Beaker; orazy quilt, Dr Buchanan ; knitted lace, Geo /CI:mit • tiat bozy, Johnston ; otoohet laeo, A Doan ; erochot bib, S Becker ; table mat mullion, Geo Shelby ; Berlin on felt, D Bell ; Mott- les( cloth, S Booker ; tnotto pillow sham 5 Becker camp stool, la Boomnberry ; cone bracket, II Wurm; Berlin Wool wreath on wire, II Cook. Be will dig, brick up and bore 25 feet for 815; 25 cents raise on every additional ten feet. Atrial solicited. THOS. SbIALE. Elimville P. 0. For Sale. Brick residence and two lots on Gidley-at. Good house containing seven rooms,two halls, ki tehen, pantry, wash room and cellar. Also a good stable, and fruits in tho garden. The Property be sold cheap as the proprietor is giving up house -keeping. Apply on the premises. PANSON'S BLOCK, A. Hastings, Pro p, Sheeting end- Hair tting in the latest etyles of the art. Every attentien paid to eutting Ladie.s ana Children's Hair. swrrclins mapti t,t04 (AMER RICHARD HANDFORDasn LONDON, ONT. The OPENING of the Forest City Business College on Sep t. 3. Was 25 PER CENT. IN AD- VANCE of any previous year. FACULTY has been Strengthened, and Seating Capacity in- creased to accommodate 150 students. ADDRESS: WESTERVELT 'roux. -THE- Nfaiii or:a clover seed, D Surarus, D Bell. A. Ingrain; helf-husael timothy seed, A. -Ingram, A Birk J Hagan. Isaowees.--13oquet of out flowers, J Ruby A Molinven. Demurer/0 MANUFACTURES, -Ten yards of fulled °lona Geo Knott, A Johnston ; ten yards setinette, A Johnston ; ten yards of homeonado flannel, white allwool, A. John- stou ; ten yards home-made Rennet, white, cotton and wool, A Johnston ; ten yards home-made flannel, colored, cotton and wool, A Lemon, A Buohanan ; pair bleu- ket, 3 Cooper, Geo Knott ; pair meu's Bannoral shoes, peggcd, F libier: pair man's dress ,shoes orgaiters, sown by band, F Kibler : pair ladies' oalf shoes, sewed ow pegged, Is Kibler ; one pound home-made white woollen yarn, G Nicholson, A John- ston. The subscriber would resneetfully announce to the public that he has now on hand a largo stock of the various kinds of wooden pumps : and tha,t he has added facilities, by which he can supply ordered work on the very shortest notice. — 1115 PUMPS Alta Irma. Ann rAvonintx KNOWN, AND REQUIRE No LAUDING BERN. Well -digging for fifty cents it foot for 30 feet, 25 cents for every extra ten feet. A eall solieited. GEO. CIJDNORE, Exeter, July.1888. Huron Street. SE HE INTERCOLONIAL L OF CANADA, The direct rent° between the west and .11 pointe ou the low,er St. Lawrence and Tillie de Chalour, Province of Quebec, also for New Brunswick, Nova Sebtia, Prince Edward and Cape Breton Islande, Newfoundland and St. Pierre. All the popular suninaer sea ,bathing and. it skiing resorts are along this line. NeW. and elegant litifet Sleeping and Day Cars viin on through Exprese trains. be- tween Montreal, Hrilifax and St. John. Canadian European Mali: and PatSseriger R011te • PaesengersforiGreat Britain or4he Conti: tient by leaving Montreal bit Thureday, ioin outward Mail stentner nt Eirimuski the Ramo evenin g, The attention of shippere is directed to • GARDEN VEGETABLES. -One half-busLiel rose potatoes, J Schlueter, J Swami, .A. Geiger; one half -bushel white elephant po- tatoes'H Faust, Voelker ; half bushel any other variety, J Troyer, A Geiger, Gee Shelby; peck white beans, Jos Wild, A Mo. liwea; twelve ears yellow corn, J. Ruby, A Geiger ; six ears street corn, A Karcher, J Melia ; twelve ears white corn, H (Jook, 11 O'Brian; Welles large rod onions, H Cook, Troyer ; twelve large white onions H Cook, R O'Brien:a twelve red field Oar - TOW, H Cook, Wm Pars0118 ; nix red gar- den carrots & Cook, Wm Parsons: twelve Swedish turnips, Jos Wild, H Steinbach ; six yellow, globe mangolds, A Johnston. H Wurtz '• six long red mangolds, &leech, A Wurtz ; any variety mangolcle, P Kohler; pumpkin, II Faust, .11 Warm ; squash, J Voelker, A Johnston ; three antler melons, H Ortwein, 3 Ruby; three musk melons, H Ortwein, 3 Ruby; three, heads Oxford cabbage; F Kibler, J Ruby; three heads of drumhead cabbage, JBuby, N Deithert ; six blood beets, J Troyer ; eix rooted beets, A ,Tohnston J. Ruby ; peek tomatoes, A ahnston, 3 afelliek ; citrons, R Boll, A Johnston ; six black Spanish radishes, P Koehler, 3 Sums; six white radiates, A Jelimaton. M Gardner; two heads cauli- flowers, M Gardner, A Lemon. • Lamas' Wone..-Croobet quilt, 3.! Ruby, A Johnston; crewel work, Wm Bell, J & D Horner; tufted quilt, Wm Bell, A John- ston; knitted quilt, Geo Knott, Wm Par- sons ; Berlin wool wreath, Geo Knott, 0 11 Wagner; log cabin quilt, Geo Knott, Jag Coxworth ; patehed quilt, Wm Bell, Geo Knott ; quilt sewed ori ground work, Wm Parsons; home made coverlet, D McEwen J & D Merner ; home made inat, 3 Cox - worth, Geo Knott; five yards home made rag carpet, Geo Knott, J Ruby; painting on velvet, Geo Knott, J & D Merrier; Ber- • lin wool work, Jag Comeorth, A Johnston ; Berlin wool pillow cushion, 3 & D• Merner, Geo Knott; crochet work', A jehnston, G Knott hair wreath, D MoEwen, P Koeh- ler ; wreath of feathers, Geo Knott, L Le- mon ; braiding on wreath, A-Jolanston ; braiding on cotton, D MeEwen, G Knott; braiding on dress, A Johnston; card board work, Geo Shelby, Geo Knott: sofa cushion Geo Knott, D Bell ; chenille work, .A. John- ston; straw bracke; H 0 Faust; cousin toil- et A Johnston, Geo Knott; lamp mat, G, • Knott, B Bossenberry ; shell:work, G Knott A IVIcElwen ; chemise, J & D Merrier; col- lection of buttons, D Foss, J Melliok ; gent's dress shirt, D McEwen, A johnstan; tatting, D Mayen Geo Knott; pair , wool stockings, geo Knott, A Johnston ; knit- ted sooks, wool, Geo Knott, A Johnston ; knitted straw for hats, II Cook, A John- ston; are,sene tvork, J & D Merner, Geo Kuott ; ease stuffed birds, F Else, J W Ort- wein. tbo superior facilities offered by this route for transport oh flour and general morel:Ian. dine intended ter the Eastern Provinces and Newfoundland,. also for alaipinentis of grain and produce intended for the European market. Tickets maybe obtained arid all infOrmit-, tion about the route, freight aud paeeengor rates on applieetion to BOB filltT B istOoDIE , Western Freight & PaSsetiger Agent 931toonintiotthe Blookaaofk eft. Toronbo D. POT/At/0E11, Chief 6uperlietendent. riallwer °Moo. afonoton, 11,Meroli • Hensall. Binsrsas-Dr. MoDiarrnid, our obliging M. D. had refilled the interior of hie Drug Store, which adder greatly to its former ap- pearance, aed having engaged it druggiet mu new oblige any one at any time in his liue.-The new Store House will ere long be completed. • This is the third one in the same place.e-A large number went to Z,uriath fair and all say it was sa kood one. -s'Quite it nuneber are attending the fair 'at Toronto. -Mrs, Elder ana Mies Clarke, of Wingham, were the guests, of Mrs. R. Coad. ---Large shipments of Salt, Inge, but. ter and apples are being made this week. -W. Hedging, our enterprising hotel -keep- er won the "Flee at Father Kellfes pio- nic.--Several trials were held in Hedging' Hall thie week by magistrates Buchanen and Smilie. One defendant, who threw a tum- bler at another and straok -plaintiff, was fined $25. Dashwood. Magma -Mrs. Ruthig of New Hamburg is at present visiting her son-in-law, Mr Jos. Eidt.-Mrs. Zimmer, of St. Agathe, who has been visiting her sons our respec- ted wagonmakere has retarned home ao- aonspanied by her son Louis, who has gone to Knead a few days under the paternal roof. -Mr, and Mrs. Simmons, who have been visiting friends in Elmira and vicinity have returned, -Miss Jennie Hall who has been visiting friends in London and the surrounding country, for the last three months, returned home last week, consider- ably improved in health. -Henry Willert shipped another carload of cattle to Toron- to on Monday. -M. Fenn ourrespected and enterprising saddler and harness maker has bought a lot on Main Street, and in- tends moving. his shop thereon. Doubt- less he will erect a palatial residence ou it too. It is to be hoped he may as hie nanny friends will be delighted to call on him -- The Ealison Rolling Mille are doing a rush- ing business. They are buyiug all tbe wheat they eau get now and. are paying the highest prioes.-Charies Hattleib is painting his house which will add greatest to its appearances. -Rev Mr. Frye of Mar - alias, Michigan, meached in the Evangel- ical Church Sunday morning and evening, DAIRY PROM:MD.-50 pounds salt batter, in tub, J Cooper, A Buchanan, D Bell ; 10 pounds butter sufficiently salted for ta- ble use, Geo Shelby, A Meehan= Mo Allister ; bome-made cheese, not less than 15 lbs, A Johnston, El Martin, Bali;. piece of honey in comb, 5 lbs., 0 Oswald ; strained honey, 1..) &trams, A Johnston ; loaf of bread, home-made, D Mealwen, Wm Bell e loaf of bread, bakery rnade, Either, D Foss. Poueens.-Hamburg hens, El Martin, Ortwein ; Plymouth hens. Fanson se Spic- er int and 2nd; Wyandotte hens, Vanson & Spioer lat and 2nd ; silver crested pot - ands, H. Bauer ; pair black Spanish, F Burk ; pair light brahmas, P HRU012 ; pair dorkings, Spicer & Fauson ; pair Cochin ohinan, H Dionart ; pair leghorns, Spicer es Fanson, Ruby ; pair games, Spicer and Faneon lat and 2nd ; case of stuffea• birds, F Else, J Ortwein; pair Rouen ducks, G Nicholson; pair decks, any other breed, 1-1 Cook, H Batter ; pair geese, H Ortwein, I -I Cook ; pair turkeys, H Cook • oellection of pigeons, Spicer & Fanson, II book ; col: leotion of rabbits, Spicer se l'anson ; pair Guinea fowls, Spicer sti Eamon, G Nichol. so ; aair bantams, Spicer & Faneon lat Bs 2nd. Sencaar, Pneraes.--Special prize by Berry D Boll • plate of 5 whiter pears J Koehler, ' & McNevin for foal got by Clydesdale horse D Bell, Love 13ros. ; special prize by T Murdock for foal got by 'Joe Gale,' Cooper, T Ballantyne, J 'natty home made bread, for loaf not less than Saoh, 0 Brill; named collection of plums, A Johnston ; plate of 12 crab apples, red, Wm Bell, It Hauch; plate of 12 crab ap- ples, yellow, J Dililer, 0 Schoch , eetrit plate of plums, C Brill ; plate Iting Tom - king, C Brill; Syrit p, E Wurtn. IMPLEMENTS AND MINUFACTOREFF,--Iron beem plow, la Singer, J Holtzman ; gang plow, L Beiley ; doable iron harsowe, J Deiohert ; lumber waggon, patent arm, Js Niel:tort let and 2nd ; carriage, J Weseloh; open buggy, 11 Hess, 3 Weseloh ; covered buggy, F Hos sett heavy harness, E 11(.1'0 let and 2n31; sett buggy harness, E 3 Hardy let toed 2nd ; cutter, 11 Hese ; sett horse ehoes, 3 Weseloh ; collection of leather, EI ,Duremet «cIleotioe of tiles, A Foams : half -deems bricks, A Voetsr, Ginano-Two buebels white fall wheet, ET Wing ; t vo bushels red fall wheat, H Wurm, II Baur, Is Coleman ; 2 binthele democrat whoiit 3 Surinam, A johnotta, H Koehler., jr, ; two bulihels spring Wheat, any variety, Jos Wild ; two bushels two - row bolo, E Gies ; two laishele eix-roW- ed barley, 3 Dishier, A Ibiertim, G Shelby ; two brethele bleck oats, 3 Iludsein ; two busheig common white cafe*, E Gies, A mem, Oi- 1) Bell ; two brishels morrowfat peas, B MoAllister, A Johnston, I Hagen ; two bushele small white peam, Ingrami SanktOrn Mr. Samuel Tufts occupied the Metho- dist church at Woodham on Sunday last. Mr. Wm. Callender is home on it yisit. Mr, Jas. Tufts, who has been sick for some time past is now convalescent. It the time of writing a number of hands are at *ork grading around the new Meth. church. Josh, Heenan and D. W. Sayers are giving it series of sparring -exhibition dar- ing the present month. Mr. L. Hardy of Exeter, has obtained • the contract for filling the approaehes of the bridge at the north end of the village. The orangemen of this place, intend holding a concert on the 191h prox. Sev- eral talented musicians and vocalists have been secured and a full house is expected. What might have resulted in it serious accident happened an Thursday last. 1Vhilst on it pleasure tlip to Woodham Mr. 3. Donpe was thrown from a rig, but hap- pily no bones were broken. Had it been otherwise one of our most enterprithig• young men would have been placed on the sick list. Hold on next thne Joshua II Your correspondent tenders his apologies to the community at large, and corrects the errors of last week --there being a trio of barbers and not only two as reported. Anyone wishing to dispose of a second hand pole, please comnaunicate witla "the trio" hatr cutting saloon, Kirkton. Anew era in checker playing has juat commenced, a red herring beiug the stake drawn across the trail to put an opponent off the scant. One of our pioneer players lies adopted the aforesaid with unpre- cedented success. making the doctor ory "cave." Hallow eve was celebrated earlier than. usual this year, or otherwise last Thurs- day night was ou extraordinary growing one. Pampkins and seinflowere might have been seen making their exit from one of the villager's chimneys on Friday morn- ing last. They Think it a Paradise. The Allolsons Bank ( it'ufate,D bYP4 fiLLAMENT,1805) Paid up frls,pitul ..., $0,900,00 Rest Ftw 075,00' WOLD'EltSTAN THOMAS, Esq., , .144.1sAnic 20 branch °aloof> inthDQuiinjou, Ageocies le the Dominion, USA, etirl Europe- , Exeter Branch, Open every lawful day, f rom 10 a.m. to 3 p.in sATnacAYS , 10 pa sn. to p.m. a Per gent. per annum allowed for merles, on Deposit Receipts and Savings ne-nk. A. A. DENOVA.N, Manager. maxwanciewarerameerawmplameascors Unnecessarily Alarmed.. --- London Sept. 1& -The Daily News has astrong leader upon the Quebec threats • for eecession and annexation. 12 says: - We are eviclently on the eve nj a period of trouble in.Ceneala. The failure of the Fish- eries Treaty an sl the threats of Commer- cial retaliation. now so very near fulfil- ment on the part of the United States, hey° excited public feeling throughoet the entire- Dominion. Quebec is evidently talking at England rather than to the Do- minion in this proposition to throw in its lot with the Republic on the other side of the border. Language.of that idea is un- happily nothing oovel. It has long been, remarked that division bettveen French. and British Canada grows sharper every day. ' The situation is a grave one, but it ought not to be, beyond the resources of statesmanship. We must look it full in the face. Its difficelties and its hardships are enough to a account for the ebullition we have lately witnessed. If any Provin- ce talks of'separation as a threat it is be- cause some Previnsees have learned' to re- gard that solution as relief.' • The deserunive catalogue of the mineral exhibit of the Province of Ontario at the Centennial Expesition, at Cmchinati, Ohio contains the names of nurnerous exhibit- ors from Huron. Measrs. Grey. Young & Sperling bave two exhibits from Wingham and also from Seaforth and Blyth. There are also exhibitsiby George.111oEwen, Hen - get!. • Joseph Williams, Goderich ; The Elar'ton Salt Work Co., Warwick, Lanebton. county; Ogilvie & Hutchinson, Goderioh; F. 0. Rogers. Brussels; Dr. T. T. Cole- man, Seaforth ; J. Kidd, Goderich ; Exe- ter Salt 0o, Exeter. The salt region is thus described : The salt district of On- tario occupies an area of about 1,200 square miles, extending over portions of • the cduuties ofeBruce and Larhbton, and al- most the whole of Huron. The outer limits of the deposit may be indicated by it line drawn from the town of Kincardine, on Lake Huron, throtigh. Winghana, Brussels, Dublin, Parkhill, and Bothwell, to Court - eight, on tbe Sb. Clair River. Near the lake coast there are no fewer than 6 sun- ceeeive beds of salt, separated from one another by thin layers of rock, and /aaying and aggregate thickness of over 120, feet. A diamond drill boring made at Goderioh, in 1876, to a depth of 1,517 feet, showed the existence of six beds --the first Fir 1,029 feet, and. the sixth at 1,385 feet - with an aggregate thickness of 126 feet. Jtrossne.-Cattle, Ballantyne, El 0 Beegorm, Ff Oheeney. Pige, Wm Camp- bell, ,Jas Potty, A eleIgiree. Sheep, Wm. Campbell, James Petty and A, MoLaren. (Seen) noes inn YotiNG, ttnlaaathey are fed. on victuals made With McAllister, Wm LOtedientri ; nalf-buehel Istiperlal Cream Tartar Baking Powder., The following extracts are taken from the Brandon Stin, which speak for them - delves as to our wonderful prairie province ; Mr. Ralph Manly, of Exeter, Ont., brother of Mr. John Keddy, of tnis city, has travelled over considerable of the comitry and he does not think that it has been over-ratect. For Ontario farmers who aro living on shott allowance ou their playeasout farms there, their hope lies in this province. W, HoGrahara, of St. Marys, Ont., says that 31 years ago he went to Weetern Ontario, and if he heel found it country like Manitoba ho would have thought it it para- dise. A day or so since be took a drive through the wheat field north and south at the city, and be was perfectly deliglited with dile locality. He is of the opinion that the ferneers wise to get rich too quick. ly here. -- He says that a farmer with any sort of teaeon would not remain in the east when he could better hie oiroune. Additional Locals. Jos. Senior took a photograph of the new bridge and town hall one day last week, H , Tman ennifor, of Hay, who was sent to Gonerich to stand his trial for tak- ing his wife's horm, partioulars of which appeared in a previous issue of the Trams, appeared before His Honor Judge Toms Tuesday. He took' the horse purely out of innocence and was acquitted. The pipe organ for the Trivitt mem- orial church has arrived and. is being placed into position. The work on the church is being rapidly pushed. forward, but it will besome time before the edi- fice can be opened: The gas, the win- dows and the chimes are to be put if' yet. We have it corps of excellent corres- pondents, whom we would like to hear frem regularly. We wish all to be brief ; write plaioly and take especial pains with names ; write on one side of the paper only ; attach your name and address to your COMMUniCati011, as an evidence of good faith ; write nothing for which you are not prepared to be held personallsr responsible. The funeral of the late Margaret Mur- ray, relict ot the late James Murray, took place on Tuesday, at 2 o'clock, from the old homestead, London Road, north of Exeter, was very largely attended. 'VA's . Murray died on Sunday last, of infirmity, being 97 years of age. She was one of the pioneers, and was, in her younger clays, one of the foretnost ladies in the dis- trict. -Mrs. Eynon, wife of the late Rey. J H. Eynon, who died last winter, died. at her son's residence (Mr. Wm, Down) in Usborne, on the 16th inst -also of old age. Mrs. Eynon was much respected, as was evinced by the large attendance at the furieral on Sunday. The Parkhill Gazette, in giving an account of a baseball match has the hard cheek to write Exeter as a village. We style Exeter as a village ; but the name does not imply that insignificance which brother Gazette is wont to cast. There is it place to the south west of us, -'considerably less in population, vast- ly more insigificant, and ttventy years behind in age -going under the/guise of of a town ; and that hamlet is Parkhill. If', is nob our pleasure te be forced to coma out with facts or to speak at all disparagingly of Sister towns, but w•hen people essume uncelled for dignity, and speak sneeringly of our burg, WO must tell the truth. Mineral Water Emporium. ST. LEON WATER. ae-Th e Great Health restorer. If your system is out of order stances so much by coming to /vIanitoba. Mrs. W. H. Graham, of St, Murys, Onto who with her hutibmad, accompanied the excareion of Aug, path hat visited eonetcl- enable of the province. ,She is highly des lighted. with Manitoba, vela surprised at what the has seen. She thinks that peo- ple in the east are foolien to worry out an exietence, in the struggle that tnany of them (10 when s by moving to Manitoba, they could takeS' acivantago of the many Opportunities' that present themselves on every hand' She sage that elle will be able to carry back with her a splendid re- port, but regrets that it Will be impossible to give any correct idett, �f the country. People here seem to be happy, comfortable and contented, and it is no wonder that none of them care to go Gad again. chink St. Leon and be hapDy. ELIXIR \r/T.M.-Magn etic Mineral from Neture'sLaboratory forUlecre.ted 8toino.oh and all diseases of thc stomaoh, for Liver' Xidney and Piles. The most wonderful artiele ever Offered to the Public, The Great Wolverine Mineral Water from Michigan for Rheumatism, if you are efflicted 011 ttna see. GEO. SANDERS. Agent, Exeter. CONSUMPTION SURELY 01.111ED Tb TInt EDXTGE Please inform your reeaere that 3 have it positiee remedy for the above named clie cam 13y ite timely use thoutainds of hopeless eases have been permanently cured. I shell be glad to send tWo betties of my reratel aline to any of yonr readers who lieve Consumption if they will semi Now is the time to substirthe for the Me then 1expese and P. 0, address. TIMMS, only 2 cents from now until Jan. liespectfully, Dn. T. A. 8t001./M, 1889. leronto, Ont. 37 Yongo street