HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-9-13, Page 5sem DISTRICT DOINGS. Occurrences of the Fast week Jl1ireUgh oat the.Neigbbprltooci in m:Coucitse lrorni. Mr.: J. J. Coughlin, son of Mr. Timo- thy Coughlin, lvl, P,, has successfully matriculated in law at Toronto. Everest's Liver Regulator worked wonders en me and made mo feel like a new man. --Levi U, Slipper, Forest. Rails were .Maned on the G. '1', R. track near Bothwell, on Sunday night, by persons who intended to wreck No. 55 Express. A freight train ran into the obstruotiori and the engine was derailed, Mr, Maxwell, of St. Marys, 18 going to build this fall, in addition to the works already under contract, a large stone? able and a stone coal house. He is Also negotiating to build, early in the sprrng, three large stone reel- denoes, Goderieli High School opened with 122 names of pupils on the register. This number will, in alt prorlability, he "further increased by several who have signified their intention of going, but have not yet arrived. On Saturday, Smith, the ,Point. Ed- ward man, against whom the coroner's jury returned a verdict of manslaught- er for the killing of Bishop, };ave him- self up to Chief Windred, at Sarnia, and was subsequently released on bail. Birk 1s still missing. 1 actually believe that Everest's Cough Syrup saved my life.—James Kirkpatrick, Merchant, Forest, Ont. Mr, Dungan McKinnon and family, of the 10th con •esaion of l'uckersmith intend to remoye to the district of Al- goma in about a month. Ele has pur- chased land near Port Findlay, and will settle on it, Little Max McLean, aged three,. while visiting at his aunts Mrs. Wm. Acheson's, of Goderich, cine day last week, had the misfortune to slip from a packing case into a pot of boiling water, and was severely scalded; Med- ical aid was promptly secured, and the child is in a fairway of recovery. ata e The r� ns of th `Ave nbank cheese factory have disposed of their July ' e make at 8i cents per lb., those of the Fairview factory received 9 cents, and those of the 10th con., East: Nissouri,. 9i cents. The probabilities are that the price of cheese will '`considerably advance in the near future. Mr. Thos. G. Shillinglaw, whohas taught the school in Section No. 7, Hiisbert, ;very'successfully for. several year� has been engaged again for an- othelr year in the same section. He He has obtained leave of absence from the trustees for two months, SO he, left. on Tuesday to visit Montana, and oth- er western districts. Mr. Wellington Mo l'aggart (9111- conduct the school until he returns, • I.had a bad cold on my lungs for tyvo.years, everything I tried failed Me till I got Everest's Cough' Syrup and it cured me, --Mrs. D, A. Fraser -?arkhlll'1', O, , The barn' of Relentiti Lamont, a farmer residing one, mile from the village of Ethel, was, struck by light- ning about 8 o'clock Friday, morning. The barn, -together. with the whole of this year's crop, were completely des- troyed. The loss will be about $2,000. Amount of insurance not known. The. W inghatntTinles tells of one of the most diabolical tricks ever perpe- trated in that neighborhood. Some miserable wretch in the form of a man placed Paris green " and salt on the pasture field of Mr. Richard Palmer. of theit2nd con. of Morris, wher by 7 fine young head Of cattle were destroy- ed. It is a very heavy loss to Mr, Pal- mer who is working a rented farm. Messrs. Freeman, M. P. for Norfolk and Lowry, judges of Ontario prize farms for district No. 2, Oxford, Mid- dlesex, Elgin, Lambton, Kent and Es- sex, were on their rounds of 'inspec tion last Thursday and Friday in Mid- dlesex.. The farms of Messrs. ,Tames Fisher, Hyde Park, and Richard Gib- son, of Delewar'e, were visited, and conclusions appeared to be favorable for Middlesex taking a lead in the prize for a gold medal. Mr. D. A. Whyte, one of the well- known Whyte Brothers, gospel voca- lists, has met with a severe loss in the destruction by fire of his season's cut of lumber,' some forty thousand feet valued at $1000. He•had'purchased a small limit in Burford township, a"few miles, and had just removed his stuff from the mill to an open field so as to obviate danger from fire. The case 18 clearly one of incendiarism. 'Cwo married women from Blen- heim one day recently drove to the Point in a buggy to enjoy a bath, Placing their wearing apparel • in- the vehicle in Mother Eve's first costume they breasted the waves of hake Erie. Their splashing alarmed the horse and it made off with their dry -goods, " and like two mermaids they waited for an hour with their heads only above watt, er, until a passer-by informed their husbands of their whereabouts, The heroines of this adventure move in the most select society. - Rev. Solomon Peter Hale,' cosmo- politan perambulator and ebony -hued preacher who prides himself on his sfeefoquent oratory, paid a visit to Mit- e ell a few days ago and elucidated the pondiferous peisonifications and individualities of a heterogenous aud- ience of medium Magnitude whinh his limited vocabulary contains. His utterly unconventional and grand- iloqucht style of perforating the tle- previty of the climax made the aud- ience fairly' howl: Ho Was th3 recii'- lent of several baskets of unmerchant- able vegetables and fruit, On Tuesday afternoon list, as Mies Tena Morgan was driving down Dins- ley-st., Blyth, the animal which she Was driv.ng, bolted, when at the nlai'k et square, and made a dash down Qtteen street, The midden turn caus- ed the buggy to upset, throwirfg M sa Morgan violently to the ground. The Sheila becatue separated from the bbg- gy, and thelierse dashed down queen street and up another, and tinally turned up bn Queen street again when •he was stopped, We are pleased to learn the lady, though having asevere ahnkin a up, is not seriously hurt. The , wore (10Po 10 llm 11:,?:r1' iiia° "li'SCtt, A DOZEN YEARS. "Dear'Sirs,--For twelve years 11 suffered from dyspepsia and liver complaint and was $o weak l could not leave my bed for eight mouths, and had little hope of ever being cured. Three years ago I tried Burg dock Blood Bitters, and am thankful to say I now enjoy good health, and I advise all who are afflicted to try B. B. B," Mrs, Harriett Hobbs, Muit' Aventte, Brockton,. Ont. It is the safest, most powerful and most highly concentrated alternative ayailahle to the pablio. Gen Laurin, M. P, for Shelburne, N. 8,, was unseated by the Election Court Friday. PROMPT RESULTS. "I was very sick with bowel complain last summer, Ittried other medicines but all was no use until I tried Dr, Fowler's Wild Strawberry, The next day I was like a different man." Geo H. Peacock. Stroud, OnAt, :rl vote was taken on the Retaliation Bill iu. the Rouse at four Saturday. Disorders. of stomach, liver and kidneys, can be cured by , restoring the blood toa healthy condition, through the vitalizing and cleansing action of Ayer's Sarsaparilla.. AN UNDOUBTED PROOF of the beneficial qualities of Burdock Blood Bitters is found in the thousands of authen- tic testimonialspublished bythe proprie- tors. The original letters being in their possession, they can furnish proof positive as to their genuineness at any time Armed resistance to the landing of a Ger- man party at Pangan caused eseitemnet at Zanzibar: The remedy which most successfully combats malarial disorders, is Ayer's Ague Cure It is a purely vegetable. compound, and contains neither quinine nor any other dangerous ingredient. Warranted to cure chills and fever. FROM MANITOBA. "I flava been cured of chronic diarrhoea by the nae of Dr. Fowler's Extract of• Wild Strawberry. I used about twelve bottles of it and am now entirely free from the disease. William bloLaren, Clearwater, )il:an. The Dominion Rifle Association matches were completed Saturday. CONSUMPTIVE TENDENCIES are ofteu inherited, but the disease itself may gain a foothold through impure blood, bad diet, unventilated rooms, etc., keep the blood pine and the circulation perfectby s mean f Ba do k Blood Bitters,and -thus wardoff consumption whicis simply scrofula of the lungs. g . The Haytian troubles are ended for the present. AN OLD FAVORITE that has been popular with the people for 30 years is Dr. Fowler's' Extract of Wild Strawberry : • for all varieties of snmmer complaints of children oradults. It eel- dom or Byer fails to cure cholera morbus, diarrhoea and dysentery. Prairie fires are raging in portions of Dakota. Rev Eli Woodcock says: I have been severely trebled with catarrh for, 15 years, On the recommendation of a friend I tried Nasal Balm. I have used part of a small bottle, which has given me great relief. A charter has been granted by the British Goverment to the. British' East Africa Company. MAY you Lug LONG AND PRo$PBn, Yon will live longer if yourcook uses only Imperial Cream Tartar Baking . Pow- der. Always reliable, purest and best. The Kansas corn Drop is estimated a 144417,848 bushels; about the same as last year We know, of no inode of treatment which offers, to .sufferers -from obronic diseases, a more certain hope of oure than that which is comprehended in, the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. For purifying and invigora- ting:the blood, this preparation is unequal - A. ed. , heavy shock of earthquake disturbed the City of Mexico on Thursday night. Ayer's Ague Cure acts directly on the liver and biliary apparatus, and drives out the malarial poison which -induces liver complaints and bilious disorders. Warrau- ted to cure,' or money tefunded. Try it. Scott's. Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophosphites, is prepared in a perfectly agreeable form, at the same time increasing the "remedial Potency of both of those specifics. It is acknowledged by leading Physicians to be marvellous in its curative powers in Consumption, Scrof- ula, Chronic Coughs and Wasting Diseases. Take no other. Aima Ladies' College. ST. THOMAS, - ONT. 17 Professors and Teachers. - Nearly 200 Students. —GRAnlATING COURSns TN— Literature,•Languages, Music, Fine Arts, I Commercial Science, Elocution. New Building, $20,000, ready in Septem- ber. ,Sixty -page calender free. Addres : PRINCIPAL AUSTIN, B. D. Mortgage Sale, Of valuable real estate in the township of Stephen in the county of Ifuron. Under power of sale contained in a certain registered mortgage made by 'Phomas Sims to the Ven- dors will be sold by Public Auction by James Oke auctioneer, at the Central hotel, Exeter, on' Tuesday the 18th day of ,September, 1888, at 2 o'clock p. m.. the foilowing freehold prop- erty viz: Lose number Eighteen Vin the tenth concession of the said townshili of Stephen containing one hundred acres inore or less. About 40 acres are cleared and the balance is timbered with Ash, Elm, Beech and maple. There is on the property a good 1t story frame house, frame ,kitchen and frame stable, a small orchard and well. This property is in a good locality, good roads and distant from Exeter:lbo:ut 6 miles. ,Torms and conditions: Ono tenth of the purchase money to be paid down Further particulars will be mads known at time of sale or may be ascertained on ap- plication to ALBERT 0. JEFFJIRY James Oke Auat Vendor's Solicitor, London, "Ont. Canada's Great PsDUSTRI4L 1AII _ SEPT. 1Oth to 22nd GREATER 00[1 I'fLAN EVER �' 0 rite's AND SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. New Features, and Grand Exhibits, The best attractions dist looney can secure. For Prize Lists and Prograninfes addroso d o •S ecrotar;y.. ENTRIES CLOSE AUGUST 18th. J. J, WITHROW, H. J. HILL, p.r_hint t. SW, TORONC•O A New System It will pay you to try my BREAD&BUNS --MAnn untuua Improved System System of ,bread Mak- ing, The Bread is sweeter and will retain its moisture longer than any other in nee, A trialliolieited. You will always find the Largest acid Finest Assortment of Pastry, Cakes, Confectionery, Or- anges, Lemons, &,c. EA. FOLLICK'S, MAIN -ST., EXETER. `Vhen I say Cruse/ do not mean merely to stop them for a time, and then have them re- turn again. I MaxAA RADICAL CURE. I"have made the disease of 'ITS, EPILEPSY or E'ALLING SICKNESS, A.life longstudy. I weinta re my remedy to Coax the worst cases. Because others have failed isno reason for not now receiving a eure. Send at oncefor a treatise and aFRE 1e Bornas of Mir ISiFALLIBLT.-REMEDY. .:Give Express and Post Office. It costs you nothfng for a trial, and f t will > curo. you. Address Dr. H Ss ROOT, 37 Tongs. St., Toronto, Ont, Allan Line ! ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Liverpool and Quebec Service, calling at Der- by. Days of Sailing.—Parisian,May 24. Poly- nesian. Friday, June 1. Sardinian Thursday, June 7. Circassian Friday, Juno 15. Sarma- tion,'1'hursday, June 21. Parisian Thursday,. Jane28. Polynesian FridayJuly6. Sardinian Thursday July 12. Circassian Friday June 20. Sarmatian Thursday July 26. Parisian'Thurs- dab Aug 2. Polynesian Friday Augi 10. Sar- dinian Thursday Aug 16. Circassian Friday, Aug 24. Sarmatian, Thursday, Aug 30. RATES. Cabin $50, 865,$75, according to po- sition, Return $100, $125, $150. Intermediate Liverpool,Londonderry or Glasgow $30 ; re- turn $60. Steerage at ioweat rates,' Steerage Passengers hooked to and from Glasgow, Bel- fast Queenston or London at Liverpool rates. Buy tickets to go home, bring out friends or relatives by Allan Lino, For further Particulars apply to JOHN SPACKMAN, The only authorized agent in Exeter. IRKTON SUMMER OF 1888. We Lead the Trade FOR HONEST GOODS, FOR FULL WEIGHTS, FOR GOOD TEAS, FOR LOWEST PRICES, FOR BOOTS & SHOES, FOR RANGE OF TWEEDS FOR SHiRTINGS, FOR COTTONS, FOR DRESS GOODS, FOR LACES of all kinds. DOUPE S Highest Prices paid for Butter and Eggs. ice O 0 z pV 1 cen '2 JE[ow , Prop. J 1. „�:, Languor �'I�adaci�a®a tIon .SELTZ'.1yl��,,1,77777,cv� ,j c®cR mooed y 7'dr•rn u6's Sc,ltzor Ape, o, r. 9010 1 Tarrant & C »,';»v,, unci 'Drug ASO 0'0y'.,4,r". Farm for Sale. A. trot -class farm contnining 150 acres, lot F,Si lot 11 811 coo, 1Jthorn, °The lots wilt be sold soparately 16 COitporoliaser. The farm eoftains good buildings and is well drained. There is alto r„ good supply of water. For further partiallhrs apply to, • A. G. PhlA1,Soza. Wiucliolseti. P.0. I ARIEBT RE1'ORTC., Mcnyr to (Corr oetede.t8o'clock p.m, Wednesday. 0 92 to 095 000 to 005 50 to 60 026 to 50 400to400 250 co 3 00 055 to 0.00 058 to 060 015 to 010 lOGo016 0050555 55 to 70 40 to 050 004to000 005 to 005 0 07 to 08 045 to 000 0.20 to 039 6-80 t 04 400 to500 550 to 550 6 00 to 0 00 075 to1CC 0 50 to 0 70 018 to 020 800 to 800, o 60 to 0 75 25to3ooi kr1OWhen1 Spring 'rYneat,,, barley ., Oats Plover S tied Timothy ' Peas Corn ROgs Buttei Flourlsarlabl Pott toes,por bushel ... Apples,per bag DriedApplocpr b Geeseper ib. Turkey per lb ... 'Ducks pe r pr Chickens per pr fiioge,de esseelperl0' Beef f idesrouhg .... " dressed . Sheepskins each Calfskins Wool per lb „ fiayperton linionsnerbusn Woodper cord ST MARTS Fall Wheat. ...... 88 to 95 Spring Wheat 88 9d Bar,ey.,,..,,,,, . ,».,» :::.::,: ».».. 40 50 OatsBO Clover Seed 410 5 05 Timothy 1 50 2 08 Peat-. ..:.......:.............:...........:..:iso 65 Eggs 15 15 Butter 13 • 14 Potatoes per bag 60 60 Apples per bush......... ..................., 25 80 wool porib 20 2u HoyPar ton 600 7 00 Bran per ton Shorts !• Oatmeal per bbl,;... . t4 00 14 00 c».,. ; ... 20 00 20 U0 0 00 7 C0 ADvioa To MoTsrins.-Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by sick child suffering and. crying with pain of Cuttinu Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It willrolieve the pour little sufferer im mediatol 1.,ouend upon it, mothers ; utero is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and t4owels,oures Wind Colic, softens,tne Gums. reduces Inflammation, and gives tone ° and energy to the whole system.. 'Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one ;of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world,. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for '•Mns. WINsrow's traDP "'incl take no other kind, ON9 P U UM TIONC IIRED. An old physician, retired from practice, haul ha n d .aced East in his h ands •an g p fey Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma- nent cure !of Consumptions Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma and allthroat and lung affections, also a positive and radical euro for Nervous Debilityandall Nerveus Com- plaints, atter having tested its wonderful. curative powers in thousands offenses, has felt it his duty to makeit known to his suffering' fellows. Actuatedby tnismotive and a desire to relieve num an suffering,' I send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe,in German,French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing w ith" stamp, naming this naper.W.A.NOTE s 149' Power's Block Rcohester.N Y ROYAL Y EAST 'I1t Canada's Favorite Yeast Calms. 10 years in the market without a cont. plaint of any kind. The only Yens* which has stood the test of time anci never made sour, unwholesome bread. All Grocers soli it, E.W.OILLETT, M'P'R. TORONTO,ONT.&8511880.iLL. farmers, A11c1n! XII?ZRI. L MILLS WOODHAM. The undersigned would respectfully infers he community that they haveleasedthe above mills for a term of years and will be pleased to have a call from all. The mill has recently been improved, by the addition of new'mach- inery. Itis the intention of t e subscribers to add a sat of rolls as soon as possible ; and all combined, the Woodham Grist Mill Will be second. to novo in. the West. —x—x Gristing and Chopping Done Promptly. Fresh oatmeal constantly on hand for sale or, exchanged for oats. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. SiirA TRIAL SOLICITED. J. & A. MoNEVIN, A. J. SHELL Merchant Tailor, Has removed to promisee one door north of Browning's drug store, where there will be found a wen losevted'St OF SPRING. TWEEDS FOR SUITINGS &c. ---ALSO---- Scotch, English, French and Canadian Goods.. r�.I�.�l C�.1�1 Made tip on the StIORTEST NOTICE --AND AT— CONSISTENTLY 'BCW PRICEES �--Com•-�)---- _ "..� WILL CONVINCE A CALL VV L V.ytr,y.. C Zr ( r1 atluatc 01 Clevdiland l'tttti tit; Seh(o01 JOHN BRAWN, UNDERTAKER 01, CABINET -MAXIM, Walnut dz Rosewood Caskets ALEO Oorrncs 0I' ENTITY Descaneac r. A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS F'URNISE.ED4, CON- DUCTED DUCTED'AT Low RATES. Mystook of Furniture e iS un- excelled. I.GIVE ME A CALL S. C. Hersey IS The Place CheapTO Bu r,� GOODS. Dr, CHASE Ras a world-wide reputation as a physician+ and author. U is Mandrake Dandelion Live:, Cure is a triumph of medical skill, curing:. all diseases ofthe Kindey and Liver,' SYMPTOMS OI+'. Kidney Complaint jistresaing aches and r. tins in the back; a dull pain or weight in rile bladder or base of the abdomen ; scald- ing urine often obstructed ; frequent desire' to urinate, especially at night, ninon?, aged` persons ; hot, dry skin, pale eomple7tioji red, and white deposits,, drop dizziness, sour - stomach, couatipalion, piles, liver sicall'' swellings , ko. SYMPTOMS OF Liver Complaint pain uv der dere, f shoulder blades; jaundice, sallow complexion, a wears, tired feeling, no life or energy, head ache, dyspep sia, indigestion, spots, pimples &c. • HOW CURED hraudrakeand Dandelion ar enature'sli yet cures, and who t; combined with kidneys --• edies, asinDr.Cbase's Liver Cure, will most, positively euro Ml kidney -liver troubles. It. "• acts like a ch arm, stimulating the elogged' liver, strengtlieningthe kidneysaxu.tiuyigor-. etingthewiiolebody, Sold byall 9`ealers at• one dollar. with receipt book, which alone worth the money, Kidney dile Dr. Chase'sPilis are the onl37 y Kidney -Liver Pills made ; they ^' act gently yet effectually; Ma L1V2P be taken during any angio p- Pi1lS AZ..!::; onk,' They cure kidney-liv&r tr oubles, headache, b'-tousn a ss costiveness $7e, OnePiilO does .10111, by all dealers. Prise 25 T. EoNCANSON & GO., Bradford .Ont., itIanfs. Are m You Looking The cheapest spot 110 taw n for Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Paints, Oils and Glass, &c,, &c., if you are, „ t call at BISSETT BROS. We are now offering the balanoe of our stock of Axes, Cross -cut saws, Lamps and Tubular Lanterns, at cost 30 73:A. "S ObTZII"Y. T We would call your attention to a few of our specialties :— A Handsome Brass Library. Lamp,; A` Large Glass Stand Lamp, new design A Good Tubular Lantern A Good Axe and Handle An A 1 Manure Fork And everything' at Rock Bottom Prices for Cash. $2 50 $1 00. $0 50 $1 00 340 SO A full stock of the following lints always on hand -.—Barb wire, Plain Galvanized, An- calent and Viled wire, and Buckthorn Fencing, Having purchased our supply of Binder Twine early we are now in a position to supply at the lowest possible price. A full 'stoc,rof tinware of all kinds alwa s nstock. Eavetroughing and roofing a epeo.., laity. Agents for the B R Metalic Shin Hoofing. Ask for priees. Agents for the celebrated Raymond Sewiug Machine. " BISSETT BROS., Exeter. e^{ �0- • poi G� tib, O� �fii5 °o � 400"00 � ,�{e oil . GG�� ��y, wo 4 'o,• oo{{ t.40n.ti o ,{� • ,; e�5 so.c til arc e { tie Rf• ,4GG cls $�a o Vie' S o{O til pyo{se'e.sec o� ^(1 z' o ;°o e,c3 Nei mfi ,se •,45" �fia. O4C'' 4>+ ogeg, y4' 9 cite' 0i?g' e Y° oy0 . castsee!'" 4° Get w1i V S w p a o w, w, o+ `y g, g• y4 g a ati fin Die ��htt' ti�°0 yc°g �o� eta 4w ' ` - S�? eo� Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxford Street, , late 588, Oxford Street, London. ar Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots., If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. SPRING 1888. SPRING: Cama,..;ts. Curtains,. Nov that House -Cleaning time is near, we invite your in- spection to our BI(+ stook of Carpets, Curtains, and those Fancy Window Blinds, &c. SV11t?r1 buying Vali Paper don't forget that the 01i stab1i;>lied chilies Elle Biggest Stoop and Latest Art erican Patterns. Lots of Fancy Ceiling Papers wit Corners to maltoh.' ,.GES 'i-� .xeterA