Clinton News-Record, 1980-12-24, Page 11CLINTAN NWS•Ri
AGE 11
By Bud SturSeon
When we were 'pups', there was nothing like a.
dozen Buckeyes andthe family gathering at
home for the holidays, We always looked for-
ward to seeing both sides of the family meet
head -to head at the Christmas tree. yl
As usual, Uncle Rebar and Aunt Elma (from
mother's . side), and Uncle Chuck and Aunt
Grenelda (from dad's side), arrived outside the
house at precisely the same moment. The A
scrapes on the sides of their automobiles in- W
dicated they had probably drag -raced side : by if
side for their entire 400 mile journey. We could Isee from the picture window that the trunk of F2
each car was open and a Christmas tree
protruded from both . as well, They stuck out
about seven to eight feet, and a guess would put l&
the overall length of the trees at roughly 20 feet.
We never found out for sure. Uncle Chuck backed
us his car into Uncle Rebar's car and snapped his us
ti tree off. Uncle Rebar, a little redfaced hopped
g Oa of the driver's seat brandishing a cross -cut
A sawaand proceeded to cut Uncle Chuck's tree in W
Lacing back a couple quick ones, dad rushed w
outside to break u• the melee b • - • -
too late as Uncle Chuck had inadvertently
dropped his pipe into the pile ofkevergreen on the A
lawn and it had caught fire. m (Omit)
Lacing back a couple quick ones, dad rushed
outside to break up the melee, but found he was
too late as Uncle Chuck had inadvertently
.�dropped his pipe into the pile of evergreen on,the W
wn and it had caught fire. Mother summonded il
ii the fire department, who arrived on the scene Vi
quickly and poured about 1,000 gallons of water w-
on the front lawn. The fire was extinguished and g
being. as cold as it was outside, the water froze
almost immediately creating a skating rink on W
iitt the lawn. Fi
ii Uncle Chuck wasn't too happy about losing his ii
gpipe, and he and Uncle Rebar sat in opposite
Rcorners of the living room glaring at each other.
By the time my cousins and I headed out to the L.
A .font lawn to play hockey, they were back on A
W speaking terms and arguing about who should
get credit for the formation of the rink.
Playing hockey in our own yard was fun until W
Cousin Billy deflected a slap -shot through ..the il
picture window. While Mother gave us a lickin' W
A for breaking the window and Dad went to find a W
W piece of plastic to cover the hole, our uncles W,
decided tofinish trimming the tree. Dad. had
erected a tree several days before in '
u preparation. Be that as it ma`y, in the race'to see
who would put the star on the top, Uncle Chuck W
tripped over the dog, and in turn upended Uncle W
Rebar who flew about 15 feet through the air W
W (gracefully), and hauled the Christmas tree to
• the floor on the way by. We knew then, it would ri
be an exciting evening.
g As the wind whipped snow through the shat- W
ili tered window, a group of carollers appeared and W
sang carols to us from outside the opening. Aunt W
Elma and Aunt Grenelda busiedt themselves w
n righting the tree and mother served hot refresh-
ments to the singers who commented on` our
unique skating rink. Uncle Rebar and Uncle A
Ag Chuck were now debating on who should get the W
W puck that broke the window, as a souvenir of the
il occasion.
Eventually things quietened down and we all g
hustled up to bed. Uncle Rebar, dressed in the v
w top portion of a Santa suit, and Uncle Chuck,
dressed in the bottom portion of the same suit, ri
both appeared in our bedroom to read us a story,
at the same time. g
W "Rudolph Twas the red night nosed before g
W reindeer Christmas had and a all very through
N shiny the nose house and not if a you creature tel
• ever saw stirring it not you even would a even
fl mouse say .the it_s-tockings glowed -.._
A Well, we didn't understand it because they g
W. were both telling different stories and we doled g
W off long before they finished. Christmas Eve had
71 been all we had ever hoped for and we could ai
hardly wait until morning to see our presents.
mg At 4:30 a.m. a loud crash 'awakened us and '•g
A after hearing voices coming from `the g
W livingroom, we realized that Uncle Chuck and '!g
1 Uncle Rebar had fallen down the stairs in an
f effort to reach the Christmas tree first. "I get to
ti play with the train. No!', ydu can have the robots,
I get the train,"
V We could hardly wait to join in the fun.
rf g
The winning home in the Bayfield Lioness "dress up your home contest" is one
owned by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Turner on Main Street. (Bud Sturgeon photo)
Village council
Two non-residents picked
In a surprise move, the
Bayfield Council ap-
pointed two non -res dents
of the village to fill the
positions . of clerk -
treasurer and . road
superintendent for 1981.
-Replacing .retiring
clerk -treasurer Gordon
Graham will be
Catherine. Hunking of
Clinton, while Rick
Penhale of Stanley
Township gets the nod to
replace retiring road
superintendent Johnf
Councillor John
Chapman was absent
from the special meeting
on Wednesday night.
In ,other council news,
John Chapman has been
named to replace David
Johnston as a council
representative on the
Buckeyes tie again.
The Zurich Buckeyes
played the Centralia
Maruaders to a 5 - 5 tie at
the Zurich Arena on
Sunday afternoon. The
Bucks led 5 - 3 goin'g into
the closing minutes of the
contest, when they ' were
assessed a five minute
major penalty. With
Steve Bedour serving his
time, the 1Vlarauders
came back with the two
late goals to tie it up. Full
scoring summary next
In other Buckeye news,
Zurich's leading scorer,
Mike Clarke, was
presented with `a cheque
for $25 as Buckeye player
for the month. Clarke,
who is currently out of the
lineup, nursing a broken
thumb, is expected to
return to action early in
Next Buckeye game
will be next• Sunday in
Forest, against the
By Janet Talbot
The Christmas Sunday
service at the Bayfield
Baptist •Church Sunday
morning was well at-
tended r•
The Bible students
were welcomed back for
the holidays also Miss
Evelyn Schell, one of our
Missionaries,, who is with
Turn to page 12 •
Recreation Committee
Councillor 'Johnston wil
assume other respon
(Ufld.and about the villag
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Sturgeon, Jeff and
Roland of Orangeville,
arrived at their village
residence on Saturday to
spend Christmas with
their families.
Winners of the Bayfield
Lioness `Light Up - Dress
Up Your Home' contest,
as , adjudged by Kaye
McLeod and her able
committee were: best
home and winner of the
the Coultis home in Varna
to aid . the other fire
departments already at
the scene. Bayfield
carried three loads' of
water to the fire on
Saturday night, but
firefighters were unable
to save the structure.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud
Sturgeon attended the
Davidson family
Christmas, in London on
Christmas draw at the
Nip and Tuck Variety
were as follows; giant
candy cane - Blanche
Park, R.R. 1 Varna;
gumdrop cake - Gord
Chesney Sr., Clinton;
purse . - Helen Rau, St.
Winner of the draw for
the Christmas turkey at
Sinnamon's . Village
Market was Marilyn Haw
of Bayfield.
#--. hmiasmas--eake—fbaked--,—,-1V1r and-Mrs_-Ti.r West. sa Vinn § „of the Lioness
by Jean Lindsay), the attended the 13el1
home of Mr. and Mrs. Telephone Christmas
Walter Turner on Main party in Woodstock on
Street. The best Saturday, and visited
decorated business was with friends and relatives
the Albion Hotel, also on in London on.Sunday.
Main Street. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Mr. Jack Leppington of Merrill and family are
Bayfield will be receivingspending their Christmas
a `citation of merit' from holidays with his parents,
the Ministry of Natural Mr. and Mr's. Ross
Resources for shooting Merrill, in the village,
the first and only deer in before making a jaunt
the `selective' season, southwards to Florida
with a ball and musket or and then home to British
precision cap. The doe Columbia.
was shot along the An accident at the
Bayfield River. corner of Howard and
The Bayfield Fire Charles Street on
Department responded to Saturday afternoon
two calls in the past resulted in damage to
week. The first was to the both vehicles with one
Fisher home at the having to be towed away.
corner of Catherine and No injuries were
Colina Streets, in reported.
Bayfield, where the blaze The Bayfield Lions
was quickly ex- report that there are still
tinguished. Damage wa; a few tickets left for the
confined to the 'chimney dance at the Community
1 where the fire had Centre on New Years
started. Eve.
The second call was to Winners of the
Christmas, draw a week
ago were as follows;
giant Christmas stocking,
3oyce Chilton,. Raggedy
Ann doll - D. Morrison;
Afghan- Alice Brandon,
all of Bayfield.
Don't forget to come
out and watch the
Bayfield Zoo play Teams
Ten from London in an
exhibition hockey game;
at the Bayfield Com-
munity Centre On
January 10.
Oldtimers up one
The players called it,
the fans. cheered .for it,
and the inevitable hap-
pened as the Oldtimers
once again downed the
Rink Mice in Loogan Cup
This week's score was a
10 - 9 fleecing of the
rodentary, , led by
La`rouche, who
backhanded the winner
home with only seconds
left to play.
The underhanded
`mice' had imported four
`illegal' professiona
players for the contest
including Jeff Smedsmo
and Gary 'the Gary', but
the Oldtimers had an-
ticipated - the move and
'brought in four of their
own, including Smed-
smo's younger brother,
Roly-Poly Smedsmo and
rearguard Bence `the
It may seem mixed up
for a hockey game, but .
when it was ,,,all.._.over
Vol Val,
Larouche, the Moleman,
Romping Rhea and Roly
Poly all scored for the
victors while the mice
only got goals from
Elusive Elaine and Big
Barb. What a game, you
should have been there.
Next Saturday night
come on out and see'Tiny
Tim and Stormin' or
man and all the of ers
return to action. E en
better yet, bring your
skates and a hockey stick
and get into the game.
Couples are welcome. On
the ice at 1.0 p.m. sharp,
sponge rubber puck
supplied by the league.
karen ryan
Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year to our ,,many friends
and customers.
A special sincere thank you to
everyone for your patience - and
understanding - during the past
few months. We all miss Sue very
stephanie paimer
As all the cherished customs of this
magic holiday surround our special
friends, we know it's time to -extend our
sincere -Yuletide wishes to you all. May
the thanks we send your way add to the
happy hours of your holiday.
From all of us to all of you...Merry Christmas!
Valens TroWartha • Ron Drager - David Wise
Kevin Dutot - Steve Wise • Bob Markham
Jeff Wise - Kay and Harold Wise
karen middegaal
TO DEC. 29
30 ANb'31
1 AND 2