HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-9-13, Page 1aly.17S5r,r4rFC1;41.7r4eil—1 P.RAClICA1.4 Watch -Maker & Jeweller Per the PinesStock end Cheapest a•oods to be foetid in Ontario call en C eicheuboh Watch -Intik en jeweller 1 arlthill, A ment of SU - pairing ef promptly & ilY fh ratios, .& bete:nail, Piee Assort verwarta Be All k n ds satisfa et ar work sera to hut tillinto salted in hi$ own establishment, under his personal super- -vision. Spectacles of all sifes to suit all sights triareolietted. C. EllilliCEENDACIT, LEGAL. I)ICI(SON, Barrister, Soli - e oit or of Supreme C ourt,Notary Public Conveyancer Cerniniseiontr, &c eioney to Loan. . Officern Fanson's Block, Exeter t COLLINS, Ilarrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, ,Stc. METER, - ONT. Offiee5eanwe1l'sB1oek Rail's old office.) ARMOUR W. FORD, Solicitor in the etnereme Court of Ontario, Conveyancer, Commissioned. &o., &e. Special 'attention given to the collection of e.aaime in idle United States: Patents procuredi, inoney to loan at lowest rates, Office : Opens. ,Iilouse Block, St, Marys, ant. ELLIOT et ELLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers &o, &c. WMoney to Loan at Lowest Rates of interest. ,OFFICE, MAIN - STREET, EXETER. B. V. 13LLI0T. J. Brztor. .uENTALI. L. BILLINGS, aDMisansIST, OFE/C.E: over 07.1rE1LISIIank Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. 1_1 KINSMAN ,DENTIST.L.D.S Samtvell's Block, IlIaln-st, Exeter, Extracts Teeth without pain, by giving vegetable Vapor. Gold Filings and all other dental work the best possible. Goes o ZTIRICIEL on hot 'Bhursdayin each:month: MEDICAL ) Cl LUIZ ,1). • Officeat hisreeidence Exeter T W. BROWNING M. D., M. C FJ • P. S ,G raduate VictorialJnivevaity.Offi es inalre sidene e,D orcinio DLit boratox v. Exe ter RYNDMIN, coroner for the County of B.nroia. Office, opposite Mr. . Chiding's store,Exeter. TAR.ROLLINn, M.O. S o. °Moe, Disin S...11Ixeter,0nt.Residen a e houseeecentlroccupied by?. McPhillips, Else. = AUCTIONEERS. T_TENRY EILBER, Licensed Auc- •tion.eer for.Hity,Stephen, and bleGilli- erey:Townships: Salescon ducted at inoderat e :ates. Oincip—A.t Post-on:lee Clrediton•Ont. • JOHN GILL, Auctioneer fpr the al-lownshins of Stepheia, Hay and Esborne • ancnthe.Village of Exeter. All Sales proinntly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged tat this Ofliee. :VETERINARY. Tennent & Tennent 4 , VETERINARY SURGEONS, emanates of the Ontario Veteriitary College °slams : One door South of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. -VI-ONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND 61- -La- per cent, $26,000 Private Funds. Best • Loaning Companies represented. L.R. DICRt3ON, Barrister,Exeter, INSUBANCE THE NVAERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANC DC 0 . Establieheil in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - WATERLOO, ONT. This comeanv has been over Eighteen years ill successful operation in Western On- tarionndaontinues to insure againstioss or a am age by Vire ,I3 uildings,Morehan di sealletn- utactories,and all othesdeseriptionsoffinsur_. able property. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or a Mill System. ' During the past ten years this Company hasissued 57,006 Policiescovering property to thearnountotS40,872,38 ; and paid inloss- es a1one3700752,00 ASsetS, $116,100,00, consisting o f dash n iMtik, GovernmentDeposit, an d the eased Premium NOte on hand an din f oree. J, W 'Wannsw M D. Presidea t. C . M. d'avacin, eoitetary. J.B. Enetuntarnspector. ORAS. NELL Agentfor Exeter and vieinity , The Great English Preseriptim. A suCcessful Medicate used over ' 10 .years in thousands of cases, .4 Ch rea Sperniatorrhea, Arcercius &mess, Emtiasion.§, Impotency and all diseases caused by abuse. , [means] indisoretiona or 6*er-exertion. fthainej six packages auctroateed te•Oar 4 When all others Vail, Ask your Druggist farl0bariar,eat'Ertgliit, Vrenerbilon, take no •substitute, One package I. Six $5, by mail, 'Write for:Pamphlet. Address lEtirelra chemical co., Detroiti Bitch& , CENT' AL Etarber Shop, FANSON S I3LOCK. A, Hastings, Prop. Shaving and Hair outmgin the latest styloa of the art. E very attention paid. to cutting Ladies ana Ohildren's Hair. SWITCHES ly.fADE TO ORDER 1 .ANI) Iff.J.W.,.N.4-.1VIMPLESEX "HEW TO THE' LINE, LET THE CHIPS PALL -WHERE THEY 111AY,” VOL. XVI. NO, 4. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, StPT. 13th 188$, 0.4000.0ounosIammilan=3.1g=anoanammumeouraremniar SIMIONIMI.M2190114.01M1.8.11 • Market Square eneral Store airesere-sarre,a:—e-_ The undersigned would inform the peb- lie that he has just received Ilia (SPRING 11": STOCK --INCLUDING— .A. full line of Dry -Goods, Hats tt Caps, and OreekerYt Boots and Shaem. Those wishing anything in nay line will find it to their advantage to call and in spect my goods and prices. c, Highest prices paid for But- ter and Eggs and all kinds of produce. J. P. Ross. To Let. STATION HOTEL TO LET. Easy Terms. Apply to the undersigned. June 14.—• I. CARLING. -For Sale. • Three first-class farms—]0Q acres each—Lon. don Road, within one mile of Exeter. 'Apply to ELLIOT & ELLIOT, •Solicitors, Exeter. For Sale. A good farm for ssae en easy terms lot 32 con 2, township of Vaborne, 100 acres, gcod buildings and fences, wellunderdratned. convenient to churches and school. Apply to Elliot it Elliot, barristers, or John T rick, Exete- rflo the Deaf.—A person cured of -11-• Deafness aiidnoises "lit the head- of 23 years standing, by ell rimple reraedy. Will send a description of it PREs to any one applying to Memos , 30 St. J0hn-St2,14.1entrea1. To Rent. One hundred acres in 9th cone' Blanshard, exeellent soil,' and in good cultivation'. dry rolling land, well .wateredby spring creek. Large barns and comfortable house. 13 acres sumraerrallow. Liberal termsto good tenant - Apply to ROBERT BUNTS St. Maryy P.0. • Well Digging. The unliefsigmed `wish es to inform the pub- lic that he is now engaged in well digging. He will die, brick up and bore 25 feet for 615 ; 25 cents raise on every additional ten feet. Atrial solicited. THOS. SMALE. Elimville P. 0. For Sale. Brick residence and two lots on Gidley-st. Good house Containing seven rooms,two kitchen,pantry, wash room and cellar. Also a good stable, and fruits in the garden. The property tvill be sold cheep as the proprietor is giving up house -keeping. apply on the premises. • RICHARD IIANDEORD, sr. • LONDON, ONT. The OPENING of the Forest City Business College on Sept. 3. was 26 P161(ENT. IN .AD - VAN° al of any previone yena. . FACULTY has been Strengthened, and Seating Capacity in- creased to I:incommode:to 150 students. • ADDRESS : WESTERVELT & YORE. amerannerrantenteuirammateasrairaseattensessmas —THE-- , ilron Pgni] Wor s Ti e subscriber would respectfully announce to the public that he has now on hand a large stoc r of the various kinds of wooden pullets ; and that he has added facilities, by which lie can supply ordered work on the very shortest notice. Ins rows ARE WELL AND EAVORATILY KNOWN, AND uterine ao LAUDINGEERE. Welledigging for fifty cents a foot, for 30 • feet, 25 cents for every extra ten fact. A call solicited. GEO. ClIDMORE, Exeter, July, 1388. Huron Street. 'FRE INTERCOLONTATJ fi I LI W OF CANADA.. The dirout :route between the West and ell points 00 1;110 10W01: St. Lawrence and Baia de Chileur, Prov.ineu of Quebec, also fin.' Rrunswicki Nova Scotia, Prince Edward and Cap° Bretun Isi acts, Newfoundland and Pierrn. An the popular summer Soft bathing and o shing resorts aro along this line. kfew and ologantBuffet Bleeping audDay Clare run on through filxpreee trains, -be- twee/lateral-ea], lianfax andiSt. Joh Caitadittit. European WI ail and Pits8OngOi Route. SA1S013g01"S tor'Gy oat Pri;titin or :tile Conti,. pint by leavg k inontreal Thursday, outwa rd fan 1100 706 Itimousiti :the same °voile g. , The attention of shippers is directed to, 'the superior faeilltms overed by this rore for transport ot Sour ant general ' merchan (Liao intim led tor 'the Eastern Provinces and Newteundlrind,, also for STalmants of grain and produce' intended for the European market. , '' Tick° te nifty be obtaine naafi till inform a- tiot) about the rdnte.froight. and It asectleer 67160(7 011 application te ttOnnwr B. MOODIE , Western Freight & P sconeerlgent 03 Retain Rouse Block, York t a'orouto, roTTNGER,' ()Wei Superintendent: Railway Officio, Moncten, 20 13, M /I:roll SG, ,fle 'ROUND THE COUNTRY. • ,ToraN WRITE & SONS • Pribiishf3rsandProprietors By Our awrt Correspond entS, Mr. Henry Wainwright has returned af- ter spending the summer in Ireland. Mr. T. J. Marks au d daughter, Miss Charlotte, have left on a trip to Kansas, to bo abeent for a month or two. Miss. C. and E. Erwin left on Saturday last to spend their vaaatioe at Point Ed- ward. Nearly all the summer visitors have departed. All were well pleased with Bay- field as a summer resort, and intend re- turningnex t summer accompanied by °there.' • The attraction here during the fall will be hunting. The surrounding country af- fords a good opportunity for shooting wild ducks and rabbits. Zukoh. Remember F. Kibler's bouts az shoe5,. fair day. • Kibler saps he eau show the • cheapest line of boots and shoes in the country. • Go to the world's fair to be held at Zurich on Thursday and Friday. Septem- ber 13th and 14th•. To -day (Monday) our merchants and • tradesmen are buoy cleaning their shop • Windows in order to make a good display show day. People visiting the fair must not fail to give our merchants a eall asthere 18 110 end of cheap geode to be seen. On Sunday evening, Sept. 2nd, some • evil disposed person or persons entered the cheese house belonging to Mr. Satu'l Liv- ergood of the 4th line, and took therefrom about 200 lbs of cheebe. 'This is only one of many petty thefts that have been per- petrated in this neighborhood. Single cheeses have been stolen from Mr. L. pre. violas to this, and a number of hams have also been. stolen in the same vicinity. It is a sad pity that parties who are in the habit of committing such depredations as these are net caught and punished to the full extent of the law. We are informed that there are several choice pear trees been lightened of their load in our vicinity. Thia is no doubt done by boys who ougnt to be at home in theft beds. •11. •—.--. Earkton. Bancrs.—We are sorry to say that o old friend Mr. Staceyis making no iraprov ment in bealth.—.It 38 our painful ,dti this week to record the death of the elde son oil*. Thos. Smith, Base Line, Bit shard, on. Wednesday, Sept. 50h, • after short illness. Deceased was 21 years �l and, was.respected by all who knew •Itim He was a member of Woodham L. O. L The funeral took place on Thursday la at Kirkton Cemetery, Brothers Sawye Money, Brethour, Sawyer, Popplestone an Glenn acting as pall -bearers. The remain were preceded by a large nun:ber of breth' ren and followed by numerous friends o thedeceased to their last • earthly abode The sorrowing relatives have • the sympa thy of the surrouding community in thei sad bereavnient,—It seems as if Kirkton i to be deprived of a i'ailroad for all the tim to come, and some of the villagers wh pride themselves on their horticultural pro duets are commencing to think that at las O few ceow-catchers/ might be -bestowed o our city, as they can be used to a great ad vantage. --The sidewalks of our village ar in a dilapidated state, and it is a disgrac to a Tillage bearing the reputation of Birk • ton to allow such a state of • affairs When wherewithal and naaterial are both on hand to remedy them —Joshua reports the ser mon as- being pretty good, but obis numbe tens were pinching Lim, and he "dtd no care how soon he'd shut up.' TJnfailing •remedy --Try elevens. --Fisheries, Comna Union, etc., thrown aside for a 'combine non' likely to prove. more beneficial to Kirkton. No need for the wool to grow on the top of your head. Our latest combine tion consists of a pair of scissors, comb, clippers, 2 barbers, and evolution produces a 'barber shop.'—It is with reluctance that we allow Luc= to take the cake for more gossip than any place of its size on the American continent. Kirkton will try and content itself with second place. Contest 'the claim who can ?—Cats are scarce in Milton. Milton and G. L. M. had better send to send to Granton for some of 'Brew- er's Hair Vigor.'—Pickard's tinsmiths from Exeter stinted yesterday morning to put the furnace in the • 1VIeth, church.—The Misses. Sterrit, dress -makers, have retinue ed to town and are busily engaged with fall work.—Rev. D. Moir, of Woodham, will occupy the 11feth. pulpit on Sunday morning next,—A garden party in connec- tion with St. Paul's Epiecopal Ohurch will be held at Mr. T. Irvine's, 4th Line, Blan- shard, on 20th, inst.--Rev. T. B. was around making pastoral calls on Sunday last. Hie parislioners are reported well. --The follow- ing was handed to your correspondent with O request that you publish it :— Woodhani. BRIDES, —Tho farmers are busy seeding. --Mrs. Jas. Moore, who was thrown out of a buggy on the Ban Line of Blanshard, is reeoverine.—Mrs. Eliza Johnstone, wife of Jas. T. iohnstone, Esq., was buried in the St. Marys Methodfitt cemetely on Friday last.—The 1VIethodist chruch in. this place was filled to its utmost capacity ort SundaY evening. The yonng people aro in epering for a Social in Ooteper.—A sen of Mr. T. Smith is lying seriously ill. Greenway. A. M. and 11, E, Wilson, and Mrs. Wm. Hutchinson, start for Toronto this week to ettend the fair and visit rela- tives, . . Mr. Thos. Bullock ,presented our post- master with an ear of corn which is a good specimen, having a large centre Cob 'sur- rounded by four others of good size. Mr. JamesSton, at the advaneed, age of 93 years and 8 months, passed away 'last week, Rev: J. Russel conducting , the funeral services. The ladies ofthel3oston kfothodist church are making calossal preparations of good things for their 13th annual harvest home dinner, to be held Sept 190h, (Wednesday). Mr. Alex. Aitken has rented Mr, Rufus Cobleigh's '100 , acre farm on the 18th, for O term of ten years, • 1VIr. Janaes Shaddock reports that Mr, jamea IVIeWileon threshed' 225 bushels' of barley in 1 hour and 3 min, and a quantity of wheat at the rate three bushels .per animate. . • • . ' .BAntincue.---Immedtately after Calamity had resumed his seat the band began to play, "Oh, aint it glorious to be hidden in de light oh de moon." The music ushered in Jaek Kent, astride of hie piebald Mexi- can pony, fellowed by Bobby Guest, seated in hie father's phaeton, accompanied by the venerable .Andy Keefe, closely chased by Thos. Ryder,and Johnny Kennedy, the latter having walked in with the,pecleetriana of Biddulph. They. were received by, Aunt Sal, whe wore a last rose of summer emile, au d seemed more than pleased • at meeting Lan old. friends, and escorted them over to a' seat which had,been specially reserved for them by Bertha. Shem dished theup- angel aake and yeller dog broth which they nr appeared to digest with.good relish. They e- were at this time johied by the Clan- ty deboye change pitcher, who appeared on at the seen° chewing ad.oughnut, and esconsed n- in the Prince Albert coat his Pa had worn O on his wedding day, He was seemingly d, all there. but. by the furiowed, wyjnkles which:Plowed dee» lute ;hie olassiaal fore- . bead, gave the impression that trouble was st deeply seated. When he rolled his black. r, lustrous eyes they appeared to look away d into distant fields in search of DOW Son- s queste. He was no special *traction and . consequently Stole quietly away into the f shades and was lost sight of. Black Jack was dripped on the alatform endplayed on - a large brass jewsharp, "You must be a r Inbar ob de Lord or de Doted will get You a sure." Tlie coons all rushed on tbe plat- e form and indulged in an old plantation o walk around. Moses and Hatch cut de peigeon wing, while Everet and Bertha fit - t led up the back ground playing on a 'tin n boiler, and a Jerusalem overtaker, "Chase - dem dern negars around ; Gollies amt we ee harftyert°s'eavneYr.a",1. well -executed manoeuvres - they circled to the right, and then to the left, and coming up the middle shot old Moses to the front, and then he unlimber- ed his left legand set it agoing with as ✓ much alacrity as a locomotive rounding e t curve; and after turning a few shades darker in the face set the right leg in cow. motion. The dust flew, the platform - creaked, the coons Ioarod, tiud the Exeter contingent (especially Al. Hastings, who had never witnessed suoh a sight before) . nearly went wild with en thusiaem. At the conclusion, Ikey, the pugilist, arpeared on the stand wearing his famous. the beariti- fifi smile. Emilia a few ill -placed remarks introduced hie, old friend, Thos. Ryder, who sang with great gusto, Ms celebrated song, "The Gipsy girl." It was welcomed by rounds and rounds of applanse, and Was terminated by two toughs from Ailsa Craig indulging in a fight. They had imbibed more coon juice that could be conveniently absorbed by their bloated systems. By special order of Old Calamity they were ehacesel off the grounds in disgrace, and were compelled to view the barbecue for the rest of the day from the outside of a stake and Ryder fence. About this time Mose a sashaed to the front, and said .-- " fleah, will you people thar done quit talk- ing. Moses august presence calmed the starin and his ebony features at onee broke into a smile, wide siren. His ivories glis- tened, Ms mouth gaped, aud his eyes shone like red flannel bloomers in a locking glass. Be opened his mouth and spake, and the are the worde he said :—"Ladies and men by special protestation, de celebrated cham• pion, James O'Shay, has been produced to give a sparring exposition, wid his pupil. Stewart Taylor, e partidular friend of my own, and speciallie conjoha the assemblage to keep good order during the exposition," The two contestants appeared on the plat- form with their seconds, Yorkey and James Mayo, NVi:11 Thos. A.nderson as thne-lcooper, and They as referee. The referee sounded his chestnut gong (this is a 011000)3775) and and the crowd formed around the platform, he asmirarits occupied a corner of the platfOrni aud were being vigorously rubbed down by their seconds, while the referee inforitted the audience that on* 3 minute rounds would be !varied (Marquis Goose- berry Niles) and he hoped no ono would P700 s any 1!i 1(111067 remarks while the con- test was going on. 'Oh dat watermelon, Where is it now? And where did it grow? Como along 1-lonost. Jim, And show the folks hosv You alwaye got first At the great fall ehow. —Sportsmen could speno a clay or two pro- fitably in Kirkton. Wild geese, hens, ducks, swine and bovines are to be found in large quantities' reaming tit large.—A chemical compound composed of Orange and green is to be found in the oast end of the city. The anniversary services in connection with ' the Cooper's Methodist Sabbath Sc tool, Base Line of tlanshard, will be held on Sunday and Monday, Sept. 16th toad 17t1., On Sunday sertnons will be preached at 10::40 a.m. 2;80 and 7 p.m. by Rev. John Kenner, (it Kirkton. Col- lection at co,ch service in aid of the Sun- day School. On Monday evg,, Sept. 17th tho aenual. &et-Meal:11k Will be held at 5 p. in. Platform meeting at 7 p in., wheli addresses will he delivered by the Revs. John Kenner, of Kirkton• Chi•iatopher Hamilton, of Granton, and PVVIn.' Penhall, of Elimville. Recitations by Mi, Maggio Somerville, Select music fot the services, Tickets, 25ets. Children under 12, J 5e03, I), I'aynter, Supt, David A, Moir, Pastor CONSI3MPTION SURELY CURED To THE EDITOR.: PlOSSO illforlD your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named ells ease. 13y its timely Use thousands of hopelet s oases have been permanently cured, 1 shall bo glad to send two bottles of rny remed3 runs to any of your readers who have constomption if they will send nee their EXprees and I), 0, it Beepeetfully, Da, T. A. SLOCUM, , loronte, Ont. 87 Yong() street, Creditora, 111r. Pretty, wife and family, from Dea- ver, Colorado, are visiting their Wends, 11(77 0. Mr. Samuel Brown, son of the late Sohn Breen, has gone to Naperville, El., to attend college for another term. Mr, Christian Zwielter has just returned from Germany after a short trip and, and hearty appeatance the ocean voyege has done him good. Farmers are busy threshing and by all appearance and reports the crop is nqt as bad as expected, at least there is not Rs much grumbling from the farmers as to hard times. It is the rumor around our burgh that the Rev. George Brown has conaiderecl it advisable that man should not live alone, and that he is about to get married to lady from Sebringville One of our retired businessmen has been growing a good crop cf carrots this sum- mer, at least to judge by the samples he has had in the village. They are of an ei- eeptionel kind, the yield is not as large as !some kinds, bat they are of a rare quality. 10 18 reported that a gentleman from the country got lost in the tillage It Week. It appears that some scoundrelsput a gate i across the road and fenced t straight moss and when driving thehorse ran up against the gate, ancl the parties became so confused that they did net know Where they were, the night being very dark. This place Lae been noted, for some, time for some boys doing such dirty acts. We urn. derstand that the three town constable's have at last dropped their hatchet and are now lying low in fence corners with a re- volver in each hand, and an assistant at their shoulder with hand cuffs ready to pounce upon any person that in future attempts to destroy the peace and harmony, of this burgh. One of the oldest and meet reipeoted citizens of this place, John Brown.' died at nis residence ,last week, after an illnies which confined him to his bed for .,over a year of rheumatism. His eufferings have bean terrible, but were borne by a nod Christian heart. Mr. Brown came to''thiti village' over 40 years ago from Gernaani, at the time of the revolution in that court- , try, and was one of ';the first settlers here., Tla was always known as an honest, iii- dustrious, straightforward man, and in 1866 he niarried Mary Fels, who proved io be a good 'wife in 'health and sickness. His remains were buried in the Gernaan cemetery last Sunday, and was followed to their last resting place by the widow and seven of his children and a large number of fiiends, in fact the funeral V708 eneof the largest that has been,ege,n harsler a vein - 'her of --earse, The Bey Wm. Atatb14t preached h verr 'appropriate funeral ;Are mon, taking for his text, 1 Chron. chapt. v 57. Biddulpl4. The Boman Line—boasts:of a female gineer. . Now that the people know where to 1 for news 'Air. Bennet is kept busy read the Times - Wm. McGee defeated Marthi • Collison a run hop step and jump, on Friday 1 by 2 inches, The syndicate which was formed on Coursey Line to buy a Clydesdaleho has fallen thronhg. Runaor says that the pedestrian is goi to take unto himself a wayward partn forthwith. and will quit the turf. Thos. Simpson, Mooresirille, has a frit bottle, two cats, a good bed of unions, a 8oin6 potatoes, and wants a partner share his happineett. Mickey McCarty, being unable to ma Li s all a success, has become almost s ially ostracised, and is now negotiating partnership in the Crank Fence with W lington and Blucher. Anthony Conway fell from a straw sta on Saturday, a distance of 23 feet, and n receiving any severe injuries arose, a getting his arms akimbo shook' his rot little feet and said he often fell twice as 1 into a bog in Neenah. Three -fingered Jack who has worked fo months for $44, thinks he can support wife through the cold winter with his su mer's earnings. A good opening for som enterprising young or old woman who d clines to live as a maiden any longer. John Kent thinks the Truss prints frivo- lous stuff about his Mexican pony, and says he will give your correspondent one more chance, and thilt he will sue the edi- tor for defamation of the pony's character if its name ever appears in print again, Wm. Collison and Paddy have got West- ern notions, and on last Thursday they thought they would bid adieu to the fair fields of Canada, but when that big loco- motive 001130 in sight, whinh was to carry them from the land that gave them birth, out to the wild west, the tears could be seen slowly descending from their eyes and all the powers on earth tionld not lattice them to leave their sweet hearts. They re turned home after hating purchased their iickebot8r. T0 has been considerable talk ttbout the two young men who aro euspected of .brealting in Barrettai hollers. Those young met are reedy and willing to prove their innoeepou, Mad your correspondent is of the opinion that they are not the culprits, and also thinke that Paddy should not take nnabrage at anyone offering him it little whiskey. As he is an emigrant and a stranger in 13iddulph he should by no means aceuee anyone in partioular of being at his lions() at 12 o c1o1s at night, and we do not think he movld know the guilty parties if he mot thorn oir the road at,12 o'clock in the'clay. A number of young folks from the Bom- an Line viaited Michael Quigley's residence ono night recently, and after putting on cord on twonty,seven bags of albnles, HAY Caught they would dance a while. iVlich. and his Mrs, are a very hospitable pair, 011(1 knoWing how to entertain ooin- pany, did not object to them dancing, and therefore John Ityclei and Tim Eln,herty W010 brought forth to dance a Highland fling. After disearding thole coats they started and danced to a finieb, although time had been called long before, Still ,robn avers he can boat Tim in a fair °�n'tesiand will not have Edward Sullivan no judge Of the deuces any More, en- ook ing in ast, the rite ng er, me nd to Ice oe a et - 00 nd ty ar tir 0 - The Molso.ns Bank . . (C/IIAIITX;l1tE)) 13 IttrAalElv.r,:18,55) Piloid LIP Qapital : 83,000,0o Bog t Fund „, 8.75,5)4 OLFERSTA INT TII0.111 AS, Esq., GONESAL Ma54nn70- • 20 branch efilees in the Dominion, Agencies, in the 1)earinion, IT. S.A. end Bennie. Exeter Branch, Open every lawful day, from 10 70.10,. to 3 P. Pa SATURDAYS, 10 a. M • 10 157.111, 3 Per Omitper annum. allowed for 11101103' 00 Deposit Receipts and Savings Bank, A. A. 0, DENOVAN, Manager. Additional Locals. A good girl wanted. —Apply to Mr. f R. Jaynes, Mr Lennox, cutter in James Pick- lavie,ds,ts. store will leave Exeter this week. by local buyera yesterday to the North - Two carloads of horses were shipped • IVIr. Wm. I3awden and Fanny Baw- den, of Goclerich were called to Exeter on atteount 01 0110 death of Mrs. John Alidereon on Tuesday, A meeting will be held in the town hall Monday night, for the purpose of organizing a rifle club. All the crack shots aliould attend. , ObeaP excursions by the CanadiablPs- cific Railway to the, Canadian North- west and return. good' to return till 21s0 of November froni Exeter., for $28. Apply to W. J. Carling, Agent. The Exeter bind left early yesterday morning to attend Father Kealy's pic- nic in Taylor's grove on the shores of Lake Huron. As we go to press we haye not heard who won the large horn. The football club held a meeting in the Central Hotel, Tuesday night, for the purpose of arranging for the propos- ed entertainment on Friday, Sept. 21. The programme will consist of tableaux, etc. At the end a farce will be produo- -ed. by members of the club dressed as negroes. The committee intend to se- cure the services of the Italian harpers of London, to take part in the pro- gramme. Bissett Bros. have not had time this week to change their adv. The firm have been busy putting in new stoves for the fall trade. Their stock is now nearly completed, anda finer lot of cook, , parlor and coal stoves cannot be seen north of London. One in particular is very useful, burning either coal or wood, and the iron grating will not burn out by using hard coal. The oth- er stoves are handsome, and we would advise those Who want a, useful orna- ment to buy one of them. Harvest Rome Sermons and Supper. Harvest Home Sermons will be preach- ed in the Methodist church, Crediton, ort Sabbath Sept. 16th at 10 a. m.. by Rev. - Jasper Wilson, M. A., of Exeter, and at 6.30 p. m. by Rev. G. 11, Thompson of Centralia. A collection at the close of each service. On Monday evg., 170h, a ' grand harvest home supper of roast chick- en, roast beef, and a great variety of cake and pastry will be served by the. Ladies Aid on the grounds or in the basement of the church. After supper addresses will be delivered by the Rev. B. Clement, ehrtirman of the Exeter -District, G. H. Thompson, of Centralia, and others, ad- dresses interspersed by suitable music rendered;by the • choir of the Methodist Church- Crediton, The Brass Band of Crediton will play some fine selections during the evening on the grounds. Tic- kets to supper 25cts, Children 15cts. Supper servea from 5.30 to 8 o'clock. Obituary. It is with sincere sorrow that we are callesj upon to announce the death of Mrs. John :Anderson Of the Thames Road. She had been ill for several days, hut wait apparentlY recovering. On Sabbath how- ever she grew suddenly worse and on Monday evening about nine o'clock breath- ed her last. Mrs. Anderson was beim jin,- Arbinatin .Porfarshire, Scotland, in 1822 and came to this countiy when. 12 yeaas, of age, and has resided in this neighbor- hood for 46 years, her age being 66 3 ears, and 2 months. The deceased lady was, widely knowu and was much beloved and respected by all who knew her. She was a devoted christian and was warmly at-. tachecl to her church. She was a good an excellent person and livecl a goosi and use- fullife. Her loss will be deopty deplored by a large circle of warm friends. Her survivine• partner, Mr. John Anderson, has the sincere sympathy of all in this sad affliction. The funeral will leave her late residence on the Thames Roacl for tho Exeter Cemetery to -day (Thiusday) at 2 o'clock p. 111. BORN. • PIORARD.—ID Exeter, on the 10th 1085 the wife of Robert Pickard, of a daugh- ter. • D1100RIDGE.-113 Up11/0121.e, on the Stli inst., the Wife of Wth Delbriclge, of a daugh- ter. DIED. Aerresnson. —In Usborne, on the 10th inst., Julia, beloved wife of Mr. John Ander- son., aged 60 years. Funeral to da• (Thursday) at 2 p, SALE REG.f.STER. ----- Monday, Sept. lith, 1888.—Auction sale of li'arin Stock, the property of Anglia • McIectite, on lot 13 con 12, t;Iteplien, at ohe o'clock sharp. PI. Eilber, Atiet. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, !DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE, OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, H EARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease e,risizhr from disordered ICHATHIPS, STOMACH, BO WELP "ar BLOOD. tP, MILBURN & CO,