The Exeter Times, 1888-9-6, Page 811� SUl AN 14' RN 1:ST1�LL1O1',AQ NTFOI. .dl iT • 1. T,, WEST T��ILNASSCI12A,lgCi' t.Obt. 1aa11+,r, of Toronto ; aero 1'e1; rho k�13tk.Nl i " 1`l12I0. il�SialicvOx; COAIPQNi,', ai J.O11(don, lunglitlad.tl;o lift$ 1ld OtiN&DIAN, of &on- (treal,,aurd the 1T1ZI1"StT. Z,xi-)111.1i1 .a1.0i AS • tiIntA,'.tinCOAiPANY, of leoncion.p:nuland, established, 1857, &snots over $S,Qeedlce• claims alai bonuses paid, over S10,O0e.000, E,'OC,lL NGlV3.—n'esltall beitappy tore- .ague at all times, from any part of the Coccitsy,sltcttts,a)` focal news, such as ac atients,ar:a1gt iZterest iaay iatetdeuC ?oXaat- Iver; ton: gay of our subscribers Cr read- see generally,/`or the pwpose of public lone. iv f et IQ l THURSDAY', SEPT. 6th ; 1888. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. fail: Undersigned" would announce• to the public that he has now on hand one of the best assorted stocks of harness, boots and shags, &c. in town, and would eel' special attention to bis Scotch Collars, Children's Carriages, & Express Waggons, .as they are the best in the market, and at prices to snit the tuxes. Boot shoe i•e pairing yromptly attended tq. Call and be convinced, 0. E.Aonea '$,Exeter. Barden Party. The garden party under the auspices of the Trivett Memorial church, held at the: residence of Mrs. Case outhe Londod road two miles above Exeter, last Thursday evening was the most successful party giy• en by ea Exeter church this year. Vehi- Miss Alma MoDenell is on the list. x I vaa, ,� Lenin b 1C fist S passed Y 1 s Y I riday ail route froufx i.oclerieh. Rev, Father IKoaley's picnic \vii held in Limerick next Wednesday. Mi`; 'Thomas, IIamlin is putting a roof 9h. his building on main street; A large number of Exeteriteii an band attended the moos ie Hensal Monday, , D. '.Gait played ball with the 'HIe olubaganist Goderich in Hensel' Monday.. 13ny'your Tickets frons, Capt. Kemp, Grand Trunk Ticket A T'o°tivn. Ha11. M. Jas, Weekes is the happiest in town—being the father of a boleti baby boy, Mr. L. R. Dickson went to: Sa Last Thursday to see McKenzie, wh in limbo for counterfeiting. Why are the lamps not lit during daft nights? The town presents a real looking appearance without th What is the spatter with our Clal boye and Centralia ,,'corresponde Wake up and send in your wee gr•}st. The total assessed value of the lege of Exeter is $494,414. Seafo is •assessed at .$572,950. and Wingh 4464,177. " The cricket match between the C adians: and Trishmeax resulted in fa af'the Irishmen by 78 runs and innings. The Normal school at --Toronto re-ope;led this week with a larger tendance thancformerly. Two etude ,ales conveyed the people from Exeter.to are from Huron. the grounds, where an excellent supper." Mr. J. Parkinson has opened his had been' prepared by the ladies of the store in the block north of the .town church., Plenty of ice cream could be had hall and has in stock all the choicest as well as several soft drinks. The Exe- goods to be had. ter band' was in attendance and rendered Mr. L Hardy, who has beeneojourn several choice selections during the even- ing in Manitoba since July has return- ing. A number of Hensall people: were ed hone. He reports that he is well present, pleased with the country. The funeral sermons of the late John Village Council. Collins and Edwin Snell were preached The adjouenerl meeting of the council in the .Tames street Methodist' church held 28th of August. All present except. Sunday morning by Rev. Clement., Mrs Pickard. Moved by T. B. Carling, A Harvest Home tea will be given in seconded by McCallnin, that E. R. Bissett Mr. Lewis' grove near Crediton on be paid 815 for labor. -Carried. 'It was Sept., 17th. On Sunday16th s ec• l agreed that crossings be put in at T. B. services will be preached n the church. Carling s. one at Nelson street one at Vic- orfa, street and two at the bridge.: lieu- The Parkhill baseball ' club was to ed by Carling, seconded by IVIcCellnm, have played the Exeter club on Tues- day ori the grounds of the latter, but the game was postponed until to -day. Edward Hanlon is matched feria race with Kemp, champion of the world, the race to be rowed over the course of the previous one. The race will take place on Sept. 28th for a purse" of $2,500 a side. . siok malt 1 be' new cl the 1 on nsall on Geo. Ag man cing; rnia. o is, the dis- ere. kle- nts? wee vis• rth am an- yor .$n has at nts that a stone crossing be put in at Mr. Parkinson's store provided the Mr. Park- inson furnish the material. llovecl by W. G. Bissett seconded by Oariine that this, council adjourn until Monday 3rd at 8 o'clock p: m. The council suet pursuant to adjourment at the To+vn Hall, Exeter, 4th Sept All present. Minutes of pre- vious meeting read and confirmed. Mov— ed by T. H. McCallum, seconded by T. B. Carling, x g, that the following sums be paid, quiz:—`rhos Horn, $5.12 for labor, and W. Sutton $20. for ,charity to S. Ford.— Carried Moved by T. 13. Carling, secon- ded by J. Pickard that in ease a tramp be provided with lodging in the Town Hall, and he is able to work, that he be required to earn meals before getting tiny. —Carried. By-law No 13-1888 to levyrates for the. current year was duly read and passed on motion of W. G. Bissett, seconed by T. H. McCallum. Total rates, 14 mills in the collar, Moved by W. G. Bissett, secon Southern Counties fair,Association will ded by J. Pickard, that this council ad- beheld in the cit y of St. •� Thoma' journ for three weeks.—Carried. s on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and P ere+onal. Thursday, Sept. 17, 18,:19 and 20, 1888 Miss Maggie Spicer, who was ° risitin Liberal premiums will be offered. See friends. in :St. CIair,•haa returned.—Mr ad; elsewhere. Simon Stahl, of the Waterloo Chronicle The cricket match between 'Parkhill is sr isiting friends in and. around Exeter.-- and Ailsa Craig was played' Friday af- 1John Mills, of St. Thomas is visiting ternoon at Parkhill, resulting in, favor his uncle Mr. Davin Tv1i11s.—Dan Mclnsh ` of Paarkhill by six runs and one inning. ]eft last week for Denver, Colorado. He Parkhill' made 56 runs on their first and will join the cowboys when he arrives at only inning, and Ailsa Craig made. 24 -that city. -Mr. James Eagan spent San- runs on their first and 26 on ` their' sec= elayin St. Marys. --A Clinton lady was in and, tawniest week trying to form a music Several of those who attends class.—Miss M. A. Gregory left on Mon- d the day to attend Model "school in Clinton, lawn social last Wednesday evening, Russel Manning left for Clinton the same were left behind and had to walk home day to attend the High School.—Mrs.'a distance of about threil%s. But Wan. Kirby and son, of Von township, some of them saie rn d they didn't care as York co., are the guests ;of Mr. and lIrs. they were in very agreeable company. Thos Coates, of Usborne.—Miss Harris, Two o'clock isnot the time to be out of Mitchell, was visiting Mrs. John promenading, boys: iissery, of Usborne,lastweek.Mrs. John The St. Marys baseb all club had a Ross and 'Miss Etta Hayes spent Sunday tournament on the Thames flats last in Goderich,—Mr, Harry Wilkins, of St. Thursday. The affair was very ! tante, Marys, was visiting his friends in Exeter only the St- Marys and Mitchell clubs last Sunday.—Mr. nd .—Med r. Johnston's Baw a , who ug has competing. One' match was played be - Sarnia, has returned to Exeter.—Mr. Jas, favtwor the two clubs and resulted in Lennon of Seaforlh who axes' been takingfavor of Mitchell by a score of 18 to 15, charge of L. 13'.' Dickson's law office The Mitchell goys are note champions the past month, returned Some last Satur- -of Perth. day. He will shortly enter McArthur's The picnic held in Dolhay's grove last law office in Toronto. -,-The Misses Drew week passed off peasantly and was • in of London, are the guests of Miss Carrie every respect successful. Quite a num- .Drew.—Miss ¢Trebilcock of London, is ber from Exeter attended for the pur visiting the Misses Rowe. pose of securing the big horn offered to ciente/1, Races, the biggest blower at the picnic. • Mr. Thomas Dearingwaspronouneed a good The annual races at the Clinton Driv- blower and the massive horn was voted ing Park were, held Friday. There was a to•him. Prizes were given for athletic large crowd and no doubt many' were kept games and sports. away by threatening weather. A heavy The interest in the International base thunder shower passed over in the morn-. ing bot in the afternoon the ground, was ball league is becoming . more intense t in good shape and theas he season were'well draws near the close. All contested, particularly the last two the clubs except Toronto and Syracuse, .classes: The following is the suns nary: are out of the race.'', These Colt race two clubs are fighting hard for first Tom Burke(r. g.), owned by John place, but the Torontos are slightly in Hawkshaw, Exeter,... ..... 1 1 1 the lead. London club made such a Electors' Chief (b. s.), E. Living - A dogfight occurred in front"of this office Tuesday morning, The , foreman thought it was a cyclone and the devil fainted, which accounts for the TINES being out a little later than usual this week. We received a small item :through the post office, and as the name of the writer was not attached, we refuse to publish it, and we might state that we do not publish items of an advertising nature, free of charge. The ninth annual .exhibition of the beginning that it never once was in the Bisl o Mac e, Blyth... ..3 3 3 race, but of lste it has been playing y (b.g.), McGregor,good ball and has crowded itself into J3rucefield ....... . ......... . .. 2 2 2 fifth place, with a chance for fourth if Time, 3,12, 3,06, 3,051 2.50, trotting or pacing— it keeps a winning gate. Jennie Scott(b. rn ), Jr R. John We have received word from several atop, Brtuntfcrd.117,; , 1 1 1 1 of our correspondents complaining be- I3arney A (c g.), Barnes, St. ,cause their items were left out the past Thomas , . , ...... .. , . , .... 2 2 2 2 few weeks. During the 1 ast four Billy E (h. tin) J, Ellson, Sarnia 3 3 3 3 weeks-the'space has been lieeited on Lizzie (e. m.), W. Goodwin, Port account of the massive by-law. We Eaton.— . • , 4 4 4.4 would alae inform aur correspondents Tiine, 2,371, 2,341, 2.36,2,3871. that seine of the items sent are good to Free for— hold oVer for a week and that their: ef- Doc.Frank (r.g.),'John Lawton, foato ba vo not been ignored. The cor- Pt. Huron . , .. . „ ...3 3.1 1 1 John Duncan, (g. s,), BarneyBar- .respondenceheecarefullywhichwas' not over published nes, St. 'Monate 1 .1 3.2 3 hes been looked oyer and elle nigh Jack (s. g.) ,3'. R, Johnston, , ,interesting items are published under Sarnia, .. , .. , . , 2 2 2 3 y the respective heading this week. Time, 2433, 2.:32„2,34, 2,331, 2,40 Sunday night about.ten o'clock a sailor coiled Liverpool.Tack waskilled at The band played on the street Sat- the Queen's hotel,' Point Edward, dor- urday evening:: , a row. IJe had been put out of the cl good glrlevening. wanted. �A )1 to Mrs. hotel and went away, got some coin- i. R� Jaynes., ' . , ply`rades and returned to the hotel. A The row was raised and Liverpool Jack was 1.'}le football club intends giving an kicked ' in the stomach. rnach. De ath resulted ntertainineut soon, ..almost inatantiY. IIH olaruedthat he .Thexe rooee sat Kelly's pia lot into the row with one of the anon aic Iasi week amounted to nearly $300, 'r'ho G. T.: 11, areofthring cheap rates to Port Duron and Detroit, today and to-Inerrow• pare $2,50,' good to return oar the 24th.inst. Di'. Lutz has returned from lain trip: to the lower provinces. The ex ovines are getting rather glossy and an overcoat feels quitecomfortable. The Maple £oafs qi Guelph defeated the Londous ou Tuesday by a score of 2 to 0. Mr \Vr.n .13ynxdrnan who has been in the Northwest for a number of years. le at present visiting his parents in town. The salvation army intends having a big time tu-night, They will have Prof. Wiggins, of London to help in the meeting. The Canadian football team now on their° European tour won their first matoh against Ireland by a score of 6 goals to 2. On Tuesday as James Eagan, bag- gageiiian at the station was moving a car, he fell against the crowbar injuring hie knee severely. A baseball match was played ab Hen- sall Monday morning: between 'Jensen and Goderich baseball teams. The Goderich boys won by a score of 12 to Itis frequentlyremarked byatrangers who come into this town, that Exeter has more pretty girls than anytown of its. size in Canada. They're about right. Owing to an oversight • the Exeter markets were•xot corrected lad week. The price of wheat had risen consider- ably and no doubt many were not. aware of th a fact, D. Ransom created considerable oitement on the street Sunday n by trying to speak in opposition t Salvation Army. Hegave a lectu the market square Sunday mornin The McGibeny family, who a give an entertainment herenext m will remain in town over Sunday. they travel on their own car many doubtless visit it at the station. D. Ransom, who recently caped from the asylum at London, committed to the Goderich jail T day morning charged with inset .Ransom will probably go toLon again, where he will be placed in asylum., • We have received word from4Mr. G. Smale, who went to California,' s months ago for the benefit of his hen It was reported here that he was d' but we are glad to State that he • ha far gained his health to begin teach school. Be sins taken the` liigl 'andcertificate that State can giveh and has taken the: position as pr'u pal of the Grammar School in We wish him success. The Toronto '.Industrial Exhibiti which runs from Sept, 10th to the 22 will have, in addition to a very full d play of live stock; agricultural and 1n ufacturing products, a•numberof spec displays of interest. • Ainong these be a large collection of grains and ve etables from the Government Fern} Ottawa and exhibits by British Coln bia. Manitoba and the Northwest Te ritories and Algoma, of the;various pr ducts of these; districts. The progra of amusements has been prepared, on scale never before attempted inCanad Exceptionally low rates will be given the railways during the fair. ex- igh t� o the re on g. re to onth,' As will es - was urse city. don the J. o e. lth.. cad, sso ing lest im,. n ci on; nd is an- ial will a n1- r- 0 m. a bay A Musical Family. The 1\'IcGibeny* family is inmany re- spects a phenominal one. Father and mother with their eignt sons and four daughters and one"daughter-in.-law coin prise.an Ideal company of vocal and in- strumental musicians—a :;company born not selected. The family is an unusually,, large one, but the children inherit a full share of their parents in intelligence and musical aptness.. The engagement of this .family for two concerts in Danville, I11. was a fortunate?enterprize oil the part of ladies of,the First M. 1+ church,.; under whose auspices the; concerts` were ' given'. The Daily Press of that city says : "The audience which greeted the. McGibeny's last night was the largest that has been seen at the Grand for many weeks:, The programai�xe ranged from simple nrelodies .and kineiergartens songs to classical com- positions, so that a 1'elasses were pleased and every selection was received with ap- preciative applause. In a program of such length and a company, of so many mem- bers, It is difficult to make special men- tion of anyof the participants partenlarly. But, special mention must be made of the excellent quartette singing of;.,Messrs' Frank, Hugh', Victor and 1+ red McGibeny, of the recitation of the "Minuet" by Mrs. Prank McGibeny and of the excellent vio- lin solo, Souvenir de Moscow by Hugh McGibeny. The concert, is unlike . any other ever given on a public stage, being pure in and high in class and just such an entertainment that pleases all the members of a`fami.ly, from the tiny child - to the gray headed grandparents, Footballat, ' On Surdaj' a game of football was played on the race track between Bruce - field and Exeter clubs. The gone , was started about ten minutes afterfour. The Exeter Captain won the toss and took the south goal. Thefirst half time was exciting, neither sidescoring. A change in position was made after a short restand the ball was again facets off. The ball wasseed a P up and 'down the field, but neither goal was in danger. After about twenty minutes play Dallas, of the Bruce - field team got an easy shot on goal and ,put the ball through, scoring the first goal in an hour and five minutes. The Exeter boys with renewed energy went in to tie the score and the Brucefield team tried hard for another goal. A foul was made near. the Brucefii'eld goal and • a kickoff was made by D. Tait. The hall passed directly over the heads of the Brucefield players striking one and bouncing through thus tieing the score, time, 10 minutes. Fifteen minutes were left to play, but when the time was up neither side had scored another goal and the game Was call- ed aldraw. The ExeterIboys dice better then their opponents considering the practice they have had, The I3rucefieItl boys plaYl a good game, especially Dallas, who is an ex-tnember of the Clinton club. The Exe- ter club played an individual game, with very little passing, butwith a little prao- e the club could play sccond to none of clubs. A return match ,will be play - shortly, Tho boys; wouldn't mind if se who were too mean to pay the ad-, sin fee had remained at home. Too ch going around to the back fence and in over p thesly' �,is indulged ' din and those who wish to witness any garnet u1d pay the sum of ten coats, the boys ld afford to get decent uniforms, But eter does not scorn to have any more re h 'then a dishrag in tills respect as O a small plaice like Briscefield is ahead 't. tic the ed tho oris mu `um 1 if who had come bank to the hotel with e' him^and that it was ono of them who eon kicked him. `They crossed the river stn immediately after the murder and - eve fore t be e � l h officers could reach them, of i tat, au+erva�e e. , P Absolutely Pure. sty strep thandwholesomeneess. Moreeoon- omicalthanthe ordinary kinds and cannot be soldfn'competitionwrth the multitudes of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate' ppowders. Sold only in cans.—R0y,U VAK- IN4POWDEit CC„106 wanetreet N.Y Mineral Nater Emporium. ST. LEON WATER, -The Great Health restorer. If your system is 'out of . order drink St. Leon and be happy. Enxxra Vim.—Magnetic Mineral from Nature'sLaboratory forUloerated Stomach and all-diseases•of the stomach,: for Liver Kidney and Piles. The most wonderful article.ever offered ,to the Public. The Great Wolverine Mineral Water from Nt'ichigan,for Rheumatism, if you are afflicted Call and see. ' GEO. SANDERS. Agent, Exeter. COO* a,, UWO One Door South of Post Office —HE HAS A NEW AND COIV1PLETlil --STOCK OF—', , a & Shoes. Sewedwork a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to.- GEO. MANSON; THE PIONEER .. Purniture $ Unde rtakln g a rerOoms. In returning .'thanks to our nuinerous custonxers for, past favorsit affords us great pleasure in stating that we have got nicely settled in our new and commodious premises, and are prepared,, (if ,quality and selection of stock, and honest dealing will do it) to supply the . wants of the people of this district, ' in the furniture and undertaking line, with roods AT ASTONISHINGLY. 'LOW PRICKS. The finest stook in Huron county to choose from. For proof positive as to the extent of our stock and• he low prides at ` which we sell, ' WE INVITE AN EARLY INSPECTION, We publish no clap trap nonsense, but produce facts, which can be verified in 'a practical way Oar dock of undertaking goods is very complete, embracing funeral furnishings from the highest to the lowest grades, and at prites far below any in town. An inspection of our is respectfully solicited. S. GIDLEY, (Successor to C, & S. Gidley) ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. July 88. Samwall � ficl�"rd laking Room ----FOR-- Fall Purchases CALL EARLY —AND - TAKE PART —Pt' THE GREAT— ; Sale J Exeter Lumber Yari tg The Undersigned wishes i. g lies to nifoila, the general the he 'reeve -constantly iiti stook— All Kinds of! BUILDING MATERIAL PRESSED OR -UNDRESSED, Bell Stuff, Flooring, Siding, dressed—•inch, inch -and -e- uar'ter i 1cl - q , i l arld-a Lathhalf an,Vidct. wo inch, SashDoors, Blinds, Mouldings and all Finishing Material SHINGLES A SPECIALTY.—Competition challenged. The best and the largest stock, and at lowest prices. Shingles A 1, All dressed limber thoroughly seasoned and ready for assured. A call will bearout the above. THE OI,D ESTABLISHED. Jas• V 4 11 s use. No shrinkage MainTs 10 • Raward dor the .Ccnvictxor OF DEALERS WHO OFFER f ' INFERIOR OIL OF OTHER AND SELL MCVO11 0 , MANUFACTURE FOR LARDXNE CIIINL OIL. Eureka Cylinder, Bolt- McColl Bros. & Co.,Curtin &'Wool Oils. ..Cutting For sale all leading dealers. s. Toronto. o. I, 33_ SSE., TT EROS. Sole Agents, ` �g , Exeter. 5; QUEEN Eli CITY 'OII_ WORKS S 0= X., At TorontoVvery Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used on all machinery during the Exhibition. It bas been awarded NINE. GOLD MEDALS during the last three years 'See,that you get Peerlesps. It is only made byy 5.�uc� ° zi no4.iri.s clic C'O .Q CO.,! T0 FOR SALE BY JAS. PICKARD. —GREAT ---- Clearing early . ;Sale —AT THE— Chea Store Crediton ... p � For the next 60 days at cost, consisting of Dry -Goods, Boots & Shoes, Felt and Straw hats (about 400 to select from,) Having secured -shop license • to; sell all kinds •of WINES . an d L/QUOfRS� I.have decided to clean out!' some of 'the above lines at or below cost for cash and ready pay, to make room for a large stock of - GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. Don't forget as it is no humbug. ,- A11 accounts due 1st October,, 1888: T. Chea Store Cheap eCreCl1t011:, NOTICE To tl?e Public at Large. I' am offering my' summer goods at COST PRICE 'to make roomier Fall Purehses —A6 I HAVE RECEIVED A PART OF - My Fall Stock Please call and examine before going elsewhere. Organs for Sale at Cost Price. House & Lot FOR SALE—Opposite Town hall 1.' . DE.6.1121qC agents Wanted Immediately GOOD WAGES. Srsi1ny WORK. P, L. HERRICK, & Co., - Nurserymen, BRIGHTON, G. A. H?ND;LiN, Call on G. A. H. for Groceries• e' Teas t . Spices " Dashwood flour °'' Petty Hams and Bacon Smoking tobacco a five cent piece with every 3 plugs. cc fes` .. And examine Senior's Show . Window where you will see some firstclass pho- tos, equal to any City Work.. THERE ! DID I NOT TELL YOU SO i And you can rely upon getting value for your money everytilne, Cabinet Photographs graphs $3 a dozen. $1.50 FOR CARDS. He also has a fine line of Photo Frames and Mats, at Right Prices. PICTURE FRAME MOULDING- IN ALL STYLES. 'Call - and - See` JOSEPH SENIOR, Opposite H. •Spaekthan's Tinshop, GREAT SUMMER SALE ISAAC CARLlN;, IN ORDER TO CLEAR OUT HIS SUAZMEB'STOclR WILL SELL : Summer Silks, Dress Goods, Mlislixls, Prints, Gin ghams Laces, Ribbcns, , . Hisiery, Gloves, Underwear, Corsets, Parasols, Millinery, Trimmings, etc At Greatly Reduced Prices.` Grand Bargains is Evy Doparimoni ttacl.fes, d not hiss this opportunity to buy cheap goods, as the subdbriber lees one of the finest etookd' in the town to °hoose from. A repay you,