HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-9-6, Page 7HOUSEHOLD.
gOther's Work,
A Chapter of Mrs, Diaz 's "By -bury to
Beecon Street" ie full of sound counsel to
the young people of the day, and is wortlY
of wide distribution. The 'mother of a feud-
ly, after a hard forenoou'e work, had given
up to teare, for her girl ood boy had gone
away leaving their tasks undone, and the
burden of the day seemed to be growing
greater then she could bear.
Her husband, fiading her thus discourag-
ed, inquired into the matter,and came to
theconclusion that their children should
be made to realize that a part of the house-
hold work beloneed to them, and not that
they were generously "helping mother" when
they gave anyaassistemae.
So one
examples, 1 r father asked her to write down
evTing, after lama had nished her
all the ditferent things I had to do in the dif•
ferent days'of the week. She began to write,
her father and Fred prompting when her
memory failed.
"The list covered both sides of the elate.
Husband wrote it the beginning, for o title,
'Mother's Work,' and then remarked that
it was a good deal of work for one person.
I help her some,said Laura.-
" Yes,' said he, suppose you oall what
you do helping her, and that Fred 'calls
what he does helping her, but after all, you
are only helping yonimelf. Mother eats
small part of the food4she ooOks, and wears
a small part of the ofothes she makes land
washes, and irons, and mends. So all this
work is not really here, to do.'
"Then' he rubbed out the title,• and wrote
in its place,. The Family Work vehioh is
called Mother's Work.'
Now, r should like to know,f•said he,
why members of the family consider it a fa-
vorto mother -when they do partirof theirown
work?' , • • ,- •
"'For inetance; I have notioe,d that; to get
a meal and clear it away, there must be
wood and water brought, vegetables got,
cleaned, and 000ked,oth.er things 000ked, the
table set, dishes washed, knives scoured, and
" some:tidying of the room afterwards. Now
it closen't seem right for one person to do all
this labor end for Other persons to feel that
their part is only the eating part. That isn't
fair play.'"
Having thus convinced the children that
it was not, indeed, fair play, the father
proceeded to allow them a certain portion of
the family work for their own doing. Rea.
der—big boy or little girl—profit by the hint,
no longer pluming yourself on helping
mother, ' but honestly assuming the 'labor
which belongs to you.
Delft Talk AboutYour Troubles.
Sitting by my Windt)* the other day,
saw a little fellow, onto was running on the
sidewalk, stub his the and fall with a great
thurnP. It must have hurt hint severely;
and I OPected. to hear a tremendous out-
cry. Instead of that, he got upon his feet
as soonastaossible, rubbed his head, looked
around to see if there was anybody to pity
him, and not discovering any one he trotted
on without a vehimpet. " There," said I to
myself," that IS 1,ohout tbe way we •grown
folks act. Oar treubles are 'never half so'
serious when there is no one to whom we
can explain how ,dreadfully we are hurt." •
hereupon 1 feu into a brevin study upon
the, folly of giving voice to every little dui -
comfort. The habit certainly develops our
selfishness. The oomraon human infirmity is
for each to make himself " the center of the
universe,and to look upon Avery event as of
, more or leas consequence in exact proportion
as it affeots• his interests. He glances over
the newspaper accennt of the flood that
swept it viltage away, and drowned twenty.
five people, giving it scarcely a thought; but
he speaks again and again of the freshet
that oarried off a rod or so of hie fence and
did sundry other small damage. He talks it
over on every occasion with all its tiresome
details,beoause, forsooth; it touched hissitored
possessions. He can dispose of the'calumny
under which another may be writhing, with
some old threadbare proverb; and he fancies
that he has settled the matter handsothely,
but let some dieagreeable thing be said of
him and you'll not hear the last of ' it for
one while! And the worst of it is, like the
story of the three black crows, the grievance
grows with every repetition, till, if you
take him literally, you are obligedtci eegard
him as the most ,cruelly .injored individual,
upon the planet. • '
Since •this • is an bffiriiiity of the raoe to
which we belong, Hie' only common pru-
dence for us to guard 'against it. If it
makes us selfish to deinand sympathy in
every little -rouble, let no see :to it that we
avoid speaking.of our trials.
By talking about discomforts we give
them proportionately mere .attention, and
by so much we increase their power to
annoy us. If we have something to take
our thought, a hot, dusty day on a railway.
train Will pass by without Seriously ihcorn-
moding us; but let us rive our time to fan-
ning and fretting, constantly commenting
upon the heat and dust and the frequency
of the stops, and we get all the discomfort
possible out of the trip.
If one gets up in the morning with a pain
in his head, and begins at once to tell, every-
body who asks after his health how muCh
he is afraid that he is about to have one of
his dreadful, nervone headaches, andwhat
untold agonies he suffers with then and how
he has worn opt this and that remedy, etc.,
if it is at all: possible he will probably bring
aboufthe result he fears.
Not infrequently a little bright, thankful
talk, coating the care most fully apon God,'
and getting an added touch of faith, and a
shining in the joy ,of the Lord, will help macs
glide over the hard pliteee so easily that his
morningheadache will be forgotton long
before night.
Tested Receipts.
LEtion Punnnta.—Take the yolks of six
eggv,Well beaten, with a quarter of,a pound
ftutter in as little water as possible, stirring : sugar. Melt quarter of a pound of
i till cold, and mix all together with the
. juice of two lemons and the grated peel.
Cover the , dieh with a thin puff petite,
pour in the mixture and bake for half an
E ELLY.—Taite fieven-Bpoon-
fuls of grated chocolate, the game of white
sugar, one cup of sweet cream I mix to,
gether and set over the fire and let come to a
boll Pour it over cornstarch pudding, or
put between layers of cake.
Reiser' BxsOuim.—Scald one-half pint „of
milk ; • set it where it will get doia, take
one quart of flour, tablespoonful of sugar,
a piece of butter or lard the siee of a but-
ternut and a little salt. Rub the sugar,
butter and flour thoroughly together; then
add the colcl nifik and stir. together. Lastly;
add one.half enp of good new yeaet atul
mold lizttil it Will hot Oink to the board.
Put in a pan and let it nee over night. In
the Morning Viola, again. Melt Softie butter
in a saucer, Roll the dough to about one-
half inch in thicknos. Theu cut with
biscuit cutter and put half of them eia your
tine and bttite the otherr half andtay them.
over, Initteted Side down. tet t ena rise
sloWly An day and bake.
Cur Oa,—On e clip of sugar, half aoup
of butter, two eggs, the yolke and whitee'
beaten separately, half a oup of milk, one
and a half cave of flour, one and a ball tea-
spoons of baking powder. This to nice with
caramel ftofiting : One oup o eugar, half a
oup of milk, a piece of butter the size of an
Pa; ; boil hard for ten minutes, then stir till
nearly cold; or, if chocolate is preferred,
odd one square melted; stir well.
GRAHAM BISCUITS.—Three cups of graham
flour, one oup of wheat flour, two large tea-
SpOODS Of baiting powder, ;rub in two large
tablespoons: of butter, a little salt, half a
oup of sugar, one beaten egg and enough
obld milk to make wsoft dough; roll out,
out with biscuit cutter and bake at once,
ToltrAmo SALAD.—Line a dish with lettuce
leaves, and put in some sliced tomatoes;
cover with a dressing made of oil and vine-
gar mixed in the proportion of one table.
spoon of vinegar to two of salad oil ; add a
little pepper and salt. Sliced cucumbers
may be added, if liked.
Hate RanzeIT,L--One cup of minced ham,
one oup of dry grated cheese, tWo eggs,
three tablespoone of cream or milk, cayenne
pepper to taste, slices of toaeted bread,
buttered: Beat the eggs light, mix the
meat and chew, /Air the eggs into the milk,
and put together in it ;b6w1 ; work to 4 bat-
ter, spread thicklY on, orustless slices of
butfered toast, brown (illicitly, and serve at
once. ,
•' Jummard,—,..Half aapound of hotter, half a
pound of pounded auger, three fourths of a
pound of our, two well -beaten eggs, five
drops of eseence of almonds, five drops of
essence of nutmeg, welt mixed. , Break a
pieoe the size of a,willnut, roll in sugar and
make into ringe ; lay them on tins to bake
an inch apart.
Facts Worth triowing.
Oil of cinnamon will cause the disappear-
ance of warts, however hard and large they
may be. There will be no pain.
worth of gum benzoin dissolved in one pint
of alchohol. Use a tablespoonful of this in
the water which you use•foe your face. ,-Ar
To remove acid stains from lined or ,cotton
goods, wet the cloth with water and hold a
lighted match under the stain. The Sulphur,-
ous gas from thematch removes the stain.
The pain from a felon can be at onoe re-
lieved by smoke from woolen rags. Place
the raga under an inverted flower pot and
put 'coals upon them, or Fla on fire some
other way, then hold the felon over the
smoke and it will extract; all the pain.
GROWTH OP Uinta—The hairs are said to
grow more rapidly in the daytime than At
night and in warm than in cold seasons of
the year. Each hair grows from a bulb
contained lut a'follicle or se.c in the *in. If
not injured, the limit of growth isreached
at a 'Certain time ; it then loses its vitality
and drops out. This period of life in robust
persons is estimated by some to from two
to four years.• While the follicle remains
health.y it furnithes L the , hair bulb With
macertal necessary to its growth, and new
hairs continue to replace the old. The hair
simply a plant with a bulbous root placed
in. a soil favorable to its growth. At certain
intervals the stalk ceases growing, withers
and is broken off. Prom the same follicle
another shoot is sentiorth to grow, mature,
and,- in turn, wither and disappear. .
Slave 'Patching in Africa. ,
The anxiety felt in Europe and America
concerning HenryLM.,Stanley, ;has led to a
further interest in the ocindition of that
part of Africa which, he sefisont to penetrate.
Undoubtedly his expedition awakened the
hostility of the elave-oatoliers, and elave.
traders. The wort Of these are Arabs.
They make.a business of: it.
One principal purpose of Gen. -Gordon in.
taking uphis abpdci. Centrral,Africa, was
to break up this' nefarious' 'Emin
BO has remained there, when he might
easilY escaped,' With the same high
and humane purpose.
Recently news 00ID011 from, France that
Cardinal I, reigerie, Archbishop of baithrtge
and Algiers, is preaching a crusade in Paris
and other places, against this relic of bar•
bariem.' It, is; said that his elognenee is
creating great excitement. 'Ale shows- that
400,000 slaves are annually sold- for trans-
portation on the east (mast of Africa, and
that every one rePreeents ten 'persons who
Were killed during their capture and jour-
ney to the coast. These manhunters stir -
round towns, set fire to the buildings, and
kill every man'woman, and child they can-
not capture. They only want the young
and middle-aged. If they can obtain these,
they will leave the infants and the old to
suffer. Only the vigorous are able to stand
the long march from the interior of the
country to the comet.
Elephant hunting as now practiced, tends
to keep up the slave trade. The slaves are
trained to the business, and their value is
thus enhanced when they are taken to the
meat. ' •
Cardinal Lavigerie is doing a good work
In awakening the attention of Europe and
the civilized world, to the horrors of this
business. The Great Powers of Christen
dom should unite in practical steps not
only to send relief to Emin Bey, and residue
Stanley, but also, to quote from Living-
stone— .'to heal this open sore of the world."
Presence of Mind on Her Part.
Willie—" What makes you COM to our
house so often, Mr. Hankinson ? Do you
want to marry our Irene ?" Miss Irene
(taken by surprise, but realising with rare
presence of mind that Mr. Hankinson has
got to say something now)—"Willie, you
impertinent boy, leave the room. '
Harvest Exo-arsions.
The Chicago & North-Western Railway
Company announcesct. series of harvest ex-
ult:kens to points in Iowa, Minneaota,
Dakota and Nebraska, for which tickets will
be sold September llth, September 25th,
October 9th, arid Ootober 23rd, at the rate
of one fare for the roundkrip. These excur•
Blond will afford exceptional opportunities
for personal inspection of the produc hive
country reeohed by the Chicago & North.
Westeen Railway Pox full infernal.
got", address E P Wilson General Passe''-
ger Agent, Chicago.
A Good Corn Sheller for 25 cents.
A marvel of eheapnees, of ffiecacy, and of
promptitude, is contaiiied iu a bettle of that
famoue remedy, Putnam's Painless Corn
Extractor. It goes right to the root of the
trouble, there aots quickly but so paitlessly
that nothing ie known of its operation until
the corn is shelled. Beware of substitutes
offered for Putnam's Painlees Corn Exttaot-
gorisTorfe, :Jure and painless. • Sold at drug -
Apathy is One of the worst mortal dis-
eases • it incapacitates US flora conibatting
the ,enoroaelatitiontsvie° and cheeps every
avenue ofour,souls to the approach � vir-
I ten,
An Unlucky .Experinaer,t-
It hi not probable that the mithap of
Fishermen Bill Danbury and CLarlee Bieck,
of Eastport, resulting in the capture of their
heat by the Canadian steam oruiser Dream,
will armee any freth diplomatic, oontrovertiy.
T'here is no question of commercial privilegee
involved, or a violation ot revenue lawa
simply. The adventurous pair of Maine
fishermen, if the account from St. John is
correct, committed the undoubted treettrj
offence of trying to take fish without a lioense
in the inshore waters of the Dominion. This
offence hoe never been one of the points in
dispute between the two Governments, Per-
haps bravado or a Clefilre to do ;something
worthy of being talked about was one mo-
tive in the unlucky experiment, since ' Bill
Danbury's sobriquet of "King Haddock"
indicates that he had a reputation to sus-
tain. The waters in glaciation are aniong
those which require the most vigilance to
police, because the line between the two
countries there runs directly through the
bay; and, indeecl,fwhen the fishermen fonnd
that they were discovered they hoped to get
back in sewn across the line; but the3r had
steam power against them.
Plenty to Wear.
Toronto Belle—You would scarcely be-
lieve it, Mr. Oldboy, but the lady'. seated
near the open window hae over twe hundred
dresses. •
Mr. Oldboy—Is it pessible ? iy doesn't
she put one of am �n?
•• •
Constancy in f'rienclehtp, attaohment and
famillatities isloommendable, and is requisite
til support trust and good correspondence
in society. ,
A, Lovely Won:mai .
overhegrd one say of her, "By heat -en! ;she'd
painted" 1 " Yee:retorted. She; indignant-
ly, and by heaven 4niii" I • Ruddy health
mantled her cheek; enthroned on the rose
and, lily. Yet this beautiful' lady, omit' thin
and pale, with a dry, hacking (sough, night-
sweats, and slight -spitting of blood, seemed
destined to fill a consumptive's grave. After
spending hundreds of dollars on physipians
without benefit, she tried Dr. Pierce's Gol-
den Medical Discovery"; her improVemeut
was soon marked, and in a few months she
was plump and rosy again, the picture of
health and strength.
A man can never be happy unless his first
objects are outside of himself.
No Emitter what the 'school of physic;
They each can oure an ache or phthisio—.
At least 'tis said they can;
But as Science turns the wheel still faster,
And quacks and bigots meet disaster,
To us there comes a man
Whose merit hathwon countless zealots,
Who use and praise his "Pleasant renets.o
The "Pleasant Purgative Pellets" of Dr.
Pierce, though 'gentle in action, are tho-
rough, and never fail to cure biliousness,
diseased or torpid liver, and constipation.
Many people are busy in this world
gathering together a handful of thorns to
sit upon.
"Ai idler is a watch that lacks both hands;
As uselese it it gees, as mien it stands."
Alas 1 how many women, though house-
hold and. ehildren need their care, are
neoesearily idle, because suffering from dis-
eases peculiar to their sex. To all such Dr.
Pierce's 'Favorite Prescription is a precious
boon, speedily curing internal inflammation,
leucorrhea. displacement, ulceration, tor-
menting periodioal pains, prolapsus, " bear-
ing -clown " sensations, morning sioknees,
bloating, weak stomach, nervous prostra.
tion, and, tendency to oanoerOus disease.
In all those ailments called " female crom.
plaints," it is the most reliable specific
known to medical science., •
Some ,people are so dry that you might
soak them:in. 'a joke for a month, and it
would not get through their, skin.
,Expect, nothing from him who promisee a
great:deal. .
WI:waver your Stomach or Bowels get but of or
der, causing Biliousness,. ,Dyspepsia, or Indigestion,
and their atteiift,difev. take at once a dose, of Dr
Carson* Stomhoh ' Bitters. Best family • narldicine,
411 Draggiste. 50 cents.
Hos 1•10OUGEI OUR& mires in one minute.
Poverty in youth when it succeeds, has
this magnificent property about it, that it
turns the will toward effort, and the whole
soul toward inspiration.
People. whci are subject to bad breath, foul coate
longue, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at one
be relieved by tieing Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters
11 old and tried remedy. Ask FM' Draggid.
Value for value is the principal 'that
would bring the greatest amount of happi-
ness to mankind. Nothing less will satisfy
theindividual who demands that man stands
up for just what he is worth.
A Cure for Drunkenness.
The opium habit, depuomania, the morphine habit
nervous prostration caused by the use of tobacco,
wakefulness, mental depression, softening of the
brain, eta., premature obi age, loss of vitality caused
by over-exertion of the brain and loss of natural
strength, from any cause whatever. Men—young,
old or middle aged—who are broken down from any
of the above causes, or any cause not nwntioned above
send your addrese and10 cents in stamps for Lubon's
Treatise, in book form'of Diseases of Man, Books
sent sealed and eriourefrom observation: Address M.
V. Izmir. 47 Wellington street East Toronto, Ont.
A traveller at St. Clairsville, Ga., out of
curiosity visited the court house • and was
almost horrified to find his only sister the
defendant in a murder trial going on at the
time. She had mysteriously disappeared
from home years before and her whereabouts
were unknown to her people.
Ontem.seil Ham RIINEWER restores grey and faded
hair to ite natural color and prevents falling out.
A. P. 413.
AGENTS wkivtEis-4, EAGLE
eteiim 'Washer; 'Addreet GEO. D.
FERRIS, 81 Church St, Toronto.
KINDS and Paton. Solnespecial bargains.
IVIONEY UZis..70`,1 folddoruf. Tatla141
SEIM, WRINGING HOP Co., ,or'onto, opt.
IVIONEY 0 LOAN on Farms, Lowest Rates.
1.oigre.la1t if /man dAnnosen oe2c IV;
Established 18,60. 72 King -s, E., Toronto..
ance Company ot Canada,
Consulting Engineers and Solicitors of Patents.
0. fi. Rona Chief Engineer. A. PILASER Seey.TITSO.
yntt WATCH, deo SINGER
MACIIttit. FeS par,
Arcade, Yong° SfreteT,u'iragottl.re°8' 0. W. DE' IlL'
Young Men.
surynniNa from the effects of Pariy.th
evil habits, e
result of igeorence and telly, Who Ind themselves
Weak, nervotie mid exhausted T also Muiptai.iietitt and
Ott who are bfolten ,dowt; front the 0,6)00 of
alauee er oVet.work, and in Advanced 'life feel the
iierisininences of yriiitliftti? &teak), bend tdrlitifd, read
Lubdnts Treatis,taon the Mettles o lelii''The
b�k De sent sealed to enY (Wanes' on teettlet 01
two shosintl. Addreed' •
t LEBO, 'Wellitiktozi St B.,120rontOs Onti
Mr. Whitney, General Passenger Agent
of the St, Paul OnclOinneapoiis Pncl Mani-
toba railway, telegraphs as follows to their
Canadian agent tea
"ST, Paw., Aug. 21, 1888.—The inferwatiou ie incorrect. While it is true that
the alight frost was experienced in some
parts of Minnesota and Daketa, yet it did no
damage whatever.
"Crop of wheat in Dakota will be much
larger than last year, Last year we handled
thirty million bushels of wheat. This year
we shall handle fifty million bushels.
" Prospecte are bright, weather magni-
fice t, and everything oonfirme the farmer
in the opinion that this is the land of seed
time and never•failing harvest.
"E. I. Wuretszt,
"Gen, Pali% Agent."
Harvest Excursions to Minnesota, Dako-
ta and Montana, First ekes accommodation.
Tickets good for 30 days, including atop
over privilege of 10 clays going and 5 days
returning, on the following dates: Tuesday,
Sept. 11; Tuesday, Sept, 25; Tuesday,
Oct. 9 and Tuesday, Oct. '23. For free
maps, books and all particulars address
J, M. Iftreacnts,_Trav, Pass. Agent, Palmer
House Block, Toronto ; F. 1. WHITNEY,
Gang Passenger and Tioket Agent; A,
ManvEr.., General Manager • BOWL-
wALTEA, Laud Commissioner; S ALax-
ANDER, C.4neral Traffic Manager, St. Paul,
Public Library Buildings,Toropto, Students from
Britleh Columbia, California, Kanto ,s Illinois, and
quite a number of other States and Provinees, now
In attendance. 'Write for Descriptive Circulars.
President. Seo'y & Manager.
TORONTO Cutting School.-Soientitio and re-
liable systems taught whereby stylish,perfeot-
fitting garments are produced. Cutters having trou-
ble should secure inymysteme and ensure future sue ,
cess. Entire satisfaction guaranteed. Shirt system
taught separate. A. rare armee for young men to
acquire a lucrative profeseloo. S. CORRIGAN', Prop.,
122 Yonge St. Tunas on application. ,
keeping, Actual and Practical Business, Vele.
graphy, Penmanship and all English Brandies. Short-
hand and Typewriting practically taught. Students
in attendance from New York City and State, South
America, Bermuda Islands and all Provinces of the
Dominion. Send for circulars Corner Yongeend
Shuter Streets, Toronto. J. r,t. CROWLY, Proprietor
and Managfir.
CANADa. SHIPPING CO.—Beaver Line of
Steamships, sailing weekly between Montreal
and Liverpool. Saloon tickets, Montreal to Liverpool,
$40, $50 and $60, Return.tickets, $80, 597 and $110
according to etearaer and acoommodation. Inter-
mediate, ese ; Round trip Hoke* $60. Steerage, 520;
Round trip tickets, 540. For further particulars and
to secure births, apply to D. E, MURRAY, Genera.
Manager, 1 Custom House Square, Montreal, or to the
Local Agents in the differ:int Towns and Cities.
Roofing Felt, Slaters' Felt, Deafening Pelt,
Carpet Paper, Building Paper, Roofing Pitch.
Coal Tar, Lake Gravel
Office : 4 1l —dela de St. East, Toronto.
1 • irt'lliteliTtirAcirolcelog, Ile -h. •EliglI091,
..•maps, Protected Edges, with your
name in Gold, from $61.60 up.
A. G. WATSON, memese,
Toronto Willard Tract Depository.
Out 1 Instantly threaded without pawing thread
through the eye. Agents coin money selling them.
Sample packet by.rnall 150. dozen packets $1.00.
Whiton Mawasteturing Co.. Toronto, Ont.
Saloon Tickets, $40, $50, $60. Return, $80, $00
$110. Intermediate, $30. Steerage, $20. Apply to
IL E. MURRAY, General Manager,
I, Custom House Square Montreal.
L E'A THE R B ELT 1.111 G.
X.11 • F. E. DIXON' Br' CO . Makers,
eo Wog Street Beet, Toronto.
tlifSend for Price Lists and Diecounte
Large Reserve Fund. Agents Wanted.
Address, HEAD OFFICE, 10 King Street N., Toronto.
Stained' Glass
16 King St. W. Toronto.
Merchants, Butchers,
and Traders generally,
We want a GOOD MAN in your locality to pick up
For us. Cash Furnished on eatisfaotory gbarantyi
Address, ,
C. S., P.A.G-M,
HYDE PARK, Vermont, U. S.
The Cheapest House in Canada for Guns,
Rifles, Cartridges, Fishing Tackle, Base
Ball Goods and Sportsmen's Sup-
plies of every kind.
On receipt 01812.50 we will express to any addrese,
GUN, with fine laminated steel barrels, oiled stock. A
good gun for country uee. And for $3.00 will glint°
any address, a 22teal.IMFLE that will shoot aoeurate-
ly for 100 feet. ,
Will Re -Open SEPT. 3rd, 1888
Summer's heat debilitatee both
nerves and body, and Head-
ache, Sleeplessness, Ner-
, vous Prostration, and me
"all -played -out" sensation prove
that Parton's OBLERY COMI'GUND
should be used now. This medi-
cine restores health to Nerves;
Kidneys, Liver, and Bow-
els, and imparts life ins/ energy,
'to the heat prostrated system.
Vacations or no vacations, Rams'
CELERY COMPOUND is the medi-
cine for this season. It is a seism-
tific combination of the best
tonics, and Ulm who use it begin
the hot siunraer days With dear
heads, strong nerves, and
general good health. PALEN'S
OF.LEAY COMPOCITD is sold by all
druggists, $1, a bottle. Six for $5.
• Montreal P.Q.
Last Excursion.
Will tear' all points on C, P. R., G. T. R,t
and 11, &N. W. Rye. in Ontario ou
—P 0 it—
Faro for Romid Trip $28
Trains les.ve TORONTO at 11 o'clock p. in.
SEPT. 25111.
, The party will he accompanied by
CRA.W.FORD, of BIRTLE, 31fArt.
TICKETS issued at oh stations and good
to return for 60 DAYS, alAo for lay
over on return at WINNIPEG.
For information apply to all Agents of
C,P,R , GeT,R,, or to
ale S. C AWFOR Da
Canadian Pacific Railway Ticket Office,
Safes at 1 ow prices.
saf no! I PROOF, d Vault Doore,,
. -kept constantly in stook.
- A number of Seoondhanct
We ather Toronto Safe Works.
Bioyolors, Attoiltioll
GUEIPII Business College, Gump's, ONT.—
This popular Inetitution, now in its 4th Year,
is domg a grand work for the education of young
men and women in those branehes, a knowledge of
which is so essential to the intelligent and successful
management of practical affairs. Its graduates are
everywhere giving signal proof of the thoroughness
of tbeir training, and bearing grateful testimony to
the monetary value of its course of study. The
Fourth Annual Circular, giving full information, will
, be mailed free. Address M. MacConauca, Principal.
Albert College
Is being greatly enlarged and improved at a
cost of several thousand dollars. Students
in attendance from British Coltunbia, Mani-
toba, Michigan, IN ew York, Vermont, in
addition to Ontario and Quebec. Unsur-
passed advantages at moderate rates.
Send for oiroulars. Address,
REV. W. P. DYER, M. A.
Loan 86 ,Oavffigs Company
Head Offloe Toronto St„ Toronto,
Subscribed Capital. 4.510,000
Paid Up Capital .. . .. 3,550,000
Total Assets 10.000,060
The eqlarged oapital and resources of this Company,
together with the increased facilities h has recently
acquired for supplying land owners with cheap money,
enable the Directors to meet with pron.ptness and at
the lowest current rate of interest, al requirements
for loans upon satisfactory real estate security. .
Application may be made to either of the Worn-
pany's looal Appraisers or to
J. HERBERT MASON, Manag'g Director, Toronto.
5120.00 fledge Light Roadster, for 598.00, new •
8115 OD • '• " ordinary bandies, 592 00, new*
$ 90.00 " No. 2, spade gripe, 872.00, new;
$ 85.00 ordinary handles, ,.$68 00, new,
$ 65.00 " Na. 3, ordinary handles, $32,00, new.
Being, 20 per cent discount till August 31st. Same
off Second Hand Wheels and other goods.
22 Church St., Toron
Allan lite RoYal Nail Steamships -
Sailing during winter from Portland every,Thnrsday
and. Halifax everySaturday to Liverpool, and.in sum.
mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool,oalling
at Londonderry to land mails and passengers for
Scotland and Ireland ; alsolrom Baltimore, via Hail
fax and St. John's, 11. F., to Liverpool fortnightly
during summer months. The steamers of the Gine.
go w tines sail during winter to and from Halifax
Portland, Boston and Philadelphia land during sum.
mer between °know and Montreal weekly; Glatt.
gow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philade1.
phis fortnightly.
For freight, passage or other information apply to
A. Sohumacher & Co., Baltimore; S. Cunard es Co..
Halifax; Shea & Co. St. John's, Nfld., Wm Thomp
son & Co., St. .Tohn, 11.11.; Allen & Co., Chicago
Love & Alden, New York; H. Boruller, Toronto
Allans, Rae & Co., Quebec; Wm. Brookie, Philadel.
phis; K. A. Allen Portland, Boston, Montreal.
-We Wi II send by mail an art.
propriateg ift to each maiden,
wife, mother or cook—one to
a family—who will try the
Cut the red circle from the
label and send it in a letter
stating honest opinion after
fair trial., Either a5, 10 or 25
cer.t size will secure the gift.
Any grocer or storekeeper
-knows where to get askee,
for by yea—Address-
Nervous Debility.
DR. GRAY'S Specific has been used for the pas
fifteen years withgreat success, in the treatment Of
Nervous. Debility, and all diseases arising from ex.
enema over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing in
th ears, paipitaiion, eto. For sale by all druggists.
Price in per box, or 6 boxes for 55, or will be sent b7
mail on receipt of pricepamphlet on application
2321,7313X64C,71EZIV 3E1,4116
Teas far superior in nutritive value to any extract of meat as solid meat is to bones.
Dr. J. M. Beausoleil, visiting physician of the Hotel Dieu, Montreal, stated in a lecture
delivered Feb, let, 1886, that "the only preparation of the kind that has ever come under
my notice which in my opinion contains all the nutritious together with stimulating pro-
perties of beef is Johnston's Fluid Beef." Wm. Harkness, P.C. S., Analytical Chemistto
the British Government. says, "It is one of the most perfect foods I have ever examined."
There are:many IMITATIONS Of
but none equal it in lubricating properties. PASIM.
RILS, MILLMEN, StO, find DOW) equal 10 110 TOINDINS
Peerless made by
8011 by dealers everywhere;
BaallUM Wire &Iron Works, Windslr, Gut
Desiring ..obtain a Businese EducatiOn, or .become
Prole:lent n Shorthand and Typewritingy should at
tend the • ,
Aradd, enas 'nitro street, Toronto.' ,
.Por Oiroulara etc., Addtess 0. O'DEA, Secirettny
Manufaeturers of the Ilighnit Grades
420 to 426 King St West, TORONTO
t, 0. 000DERIIAM,
Manager. Set...Creati.
Made from 3-16 Steel Rods,
with Heavy Iron Frame and
We are offering the Fence at exo
ceptionally low prices.
Iron Fence Cresting,
Stable Fittings,
and all kinds of Iron and BrasS
'014pital. and runds now over $3,0041,000.
C'Onipany0Cslablisked OctObtr 1871.
To this Date, October1887, there hat been returned:
' To the heirs of Policy holders (cleath-claims).. .... „... .... „SI:340,240 00
To the holders efinatured Endowment Policies • 28,492 88
TO Polley -holden on amender ef Policiee . , . . . 08,068, 40
To Policy -holders for Cash profits (including th'ose Slim:tad and boing ... 482,544 02
To holders ot Animity Bonds, . . . .. 18,907 84
Loaned to Polioy-holdent on the Security of 'their Policies ... ..... 89,26498
• , in,864,1t4
l'olieles in 'Forte toyer 10,000., .. Amount oVer:$15 000,000
. PUtSiDENT—Itar Stn W. • . 1140 LA.tv , lc .1i1
VICE-PItEIDENTS--Wira,r4,tA EgrotswEsil,t: • Esq.
. • ° MACDONALD, Managing Direet0ri
PoIloI�a NOnforteltable after 2 Yeast aild laden:edible after 8 year& • •