HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-12-11, Page 9#.4 by Jan .Ferguson It's plain to see why the Vanastra Public School float was picked the best thence float in the Clinton Santa parade last Saturday as they depicted the nativity scene. (James Fitzgerald photo) r \ Schioi float wins prizes On . Saturday, December 6th, our float in the Clinton Parade took the prize for the best theme float. We wouldlike to thank Doug Johnson from the Conestoga College staff for his help and advice in the construction of this float. Special thanks also goes to Mr. Haak, who loaned us the wagon and tq Fred Zwaan who let us use his building. On Saturday, Nov. 29th, the float was also entered in the Goderich Parade where we won Best Over All Float. The grade 5-6 , class have been very busy working on their play for the Christmas Concert. The other class has also been practising for this special event to be held on Tuesday, Dec. 16th, at 7:30. Next Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 - 9:20, we will be conducting our annual white gift service carol sing. Children who wish to participate are asked toe, bring gift wrapped in white .paper and labelled so that we ' know the contents. These gifts will be placed under our Christmas tree and will be turned over to a distribution team so that needy. people can ex- perience the joys of Christmas. Next Monday morning, we will have a dress rehearsal for our concert while on Thursday, December 18th our boys and girls will be ,treated to a Christmas film the teachers' gift to the children in their classroom. On . Friday, December 19th we will dismiss at noon for the Chri"stinas Break. Children light candles Sunday marked the lighting of the second Advent candles bringing us to the half way mark to Christmas. Different children from the congregation are chosen to come up and light the candles.. There was also a service held at Heather Gardens on Sunday af- ternoon at 3:30 p.m. and Peter and Evelyn Mantel 0 0 0 were invited to stay to dinner with the residents. Three Christmas cards have been purchased for four girls living away from the community: Wanda Goulding and Diane McCarthy, who are now in Fort McMurray and Alberta and Karen Jeacock who are in Florida. All the congregation and visitors' signed the cards to send our greetin s A• Christmas Eve service is planned for Wednesday, December 24th at 7:30 p.m. We are ,working on a Christmas play1 with the children from Come Alive and the Sunday School. It will be a candle light service. Everyone is invited to attend and participate. Refreshments for everyone 0 Clift rtilicat • r i‘.11 Gift Certificates are aviloble in all denominations for cuts, sets, cold waves, tinting and more. Visit LORI LYN and make this Christmas a stylish one *REMEMBER! Senior Citizens receive 10% off on Tuesdays & Wednesdays *CALL: Marlene Yeo or Bonnie Strong for an appointment because... y Albert St. "PLEASING YOU...PLEASES US." 482-7741 Clinton Last Wednesday, :December 3rd, the Vanastra and• District Liens Clubs held a special „farmer's night in place of their ' regular monthly. dinner . meeting. Each Lion meMber brought a farmer as their guest. Lion Jirn Ryan in- troduced the guest speaker for the evening - Dennis Martin from the ministry of agriculture ,.and food in Clinton. Other guests for the ng w, ere-merabexs of the Exeter Lions Club. The highlight of the evening was the presentation of cer- tificates of appreciation to guest farmer Eldon O'Brien for his help in various Lions' projects. Two other certificates of appreciation were to be presented to Richard Kootstra and Bob VanDenNeueKer for their help rendered but they were both absent. On Wet1n'esd'ay, December 10th, the Lions Club will be• hosting the Zone 317 West's Advisory meeting at 7 p.m. at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. In attendance will be zone chairman Lion Grant Cookson of St. Marys and presidents and secretaries pf the Bayfiel.d, Exeter, St. Marys, Stratford and Zurich Lions Clubs and the members of the Vanastra Club. Thank you to those woo helped with the float • which Was entered in the Goderich Santa Claus parade on November 29th andthe Clinton Parade The float will also be entered in the Exeter parade An Saturday, the Lions and Lioness Club are sponsoring a contest for the house in Vanastra with the best display ' of outdoor Christmas Decorations, 'udging will take place December 24th, and prizes are\first prize $25, second' $15 .and third $10. There willbe a fun night on, Situ ay, , December 13. at 8 p.m, at the Vanastra Curling Club when there will be curling, cards and games. Dinner i•s• pot luck, Social- tea time CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, DECWVIBER 11,1980— AG 9 Christina in Germany Many of the world's cherished Christmas. traditions stem from Germany. It is with Advent that the German Christmas begins and the colourful German Advent calendars with little windows to open for each day of the season are a delight to children everywhere. In Europe from the beginning of time, evergreen trees had been brought into homes people they meet. New Year's Eve,, with Marzipan, lebkuehen, its free-flowing wine, and springerie, stollen and beer, its dancing and othbr mouth-watering L J treet parades, brings the holiday a treats are of holidays to an exuberant German origin. end. Cubs get badges,. Brownies join pack Cubs Last week, the -new Cubs started working on 't during the northern their Blue Star. Colin winter as symbols of Thomas received his first unending life, but it was aid badge and Tony here; in the Black Forest, Goulding received his that they were first used collectors badge. The as a part of Christmas. boys weresented their — Lions crests toa sewn on their neckerchiefs. The Cub Christmas Party will be held on December 15th at John B j erg's house at 6:30. This will be the last meeting until January 5th, 1981. Brownies New Brownies enrolled on Wednesday,. Decezn,ber 10th , were: Janice Rody, Joan McLachlan, Kim Dixon, Kathy Stone, Christine Fowlie, Tina Cayer, and Robin Cain. Flying into Guides are: Shelly Bonte-Gelok and. Kathy Low. The new brownies and guides will receive a gift from the pack. The Christmas Party will, be on December, 16th when_ tale girls are to straw,. and wearing •fur bring their $2 gift. This will be the last meeting I masks, they pounce upon until January 6th, 1981. and squeeze the young Guides .Don't forget the social tea this Saturday, December 13th at the Vanastra Recreation Centre at 2. p.m.. with guest speaker Vera McNichol and you must be 16 years to •enter the hall. Tickets are still available at the Vanastra Factory Outlet. Last Thursday, December 4th, the Lioness, Club held their Christmas Dinner Meeting. Gifts were exchanged and they were treated to a`turkey dinner with all the trimmings catered by the Vanastra_ and District Lions Club. The raffle was ' won by Kathleen Stone. The club is busy making Christmas 'stockings _ for the residents of Heather Gardens, which they will receive on December 18th during the carol sing. On Monday, December. 22nd, there will be a Christmas Party for the families of the Lions' and Lioness Club at 7 p.m. at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. Nursery plans party The Nursery School will hold their Christmas Party .on Thursday, December 18th. The kids and mothers have ex- changed names. Santa will make an appearance and the kids will be served hot dogs and pope and the mothers ' sub- marine sandwixhes to mark the occasion. This will be the last meeting of the nursery school until Jan. 6th, 1981. ' Terri Evans, Kerri-Anx> Jerome, Allison Jeacock, Heather Brlawnridge, Jean Bernard and Tammy Dowell. The Guides will hold their Christmas Party on Wednesday, December _.1..Zxh..� _at-...-.,.th.�e�..�. anastra,..�-...-,.� Recreation Centre when girls are to bring their $2 gift. This is the last meeting until January 7th, 1981. Pathfinders The long awaited enrolment was finally held on Wednesday, December 10th. The two leaders enrolled were Carol Mcllveen and Marion Hohnrer. Pathfinders enrolled were: Penny Lewis, Sheila Maxwell, Christine and Kathy Davis, Pam Brownridge and Dawn McLeod. The girls will hold their last meeting of the year on Wednesday, December 17th. The season has a isf"ory b it of, darkness, too. Ev spirits were once said to roam free at this holy time. So on Knocking Night, the last Thursday before Christmas, mummers in grotesque costumes went from house to house, knocking at doors, rattling cans and cowbells, and cracking whips to drive the spirits away. Even old Father Christmas, himself a kindly bearer of rgifts, was once believed to travel with frightening masked companions who doled out switches and punishment to naughty children. Today in Austrai, good Saint Nicholas parades through the streets in full bishop's regalia, followed by a band of But- tenmandln, clothed in 'Lastweek, the Guides had a rehearsal for the enrolment 'on December 10th at 7 p.m. at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. New Guides are: Smart Santa PersQnal glimpses Sincere sympathies are extended to Liz Anderson on the recent death of her mother. Welcome home to Murray Hohrner after his stay in Clinton Hospital. • MEN'S AND LADIES' LEATHER WALLETS- 25' Q A warm welcome At the Tuckersmith Council 'meeting Clerk Jack McLachlan9 (seated in the centre) chats with members of the new council. From the left council members are: Reeve Bob Bell; Councillors Jim Papple, Bob Broadfoot, and John Brownridge. Deputy -Reeve Bill Brown Sr. is seated on the right. (Photo by Larry Dillon) SHEAFFER OR PAPER -MATE BLACK MAGIC PLANTERS For the love of your We Opal with 24 diamonds 1$1,195 18 k white gold. Emerald with ten diamonds $1. 095 1/4 k yellow gold Blue Sapphire with 28 diamonds $1,795 18 k white gold YARDLEY AFTER SHAVE LOTION THIS CHRISTMAS SHOP TRIANGLE AND SAVE! JEWELLERS 8 Albert St Clinton 20 Main St S�'Seafortn 284 Main St Exeter ?03 Durham E Walkerton The hest .of time Caravelle Automatic with date $84.95 Accutron Quartz Alarm $395 l3ulova Quartz $230 gold filled Cross Pen Set $120 TRIANGLE DISCOUNT., Mine Square, Goderith Main Corner, Clinton Main Street, Seaforth