The Exeter Times, 1888-9-6, Page 1PittA.CTICA14
Watch-211altor 84, Seweller
For the Finest Stoclo and Oheapest
Goods to be found in Ontario call 011
,ip.o,lc er, jeweller .
.k+ Optician, s Parkhill. A
Fine Assort, ;silent of SD;
verware. Re pairing of
, 011 k i n ds proniptly &
eatisla et o rily done, No
work sent to the , eities,
but all oxo -. cuted in his
own establishment, under his personal; super- ,
Spectacles of alt sizes to suit all sights
A tri allsolieited.
1 H.k
DICKSON, Barrister, Soli-
' 4 • eitor of Snpretne Court,Notary Public
Oenveyaueer• Commissioner, dm. ktonev to
Offlinsin Fanson's Block, Exeter,
1111, , H. COLLINS,
Barrister, Solicitor, gonveya,ncer, Etc,,
OfeceSamwellearilock Eiall's old office.)
Solleitor its the Supreme Court et Oni ario.
Conve yarn er, Coninai ssioneri &ea &a. Special
attention given n the collection of claims in
the United State e: Patents procured, money
to loan at lowest rates. OdSee : Open, ;House
Block, St, Marys, Ont.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries
• .
Conveyancers &c, &c.
10'Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of
B. V. 2rmieT. 3. LUOT.,
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
Sam.welPs Block, Main-st, Exeter,
Extracts Teeth without pain,
by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
ands sal other dental
work the best poesible. Goes
to Zimmer on last Thursday in
each month.
• Officeat hisresiden co Exeter
-r W. BROWNING M. D., M. (3
U • s ,Gra8uateVietoriatrniversity.0Mee
tualresideuee,Dominio trot bo)atox v , Exe ber
ELYNDMAN, seoioner for the
• County of lith:on. Ofliee, opposite Mr.
• CaAing's store,Exeter. •
T1R. J. A. ROLLINz, M.O. P. S
0. Office, Main Ss.Exeter,Ont.Residen
ee houe ereeently occupied by P. McPhillips,
.HENRY EILBER, Licensed Auc-
tioneer for Etat, Stephen, and McGalli-
rraSeTownships: Sales con ducted stmoderate
. rates. Office—AA l'oit-offiee,Orediton,Ont
GILL, Auctioneer for the
Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usboene
and the Village of Exeter. All sales peonrotly
attended, and satisfesitiee. guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this office.
Tennent & Tennent
Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College.
Orr= One door South of Town Hall,
per cent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best
Loaning Companies represented,
Barrister, Exeter,
Established in 1863.
This come -any has been over Eighteen.
Yeare in euecessful operation in Western On-
tario,andsontinues to insure againetloss or
damage bv Fire ,B uildings,Merenan di se ,Itan -
uf extort e s,and all othercleseriptionsoflinsur-
able property. Intending insurers have the
option oX insurin g on the Premium Note or
C ash System.
tiuring the past ton year this Company
hisoissued 57,096 Policies, covering property
to theamount of $40,872,088 ; andpaid inloss-
es a lona 70°,732,00
AssetS, $176,).00.00, consisting of Cash
n /sank, Goyernmenttleposit,and the linen -
fisted Premium Notes on handend in force. ,
W WAnntx Ivi I. Presidex-t. C. M. Tessnon,
Secretary. J. 8. Huonns,Inspecter. witAs.
NELL Agontfor Exeter andvicinitv.
The Great English Prescription.
succeesful Medieine used over
0 years in thousands of cases.
Ogres Sperniatorrhea,
,Weakness,' Voiiisions, Impotency
, 'sand all diseases caused by abuse,
fsiososticl indiscretion, or over-exertion. fsierea]
Six packages Oucteanteed to Cure when all others
Fait. Ask our Druggist for The GiCat English
PreterieSion, take no tubetitute. One packege
$1! Six PS by mail, Write for Pamphlet. Address
Faitroko. Otionical, Co.„ Deterilt,
Barber Shop,
A Hastings, Prop.
Shaving and tIaicbltthgin the latest styles
of the art,
Everyattentien paid to cutting
Ladies ana Ohd &en' s Hair.
Publisiter s and Proprietors
Market Square
General Store
The undersigned would, inform the pub-
lic that heIrts just received his s
A full line of Dry -Goods, Hats & Caps, and
°rookery, Boots and Shaes.
Those wishing anything ha my line will
find it to their advantage to call and in
spect my goods and prices.
Highest prices paid for But-
ter and Eggs and all
kinds of produce.
J. P. Ross.
To Let.
Apply to the undersigned.
June14.— I. CABLING.
For Sale.
Three first-class farms -300 acres each—Lon.
don Road, within one mile of Exeter.
. Solicitors, &es Exeter.
For Sale.
A good farm for sale on easy terms
lot 32 con 2, toweship. of Usborne, 100 acres,
gcod buildings and fences, wellmiderdrained
convenient to churches and school. Apply
to Elliot Js Elliot, barristers, or John. Trick,
rflo the Deaf.—A person cured of
1 Deafness andneises in the head of 23
years standing, by a sample remedy. Willsend
a description of it Fun toany one applying to
Nicor,sort,30 St.John-St.,Montreal.
To Rent.
One hundred acres in 9th con. Blanshard,
excellent soil, and in good uliivation. dry
rolling amid, well watered by spring creek.
Largebarnsand comfortable house. 13 acres
summerfallow. Liberal termsto good tenant.
St. Many P.O.
Well Digging.
The undersigpedswishes to inform the nub-
ile that he is new engaged in Well "digging.
He will dig. bruikup and bore 25 feet for
$15• 25 cents raise on every addttional ten
feet'. Atrial solicited.
THOS. SMALE. Elimville' P. 0.
For Sale.
Brielt residence and two lots. on Gidley-st.
Good house containing seven romus,two halls,
kitchen, pantry, wash room and cellar. Also
a good stable, and fruits in the garden- The
property will be sold cheap as the proprietor
is giving 'up ,house -keeping. Apply on the
Forest City BusineSs College London.
Re -Opens Sept, 3rd. Course unequalled for
thoroughness. Attendance steady and con-
stantly increasing. Young Men and Women
who are anxious to get the best business train-
ing to be had should write for catalogue.
Bum Pcp Wzis
The subscriber would respectfully announce
to the public that he has now on hand a large
stock of the various kinds of wooden pumps ;
and that he has added facilities, by which he
can supply ordered work on the very shortnt
Ins ?ultra Aim wimi. axe esvonsesy xsowx,
Ali» ENQUIRE Vie tanntan Haan.
Well -digging for fifty cents a foot for 30
feet, 25 cents for every extra ten feet.
A. call solicited.
Exeter, Suly.1888. Huron Street.
The direct nun between the west and an
poipte op the lower St. Lawreeee and Baia
de Ohaleur, Province of Quebec, also for
New 'Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Priece Edward
smcl Cape Breton Islande1 Newfoundland and
St. Iiierre,
Alitisopopular stunner sea bathing and
lishing tosotta aro along this line
New and elegantButfet Sleeping ent1Day
Oars tun ou through as,xprees train, be-
tween Mg.:Areal, Halifax and St. John.
Canadian European Alan and
Pa3SC11 o'er ltbate
passehgerstorleteeat Britain orh5 OOnti.
aentby leaving Montreal 011 Thuradayvwiul
join !Mtwara Mail steamer at eitimotiaki
the sam e ovenit g,
The attention of thinners is directed to
the superior facilities offered by this route
for transport of flair and general merehait.
dize intended. fer the Eastern Provinces and
Newfoundland, alsofor shipments of grain
asid produce is:tended for the European
Tickete maybe Obtained and ell ihfornia-
tiosi about the r (mite, height and p assortgor
rates on appliaatiOn to
nottatt B. IVIOODIE
WesternEreight 4sPatsenger Agent
55EoeainouaoXi1oolf,TOrk . St . Tosses s
Chief Superintendent.
Railway Offlose.Monotc•n, bY Bs March VA,, i88
By Our own correspondents.
Bennecun,--The youthful Hun tben ap-
peared an the pletform witia his trained
doe, Piocilo John, and gave a pleasing ex-
hibition, going through several difficult
manoevres, The one which attracted the
most attention being the imiation of a ne-
gro-enting coon. At the conclusion of his
performance Hun was loudly applauded,
as well as being liberally awarded with aev-
eral pennies, The tall gaunt form of the
notorious Bertha then arose and in a voice
like the rasping of a eircular saw spinning
through hemlock knots. sang "The old man
is home again," at which Alymer appeared
to get very angry. Aunt Jane then gave a
breezy salvation address, which was only
tolerated by the impatient coons on aoeount
of Aunt Jane's age and respectability. Dur-
ing the address Bertha and the Lynch
strolled off to the oraskiits of the groove,
and after engaging in an animated discus -
soon as to the merits of their respecti-ve
sweet -hearts, fie w at each other's throats
and fought like feline devils, and had it not
have been for the tiinely, interferenee of
Old Calamity, the beauty of them both
would have been spoiled for all the time to
come. The band then rendered' "From
Greenland's Icy Mountains, from Africa's
Coral Strand, after which Mosses was
ushered on to the platform, followedby the, both in their bare feet. Mosses
had his pants tied above his knees with
bag strings. The' Sawed-off was decorated
with various colors of flying, ribbons. She
wore an immense sunflower, and looked
too utterly utter for anything. Professor
Blubberroad then softly touobed his guitar
and the two commenced a sand jig. They
danced, They skipped, ' they hopped, and
the crowd fairly went wild with enthusiasm,
About this time a carry -all arrived from
Exeter driven by George Eaorett, contain-
ing Wesley Hawkshaw, Tommy Oke, Leaky
Tait, James Neil, John Parsons, Ed. Bis-
sett, Al. McDonald, John Hyndman and
Al. Hastings, who had never seen a barbe-
oue, and understanding one was to be held
this day in Lucian, donned their Sunday
clothes, and arrive i not only in time to see
the barbecue°, but to see a little civilization,
they being deprived of that commodity
the far north. They were welcomed by
Old Calamity, who at onoe escorted them
to the camp kettle and introduced them to
its contents of yellow dog broth, leaving
them in charge of Old Aunt Jane. She
treated them to a lengthy discourse on the
evils of alcohol, after which they were al-
lowed to wander at will, and by the sweet
shines which shone from their handsome
mugs they seemed to be completely at
home. Ar. about this time a great ()mime -
tion was caused by Aunt Jane being seized
with one of her sudden attacks of strong
weakness, which fortuuately terminated in
the band playing "Get away from dat win-
dow Chile, I see you hiding dar.' The
picanne Williem Asia Butler then ascended
the platform, and in a fresh and silvery
voice reeited the following ode :—
"My Aunt Sal was a happy old Gal,
And a happy old Gal was she;
She could stand on her head
On a large loaf of bread,
And ohew gnm like all gee whee.
She wears a number 8 boot,
Has a foot like a root,
Her waist it is slender and taper,
t omftime e
Kas she don't take de Exetor paper.
She struck on a fellow
With a head quite mellow,
And a nose that turns up to the sky,
And she says old boy
Ain't I a sweet toy,
Will you marry Itte in the sweet bye -and
You are voluptuous and fat
And wear a plug hat;
Your 1001 15 the shape of a ham,
You wear paper collars and jew store
You're a ducky, a du:2*Rn, a lamb.
A voice was then heard like the rumbling
noise of muffled thunder, calling "Calami-
ty ! Calamity I Come Forth ! A Speech 1"
Calamity scrambled to tho platform, spit-
ting out a theca of cotton batting,whieh he
bad in a hollsw tooth, and coughing twice
to clear his throat. exclaimed : "Gemmen
and ladies, and white folks from Exeter,"
but Calemity was here interrupted by to
arrival of Pat. Curtain's stage trom Adam
Noticeable among the passengers were Tom
Hodgins, eentralia . Batt. Cotighlin, Ste-
phen ; Alex. McFalls, Wm. Reyington and
Aunt Ellen's George, Biddulph: The
Adair stage had just discharged her °ergo
when Christie Webb's stage arrived from
Granton, containing Doctor Laing, Thos.
Culbert, Billy Bains and Sideroad Jim,
Calamity again started his speech. "Gem -
men and ladies and white folks from Exe-
ter and promiscuous places. On chs spa, I
ions occasion it 'fords me unbounded w-
hims; to undress de sp,ectators dis day dis-
sembled, dis all glorious Fest of August,
de emancipation day 'of the Macke. For
hundreds of yealis de blaCk man wee tbe
slave of the white man, hut now through
the interferference of President Cleveland
and Sir John Macdonell de white man is
put on de lobel of de black. We, de color -
ea pussons of aig August aseenably, think
and always did think that if is white men
behaved laibaself he woe just ite good as do
blacktuan anyday. 'You ,young pussoiss
never saw a barbeone, but we olo pussons
whose hair am turning white and teeth
gettingrotten, used to celebrate dein iu de
good ole asys long eince past, and hope to
do so in (16 sweet subsequently, Like all
oder speakets I will not occupie de time
longer dan it am nocessaty, bet before
close I would gib you a little good advice,
Somate ladle wid de white traeb, eat bard
boiled eges for breakfast, and alWays look
well or tho chicken roosts when the sun
goes down, Wo mat conglomerate 14losses
and Aunt Sal on the lotnititificial layout dey
he gibon us,, and we Lope When the luear
System revolve round de sun dat we will
all be heah again to suck hocked corn, and
(Show yeller dog on de feet of de next Aug -
(l� be Continued,)
S.-e0hester Park has been closed
leason owing to the coolness of
My. land what will we do or
we go?—Shylock still carries
?Itglike a school boy.—The agricultur-
ockelitylare =king great preparations
egotican fall show. The TIMES cor-
e class along with their niany
140hts intend exhibition themselves
estriettsties.—A large placard has been plac-
ed on the Haunted House to this effect.—
',This is the Haunted Heuse, beware!' As
so many visitors from a distance are anx-
ious to know where it is, the proprietor has
done this to save trouble, Passers by in
the future will have no trouble in locating
the building.—Luoan dudes have taken to
wearing plug hats.--hinoe Yorkey and Ikey
have retired from the ring, James Shay
claims the belt.—Billy Sproule has went
and gone and done ib -'-Wm. Sproule has
a new pair of new prunella gaitors to match
Scotch 'Willie's carpet slippers. -11 is wins.
pered around that Dau IVIceosh is about to
take a position in the bank. " As he had
been absent from the store for several even
ings lately an attraction from some north-
ern town is supposed to be the cause.
Daniel come off.—Dan appeared on the
streets Sunday encased in a bran new suit.
Mrs, Layton Williams and Miss Lister
Lambert of Beed City, Minh., are visiting
Mrs. J. C. Franks.—This village can boast
of more , gossip than any place of its size
on the American continent. We have
been furnished with the names of some of
boss gossipers and if less of that kind of
thing ts not indulged in future, we purpose
publishing a short sketch of the delin-
quents' lives; We are compelled to do this
in justice to the ladies of the village. --The
Ben Israelite, who was to have taken poss-
ession of the Haunted House has failed to
put in an appearance.—The original and
his hound pup paid a visit to his native
town, Duthin this week. He said his ob-
ject was hunting, but Geitie says to see
his girl.
• . • 4
PBBSONALS.—Mr. Robt. Dyer, Water -
downs N. Y. is visiting his parents here for
a short iime.—The Misses Litt, of Sebring-
ville are the guests of their sister 1VIre.
Staebler.—Miss Carie Eilber has returned
from London and is spending tier holidays
with her parents.
Blipse's—Mr. 0. Kibler is extensively re-
pairing his shop which wid make quite
an imProvement.—A large number from
Crediton attended Father Kelly,s• picnic at
Limerick on Wednesday last and seem to
have hada good tinse. Mrs. Schwarz Was
the owner of the lucky ticket drawing the
prize which eves a five dollar gold piece).
Setetal were dissappohited in not getting
the mammoth tin horn, but feel satisfied
that it went to the most deserving place,
Exeter.—We understand that Grant Bros.
have leased their hotel to Mr. H. Raoey of
Blake.—A number of our villagers went to
Goderich on 'I'uesclay to appear in the
sheep stealing case. We have not yet
heard how the oases were disposed of.—
The Orediton band was ioi attendance at
Father Kelly's picnic and rendered s01310
first class music. They go to Zurich next
week to furnish mnsic folothe fair.
(Received too late for last issue.)
'Pensoissus.—Mr. B. Brown is visiting
friends in Michigan.—Mrs. Geo. Eilber, of
Philadelphht is visiting her relatives in the
village and neighborhood. ---Mr, Hussey, of
lljohigen is the guest of Mr. R. F. Carter,
Mr. Samuel Finkbiner has retraneds from
college and will spend his vacation here. --
Mr. Wit, Brown has gone to Sarnia, where
he has an engagement at an egg packer.—
Miss Allie Either is visiting friends in De-
DIsORBLT CONIUJOT.-0130 of our
DEntlemen has again been getting
himself into trouble. His conduct during
the past number of years at times has been
meet disgraceful and tar and feathers
snould grace his back instead of the Wool
off a sheep's back. It is a blessing for bim
that he has been residing among peaceful
citizens who will endure a great deal rath-
er than injure a fellow citizen. We are
glad to see that some one has at last seen
fit to put a stop to his disgraoeful conduct
and, has had him prosecuted. We are sorry
to see that our municipal by-law is so len-
as it is just a pity that instead of the
limit of fine being po it is not thrice that
amount and supplemented by thirty days
in jail and about twsenty-five lashes, 85 tbe
latter would uot be a bit too good for con-
duct such as he has been exhibiting. It is
'fortunate that the matter was settled with-
out going to court. as in that case a num-
ber of our respectable ladies would have
been called upon to testify- The would-be
gentleman had enough discretion after re -
thing his summons to go to the magis
tratea and pay his fine.
BEIBPS,—The usual Saturday evening ice
cream social was again held on Mr. Lewis'
mw»Mi Saturday evening ancl is becoming
very popular. It is managed by the ladies
of the Methodist Church and the proceeds
are to be applied to'repairing the church.
They intend giving a hervest home diniter
on Sept. Pt and have ooncluded to cliecon-
thine the usual Saturday eyening eocial un -
tit after that date, --The dust on our Streeta
at present la very annoying especially to
the business men who are compelled to
,olOse their doors during the greater part of
the day. Gannet our town afford a water.
ing cert?—We are glad to see that the ith
babitante of Zurich taking dope towards
ample fire protection and think it high time
the people of erection did the sanse fat our
villege. So far *Ilia place has suetained
very little by fire and we think that it is
just what is milting us go' earelees aboet
the matter. f,rhere is no 1180 of us waiting
until half of our village is in ruins and then
secure fire protection, As we have fleet
the folly of procrastieation exhibited time
End again lot SOME of onr residents take
aotion in the nastier and lot us provide fot
a ease of onaergency as we know not svhat
day we will have a disasts ous fite.
Miss Alma IVIODonnell lost her watch
at , the garden party lag Thursday
night, A lantern was procured and tif
er a diligent search it Was found near
the gate.
Some miscreapts on Satnrday night last,
visited the farm of James earrigan ort the
swamp line, and out to pieces a new sett of
harnesa and bend holes through the spokes
fehows and hubs of a nearly new wagon.
Both the wagon and harness are completely
ruined. What their motive was no rale
seems to know, as Mr. Carrigan isi
quiet and inoffensive man, and is on good
terms with all his neighbors. The same
parties, it is supposed, then visited the
house of Paddy Barnettea recent arrival
from Ireland, and broke in his door and
windows. The reason given for tho aot
was, because the emigrant refused te drink
out of a bottle some one handed through
the window, It is to be hoped that the old
reign of terror is not to be again adopted in
Biddulph. Stringent measures should be
taken to disoover the guilty parties and
have them severely punished.
kliehael Toohey, policeman, of London,
with his wife and family, are visiting friend e
on the Boman Line,
Pertsours —Mr. Wm. Stacey is serious.
ill. --Miss Annie Roadhouse is visiting
friends in Toronto—Miss E. Stratton, of
Toronto is visiting friends in Kirkton.—
Rev. W. P. Ireland left last week on a trip
to the Old Conutry.
BRIBPS.-11.r. Dulinatm has purchased
the business of Mr. Stets and
has Mr Alex. Duncan employed to conduct
the store.—Rev. )3ridgeman, of Hensall
will conduat the services iu 51. Paul's
church during this month. --Rev. Briggs,
of Toronto will preaoltin the new Meth-
odist church the last Sunday in October.
ler. Stone, of Toronto will be one of the
speakers on the Monday following.—Mrs
A. A. Doupe has been indisposed for the
past few daye.--Kirkton Fall Fair takes
place ou the 4th and 5th of October.—Some
of our youag men are trying to make up a
oar to go on a trip to the Northwest for two
months.—Mr. S. Brown's house is nearing
completion.—It is proposed to hold a Har-
vest Home at St Paul's church on the 80th
of this month.
Bnurs.—Miss Esther Graybriel has re-
turned from London and is visiting friends
—Miss Maggie Bennett has gone to Lon-
don on as visit,—Messrs. Willert and Ryan
made a large shipment of cattle to the
mist last week.
Opm.—It is our painful duty this week to
ohroniole the death of one of the .old resi-
dents of Dashwood, Mr. David Ruby. The
deceased gentlemen had been suffering
with a cancer in the stomach for 801/10 time
-past and had been confined to his bed nine
weeks. Medical aid was of no use to atop
the dreaded disease, which finally ended
' his life on Saturday night. Mr. Ruby
movedup from Wilmot township thirty or
thirty five years ago to Hay, which at that
time little more than a wilderness. After
living in Zurich for some time he moved to
a farm on the fourteenth concession cf Hay
and from there to another farm a mile
south of Dashwood. A year or two ago he
sold his teem and wont into Dashweod to
reside. Here he had things comfortably
fixed till sickness overtook him and tetmin-
ated his career. He leaves twelve children,
six boys and six girls.
Smoot, REP T. — The following is a
correct report the pupils of the senior
division of the m-ich public school for the
month of Augusta The report is based on
good conduct and general proficiency ;-
51h class. --Louisa Ranch, Robt. Stein-
bach and Geo. Buchanan. 4th class.—R.
Islanch, Edits Steinbach., Wm. Hess, Emma
Johnstone, Wm. Johnstone, Annie Koeh-
ler, John Kibler. 3rd class.—Flora Hess,
Annie Lipphardt, Laura Williams, Lydia
Strempfer, john Gies, Maggie Deiehert.
2n5 div.—Maggie Well, Wm. Derstein, W.
Baker, Alfred Moritz, Emmanuel Feast,
Lizzie Becker, Nettie Well, W. Schoellig,
Louisa Koehler, Lydia Koehler, Maggie
Demuth. The average attendance for the
mouth was 125.
BRIPIPS.—The Harvest Home plank in
Taylor's grove last week under the auspices
of Lake View Methodist chtlrch was a grand
success. Boating was indulged in and balmy
breezes were enjoyed by all who were"ithare.
The weather was beautiful and the grqve.
was crowded .—A number of our citizens,
young and "old rusticated on the shore last
week m Taylor's grove. This place is get-
ting to bo quite a slimmer resort and those
who picnic there have an excellent view of
the lake from an eminence 50 feet high. —
fife. is rather dull in town this week, our
merchants being busy preparing for the
the annnal fall exhibition. A quantity of
fall and winter goods have already been re-
ceived and there are more to follow, Par-
ties visiting the show will not forget to give
the merchants a call.—The 'Hay Agricul-
show will be held in Zurich on Sept. 13th
and 14th, Brass band in attendance;
About four weeks ago while a valuable
mare belonging to Mr. W, Battler, of tho
BabylOn line, was grazing in th pasture
field, one of the cows attacked it with ite
its horns and almost dieembowelled the
animal. The poor brute waa not noticed
until an hour and a half afterward, when
nearly a pailfel of bowels were protuding.
Mr. Bottler immediately willed Mr. Doan
V. S., In about an hour and a half ho
had the entrails bask in their proper place
and tho tvound sewed tip. Mr, D. thought
if the animal lived for three or four days,
he would be able to make a complete cure
and on Saturday, four weeks after the ac-
cident the mare was driven te Zurich, , He
says she is able to do a day'xi Work just as
bolero. Although it took a great deal of
care and ttouble the operation epeaks well
for Mr, Doan's surgical
for the Zurich fair an
Mr. Kibbler Wielme to inform the people of
Zarioti Ana surrounding eountry that he
has bought the eta( and outfit Of G. tang,
and has also reeeived ten cases of fall and
winter boots rind shoes. Oall in On the
day of 010 fair and see tint,
The Molsons Bank
(011A DINER Dal) BY ALI AMINT,.4550
Paid up Cespltal , 02,000,00
.„. 875,00
Geeerisa MANAGa
. 20 branch offices in the Dominion. Ageaelea
in the Dominion, 11, S. A. :sad Europe.
Exeter Branch,
Open every lawful'day, from 10 a. m, to 3 p. zsg
SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. re,
Per Cent, per aunum allowed for money on
Deposit Receipts and Savinge Bank,
,Harvesting is finished and threshing is
progressing. Seine good yields of wheat
and barley are reported. Mr. J. Markin
is ent in the Northwest and reports that he
is highly pleased with the country.—The
population of Whalen increased by one last
week, Mr. W. Downing being the huppy
dad,—Mr. AGunning, of Blanshard sold
a two year-old entire horse last week to an
American buyer for a good firtre.
PEEsoweL.—Rev Cook and wife are visit-
ing friends in Montreal—Jim Murray has
gone to high school in Clinton and Dr. Bu-
ehanan purposes attending the agricultural
college when it re-opens.—R. Arnold in-
tends to join the benedict army shortly.—
Miss Aggie Miller, of Toronto is spending
her vacation with her parents here.
The noes at Hensall on Monday were
very successful, and good time was made
by several Ipeal; horses, especially in the
half mile running race between Yorkshire
Man and!Roan Billy. The attendance was
not as large as expected, and the track
was in good condition and the weather
was fine for racing. The Exeter band
was in attendance and discoursed excell-
ent music during the afternoon.
The first ;race on the programme was
the three minute class, with the following
entries : Marvel B, Barney Barnes, St.
Thoma; Billy E., J. Ellis, Sarnia; Lady
L., John Snell, Exeter; Bella. W, D. Dyer,
Richmond, Mich. Mabel B. -took the lead
in the first heat and kept it throughout.
She won the third and fourth heats, with
Billy E. second, Lady L. third, and Bella
W fourth. Time, 2.34; 2.32; 2.37.
The second race was the 2.45 class
which brought out four starters, Lizzie,
W. Goodwin London; Mauzle B., E Bos-
senberry, Zurich; Barney A., Barney
Barnes, St. Thomas;)Rosewood, J. Thomp-
son, London. Lizzie took three straight
heats with ease, and woul& have distanced
her competitors ;had a distance flag been
lowered, Maud B. second, Barney A.
third and Rosewood 4th, Time 2.37,
2.35, 2.43.
The free-for-all brought out three
horses, John Duncan, Barney Barnes, St.
Thomas; High .Tack, 3, E. Johnston,
Sarnia; Logan Chief, S. R. Turnbull,
Richmond, Mich. John Duncan had a
complete walkaway. But the other
horses fought for second place, High Jack
taking it the first time, but Logan Chief
pulled ahead of him the next two heats.
Time, 2.30, 2.27, 2.30.
The running race was the most inter-
esting race of the meeting and. cohsiders
able betting was done, the pools offering
odds on Yorkshire man. The following
horses entered. Honest Dan, W. Waugh
Hensall; Roan Billy, Beattie and Ross
Clinton; Yorkshire Man, J Petty, Hen
sail; Butcher Boy, W. Charters, Hensall,
The two heats were won by Yorkshire
Man, but he was closely pressed by Billy. '
Billy was second, Honest Dan 3rd, and
Butcher Boy 4th. Time 58; 55.
Additional Locals.
A grand day is comiag; Sept. 2t1i, when
Father Kealey's pic-nic will take piece at
Taylor's gro se on the bank of Lake Huron.
The object being a worthy , one, all who
love enjoyment should make it a point to
attend.. The ladies mad gentlemen in
charge are 'slaking preparations to give
all a. good time. The music -box offered as
a prize on the admission ticket, is an
attraction worth the risk of a quarter.
The contest for the flag should be exciting
as the candidates are all popular hotel
keepers. But the best of all is the tin-
. horn going to the biggist blower in ...the
county. Boys prepare for fun. Get yoar
candidates ready and stick to them.
Briug them forth from their obscurity, and
let their meritt be known and apprectated
through the blister. The Exeter brass
band and a good string band will be in at-
tendance. They will also be hay and oats
for the horses. Don't forget the dosing
event of the season.
The new bridge is being rapidly con-
structed. ,
The fair around this neighborhood
will commence next week at Zurich.
Mr. J. Sperling, of St. Marys was in
town. last 8unclay.
A man named Henneford of Stephen,
was arrested by Constable Boesenberry,
of Zurich, on the Lake Road yesterday,
and was lodged in the Exeter coop.
Ho is charged with stealing a hone
from his wife and will be tried in Hen -
sail before Justice Buchanan, to -day.
An exciting game of baseball will be
played on the race track to clay, be-
tween the Parkhill and Exeter clubs,
The clubs have never played . with each
other before and an interesting game
will be played. The game will com-
mence at 3 o'clock sharp, and as the ad-.
mission fee is small, only ten cents,
ladies'free, a large oroWd should turn
out to seethe boys play,
The fire alarm was rung about eight
o'clock yesterday morning, the eftEse be-
ing a small fire ma rooln occupied. by
Miss Essery, dressmaker. The fire or-
iginated in a trunk full of dresses and
is supposed to have been caused by
spontaneous combustion, It was no-
ticed before it had gained, mfich head-
way and easily put out with a few pails
of water. The damage sustained was
PIOSSO ill repel your readers that 1 have a
positive remedy fov the Irbove steeled dis-
ease, By ite thnely usa thoUsende of
hopelees cases have been perreastentlY
eared. 1 shall be eled to send to bottles
ef thy retned5 run to an of your readeVe
who have consilniption if they will send
me their Easpress and P. 0, eddtees,
llespeotfully, Lit, T. A. SI:DOUAI,
aorente, Olit. 87 Yong() street,