HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-11-27, Page 24RAGE NTON NEWS -RE ORD, THU'RSD,A NOVEMBER 27 1980 BETA TA. SIGMA PHI. _ Sorority Bake Sale and Used Book Sale. Sat., Nov. 29, Clinton Town 'Hall, at 1.0 a,m.---47,48 HURON FISH &GAME Bingo every Sunday at 1:30 pan. First regular card $L00, restricted to 16 years or over. Jackpot $100 must go each week. 15 regular games of $10 - $5 least on split.-37tfar BLYTH LIONS BINGO. every Saturday, Blyth Memorial Hall, 8:00 p.m. Regular, Share-the- _wea ack t 150 in 60 calls.--42tf ar MEET Canadian children's author Gordon Korman on Saturday, Nov. 29, at Goderich Branch Library, 10:30 a.m. and Clinton Branch Library, 1:00 p.m. Get your free admission ticket sponsored by Huron County Library and OUTREACH Ontario. -47,48 RCMP SHOWBAND performs at Blyth Memorial Hall, Sunday, Nov. 30, 2:30 p.m. Music,. from folk to western, disco to movie music. Reserved seats $3 adults; $1.50 children. Call 523- 9300 or 523-9636.-47,48 VANASTRA AND DISTRICT LIONESS CLUB are sponsoring a Turkey Bingo Mon. Dec. 8 at 8 p.m. Vanastra Recreation Centre. 15 regular games and four share -the -wealth. Admission $1.00.-48,49ar SANTA SUITS for rent $5. Clinton Kinettes. 482- 7819.-48 82-7819-.48 HURON COUNTY FAMILY PLANNING project invites you to attend Family Planning Clinic every Thursday from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 Pan. at Huron County Health Unit, Shipley St., Clinton. Counselling and medical services provided. Counselling on Billings (natural family planning) available first Thursday of each mon- th. -48 e.o.w.-ar CAN -D -Y STRIP -E -RS CEREMONIES, Nov. 30 at 2:30 Wesley Willis Church .-48 Sunday, p.m. at United HOSPITAL AUXILIARY REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING will be held Mon., Dec. 1 in the Hospital board -room at 1 p.m. The decorating of the hospital will take place after the meeting. -48 ANNUAL LIONS CLUB CHRISTMAS TURKEY BINGO Bayfield Com- munity Centre, Mon. Dec. 8, 8 p.m. 15 oven ready turkeys, share the Wealth and door prize. -48, 49 CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thurs,day 8 p.n-i, First regular card $1.: restricted tov16 years or'. over. 15 regular games of $15. $5 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200 must-- gc; each week.-20tfar Boyfield Community Centre INCLUDES TEA TABLE AND DOOR PRIZES PLEASE NOTE: BENMILLER INN WILL BE CLOSED DECEMBER 1st TO DECEMBER 12th INCLUSIVE FOR RENOVATIONS REOPENING SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13th SPECIAL HOURS FOR THE HOLLOW OPEN SATURDAY & SUNDAY, DEC. 6&7 ITHF,R TFM1F$ FO, r FiAtir F. UH AF'P )INTMF.NT F'H()tiF. 7,2 1 III For reservations phone 524-2191 Benmiller Inn Nestled in Benmiller, Ont just 7 kilometres east of Goderich on Huron (aunty Road 1, just off Highway 8 Tuesday BII�CrO, every T ue . y Evening at Vanastra Centre, RR5 Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card, $1.001 15 regular $15 games, three shoe-the- wealth. hare-the- wea. lth, Jackpot $200.00 must got „ Admission restricted to 16 years and oyer. --52 tfar CARD PARTY - Thur- sday, Nov. 27, 1980, Summerhill Hall, sponsored by Sumrnerhill Hall Board. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. ---48x NATURAL FAMILY -P-LA NN -IN. -- - CLINIC - BTI LING'S METHOD To achieve or avoid pregnancy. Short in- troductory slide. presentation, 'individual consultation., Couples welcomed between 7 - 9 p.m. First Thursday of every month at Huron County Health Clinic, 105 Shipley St., Clin- ton. -48 tfn o-c‘k VISIT HOLL04,,,,, R.R. 4 GODERICH PHONE: 524-2874.524.6523 LLE.'R I� WILL BE OPEN BETWEEN DEC. 1 & DEC. 12 BY CHANCE OR APPOINTMENT ONLY OPEN: SATURDAY, DEC. 6 & SUNDAY, DEC. 7 12-5 P.M. Regular Hours commencing Dec. 13th 11.6 P.M. DAILY INCLUDING SUNDAYS CLINTON AND DISTRICT Snowmobile Club Meeting -to be held Dec. 15 at 8 p.m. at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food board -room. All snowmobilers welcome. -48 SOCIAL TEA sponsored by Vanastra and District Lioness, Saturday, Dec. 13 from 2-4 p.m. Speaker famous. clairvoyant Vera McNichol. Tickets available from members and . Vanastra Factory Outlet. --47-50 PLAN TO ATTEND the Annual Turkey Bingo on Sunday, Nov. 30 at 8 p.m., St. Columbus Church Hall. 12 regular games, 4 share -the -wealth games, door prize. Lap card $1. Extras - 25 cents each or 5 for $1. Sponsored by the Knights of Colum- bus. -48 :77 71,.-€.171 • By t- Steve C ice Tickets for the ,New ,Year's dance are on sale now at the bar for 'members only, while Sales open for the general. public on December 7th, so you can't say you didn't get first ,chance, Successful skate -a -thou. BLYTH - Four year old Michael Bromley won the top trophy for $210.90 in pledges at the Blyth Skate-a-thon. Margaret Cronyn won a trophy for her $70.50 in pledges Of the 116 skaters to start out in the six hour run, 88 skaters finished and the Saturday event raised over $3,200 profit for the figure skating club and minor sports. The dance will, of course, ,run from 9,p,m. to 1 a.:cn. and the usual great meal will be served. Music is to be supplied by the "The New Dimensions", so it should be a great bash. Thebe will be no ticket refunds after December 25th. Bill Chambers has got. the cooking organized for the Ladies' christmas party on December 8th, but there is still room for extra help. A few people to serve the meals and a dishwashing° creW are required, so if you can lend a hand, let Bill know. Any help, as usual, will be greatly appreciated. Don't forget that every Friday night is T.G.I.F., so drop down if you can, even if it's only for an hour or so. Last week's dart's night saw Rosemary Armstrong and Brian 11 OD LEL/ L RESTAURANT G�if4 \1\' &TAVERN LICENSED UNDER L.L.B4O. BAYFIELD RD. GODERICH 524-7711 APPEARING THIS WEEKEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY; NOV. 28 & 29 SHA NNON Waith a limited number of seats available Saturday night, make your • pians to come and hear Shannon Friday evening. isromiimem VANASTRA & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB .2J Friday, November 28 at the Vanastra Rec. Centre MUSIC BY "Spirit" DANCING 9 P.M. - 1 A.M. '10. COUPLE - LUNCH PROVIDED 1 SS 1 I\ Smile A little girl came home from her first day at school and her father asked, "Well honey, what did you learn today?" "Nothing," the youngster replied, "I have to go back tomorrow." Discover our resort, where the beach has more sea gulls and pelicans than people Eseapeto -to Our Island q) Golf -Tennis - Heated Pools Oceanfront Hotel Apartments Fishing - Sailing - Beautiful Beaches Restaurant • Lounge For more information. call or write: Indian River Plantation Resort, Hutchinson island 385 N Plantation Road, Stuart. Fl. 33494 (305) 2253700 (45 miles north of Palm Beach) Complete Hotel Services The Family of Bob & Willa • Taylor Invite Relatives, Friends ) and Neighbours to a 2 Reception in honour of ; their parents' 40TH WEDDING •• i ANNIVERSARY iy Friday, .December 5 th t ' ! from ` j 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. 1- % NO GIFTS ,'LEASE- j THE WHITE CA NATION Holmes file presents "STAR TRE Sat., Nov. 29 Dancing 9:30 to 1 am Buffet at 1 am • 00 per person 11 Smorgasbord available till 8 p.m. For Reservations 482-9228 Atkinson taking first. e i place' w ith 'Yeats lvadelon r i e i bringing andArt Risely n rt Y g 8 up the rear. Terry Hollingshead and Annie Sailows took the prizes for high singles, Don: Armstrong would also like to announce that darts for the nett three weeks 'will be held on Thursdays instead of Wednesdays. Newcomers are always welcome, so coxae on out and give it a try if you're interested. Men's euchre had a great attendance last Tuesday with 16 tables playing. Ted Fothergill scored 88 points for the high score while Dan Berry turned in a 45, t e low for the evening. Three people, George 1,Quch, Graham Yeats, and Bill Grigg, tied for; the most lone hands with four apiece. George *von' the cut and was declared the official winner. I was going to apologize for the short column this week, but I changed my mind. If I doi't get the news fro - you, I can't write it. Remember, all it takes is a short note left at the bar, Remember the "awards .night" scheduled for December 15th. Mark your calendar pay your dues, and get your pin if you qualify. Even if you don't qualify, come on out anyway. It's a genera meeting- an should ie a nice ceremony to see. Hensall Hotel L presents THE COUNTRY COBRAS Fri., & Sat., Nov. 28th & 29th for your entertainment J **************'**** ** NIATROSS "Horse of the year" at WINDSOR RACEWAY SUNDAY DECEMBER 7, 1980 FOR TRANSPORTATION & ADMISSION PHONE 524-7622 SHERWOOD TRANSPORTATION 9 �q FAt ILY PARADiS1 DANCE MALI.11 CAMP GROUND RM.4: WALTQN Our hap is available most nights for • *CHRISTMAS PARTIES *NEW YEAR'S PARTIES *ANNIVERSARIES *CL.UB MEETINGS: *BANQUETS *SCCH,ALS. *WEDpIF1GS *REHEARSAL HALL. Capacity for aver 200 if required': Hardwood ponce Floor catering LAvailably Prices to fit almloct any budget WHATEVER YOUR NEEDS WI. - 527 -0629 ; -Winter-Cgatping and Season I Sites tc Trailer Storage owszleatt%,:wwis,91wiwootdsvpsinyeo... WELCOMES YOU! AFTERNOON TEA 2:30 to 4:30 7 DAYS A WEEK SOMETHING FOR THE LADIES... Come, visit our unusual country resort for Tea today! We've prepared English muffins, freshly made scones, jam, assorted pastries and Earl Grey tea for the occasion. Relax and enjoy as we serve you in,frQnt of an open hearth log fire in orae of our two lounges. (Reservations requested for groups of more than 10). $•Jo Just • per person Complement your outing with a visit to THE HOLLOW.A unique gift shop just steps from our Inn Benmiller Inn Nestled in Benmiller, Ont.. just 7 kilometres east of Goderich on Huron County Road 1, ' just off Highway 8, phone 524-2191. TRY OUR FAMILY STYLE DINING ALSO WELCOMES YOU - Combine your outing to the Inn with a visit to our shop at the crossroads., •SELECT LADIES' FASHIONS •SPECIALIZING IN HAND KNITS by FRANCES •ANTIQUES OPEN: 7 Days a week 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Tel.: 524-4300 RELAX & ENJOY THIS FRI., SAT. & SUN "FEATI RING THIS WEEK." LAST NIGHT THURS. NOV. 27 COTAST COAST A PARAMOUNT PIC TUBE \ What's slower than speeding bullet? AIRPLANE WARNING ADULT SOME SCENES UNSUITABLE FOR ENTERTAINMENT PRE TEENS THR. BR. ONT. TURKEY BROCHETTE SERVE -DON ---RICE - _ _ COMPLETE WITH FRESH TOSSED SALAD -WITH YOUR CHOICE OF DRESSING. VEGETABLE. CHOICE OF POTATOES FRENCH BREAD & BUTTER O111 6 9 5 CHILDREN'S PORTION • II2 PRICE •SER'VED FROM 5 P.M. -8:30 P.M. FRI.. SAT. & SUN. IN RESTAURANT & DININGROOM Starts FRIDAY! HO.WTI SUN.-TUES. ONE SHOWING 8:00 P.M. NOV. 28-TUES. DEC. 2 y THEY THOUGHT THEY HAD BURIED HER FOREVER! HAYFIELD RD.. GODERICH -511-7711- THE 5 1 -7711 - SHARON. LOISAND BRM: This presentation by AVON CO-OPERATIVE NURSERY SCHOOL to take place on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7th 1980 $3.r per person 3N, Adm. Show (groCibl1"ot) 7:00 p.rn. below (buff ticket) No reserved seats r�. with RILL USHER Cr11 Elephant Records TICKETS AVAILABLE At: K.C. COOKE FLORIST -61 ORANGE ST. CLINTON THE AWAKENING WARNING: SOME SCENES UNSUITABLE FOR PRE/TEENS. THR. BR. ONT. TWO NIGHTS ONLY WED.-THURS. ONE SHOWING 8:00 P.M. A TERRIFYING SECRET HAS OEEN KEPT