HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-11-13, Page 58PAGE 1 TO E''S.RECO 'BURS NOV'El R 20, 1980' t' At the Legion at Webster marches in his 62nd parade BETA SIGMA. P1 Sorority Bake Sale and Used Book - Sale. Sat'.,. Nov. 29, Clinton Town. Nall, at 10 BLYTI1 LIONS BINGO every Saturday, Blyth Memori Nall, $:00 p•m. h. t e ae egUl.�,,l .t Share -the - wealth wealth and. Jackpot. $150 in 60 .calls.-7-42tfar CARD PARTY - Clinton Council Chambers, Monday, Nov. 24, 2 p.m. auspices • Women's Institute. Lunch provided. Admission $1.-.-46,47 BAZAAR , B .A .. ` sponsored' by Vanastra and District Lioness; Saturday, November 22, fron 10 a.m, to 2 p.m. at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. Art Bell's. Fruit Farm, wood carving crafts, sewing, etc. Light lunch. -46,47 RCMP 'SRO 'BAND eriorms at p Blyth Memorial Hall, Sunday, Nov,.30,2:30 pat. Music. from, • folk to Western, disco to: movie music. Reserved seats $ adults; 81.50 children, .Call 523- .9300 23-.9300 or 523.9636.-X17,48 THE IOO1y and Rebekahs CLINTON Legion Bing4 will hold Another Card every Thur •._ .m, Party on Thurs ay, Nov. Thursday - y 8 p First regular card $1.: 20 in the Lodge Hall, restricted. to 16 years or Princess St.. East,. over. 15 regular Barnes of Clinton, at 8 p.rh. Ladies $15. $5 least split. please bring lunch. Many other specials. Everyone welcotne.-47 Jackpot $200 must gc, 20tf ar ,HURON CENTRAL • Agricultural Society -_� GAR Annual meeting will be Ontario Street United Church, 8 p.m. f Everyone welcome. -46,917 HURON FISH & GAME Bingo every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. First regular card $1.00, restricted to.16 years for over. Jackpot $100 must go each week. 15 regular games of $10 - $5 least on split.-' 37tfar BINGO every Tuesday Evening at Vanastra Centre, RR5 Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card, $1.00; 15 regular $15 games, three share -the - wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must go! Admission restricted to.16 years and over.-52tfar CHRISTMAS BAZAAR at Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfield on Sat., Nov. 22 from 2-4 p.m. -46-47 OPEN HOUSE for Mr. _awl. -Mrs. Tom Lawrence on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary at Carlow Hall on Sun- day, November 23rd from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. Everyone welcome, best wishes only. -47 HURON COUNTY WOMEN TODAY - Next meeting November 27 at 7:30 p.m. at. Huron County Board of Education, Clinton. Topic: "Dealing with Hostility" .-47 RECEPTION ? for George &' Carol. Thompson SATURDAY NOVEMBER 22 9 P.M. Goderich Township all Brucefi.eld, Nov. 21, el-d—NOVe-mber-- 0; 1980 198Q at 8:30 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch and everyone welcome. Admission $1.00.-47x SOCIAL TEA sponsored by Vanastra and District Lioness, Saturday, Dec. 13 from 2-4 p.m. Speaker famous clairvoyant Vera McNichol. Tickets available from members and Vanastra Factory Outlet. -47-50 MYSTERY CAR TOUR - Sat., Nov. 22. Registration 12 noon to 1 p.m. at Londesboro Hall. Come out and bring a friend. Sponsored by the Londesboro Lions. -47 The family of Fred and Edna Mote of Clinton, formerly of St. Thomas, invite their relatives, friends and neighbours to celebrate with them the occasion of their 60th wedding • anniversary. The Open House will be held on Monday, Nov. 24, 1980 from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. at the Legion Hall, Clinton. Best wishes only please. -47 MEET Canadian children's author Gordon Korman on Saturday, Nov. 29, at Goderich Branch Library, 10:30 a.m. and Clinton Branch Library, 1:00 p.m. Get your free admission ticket sponsored by Huron County Library and OUTREACH Ontario. -47,48 FESTIVAL SINGLES Dance, Friday, November 12, Victorian Inn,- Stratford_ Dancing' 9:00 - 1:00. Welcome all singles over 25. No blue jeans. -47 WELCOMES YOU! AFTERNOON TEA 2:30to4:30 7DAYS AWEITK SOMETHING FOR THE LADIES... Come, visit our unusual country resort for Tea today: We've prepared English muffins. freshly mad«, scones, jam, assorted pastries and Earl Grey tea for the occasion. Relax and enjoy as we serve you in front of an open hearth log fire in one of our two lounges. (Reservations requested for groups of more than 10). w just • per person Complement your outing with a visit to THE HOLLOW A unique gift shop just steps from our Inn Benmiller Inn Nestled in Benmiller. Ont . jut kilometres east of Goderich on Huron County Road 1. just off Htghway K. phone 524.2101, BAZAAR - -for the Christian Reformed Church at the Clinton District Christian School gymnasium, Friday, Nov. 21, from 2 pm to 9 pm. Featuring crafts, baking goods. Coffee, tea and supper will be ser- ved. -46,47 CHRISTMAS GARAGE SALE at the Fellow House east end of Varna - sale held in heated building. • lass, fur- niture, bicycl s, clothing, something fo everyone, Friday and. Saturday, Nov. 14, 15 from 10 am to 5 pm.. -46 LEARN THE MARE -UP TRICKS • OF PROFESSIONALS - 11/2 hr. class with instructions by professional beauty consultants on Tuesday, Nov. 25 at 8 p.m. in the council chambers at the Clinton Town Hall. Please bring this ad for free admission, draws and coffee. -47 HOT TURKEY smorgasbord a'' the Anglican Parish Hall on Wednesday, Nov. 26, at 6:30 p.m. Tickets $6.00. Contact Myrtle Read, 482 3602.-47 CHILDREN'S CON- CERT: Fun and education with Eric Nagler, folksinger and Making Music Together. Blyth Memorial Hall, Saturday, Nov. 22, 2 p.m. Reserved seats $2.50 at the door or call 523-9300 or 523-9636.-46,47 CHRISTMAS' GARAGE SALE at the Yellow House east end of Varna - sale held in heated building. Glass, fur- niture, bicycles, clothing, Christmas gifts, Friday and Saturrday, Nov. 2I, 22 from 10 am to 5 pm. -47 By SteveCooke The Armistice Social was'a big disappointment pp after the good turnout we had for the Remem- brance Day ceremonies. Apparently only about 35 5 to 40 couplesshowed up, but from all reports that I've ve had, they had a goo. d time. I found out that Wat Webster marched in his 62nd, Armistice Day parade in a row. Wat it seems has turned .out in his kilt; every Nov. 11th since 1918 and we just hope he's good for about 30 or 40 more. If anyone is planning on GOODWILL INDUSTRIES LONDON will be visiting in LONDESBORO TUES., NOV. 25 for donations of clothing, books, furniture, etc. CONTACT: MRS. TED HUNKlNG 523-4316 i G1�1�I AR sponsored by VANASTRA AND f i _ DISTRICT LIONESS CLUB SATUIDAY NOVEMBER 22 • fr.!)) 10 1.11.-2 at the VANASTRA ri RECREATION. CENTRE i Art Bell's Fruit Farm, t wood carving, crafts, sewing, etc. LIGHT LUNCH The family of HOWARD & JEANNE PRESZCATOR- invites family, friends and neighbours to help celebrate their parents' 4Oth Wedding Anniversary FRIDAY, NOV. 21 at SALTFORD Dancing 9 to 1 Best Wishes Only sending Saturday af- t ternoon (Nov! 22)the �► . Legion, you: might be well advised to : change your plans. Branch 140 is hosting the Huron County Darts League on that. day, and a full house is anticipated. As far, as the rest of the dart news is concerned, Rosemary Armstrong and Neil Elliott teamed up Wednesday night to take First place. Annie Sallows was the high lady and Ches Higdon the reale counterpart. That dynamic duo, George and Madelon Yeats, must have been eyeing up each other rather than the dart board, as they rrranaggd to bring up the rear end of the scores. . In the upcoming events, everyone is urged not to forget the mixed Euchre party coning up on November 28th. Make a note, and don't forget Io • come out, On Friday, you can skip • around all day singing,. "Tonite's the nite", because that's when our famous pub night takes place. It might be a goad idea to come mgee down early c and lubricate the old vocal chords for the old fashioned "sing -along" scheduled to start at 9 p.m. Pub nights have always been a fun time, so don't miss out on this one. Our next general meeting is coming up on the 24th — that's this —taming- --Monday- -night, and we'd like to see you there. There is a lot happening in connection with the Legion and we'd like to hear your com- rii+w�i« a Naict. ideas. Don't' forget to keep checking the board at the Legion for upcoming Christmas events. The dates will appear in this column, as they draw near, but it doesn't'hurt to double check. Gus Boussey has lost his beret. Apparently, someone picked up the wrong overcoat after the Nov. ilth ceremonies, and the beret was in the pocket. The overcoat found its way back to the Legion by the next day when Gus retrieved it, but the beret wasn't in the pocket. Gus feels it probably dropped out unnoticed- and. as-ks anyone who may have found a beret around to pleaseget in touch with him. An awards'. night is There was excellent Clinton representtion at the recent Hospital. Auxiliaries' Convention in Toronto. Those attending included, front row, left to right, Candy Stripers Barb Young, Margie Wise and Carol Cartwright, Back row are Peggy Menzies, president-elect of the provincial association, Ellen Butcher, Candy Striper co-ordinator and Marg Coventry, past president. (Wilma Oke photo) TRY OUR FAMILY STYLE DINING Smile How do you suppose some people will spena Eternity when they don't know how td spend the next half hour. -Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803- 1882. CLINTON JR. C. MUSTANG MIDSEASONDANCE , Clinton Legion Hall Saturday, November 22, 1980 Music by "Music Train" Dancing 9 p.m. -1 a.m. Tickets: s15. per -couple- PROCEEDS TO HOCKEY Beef Dinner at 1 A.M. CHILDREN 1/2 PRICE ALSO WELCOMES YOU - Combine your outing to the Ian with avisit toour shop atthe croasroadn. •SELECT LADIES' FASHIONS +SPECIALIZING• IN HAND KNITS by FRANCES *ANTIQUES OPEN: 7 Days a week 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Tel.: 524-4300 12 ANI) UNDER SELECTING OFF REGULAR` DINNER MENU —OR— SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MENU FRIDAY NP;11TS ()NI.Y (LIGHT SNACKS) $1.95 TOP SIRLOIN ROAST BEEF DINNER «)11P11.11 111111 IRI tiff• 1()SSF 1► tial ADA‘ I I It 101 R ( HMI I OI I)RI SI\(,. \F(,F4•11RI 1 . 1•I1011'F.fF 1'01 1101 FRI \1 II 13RF \f) h 1)1 1'FF:R THE WHITE CARNATION Holmesville presents "STAR TREX" Sat., Nov. 29 Dancing 9:30 to 1 am Buffet at 1 am. $ J • O per person Smorgasbord available till 8 p.m. For Reservations 482-9228 '0161 f► FROM RI . `,\I h'�I I\ RES" Al RANI h I►1\I\GROOti1 coming up .for those who qualify for the 25, 30 and 35 year ins. The date has 'been :set for December 15thyou're s o if yo re not .sure if you qualify, check the bulletin for your name, -Remember, you must be "paid up" to qualify, so get those dues in now if yogthaven't already. Any 1 ,queries can be answered by- Bob Irwin, who also reports that • were coming p u ., to 50 per cent "Early Birds". Why not. get your dues•in now ,and help us get the 75percent certificate for our Branch, The cut off' date is December 51, and that doesn't leave much time. A O ! A ! 9 ! � p•!4 4 FAMILY PARADISE sk� DANCE HALL & CAMP GROUND R. R. 4 W ALTON Our hall is available most nights for *CHRISTMAS PARTIES *NEW YEAR'S PARTIES *ANNIVERSARIES *CLUB MEETINGS *BANQUETS *SOCIALS *WEDDINGS *REHEARSAL HALL Capacity for over 200 if required Hardwood Dance Floor Catering Available Prices to fit almost any budget WHATEVER YOUR NEEDS call.... 527-0629 Winter Camping and Seasonal Sites Trailer Storage COME SHARE THE TR:AfTTION OF HOSPITALITY SINCE 1862 Crfle BAYFIELD AT •- =� IL Yr i IH► 11'11 1f�(!ry�'r i 4' •44- OPEN: F•Itll):AY. DINNER -A"Fi'RI )AY. BREAKFAST fd.N(11 • DINNER SUNDAY liRl'N('1 I/INNER 5::,30-5:00 Y.M. 8:00-10:00 A.M: 12 NOON -2:00 Y.M. 5::30-8:00 NOON -2::30 P.M. 5::30-8.(0 l' M. • 11ORNIN(; C'OF'FEES ANI) AFTERNOON"I'EAS ON \VEEKF:NI)S. 11'F: 1V' )1'1,1) \l,sO BE 1'I,EASFa)'I'O 1)Is('uss (;Rt11'1 l'1'N(" I'IONB t('l1R1tiT1\1AS PARTIES. RECEPTIONS. ETC.) 11 I' \\'II.I.OPEN MII) WEEK BY PRE -ARRANGEMENT FOR RESERVATIONS ANI) INFORMATION CALL 565-2611 STARTS TODAY: 11\\ F I) RI) (,Of)FRI( 11 '17•li Discover our resort, where the beach has more sea gulls, and pelicans than people Escape to Ou IsIand Golf -Tennis • Heated Pools Oceanfront Hotel Apartments Fishing • Sailing • Beautiful Beaches Restaurant - Lounge For more information, call or write: Indian Rr,ter Plantation Resort. Hutchinson Island 385 N E Plantation Road. Stuart. FI. 33494 (305) 225-3700 (45 miles north of Palm Beach) Complete Hotel Services THURSDAY NOV. 20-22 SHOWTIMES FRI. & SAT. 7&9 THURS. ONE SHOWING 8:00 MATINEES SAT. & SUN , '1:30 ZIP-A-DEE-DOO-DAH s , . alt Disney's W., � �"-- 7,, _ of the i with'LUCILE WATSON and RUTH WARRICK (1. HATTIE McDANIEL •JAMES BASKETT• LUANA PATTEN • eOBBY DRISCOLL TH4 II I(111,4 1It R .""" " nu" r9:OtR,TT,:,f)ry ,Nl; i �',•9+tn WAu fh,nry a..,nt coo�A STARTS SUNDAY NOV. 23-27 GTiGENERAL AUDIENCES SUN.-THURS. ONE SHOWING S:00 PM ONLY COME AN BRING YOUR FAMILY FOR FAMILY -NIGHT EVERY FRIDAY 5:30 P.M. -8:00 P.M'. •r 7,1iittle -1-‘,.1,-----7;- BAYFIELD FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 565-2611 Uctivst i UNDER LL .B 0 Either War, he'll get it in the end. SOME SCENES UNSUITABLE FOR PRE TEENS THR. BR. ONT. PHONE -524-,7811 AIR CONDITIONED COMING SOON PRIVATE BENJAMIN THE AWAKENING THE ELEPHANT MAN