HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-11-13, Page 55• ri• gra ta'v�Netr R 42(I, Q .l14J CLINTONNgw4-RE ORD, fit/OS • AX, NOV MER 20, 10»PAGg 18 14, « - •1��9 i 11w1 GRT, S IDiy' •. 11tNl ti©►w b' 7116 D1114 H. Av. 8n 'ediote.ocr, 961.1200 '., •Iron. R Inro•r1 • rr 12. Real; estate for sale Tessa . LAUCKNER REALTY INC. M.A..- Member of the London St. Thomas MLS RETIREMENT BAYFIELD HOME. 1 floor brick. At- tached garage. Treed lot 82' x 132',. 2 bedrooms, games room, Targe living, dining and kitchen area. Drilled well supplies for other homes which pays most of taxes. PLAN FOR THE FUTURE Your choice of 25 wooded lots in Village. Lots: for Sale LISTINGS WANTED ADAM FLOWERS Box 41., Bayfield 565-2813 REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR '18,000 2 bedroom one storey home, quite good condition. An excellent investment or starter home. 26.5 ACRES Contains 2 storey 4 bedroom house with 2 new bathrooms and 30' x 50' barn. List price '52,000. COUNTRY BUILDING LOT Last remaining lot in this country subdivision, asking price '14,900. Full half acre. THE "SANDPIPER INN", VANASTRA New Listing. Being sold under.. foreclosure proceed- ings. Excellent building, former Sergeant's Mess, contains 3 large banquet or dance halls, exten- sive kitchen areas and good washroom and storage facilities List price '69,500. 157 ONTARIO STREET Clinton. Excellent 3 bedroom- home 'wear schools. Large family room with fireplace, modernized kitchen and bathroom. Assumable Mortgage. 100 ACRES Near Lucknow •100,000, 90 workable. 175 ACRES Highway location. '1,500 an acre. 80 ACRES Goderich Township. '125,000. 65 workable. BAYFIELD COTTAGE Near main beach, private. '31,000. CALL JOHN DUDDY LEAH OR BUDD KUEHL VAL GILBERT OFFICE 482-3652 482-7304 482.7833 482-3766 13. Mobile homes .a 4 care WJC, rN tAWUI k » .Frjpr:CT NIR.1 c 4otte;n�.� v '. 16. Articles for rent PLYWOOD FORMS, Wedges, portable cement mixer. Power . trowls, wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stacked. Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich 2 36- 4954.--l6tfar 17 Apartments -- for rent 8 N Alw1 lt, Aril 20. Room & board. TWO COZY BEDSITTING rooms suitable for retired men, shared bathroom, three meals included, $12 per day. Mrs. C. Van Damme, 482-3685 Holiday Home.-41TFAR 21: Cottages for 28. Business opportunity THREE ,BEDROOM apartment for rent. Phone 482-3675.-42.tf THREE BEDROOM duplex, close to post office. Call 482- 7065.-42 tf 82- 7065.-42tf APARTMENT AVAILABLE immediately. One three bedroom and one two bedroom in up -town Clinton. Phone 482-9766 or 482-9417 evenings.-38tfar TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent, appliances sup- plied, over store on main street. References requi ed. Phone evenings 482- 7244.-44tfar TWO BEDROOM large apartment, fridge and stove available now. : Phone 482- • 9363.-46,47 TWO BEDROOM Apartment for rent in Clinton, fridge and stove included $150. per month. Phonre 482- 3631.--46,47 TWO BEDROOM upper apartment in Brucefield. Available January 1. 482- 3278.-47 MODERN two bedroom apartment one block from hospital. Available December 1. $185.00 monthly plus utilities. For in- formation phone 482- 9200 -47x CUTE 'N' COSY 1 bedroom apartment. Living Room carpeted, kitchen and bedroom newly decorated. Stove & fridge supplied. Suitable for 1 or 2 adults. No Pets. Call 482-7304.-47t'fn. 18. Houses for rent rent COTTAGE FOR Rent (winterized) in Bayfield. Phone 262-2536.-47 24.. Wanted to rent WANTED TO RENT: Heated Storage, space for furniture. 482-3697.-47 25. Wanted to buy WANTED: Good used fur- • niture. Phone , 482- 7922.-8tfar - WANTED TO BUY: Mixed Grain. 482-3765,-47 - 26. Help wanted TUCKERSMITH Day Nursery ' (Vanastra) requires a teacher, ECE trained, experienced with handicapped preferred. Send written application and resume including references before Nov. 28 to Miss Karen McEwing, Tuckersmith Day Nursery, RR 5 Clinton, 482- 7634.-47 WAITRESS OR Waiter Wanted: Full or part-time. Must be 18 years of age. Apply, at, the Blue Fountain Restaurant, Clinton. 482- 3077.-47 FULL TIME office clerk required. Please send hand written reume detailing education and experience to: Drawer No. 24 c -o Clinton News -Record, Box 39, Clinton NOM 1LO.-47 "LICENSED Mechanics Wanted" • Permanent position, benefits package, moving expenses will be considered. Write to: Swan HOUSES FOR RENT in City Chrysler Limited, 12517 ---V anal t -r -a,- A va it ab le i m- - 100. Street, -Grande Prairie, mediately. Phone 482- Alberta, T8V 411:2, 403- 532- 3278.-3ltfar 7360.-47bc TWO BEDROOM Mobile for 28. Business rent. Morgan's Mobile. Homes. Phone 482-7066.-36tf opportunity FOR RENT - small house on main highway close to Clinton. Clean and com- pletely redecorated, available now, references required. Call 482-3460.-42tf FARM HOUSE - two com- plete residences inside. Available Nov. 1, 1980. Two miles south of Bayfield on Highway 21. Phone 565- 5221.-43tfn FOUR BEDROOM Semi. In Vanastra. Immediate possession. $200 a month plus utilities. Phone 523- 4299.-44tf MAKE MONEY in your spare time. Learn Income Tax Preparation. For Free r Brochure, no obligation, write U & R Tax Schools, 118 Roxborough Drive, Toronto, Ontario M4W 1X4.-47bc FOR SALE or Rent: 12' x 60' New Yorker Mobile Home with large built -on room and sun deck, set up in Meneset mobile home park, Goderich. Phone 482- 7066.-46,47 15. Out of town properties , FLORIDA VILLAS Rent or Buy Two For Sale Two Furnished -For Rent Four new luxurious 2 storey villas, in choice Palm Beach area, 2 bedroom, 2'/2 bath, screened in porch, 1,688 sq. ft., ail appliances. tall Alan Hill 1-227-4869 • 16. Articles for rent FORMAL RENTALS - Dress up! Go formal 1 We have the complete Wedding Service at Campbell's Men's Wear, Main St., Clinton (Formerly Pickett and Campbell's Ltd.)---14tf 405 FOUR BEDROOM Semi detached on Victoria Blvd. Vanastra. Phone 482- 7968.-46tf TWO BEDROOM Duplex with garage, spacious lot, 153 King St. Clinton, available Dec. 1. Phone 482-3698 after 5 : 30 p. m.-46tf FIVE BEDROOM House. Phone after 5 p.m. 565- • 5279.-47x THREE BEDROOM House for Rent Downtown location, $190. a month. One bedroom apartment $130 a month plus utilities. 482-7724.-47 THREE BEDROOM House, newly sided and decorated - Walker Street, Clinton. Available December 1. Call 482-9396.--47,48x TWO BEDROOM. Semi detached home in Clinton. Close to shopping. Available immediately. $165. plus utilities. Phone Don 524-4226 or 524-9131,-47x RECORDED Dance Music. One o! Canada's largest companiesspecializing in recorded entertainment is coming, to Southern Ontario. If you,_ are interested in financial independence, the franchise for this area is available if you enjoy working with music and making customers happy: Phone or write today for full details. The investment is approximately $8,000. Write Director of Franchising, Garry Robertson Music Services, 196 Tache Avenue, Winnipeg, Man., R2H 1Z6 or phone 1-204-247-8883.--47bc imummemaasmoss ESTABLISHED INCOME TAX PREPARATION FRANCHISE FOR SALE Good income for 11 week season. Because of company assistance, this is an ideal opportunity for someone with limited experience or presently taking. a course. '1,200.00. 482-7584 immommimiammien 30.,Employment -- wanted BABYSITTING: Fourteen' year old girl is anxious to • babysit any night and weekends too. For in- formation call 482-3582 after 4:30p.m. on week days. -47x FOR RENT Three bedroom townhouses, newly decorated. Locatod in Vanastra, 2 miles frons Clinton, quiet s urrounti st. , '229. per month including heat and hot water. TV cable available. Ideal for retired people, close to ..Lake Huron. APPLY Ali OFFICE BLOCK H UNIT 1 OR PHONE 41124$2t IPETWEEN4 &140.M. QUOTATION • LiST REQUESTS The FI_uron Countty Beard of Education will receive requests, for placement ontheir quotation lists for the period of January 1, 1981 to December 31, 1981, from all interested parties handling such equip- ment and/or supplies of a type that would be complimentary to those areas listed below. Fuel Oil Supplies Audio Visual Custodial Lighting Industrial Arts Home Economics Physical Education Library Equipment General Classroom General Office Duplicating & Copying Office, - Library, & Classroom Furnishings Typewriters & Calculators Letters of request must be received no later than Friday, December 19, 1980. Please direct inquiries to: R.M. Wright, Manager of Purchasing. (519)482-3496 The Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street, CLINTON, Ontario NOM 1L0 D. McDonald D.J. Cochrane Chairman Director 29. Tenders TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until 4:30 P.M., Friday, November 2&;-1980 for -the - REMOVAL OF SNOW from the driveway and parking area at Huron - view, Huron County Home for the Aged, Clinton, Ontario, as required to March 31st, 1981. Removal is subject to supervision of authorized County of- ficial. The lowest or any tender shall not necessarily be accepted. Reply stating hourly rate, make and hor- sepower of tractor, type and size of blower to: W.R. ALCOCK Secretary Committee of Management, Huronview, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M2 30. Employment wanted COUPLE LOOKING for work to do at their home. No reasonable work refused. Call collect 527-0629:-47,48 31. Service directory KEN'S CARPENTRY - Remodelling renovations, cupboards, rec rooms, carports, flooring, Hunt- Pelia windows and patio doors, aluminum siding, windows, doors. Phone 482- 7676. -Ken McNairn.- l2tfar 31. Service di rectory 31. Service directory HENDR1K GELOK ELECTRIC, RESIDENTIAL - CQMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL TRAILER i -ND R.V. SERVICE QUALITY WORKMANSHIP AT A REASONABLE PRICE MAINTENANCE - NEW AND OLD INSTALLATIONS PHONE 519-482-370Q or 482-7007 BYERS UPHOLSTERY =- We will .rebuild recover or restyle your old furniture. Top quality fabrics and workmanship. Call 482-7939, 71 Princess St. W., Clin- ton.-22tf LIGHT BULLDOZING; landscaping, backfilling etc. Larry Bailey. Phone 523-4438 or 482-9210.--23tf LAYING and FINISHING concrete floors for basements, garages, drive sheds etc. Call George 482- 3291.-45tf WHEELCHAIRS: The CP & T Fund of Clinton Oddfellows ,Lodge• have wheelchairs available for loan free. Contact Tom Chuter 482-7652 or Mrs. M. Batkin 482- 3866.-46tf a r FURNITURE stripping and refinishing done.' 482- 3508.-47 1 WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 8127-0828 tix•c JIM: 527-0775 HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523;x/202 _FOR SALE _ Used Snowmobiles- We nowmobiles- We also Service and Repair snowmobiles and snowblower* and other small engine equipment JACK GERRITS CONSTRUCTION LTD. *Farm *Commercial *Residential *Buildings *Additions *Renovations AFFILIATED WITH: CUSTOM SHEET METAL *Fascia *Soffits *Door and Window Jams and Sills *Metal Covered Doors ESTIMATES & QUOTES AT NO OBLIGATION PHONE: 482.7290 INCLUDING rant -o -Car system FREE 100 KM w•ekand & wrtoktyr note. Aim llabla Electrical Problems?"Caul EDS ELECTRIC Licensed Electrician Commercial/ Industrial/Farm Residential 24 HR. EMERGENCY SERVICE Ed Rooseboom 482-7441 FURNITURE STRIPPING of all descriptions 482-9576 DAYS 482-3061 EVENINGS 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING * Farm Buildings * Additions * Renovations PHONE 482-3063 11111111111111111.11110111118111111111111111 Custom Slaughtering and Processing kill Day Wednesday MCR1:g': DASHWOOD 237-3677 34. Personal PREGNANT and DISTRESSED? Married or single, free positive -con- fidential support. Help is as close as your telephone. BIRTHRIGIT - London (collect) 432-7197 or 524-2913, 357-1769 or 392-6541.-3-52 38. Auction sale 38. Auction sale Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER ' Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR Every Thursday HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALE 40. Lost &-found LOST - black, white faced beast, missing from lot 26, concession 5, Goderich Township. Please contact 524-9873.-47 41. To give away TO GIVE AWAY: Ten month old part Labrador dog. 482- 3582 after 4: 30 p. m .-47x 42. Death notice Steckle At South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Sunday, November 16th, 1980, Menno S. Steckle, of 64 Goshen Street North, Zurich; in his 83rd year. Beloved husband of Philippa • Catherine (Penfold) Steckle. Predeceased by his first wife Vila Musselman (1934). Dear father of Stuart, R.R. 2 Zurich, Elizabeth (Mrs. Abner Weber), Wallenstein, Mildred (Mrs. Aden Martin) and Edith (Mrs. Roy Mar- tin), both of RR 1 Gowan- stown, Becky (Mrs. Eugene Bender), Goderich. Dear brother of oliver, RR 3 Bayfield, Allan and Asa, both of RR 2 Zurich, Hannah (Mrs. John Smith), Unionville, Celinda (Mrs. Enos Martin), Elmire and Mary (Mrs. Joseph Martin), Zurich. Predeceased by two brothers and one sister. Also ,survived by 10 granchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. Visitation was at the Westlake Chapel of Michael P. O'Connor'F0neral Home, Zurich..Funeral Service was at Emmanuel United Church, Zurich on Wed- nesday, Nov. 19 with Reverend Barbara Lang and Reverend Clayton Kuepfer officiating. Interment in Emmanuel United Church Cemetery. Cudmore At Clinton Public Hospital, �.orr Monday,- November 17, 1980, William Henry., (Buster) Cudmore of Holmesville in his 70th year. Beloved husband of the former Irene Smith. Dear father of Paul of Ottawa. Dear brother of Marion (Mrs. Doug Ward) of Clinton, Thelma (Mrs. Sidney Brown) of Willowdale', Charles of Burlington. Also surviving are 2 grandchildren. Predeceased by 1 sister Rita and brother Earl. There will be no visitation at the funeral home. Friends were received at the Beattie Funeral Home, 55 R a t- tenbury Street, East, Clinton where funeral and com- mittal services were held Nov. 19 with Reverend J.S. Oestreicher officiating. Interment Clinton Cemetery. Donations to the charity of your choice would be ap- preciated as expressions of sympathy. AUCTION SALE OF TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT at BRINDLEY SALES YARD DUNGANNON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22 11:00 AM SHARP More consignments welcome Auctioneer Gotdon 8. Ilriltdley 'ro 42. Death notice ,SM1TR Frederick Gordon. Sud- denly, at home, on November 11, 1980. Loved husband of Mary Stewart Smith, formerly of Stanley Township. Loving father of Norah, Stewart (Frost), Perth Australia Stewart Rogerson, Port Ryerse, Ontario and Janet Mary (Corrigan) Toronto. A service was held in the Morley Bedford Funeral Chapel, Toronto on Thur- sday, November 13, 1980. Cremation. --47 46. In memoriam ARMSTRONG In loving memory of a wonderful father, and grandfather, Leslie ,..Arm- strong, who left us three years ago November 23, 1977. We wish so much that life could be just as it was before That you could be in your favourite chair when we came through the door. But since these special dreams of ours can never come true We will just be grateful, dear Dad, for the years we had with you. They say that time heals all sorrow and helps us forget. But time has only proved to us how much we miss you, yet. - • Treasure him God, in Your garden of rest. For on this earth he was the best. Always remembered and sadly missed by Linda, John, and grandchildren, Kevin, Tammy, Shawn and Sherri. -47 47. Card of thanks McKENZIE We would like to thank our family, friends, neighbours and relatives for the gifts and cards and for coming to our recent 35th wedding anniversary party in Seaforth. Many thanks. Mr. and Mrs_ Kenneth McKenzie. -47x SAUNDERCOCK I. __would like - _to-..._th.a.nk. everyone for their visits, flowers, gifts and cards while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Harrett, Dr. Watts, first floor nurses, Candy Stripers, Rev. John Oestricher and those good neighbours who brought" food to the house. It was all appreciated very much. Pat Saun- dercock.-47x PARKER I wish to thank my friends, relatives and neighbours for the cards, gifts, flowers and visits while in hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Lambert, Dr. Newland, Dr. Flowers and staff of Tirt' floor. Hazel Parker. --47x MURRAY We wish to thank all our friends, neighbours and the people of Clinton and Varna for the flowers, cards, donations and gifts of food received during our recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. Broadfoot and the ladies of St. Paul's Frien- dship Guild. Also to those who showed so much kin- dness while Sue was confined to Victoria Hospital. All is greatly ,appreciated. By the Murray and Bartliff Families. -47x JONES My sincere thanks to Dr. Lambert, Dr. Harrett and the nursing staff on first floor of Clinton Public Hospital, for the care I received during my stay in hospital. Also thanks to my many friends for visits, cards and gifts. Your thoughtfulness was deeply appreciated. -Rhea Jones. -47x MURRAY To our friends in Clinton Public School, the Clinton Girl Guides and Brownies for the kindness shown to us during the loss of our dear mother. Jody and Angela Murray. -47x SMITH The family of the late Don Smith would like to express their sincere thanks to the staff of the Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks t� Dr. Newland, Bev. Pick and the Ball Funeral Home. Freda Smith and Pam ily.-47x , 47:'Cord of 'thanks:. BA IRli We would like' to . thank . our friends, relatives andneigh- bours for the lovely time we had to celebrate our 49th anniversary and for the cards, flowers and gifts, Special thanks to our family, Diane and John; Orrin and arlorte; Terry an 'd•lanet:"' ' Stewart and Doreen Bair- d. --47 VERBURG I wish to thank my friends and relatives for Cards, visits and flowers while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. K.C. Lambert, Dr. R... -Street and the nurses on the first floor.Rita. Verburg.-47 GREER I would like to thank my family, friends, neighbours and relatives for their kin- dness shown to me while in Clinton Hospital. Your cards, flowers, gifts and visits were really ap- preciated. Special thanks to Dr. Newland, Dr. Flowers and the nurses on first floor for their wonderful' care. Bert Greer. -47 GREER I..wish to thank the Lord for my recent recovery to health and being. able to return home. I wish to thank all the lovely pleasant Nurses of Clinton Public Hospital for their many acts Of kindness and care, while I was a patient there. Special thanks to Dr. Harrett. Many thanks for the flowers received, the visits, and cards from in- terested friends, relatives. Special thanks to Mrs. Grace Duval, Mrs. Mae Morrell, Frank Chapman, and Ed Layton for their kindness and services to my husband during my.absence. My full appreciation. Mrs. Florence 'Greer. -47x CUDMO RE The family of the late Harry (BusOar) Cud more would like to thank friends, neigh- bours and relatives for the--. kindness shown to him while in University and Clinton Hospitals for flowers, cards, gifts and visits. Special thanks to Dr. Harrett, Dr. Lambert and Rev. oestreicher and the nursing staff of both hospitals. -47x WELCH I wish to thank my friends and relatives for visits, cards and gifts while I was a patient in Stratford General Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. D. Allan, Dr. Hussy, Dr. Jenkins, nurses and staff on third floor for their won- derful care. Glenna Welch. -47 TAYLOR I would like to thank all my relatives, friends and neigh- bours for everything they have done for me while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Also appreciated are the cards, treats, flowers and visits from everyone. I would also like to thank the ones who -found me in my _ home _ and Ed, Gail and Raymond who called the ambulance. Special thanks to all the doctors and nurses who took care of me on the 5th floor. All was greatly appreciated. Bertha Taylor. -47x CASSIDY We would like to thank our many friends of Clinton and the surrounding district for their assistance to us when we lost all our personal possessions in the recent Hotelfire. Although many things cannot be replaced; the community effort of having a benefit dance and the numerous gifts of clothing, etc. from individuals and organizations will never be forgotten by us. We indeed are living in a fine com- munity and our loss' has been eased by knowing this. Today, more than ever, a hotel is necessary in a torn the size of Clinton. Itis hoped we will be fortunate enough to recover, rebuild and give back to the town and area a hotel which they deserve. Again, we are very grateful and thank each and everyone for your help. • Haien, Des and Erin Cassidy