HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-11-13, Page 54.•a-..,••"T?,sr--Sarni•" w"« -*Fe "_+R4'",*11r . N•. .MMr "''! !M „r, r,. .;,�. •+v,,. �, .•,., - AM,� ,Ak �R • gitet AA' >. Pd• •�1r�' �..• ';'RI'R MPf", .+ PAtM . 4 LZ O A- N CS1 ! 5 -RECORD, THUR$DA.'1 T OVEMBER 20498Q dl,ri {(;1'}.11 M! G > 421'. At, t.904200 rpt 4 (Or,. t.; Articles for sole DRY HARDWOOD. Will deliver. Bob Thompson. Phone 482-7171;-47-50x WOAD FOR SALE - Mixed stove wood also Allis Chalmers D14 tractor wfth 3 furrow plow. Phone 482-7644 evenings.-45tfar. PTh :-...___'. Si los.- Siad Delicious, pick 'your own or already picked. ° Corner of Bayfield Rd. and Huron No. 31 to Varna. Henry Slotegraaf 482.9272.--45tf NORTHERN SPIES, Delicious, Courtlands, Ida Reds, Macintosh and Russets. Fresh cider, red and white potatoes, honey and onions at Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Special No. 2 apples, $3.50 per bushel plus con- tainer. Closed Mondays and Thursdays. Phone 524- 8037.-45tfar UMM GOOD, Northern Spys and Macintosh. Fresh cider every week at Don Mid- dleton's Whitehall Farm Bayfield Rd. Phone 482- 9838.-45,46,47 FOR THE CYCLIST on your Christmas list shop at Don's - Bicycle Repairs, 305 Ontario St. Clinton. Phone 482- 9944 .-47 BEEF FOR SALE - Government Inspected. Phone 482-7262.-47 ATTENTION: Metal Military"•Miniatures, model soildiers, airmen - modern, ancient. Illustrated catalogue $3.00. Write, The Old Soldier, P.O. Box 2136, Port Elgin NOH 2C0. 519 832- 5750, Barbara or Ian Ken- nedy.-47bc ONE °USED. 145,000 BTU oil furnace. One used 105,000 BTU oil furnace. One usled 250 gal. oil tank. Two used bath tubs. One used toilet. 482-7694.-47 Christmas Show & Sale of new stoneware and porcelain by ADDY McPHEE and ROBERT TETU At the Studio on SAT. NOVEMBER 22 and SUN. NOVEMBER 23 NOON to 6 P.M. ood pottery 2'2 miles North of St. Columban on McKillop Sideroad 10 345-2184 WINE & CHEESE WILL. BE SERVED FALL BULB SALE Boy 10 Iei?fi k.JS I esegtrs,4111 ♦tie, Rna," ,NI T . Clinton News -Record CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Ward Ads Tuesday Noon Display -Advertising Tuesday -4i80 -p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles'for sale 2. Yard sale 3. Garage sale 4. Antiques for sale 5. Cars for sale 6. Trucks for sale 7. R.V.'s for sale _8. Marine 9. Automotive 10. Pets for sale 12. Real estate for sale 13. Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties 15. Out of town properties 16. Articles for rent 17. Apartments for rent 18. Houses for rent 19. Rooms for rent 20. Room &board 21. Cottages for rent 22. Lots for rent 23. Commercial property fo 24. 25. 26. ° 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. r rent 47• Wanted to rent Wanted to buy Help wanted Wanted (general) Business opportunity Tenders Employment wanted Service directory Personal Notice to creditors Announcements notices Mortgages Auction sale Educational Lost & Found To give away Death notice Births Engagements Marriages: In memoriam Card of thanks PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:OO,a .n. to 5 p. 1. Articles for sale ANTIQUE RADIO tubes, multimeter, woodstoves, tools, water heater, vacuum cleaner, cigarette stuffer, heater, parts washer, luxo lamp, motors, skate shar- pening jig. 482-3762.-47x DRY HARDWOOD. Will deliver. Bob Thompson. Phone 482-7171.-47-50x CONCRETE STEPS, four risers. No railings. Twenty- nine inches high, three feet wide 482-7388.-47x DRY SLABWOOD, campfire- wood, ampfirewood, bodywood, delivered. Phone 482-9250.-36tf WOOD STOVES - Enter- prise, Kosee, Hevac, Ashley, Woodking, Roomate. Downdraft and air tight stoves and accessories, 4 models; toyoset kerosene heaters; Pro -Jet insulated chimneys. Discount prices. Shetlers' Enterprise Sales, RR 2, Lucknow (at St. Helens). -46,47 CUSTOM MADE Matching bedspread and curtains, cotton, blue ' and , white patterned, both. 'fully lined. Spread is 54" wide - pleated curtains fit rod width 68" x 43" long. Excellent con- dition. $140. Blue dust ruffle included. Phone 482-9748.-47, SIMPLICITY SUPER Twin Spin-dry washer in excellent condition; ,triple -glazed window complete With GO 5f�'E • scr••. .. . -. never installed. Phone 523- urk 0, 1. Articles for sale FOR VANDA Beauty Councillor - skin care and makeup Christmas gifts. Phone Rita McMichael 482- 7916 or Norma •Grigg 482- 7414.-46,4 SPEED QUEEN and GSW Spirolator wringer washers in good condition. Automatic Apartment size fridge in working condition. Phone 482-7066.-46,47 5, Cars for saleelmOMINIMIr '72 PONTIAC Ventura, four door, 6 Good tires including snow tires, ..certified, 53,000 original miles. Phone 482- 3076.--47x 12. Regi estate for sale 12 . Real estate for sale 12. Real estate for sale PROPANE CONVERSION. Run cars, trucks on propane. Return to gasoline anytime without stopping vehicle. Build yourself, for as little as. $100.O0with locally available parts. For plans and drawings send $10.00 to Spring Valley Engineering . Co., Box 2598, Station Kelowna, B.C. V1X 6A6.-47bc 5. Cars for sale CERTIFIED 1973 Chevy Nova, 54,000 original miles. New battery, brakes and shocks. Everything in perfect working condition. 350 V-8. Asking $1,500. Call 482-9988 evenings and 482- 3995 daytime. --46,47 - VOLKSWAGEN VAN, 1969 body, 1974 motor, good • condition $1,000. Phone 482- 9878.-47 CLEAN 1975 Pinto. A-1 condition. Easily certified. $1,300.00. 565-5343.-47,48 �■�A f#}� '72 MONTEGO, excellent FOR YOU shape. Call after 5 p.m. 482- 7044.-47 1111111111011111.111111111111111111111 Attention Farmers A. For sale OVEN READY year old roosters, 7 - II pounds, $5 each. Custom picking ducks, geese, poultry. Call after 5 p.m., 529-7373.-44-46 TALK CORN - Talk to. your P.A.G. seed dealer about this year's results from test plots in "Operation Side - by - Side." Call M.W. Durst 482- 7309.-45-48 CL 40 .FORD skid steer loader with Arps 728 backhoe. Comes with 12" and 18" bucket. $8,500. Call Bayfield, 565-2806.-46,47 FOR SALE- Cockshutt, three furrow, mounted plow. Good condition. Cail 523- 9691.-47 SUNBEAM Stewart cattle clipper, almost new, two sets of blades. Phone 262- 5334.-47x ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS Our selection includes daf- fodils, hyacin- ths, tulips, crocuses, VERBEEK'S FARM & GARDFN CENTRE 22 ISAAC.ST. CLINTON VANASTRA HOME FURNISHINGS 2 miles south of Clinton on Highway No. 4 *NEW OR USED HOME FURNISHINGS *APPLIANCES *LAWN ORNAMENTS open: 6 days a week 4824922 4 4290.-47 KEYBOARD SALE Wurlitzer pianos, organs, others. Big price reduction during November. 40 FREE LESSONS with organ purchase. Special to seniors over 60; Miff pay this taxi See Henry at PULSIFER MUSIC Seaforth. Open 10 to 4:30; closed noon and Wed. CHOICE HEREFORD BEEF Hinds, $1.74 Ib. Fronts, S1.26 Ib. Sides, 51.49 Ib. Whole or Half Pork 94e Ib. Prices include cutting, wrapping and quick freezing. LEY MEAT MARKET AND ABBATOIR 395-2905 395.2919 evenings 6,47ar el Sale includes •Tramisol Injectable •Spotton •Pen Strep •Terramyc! n •many more on special VERBEEK'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE 22 ISAAC ST. CLINTON YANMAR DIESEL POWER DOES IT BETTER 131/2 h.p. - 33 h.p. Huron County's Yanrnar Dealer AND SONS LTD. aliMN' 482.3409 A. For sale FOR SALE: 16 young Banty roosters born July -Aug. this year. 25c each. 482-7676.--47x FOR SALE: Six 10 ton Martin Wagons. One two- year-old. $600.00 each. 482- 3948.-47,98 D. Livestock AT ELMDEW FARMS, Friday November 28, 1:00 p.m., a 60 -head Landrace Production Sale including 35 bred Gilts. Donald Lowry, RR 3, Almonte, 613 257- 2083 .-47bc E. Farm services IF YOU NEED cattle shipped to Toronto Union Stock Yard any Monday, call 262-5430.---47tfn SHF..EP P and CATTLE zi • - a es arpenc A - • while you 'wait or send by mall, $2.95 per set. Special on R3 AU and 84 AU blades $12.95 per set. Verbeek Farm and Garden Centre, 22 Isaac St. Box 70, Clinton, Ont. NOM 11,0 Phone 482-9333.-47-49er CUSTOM PLOWING Seven Furrow, 4 wheel drive Phone 482-3218 HILL & HILL FARMS-VARNA Imommolooluseolurr Hensall livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT..1:30 P.M. All classesof Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS WOW, IMrpreeuss Clinton - 462.7211 Sorry Miller Exeter • 236.2717 Klett fon • 224.6265 Douglas Coauthors • 237.3794 Orepory Ne .rtwvaes • 26242614 REALTY LTD. REALT9R CHARMING EXECUTIVE HOME. COUNTRY SETTING Kippen Very charming and well maintained 21/2 storey brick home situated on quarter acre country setting. Workable kit- chen with many cup- boards, fireplace and original wainscotting in dining._ room, double French doors to living room, open staircase to second floor and 3 Targe bedrooms with. closets. Upper balcony, stained windows. Walk-up attic, rear mud room, full basement. 2 storey small barn. - This home has character that can only be found in an older home. Reduced to '46,900. WANT TO SEE THiS HOME? CALL • NOW! JOHN MATHERS 455-1121.... if busy 666-1010 RES. 455-7309 GLENN POWELL REALTY LTD. REALTOR Reny Estate Ltd. C1infi n Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523-9338 HULLETT TWP. Red brick school house, 2 miles south of Auburn. Excellent condition. Treed lot. 50 ACRES - Colborne Twp., -6 acres new producing or- chard, well and hydro ser- vice. GODERICH TWP. - 13 acres with 1 floor bungalow with farrowing barn set up to handle 50 sows. 4 acres wooded. 50 ACRES general farm in Hullett Twp. Try an offer. 50 ACR ES modern farrowing operation near Brussels, extra barn for fattening. 54 ACRES in Goderich Twp., modern ranch home, all conveniences, new shed. Priced right. 6t/Z ACPn '" n nd o No. 8 hi r d n Seaforth. 1111111111.11111.1111111111111111111111111.111111 We'll cover it all...for you. W.J. ,Hughes Realty Ltd. sza=s10 1-800-265-7017 SI NM 111111111 WWI low REALTY WORLD \/ REALTY WORL0 RATTENBURY ST. 3 bedrooms, 2 storey brick home on Targe treed lot. Good condition, choice location. Call B!II'Lougheed Res. 524-6063. R-145 r �(•1-f�,lll REALTY WORLD 4 bedroom bungalow with gas heating, low taxes, large lot with' small building. Home is located on quiet paved dead end street. Act fast -1 Call Sharon Elliott Res. 529- 7281. R-17 REDUCED - IN 20'S WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. CINTON: HAROLD WORKMAN 482-3455 PETER DAMSMA 482-9849 SEAFORTH: HENRY MERG 527-0430 isoc c St:, 4 bedroom home, 2 fireplaces, hot water heat, • large lot, '39,900.°0. Ontario St. - 4 bedroom home on a large lot. '36,900.U°. Ontario St., 4 bedroom 2 storey brick, attached garage, hot water heat. ' Victoria St. - beautiful residence & shop, Lnground pool, -zoned commercial, ideal for a.restaurant, etc, Ontario St. - 4 or 6 bedroom home, stained gloss windows, french doors. "' , Country home, elegant raised bungalow, 1500 sq. ft., garage, ' 2 acre highway location. Holmesville - 3 bedroom 1 floor home, attached garage, ' large lot, '33.900.°°. Varna - New 3 bedroom brick bungalow, Hudac Warranty, large lot. John St. - a nice bungalow, 3 bedrooms, dining room, full basement. - - Young orchard 8 hog barns on 5 acres near Clinton. Maitland River frontage on 2 acres with 2 or 4 bedroom home, Holmesville area. Matilda St. - 3 bedroom bun§alow, rec. room, carport, only '46,900.00. Near Bayfield - Cedar & stone 1 floor home with extra lot. '69,500.00. Huron St. - 3 bedroom 1 ' , storey home. '29,000.00. High St. - 3 bedroom 1 ' 7 storey home. '29,900.00. Ontario St. - 3 bedroom 1 floor brick home; '31,900.00. -King St.- 3 bedroom l' -.storey home, double car -garage: - Princess St. - Tudor styled home in good condition. '35 000.00. Fulton St. - 3 bedroom home, heated, double car garage, - double lot. '36,90000. Duplex - 2 & 3 bedrooms. double car garage, maybe an ex- tra lot. Ontario St. - 2 or 3 bedroom 1'7 storey neat home, attached garage. '43 900.00. Rattenbury St. E. - Brick duplex - 2.x 3 bedroom units. Ontario St. - Elegant 3 bedroom brick home, large family room. • Auto Body Shop - Highway location near Clinton. North St. - 4 bedroom coloured aluminum sided home.. family room garage, '27,000.00. Brucefield - Tastefully decocted raised bungalow in mint condition with many extras. 0 Holmesville - 3 bedroom home only '22,900.00. Country Estate - offering an elegant 14 room°home with a history, on 15 acres with o river through•it. Country home - 3 floor chalet near the Maitldnd River. Large Commercial Lot - Highway location in Clinton. King St. Duplex - Zoned commercial next to the Royal Bank with abutting residence & shop for sale on Victoria St. See our brochure for other listings. 12° Real estate for sale 12. Real estate for sale u an REAL. ESTATE LTD VARNA - Main St., Town Water, 2 storey home with lots of potential. Large well treed lot only '22,500. BAYFIELD - Country Estate right in the Village approx. 1 .acre-welt-treed.--Listing.--has:,4ust-boen._reduced--b. '30,000. - CLINTON - Hwy. 4 walk to downtown all on one floor huge carport, well treed lot, only '32,500. Try an offer, on this one as owner is anxious to sell. BRUCEFIELD 1'Y2 storey on Hwy. 4. New aluminum siding, exceptional buy at this time. BAYFIELD - Fruit Farm, 64 acreswith trout stream run- ning through. Solid brick bungalow, large barn, storage shed with refrigeration, One of a kind, COUNTRY PROPERTY - 4 bedroom house, 5 acres, scenic property, large steel shed 3 yrs. old. 5 miles from Clin- ton toward Bayfield. '47,500. EXECUTIVE TYPE HOME - 173 Dunlop Street, spacious home on 3 building lots, over 2,000 square feet, com- pletely finished inside and, out. Should be seen to be appreciated! ' CALL W LLY BUNN AYFIELD 565-5055 111:4 %IIIL' G. K. REALTY INC. 14 Isaac Street, Clinton Ontario. OFFICE: 482-9747 AND 482.3721 D. CLARE SAGER • 524-8995 CLINTON: 3 bedroom, 11,2 storey aluminum covered older home, recently renovated, large family room, 2 baths, cedar deck, cement patio. Mortgage available at 101/2 per- cent. 182 Church Street. CLINTON: New Listing. 2 bedroom, 1 storey, vinyl sided, well maintained home. Large lot, low taxes, . Priced right at 522,500. 177 Isaac St. CLINTON: Price reduced on this 2 storey, 3 bedroom home. Must be looked-through--to--be appreciated. Newly decorated, new wiring, 2 new baths, ' with vanities, new carpeting, double- garage, large patio deck, near schools. Call Hat Hartley to look through this. 200 Ontario Street. EGMONDVILLE - 3 bedroom, 11/2 storey, new siding, carport, small barn, drilled well, 2 extra lots. List 539,000. HAL HARTLEY 482-3693 CLINTON: Price reduced. Beautiful brick raised ranch, featuring finished family room, 11,2 baths, 4 bedrooms, 24' above ground pool, built in 1974. ' Owner transferred. 109 Win- tercourt Cres. S. List price 554,900. CLINTON - New listing. Neat, reasonable and good mortgage available. One and a half storey, 2 bedroom close to downtown. Gas furnace plus new modern down draft wood stove. List 523,900 56 Princess West. CLINTON: New listing, 10 year-old 3 bedroom, 1 storey Angelstbne and• aluminum on newly paved street. Rec room well landscaped. Well built, heat ily. Owner moving a .240 Queen St. I Hartley for price. IF YOU ARE THINKING t"POF BUYING OR SELLING - CONTACT G.K. REALTY INC. Join • the Canadian minority group. The Fit. MAURICE GARDINERREAL ESTATE LTD. 34 STANLEY STREET GODERICH 524-2966 524-2966 CALL US -TO YOU HOME 275 RAGLAN ST... CLINTON OWNER HAS MOVED - MUST BE SOLD Attractive 3 bedroom split entry home complete with detached indoor pool, sauna and whirlpool. Home offers Targe kitchen and formal dining room plus family room and games room. Mortgagee offering preferred rate to -qualified pur- chaser. 118 WINTERCOURT CR. - CLINTON OWNER HAS MOVED - MUST BE SOLD Popular 3 bedroom brick and alumtaiii bungalow in quiet residential area. 1100 sq. foot home has fireplace, above ground pool and fully fenced -in yard area. Elec- tric heating and single cost attached garage. Existing 11% mortgagee until Mar- ch 1984. CONTACT GARDINER REAL ESTATE (524'-2966) OR YOUR LOCAL CLINTON REAL ESTATE REPRESENTATIVE at*" GK REALTY INC. 53 West Street, Goderich_ 524-2118 John Talbot Res. 524.2520 -Goderich Twp. -85 acres of cash crop land, recen- tly tiled, excellent four, bedroom home. Priced to sell -Lucknow area -560 acre beef farm, can be con- verted to dairy. Proper- ty includes 3 homes, 4 barns with pit silos. Make us an offer. -Stanley Twp. -85 acres cash crop land, 75 acres workable. Good level land. Priced to sell, '130,000.00. -Goderich Twp. -80 acres cash crop land, 2 storey home and large barn. -Clinton area -200 acre dairy farm. Two homes, drilled well, large barn, 75 cows, quota, all machinery and crops in- cluded. -Goderich Twp. -40 -acre farrowing operation, new barns, liquid manure, large four bedroom home, proper- ty includes apple or- chard, and packing shed. -Executive income property 10 % Mor- tgage-8ayfield.14 acres, can be subdivided. Four bedroom home, livingroom, diningroont, games room, pool room, 4 piece bath with sauna, 5 piece bath, sonde&k and many desirable ax- tras. Must be scan. •