HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-11-13, Page 51Albert and Helen Craig of Bayfield celebrated their 40th anniversary recently.
(Bud Sturgeon photo) .
Craigs celebrate 40 .years
Albert and Helen Craig
celebrated their 40th
Wedding. Anniversary at
their daughter's home in
the village on Saturday
The couple were
married in the old
Anglican Manse by
Reverend Graham on a
warm November night in
1940. The couple still
remember coming out
the side door of the manse
to the sound of bells. The
McDools had rigged a
cowbell in the tree and a
long piece of binder twine
trailed ovr to their home
next door here sitting in
.the windo one of the
McDool brothers could be
By Bud Sturgeon
News out of the NHL this past week indicated
that one or more teams are' looking for a new
home. So Atlanta wants a team. Tough beans,
they just lost one because . nobody went to the
games there. Who really cares if a franchise is
moved to the Meadowlands or Altoona. Hamilton
is out of the question..A junior A team couldn't
survive in that city.
It's all malarky. I say let's get serious for a
change and petition the Board of Governors of
the NHL to send the Pittsburg Penguins to
Bayfield. I say Pittsburg because they are the
team most likely to succeed in a village the size
of Bayfield.
A lot of people might scoff at the idea, but it's
really no different than Varna applying for the
World's 1 bait or Hills Green Wanting to be put on
the official road map of Ontario. Let's examine
the feasibility of the move.
First off, the team could operate with a low
overhead here as compared to the city. Ice time
is less expensive and there is 'enough standing
lumber in the immediate area that players could
whittle their own supply of sticks during the
'Unfortunately the actual size of the ice surface
in the Bayfield Arena is a 'little smaller than
normal NHL arenas, but teams could play four
men aside to make _up the difference. During the
Stanley Cup, a patch of ice could be cleared on
the Bayfield River to make a regulation size
Once the NHL agreed to these minor rule
changes, we could get on to the more important
aspects of transferring the Penguins here.
The name Penguins would have to go.- The
team would have to be named the Bayfield
Beagles or something like that. The colours of
the uniforms would have to be .changed also.
Picture this. A hockey team dressed in all black.
Black skates, black socks, black helmets and
black sweaters with black numbers. The pants
can be any colour because in a small town or
village the players' uniforms never match
completely. 'Some could wear red ones and
others could have blue or purple pants.
The players' names would also have to be
taken off the sweaters. In place of their names,
local merchants could advertise and get coast t
coast coverage when we played the Leafs o- a
Saturday night.
Selling seats is not a major proble . I've
talked to half a dozen local residents • : t yuould_
take season's tickets if the price , . s right. At
current NHL ticket prices, I fig e the cost of a
seat -in the Bayfield arena wo d run about $540
per game or $42;120 for ason's tickets. Of
course, this figure would : ry with seat location.
There are a few pro . ems to be ironed out yet,
but we're working o o t. Things like where to hold
training camp, w .. would coach them and where
we eould store e Stanley Cup when it came to
I think e should submit a formal application
to bri : the team here for the ,1980-81 season and
if - don't get it, ,I won't be too disappointed
yway. After all, we're all Canadiens fans
Bring on the Buckeye!
Anstett Jewelers
We were pleased to have sup-
plied and installed the
Westinghouse Heat Pump, and to
have done all electrical and
plumbing work.
Dashwood 237-3661
seen yanking the rope to
make the bell clang. -
The Craigs first lived at
Middletons and then
moved to Goderich before
Albert served in the army
five years. Upon his
return they again lived at
Middletons for 20 years
before moving to Varna
and then to Bayfield
where they have lived for
the past 10 years.
About 20 guests at-
tended the party on the
weekend complete with
down home music and a
delicious -luncheon served..
by their daughter Judy.
Every Youngs
host Zurich
The Ever Young Club
entertained the Zurich
Golden Age Club last
Thursday evening in the
town hall.
President Len 'Carter
welcomed the guests,
treasurer Dorothy Cox
thanked all members for
their good co-operation
and asked that all
membership fees be in at
the next meeting on
November 27. The ticket
money for the Christmas
dinner on December 3, to
be held in. the United
Church, should also be in.
J. B. Higgins was
called on to oversee the
program and Steve
Argyle on the violin and
guitar and Rose Taman
on the piano entertained
with beautiful music. The
male octet and organist,
Molly Cox from S
Andrew's United Ch ch
sang several .vely
hymns unaccom . . nied.
Eighteen t es were
set up for - . chre which
was very uch enjoyed.
Prizes ent to: ladies'
high, Esther Makins;
lad' • s' low, Belle Reid;
en's high, Clare
erner; men's low,
Harvey ohner; ladies'
lone hands, Irene
McClinchey; men's lone
hands, Cliff Utter; Zurich
ladies celebrating the
nearast_ birthday,_
Margaret Hess. Emma
Schilbe claimed the prize
for having the most
, grandchildren - namely
hristmas supper planned
The monthly meeting of
the Wornen's Missionary
Fellowship of the
Bayfield Baptist Church
met at the home of Mrs.
Norm Talbot last
Tuesday evening.
A short business
meeting was led by the
ptres•idient, and it was
decided to hold the
Christmas meeting on
Tuesday, December the...
9t1, arome of Mrs.
Ann Chapman. The an-
nual Christmas Church
family supper will be at
the Church, Saturday,
December 6th at. 5:30
p.m. This is for all
members, adherents,
friends and any one in the
area that is interested in
the Family of God. There
will be 'Christmas carols
and other special music.
Instead of exchanging
gifts, it was decided to
take an offering and send
it to Mr., and Mrs. Ken
Crooker, and family, who
are doing God's work in
the Northern part of
Mrs. Muriel Snider was
elected to act as vice-
president, and Mrs. Stella
Shiel as secretary -
treasurer, for the rest of
our current year. These
offices were vacant due
to some of our . faithful
members moving from
the area. Mrs. Shiel led
the women in pray -a-- for
all our missionaries, both
here and in the foreign
The special speaker for
the evening was Miss
Lenore Cates from
Forest, who is preparing
to go to England in the
spring with the Baptist
mid -Missions. She told
how the Lord had led her
first to Jamaica, then
when her job there was
completed, how He has
led her to answer the call
to England where there is
great need for Bible
Anglican bazaar set
for November 22
Archbishop Watton has
been obliged to cancel his
add'ress' to the Deanery, '
which was due to take
place on November 18th.
This will now take place
cnm Ptimc+ in riooPmher.
This Saturday,
November 22 at 2 p.m. - a
date to remember -
Trinity Anglican Church
will be holding its
Christmas Bazaar.
believers to lead, The
overall church at-
tendance of that great
population is only five
percent, and mostof that
number do not attend a
real Bible believing
Miss Cates showed
slides of the beautiful
country -side, the area
where she would be
working and of the people
she would be associated
with. She asked for our
prayers, for her, for the
remainder of her support,
and for the work of the
Lord in this country that
has always been so
closely linked to us as
Canadians. It is true now
as it was in the Holy Land
of old when Jesus said:
"Truly the harvest is
ready, but the labourers
are few."
House and
truck fires
call out
An early. morning
alarm sent the Bayfield
Fire Department to the
JimHutchings farm on
the Bayfield Line arond
6:39 a.m. Baffling in the
wall around the chimney
from a wood stove had
caught on fire and was
quickly extinguished.
Damage to the home was
minimal and no ,injuries
were reported.
For the second Friday
in •a row, the Bayfig,ld
Fire_,, Dep 3 rtment
responded to an alarm.
This week a truck loaded
with wood burst into
flames on Highway 21
opposite Deer Lodge
Park and the local
department went into
action. Traffic had to be
rerouted around the
Concession Road for
some 30 minutes.
Damage to the cab of the
truck was heavy but, no
injuries resulted from the
Baptist church news
Many local people and
their visitors were
welcomed to the Bayfield
Baptist Church this
Sunday by the Pastor,
Rev. Les Shiel. These
people left the church
up lifted_ ...and__ _ .better -
prepared to meet% the
challenges and to/face the
world for another week,
believing Goyl's promise
as it is written in Isaiah,
chapter 40: "They that
wait upon the Lord shall
renew their strength."
The text for the evening
service was from chapter
6 of the book of St: John,
which_ is ._the...well-known....
story of how Jesus took
the little boy's five loaves
and two fish and fed five
Gary Campbell, left, Art McDougall and Don
Ukelele choir
impresses Uniteds
Last Sunday, St.
Andrew's United Church
had the pleasure of a visit
from the `Ukulele Choir
under the direction of
., Mrs. Doris McKinley;
The 30 children, all under'
the age of 14 are from
Brucefield Elementary
School and provide their
own ukulele ac-
com._paniment to their
singing, with, the ad-
ditional support of Mrs.
McKinley's son playing
traps, and Sandra
Coleman (granddaughter
of Fern Baker) playing
bass viola.
The delightful singing
which made up part of the
service helped to expand
the text of the Rey., Alun
Thomas - 'Can You Ever
Give Too Much?' for the
children's contribution
was warmly appreciated
by the larger than usual
congregatjon ., High] fights
of the performance in-
cluded: 'I Believe in
Music', 'Walk the Second
Mile' and 'Give Me Oil.
For My Lamp'.
d ,
on the opening of your
new location.
Our sincere thanks for
selecting us again as
vour General Contractor
General Contractors and Builders
Campbell took only 30 minutes to bag a deer in a
bush just north of Bayfield recently. The three were
rewarded with a 260 pound buck. (Bud Sturgeon
to Anstett Jewellers
Congrotulations on the opening /.
of your new location.
Painting and
wallpapering by
157 Mary St., Clinton
to Anstett Jewellers
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