HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-8-9, Page 8INSURANCE, Ir1iINZST.14' 1.11.41011`, AGENT FOR 0 reale. ASSURAN018 cox, 14ANY. ot Toronto* el,lso for lam 1HO5NIX INSURA NOW 00hIPANY, o t .tondon, kiumar,d49,1e, iturAx., GAIIADIAN,• of 'Mon- treal, at 0. the 1511I1i 1M11111,1 LIVE AS ST,TRANCE CO:APANY, of liondon. estabifehilid 10:12. &mots aver $6,000,000; cla,ints said bounces paid, over $10,000,000. 00A1", \ I ENTJ".3.—we ehattbehappy to re. zsive at all times, front any part of the Coyne!, ,tteint of /OM news, strelt ac- ottlents,or any tnterestino incident what. ever, front any of our eutreor0e.re or read- ers generality for the purpose of public i1D01.x$Ux Woo. THURSDAY., AITO-ITST 9th 1888. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Tan Undersigned would announce to the public that he has now on hand one of the hest assorted stooks of harness, boots andshoes, &e, in town, and would call spheial. attention to his Scotch Collars, Children's Carriages, ce Express Waggons, as they are the best in the market, and at prices to suit the times., Boot & shoe re- pairing promptly attended to. Call and be convineed. C. EACRETT, Exeter. Bmglary, On Sunday enorning about two o'clock persons yisited the express office, and the tailoring establishment of Mr. A. J. Snell, both in one building. The berglars gain- ed an len-trance through one of the back windows of the workroom. It is thought that they first ransacked the express office and safe, getting a few tents, after which they irepaireci to the tailoring de- partment. Here, it is supposed they "tried on" all the suits, and getting a "good fit" cleared with parts of suits be- longing to customers. Forest Fires. Bush fires have been raging in Stephen township during the past two weeks, much valuable property being destroyed. For several days last week Mr. Richard Davis of Exeter with several men, were engaged fighting the fire, and it was ,with great labor that they saved the bM1dings on his farm,. used and occupied by Mr. F. Treibner. The late heavy rains have had the effect of lessening the fires ana saving property ; but; it is thought that as soon as the ground becomes dry the devasta- ting element will again arise in its might. The utmost precaution should be exercised in the clearing of stump fields, not to set fire, especially at this season. The teachers and scholars of the Ja.tnes- st. Methodist S S. about 400,in number, pieniced. in Mt. Jaines Pickard's grove on Thursday last. At -one o'clock p. m., procession of the teachers and larger scholars was formedat the church (the infant clames occupying the band wagons) and beaded by the Exeter band repaired to the -picnic grounds. Theafternoon was very pleasantly spent, the various popu- lar games receiving much attention. The children were highly delighted and no -doubt "wish such festivities would occur many times during the season. Bad luck however, attended some of the 'partici- pants as reports say many valuables, such as brooches, ear -rings &c., were lost in the long grass. The Storm. One of the most fierce storms of wind and ram ri accompanied by thunder and lightning, that we have experienced for some time, visited this neighborhood, on Friday last. It gathered itself in the west .very quickly, and sweeping with great velocity across the country carried fences and crops before it, for a consider- able distance. It was heavier in the north than in Exeter and while here the wind did At little damage, the lightning wrought slight destruction, the planing mill of Messrs. Dyer & Howard. receiving a visitation. The lightning entered the • building at a eeuarter unknown and after paesieg through the various steain pipes of the drying kiln it made an exit at one of the joints. The wood work in a remote corner at once caught fire, and the flames were making great headway when dis- • covered by the workmen, who with some difficulty staid their progress. The heat- er was ruined and the loss entailed will be considerable. —e--. 'What We May Expect. The 100° in the shade weather to con- tinue for a time. --The oat harvest to be as good. as that of fall wheat and barley. —An unusual number of concerts during the warm weather.—The south end quoit club to suffer at the hands of the market team next Saturday evening.—Everybody to be in favor of making the proposed loan to Messrs Verity & Son for the extension of their business.—Work on the new iron bridge to be proceeded with at once, and •the new side walks completed at an early .date. - -N. Dyer Harden to challenge A. Walters to another game of quoits for the • Championship of thewest.—The poll -tax collector to open fire on the ento,xecl per- ambulator.—The grain market to open up in a few weeks, attended by the utmost activity; and Exeter to assume the dignity of claiming the best market in the district. --A good fall trade among the merchants. Canada's Greatest Fair. Since its inception in 1879, the Toronto Industrial Exhibition has proved a contin- ual series of successes, and the one for the •present year, to he held from the 10th to the 22nd of September, promises to again surpass in every respect those of former - •years. Already applications for space in • all departments are more numerous than • ;ever before. A liheval Prize List and a longprogramme of flrst-cless and novel • special attractions is what the Toronto Fair offers, and success is alWays the re- sult. Special exhibits will be sent from Manitoba, British Columbia and many others sectionof the Dominion. The special attractions already eontracted for are the best that tnoney Cali secure, and there -will be plenty to see,both to instruct and amuse every day of the Fair. Pro- grammes containing full details will be issned early hi August, and will be sent free to -any one desiring -them, Frize Lists can also be seeured by intending ex- hibitors on their dropping a post card to M1`. Hill, the Secretary, at Toronto, All entries have to be made before the lath of ,August. The people of Ontario Seetn to beye tet down the time of Toronto Pair as the oecasion of their annual holiday out. ing, and the 'railway companies recogniit. the fact have decided on giving .cheapei fares than ever before for this greit exhi. bition, which is so popalar with all, It will be opened 011 the 11th Sept. by ford Stanley, the now Governor4enera1. 0trevttaeg; Remember tho groat oloariOg $410 of Summer Goods 4t AS11b0„I1' a co, , The band benifit anneurice4olast weak has been withdrawn owing ,t9 UnfOrSeen eiretlinatan,ee5. Eve-ry farmer in 'the ieiibQrhodd shoulcl'become a member of the Stephen and Ushorrio' Agrioultural Soeiety be fore the close of the month. A juvenile base ball club' managed by Charlie Stanley of Liman paid Exeter a visit and dofeated,the juvenile club of this place, the cere standing 31-30. The °heir of the Main Street Meth°, dist Ohureh will held a lawn party aed parlor concert ou the grounds of Mr. W. H. Verity, on Wednesday next- ' R6v. Father Kealey's picnic will be, held on the 1.2t11 Sept. at Drysdale. The programme will parbalee somewhat differently from that of the • Limerick picnic.. ,y.,Ditrticulars next week: The north and, south end base ball clubs came together again on Monday evening; this time the south end club defeated the north enders, the seore resulting 9-4. We have secured the services,. of a good and reliable ,correspondent 111' flensall, in the person of Mr. J. T. Wren, and our many readers in that lively village will geb a full budg,ot of news &toll we.ek, Everybody' come to the great clear- ing sale of Summer DressGoods, Prints Muslins, Parasols Laces, Tweeds, Hats &c., &c. --all down, down, down. They musiego out this month. First come, first served. ;Eggs or cash at Renton & Co's. . Mr. Abel iValper, of this place, has purchased the Commercial Hotel, Ber- lin, paying therefor the sum of $13,000. Mr. Curry Wolper will take possession about the 15 inst. The people of Ber- lin will find in Mr. \Yelper the many requisites for a first- class hotel keeper; he is obliging, gooci natured, and knows how,to conduct a first-class hotel. Ex- eter's logs is Berlin's gain. A new swindle is being worked on the guileless granger. He is induced to buy something or other on long time, his note being all the pa.ymentrequired. But he objects to giving his note and having ib discounted for cash. "Oh we'll keep the note," says the sharper; and thereupon writes across the face 'Not transferable! It -soon turns up again in the hands of another party who wants the,,farmer to pay up. An 'e' added to the 'Not' makes it note. At h meeting of the Canada Oatmeal Millers' Association at Toronto, Friday, a resolution was passed to wind up the affairs of the Association on August 31st. The reasons given for the Association being allowed to collapse were that the number of mills is so large in proportion to the business that it is impossible to hold together any longer.' The failure of the combine will, in all probability, result in a drop of 1.50 per barrel as soon as the new crop comes in. The San Francisco IVIedical Journal says it is stated that oil of bay is used in Switzerland by butchers to keep their shops free from flies; and that after a coat of oil has been applied to the walls none of these troublesome pests ven- ture to put in an appearance. This remedy has also been tried and found effectual in the south of France in pre- serving gilt frames, chandeliers, etc, from becoming soiled. • It is remarked that flies soon avoid the rooms where this application has been employed. We would like to have the teachers n the different sections write a column ccassionally on , some of the subjects aught in -our common schools or suggest ny improvement in the mode of teach - ng any subject. Letters from the far- riers as to the best methods of farming, tock -raising &c, are always welcome to s. Papers about the best mode of arm drainage, the comparative cost of ile and board drains, the reasons why field, thorougly underdrained, although o water was eVOT seen to lie long upon , will produce more grain than one ith open drains, &c., are all questions hat interest the TIMES readers, and ight be of much use to many. Runaway, On Thursday last a horse belonging to Mr. A. E. Rosenberger, baker, ran away while on his rounds throughont the town. A mere ehild was left in the wagon while Mr. Rosenberger went to make a delivery, and it is supposed the little fellow in mov- ing the lines started the horse. The ani- mal ran very rapidly and in turning a corner capsized the rig, which was a new one, making a total wreck of it. The boy was thrown into. the ditch but was not seriously hurt. Re Father Relly's On the 29th inst. the annual re -union picnic of the R. C. church, Limerick, will be held, in Dolehay's beautiful grove, two and -a -halt miles east of Limerick. The programme is very complete, the various popular sports forming and attractive part. Several new features of amusement will be added, and taken together the picnic this year will eclipse all former attempts. The people of Limerick know how to make things pleasant and all wishing a day's outing can do no better than toeevail themselves of this opportum: ity. Several very valuable prizes will be given for various contests. Remember the date. Personal. , W. C. Howard and Albert Enke are; this week, in Barrie, ,etttencling Grand Lodge and Grand. Encampment of I. 0. Ocldfellows.—Mr, W, il. Clarke of Exeter is visiting his brother,' lir. Clarke, of Cobourg. Miss Blanche is also in Co- bourg.—The Ridgetown Standard says "Rev 13. B. Clement, of Exeter, surprised and pleased his Ridgetown friends by a visit this week. Mr. Clement likes his new- charges and speaks well of Exe- ter and its people—Mr. and Mrs. EL C. Ityndinan, of Springsido, Ayrshire, Scot- land are visiting Mr. and MI's. (Dr.) Hynclinart of Exeter. They Will Shortly leave for Winnipeg arid other points in Manitoba, to visit friends.—Afrai W, Verity and Mts. D. Johns returned from Winnipeg on Friday last. They report having had, a pleasant trip, --Mr. 1 Bower. man and Mr, Alex. Dow, exel expeoted lire front the old country thiS week, httYing left Glasgow on the 28th tilt,—Mr, Dan Dyer, Mir representative at Zurich, spent Sunday in town, •Mr. D, takes a great interest in the welfare of that lively little village. --Mr, S. /), Halls Of Goclerieh gave as a oall last week. --Mr. W. Shipley of Ailsa Craig is learning the operating under his brother, at the station, -,4110 Bayley tan -illy at St Thomas, merly et Exeter, ,are at lgeSenti visiting freuds n town. Mrs. EL A. Watson of Birth was the guest of Mrs. R. Verity on Peiday last.—Uiss .1‘1ag,gie Spicer is visiting frienda 1.31y-th.r'Mr. W. F. May and fainily who have been spending vacation with friends in Exeter, have re- turned to their home in Parkhill.— Mrs. Treble and daughter, of Windsor are the guests of 1YErs, Triek,—Mr. !Dever of De- troit is the pest Mr. T. W. Bewkshew of the Commercial, —Mr- jellies Garland and Mn Thomas Cornish have returned from the old country. Severe/ relatives accompany them, who will take up their abode in this locality, --New officers of the Salvation Army have arrived. The corn is moren,sing.—Mr. James Essery, uhotograPher, of Loinion, is home for a few weeks, insticating.—Mrs. Hobbins-of London, is the guest of Mrs. Jno. Farmer. • :---Revs. Fathers Kelly and Eealey, xespeo- tively of Limeriek and Drysdale were in town Tuesday arranging for their .annual Picnics.--M.r. and Mrs. John Farmer and Mrs. Hobbies are rusticating et • Lake Huron, —Mrs, John Spaekman who has been visiting her son MC. E. J. Spackman of 131enheini for some weeks has returned bome.—Miss Fannie Bawden, of Goderich, is visiting friends in town. --Mr, A. Will- iams, of Chicago, lete of London, England, is the guest of ,Mr. George Weekes,—Miss L. Bowden, of Lucam.is visiting Miss T, Bawden, of this place. A pushing Delega.te. Mn• G W. Holman, of Elimville, was lest year appointed by the West Huron Teachers' Association, a delegate to the meetiug of the Ontario Teachers' Associa- tion held. at Toronto. At the. time we niade mention of the appointment being a good one, and that Mr. Heiman would look closely after the rights of the people; and if the following resolutions which he succeeded in getting passed can be taken as a criterian then we were not very far astray. They :read :—Whereas a great majority of the children of this Province depend entirely upon a Publie School ed- ucatiou, and that the education received in public schools forms the basis of after training and whereas a comparison of 'High and Public Sehool stetistics• shows in 1886 the Legislative Grant to the form- er to be $l0:50 per pupil, and to the latter $L17 per pupil (See pp. 13, 1S,'36 and 47, Report of the Minister of Education 1886); also 'that the grant to High Schools ' was 20% of the total expenditure, and to Public Schools not quite 8%, it is the opin- ion of the Public School Section of this Association that the Public Schools do not receive the share of Legislative aid to which their importance entitles them. 11 That the Honorable the Minister of Edu- cation be requested to secure an 'increased Legislative Grant to the Public Schools in each municipality be so amended that it shall be apportioned upon the basis of average attendance of only those pupils who shall have attended the full 100 days per annum; that the necessary equipment of each school have a first claim upon the grant to that school, upon the written order of the Inspector. Lost On Main-st., between the the Mansion Hauge and S. C. Hersey's corner, or at Mr. Pickard's picnic grove ,a geld brooel3 with diamond setting. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at this office. . Well Digging. The undersignod wishes to inform the Rub - lie that ho is now engaged in well digging. He will diro brick up and bore 25 feet for 815 2,5 cents raise on every additional ten feet. A trial solicited. THOS. SMALE. Elimville P. 0. For Sale. Brick residence and two lots on Gidley-st. Good house containing seven rooms,two halls, kitchen, pantry, -wash room and collar. Also a good stable, and fruits in the 4garden. T he property will be sold. cheap as the proprietor is giving up house -keeping, spply o n the premises. • RICHARD HANDFORD, sr. Canada's Great INDUSTRIAL FAIR TORO. TO SEPT. 10th to 22nd GREATER 51)0In TITAN EVER ' 0 Prizes AND SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. New Features, ancl Grand Exhibits. The best attractions that money can secure.' For Prize Lists and Programmes address the Secretary. ENTRIES CLOSE AUGTIST 18th. J. J. WITHROW, H. .1. HILL President. Sec., TORONTO'. THE PIONEER FurnituregUndertaking arerooms. In retatning thanks to our numerous, customers for past favors it affords us i great pleasure n stating that we have got nicely settled in our new and commodious premises, and are prepared, (if quality and selectionof stock, and honest dealing will do it) to supply the wants of the people of this district, in the farnitute- and undertaking line, with goods • AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES. The finest stook in Huron county to chooee from. For proof positive as to the extent of our stook and, he low prices at whieh wo WE INVITE AN EARLY INSBEOTION. We nublish no elan trap nonsense, but produce facts, which can be verified in a praotieal way 0atQtok of umiertmiing goods is very complete, embracing funeral farniseings from the highest te the loweet grades, and at priees far below -any in town. - An inspeetion of our goods is respeetfully solieited, • S. GIDLEY, (StlederrSOrC & S. Gidley) 0.DDFALL0W'S 13LOOK. july 'E38 onto.IP04-r- ROYAL 12ttalf4' ainFia Absolutely Pure0 er never varies A marvel of put.. ity,strongth and wholesomeness. More econ- omies]. than the ordinary kinds ,Ind cannot be sold in co my e titionwi th th e multitudes of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in eame—ROVAL BAK, ING POWDER 00..1(16 Wa 11 etre et LY Mineral Water Emporium, Sr. Lll:ON WATER. —The Great Health restorer: If your system is out of order drink St. Leon and be happy: ELIXIR VITZE. —Magnetic Mineral from Nature'sLaboratory forUlcerated Stomach and all diseases of the stomach, for Liver Kidney and Piles. The most wonderful article ever offered to the Publie. The Great Wolverine. Mineral Water from Michigan for Rheumatism, if you are afflicted Call and see. GEO. SANDERS. • Agent, Exeter. The cheapest and best excursion of the season, under the Masonic auspices, to Sarnia on Friday August 17th; grand international fireman's tourna- ment. See posters and dodgers for full particulars. ATOTERS' LIST, 1888. —MUN- v icipitlity of the Village of Exeter, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that Xhave transmitted or delivered to the persons ',Men- tioned in sections 5 and 6 of the Voters List, Act, the copies required by said seetions to be so transmitted or delivered of the asts.macle pursuant to said Act, o' all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at elections for members of the Legislative .Asserably and at municipal elections, and that said list was first posted up at my office at the Town Hall on the 25th day of July, 1888. and remains there for inspection Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to hare the said errors corrected according to MIOHAEL EACRETT, Village Clerk. Exeter, July 24th, 1888. Coo* 64) One Door South of Post Office --HE HAS -- A NEW AND COMPLETE --STOCK OF --- Boots Shoes. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, Samwell Pickard _Making Room OR— Fall Purchases CALL EARLY..•.' 'TAKE PART —IN Ttilti GREAT-- hlo , IRmarAmpanwomemsommusocumummommouta. The Undeesignerl wishes to inform the public in general that he keeps --constantly in stook— MI Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL.! PRESSED OR UNDRESSED. Bell Star; Flooring, Siding, dressed—ina, inch,,and-ainarter, inch -and -a half hint two inch. Sash Deers, Blinds, Mouldings and all Finishing Material, .15INGLES A SFECIALTL—Competition challenged, The best add the largest stock, and at lowest prices. Shingles A 1. AU dressed lumber thoroughly seasoned and ready for use. No shrinkage assured. A call will bear out the above. • ik THE OLD ESTABLISHED, ,10.•(•••111. Jas. Willis, Mai 10 Reward for the Ocnviotibn OF DEALERS WHO OFFER WI 13INFERIOR OIL OF OTHER • AND SELL 1 Le N./ I MANUFACTURE V011 .44.11.PIN33 Eureka Cylinder, Bolt- I IVIeColl Bros. & Co., . _Cutting & Wool Oils. I For sale by all leading dealers. Toronto. EISSETT EROS., Sole Agents Exeter. QUEEN CITY OIL WORKS 1:73MMIR.•".1 MISS 01 I At Toronto.iEvery Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used on all machinery during the Exhibition. It has been awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS during the last three years t"See that you get Peerless. It is only made by SAMUEL lltoarns & CO., TORONTO FOR SALE BY JAS. PICKARD. A Great Tumble AgentsWantedImmediately ces R, L. ser4 TTI p riI GOOD WARES. STEADY HERRICK, & Co., - NurMen,ADY tORK BRIGHTON, N. Y. —AT THE— Cheap Store, Crediton , Dry -Goods, Boots & Shoes, Felt and Straw 1, hats (about 400 to select from.) FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. New Goods arriving every week-, and prices to snit Hard Tiraes. • ----- The highest price for any quantity of Butter 8c Eggs. J. MITCELL, Cheap -Store Crediton LOOK OUT FOR Summer Goods I am * receipt of a choice and well. selected stock of Fresh - Groceries I would also inform my numerous friends and customers that I will be on the road next week with my peddling; waggon. , House & Lot FOR SALE—Opposite Town T. Dm/1212Na G. A. Call on G. A. H. for Groceiies , Teas. Spices " Dashwood flour "Petty Hams and Bacon " Smoking tobacco a five cent piece with every 3 plugs.. 14 And examine Senior's Show Window where you will see some firetclass pho- tos, equal to any City Work. THERE DID I NOT TELL YOU SO And you can rely upon getting value for yonr money everytime. Cabinet Photographs $3 dozen. $1.50 FOR CA.NtDS. He also has a fine line of Photo Frames and Mats, at RightPrices. PICTURE FRAME MOULDING IN ALL STYLES. &Teal]. -- and — Seawl JOSEPH SENIOR, Opposite H. Spackman's Tinshop. GREAT SUMMER SALE ISAAC CARLING IN ORDER XO CLEAR OET liIS STINIIVIER STOEE WILL SELL: Summer Silks, Dress Goods, Muslins, Prints, Ginghams Laces, Ribbons, Hisiery, Gloves, Underwear, Corsets, Pasasols, Millinery, Trimmings, etc At Greatly Reduced Prices. at4P,,1111 BArgaili:in Every partnt tZie'Ladies, de not mism tbig opportunity to buy ditsap goods, as tho trabi/ori'ber bag one of the finest.Stooks in the town to ehooffe from. A call will roptty yott,