HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-8-9, Page 5t' Posinessaanietsm ,nsoleamman OluitaitrY. PainanasoN.-At biz! home M Beoekway • Michigan on Saturday 231h July 1888, Thomes Parkinson aged 94 years 11 months and 24 days The funeral sermon was paeached in the ; Presbyterian Church at Brockway by Rev. C. W. 13arnuni. on Monday, the 80th ; at two o'clock in the afternoon. The re- utains of the deceased' were interred in the :Brockway cemetery by Breckwey and Caper: LodgeslA F & A M and were laid to rest with all clue honors. A. large con - coarse Of offieers and members from both Lodges paid their last sad rites to the de- parted brother. The procession Was the longest ever witnessed in that vicinity ad the Masonic Emblems and floral dec- oration a were very .beantiful. • Deceased was „hem 4th Angust 1793 in the town of Seaf&rd, County of Dawn Ireland in 1823, •Ele gtnigrated to Canada and settled in the township of London on the 7th eon. two miles west of St. Johns when that country was a wilderness, and before , there was a building where the city of London now stands. On the 19th Nov. 1830 he was married to Miss Mary 'Mc- Roberts of London Township who still • survives him at the age of 85 years. In • April 1857 he moved' with his family to Michigan and had resided on the farm where he died, His family', consisted of ten children Jive sons and five daughters ' of 'whom: four sons and three daughters suryive him. 3. Parkinson, mer--. ehant of Exeter and ex Reevelaof Sombre, is a on of tbe deceased and the only one now living in Canada. Deceased leaves 29 grand children and 9 great grand child- ren liyieg at ,this ,time., Deceased was a consistent Member of the Episcopal Church until he"MOVed to Michigan, there being no Episcoper@hurch in Brockway he united with the Presbyterian Church and remained a member of that church until be died. In politics he was a Con- servative, In Canada he took an active part in the iebellion of 1837-8 and. always took great delight in relating incidents connected with it and the early settle- ment of Canada and will be renumbered by many cf the older inhabitants in the vicinity of London. Two years ago the deceased was struck with paralysis losing the use of his right side. Always felt first rate and was quite sensible to the last. The Maaonic family Herald and Mag- azine of Chicago has the following to say: --Thoutas'' Parkinson a veteran and Ven- elable craftsman died at his home- in the Township of Emmet On Saturday july'28 • 1888, at the good old age of 94 years 11. months and 24 days. He was bornnear the.town of Seaford , comity of Down, in Ireland, August 4, 1793. He became a • member of the Masonic Lodge, No. 1009, in the town of Seaford, December • 27th, 18aae.,,then not being twenty-one years of Re." In explanation of this he says: "4t that time chartered lodges had power to make by-laws." He was elected Senior Warden of the lodge in 1818, and served two years. In 1819 he was elected Junior Warden, and was exalted. to the Royal • Arch degree and createdn Knight Tern- . plar in Seaford. Wes dernittediA.pril 10th, -4821, and emigrated to the state of New lYork, U. S. A. December 27th of the same year, he assisted in ir stalling the officers of a' Masonic lodge in Ferule., Monroe county, N. Y. In 1823 he emi- grated to Canada, and became a' member of Mt. Moriah Lodge, No. 20 at 'Arise,- minster. This lodge was declining, but by his efforts was reyived. in 1838 he assisted in forming Lodge 200 in. the then • village but now city of London, Canada. The charter was granted to a number of old regular Masons by the Grand Lodge of Ireland. . In 1840 he assisted in form- • ing the first Royal Arch Chapter in the last place named, and he was Master of the first vail. His great-grandfather be- came a Freemason early in the seven- teenth century; his grandfather about 1750; his brother James in 1810. and his father in 1821, the latter then receiving the degrees in Lodge 1009, his son James being the Worshipful Master, and his son Thomas the Senior Warden. • Thus the sons had the honor of initiating, passing and raising the father. Thomas had fillecl all the offices of the lodge, chapter and commandery. He was a craftsman whom it was delightful to honor, and. the fra ternity in 'Michigan justly felt proud of having in their ranks so noble a veteran. By his death the fraternity has lost one of its oldest members in the -United States, if not in the whole world. 0-1-04-11 • Biddulph. BRIEFS. -Mr. T. Maddigan has rented his farm and left Birldulph. Mr. James Shea (not the shoemaker) is the lesee. Mr. Shea has, for the past week, been busily engaged hose -cleaning, and with the valuable assistance of several young ladies now has the house in a good state. It was whispered around that James tried to Mance some young lady to remain and continue to clean house for him but they • one and all refused.. This is to be wonder- ed at as James is one of the handsomest • men in the township and an excellent chopper. -Pat Curtain did not run his stage last week, not having been able to secure the Mexican'to mate his piebald.- • Two machine agents worked last Sunday from 1 o'clock till 12 at night, repairing, a machine, on the 8t1I concession. , What is the matter with the third commandment? -Mr. Harry Daubbs has secured the ser- vices af R. Casey to help him in his big fall threshing. • Ladcan. their show. They are handsome little fellows, built Himmel.), andeonverse ration- ally. They are twoef the smallest hunlan beings on exhibition and attracted a good deal of attention while oa the streets, es- pecially from the young ladies. They viewed Win. MeLeod'a elieletoa and thought it almost as great a • curiosity as therneelves. They left on the east bound train on MondaY Morning and nearly all the girls in town were at the station to SCO thorn off. Gov. Moorehouse, of Missouri, has re- fused to interfere in the ease of Maxwell, the murderer of Preller. ' Gleneyer Mills, Kubota, 0. 13, Imperial Cream Tartar Baking .Powber is endorsed by all leading Chemists and Physicians as the purest and best. Use no othes. Sold by all grocere, • Ths validity of the Seott Act in Porthind N B, has been affirmed by :the Supreme Courts, The lot was adopted in 1886, but nover enforced. For removsiag dandruff, Aver,e Hair Vig- or has no equal. It restores foded and grey hain to its original color, stimulates the growth of the hair, and gives it beautiful, glossy, and silken appearance. Colonel George !Gibson, of the Fifth In- fantry, commandant at Fort Bliss, Texas, died suddenly on Mond y at Dile; Vegas, N M. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is designed for those who need a medieine to vilify t heir blood. No other preparation so \ ell meeta this want. It increases the apretite and re- juvenates the whole system. Its reourd, for forty, is one of constant triumph over disease. A. Newporrdespatch says one or raore of the ships attached to the North Atlantic squadron will be sent north to protect American fishermen inVanadian waters. If the Sufferers from Consum- ption, Sorofula and General Debility, will try Scott's Ehtulsion of Cod Liver 011, . with Hypophosphites t they will find D11- modiate relief and a permanent benefit. Dr. H. IT. Mott, Bentwood, Cal.. writes: "I have used Scott's Emulsion with great , advantage in eases of Phthisis, Scrofula and Wasting Disorders. It is very palat- able. Pat -up 18 .500 and $1 size. EASILY UNDERSTOOD. The causes of.summer complaint, uiarr- hcea, dysentery. cholera merlins, etc:, are the excessive heat, eating green fruit, impure water, over exertion and sudden chill. Dr. Fowler's Wild Strawberry is an infallible and prompt remedy for all bowel complaints from whatever cause. MADE ON PURPOSE. • We are taught that everything is made to fill some purpose. The reason Burdock Blood Bitters has succeeded in being placed in the front rank of modern medicines is that it fille so well the purpose for which it was intended- that of curing diseases of the stomach, liver and blood. • OERTA1N CURE. A cure for Cholera Morbus. .A. positive cure for this dangerous complaint, and for • all acute or chronic forms of bowel core - plaint incident to summer and fall is found in Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, to be propttred from any druggist or medi- cine dealer. A Quebec despatch says ;-Hon. E. Blake licit on Monday night for Murray Bay to pin his family. ON AN AVERAGE. It is said. that during the life time of the average man he will endure about 500 days sickness. The beat way to reduce your average is to use Burdock Blood Bitt- ers whenever the syetem requires a tonic regulating and cleansing medicine. Hon .1 ohn .Haggart, Post Master :Geaer al, commenced lus departmental dlities yesterday. • SUMMER TRAVEL is usually subject to dangerous and. sudden attacks of bowel complaints, diarrhoea, dysentery, etc., caused. by change of food and water. The sovereign remedy and surest safeguard against all such troubles is Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Never travel without it. A CORRECT STATEMEFT is made by Miss Jane Rutherford, of Nelles Corners, Ont., who writes -I have used your Burdock Blood Bitters for Dyspepsia and find it to be) the best remedy I ever tried. B.B.B. is sold by all dealers at one dollar per'13ottle. BuMas.-Frank Quigley came home on .Saiturdety to spend a two Week's vacation. 0. Jones of ClandebOye, visited La - can on Saturday last. -Tommy Dart lest week; one day, killed dressed, cut up and Oitinc• a heel in the butcher shop,: in I twenty-two minutes. -R S. Hodgins shipped a fine car load of , hogs to New Vork on Tuesdeiy..-Our town council have laid a block pavement on Main street, as an experiment -Ed PlaVin of Forest was in town Sunday. -Louis Cann has sold his pennies and stcok to Miss Atkinson, • Mr. Cann is ping to Southern California to engage in orange raising .-The 170 of August has been set aside for Lucan'S eiVie, holiday. -Farmers around this see tion have saved tho fall wheat.,--Thore is to be a necTo lintintene new 'week. Your • reporter will' attelici and gather it in:for next week'S issue. --The only original dotal R. ha.4 given .up tailoring, to study for a. veterinary surgeon. -The hand gave their Weekly outdoor conceit on Friday .night 'Their music is fino AO the hoys have made a /marked imprOVetticeit under the new leader,WO have a` new Salvatkn captttin 'rather an imprortifient en the itititene,' ati fat as Shape goes anyway„ A. C. Reid, the celebrated athlete has returned home after s very ±uccesthil tont. Of the Western StateSO-Wra. R. Stanley, is away on a visit to Owen Sound -Angus McCatilay 18 about to he Made a cadet itt the S. A. geThe tWO midgets from POreSt SpentStilt- day in thean on their way oast to ein DR. Arfastiington, Throat & Lung Surgeon, "No* System „ It will pay you to 'bey my BREAD&BITNS --^MADE UNDEa TEN-- TMPrOlred Systeiri ()thread Mak- ing. The Bead is eweeter and will retain its moisture longer then any other iu use, A trial solicited; Yoew11 always Middle Largest and Finest Assortment of Pastry, Oakes, Confec- tionery, Oranges, Lemons Soo, Of Toronto, will be at the Central Ho- tel, Exeter, .4.13"Cf. :A.E3t12. ALLDAY. Catarrh , ron ohi tis , Astha, Conant:Int i on, etc, permanently and effectually cured - A few Proinment Testimonials • of Permanent Cures: Mrs. John McKay, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh • and Consumption. John lkIcKolvy, Kin es tomont., eatarrh. Mrs. A. Hopping, Kingston, Ont., 13roneho Contumption. Mr. E . Scott, Kingston, Ont„ Catarrh, head • and throat. • - ' Read W. II. Storey's Original Testimonial. Catarrh Throat Cured. • Listen to W Storey, Pao,'of the firm of W If Storey efu Son, Acton, Glove 1Vranufactier- ors. also President Manufacturers' Association of Canada. Din W.AsnaNGTOX, 215 Yonge-st,. Toronto, DEAre Sia. -1 assure yon I feel grateful for the radical cure you have effected in my throat trouble, and though 1 dislike having my name appearin connection with the testimonial bus- ess, yet, having regard for those who ate similarly affected. ite Well as haring a desire to recognize the 0)511118 (` your treatinen ±1 make o depaature tri aria ;at& . Prior' to 1nY acquaint - &nod with you ' ati suffered fer two years rem repeated,. el: a of catarrhal sore tit rant eaeh aucceedix thick being more prolonged and violent ' he r the former. At these times .1 had violent fts, 1 coughing, and Would dim.= charge large 1;0,41106es of mucous: Peeling alarnicd, I sought thehest medical Skill ine I u ditg st in wo,h-noted Specialist, an d took almost every thing khown to iriedicine without experionai ng partiele of relief. Last spring I wont to Eurooe. Tbe change did niti' geed. but on my return the old trouble was re- newed, Seeing you advertised to Yi8it thig place,1 thought I \you hl eonseityon although I confess \vitt' not re n eh h OTO of re,. vsttgany benefit. Ilowever,1 was faverab, mpressed with your candor, and rezolved give yotir treatmen t a trial. 1 la u resit 1 ppy Et; inforin yoba oomph:to one so marked in its aharaoter fist • Ise beth inY Self and my friehcis, r st year med- icine a eetned tidatited to en se and gave re- lief. In We mos. r was Onliroly Wa1J,ae d have, so continued through the most unfaverable seaSon of year, You aro al liberty to make what atto you P lease of thi s letter, mail shall be pleased to answer any encuiriesr etel-iVe to my case. Yours very 11.STOREr Aiiton , San. 19th ,1887, tar CONS OLT ATIOV PREEa, =c.= --AT--- E. A.' BiOLLICK'S, MAIN -BP, EXETER. I CUR ITS 'When I sanOunr I do not mean merely to stop them for a time, and the have them re- turn again. I BrICAN A RADIC,Lt, CURE., I have made the disease of riETS, EPILEPS`2" PALLING A life long study. r avanumerr My remedy' to CIIII)37 the worst eases. Because others have failedi s no reason fornot now receiving a cure. Send at once fora treatise and a FREEBOTTLE of rav ImpArsashn REMEDY. Give Express and Post office. It costa you nothing lor a trial, and it will cure you. Address Dr, H. G. ROOT. 37 Yonge St, Toronto, Ont. Allan - Line ! ROYAL+ MAIL_..1TEAMSHIPS. Liverpool and Quebec Service, °telling at Dor- Days of Saiiing.--Parisitul,111ay 24. Poly- nesian. Friday, June 1. Sardinian Thursday, June 7. Circassian Friday, June 15 Sarnia- tipmThursday, June 21. Parisian Thursday, ;Tune 28, Polynesian FridayJuly 6. Sardinian Thursday July 12. Circassian Friday June 20: Sarmatian Thursday July 26. Farisitin Thurs- dah Aug 2. Polynesian Friday Auge 10. Sar- dinian Thursday Aug 16. Circassian Friday, Aug 24. Sarmatian, Thursday, Aug 30- — _ RATES. Cabin $50, $65, VD. accerding to po- sition, Return $100, 3125,3150. Intermediate Liverpool, Londonderry or Glasgow 330; re- turn $60. Steerage at lowest rates, Steerage passengers hooked to and from Glasgow, 13e1 - fast Queenston or London at Liverpool rates. Buy tickets to go home, bring out friends or relatives by the Allan Line. For further Particulars apply to JOHN SPACKMAN, The only authorized agent inExeter. KIRKTON SUMMER OF 7888. We Lead the Trade FOR HONEST GOODS, • •'FOR FULL :`,MIGIITS, FOR GOOD TEAS. • FOR LOWEST:PRICES, FOR BOOTS & SHOES, FOR RANGE OF TWEEDS FOR SHIRTINGS, FOR COTTONS, FOR DRESS GOODS, . yoR LA.CES of all kinds. -AT- () F ' _ i t3r-Highest Prices paid for Butter and Eggs. DR. FOWLERS 0EXT: OF 0 ^NiVgL.D. TR:AVir ;ERE. CURES HOLERA hotera Morbus 0J....t 1 C-acio---- RAMPS IARRHCEA )(SERUM( AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE OR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. —Tiny THE— Dominion Laboratory •F010— Fishing Tacido, Floats, Sinkers, Reels, riShing Lines, Gaff Books, Landing Nets joilited Rods, Trolls, Ply Hooks,. Tripplo hook . And the Celebrated Cork Flo Bait, and Skeleton Baits. GAMES.—Ittbber Balls, Base Balls, Base Ball Bata, Ba,eitesse Balla, Cepa Croquet'Setts. Japanese Kites, Dominoes, Playing Cards, Chas, Authora, Fire ' Crackers, FireCraelter lIelerl3ans, an HUsblers, eta W. BROWNING, Prop licittucET RErDB,TS. J01-114 13RAWN (corrected at5 o'cloaltp an , WetineadaT . FailWho a i „. ... ... .., 0 02 00 93 TT DT DE Spring Virneett ... - - ti 70 t o 0 70 RTAKElt a, tiarley 1,10' Oats ... -. Q 45 Go 47 Olover S ie d „, 4 00 to 490 Timothy • ' ,., 2 50 t o h 00 0 00 t 0 0 00 cern .., ... u oS to 0 60 Kgg,F, Duttes . ..• le be 0 14 . Flourperbbl „ . „. .. 00 to 0 05 Potatoes,per leushel ... ,. 05 Go 70 Apples,per bag ,.. ... 40 to .0 50 DrIedApplePPr b ---------9 0480 0 00 cieese per lb. ... 0 fih to 0 05 ... 0 07 to 08 „. 'Q 45 to 0 50 ... 0 20 te 0 30 ... 000 10700 :„. 400 to 500 ... 5 50 to 0 59 ,., 6 00 to 6 00 ... 0 75 t o 1 GC ... 0 50 to 0 79 ... 0 18 to 0 20 _ 800±0 800 _ 0 50 to 0 75 ,.. 25 to 3 oo Turkey per lb Ducks ye; pr Chickens per pr Efogs,5ressedper10 Beef Kidesroulig, . dressed Sheepskins each Calfskins Wool peril) ... Ea7perton Iblionsperbush. Woodper cord ... sr: ArdaYS Fall Wheat 00 to 03 Spring Wheat. ,,,, ,..,„ ..... ,...i...... .. . - 8.1 93 Barley 50 53 Oats...-. .... .'" - " ..,...... .... . ... . . ....., ..' - 5 01 48 48 Clover Seed450 ..... Timothy , .. „,.1 50 200 Peas ' 00 05 Eggs...-. .... , .. . ........ ..........,„...... ..... 15 15 13utter, ., 14 14. Potatoes per bag' 75 1 00 A plea per bush 30 43 ool per lb ° 20 20 Hay per tott...,..,......„ .... . . .".... ........ 600 7 00 Bran per ton„ , .. 11 00 14 00 Sho?ts `' " , , . 20 00 20 00 oatmeal per Dbl.... 800 100 ADvion TO MOTEMILS.-AXE) you distimbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child . suffering anil crying -with pain of Cutting Teeth?. If so send at once and get a bottle of "ldrs.Winelow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its valve is incalculable. It will relieve the pour little sufferer im mediately Depend -upon it, mothers there is no mistake about it. It cures DyseuterY and Diarrlicea, regalates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums. reauces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the 'whole system. 'Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the pretIcription of one of the oldest and, best female physicians and nurses in the 'United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mum Wnsnotv'sVfleTHING- ErrOTIP "utd take no other kind. C ONSUMP TION CURED. Anoid physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his handi'by an East Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perrea- nent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, (Ni- teroi, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also apositive and radical cure for Nervous Debitity andall Nervous Com- plaints, after having teated its wonderful curative powers in thousands °fuses, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actue.tedby tuts motive and a desire to relieve hum an suffering, I vr....1 send free of charge, to all who ciesireit, this reeipe,in German,French or English, w ithfull directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing w ith stamp, naming this paper, W. A .NorES 149 Power's B leck Tttchester bl V ROYAL YEAST 1. Canada's Favorite Yeast Cakes. 10 years in the market 'without a com. plaint ot any kind. The only Yeast which has stood the test of time andl ttever made soar, unwhoiesome breed. All Grocers sell it, 11.W.0I1LETT, WET. TORONTO. ONT. &CHICA00,111. rarraors9 Minion! IMPZIR.I.A.L MILLS WO OD HAM. The undersigned would respeetfully infor he co mmu nit y that they have le ase dthe above nail's for a term of years; and will be pleased to have a call from all. The mill has recently been improved,by the addition of new macti- inery. Itis the intention of tae subscribers to add. a sat of rolls as soon as possible; and all conibined, the Woodham Grist Mill Will be secondto none in the West. -x-x- Gristing- and Chopping Done Promptly. Fresh oatmeal constantly on hand for sale or exchanged. for oats. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Ur A TRIAL SOLICITED, J. & L. McNEVIN, Pi. J. S ELL Merchant Tailor, Has removed to premisee one door north of Browning's drugstore, whare there will be found a W -11 Affiscat ti St 411,) OF SPRING T'CAT1IT1DS FOR SUITINGS &o. —ALSO --- Scotch, Rn.glish, Irish, French and Canadian. G-oods. Made up on the SHORT.BST 'NOTICE ---AND AT- — GONSISTENTLY OW PRICE ! OALL WILL CONVINCJIL A. J. NELL, erroldate �t Cleveland edttintr Selioo CABINET-MAXER, Walnut 4 Rosewood Caskets A.I.00 COFFINS OV E rear DESCEIETION. A Gompiete Stook of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISED' 4. CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My stock of Furniture is un- excelled, --GrvE ME A °ALL ersey's Ig The Platte TO Buy Cheap GOODS. Dr, CHASE Fro4 a world-wide reputation 050 physician • and author. HisMaudnake DAM de2ion Liyer cure is a triumph, of medical ekill, curing, all diseasesOlstllei.Tnodue3s'abd Tffiver, yxc Kidney Complaint ; aches and r. iMs in tbe beck; a, dull pain or weight in he bladder or ease of the abdomen; scald- ing attine of ten obstructed.; frequent deaire to urinate. espe Melly at mei* •emong aged perilous; hot, dry aldu, pale eomplexieni•ed and white deposits, drop I:lit:zit:ass, sour stootinacho, acoon. stip ation, piles, liver atom, uOms_111:14.71__m!,0s1Pntalii T' • /I 1 ' Pain under the jaundice, sallow complexion, a weca7,i, taixeeEk feeling, 110 1110 or energy, head ache, dyspep ea, indigestion , spots, piMplee ROW CUBED : Maa d rake. and Da.nitelion ar enature'sliver ures.and 'Whet oambined with kidney rem- edies„ i npr,011ese's Liver Cute, will most positively cure all kidnoy-liver troubles. It n,ets like aeharm, stimulating the clogged.' liver, strengthening the kidneys aniinvigor- atIng the whole body. Sold by all dealers at one dollar. with. receip t o ook, which alon 143, worth the raonDey. Do. Chase's pine are the °ray_ •K -1"eY Kidney -Liver Pills made ; they JVE3r act en 1 yet effe tualY ly„ be token °any employ- • numb. They mire ldaney-liver d1? 'LLL° troubles, headache.h'ltonsnes.s costiveness &Q. One Pili a doss Sold by all dealers, Price 25 cents. T. EDIVIANSON & CO., Bradford ,Ont., Mania. Are You —FOR— Looking The cheapest spot in tovcn for Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Paints, Oils and Glass, &o., &o., if you are, 01 t call at BISSETT BROS. We are now offering the balanoe of our stock of Axes, Cross -cut saws, Lamps and Tubular Lanterns, at cost 430 Taik-YS OTUY T We would call your attention to a few of our specialties :- A Handsome Brass Library Lamp, A Large Glass Stand Lamp, new design A Good Tubular Lantern , A Good Axe and Handle An A 1 Manure Fork . And everything at Rock Bottom Prices for Cash. - $2 5Ca $1 00 - SO .50' .3100'• 080 A fall stock of the following lines always on hand. -Barb wire, Plain Galvanized, An- calent and Viled wire, and Buckthorn Fencing. Having purchased our supply of Binder Twine early we are -how in a position to supply at the lowest possible price. A full stocs of tinware of all kinds always in stook. Eavetroughing and roofing a spec- ialty. Agents for the B & 11 IVIetalic Shingle Roofing. Ask for priees. Agents for the celebrated Raymond Sewiug Maclaine. I3ISSETT BROS., Exeter. 9..1.1 ,..,:o:c.;17::cN, ,'C:d:°;'' ..:->"04';Co6C'%1: 00 ° 'ZP° %til .).CiCN *•fi'' 4., N6 \'z.• ..,\ ,e, SV b.. '45) T, -,o 4 -ss. •,.. ciis• 1:-. „ 2- .„,e, (b. 6, te' '• .6`-- ,c,'1 ,‘ 1" ,s.e, Oc• cc:Cs' 'e cs (*t -s' \•° 0 0 e" 020;:a\.- \ ' v ,‘0.a.'s ' .41 ,ad: .E.,oN ,•,, e., i. b .z.c., carec' o o ' 'P ,.> 4Y •te' • -A7 tS.." 4tc3C 4-5) tol' 2). +e 0,4 ,s> • cst; 42; 4:1) ,s,s Manufactured only by Thomas nolloway, 78, ;sTow oxford Street, to 553, Oxford Street, London. ifZ' Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. posomsom••••••••":0111•2,.410.4 SPRING 1888. SPRING Carets. Curtains. 001201161.11}1.1.1." S sr' Now that Honse-Cleaning le is near, We invite your in- spection. to our BIG- stook of Carpets, Curtains, and those Fancy Window Blinds, Sm. When haying Wall Paper don't forget that the OH Established carries thcl3iggest Stook and Latest Am- erican .Patterns. Lots of Fancy Ceiling Papers wit'''. Corners to match Window Blinds •W all.Pape JAMES PlUitit-kR.6) Exeter.