HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-8-9, Page 4Prices Reasonable at Times , Merchants mai set their 13111 Ileede,j,mtter tieadas tke tke., Printed at Tams (Mice for 'Very little more them they geneyalty naY for thei penes, and it helps to advertiee their bus - 000e, See eamplos mid got InieeS• •Ooodtwork is done at ri4lEs entgr thaw AitGnST: T11,11 6TH, 1888, :15472:-IJA:VIT NO. OF 1888. 13y -Law la Provide for draining port of the Township of StoPhon, andlarraising on the credit of the JInnicipaTity, $8.505, for con? plet- Ing Mc works necessary therefon Promeionally adopted, the ,0t4 day of August, 1838. WHEREAS.a majority ha number of the owners, as ehown by the last revised As- sessment Roll of the property hereinafter set forth to be drained (whether lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 in the 22nd concession he or vbe not added thereto and included therein) Lav e petitioned the Council of Bald Town- ship of Stephen praying that the west half cut is very irregular as shown on the iiro of lot three and lots km- to nineteen (both for a, distanos up stremn of about 1 and thr eighth miles, the ws ter varying in depth fr inelnsive) in Aux Sauble conceesion, and 1 foot to 8 feet, Above this the bed is m.ore lots six to twelve (both inelusive) and regular and the water from 3 to 6 feet deep to seyentt ea to nineteen (hoth inclusive) in stakelffill at the mewl of Haycock Oreek. The creek is shallow' and not so irregular. '22nd concession -all forming one block of The bottom of the cut aud work in the river laud -in said township, should be drained, when completed will be level throughout the and that au Engineer !should be procured whole distance ate)* proposed drain in the to make an examination of the locality and river so as to give as much fall as possible to tee waters ef Haycock Creek and the water plans and estimates of the necesssary work from the river above. The depth of the work and an assessment of the property to be when completed iu the river at the mouth of benefitted (whether for direct benefit, out- Hayeack Creek -will be feet 7 inches below the surface of the ground and, will be level let or otherwise) thereby. with the bottom of the proposed drain in Hay - AND WHEREAS thereupon .the said cock creek, which latter drain from its head Council procured an examination to be will have a fall of 6 feet 7 inches and at i s made by Richard Coati, P. S., and En- head the proposed drain will be dug 4 foot 3 inches below the surfaee of the ground, and gineer, being a perm) competent for such the fall or inoline in the bottom will be uni- puipose, of the locality proposed to be form throughout its length ; and as the river drabsecl, and has also procured plans and above when the work in it leaves off is 7 or more feet deep for 4 nines or more. we may in - estimates of the work to be made by the ler tha• under similar circumstances to when said Richard goad, and an assessment to the insyeetion was made the surface of the be made by him of the Teal property th be water in the river throughout this pert will benefitted by such drainage, stating as stand practically on &level with the water in the lake, or about 5 feet 7 inches lower than it nearly as he.can the proportion of benefit did last fall. which in hie opinion will be derived in For some distance below the entrance of the consequence of such drainage by every road Ptsebe River ta, watercourse not navigable) at wbat is know as the "Elbow" the channel is and lot or portion of lot, the said eases- somewhat filled with. a locse deposit, carried meut of the lauds and roads in Stephen so down by the Ptsebe, leaving it only about 3 made, being the !assessment hereinafter • feet deep in places,but I am of opinion that' s when the work•is completed this loose deposit by this By-law enacted to be assessed and will be carried further down and left in the levied upon the lots and parts of lots and deeper parts-thut affording a good outlet and roads nereinafter in that behalfl epeciallv deeper drainage for the waters from the lands get forth and described :- further up the Aux Sauble as well as the Ptsebe Rivers. AND WHEREAS the said Richard Coad The bank alone the lake shorethrough which found aud reported that lots 13, 14,°15 and the cut is to be made is composed chiefly of 16 in the 22n5 concession a Stephen lake shore sand: and the channel will no doubt Township adjoining said block of land will widen to a comfortable extent by the action of the water from the river as time goes on. It also be benefitted, and that lands in the may also be found that the action of the lake adjoining Township of Bosanguet (des- during times of storm from the west may oribed in a petition to the said Council by have the effect of somewhat obstructing the mouth of the cut by casting up loose sand, &o a majority of the owners thereof for the Especially will this be the case when there is drainage works now moposed) will also be not much water flowing in the river, and at benefitted. and that the proposed!work will such times the effect will not be injurious' This obstruction I am of opinion, however, form an outlet for waters from the other will be carried away again at times of higher adjoining Towuships of McGillivray and water in the river, and the ohannel will be West Williams, aud that the lands and kept open pretty geuerally to the depth con- structed, and thus afford a quick and efficient roads in said slave) al Townships may be as- outlet for the waters before referred to, and be Imaged and charged tinder the provisions of the means of reclaiming lands that have here- Seetions 575, 576, 590 and other Sections tofore not been made use of, and rendering of the Municipal Act ; and the assessment them fit for cultivation. The earth gernoved from the out may be dis- upon the lands and roads in said several Posed of by eastingsit into the lake at a suit - adjoining Townships are 'hereinafter set able distance to be determhaedby the engineer forth in the Report of said' Richard Coed of your township, by casting it oyer the bank in respect of said work and drainage, whioh of the lake not clever than -10 rods to the mouth of the cut, or by paling part of it into the report is as follows :- river channel below the cut. and by depositing it in the channels or low places intersected by Glencoe, July 10th, 1888. tho cut, on the surface of the ground on each side and not closer than 3 rods to the edge of' the cut under the direction of such engineer, To the Municipal Council of the 'Iown- The amount to be deposited at each place to be ship of Stephen -in Session Assem- determined by the engineer overseeing the bled work for your township. The earth removed in dredging the channel of the river may be deposited on either or both sides of the river as directed by such engineer from time to time -not closer than 8 feet to the edge of the present channel. The earth removed from the drain in Haycock Creek shall he deposited evenly on each side of the drain at a distance of at least 5 feet from the outer edges of the proposed work. All stumps roots, logs, boulders or other obstructions must be cut and removed from the channel to a suf.. ficient distance from it. Slope stakes will be set and levels of the height of' water, &e. will be given the contractor at ttime of com- mencing, th e wele*by the en : er as appears in the profiles and this report. In the assessment the higher and outlying lands are assessed Mast, while those °loser to the work and lower, being most bonefitted, are assessed most. All the lands including those benefitted and those assessed for outlet are those shown on the plan m green, The green dottedline shows the limit of assessable lands or/Proximately. On thew,est side of the river said line is comparatively close as the high land is not far back in the Lake Road East concession, and in concession "B" there is a dry gravelly ridge about 4 feet high, wnieh follows the direction of the river across lots 1 to 10,which forms the watershed between. it and Lake Smith. South of this the land is very level auci there is no very percept:dile watershed between the river and lake Smith and Burwell which are drained by large drains constructed by the Canada, Company. I have therefore coesiclered that it will be about midway between them. As One of the large drains referred to and knowe as the Canada Company Canal (40 feet wide in the bottom) taps the river and relieves it of the greeter part of its water at the line between Lots 20 and 22 in coneesssion "A" of the township of Bosanquet I have therefore assessed only as far as the line between lots 19 and 20 on concession "A" of the township of Bosanquet. There are several creeks in the townsnips of Stephen and McGillivray into which waters are brou(1ht, and having low marshy fiat S of coesiderable width on each side: and I liaa•e assessed for some distance up these, Of the landsto be benefitted and those as- sessed for outlet filet including' road allow- ances) there are 8114 acres. The assessment Per acre varying from tiac to 34.15, 05 an aver- age of about 82.52 per Imre. Of this there arc in the township of Stephen 2357acres at an average of about 82628 per acro ; in the town- ship of MeGillivray 3931 acres at an average of about $2.56i per acre ; in the tewnship of Bo- sitnquet / 707 acres at an average of about 32,- 410 per acre, and in the township of West Williams where the low Ptsebe River and Oreck run up into it, 26 acres at an average of 85c per acre. The roads assessed and charged will be greatly i mnrovedby the proposed work. The I; ids assessed, the location of the propee- , and the dimensions of the same, with formation are mere particularly shown ie on th e accompanyseg plan and pro; Ate the eost of the proposed work to with 21i at the river, Er:an s take Ai 1 999- tinemiehaining along the haak a tl2.0 rt:fer np streem, and plantinestakee oyer Y 5 chasne, Merking the nilitibera eliaine tkont the begnis ping to stake 1$0, I eiontinued the eliaining AbeYe this (notylanting :my sta/Seel f9r tliS. Mime of two miles, or 0'290 chatini from the beginning, where' Planted Marge stake on the bank of the nver at the outlet of Haycock Creek et the head of the work on the elver, on Lot 10in the Age: $auble Conoession of' the Township a Stephen. X still contineed the ' ohaleingfrozu tile river at the moutill of the flaycook Creek up stream, (of the emelt) over its general +Muse planting stakes osie !Walt and let tared 4W" "V" "li"Ae., to 4 distance of 22 chains feem the lye; being in all 512 eliains or 21e chains in thleproposed cut, 268e obatns offireproten.g elthe ewer than- nel and 22 chains along liteYeockgreek. Levels were token et cane of the numbered stakes from the lake to the river, id depths of the present water eourSos wore taken up the river simultaneously AN th? the ehaining, and I took the depths aed levels along Hay- cock Creek, and from these depths and levels was prepared the aecompenying profile which shows the depth at each stake and at the var- ious other Stations =eked on the profile, and other dimensions to which it is Proposed to make the mit and remainder of the work eon - As the height of the lake is somewhat vari- able, and to afford more repid discharge of water during Panes of freshet, and to give the greatest possible depth of drainrge at all times, I recommend the bottom of the out to be tine foot lower than the eurface of the Wet - nn the lake et the time of inspection. The greatest depth of cutting will be 51 feet 9 end the shallowest in'the nut 12 ft 8 in, or an average a about 20 feet for 80 rods. The bot - etenentrrasO' 88Z$S30l0Si 01 OR I$OSANQVIrr, iuiToWlessflp Con 1 liot ex pt lot I acres I Value 0f IneprvnIt. 11.5i $ 280 , 9 1091, 270 10 126 280 11, 150 380 12 198 600 11 1.3 1971 600 " 14 04* 120 11 15 62i 110 " 16 67 115 "4 17 5$ 115 18 76i 150 19 127* 24•0 6 76 12 7 1181 15 8 120 0 14 120 40 15 120 70 16 120 100 17 120 120 18 120 120 19 120 110 r 1 5f3 25 2 3 4 11 5 tom width of the out mid work in the river uP se 5 to Haycock Creek will be 30 feet and from re .9., thereon to 5 feet un the creek to the head of a ei 6 the drain• The side slopes of the out and ^ 7 along the river shall be ono end one half h ori• g ueee8 zontal to one vortical and along Haycock " oreek one horizontal to one vertical. The bed of the river from the head of the upte 100a9 51: spt el00a 9 oem EA 10 411. 1., 8 14 • c.)isi,e*E1 GENTLEMEN obedience to instructions received from your Hon Amble Body through the Clerk et your Municipality and a Resolu- tion of Council. dated '26th May, 1888, and in accordance with a Petition signed by John Dalziel, Philip Baker, E. Spackman and others, praying for tbe draining of certain lands (described) in the Aux Sauble and Twen- ty-Secend Csn cession of your township. I have made an examination of the said lo- cality proposed to be drained a,nd of the lands and roads that will be affected by the construe tion of' such drainage works as will be neces- sary to drain tb e same and to relieve the desori bed locality in y,por township from the waters eeming upon them from the higher lands, and Thave made the accomnaning plans (including profiles) speciacations and estimates of Ithe work I propose to do to drain said locality,and I have made an assessment (appended hereto) °tithe said described locality in so far as the lends:end roads comprised therein are to be benefitted aud improved, and of Sather adjoin- ing lots. namely: Lots 13,14,15 and 16 in the 22nd concession, which also in my opinion will be lieuefitted ; andas the necessary work to drain said locality in Stephen, will also xn my opinion benefit lands in the Township of Dos- anquettbeing tbe lands in Said Township par- ticularly described in said petition and the petition of the Canada Company) and improve roads therein I have charged the same with a just proportion of the cost of the proposed work: end es the said work win further be an outlet for portions of the Townships of Bosanquet, McGillivray and Williams and the •-zr.:w4441,2nds therein, and will be necessary to carry off the water caused to flow therefrom to or upon the said locality in 'Stephen. I have as- sesseMand (Agreed said Townships a,nd the lands therein for a just proportion of the con- struction o' such work, all of which assess- ments are appended hereto. In my opinion the locality described in Stephen Township can be most • effectually drained by constructing a drain in Haycock oreek about 88 rods:an d carrying the water into the water -course called Aux Sauble River (but ' not naspgabl 1 tind thence along that course Easter' to the Grand Bend and thence across the bar into Lake Huron. I found that the surface of the water in Lake Huron was five feet, seven inches lower than the surface:of the water in the river at the Grand Bend (the river being at its lowest at time of inspection) and thnt for the not 14 miles there was a rise in the surface of 'the synths 00 the river of about 24 inches-ebove • this the surface was practically level: for the next throe miles or mores The present outlet of this water is by the natural course of the river to about twelve miles south. This (Man - eel is shallow and the stream sluggish, arid does not form an efficient outlet for the waters referred to arid the lands inStephonfiroposed to he drained ; and I itin of opinion that the best means of providing such an outlet would be by the construction of the drain and work herein recommended. I heve made all necessary surveys and have taken levels. The proposed drain and work will begin in Stet:then Township at a point merited "A" IP lot No.10. in the Aux Sauble Conceseioe, at about 24 'rods Southerly from the line between Lets :Number 9 and 10, and about 76 rods lsasterlY from the river measur- ed. along said line and will follow front there the general course of the eresent water run called Haycock creek and will run into and along said Aex Sauble Rivet to the Grand Rend. and thereafter into Bosaporet Town- ship end acrose the bar or height in lot ono to tin outlet into Lake Huron. The couree which have adopted betweee the Bend of ,the River and the Lake loaves the river at a point about 60 rods Westerly from the bridge end. rate, in n direction north eevents• detreeeetwest through lot Number One, Lake Road WestPorieestsion Township of Bo- uquet to Lake Huron,a distance tf twentee- on c end a half The cettinge by Pie latter course are less and thcbstartee is Abetter then a more easteely eonrse examined, makings differeriee in 'favor of the Conroe talented of. About 86000, and the effieitpey will not be ninth less than by the miler (*firm. Over the proposed course I love 1)1er:tea stakes (on the centre line of the peeve .ed cut) 010(11 apart lel d ettiAbered 0, 1.,14 amine:Icing 'with 0 at the lake and A./n.00104 rn ed oth fi L. tieing mind rein eying froin the cut ftote station 0-23, 61500 cubic yds att5c 3 222600 Elxc & removing from river from station 2310 200=47574 ea yds at e3e 10942 02 lexe 5 removing from drain itlorig Ha) eeek (.• rece from 200 or W to A =3721 on vie at 10; 400 00 Total en it of exeavati on and dispos- al of earth, sey 20507 00 „Add for assistanee on CurveY,surveY pines, profiles, estimates, assessments prePeritig and publiehing., by-laws, Preparing contracts. Clerk's fees let. tine and eeperintending, expentles of Court of Revision & other expenses inekleetal to the eountructioe of the works end passing the by-law 90000 Total estimated, mist of work 32146700 This seta X assevaget nst the lands end ronds benefitted and improved, and themutt:nip:1h, flea, eoreparlies and individualueieg the drain ee an 0111101 in the townships of Stephen meGillivray,Bottonquet aud Woe Willithils as hereunder set forth. arid MeGillivree %eau - quo. and West Williams shall riders end con- tribute each the emonnt neeeeeed against len& end toede ilt the Woriship. 41aat, 109i 120i , 1604 171i 40 15 20 13 60 5 80 10 105 30 34 25 34 25 57i 85 42* 25 70- 40 Total assesinn't Bosanquet lauds 34160.00 Municipality for roads. Road allowance between cons A. and B across lots 7,,8 and 19 and 13 to 19 tnclusive 3 110.00 Road allowance between lots 15 and 16, con. A and Si 13 25.00 Road allovratice between lots 10 and 11 S Ea con A 35.00 Road allow'ance between lots 5 and 6, SE* SEi con B 5.00 Road allowance north of lot 1 con C 7.00 Total assessra't Besenquet roads $ 182.00 lands 4160.00 14 .4 11 Total assessment on Bosanquet 34342.00 SOREDULE OF ASSESSMENT IN THE TOWNSHIp OF MCGILLIVRAY, Con I Lot or pt lot I acres I Value of Improvmt Aux Saublo conoeeei 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 5 19 " Si20 "Willi 20 " E420 " 23 21 ' 25 26 27 28 29 Ei 30 31 18 19 20 21 " E422 " 22 7 334 22 " Wit 22 8 W420 " Ni 21 " Si- 21 " 334 22 " 22 27: 45 11 44 28 1 it 11 11 it 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 Ni 10 84 10 604 8811 1061 88 82i 77 -7q 801 25 100 100 100 100 • 100. 100 ..744 524 112 146 98t 66 50i 200 320 420 370 350 320 320 340 ' 300 310 290 270 250 230 .210 150 .115 250 400 300 250 . 200 nneAMIThkrroish, Aasestment on lands in 13oeanguet 81160,00 Aseessramatoo roade:na Botiaugnet 182.00 , Totaliessesstu't Bogauguet Assesement on lauds in Stepbeu 36190,00 ASeeestuent en roacle in Stephen 315.00 Total aseessm't Steplaen ' Assesement on lands in MoGilliyray 310085.00 Assessment on roads McGillivray. 505,00 Total assessin't MeGilliv'y 10590.00 Aesesement on lands in West Williams $ 22.00 Assessment on road e in West Williams 8.00 $14342.00 0505,00 Total assessin't W Winne 30.00 Grand total aseesement - 021467.00 The work sthen fulbi made and completed shall be preServed, maintained' and kept in yep Mr by the Munlapality of Stephen, from its head iletil it meekness into Bo 8 a n (Piet at tbe GrandBen d, and thereof ter by the Municipal- itY OfBosanquet o the joint expense of the laects ano roans Stepben, Beeammet, Me- gillivrey and Weet Williems Paying for Con struetion, said laucbi aedreads IntYing 111 the sanoerefattyelfroportimiAs for construction, and each nounidipadity. contributing the amount chatgoable against itoads in that Afunioipality. All of:Which is eespeetfully submitted . Ihaye thelitmor to be, gentlemen 7lour obedientServant, (Lid) Rieman Com) AND WHERE,AS the Council 180±' tate ouirt, 100 that the drainage of the locality described is desirable. AND WHEREAS by stud report and assess - tinbeellttinles ttgugarl7et iaalnAlielate041.11 17g:040045r nuect agalust thee° 4o Bosanquet is 84342; said # against time inittoGillivxayms '$14)00 ; and against the in'Weet WiPiazneIs $30. ,,rtroinovoin3 14X40TED bY the said Xenielpal o owneil Of tee said `Eown shin of Stenbee pursuant to the provisions of the Mtmisiaipmsi1. Thitt ttet's--:thl report, plans °swindle& wellies) and ostin atee be adopted and tile eaiddrai 0 and the works connectedtherewith be wide and eoeatreeted iii accordance there with ; and that the respectese heads Of the Miwieinalities of liosenquet, m eGinivrityland West Williems he servee witn copies of blie said Report, elane.speciacetions,asseesmonts andestinuites of the Fetid Engineee. _ 2. Thet ;tee Reeve of the Township Of CSterIP)13OerlittiroaliYOfb°014riCtr T'llwntsliTin,ertehcleit suoLta102 $0005, (b eiug the funds necessary tor the work less the amounts to be tioneributed by Boe- rne ei 8,1Bitegibi leinvrt utiryer 0t11 taYii ee NoYrt)lioira,naa jeol na ittod that amount in SWIM; not loss than 3100 each and payable within ten yeats With interest at the rate of Ilse per centum per annum, that is to say, in ten equal, annual. 0008000- tive instaluientn, therfirst of which Shall be clue and payable at the explrition of one year from the date on which this by-law dual have been finally paFised, and all such deoeutures shallbe payable at the Molsons Beek in Exeter, and the interest thereon shale be Mc:laded with the principal payable with each debenture. 3 That for the purpoe of paying the seinof Se19Q, being the amount charged against the lands in the township of Stephen aforesaid se to be beneatteO accercli ug to the said re - Pert, other Glen r9adS belonging to or under the control bf the said y ant to cover interest theseon for ten Yeavs as the rate ot five per centinu per emu= , The fol- lowhigspeeial rates over and above all oth- erre tes shall be aSSOSSed and. levied (in the same manner and at the same time as taxes are leveed] upon the undermentioned lots and parts et lots, • And the amountof said special eates and interest tissessel its afore- said against eaoh 101Or part of lot resp cotiv • e)y shad' be divided into ten equal parts and 000 0! sueh parts shall be a ssessed a ed ley ied as aforesaid in each year for ten years (1809, 1890-1-2-34-5 0-7-8) after the final passing of this by-law during wnich the said debentures have to run. Schedule of Assessment againet the Lands au3 Roads in the Township of Stephen to be benefitted and using the Drain as an outlet. r Schedule of Assessment in the Township of StePhen. CONCEs'N LOT OR PART 005. ACRES 22 1, 11 14 E 1/2 N 1/2 4 Niy 4 Ei 4 8.4 4 • 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. 16 16 17 18 10 6 N 1/2 7 8 1/2 7 8 9 N 1/2 10 S 1/2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 27 27 27 27 106 109 103 84 103 132 143 1194 614 1504 1391 166 18* 176t 238S 100 51 51 104 105 56 56 117 123 58 129 129 132 91 99 72 vAttm OR to cover TOTAL anneal ass't IMPROVE. int. 10 SPECIAL during each MENTS ys 5% BATE for 10 yrs 3 4 1710 3 5.10 3 .51 17 4.675 21.675' .2.1675 24 6.60 30.60 3.06 9 2.475 11.475 1,1475 98 26 95 124.95 12.495 :165 45.375 210.375 21.0375 217 59.675 276,675 27.6675 202 55.55 257.55 25.755 286 78.65 364 65 86 465 545 149.875 694.1375 69.4875 455 125.125 580.125 58.0125 347 95,425 442.425 44.2425 186 51.15 237.15 28.715 434 119.35 553.35 55.335 398 109.45 507,45 50.745 475 130.625 605.625 60.5625 553 152.075 705.075 70.5075 543 149.325 692.825 69.2325 785 5743.00 215,875 1000.875 100.0875 6 1.65 7.65 .765 6 1.65 7.65 .765 9 2.475 11.475 1.1475 23 6.325 29.325 2.9325 34 9.35 43.35 4.335 9 075 42.075 4.2075 .7 86.70 8.67 12.375 57.375 5.7375 12.375 57.375 5 7375 7.15 33.15 3 315 3.575 16.576 1.6575 3.575 .16.575 1.6575 1.925 8.925 .8925 4.675 21,675 2.1675 14.025 65.026 6.5025 14.025 65.025 , .5025 33 es 45 45 26 18 13 7 17 51 51 417.00 100 25 2 5 • Total assessm't Stephen lands .114190.00 31702.250 $7892.250 $789.2250 25 13 Municipality for Roads 50 2 Aux Sauble concession across lots 6 to 19 inc.$ 170.00 $ 46.75 $ 216.75 $ 21.675 50 30 Road allowance between loto 7 and 8 An 100 10 Sauble con. and it 22nd con. 100 10 35.00 9,625 44.625 4.4625 Road allowance between lots 13 and 14 Aux fl• 100 5 Bauble con and I 22nd eon. 75,00 20.625 95.025 9.5625 100 10 Half McGillivray Townline Aux Sauble con .9 100 25 and i 22nd connession 35.00 9.625 44.625 4.4625 100 50 68•12 30 Total assessment on Stephen roads -- $ 315.00 3 86.625 $ 401.625 3 40.1625 145 150 Total assessment on Stephen lands 6190.00 1702,250 7892.250 789.2250 100 8 100 8 Total assessment in Stephen 36505,00 31788.875 38293.875 3829.3875 100 6 100 10 4. Tha-t fer the purpose of pitying the sum of his intention to make application for 50 10 of 3315 being the total amount assessed as that purpose to tbe High Court of ..lustice 50 20 aforesaid against Inc said roads of or under at Toronto during the six weeks next ensuing the control of said municipality of Stephen the final passing of the said bylaw, and to cover interest thereon for tan years 60 40 Dated the Gth day of Au pust, 1888. at the rate of five per centum per annum, a 60 65 sufficient special rate on the dollar to make 340.17 shall. over and above all other rates OFIESTER ritouTy, 50 5 Township Clerk, be levied fin the same nianner and at the . Stephen, Hay P. 0. 25 5 same time as taxes are levied) upon the Ftret 75 2 whole rateable property in the said 101.9,31mr. published the 9th day of August 1885. of Stephen in each year forth° ten yea s [1889 50 40 1890-1-2.3-44-6-83 after the date of the final AT 50 64 passing of tnis by-law during which the said debentures have to run, 100 45 the "Haycock and Aux Sauble drhiu" and shall after the completion thereof be preserv- 5, That the said drain shall be known as DuLmAG s E, 1674 157 190 119 1194 120 120/ 121 151 741 2 - 744 380 350 430 310 310 310 310 310 340 120 po Tot'l assesein't McGillivray Pds 310085.00 Municipality for roads. Road allowance between cons 27 and 28, lots 45 rind 1 $ 17.00 Road allowance between consAnx Sauble and 28,1ote 1 to 10 inc. 154.00 Road allowance between lots 3 do 4 in Aux Sauble do 28 con 64.00 Itoad allowance between lots 8 do 9, also 22 in eon 28, and bet- ween lots 9 to 16 and 17 to 22 aud 8, Aux Bauble eon. 154.00 Road allowance between lots 20 and 2i, Si con 6 and SI- NI concession 8 Road allowance between lots 13, 20 and 12, 21 in Aux Sauble - con ; also 29 and 31 con 5 67.00 Half Williams townline lots 20 and WI 24 and,Ell 25 Half Stephen townline Aux Sauble eon 28 and Wi 27 cone 85.00 Total assesset McGillivray r'dit $ 505.00 e • " len cle 10085 ,00 Total aesessm't mdaillivray 010590,00 newnomommememorrommomanalta.mmon•IMMISIMMANMenroMOOM•••••••••••• sea:memo ASSRSSMtliT Tian Tow:Seim' of WRST WILLIAMs. 6,00 i Value of Con Lot or pt lot a vas knprovnit e 20 N 1/2 20 50 10 " 81/820 50 5 50 . 6 " 25 75 2" Hall Ita(3111iviay townline lot 20 ' and Ot 1/2 41 and El 1/2 25 8 Total assessment on \Vogt liams lands , 22 Total am. ossin'ilt West $ 80,00: ed, snail) tained and kept inr ep lathy the mu- IMIMMTOLT. p down to where it enters and is carried into Rosen qua, andirons that p °jut to the lake b y Bos anq it et, at the expenq e of the lots and roads charged and assessed in Stepnen, Bose:meet MeGilivray and West Williams for the.original construction there- of, and 111 the relative proportion of such charge land ASS essment--eaeh. municipality contributing the aggrega te amount of the minis ellarge2,ble against giande in (and roads of or under the control of that mimicipality, and each municipality payingsout • of the moneys raised frosn the whole /rateable prop- erty the amount fehargeable to rOarls that. . . municipality. -1888- For July -Cheapest SU - gars, cheapest Teas, chea,p- est summer dress goods. For July -Will pay you a . hat the municipal corporation of the better price for Butter and township of Stephen shall let the contracts to independent contractors for said prop osed Eggs than you works as epecifted in tlae reports, plans (in- " can get in cluding peonies, and specifications adopted other places. hereby to the lowest bidder (not exceeding tho ima es), an I. each contractor shall furnish. at least one satisfactory sui ety for For July -You cam get the careful, properandcompleteperformia,nee some low drives in Bot s & (of said work as specified] not later than the First Day of Decernbet,1889, unless otherwise ordered by the Council of Stephen, and that Shoes. Do:n't fail to call Richard Coed is appointed to examine said dnring this month, „work during conetruetion whenever request- ed. b y the municipal carper ation et the town- ship of Stephen and certify the amount thereof from time to time done, and to give oraers on the Council for the value of the work done lees twenty per centurn. nut no such certificate, order or payment shall ex- cuse the COD tractor or surety from complet- ing the workiu strict compliance with said report,plans and specifications as authorized by this by -1%1V. 7. This by-law shall be published in the Weelny Exeter Tietns 110WSpaper 10r four cOntieoUtive weeks previous to the final passing thereof and shall conan into opbea- tion mud take effect on and after the oat° of the final passing thereof. muss/not leRoterY, Cantirc. VALENTINE RITZ, Itinsvn O'rICE 1,10T1013 id linteby gis an that a Conrt of Revision will be lieht in the 'Xowea 1 -hall m tee Villa.ge of terediton .1SIonday, the 3s'a 'ffity of Sapteniber, AD 1888 et the hour of 31 e'cloelt in the forenoon for the ptirpohe of hearing and trying complaints and anima:hi against the a love alteeeement or any pall thereof and. the rates. ble propoteionete me: . neeernent for future innentonemee. of Field r add in the manner , provided by the asseesin t anti Mlinielpal 0515 and ()Mend, reento thereto, andel' eotieett of aim eat shall be served epee the (leek of ,Stopben lectet eight clays prioe to etieb Oeurt, of Rol/felon. AND 11,trawamt Notrion iff hereby, given Met atiyoneiriteliding hi" apply 'to beat& 'the aboVe bss, kW' 0* tillYS part theeeof .gutteheil meet net lateethan ten.daye after the final paesing thereet .serstte netiee 'Weiting upoh tile Reeve' 00- tathee head. oilleet •And Umbe the Clete*, Field townehip of Stephen We are bound to undersell town or vill- age in -sugar this month. R. ODDER' 'BURDOCK A NI D VAlk PA /V /111441411.011) CURS Liver Complaint Dyspepsia, . Biliouenees, Sick Headache Kidney trouble Rhonnatism, Skin Diseases, And all im- purities of the hlood fronewhat ever cause arm - The Great Sliang Medicine PRICE 75 Cts, Pills 31) Itodclovz Little - Liver Very Sniall and EaSy to 'Take. istO OPIIPING. WO brAt7SA. Sold eVer3twhere ; price 25 ets. Union Medicine Uo. Props., Torento, Can. OW SP eclat: le 0, ee permanently restore EX.R AO STED VIT,ALITY, LOST MANEXOOD and 0 ENERAL DERILfalr when other treet- ment falls. Send. 0 cob e in stamps for eur Teen tise dDieectio Pa tot home cure. To- Contre Umnroreln go., 848 SPedina. Ave., To- ' route, that. '11:11=3:reL1L1ZNS '/Nr01,1VI PCYVIDE4)4,:: • .. Are pleasant to take. CMitain their.wn Purgative. Is a s- s•-2,, ettnetuat 1040970; ot wo'rzos in 04i:urea Adult* Everet's Cougl Syrup. CANNOT RE BEATEN. Try it and be covvineed of its wonderful curative propel ties. Pries 25 eta. (Trade Mark,) Try Everest's LIVER REGULATOR, For Diseases of the Liver, Kideeys ce and purifying of the Blood. Price 31. Six bottlee, 85. For sale by all drug- gists. manufactured ouly by G.M. EVEREST, ghemist, Forest PUREST, STRONCEST, BEST, CONTAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, or any injurious ma'teriats. E. W: GILLETT, "Rgiro26°01,1L. Man of the CELE3I1A7SD ROYAL FEAST r! Val CEN TRAL Drug Store A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the raark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at Central Drug Store Exeter., C :16175111.Z. SOO TUBS Butter Wanted J. Matheson, EXETER NORTH,' Qur Stook is Well Assorte FOR TUE SEASON'S TRADE, LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAINED CIROGER,1ES 1 ! 16 lbsAugar $1.00113 lbs. 'white sugar, $8 We can't be undereold in Teas from 20 to 75o. per lb. Boots & Shoes All Styles at Low Prices A. nidely assorted stock of la AL la 12) IN7 AL 19:1. FORKS, SCYTHES anc1 GLASS all sizeS (Cheap.) BeSp lVfachine Oil 60o per Gal. COAL OIL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST Is" A. nide Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, 82.70 A noel snit of ready-ma,de clothing Po 30 Ordered, snits got up in Goc(c1Stirle. Of& 0/#088 Good _are _method down id GoTTON, 20 YARDS POE on DOLLAZ tho Loweot Notch, A Houso and Lot, A180 a Vann. for Sale Apply to JOHN' IVIATITE$S014: ilAV• P, 0,