HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-11-08, Page 2'AGE 4INTON NE.WS�; In the aftermath of the, U.S. election last evening 1 heard .a remark about the American spirit. opening up "this 'con»' tinent." Just a .slip of the tongue probably, but 1 always thought it was the spirit of men like Sir Alexander MacKenzie and Simon.,,. -Fraser who opened up the Western Canadian portion of this continent. And Canada covers a very large "portion" of North America., r�.. + + + Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cummings observed their fortiethwedding anniversary last weekend. They celebrated by taking a trip to Collingwood to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al Davidson' and the Cummings grandchildren Siobhan and Colleen. +++ CORD, THURSDAY, , NOVEMBER 6 , 1980 by peggy gibb Mrs. Peggy Menzies of Isaac Street had the honour . of chairing the. Convention. Committee of the 70th annual meeting of r the Hospital Auxiliaries, Association held at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto from October 26 to 29, 1980, Peggy reports a record turnout of 800 delegates with 710 sitting down to the banquet supper. ++ + The LQBA of Clinton held their meeting on October 28. After the business portion, tickets were drawn and the Winnerswere; _first $25. Ethel Forrest, Hensall; second $15. Frank Forrest, Hensall; third. $1O. Julie Forrest, Hensall. A variety program, followed with contests won by Ethel Forrest and Dora Heard. ON NOVEMBER 10 VOTE BETTY McLEAN FOR 'TUCKERSMITH TOWNSHIP COUNCIL •Member Tuckersmith Twp. ' Day Care Board for 4 years •Past charter president of the Vanastra & District Lioness Club NEW5, 0 a ';F:11!t B/RTN� WISHES A HAPPY BIRTHDAY To On Michael Strickland Clinton November 6 Kathy Rathwell RR 1 Brucefield November 6 Allen Christensen ctinton November 8 Shannon Dill Clinton November 9 Karen UyI Clinton November 9 Hoy Horton _ Scarboro November 10 Christena Stewart Toronto November 12 Lunch closed the evening, +++ "The Royal" is coming CNE Park in Toronto will be hotne,to the 52nd Roy 11 Agricultural Winter Fair' 13.22.. The Royal 1980 ' will featute judging and sales of Canadian and American purebred livestock, daily horse chows,, a world field crop championship, a magnificent' floral show as well as an in- ternational poster contest and agricultural displays.. Director isplays.- Director of Com- munication for the fair, Clive 'Tisdale, says that buyers coxae from around the world to the fair because `'They're in- terested in the high class of .breeding stock Canada has to offer." By far the most ex- citing attraction, apart from the livestock judging and sale, are the horse shows. This year, international equestrian teams will compete daily in matinee and evehing events. With Good Will Teachers help less fortunates . I The Huron -Perth; District 9, Good Will Committee of the. Superannuated Teachers of 'Ontario held their first ,meeting after a luncheon. at Bartliff's :Restaurant,. Clinton. -fon Thursday,, Oct. 30 , Those attending were teachers (who at two: Previous, meetings of District 9) had volun- teered to work on this comniittee. Norma Coutts and Margaret Seaforth police un .. er investigation SEAFORTH - The- quiet internal struggle which has been brewing bet- ween the town's police committee and the Seaforth police force has been put on the back burner after supported a resolution to have the Ontario Police Com- mission (OPC) in- vestigate the local force. Council is asking the OPC to "conduct an in- formal investigation of the Seaforth Police Department concerning morale, discipline and administration of the department as well as the relationship between the police committee and the police department." Councillor Gerald Groothuis, a member of the , ' police committee, noted at the council meeting that the in- vestigation could take up ac to a year before results are known. The commission is currently conducting several similar studies throughout the province. Seaforth Police Chief John Cairns said he was both surprised and pleased by the decision to have the investigation. "I think it's going to be good for the next council corning in," he said. "I felt they (the com- mission) should have come in before now, but I couldn't call them. It's not my place." Chief Cairns is con- cerned at the inclusion of the terms "morale" and "discipline" in the resolution. "We're a very small department," he ex- plained, "and we've got to work together, which is very difficult on the discipline side. I've had no discipline problems. s. Just petty stuff, which the guys were told about." "If I'm wrong; I'll be the first to admit it," added Chief Cairns. "But investigations hurt morale more than anything." BEAVERS SCOUTS ' CUBS NEWS...by Mary Freeman Beavers: Colony A and B: Dragons, Skunks, Cowboys and Clowns just to mention a few, were on hand for anevening of fun at the sharing Hallowe'en ,party of Colonies Aand B. The story of "Hansel and Gretel" was read by Tic Tac and acted out by leaders Bubbles, Rusty, Rainbow, Sugarcube, Hawkeye and Malak. The Beavers were then divided into groups to try their skills in the .Hallowe'en Fun Cor- ners." These consisted of bobbing for apples, pumpkin toss, skeleton throw, pin the eye on the skeleton and Mr. Pum- pkin big mouth. The scariest was for those who dared to enter "The Haunted House' and to share the "Witches Brew". Sugarcube performed our closing ceremony and the 'Beavers a1I'teceived e spook -treat -to take home. A reminder to parents that Beavers marching in the Remembrance Day Parade, Nov. 11 are to be at the Clinton Legion at 9:15 a.m. Cubs: A darkened room, grinning pumpkins and a scary dangling skeleton greeted the cubs as they entered for their Hallowe'en party. Bobbing for 'apples, pin the horn on the devil, singsongs and story - telling combined for a fun -filled evening. Outstanding costumes for the evening were worn by A PLACE FOR KIDS That's Punny J Making up puns is easy. once .oil know how. The trick is simple and unly takes a minute to learn 'i'he rest is up to you. pun k a play on a word.:11ans word, hate more than one meaning. And many .words rht me with ()the!' words or sound like other wordy.:\11 you ha%e to d1 is think of a word that has two meaning or sound,,, like another word. and ' ou hate the raw material to make up a pun The word 'calf' has two meanings On(i' is a hal'* row. and the other is part of a leg. The word 'corn' also has two meanings. ne Is a lie• (•a . < 1tflt 1 is a Cereal ('ows ('at corn and toe, are attached 10 legs. The wane( lion allows for a good pun 'ons('+lis(' who is complaining A144111 .1 ,„re 1 '1$1 on a tar could •a\ i ” 'li the ( 111 on rel} '; • !(; e.t't the (-ur'n on III\ t,►' ' .\r11l I111•''1' %,111 hate a purl ords that ,(,IIr1(1 the same als,, n ,,1,' ;;,1,rd pun. 'Ili'' t,korr1 'I(►n-,r,llrlrl, like the word ice 1 •,ii W1(1 sal 11) the PI. )11 w it 11 sot(' feel. -That's to( ',arl The less, respond with ''hot' thing. - To think (►t puns gnu hale to think of parts of thing, I•'e('t have roans parts, heels. arches" tors. ankles. warts. callouses" skin ret( • 'i,art's it to tn'i"". be c illuus" and -Arc Eno rri arch e,., Art. .111 f( et puns You r;tis make puns up abotlf •iii'.+h►r! 1'iins 'make people lar,i.Th 1.1(1 laut;hiri(, is fll0 il'. feat ( I oronto Sun Features 191iO t) Mackay Fairfield fate Glenn Bowker, David Jones, Bradley Jewitt, Terry Strickland, John Hoskin and Dillon Fremlin. Thanks to mothers for sending refreshments and to Marg Caldwell for helping in the kitchen. A reminder to all Cubs who are marching in the Rem em branc`e Day Parade to be at the Clinton Legion at 9:15 a.m. Scouts: The Scouts enjoyed a fun -filled evening on the 29th of October - as they celebrated with their annual Hallowe'en party. The winner of the prize for best costume was Brian Thomas for his caveman outfit. The meeting closed with a campfire and sing song, and the boyswere reminded that the in- vestiture ceremony for the new Scouts would be held on November 5th. On Monday, November 10 at 7 p.m. at Ontario Street United Church, there will be a parent information night regarding the upcoming Canadian Jamboree in Alberta. At least one parent of each Scout should attend this meeting. Slides and movies of the 1977 Jamboree will be shown and a guest speaker will be available to answer questions. tie Best books for kids The three top Canadian children'? 1u'oks as voted by yogi, the children of the Midwestern Region, have - been announced. The first place winning book is "Jacob Two -Two Meets the Hooded Fang" by Mordecai Richler. The second place book is • "Alligator ' Pie" 'by Dennis Lee. Gordon Korman's book, "This Can't be Happening at Macdonald Hall!" was the third place winner. The young Canadian author, Gordon Korman, will appear on Saturday, November 29, at the Goderich Branch Library • at 10:30 a.m. and at the Clinton Branch Library at 1 p.m. Free admission tickets may be obtained at your local branch library. Mundell, WingIsairn; Gerry O'Brien and Edna Stevens, Goderich; Helen Bryans, Mitchell; Effie Stevenson, Seaforth; and Melda 1VIcElroy, Blyth, Several volunteers, were unable to be present. Mrs, Mary Wightman of Blyth who was ap- pointed chairman of Good Will in 1979, invited as special guest Vic Dinnin of Zurich who is an S.T.Q. senator, and who offered valuable help on getting this important work off to a good start, .. All parts of Huron and part of Perth were divided into ,sections for I. a dx�a,ini.s.tna.tis 1 o._f- E3. ur Good Will. At the end. of the meeting each. teacher present was aware of the territory - towns, villages and townships for which she or he was respon- sible. Mrs. Bryans kindly offered to organize South Perth. Good Will will take' the forni' of visits to private homes, nursinghomes, hospitals, the snding of birthday cards, get well notes; offering a drive to a shopping centre or to church, etc. This should prove to be. a big event in the life Of 'those who possess only limited mobility,, and who, because of physical handicaps, tend to become isolated, lonely people: The biggest duty probably will be to locate superannuated teachers who did not serve in P,.erth---but` who now live in these coun- ties. All residents and teachers by contacting to help one Good the volunteer their assure person Will home that lified is overlooked. qua nearest will not for for STANLEY TOWNSHIP NOVEMBER 10 i" •8 Years experience on — —council- -- *Chairman of the Recreation Committee *Member of the Brucefield United Church REPAIR _Clinton Electric White -Westinghouse 4- -H-trt p <1 -int Appliances Sales and Service APPLIANCE REPAIRS ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE 90 ALBERT ST. 482-3646 APPLIANCE and REFRIGERATION REPAIR -SERVICE Jim Broodfoot 482-7032 • Lloyd Garland : m: : FURNITURE REFINISHING : • AND UPHOLSTERY Corner 5th Avenue and Halifax St., Vanastra : Phone 482-9576 • Quotable Love is an overworked word for an unemployed emotion. -Author unknown. ' PIANO TUNING • Repairs • Rebuilding • Keys Recovered • Dampp-Chasers BRUCE PULSIFER 348-9223 Mitchell INSURANCE GAISER-KNEALE INSURANCE AGENCY INC. Insurance -Real Estate Investments Isaac St„ Clinton Phone Office 482-9747 Len Theedom 482-7994 Hal Hartley 482-3693 C. Buruma 482-3287 JOHN WISE GENERAL INSURANCE - GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS Clinton Office: 482-9644 Res.: 482-7265 OPTOMETRY JOHN LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth 527-1240 Monday, Tuesday, ' Thursday,,,Friday 9:00 - 5:30 Saturday 9:00 - 12:00 noon Closed Wednesdays BY APPOINTMENT Free parking on premises R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square, GODERICH 524-7661 EL INJECTION EQUIPME ELECTRIC 3 �ltkt� eec+rrc lir .04 sieve' • ECONOMY • QUALITY • SERVICE "Big jobs or small, we guarantee them all." 482-7374-"' or 482-9030 - CLINTON DECORATING eco'ratln9 tc�. 33 Huron St, --Clinton Box 337, Clinton NOM 1L0 482-9542 529-7939 Paints, Stains, Min Wax products, Wall coverings, Draperies, Floor Sanding, Texturing Interior 8 Exterior Contracting FREE EST4MATES TRAVEL THE COACH HOUSE TRAVEL SERVICE 59 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH 524-8366 oPENt ACCOUNTING TRI TOWN BOOKKEEPING AND COMPUTER SERVICE Complete Business Ser- vice - quarterly, half - yearly, yearly. Also Form and Individual Service. LAWRENCE BEANE ROBERT PALING 52 Huron St., Clinton PHONE 482-3524 MacGiIIivray Associates (Goderich) Limited ELECTRONIC DATA • PROCESSING AND COMPUTER SERVICES In-house computer providing cash disbursements ledger. cash receipts ledger, accounts receivable, financial statemen- ts, time and charges and specialised reports. 40 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524-2677 People Read' Classified e,. TAKE A CIDSER LOOK AT YOUR BOI4RD OF EDUCATION • 1111/1„1'111?/ (1'( 1 10111 aho71! P(lll( anon a1•' math, 111 I „ 111 r /('r fr'r/ „ /+„11/ /o 111(1 • 111'1 t/)(•,1(/11 1(1 of Mont, C, and Ill(01 (h'( /sr,)77s ( (111 hr//) 111 /11111 , /1nl,/r('I1. • I/1(' 111011 11111)01'ltllil (lel ►sten It 11(1 1t 11/ N. 1111 that %,/,‘,,,//,,,,/,f/ 71 ,)made /11 '1 e, t (/IsisiI/'/' toter. • /n !h' ,/)as,, almost three-quarters 0f these 1 r,((r\ (ler !aril 111c1 (lido 1 (1111• 711(1 (11(11101 vole • 11710 l\ lo/i1' time of (lee ision. Tlie s( /tool hoar(/ 1 1,11 ('/1'r 1 100, „,/l l4' el1/l'll't('l/ It 11/7 1/1(' education ‘i s1'111 111 1 nlll t 1;mim111111 1„1 /111' ,+ t , /lt o 1('ars You can't a/10'(1 not 10 car'. VOTE ON NOVEMBER 10 AREA CODE 519 482-7971 BAYFIELD ROAD Ssc,c_(Ar,r_,ry OF DIESEL SPECiAUSTS P.O, BOX 788 CLINTON, ONTARIO NOM.1 L0 TELEVISION AND STEREO )ETES 215 VICTORIA ST. CLINTON 482-7021 MAGNAVOX-PHILIPS-SHARP-OPTONICA • Colour Tat and Audio Components Sales and Service CHANNEL MASTER—DELHI T.V. & F.M•'Antenna Systems GROVES T.V. AND APPLIANCE CENTRE 10 HURON ST., CLINTON * ADMIRAL Appliances *SHARP T.V. and Microwave Oliens *JENN-AIR Bui'it-in Cooking Systems * R.C.A. 482-9414 *McCLARY , • Laundry and Built-in Appliances * CHANNEL -MASTER AND DELHI Antenna Systems "We *orifice what wo soli” 9:00 - 5:30 Closed Saturdays during June, July, Aug. FULLY APPOINTED FOR BUSINESS OR PLEASURE TRAVEL in the CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Classified Ads - 482-344.3 PHOTOGRAPHY James Fitzgerald Photography Clinton • 10 years experience / • Weddings, passports • Family portraits in your home 482-9502 or 482-3890 HEATING/ELECTRIC HAROLD WISE LTD. *Eelctrical Contractor *Gain Keating or AL1 -Electric Hooting *All Combination Furnaces - including the new wood and electric combination. *York Heat Pumps - all electric or add-on *Discount Plumbing •* Visit our Appliance Centre for Inglis and General Ela(. tric Appliances *Sales and Service 262 BAYFIELD RD>; CLINTON 41124042