HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-8-9, Page 1,puAcricAti
Watcla-Xaker & Jeweller
For the Finest Steck and Cheepeet
Goode to he found in Ontario eall en
el atoll -utak
Vino Assoet
veneer°. Ile
ell kinds
setisfa °tee
work sent to
hut all exe outed Iia
own establishment, under bes personal super-
vision.- •
Spectacles of all sizes to suit all sights.
,A. triaijsolioitcd.
C lturChENBACer.
er, jeweller
Parkeill. A
meet of ell -
pairing e of
promptly &
done, ego
the eitice,
DIOKSOIN, Barrister, Soli,-
' -4 • oitor of Supreme Court,NotaryPnblic
Conveyaneer COIMILISSMIleT, sm. Money to
gine° in Vanson's Block, Exerer ,
11.1,IL ootaLIN s,
Barrister Solicitor Conveyancer Eto
OfeceSamwe11e3131ock nail field office./
Solicitor the Supreme Court of Ontario,
wave yenta er, (totem, einonori &c., &e. Special
attention given to the collection of claims in
the United States! Patents procured, money
to loan at lowest rates. Otlice °Perla lliouse
Block, St, Marys, On.
• ,Jarristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Conveyancers &c,
talYfoney to Loan at Lowest Rates of
0 PrifeE OVe7
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
Samwell's Block, Main-st, Exeter,
Extracts Teeth withontpain,
by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
and- all other dental
work the best possible. Goes
to ZURICH on last Thursday in
each month:
.1:JU'EZ ID • M•
44.-) • Ofeceet hiereeidence Exeter
• P. Et ,GraduateViotoelaUniversity.Office
endlresidence,DomizionLeboratox v. Exe ter
1)R. HYNDMAN, coroner for the
County of Huron. OtlIce, opposite Mr.
. Carling's store, Exeter.
TAR. J. A. ROLI.J-No, M.O. 2.8
-KJ 0. Office, Main Saixeter,Ont.Besiden
oe houserecently occupied by P. McPhillips,
• T_TENRY EILBER, Licensed Auo-
-1 tioneer for Hay, Stephen, and McGilli-
rraY:Townehips: Sales oroduetcd at moderate
:ates. Office—At Post-oface,orediton,Ont
JOEIN GILL, Auctioneer for ,the
Townships of Stephen, Hay itud•teeborne
and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arrauged at this °Mee.
Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary Collego.
Orman : One ewer South of Town Han,
Per cent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best
Loaning Companies repreeented.
Barrister, Exeter,
Established in 1863.
This comeanv has been over Eighteen
years insuecessfei operetion in Western on-
tarfonndeontinuee to insure againstloss or
damage by re,Builgs,Morchandise,tYOtb3l-
ufeotories,and all other de actription Roflinsur-
able pet:meaty. Intending insurers have the
• option of insuring on tt.e Premium. Note or
Cash System.
During the past ten years this Company
has issued 57,006 Policies, covering property.
• to thearacrunt of :840,872,038 ; and. paid inloss-
ea a1one$709,752,60
AssetS, 351/6,100.00, consisting of Cash
2.1 Bank, GovernmentD op osit ,an. d the unass-
eased Premiurellotes on handaud in force. J,
W WaTionw lf D. Presider. t. 0. M. TAYLOR,
• S e oretary. Jett . iTt�rn,s,tntoetor . CHAS.
NULL Agentfor Exeter andVicinitv ,
The Great English Prescription.
A successful Medicine used -over
poi so years in thousands of cases.
OUTOS Sp ermatorrhect, Nervous
TV ealenesq, Emissions, Impotency •
and all diseases caused by abuse.
P teeronet indiscretion, or over-exertion. revezal
packages Guaranteed to Curetehen all others
Pea Ask your iruggist for Tee nreet English
Prescription, take no subetitute, ' One package
$1. Six $5, by mali, 'Write for Pamphlet, Addrees
leureka Chemical Co., Detroit, Mitch.
Barber Shop,
A. Hastings, Prop.
Shaving and Hair cutting jn that fittest stylee
of the eat.
Eveeyettentien paid to cuttitag
Ladies and Children's Hair.
A, GALL sal -imam)
Pubiishler hand Proplieturs
General Store
The unaersianed would inform the pu
lie that he bile just received his
A full line of Dry -Geode, Hats & Caps, and
Crockery, Boots and Shims.
Theee wisning anything in my hne will
find it to their advantage to oall and in
f3pect niy geode and prices.
Highest prices paid for But-
ter and Eggs and all
kinds of produce.
•Zr. P. Ross.
To Let.
Apply to the undersigned.
June14.— CABLING.
For Sale.
Three first-class farms -100 acres eaoh—Lon.
don Bead, within one mile of Exeter.
Solicitors, &c., Exeter.
For Sale.
A good farm for sale on easy terms
lot 32 eon 2, township of Ushorne, 100 acres,
geed buildings and fences, wellunderdrained
convenient to churches and school. Apply
to Elliot Sc Elliot, barristers, or John T rick,
Farm for Sale.
Ninety mores, being lot 6, con. 4, in the town-
ship of Stephen, six miles, from Exeter. 80
acres °leered ; balance in bush. Soil is first-
class. Goodbrick house, two barns, oroharcl,
two wells an& eerie gs. Well fenced and everee
thing bandy. Will be sold cheaelv Apple on
the premises.
June 14. • OREDITON, P. 0,
dereigned offers for, sale his farm,
being lot 14. con, 5, township of Usborne,
two miles aud a halt from Exeter,100 acres,
about 85 acres cleared and. in first class state
of oultivation, the remainder bush, in which
there i s some very Valuable oak and black
ash rail timber; the _farm is also well fenced
and drained; there ».re poi tbe netentbies,
t.first elasebrickAffrelling, house; with- Bret
class cellars, two good barns; two never
failing springs and one firet 010 00 orchard.
Forparticulars apply on the preraises, to
Exeter p, 0. Ont.
rro the Deaf.—A person cured of
Deafness andnoieee in the head of 23
years sta,nding, by a. eimple remedy. Win send
a description of it FREE to any one applying to
NxooLsoN .30 St. john -St. , Montreal.
Co nsti pat ion
Removed by
seltzer A portent.
, Sold by Tarrant &Co.,BT.Y.,
and Druggists everywhere.
13y Our Own CorrespondVirtr"
Elimvi- ' Ile. '
- --
13nrers.—Last,Wednesclay afternoon Mr.
Eli Coultioe hitched a horse into the selity
rake with the intention of raking bat the
rake ran against the horse, which eirused
it to kick, striking Mr. Coultice anceobroak-
aegelais leg below the kneea—eaterraVilliarn
Miners 'Itiffeeon--the--exwiffilou train. for
Manitoba on Tuesday, his destination being '
some thirty miles north of Virden, where
he has secured work at his trade. Mr.
Miners' object in going is to see the coun-
try for himself with the objeot of settling
there if he likes the oeuratey well enough,—
Rev, E. Medd, aseietant-pastor of Elimville
circuit some four years ago, will preaola at
the Elineville appointment next Sunday
KJ aged. Berksbire sow from the promisee
on Monday, 28rd of July. Any information
leading to her recovery will be suitably re-
warded. ' WM. SANDERS,
• Lot 16, con 3, Stephen
Bunn Pttmil ioris
The subscriber would respectfully announce
to the public that he has now oo hand a large
stock of the various kinds of wooden pumps;
and that he has added facilities,by which he
can supply ordered work on the very shortest
notice. •. .
Well -digging contracted for a moderate
rates, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed.
A call solicited.
Exeter, July,1888. Huron Street.
ROBBIERT.—Tuesday night or early Wed-
nesday morning a burglar entered Mr.
Weismiller's store in Kippen through the
glass in the front door. About 2 o'clock
he was noticecl walking about the store
with lamp in band, by Weismiller's son,
who at once informed this father of what
was going on. Mr, Weismilleri with gun iii
hand visited his store and found matters
as described. Be took direct aim the
charge lodging in the robber's side. The
fellow remained inaideator a time and fin.
ally madea dash through the front door
passing, several who had come to capture
him, they remaining dumbfounded. He fell
twice from exhaustion and lose of blood,
bat escaped with upwards of $2,00 worth of
jewelry and a bad woond in his side from
which tee bled profusely; and which allow-
ed his being tracked for several miles. As
we go to press he has not been captured.
The direct ratite between the West and .11
points otkthe lotver $t. Lawrence and Baia
cle Chaleur, Province of Quebec, also for
New 13runswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward
e,ed. Cape Bretoe Islands, Newfoundland and
St. norm.
All the popular StImMor Pea bathing and
fishing regorts aro along thie line.
New end megient Buffet Sleeping, audDay
Cars run on through Express trains, be-
tween Montreal, Halifax and St. Sohn.
Canadian European Mail and
raSseu o'er ROnte.
PassengersfortGreat Britain or ihe Conti.
trent by leaving Montreal 011 Thursday, will
loin Outward rOmil steamer et RiMoualci
the same evening.
The attention of Si-tippet:a 19 clilidOtOti to
the romerior facilities censeed by Mile Tout°
for transpoet of Roue and geneval beerchan-
dize intended for the alestern Proviucee and
Newfoundland, also for tenements of green
and produce intended foe tho Dueopean
meek ti
Tickets maybe obtalued and all inform a-
tien about the rOnte,frtliglat and pfteeenger
rates o& aeplieatien to
Westornkroight&i?aoson5ei' Agop• t
eelereseinllonse 'Block ,Yeric 8 t. Toronto
P 0 et TIN
Chloe feepeeinteedent,
Railwey Office, Moncton, B, lettroh!q3, '88
Tfte Tneeft can be got fur the gbalance of
year for 40o.
Muss Walker of Detroit who has been the
guest of Miss Fee, Goshen Line, for the
past five weeks returned home on Monday.
We were favored with a most terrifio
ram storm last Friday night accompanied
by thunder and lightning. A few tele-
graph poles were slightly damaged a short
distance east of here. A quantity of grain
was beaten down but not damaged.
• De not forget the monster excursion to
Sarnia on Friday 17th inst, under Masonic
auspices, this will be the pleasure excursion
of toe aeaspn only 01.00 return ticket from
Hensall Do not foget the day. See bills
and posters for particulars.
Beintrs.e-Miss Norsworthy of Hanover
is the .gtin etiF Mise Zettie Zeller.—Misse
Lippert, vrho has been visiting her brother,
Mr. Will Magel, Mich., is home again.—
Mr. Bob. Steinbaeli returned from Grims-
by Park on Saturday evg, last,
A SENS113LE MOVE. -111.r. Fred Hess ex-
tends a cordial invitation to the rate -pay.
ere of Zurich, for the purpose of considering
the advisability of securing fire protection;
the meeting to be held in the town ball on
Friday evening next, 10th inst, it is to be
hoped that ,Mr. Hess' efforts will be sue-
ceseful, let all those who have property at
stake turn out, and consider the matter in
real earnest, everybody is welcome, your
ideas are wanted, the town is greatly in
• need of fire protectioft so do not let the
matter drop.
Stephen, Council.
Council met August 610. All the mem-
bers present. Minutes of last meeting
read and signed. Moved by fl Eilber, sec
by J Slaerritt that B Brown be permitted
to put weigh Bailee on road allowance if it
don't interfere with travel. Moved by H
Eilber sec by D French that lty-leev toe
constructing G B out and dredging river
Aux Savble according to engineer's report
be provisiotally passed; and that the clerk
personally serve the reeves of McGillivray,
Bosanquet and W Williams with the nem
essar,y papers, flied that said by-law be
published in the Exeateu films,
Moved by 0 Eilber seo G ,T Sherritt that
debentures be issued to the amount of
$300 in favor of school section No 4, as
per requeet and that a by-law be drafted
for same.
The following are to be the rates for this
year, ceunty 2 mills, townehip 3 mille,
sinking fund e and the necessary school
Reeve to see what arrangement he can
make with reeve of McGillivray regarding
drainage 5 B.
Resolved that after passing the following
orders the council adjourn to meet again
lat Monday in September when the coun-
cil will sit as a court of Revision on Grand
Bend cut affair :—Star pt printing, $28.24
W Ryan $6; J Lawson 03; J Baxter $16;
Id Winer 1,2.10; G Morlock $1.50; T Kaye
El Emery, §23.20; F Hicks Pa; J
Trevethick, $1; le Handfeed $7-50; 0 Mc-
Donald $2.25; W Rowe g2.50; A McCor-
mick $13; Charity 446; P McGregor $5; L
Kroft $37.25; P. Walker $2.50; J Sharrob;
$0; Interest $825.75; W Thompson, $4.15.
Oran -ton.
Bennis.—Mr. J. C. McLaughlin, teacher
is spending a few clays eith his friends at
the hill. --Mr. D. Crosay visite out ball
grimed regularly. Davieeis well tip on
the diamond.—Mr, Middleton has
purchased the thietle and wild out crop
which hes been allowed to grow on the time
tracks—The proprietors of the Grattan
weigh scales have had them covered, to
prevent the snow and ice from collecting,
which, in the winter menthe, frequently
neceseitated the guessing of the weight of
hay, --The fall fair will be beta on Sopt 13.
The clirentors aro working bard to Make it
succeee, es they have a fair greend eacond
to none 10 Western Ontario, and the pelmets
it the various eleaties Worth competing los.
—A betereetbeg gaiee aline hall was play-
ed on tho ball grooncle on Saturday even.
ing, between two chile; eaptfuted by W.
Grant and C. Dorom. The ecore good V
to 28 its favor of Grant Ivit. T, Webb was
the only pleyer who scored a ren every time
he went tO bat. "rho reserved seats were
crowded and all seemed to enjoy them-
selves, at the fifth innings was Played re-
markably wele'scoring a goose -egg (0) for
eaoh.—We are soder to say that uur leave-
d friend; Mr. Mowbray, met with what
ight hay() been a serious acoieent, the
her day. It appeers that the squire was
e gaged with his son Ralph 13, drawing in
ain, and when climbing into the mow the
ieoe of tinaber he had hold of gave way,
itead he fell to the floor,. glight/Y injuring
is knee, but under mechoel attendance he
soon be as game as ever.—Mr, James
German has sold big property to Mr, A,
• Brown, of Prospect Hill, who intends cater-
ing to those reqtfiring the services of a
blacksmith. Andy is well up in his lanai.
nese, modally the shoeing line. and as the
A.g'l Society purpose giving the sporting
public a chance in the • show ring this fall
they can have their plates und weights
conveniently attended to.
Peesottere--/vIessrs Davis and Fisher of
Exeter are the guests of Mrs. J. W Grant.
--Mrs. 5. Wood is on a abort visit to
friends in Delawarce—Miss Fried et Dash.
wood was in town on Sunday last and
called on some of her many friends here.--
IVIiss Hawkins is spending a few days in
Boxers.—The school house is being re-
painted and somewhat repaired. It needed
11 badly.—The council met in the town
hall on Monday last and dispensed with
considerable municipal work.—Flax pulling
is over and. the manufacturers are busy
preparing their mills for threshing.—The
carpenters and Lumens of this village are at
present very busy erecting buildings in the
neighborhood.—We are glad to notice the
arrival at Glasgow of the steamer, "State
of Nebreska" on which Mr. C. Zwilter of
this place sailed.
On Thursdey last Mr Ang. Ewald, jr.,
met with a very painful accident which will
confine him for some time to his house.
Mr. Ewald is engagedin the capacity of
cartereen Mr. John Kerr's brickyard, and
while picking clay in the pit, the bank,
unnoticed to him, oaved in, and fell on
him. It struck him from the side, scrap-
ing his shoulder .and side and breaking his
leg. He was at once removed to his home
when Dr. Anaes was °ailed in, who attend-
ed; hint mid set the fractured limb in a
Most satisfactory manner. Mr. Ewald is
progreseing nieely but as above stated will
be confined to his house for sometime, and
will not be able to labor for about three
SHARPER AGAIN. -000 of the boldest
tricks ever perpetrated in this neighbor -
hoed was executed last week in which a
retired , tarmareas the ,vietini . A man
giving his name aa Johnsion," stopped at
Clarke's hotel and represented himself as
being a cattle buyer „in the employ of tfr.
McLean of Stanley; he said that he had
been out to Shipka buying cattle from one
McGregor and. in order to buy' the cattle he
had to buy a flock of sheet) as Mr. Mc-
Gregor wmild not sell unlesehe bought the
whole lot, He said that he had bought
the cattle cheap and so could afford to give
a man a bargain on the sheep as he could
not be bothered taking them home. His
story appeared plausible enough, as he also
seemed to be well acquainted in the town-
ship of Stanley. *Mr. Win. Oceikwill, sr.,
who.was present at the time thought that,
if what Johnson Said WAS right, he would
buy the lot as his son wanted. some lambs,
and he would keep the rest and sell them
for market. He went with 'Johnston to
look at the sheep which were left in a field
on Mr. Wm. Sanders' farm, and found a
gem' flock of sheep, twelve in all, (eight of
them lambs), which he bought for thirty
three dollars. He paid Johnston the
money and Mr. Oockwill removed the
sheep next morning to his eon's farm.
We suppose the fraud would not have been
discovered had it not been for Mr. Wm.
Sanders who (after his boy telling hire that
a man had asked hitn to let him put the
sheep in the field over night and that he
had come from east with them) suspected
them to have been got in an illegitimate
way as be reasons, that as the markets are
along the railway lines the drovers would
consequently drive them east at least in
passing Ido farm. Johnston told his boys
that he had bought the sheep in Ma Gilli-
vray and that ha was going lancet there
again which also excited tar. Sanders' sus-
picion. He (Sanders) came down to
Crichton next day and toldlhe story John-
son told him. Mr. Clarke then told San-
ders what Johnston had said in Credit=
and as the two stories eonflicted they
thought it best to inform Mr. Cookwill
which they did at once. Mr. Cockevill
drove to Mr. MeGregors and discovered
that he had sold neither cattle nor sheep
and concluded that he had been duped.
On Monday Mr. Box and Mr, Sanders of
the 4th eon, having heard. of tbe matter,
visited Itti, Cockwillet farm and succeeded
in identifying four ee belonging to them.
Mr. Cookwill willingly surrendered them'
as he was convinced of the teuth. We
suppose the balance of the flock will be
claimed in a few dayes 11 1.9 evident that
Johnson having seen the sheep on the road
drove them to Seeder's farm and came to
Orediton to sell them, Johnstoo Ma stout
and well built man appearing to be about
35 co 40 yeats of age, weare a heavy mous-
tache of a medium brown color and bas,
we understand. lost several fingers from
one of his lured; • he was not dreseed very
good. Anyone wo den give information
to his whereaboute wiIF rionfer a favor by
hiformhig the postmaster at Oredikon.
Bniera,—We are Berry to report the
serious illness of Mr. W. Stoop, ite old
and respected resident of this vicinity.—
Mr. F. 'Brown, of Wingham, paid his broth-
er Wmof this place a visit during the oast
week.—Joshua Dom)°, line of Stratford
Commercial Ooll., has crossed the river into
Uncle Sam's donamus, Success, Joshna !
--Arrangements are under way for the
opening of the new Meth church about the
1st of November. The building is rapidly
nearing ooinpletion, .under the able InaPee-
torship of Dlr. A. 4. Doupe.—Miss Somer.
villele visiting friends in Mitchell. --The
lightning that accompanied the terrific
thunderstorm of Friday last did. oonelder-
able damage in this vicinity. Mr. Joseph
Bryan's cow was struck by the electric cur-
rent, also a colt belonging to Mr. James
Kemp, both animals being instantly killed,
Other minor causalities also took plaoe.-
-Mr. G. L. Money and MSG are away
painting Dee new Catholic ehureh at Offa.—
An agent for ear trurapetswould find ready
and extensive sale in our village atpreeent.
—Mr, Sam Brown has commenced building
a brick house on Orange Avenue.—Honeet
Jim has sent back word to have ins praties
hoed at once. ---The sacrament ot the Holy
Eucharist will be administered, (D V) in
St Paul's Episcopal °hotel on. Sunday
next. --It is our and and painful airy to re-
cord the death of Mrs. John Lane, which
took place on Thursday last. A large con-
course of people followed_ the remains of the
deceased to their last ratting place in Kirk.
ton cemetery on Friday afternoon., The
sorrowing family have the extended sym-
pathy of the surrounding community.—
Bovines still ignore the by-law concerning
tbem in the cow by -leers of the Township of
Blanslaard. Thee respected citizens are to
be found day and night traversing the
streets or ineasuriug plank, much 'to the
annoyance of this sublunary sphere- eliy
the by, our sidewalks are in need of a little
repairing, and money and material being
on hand for tbat purpoee we would like to
see the committee exercise a lttle yigilanee
and attend to the work at once, in order
that a little beneat may be derived from
them during the present season before win-
ter sets in.—The Misses Starlet, dress-
melrers, are away on a visit to friends.—
Master Hall, of Torentoeis visiting at Mr.
J, McCurdy, , J. P.
11 ay.
Cone= aleentice—Counoil met on
Wednesday, Aug. 1st. All the members
present. Mantes of the Court of Revitsion
and preeious meeting read arid clegned.
Moved by A. Mellwen, secondea bet Mr.
Heyrook that the Collector be req deed to
deposit with the Reeve on or before the
25th of September his bond, with appved
securities to the amount of ga,000, as a
guarantee of the faithful performance' of
his dutiee. A circular of theProvincial Lund
Surveyor's Association was laid before the
oouncil for consideration. After a somewhat
lengthened and. critical examination of the
document it was naoved by G. IfeEwen,
seconded by Mr. Hess, that this commit
approve and recommend the changes and
amendments to the Ditches and Water-
courses Act of 1883, aa set forth in the
circular of the P L 5 Association of On-
tario, and that the Clerk forward a ocipy of
this resolution to H. B. Proudfoot, P L 3,
Clinton. The Reeve was instructed to give
an order meth° Treasurerto N. Meese, item-
MiSeiener ou Centre leoacl for work done
• under his supervision. Moved by Mr. Hees
see by Mr. G. Ewen that the sum of $3471-
48 be levied. on. the rateable property of the
township by rt. rate of 2 mills on the 6, for
county purp`ories and legislative eohool
equiyalent. $1850 by a ra,te of one null on
the 0, for township purposes, and for school
purposes, as followte.-5 5 No 2, $475 ; No
3, $050 ; No 4, 8400 ; No 5, 8300 ; No 6,
6270 : No 7, $1000 ; No 8, 6350 ; No 10,
$800 ; No 11, 819 6 ; No 12, $300. The
sum of $25 was granted to iaiprove the
road on cote 14, oppostte lot 17---ancl to be
spent under the supervision of Mr. Hey -
rook The following occounts were passed:
—J. Lentz, work on ditch, 6 ; P &emote -
ler pipe drain 82 ; D Sachs, 2 pipe culverts
$3.50 ; Wagner'commission on S B
576 ; S. Broderick do $100.13 ; J Troyer,
do on Centre Road, 8202.20; 11. Carlisle do
$232.85 ; J F Sohuettler, do $205.77 ; H.
Gees, do on N B, 98103.68; 11 Rupp, team.
ing lumber, $17.75 ; 0 Smith, making road
$12 ; P Bradley, opening ditch 83.50 ;
Mitchell do 9814; R Bell, lumber 8100 ;
Lipphardt makingelrain, 98L,87; G Dinomy
gravel 984.80. A Meese do 84.98 • T Vine
do 985.40; H Cook do $4 74 ; W Ilayrock,
work on culvert and damage to plow 82.50;
The council the adjourned to meet on Sat-
urday, Oct. 27th, at 10 a. m.
TO silt remote:
Please inform your readers that I have a
pOsitive remedy foe the Ahoy°, named die -
ewe By its timely use thousamis of
hopeless ()aged have been permanently
cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles
of my rethode erten te any of your readero
who have coneuteptiofl if they evill send
roe their Express and I'. 0, eddreste '
liespeotfullyi Dn, T. ,A,. SLOCUM,
Toronto, Ont. * 37 Yonge greet,
Captain John' H. Strain, of Rockville, letc1
died on 1VIonday bight, aged 70, lie wee
in the Santa Fe expedition.
as FOR AUGUST. "The Battlefiela of Get-
tysburg: Its Memories and Memorials" is
MOSt interestingly treated in the POPULAR
blONTIILY for August. The famous points
of the great battle, the vieits paid to it by
the commanders and by offiners and eoldrere
of both armies, the monuments that now
mark the groan& where regiments held
their own under a withering fire—all these
come before the reader vividly, "Overtthe
Tete -Noire" takes us to Alpha° iravele'end
wllnitorost all na a land that cannot
be to well described, or pictured. "The
Spice Trade of New York" ie an illustration
of hew "many a mickle makes a muckle."
Few 'cyanid saspeet the amottet annually
invested in these trifles of the kitchen, or
bow the world is circled to get them, Our
youbg baeo will be more interested in single
hama vesting, the managerneut of sailing
°reit that one person can with a little AEI
direct, in fair Weethet or foul, snealoboats,
aseme-yawle, cruisers, etc. A Aotola of
Houdon, the !sculptor, of the beet statue of
Washington,. makes 'known an artist of
Mote than ordinary merit, "010 thine
taides floaddresses and Mufflers" will give
suggeetous at loaet to lady friends. "Life
in Pompeii" is depicted by pen au pencil.
"Striking a Lighe," "Lightning Photo-
erophecl," Stetiee, Adveutares, a,nd a tone
tberiatioft p1 Clarence M Boutelle's absorb-
ing novel,' "The GINVE1 Between Them,"
make up a Mose fetreetive and seasonable
member to wbile away many a pleasant
• hour and give topics of conversation.
the IVIolsons Bank
(0 Ef ARTEItell) Dr PA 3LIA1010iN'I',185)
Paid 07 (menial
20 bene effieee ie. the Dominion. Agencies
in the Dominion, U.S.A. and EirroPe•
Exeter Bremen,
Open every lawful day, fom10 a, m. to a re In.
SATURDAYS, 10 an, to 1p.m,
3 Per Omit. per mown allowed for money 00
Deposit Receipts and Savings Dank.
occurrences of the Vast. week Through
out the Neighborhood in 0 Concise
The exise collections in Stratford
division for Jely were $5,032.19
Everest's Cough Syrup is the beet in
the eoun try. --Duncan 'Purse'', Forest.
Nomination day in Helton is fixed
for the 15 of August and polling for
the 22nd. The returning officer is
Mr. Solomon.
Workmen are engaged tearing down
the Dart of the building owned by
Messrs. .3. 0. and R. T. Gilpin, left by
the recent fire and a new oue vvill be
erected on the site forthwith,
had tried many doctors and was
given up by them as far gone into
consumption. but was permanently
cured by using Everests Clough Syrup.
—Jas. Simpson, Aberarder.
Mr. Woods, one of the oldest and
most respected gentlfroan in the
nounty of Perth, will be 88 years old
to -morrow. He is hale and hearty.
Mr. Woods was Postmaster in Mitchell
for narty years.
Mr. Wm. Hastings of 71h con alb-
bert, got bis right leg badly smashed
at a raising on Thursday, the 26 nit.
A log rolled on him break;ng both
bones of the leg a few inches above
the ankle and forcing the ends of the
bones trough, the skin.
St. Marys' Journal.—"A writ issued
by Messrs. Meredith & Meredith, of
London, at tne instance of Mrs, Bertha
Henry, of this town has been served
upon Mr. R. T. Gilpin, also of this
glace, claiming reparation for alleged
slander and defamation of character!'
A sad &owing accident occurred in
the &mese, a few nines west of Park-
hill, on Sunday last. A young lad of
about 13 years of age, named Foust,.
bad rowed his sister across the river,
and on the return trip, when he was
alone, be managed to upset the craft
in some shape and was drowned.
A little child narrowly escaped
drowning at Mr. A. Wilsonrs, North
Main-st,, Parkhill, a few days ago.
The little one accidentally fell' into
the cistern . Before assistance reached
it the child had Sunk the second time
and was finally taken out in an un-
conscious condition. Medical aid was
at once called, land the little one is
now fully recovered.
We this week publish a very heavy
by-law for the township of Stephen,
which compel the holding pack of con-
siderable correspondence aud other
news. This occurs only once in a great
many years and our readers, we feel
assured will overlook the lack of our
usual well filled columns of crisp read-
ing matter, for a short time.
' A St. Marys' 'deputation had an 'in-
terview with Mr. Joseph llickson,
General Manager of the Grand Trunk
Railway, recently, at which everything
was arranged in a most satisfactory
manner for the removal of freight
sheds from the main line to the switch
station, and to have St. Marys placed
in the same group as London with re-
rgaatreds.toin-coming and eut_geing freight
“Everest,s Extract of Wild Black-
berry never fails to cure diarrhoea,
dysentery, &c."—the statements of
scores who have tried it. 25e per bot
or sale by all druggists.
• The result of the entrance examina-
tion in Huron County is as follows
At Goderich, Exeter and Dungannon,
there were 113 candidates, out of
which 42 passed, and 15 were recom-
mended; at Seaforth, 79 candtdates,
37 of which passed and seven recom-
mended, there were 63 at Clinton, of
whom 83 passed and *even recommen-
ded; Wingham, there were 59' candi-
datee, 29 of wbom passed and 10 were
At Thamesford, on Friday, Allan
Downhara appeared before a bench
of magistrates on a charge of watering
01 the milk which he sold to custom -
erg. A numbo of witnesses were
sworn, and one of them the defen-
dant's tilted boy testified to having
given the cows salt the day previous
to the alleged watering of the milk
and that the cows had on that day
drunk an unusual quantity of water,
at least one tank full more than usual.
Judgement was reeereed for a week,
A game of cricket was played on
the baseball grounds in Ailsa Craig
the other day between Parkhill and
Ailsa Craig clubs. Oonsidering that
the Ailsa Oraigs have orily been play-
ing cricket for about tvvo weeks, and
that only two of their players know
anything of the game, their score Is -
remarkably good .—Ailsa Craig, 64,
30-100; Parkhill, 69, 62-131. A re-
trun match will soon be played in
Six years ago Windt:tot Goedon lett
the vicinity of Woodstock to become
a resident of Dakota. He enrol:lased
a large quantity ef lend in that State
and entered into farming ote an exten-
sive scale, For two or three years, he
Said, he did Well, raising good crops-
then a change took place for the wor8e
and his worldly prospeot narrowed and
gefeW dilek, as crop after crelp from
one reason and another failed. Re
morgaged his real and pereonel estate,
and left it to liquidate hie liabilities.
He reports that Most of the property ,
in the State is under morgage, and
that the money lender, 'with his two
per cent. per month) alone fiouriellea
in that blizzardous andriarched region,