HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-8-2, Page 8illsuBAxen. 4-41 1N ST t4:-.LIATOT,, A,CrEN T FOE a '4 WIL STRAIT ASS U BAN CB COM. 1,41.NY, of Toronto ;, also ior PHO4NIX. F.11•111 1/481.TRAN0F.4coanalary, or LOW0011., •Bugland, the ROV:AL • 0 A NAD1A.N, ot Molt - treat, ay. a t;he L.I.JeS AS ItA NOM() t'ANY, of tionclon established 16i7. A.saets over $3,000,000; and bouuset orer $1°,°0°.°Qat f4. ATRIVS.,;---717c e.itail,behappy tore: .:..;tive at 411 time, from aa# part ttf Me. count.haems gf ioaaf sua/14 4e 00' eiclaikt,yr airy iatereeiiAg taxi:deft ever, frOnt'atql of our. $1.65soraers or rea4- ers odoerallg for the parpose af,publie atiOn. iIJ ti ghtf#0:, -"ill-U-Peka-Y, ATI-C-87ST 2il.r.1-1088-.-- LOCAL HAPPENINGS. I'm Undersigned would announce to the public that he has now on hand one of the best assorted stocks of harness, boots and. shoos, ch. in town, and. would call special attention to bis Scoteh Collars, Childron's Carriages, & Express Waggons, .as they are the best in the market, and at prices to snit the times. Boot &, shoe pairing promptly attended to. Call and be convinced. C. EAORETTi Exeter. •4I 'Lake Smith Shooting Club. The third annual meeting of the above dun Ny4S held in the Alexander House, Sarnia, on the 25th ult. Besides the transaction of other business the fell - owing officers were elected:- Pres. Dr. Totten, Forest; Vice do, Jno. Spackman, Exeter; See-Treas , Montague Smith, banker, Forest. Direetors:-Jacob Jno. Chester, W. S. Sweet Exeter, and F.W. Shaw. Mr Eemmerly was appointed -care-taker. The club is iu a good finan- cial standing, and otherwise working splendidly. The assessment this year is small being only $19 per member. Fell Shows. Fall Shows will be held this season as follows : South Huron, at Seaforth, on Monday and Tuesday, September 17 and 18; Clinton, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, September 19, 20 and 21; Exeter, on Monday and Tuesday, October, 1 and 2; Goderich, ou Tuesday, Wedoes- day, Thiusday and Friday, October 2, 3, 4 and 5; Toronto, from 10th to 22nd Sep- tember; the Western, at London, from 20th to the 29th of September; the Pro- vincial, at Kingston, from the 10th to 15th; Hibbert fall show at Staffa. on Wed. nesday, October 3rd. The dates of others in which our readers aro interested will be given as soon as they are ascertained. Again in Custody. Mr. Hefferna,: who souw months, ago was chs.rgea cattle stetding in Hay township, and who made his escape from 'Constable Gill, u bile that officer was con- ducting him to the county jail has been arrested in the vicinity of Guelph on a charge of horse stealing. He stole a horse and buggy from a person at a barn raising and was traced for a long distance before run down. lie refused to give his name, but Constable G111:fronithe descrip. tion of the man knew at once that he was ills Heffernan; and left for Guelph on "Tuesday to take charge othim as soon as the authorities there had Meted out proper punishment. They award 8400. The warden's committees respectively ot the cdunties of Perth and Huron met on Friday, at Kirkton, to examine the bridge ,and enquire into the case of Mrs. Hicks -of Usborme who some time ago had her ,leg broken by being precipitated over one eof the approaches to Fish Creek bridge, and. whose husband demandedof the 'aboee'enurctiei damages to the amount of 44000. After a thorough investigation of 'the case and the circumstances connected therewith, the deputatiOnSwere of opinion that,the bridge was not t fault And. con-' equently the counties notliable for dam- ages ; butin view of Mr. gicks'.determin- -ation to enter a snit,thb *counties re - .104±0 .comply ,With -his, demand, tiley , Vete ibte,yor 40‘arding'him $400 as it -wonlel, cost that "amount to clelend, were a snit initituted. ' , .41. Rifle Coiribany. &true weeks ago we made mention of an agitation being on foot to form a rifle com- pany In' Exeter -a separate and distinct ,organization, form the volunteee company -but recent developments lead us to be- lieve that the volunteer company is work- ing along the same line and getting slight- , 71y the start of the instigators of the move- ment. bis a commendable move on tbe part of the volunteers as such practice as ie characteristic of a rifle company serves to the 'perfecting of the men in the skill of haucllieg the riffle and renders them profiaient as' niarksmen-a very essential -acquirement in military tactics. We learn also that it is proposed to inaugurate -*system ciponthly drills, in order that the compel* natty become thoroughly ac- Kplainted with the various military evolu- tions ; ae well as retain the enthueiastn ‘now strong among its members. The volunteercompany was well and credit- ' Ably organized and Nire believe all citizens 'Will put` forth every effort which may ?havaa tencleney to improve our volunteer ecompany, that Exeter might ia the future -send out a squad of men such me it sent years ago under the oorstnand of our es- teemed townsman., Dr. John Hyndmen. It is cnrrent that Dr Ilyndman, Mr. D. -Johns and several other of our prominent citizens are likely to aesert in the forma- -tion of the rifle company. Such being the ease the promoters of the affair need not experience much difficulty in. securing meinbers, the names of mach prominent persous mentioned. in connection there- with being sufficient guarantee of the permanent sueeess of the emotdation. Thursday, the 9t18 day of August, has been appointed a public holiday for the -town ef St. Marys. In the villege of BaYfield on Monday Mr, Geo. Castle Was eleeted Reeve, Messers A, Granger, and W. Harrison, counctilaer by atchtmation, in place of J. Pollock, R. Beileyy and \V. li. Woods., resigned. When it (Mines to the ears of a home Merchant that residents of the town have purchased goods in sortie other place, he [gate exeeedingly wrathy, herb in nine cases et.at of ten the same Merchant will patron - leo it printing pedlar from a, oity for his note -heads-, &e litprefereaet to 0 home offiee, width he knOWs loll well Will supply him with as good WOrlt and just as clump. Queer isn't it that this °lass of indivirltisle make the most noise about "buy at home and nett onize home indutstries.'” O coerse there are exceP- tions to the rale, Town 0oupoit The Connell rad Pnrsaant to adjourn- ment, in the Town. Hall, Ir.xoter, on July 256, 1888, All the members, present. `ibe minutee ef the previous meeting were read ma eonfirmed. Moved by W. U. 13iesett, secended by T. 13. Carling, that the perk &wept the lowest tender for 3 demi pails, for the use of the fire depart- inent.-Carried. Mr, Moncuee tender for nails, $3,85, being the wwest, was ac- cepted, on motion of T. H. McCallum, s000nde(114, P.13. Carling, Mrs, Cameron, askedt for an allewance for drain on And- rew, St. Wfoved by W. G. Bissett, aeoon- ded by T. 13, Carling, that 08 00 be grant- ed. -Carried. Moved by T. H. IMIcgal. lam, scowled by T. 13. Carling, that orders be granted for the following sums, viz Wesley Bissett, V7.18 for ; R. Pincombo, $22.1$ ; W. Down, $7i50 do ; D. Taylor, $12.25 do ; Geo. Hodgihs. $27.81 ; Jos- Atkinson, $20,02 do ; Thos. norm $5,88 do; Jno. Keyer, $12.00 do; Jas, Belsden, $50.25 do ; S. Hanford, 157.75 do; W. Westcott, $20,25 do ; Al, Bissett, $59,25 ; E. R. Pissett, $11.88 do; W. Sutton, $10.00 charity to S. Foid; Jas. Creech, $1.05 meals for tramps; J. Creech, $2,00 charity,, to Mr. Clark; J. Creech, , $80.00 part salary ; Win. Down, $25,00 for waterine. street—Carried. The clerk was instructed to order 1,500 feet of ;three inch cedar plank. The refuse plank of old side walks to be sod by the con- stable. The street at Presbyterian church to be gravelled to next street, and the sidewalks at Mrs. niche's and W. A., Fuke's to be gravelled, Moved by W. G. Bissett, seconded by T. B. Carling, that this Council adjourn for two weeks. M. EMMETT, Clerk. Brevities. Messrs. Bissett Bros. have recently added several fine drivers to their livery stock. Strangers and capital judges have been heard to say thatthe Trivitt Mem- orial is the finest church edifice west of Toren' 0. It is expected that the telephone wires will be strung in a few days and communication with the outside world, opened very soon. The auction sale seasot is close at hand. Farmers and others will find it to their interest to get their bills print- ed at THE Tram office. The Rev. Dr. Downie, of Lucan, conducted services in the Church of England, on Sunday last, and preached two very acceptable sermons The Rev S. F. Robinson supplied for him in Lu can. Copious showers of rain on Tuesday wi•re welcomed by the farmers and people generally. Besides assisting the growth of vegetables, they cooled!' the air somewhat. Mr. B. Harrison, who has recently assumed the editorship of the St. Marys Argus, is a journalist of considerable ex- perience. Since coming under his control the Argus has vastly improved and is now a very readable and spicy paper. A new street has been opened north of Trivett Memorial Church. The gravel- ling of the street and sidewalks hat al- ready been done. Tbe church, which is a handsome structure, now stands on and occupies a square. The other day, Mr. Paul Madge of Usborne, saved a field of fall wheat which will yield 40 bushels to the acre. There are other farmers who will enjoy as good a yield as that of Mr. Madge. Barley is said' to be an abundant crop -the best for many years past. Mr. John Ross' stable came nearly being d4stroyed by fire. one day last week. The servant had thrown a pail of old ashes on the manure heap in the morning, and in the evening it was on fire. Timely assistance saved the build- ing The Usborne Voters' List has been completed. It contains 784 voters of which 24 are female. There are 381 qualified to act in the capacity of, jur- ors. The list was issued and transmit- ted on the 31.st ult., and is now in the hands of those entitled to copies. There is considerable sickness among the residents of Ann St. The cause assigned by many is the open drain which passes along said street, in which stagnant water lies during the warmer months. The Ceuncil propose pub?. ting in a plank bottom, but many are of opinion that the drain should be cov- ered to prevent the escape of impure gases. The Acton Free Press warns its read- ers against a couple of imposters who are at present doing the country. They are taking subscriptions for a pamphlet, promisinc,r to give a large painting with it. One is a small heavy -built man, with dark hair and a sandy moustache. His companion is medium sized, with red hair and. a small red moustache. They have been arrested on more than one occasion for fraud perpetrated in the States. We do not wish to be thought impor- tunate, but we would not mind if a few people who owe us little bills would get ready to pay up. When we bill a per- son four times for an account, it would be a source of pleasure to the editor if the party would. send us a card acknow- ledging the receipt of the bill at least. We need money and are in the collect- ing business just now. The base ball teams of Luca n and Exeter tried conclusions on Friday last, on the grounds of the latter. The startle was Lucans up to the third innings, and. great interest manifested, but after that time the Exeter boys went in to win and did in fine shape. The Lucan- „Hes claim that their team was composed of a great many scrub players, taking the places of regular mernbers who could not possibly attend, Messrs. W. E. Verity & Son em- ploy upwards of 30 workmen in their foundry. Some of the more public spir- ited citizens are agitating a scheme whereny the Messrs. Verity might be induced to enlarge his premises, in- crease their capacity' and employ double the amount of mechanics. Aro hope the scheme may be toneuromated as the MeSSr8. Verity deserve credit for the business they have worked up and the constant employnterit they have given their many workmen. The firm have never bad arty encouragement from the town, but-increaSedthe btleinese ptirely Upon the MeritS Of thekt Inarrefactur- eS ; and We 'cannot see'''Vhy Any ob., jettiOn cari be Made to the proposal of eOrne of our citizens, pattieulars of Whieh Will be giVe±i in dtie time. 11 „ P10010 -Xn•tta4401.• It is we,l1.,known that in Brace and Gleegarry thero ate Scotch ooremunities where tlio;Gaelle ie'the chief language el the population and the Englielt is almost anmnbnown tongue to atune of tho old mettlers, but it is pot so well knowathat the same is true of the•townehip of 1,3exiey . in North Vietoria, There, alSe the great majority Of the people are Seat* and many „of the older generation have never become Masters of English, Not natny years ago it was as neceseary in. part% ' Of Oxford, Dame and Glengarry, and it Was. the Sable in Bexley, that =reliant§ should be ebb) to traneaet buoineas in Caelie �r ahead, have Gaelic -sneaking Clerks, as that the.businessmon of Waterloo or of the western: Portions of •Hoy township, in Huron count, should miderstand German, Or thetFrench should be spoken or under- • stood in Preseott and , But in the Scotelt COMmunifies the Gaelle is dying with the lathera; and 0 few years henc0. probably it Will be unknown outside a few honselicilds. It is - not the .eame • .in • the German and Freneh commuiaitiee. While inany of the French and forst Of the Ger- mans in these counties have acquired a fair command of English, and do business easily in thecemmonlangnage of the coun- try, in the family in social life and under all eircumetances where the use of English Is ,not a neceesity, the younger generation speak and prefer the native' language of tlio parents. The fact is interesting. It may be significant. Possibly the reason of the rapid necadence of the Gaelic is that the great majority of the .Scotch in Canada do not speak it, or do not know it, while the French and Germans are bulk- ed in communities and each tongue is the common language of the whole people, Personal. Mr. L. H. Dickson, barrister is spend- ing vacation at Pembrooke and Mon- treal. -Mr. G. W. Holman, of Osborne, W05 appointed at the last meeting of court Exeter I. 0. F. a delegate to the High Court L 0. F. which meets at Toronto on the 9th hist -Miss T. White of Semis is home spending vacation. -Several Exeter- ites are at present enjoying the balmy breezes of Lake Huron. -R, S. Wilson, jeweller, of St. Marys, spent Sunday in town.-Robt. Leathornof this place, in- tends leaving in a few clays for the old country, there to remain for two months. - Mr. Chas. Bayley, of London, spent Sunday iu town, visiting frionds.---We were pleased to learn that Mr.. Bayley has started business for himself in London. - Mr. Pedlar, of Kingston, about 20 yeetrs ago a resident of Exeter, is spending va- cation in the neighborhood of Exeter. - Miss Eva Spalding. of St. Marys, is visiting her many lady friends in Exet- er.- Robt. Sanders paid. Detroit a visit last week and was the guest of Mr. George Willis.-1VIrs. W. H. Verity and Mrs. D. Johns are expected home from Manitoba this week, -P. Kelly Esq. of Blyth, was in town on Friday last. --Mrs. D. Spicer has returned from Hanover. -Mr. Thos. Carder leaves this week for his home in Rutland Vt. Mr. Carder lives iu a lportion of the States which is noted for its scenery and granite produc- tions the quarries in the vicinity of Rut- land being very extensive. Rutland, a compartively small city enjoys the many privileges, amongst which gas, electric lights, waterworks and other modern in- ventions and improvements. -Mr. Fred. Brown, of Wingham is visiting his par- ents in Exeter. -Mrs. A. Popolestone, son and daughter, of Woodham,otre the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Popplestone. The market quoit club have issued a challenge to the smith end club to a game on the 11th inst. The regular members of the market club did net pitch at the last match. Mr. Wm. White, of the Metropoli- tan, challenges any man in Exeter to a game of quoits, twenty one poirits, dis- tance fifteen yard's, on the market square, for the cigars. To be played August 4th, at 7 p. Mr. 0. N. Sprague will shortly com- mence the purchasing of butter and eggs, for cash, on the Exeter market. This is an enterprise which has been agitated for years, and now that Mr. Sprague has decided to embark in this line of business, we join the many in wishing him success. This new depar- ture will doubtless prove a great benefit to the merchants. On Sunday last, while driving along the lake road in the vicinity of Stan - lake's mill, the Misses 1Vlartin and Thompson'of Exeter, were thrown from the buggy caused by the horse taking fright at several turkeys on the roadside, and suddenly shying, capsiz- ing the buggy. Miss Martin was some- what seriously injured while Miss Thompson escaped with a fright. The - horse did not run away and the buggy was not damaged. Dealers should exercise caution in handling salt in barrels. So much var- iation in weight of barrels has been common that the new regulation passed in conformity witli the suggestions of Mr. A. Campbell, M. P have prob- ably not attracted sufficient notice . The law requires the barrel of salt to cOntain 280 lbs., and to be marked cl with weight ,anname. If over 5 per cent. ' deficiency exists suit may be entered within 20 days to recover a penalty of $10 for, every light ,weight barrel. T. market quoit club has at last been defeated by:the south end 'club. A. new set of pitchers were put on and the match was a ,complete walk -away for them. " The following persons com- posed the north and south end clubs respectively, together with the number of points made by each member. NORTH END. SOUTH END. Anderson 10 • Elliot 11 Davie 11 Shere 7 Hueston' 5 ParSonS 9 Cave 13 IsTeil 6 Anderson 5 Parsons 15 Davie 9 Cave 8 53 06 4,4.4 1Hthera1 Witter EtnpOrhlin, ST4 LEON WATER. -The Great Health restorer. If your system is 'out of Order drink St. Leon and be happy, liltarnt Vrrin.-Maglictic 'Mineral from Nature'etaboratory forUlcereted Stomach and all diseases of the stomaeh, for Liver Kidney and Piles. The nioSt Wonderful article ever offered to the Pablie, The Great WolVerine Mineral Water 4toin Michigan for Rheumatism; if you are afflicted Call arid eee. Gez., SANDERg. Agent, REeter. itrouvr Throe Days AwitiOnlata;, Closing Anetion 80o s.t .13roderielt's Bankrupt Storo, Exeter, to 00811001±00 on Thursday 2814(14y of. Augeat, 1998„ Attotioo„ sale to 90mmo009 eiteli day at 9, and 8 o'clock, p. The stock epeeists of Groceries, Dry Goode, Cookery, liardware, Eats, Caps do, The stook is new arta fresh, ,W as the sabseriber has to give tip possession of the etore the goods must go, and will be sold without reserve whatever, 'whack, hang they go. There will be sold at these sales to choice lot of Dress ank6 kuid. sattii4, 410.111400 lot of Dress UOQL1$, Parasols, Lace Ow - tains, all over loos, Embroideries,Cocton, Towelling, Ticking, Table Covers,Cloth- lugs, Tweeds, tibirtings, Flannels., Table Oil Cloths, Wool Shawls, Velveteens, and a aloe assurtmeat of Laces and Dress Triunnings &c. LW Also 0 choiee lot of Teas which will be seld. in 2; 3 arid 5 lb. pa,ekagee. Big bargains may be expected 115 the subscriber is determined to sell out the whole stock. Seats will be proyided for ladies, and the auction sale to QOM- mence sharp on thee eech day. Remem- her the place one door north of new Town 11 all, ,j, liuonioacte. E,xeter, 2nd of Aitg., 1888. mina r.enefit. On Monday and Tuesday evenings, Aug 13 and 14, the Exeter Cornet band, will treat the amusement -loving people, to an entertainment in which Mr. and Mrs. Ned Turner of New York city, will take leading parts, Rehereals are being held nightly, and those who are taking a part e perfecting themselves rapidly in the character each will assume. The enter- tainment will censist[of fonr skits, ebaste and refined iu every respect. If you see it the first night you will laugh in spite of yourself and go the next night to see your friends laugh. Mr. Turner's credentials as a star in his profession are legion ; and the compliments paid him by the "press" as a finished and cultured actor and man- ager is a sufficient guarantee that those who see him on the above evenings, will be highly entertained. Those who are assisting him are among the best young ladies and gentlemen of Exeter, who are striving their utmost to make the affair a success. So we expect to see a rousing house to greet them on their initial per- formance. For further particulars see pro- grammes. The cheapest and best excursion of the season, under the Masonic auspices, to Sarnia on Friday August 17th; grand international fireman's tourna- ment. See posters and. dodgers for full particulars. Mr. W. Hoyle, secretary of the Un- dertakers' Association, writes the Ern pire the following invitation, which will be gladly accepted : SIR. --The annual meeting of the Un- dertakers' .Association of Ontario will be held at Shaftesbury ball, Toronto,. on Thursday, the 13th of September. As the object of this society are greatly mis- understood by the public at large, and grossly misrepresented by unscrupulous persons for the furtherance of their selfish ends; we will gla,dly open our doors to au Empire reporter on that occasion. Eyery facility will be accorded your representa- tive to thoroughly investigate all matters connected with our association, and if he finds that we merit the partial report of the Committee of Combines, to the House of Commons, your paper will be only servine. the best interests of the commun- ity by fully exposing us to the world. In• fairness to a large and respectable number of business men, permit me, in the mean- time, to state that we know nothing of monopolies, trusts or combinations as these terms are generally understood, being simply an incorporated, society to further the progress of our calling upon the lines of all those mutual organizations possessing sufficient enterprise and intelli- gence to educate themselves up to the full discharge of all the duties cennected with their profession. REGULAR MONTHLY VISIT. -Thomas, Speer, M. D., Surgeon, etc., -M.C. P. S. G. S. and L. T. C. D., Head Office St. Thomas. The Great East India Physician and Surgeon, for the treatment of all chronic diseases and diseeses peculiar to women, for which lie is well qualified, will be at the Central Hotel, on Thursday, Aug. 9th., from 8 a. m. till 5 o'clock p. m., one day only. Persons suffering from diseases that have baffled the skill of local physicians should not omit this favorable opportunity of calling upon him. He has been educated in nearly all the best coll- eges in Europe, has been in the army of the United. States and the British army, and has circumnavigated the globe. By all means give himyrall:-. Consultation free. Remember th'e date, Aug. 9th. Patients: shook' call early so as to give plenty of time. To Let. STATIONHOTEL T0 LET. Easy Terms. Apply to the undersigned. June 14.- I. CARLING-. violl Pickarti Fajl Pur • Room CALL EARLY 'TAKE PART -IN THE GREAT - The Undersigned wishee to inform the public in gonoral thab he keeps --constantly in stook -- All KiAdS DRESSED OR UNDRESSED. Bell Stuff, Flooring, Siding, dressed --inch, inch -and -a -quarter, inch -and -a 11011 and two inch, Sash Doors, Blinds, Mouldings and all Finishing Material, Lath, &e. SHINGLES A SPECIALTY. --Competition challenged, The best and kilo laretest stock- and at lowest priees. Shingles A 1.. All dressed lumber thoroughly seasoned and ready for use. No shrinf' assured. A. call will bear out the above. THE OLD ESTABLISHED. Jas. 17‘13.111s, Main-st. e. • • • 10 Reward for the Conviction.. OF DEALERS 'WHO OFFER,Ivi 11/ INFERIOR OIL OF OTHER AND SELL T4-, WI c..,MANUFACTURE FOR MA.CIIINE OIL Eureka Cylinder, Bolt- I I McColl Bros. & Co, _Cutting & Wool Oils, I For sale by all leading dealers. I Toronto. MISSETT BROS., Sole Agents, Exeter. QUEEN CITY OIL WORKS S s (DI p At TorontolEvery Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used on all machinery during the Exhibition. It has been awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS during the last three years 11:'See that you get Peerless. It is only made by SAMVEL ROCIE1RF.,71 dg: CO., TORONTO FOR SALE BY JAS. PICKARD. IMAIMEmmiliMIrMaki• 4•12:11MMIIVIII•13 A Great Tumble In rits s ! -AT THE - Cheap Store, Crediton -IN- Dry-Goods, Boots & Shoes, Felt and Straw tuts (about 400 to select from.) FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. New .Goods arriving every week, and prices to suit Hard Times. The highest -price for any quantity of Butter & Eggs. J.IVIC/TOIZELL, Cheap Store Crediton LOOK OUT FOR Su mer oo I am in receipt of a choice and well. selected stock of Fresh Groceries WOuld'also inform my numerous friends and customers that I will be on the road next week with my peddling waggon. House 6a Lot FOR SALE -Opposite Town Hall T 132417LIZTO Agents Wanted Immediately GOOD WAGES. STEADY WORK., R, L. HERRICK, & Co., - Narserymen, BRIGHTON, - X- Y. •••• HID Call on G. A. H. for Gr-operies ti Teas 4f Spices " Dashwood flour " Petty Hams and Bacon Smoking tobacco five cent piece with every 3 plugs. And examine Senior's Show Window. where you will see some firstclass pho- tos, equal to. any City Work. THERE 1 BID 1 NOT TELL YOU SO ! And you can rely upon getting value for your money evcrytime. Cabinet Photograph's $3 a dozen. $1.50 FOR CARDS. He also has a fine line of Photo Frames and Mats, at RightPrices. PICTURE FRAME MOULDING IN ALL STYLES. InTOafl - and -- EleeTfa JOSEPH SENIOR, Opposite H. Spackman's Tinshop. GREAT - SUMMER SALE I 'ARLING IN ORDER,TO CLEAR OUT SUMMER STOOIC WILL SELL: 44imer Sflka, Dtoss Goods, Niuslins. Prints, Ginghams 'Imoos, Ribbons, Hisiery, Gloves, .Thaderwear, Corsets, Pasasols, Millinery, Trimmings, etc At Greatly Reduced Prices. •••*.6e or Dcparimoht. 5rani Bargain WItadien;'de, tot taisS this Opperititlityte„bilY ebeap geode, as the saboeriber ot f the,AUest etOoka itt the toWii to ehOtisti..44tit.GJ 11il1 repay you,