HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-10-30, Page 23• RINWO erery Tuesday' Evening at Vanastra. Centre, RR5 Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card, $LOO; AO regular $15, 'games, three share -the- wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must go! Admission restricted to 16 years and over.--52tfar MORNING MARKET, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Saturday, November 1, 1980. at 'Wesley -Willis United Church, "Victoria. Street, Clinton, Ont. Handmades, Christmas boutique, flea market, silent auction, puppet theatre, kiddies' corner, baking, delicatessen delights. Light 1un-` ch. ---43,44 TURKEY SUPPER at` Walton. United Church, Wed., November 5, 3:30 - 7:30 p.m. Adults $5.00; children 6-12 years, $2.50. Ire -school children. free. -43,44 ANYONE interested in curling on the Stanley team in the 7 or 9 p.m. draw please contact Bill McGregor 482- 7539.---43,44 CLINTON Legion Bingo ..every Thursday 8 p.m, First regular card $1.: restricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of $15. $5 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200 must gc, each week.-20tfar HURON FISH & GAME Bingo every .Sunday at 1:30 p.m. First regular card $1.00, restricted to 16 years or over. Jackpot $100 must go each week. 15 regular games off $10 - - $5 least on split.-37tfar RECEPTION for Bruce and Marlene McDonald (nee Cunningham) RlDA�1, 41OV.' South East of Walton Music by "Ian Wilbee Orchestra" LADIES PLEASE BRING LUNCH THE. WHITE CARNATION HOLMESVILLE presents SHANNON SAT., NOV. 1st DANCING 9=1 A.M. BUFFET AT 1 A.M. '5.00 PER PERSON CALL 482-9228 AFTER HOURS 524-4133 FULL COURSE SMORG. AVAILABLE TILL 8 P.M. . Walt a mix's Barber Shop will be CLOSED FOR THE DAY OF SAT. NOV. 1ST. RE -OPEN TUES. NOV. 4 HALLOWE'EN DANCE at the PINERIDGE CHALET HENSALL SAT., NOV. 1st SPIRIT MUSIC BY "" •Prizes for Costumes •Food Available *Dancing every Saturday night until New Year's PROCEEDS EOR COMMUNITY SERVICE DONATIONS 25TH ANNIVERSARY DANCE for Bill and Marie' Flynn on Friday, November 7th from 9 p,m. to 1 a,ni. Na gifts, e. Everyone wel .'toe, -x•44 THE . F. and I O (�, Rebekahs will hold their next Card Party on Thursday, Nov. 6th in Lodge Hall, Princess St., Clinton at 8 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. -44 YOU'RE INVITED to Willow Tree Farms for a cup of hot eider, short- bread and to browse around our store filled with many treasures for CANADIAN Christmas. � Antiques, FORESTERS 'DANCE, gifts, hornebaking, Tarns - -and: B•a-1-t-ford , S a -t - • , jellies. We are one mile November I, 1980; south of Bayfield on Hwy. dancing 9:30 p.m. to 1 21, November 8th and 9th, a.m. Music by Bluewater noon to 5:30 p.m. each Playboys. Lunch day. Hope to see you then. ---44 MR. W. J. McEACHERN, tax consultant, and.. former ernpioyee of Revenue Canada, will be the special speaker at a m publicinformation ,m.eetirig at Colborne Township Hall, Carlow, at 8:00 p.m,, M'ondayj , November 3rd, 'sponsored. by Tiger Dunlop Women's Institute as a public service, No .charge. Lunch provided. -44 AUXILIARY to the Clinton Public Hospital will hold their November meeting at 10 a;.,m. on Monday, Nov. 3 at the hospital board room. -44 EVERYONE is cordially invited to see and hear Dr. James Dobson. Focus on the Family, Film No. 4 "Preparing for Adolescence. The Origins of Self -Doubt" to be held on November 12, 1980 at 8 p.m. in the Clinton and District Christian School Gym. -44,45 BENEFIT DANCE - For Des and'\Helen Cassidy on Saturday, Nov. 8 from 9-1 at the 'Clinton Legion Hall. Music by the Blackthorns. Sponsored by the Clinton Com- munity Service Clubs. EVeryone welcome !-44,45 DRESS UP for Hallowe'en and rent your clown suit from the Clinton Kinettes. Adult sizes $3.50. Phone 482- 7819.-44 1 At the Legion Get readyforpub night By Steve Cooke Since I'm going to be away next week, this column will not appear, so 1'11 give you arundown on what's happening at the Legion for the next two weeks. When I get back, I'll try to do a recap of what's happened and hopefully. we'll be back on schedule after that. One of our famed pub nights is corning Up and they've had a good tur- nout in the past,so this one should be no dif- ferent. Stan has informed me that this blessed event will take place on a Friday in November starting at 6 p.m., so dig out your tweeds, grease up the old elbow and get great service for us and our country and be proud of therm At the end of the week, the Armistice ce Social Dance will give everyone a chance to get together and, dance to the music of the ' `Blaokthor ns" . The Harvest Dance was a great success ° with everyone enjoying themselves. The .disc jockey (or shou. , say jockettes)r from a erloo played a variety of tunes that kept the old folks boogeying and the young tads waltzing. The big winner for bingo last week was Robert Govenlock from RRI Clinton while in euchre, Ray Finch turned provided. $4.00 per ... person. Tickets available . at the door. -44x BLYTH LIONS BINGO every Saturday, Blyth Memorial Hall, 8:00 p,m. Regular, Share -the - wealth and Jackpot. $150 in 60 calls.---42tf ar TURKEY and HAM SUPPER St. Andrew's Unite Church, Kippen at Brucefield United Church WED., NOVEMBER 12 from 4 P.M. to 8 P.M. ADVANCE TICKETS ONLY ADULTS: s 5. 12 YRS.. 8 UNDER: $2. PRE-SCHOOLERS FREE CALL FOR TICKETS at 262-5618 MORNING MARKET *Christmas Boutique *Silent Auction gllaking *Delicatessen Delight, u" *Kiddies' Korner *Puppet Show LIGHT LUNCH SATURDAY, NOVEMBER I, to AM -1 PM at the WESLEY-WILLIS UNITED CHURCH escape our island • w • .dw_. •fie:• a .• as Nt. Gol - Tennis Dining Swimming Sailing- Fishing Oceanfront Hotel Apartments Indian River Plantation Resort 385 N.R. Plantation Road Hutchinson Islandi Stuart, Florida 33494 (45 ,,Tiles north of Pahn Beach) CaII Collect 0O51225.37O1) C'or►tph'tV foot. l Sert►tces yourse •own ere. British accents are op tional at this affair. Don't forget our Armistice activities for --the first part of November. Our Poppy Drive is on Nov. 5, the church service is at St. Paul's Anglican Church on the 9th and the traditional ceremonies at the cenotaph on the 1.lth. These are probably the most meaningful events for the Legion of the whole year, so maximum participation is desired. Those who have served know what it is all about, and can remember with pride their fallen comrades, while the rest of us' can honour those who performed such a in an amazing score o to take top prize. Don Armstrong borrowed Eric's horseshoes and came up with five lone hands while Ivan Hoggart dragged up the rear with a low score of 44. Don't forget, darts are on Wednesday night at 8 p.m. sharp. Come on out and get your feathers trimmed, The Monday night meeting was very well attended by members of the Branch. We had an initiation ceremony with five new members to the Branch. Eric Switzer, Stan Smith, and Howard Tait became full fledged ordinary members, while Bob McMahon and CLINTON FIGURE SKATING_ CLUB s��^ Presents FRIDAY, NOVEMBER .7/ 80 C.H.S.S. AUDITt1 hf n *Door Prizes and Pictures for each child to bring home and colour! ALSO FEATURING MENNIE MAGIC SHOW from. London CARTOONS AND LOCAL TALENT ADMISSION: s1. EACH Come One! Cane All! Gregory Yahn became associate ,members. I hope 'the good turnout was not just a_.result of the special ceremonies, but an indication that CLINTONNEWS-REC :more people are becoming interested in the workings of the Legion. I hope we see even more people out in the future. ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL Highway No. 8 West, Clinton 4th Annual HALLOWE'EN PARTY FRIDAY, OCT.. 31 Prizes for the best c6stumes EXOTIC DANCERS 41.7 Daily Performances DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIAL Served from 12 noon $2.45 to 2 p.m. 2 •4 5 TUCKERSMITH DAY NURSERY at the Vaiiastra Recreation Centre Invites you to our OPEN HOUSE RD, THURSO: ►Y, C'CTOR ,x9 LCO to S AFTERNOON 2:30 to 4:3O 7 DAYS A WEEK SOMETHING FOR THE LADIES... Come. visit our unusual country resort for Tea today! We've prepared English muffins, freshly made scones, jam. assorted pastries and Earl Grey tea for the occasion. Relax and enjoy as we serve you in front of an open hearth log fire in one of our two lounges. (Reservations requested for groups of more than 10). { 50 just • per person •Complement your outing with a visit to THE HOLLOW. A unique gift shop just steps from our Inn 13 Benmiller Inn Nestled in Iienmiller. Ont.. just 7 kilometres cast of Goderich on Huron County Road' 1. just off Highway s. phone :i2-1-2191. 111111lf41rr)4Ih1114. 111.1 1B411t li tow a , t,p....,1> ,• LICENSED UNDER L.L.B.O. BAYFIELD RD. GODERICH 524-7711 Thursday, October 30 - 6:30-8:30 p.m. , Come and bring your children, see our excellent facilities," Educational toys, music, crafts, active and quiet playtime, indoor and outdoor play areas, hot meal. Children fully supervised. Staff have Early Childhood Education diplomas. OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY 6:30 a.m. for ages 2 - 6 years FEE $6.50 PER DAY INCOME TAX DEDUCTIBLE FOR MORE INFORMATION PHONE 482-7634 APPEARING THIS WEEKEND FRI. & SAT., OCT. 31, NOV. 1 LAST NIGHT THURS. OCT. 30 One Showing 8:00 P.M. MICHAEL CAINE TOILL DICKINSON DRESSED Starts Friday Oct. 31 SHOWTIMES FRI. & SAT. 789 SUN.-THURS. ONE SHOWING 8:00 PARK PROGRAM SUBJECT.T • CHANGE WITH • UT NOTICE SENSATIONAL SAVINGS! PRESENTeither of the coupons below at your nearby Kentucky Fried Chickel1 Store for sensational savings! SA. 70 (Reg. `2.70) . 1'rr••.•nt the. coupon for a Big Dinner ..ith 3 1►i1.ef, of krntuekrind Chicken. t:rram41a.. and (:olden I notch F rix. and 1►a) on1'. cmdp • I Expires Nov. 23rd. 1980 ►f„ .a.� ei.� (Reg. '7.95) I'rc ,cnt this coupon for a Rut kit Of Kc nhrc ky ; tied i hi( kcr, c°nt.unrng 1 I•rcp r . o! fir,ti,•r Irt krrl Op, hu ken nni pay only t 1• 1 �," ` c. A�r,AExpires dalrSoucly.a 23rd. 1980 Ktuck •fieJCk(ekit.!(CiUvKintuek9Chicke,t.' COUPON COUPON Colonel Sanders boys and girls make it "finger lickin good The Tuckersmith Municipal Council Invites All Ratepayers to . ELECTION NIGHT DANCE at the VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE . NOVEMBER 10th, 1980 9:00 P.M. to 12:30 A.M. —LADIES PLEASE BRING LUNCH— escape our island • w • .dw_. •fie:• a .• as Nt. Gol - Tennis Dining Swimming Sailing- Fishing Oceanfront Hotel Apartments Indian River Plantation Resort 385 N.R. Plantation Road Hutchinson Islandi Stuart, Florida 33494 (45 ,,Tiles north of Pahn Beach) CaII Collect 0O51225.37O1) C'or►tph'tV foot. l Sert►tces yourse •own ere. British accents are op tional at this affair. Don't forget our Armistice activities for --the first part of November. Our Poppy Drive is on Nov. 5, the church service is at St. Paul's Anglican Church on the 9th and the traditional ceremonies at the cenotaph on the 1.lth. These are probably the most meaningful events for the Legion of the whole year, so maximum participation is desired. Those who have served know what it is all about, and can remember with pride their fallen comrades, while the rest of us' can honour those who performed such a in an amazing score o to take top prize. Don Armstrong borrowed Eric's horseshoes and came up with five lone hands while Ivan Hoggart dragged up the rear with a low score of 44. Don't forget, darts are on Wednesday night at 8 p.m. sharp. Come on out and get your feathers trimmed, The Monday night meeting was very well attended by members of the Branch. We had an initiation ceremony with five new members to the Branch. Eric Switzer, Stan Smith, and Howard Tait became full fledged ordinary members, while Bob McMahon and CLINTON FIGURE SKATING_ CLUB s��^ Presents FRIDAY, NOVEMBER .7/ 80 C.H.S.S. AUDITt1 hf n *Door Prizes and Pictures for each child to bring home and colour! ALSO FEATURING MENNIE MAGIC SHOW from. London CARTOONS AND LOCAL TALENT ADMISSION: s1. EACH Come One! Cane All! Gregory Yahn became associate ,members. I hope 'the good turnout was not just a_.result of the special ceremonies, but an indication that CLINTONNEWS-REC :more people are becoming interested in the workings of the Legion. I hope we see even more people out in the future. ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL Highway No. 8 West, Clinton 4th Annual HALLOWE'EN PARTY FRIDAY, OCT.. 31 Prizes for the best c6stumes EXOTIC DANCERS 41.7 Daily Performances DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIAL Served from 12 noon $2.45 to 2 p.m. 2 •4 5 TUCKERSMITH DAY NURSERY at the Vaiiastra Recreation Centre Invites you to our OPEN HOUSE RD, THURSO: ►Y, C'CTOR ,x9 LCO to S AFTERNOON 2:30 to 4:3O 7 DAYS A WEEK SOMETHING FOR THE LADIES... Come. visit our unusual country resort for Tea today! We've prepared English muffins, freshly made scones, jam. assorted pastries and Earl Grey tea for the occasion. Relax and enjoy as we serve you in front of an open hearth log fire in one of our two lounges. (Reservations requested for groups of more than 10). { 50 just • per person •Complement your outing with a visit to THE HOLLOW. A unique gift shop just steps from our Inn 13 Benmiller Inn Nestled in Iienmiller. Ont.. just 7 kilometres cast of Goderich on Huron County Road' 1. just off Highway s. phone :i2-1-2191. 111111lf41rr)4Ih1114. 111.1 1B411t li tow a , t,p....,1> ,• LICENSED UNDER L.L.B.O. BAYFIELD RD. GODERICH 524-7711 Thursday, October 30 - 6:30-8:30 p.m. , Come and bring your children, see our excellent facilities," Educational toys, music, crafts, active and quiet playtime, indoor and outdoor play areas, hot meal. Children fully supervised. Staff have Early Childhood Education diplomas. OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY 6:30 a.m. for ages 2 - 6 years FEE $6.50 PER DAY INCOME TAX DEDUCTIBLE FOR MORE INFORMATION PHONE 482-7634 APPEARING THIS WEEKEND FRI. & SAT., OCT. 31, NOV. 1 LAST NIGHT THURS. OCT. 30 One Showing 8:00 P.M. MICHAEL CAINE TOILL DICKINSON DRESSED Starts Friday Oct. 31 SHOWTIMES FRI. & SAT. 789 SUN.-THURS. ONE SHOWING 8:00 PARK PROGRAM SUBJECT.T • CHANGE WITH • UT NOTICE SENSATIONAL SAVINGS! PRESENTeither of the coupons below at your nearby Kentucky Fried Chickel1 Store for sensational savings! SA. 70 (Reg. `2.70) . 1'rr••.•nt the. coupon for a Big Dinner ..ith 3 1►i1.ef, of krntuekrind Chicken. t:rram41a.. and (:olden I notch F rix. and 1►a) on1'. cmdp • I Expires Nov. 23rd. 1980 ►f„ .a.� ei.� (Reg. '7.95) I'rc ,cnt this coupon for a Rut kit Of Kc nhrc ky ; tied i hi( kcr, c°nt.unrng 1 I•rcp r . o! fir,ti,•r Irt krrl Op, hu ken nni pay only t 1• 1 �," ` c. A�r,AExpires dalrSoucly.a 23rd. 1980 Ktuck •fieJCk(ekit.!(CiUvKintuek9Chicke,t.' COUPON COUPON Colonel Sanders boys and girls make it "finger lickin good