HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-10-30, Page 17,r Wayne Ferguson of Vanastra got a real education last Thursday night when his daughter Tracey (left) i nd son Ronnie (right) taught dad some of their Kin- dergarten and Grade 1 words at the Vanastra Public School open house last. week. (Shelley McPhee photo) Crafts course offered On October 20, the Monday night group which includes Braemore Manor and two Exeter group homes were treated to free coffee and doughnuts supplied and served by the Vanastra and District Lions Club. Anyone interested in taking a crafts course, please phone the centre at 482-3544. Bingo winners this week were:. first share - Ivan Mocan, RR2 Blyth; third share -the -wealth, Wayne Dowell, RR2 Clinton and Edna Adams of RR2 Wroxeter. The" jackpot was won by Crystal Taylor of Lon- desboro. Personal glimpses Get well wishes are extended to Norma Goulding, a patient at the Clinton Public Hospital. Farewell to the Wayne McFadden family who moved to Clinton last type -wealth; Alice weekend _._..__ .._.. Brandon, Bayfield; Mr. and- Mrs. Lorne second share -the -wealth, Peffer from Hope Bay visited the Wayne Ferguson family for the weekend. Welcome to the com- munity to Al and Arleen Edwards and children Sherri, Chris and Dana. They reside at 5 Toronto Blvd. Hensall news and notes by Bertha MacGregor Raymond Riley dies In Fullarton Township, (.Perth County Road) , on Wednesday, October 22, 1980, Raymond R. Riley, beloved son of Ross and Loretta Riley, RR2 Staffa died in his 19th year. He was a brother of 'Ronald and Sheila at home and Mrs. Steven (Cheryl) Smith, Mitchell, and a grandson of Mrs. Elizabeth Riley and Mrs. Elizabeth Connelly. Following visitation at the Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall, a public -- funeral .service . was_held_ from Hensall United Church, . Saturday, October 25. with Rev. Stanley McDonald of- ficiating. Interment followed in Staffa Cemetery. Pallbearers were Donald Cole, Bob Van Volkengoed, David Van Allen,: Andrew Laing, Bruce Nairn and Bradley Marsden. Flowerbearers were Ronald Murray, Pat Riley, Wade Riley, Bob Harley, John Munn and Ross Alexander. Socials Miss Margaret Hyde of London was a weekend visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hyde. 0 Mrs. Jessie Armstrong returned home after visiting with her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Don Flear at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLaren, Jodi and Brooke of Oakville were weekend visitors with Don's mother, Bertha MacGregor. The November meeting of the WMS of Carmel Presbyterian Church will be held on Monday, November 3rd at 2 p.rn. in the church school room, followed by the Ladies Aid meeting. Please note the time change. Mr. , and Mrs. Ken McLean spent the weekend in Milton and while there attended the wedding. of Miss Sheri Gibbons and Donald Genrick at St. Paul's United Church. The Arnold Circle .Evening Auxiliary met in the school room of Carmel Pres-byterian Church on Wednesday evening with the president, Mrs. Bev Moir presiding and presenting the worship. Arrangements were made for the canvass for the blind and also the bazaar and tea being held on November 1. Mrs. Ann Maxwell was hostess. Mrs. Carl Payne and Mrs. Cecil Pepper at- tended the Women's Institute London area convention held in St. Marys Community Centre on Monday and Tuesday, October 27 and 28. Special women's service The special Women's Day service held in Carmel A Presbyterian Church on Sunday was based- on the- theme of "Love". Mrs. Marlene Bell opened with the call to worship. The scripture was read by Mrs. Gloria Mousseau and Mrs. Linda Crerar. Mrs. Sylvia Struyf was guest soloist accompanying on, her guitar. The ladies' choir was under the direction of Mrs. Dorothy Taylor and Mrs. Janice Baker gave a For experienced and fair leadership RE-ELECT JOE HONKING for Reeve of Hullett. Twp. 6 yrs. Council • 4 Yrs. Dep. Reeve 2 Yrs. Reeve Your support would be appreciated at the polis on November 10th. . Thank you JOE HUNKING, REEVE r! pOem. Mrs. Aileen Knight was guest speaker and delivered an inspiring message on "God's Love, God's Work and God's Mercy". Marlene Bell thanked everyone taking part: The ushers for the day were Pat Pollock, Mona Campbell, Winnie Skea and Cathy Bell. Prior to the service a luncheon was served in the school room. The regular service next Sunday will be at 1:30 p.m. The flowers in the sanctuary were placed by the Riley family in loving niemory of their son and brother Ray. Turn to page 18. Association needs support A meeting of the Association is scheduled for Monday, November 3 at 3 p,m. in the Vanastra. Christian Church. An important item on the agenda is the annual nomination and election of officers. Now with the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing and decision on the debenture issue concluded, as people of this community we need to consider together wlier'e` we'":go""`fitThi lied on. The communiti` ac- tions leading up to and the OMB hearing of October 23 itself will also be a matter on the agenda. For placing additional matters on the agenda call 482-7653. All those who made pledges towards the Vanastra Fairness. Fund are on October 20 at the requested to make Vanastra Christian payments to Evelyn Church, Garland or bring the monies • to 86 Victoria Blvd. More contributions are needed to pay the legal expenses on the OMB hearing. A full 'financial report will be presented in due time. The three candidates from Vanastra running for councillor on the township council will be Organization from invited for a question and Stratford also attended. e �ersw.'a.r-,�.P-eri•od.�...��r :.�,.,,-..,� .�,, .�.�,.... Quest speaker was Mr. John Chu from Welcome House, Toronto, who is the Canadian representative of the Ontario Vietnamese Society and the Ontario Refugee. Resettlement Program. Mr. Jerry Holland from the International Relief CLINTONNRWS-RECORD, THUR$DAX, OCTOBER 30, 1981 School holds open house The school was very pleased this week by the =performance of the cross country team. Even though conditions at the meet wereless than ideal the young athletes 'gave the competition their best and Mr. Nicholls, their coach, felt they all did.. a fine job. On October 23, a very success( .l open houpe . was held. at the school With more than 80 ,percent of the families represented. I t : is good to see so many of the former pupils again. Qctober 27 was a Professional Activity Day and the Vanastra staff travelled to --M`�'ngl%a� "tp`"partictpate in workshops that were under the direction of Arnie McCallum, Language Consultant for the Windsor Board of Education and Dr. D. Morgenson from the Faculty of Psychology, Wilfrid Laurier University. On Friday afternoon a Hallowe'en party is planned at the school, starting at 2:45 p.m. For this reason the Kin- dergarten class will. meet in the afternoon,instead of in the mornig that day. Some lucky person will win a giant pumpkin and a costume parade will take place. Prizes will be awarded. A funny vegetable contest will also take place with Mantel will chair the The meeting was meeting. A large turnout arranged by Margaret • and community par- Aitkey a teacher of one of ticipation are needed to two classes of English make the association an' studies. The students effective vehicle .for all our community issues. A meeting to greet the newest Vanastra residents, the Viet- namese families was held presented an introduction in English as well as their native tongue. It is hoped that more meetings of this nature will be planned in the future. Youth groups keep busy Cubs Clinton Public Hospital Apple Day was a huge patients. . success thanks to drivers After the Brownies left Jeff Dixon, Jim Ryan, they played games, and Clem Goulding and Glen • broke into their regular McLachlan. The Cubs groups.. The Hallowe'en would like to thank the Party was scheduled at following ladies for the Vanastra Christian providing a `hot lunch of Church . with the Path - cupcakes at the Vanastra prizes for costumes. The Recreation Centre for all Guides will be taking a the Cubs who par- tour of the OPP station in ticipated in Apple Day - Goderich on November 19 Bonnie Pollock, : Carol and further information Dixon and Myrtle Goulding. Tony. Goulding received his House Orderly Badge. On Saturday r evening, two Cubs, Paul Handy and Colin Thomas went to Huronviewto give the seniors apples. Browtnies Jennifer Pollock received her Artist.Badge and Shelley Borite-Gelok received her Golden Hand.. Three Guides, Karen -Ann Goni, Theresa Morrison and Joann Bernard were out to help the Brownies with their meeting as part of their cord requirements. Guides The Guides--met--with the Brownies last week to make tray favours for the SHOP THE TRIANGLE IN YOUR COMMUNITY MAIN CORNFR/CLINTON 58 fHE SQUARE/GODERICH MAIN CORNER/SEAFORTH NS* NS* ESPRIT on this will be coming.. Pathfinders A Hallowe'en party for the Guides and d Path- finders was set for October 29 at the Vanastra Christian Church. This took place from 7-9 p.m. and prizes were " awarded for costumes. The Pathfinders are planning a tour of the OPP station in Goderich on November 19. Lioness to hold Christmas bazaar On' Saturday, November 22 the Vanastra and District Lioness will be l ds. ting a Christmas ;Bazaar at the Vanastra. Recreation Centre. This will be run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and anyone wishing to put up a table is asked to contact Rhonda Bjerg at 482-9596. On Friday, November 14 the next Youth Activity -Night will be held at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. Admission is $1 and it runs from 7 until 10 p.m. On Saturday, December 13 there will be a social tea. held at the la BLOODY 111111 LOW PRICES e-:-‘113fr Ir 414$ 411 TR IAN C LE DISS101ES t10 SHAMPOO200m1 $169ONLY,v • JOHNSONS BABY LOTION240m1 $, 59 ONLY • POLIDENT DENTURE CLEANING TABLETS 84 s ONLY ANTIPHLOGISTINE RUB A535120m1 CARPET,CLEANER.,.o TAMPAX TAMPONS <o, ONLY ONLY ONLY CHECK OUT OUR LARGE SELECTION OF HALLOWE'EN CANDY ' AT DISCOUNT PRICES! Vanastra Rec Centre. Admission is restricted to anyone 16 years and over. Guest speaker is the famous clairvoyant Vera McNichol who has worked with the police on a number of cases. Tickets are available from any Lioness member or at the Vanastra Factory Outlet. There will be NO tickets available at, the door - advance tickets only. Lions help others - Last Monday evening Wayne Ferguson, Jim Ryan, Tony Jeacock, Clem Goulding and Glen McLachlan served coffee and doughnuts to three special needs groups for World Service Day at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. Final plans are in the making for - the Vanastra and District Christmas' Dance to be held at the Rec Centre on Friday, November 28.. Smile If you are too busy to help, you have probably already volunteered. prizes going to the most creative entries. Refreshments will be provided by the Va nastra Public School Choir, Proceeds from the refreshment sales will be . GE, 17 used to pay • the choir's admission to a peri forrnanee by the Brass:: Company next month .in, Blyth. You are cordially invited to this Hallowe'en event. ongsIeis set 'or Hallowe'en Vanastra Nursery On October 30 at 9:45 to. 11:30 a.m. there will be a Hallowe'en party for the Nursery School with prizes for costumes. The kids are presently -working-on--crafts for table in the Christmas Bazaar on. Saturday, November 22 at the Vanastra Recreation Centre . The Nursery School will be holding a raffle on the digital . clock radio. Tickets are available from any mom connected with the school. Tuckersmilth day nursery A reminder about the open house on Thursday, 'October 30 from 6:30 to 8.30 p n... at the _.. ay Nursery. Everyone is invited. There will be a Hallowe'en party on Friday morning, October 31. The children will be dressed up in costumes and will be shown films. Hot dogs will follow for lunch. The entries are in to. ,our Grand. Opening. Jewellery Design Contest. Otic thanks to thepeople of Goderich, Clinton and area for an overwhelming response - there are many exceptional entries. All entries are now being judged. Prizes will be awarded during grand opening celebrations of our new store in the old Royal Bank building: } ANSTETT JEWELLERS LIMITED 11 ALBERT STREET, CLINTON 482-3901 MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY 0 SkyLarks at Ilawa Take"Offr • Book your January Skylark Hawaiian Holiday before November 30 and save! han --sz7 WAIKIKI 2 Weeks in Waikiki Save up to $150 from $899 per pers upancv SkyLark's Waikiki hotels are all in the heart of the action! Stay at the popular Miramar. Holiday_isle tioliday inn or the Pacific Beach. per person ISLAND TOURS AKALA 2 -ISLAND TOUR Hawaii/Maui Save $150 per person Der pers from $1,219 doubleooccn upanc, The Akala Tour takes you to two beautiful out -islands; Hawaii, the Big Isle .. and Maui, the Valley Isle. ; ce?, el' • Skylark to Hawaii includes: • Round trip air transportation from Tbronto to Honolulu via Wardair wide-bodied jet • Complimentary inflight meals and drinks • Aloha lei greeting 'on arrival • Transfersand baggage handling between the airportand your hotel and on inter -island tours • 14 nights a4commoaation in Hawaii warda(! Take Off up to $3 0 per couple on all January departures 3 -ISLAND TOURS HIBISCUS Oahu/Kauai/Maui Save $100 from $1,239 douper pble occuperson ancy Spens an action -packed week in Waikiki per persor before visiting Kauai -arid -Math PLUMERIA Oahu/Kaut/Maui Save $100 per person from ;;2431( $1,199 per person Y double occupancy Follow the same "paradise islands- itinerary as on the Hibiscus. but take advantage of apartment accommodation all the way! ORCHIDOahu/Hawaii/Maui r+ Save $ / 5 per person 1 2?4 per person from , dor{bre occupancy Your first week at the popular Holiday Inn in /A Waikiki is followed -by 3 nights on the Kona Coast of Hawai,i arid 4 nights on Maui. • Welcome breakfast briefing and entertainment on Oahu • Services of resident SkyLark Representative • SkyLark beach bag • 4% State hotel tax Not Included: Canadian departure tax of SI 0 per person. gratuities to maids and tour guides. A.• Skylark tiokda, are y.rhlect In the ter,”‘ and conditions of the !',enera' Ino ,,,,At c her ha,, of the Skol ark Hntldays 80 81 Brochure. 2886 See Your SkyLark Travel Agent THE COACH, HOUSE TRAVEL • SERVICE 54 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH PHONE 524w2615 •A