HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-10-30, Page 90 CLINTQ NEWS*RECQ1 P.t rieesrlf0 1h. risht to limit UR DAY oC"TQBBR 30: 1980 --PA Middleton By Blowy peeves moon Oen* Morning prayer wale held in St, 'Taches Anglican Chureh loot Sunday with a good at- tendance and: Vera Miller read the lesson. Rev. William Bennett spoke on reformation or revolution and following the sermon two new POW' Hymn Books were dedicated by Mr, Ben- nett. These were given by Canon F. Pauli: In memory of his wife Ethel. and her sister Carrie Dixon. Don Middleton and Edward Deeves received the offering and the flowers inthe church were placed by Blanche Deeves. Sarah Storey provided organ music for the service. This Sunday, Holy Communion will be celebrated at 11:15 am. Delores Dutot and Shirley Storey will be in charge of the church care for November. --4-H news The second meeting of the Holmesville II 4-H Club was held on October 4 with five members present. The club was named the Krafty Kookers and members were asked to -draw a picture for the front of their record books so they could -choose the best one. Once the club name was decided the Achievement Day pamphlets were handed out. Then each member read and answered questions and they cooked tortillas and taco shells, which were very good but messy. The third meeting was held on October 11 and Gerda .Brand opened the meeting with the pledge. Chicken cacciatore was made and everyone answered the roll call. Denise Brand then gave the treasurer's;,. report and the corners pages were handed out. After the meeting Anne Brand demonstrated the use of a pressure cooker. The fourth meeting of the Krafty Kookers was held bn October 18 at the home of 'Mrs. Bev Van Ninhuys. After Gerda Brand opened the meeting, members decided to make deep dish pizza and saucy franks for the next meeting. The girls then learned different waysi to fold a crepe and Denise Brand- presented the financial statement. Personals Mrs. Fred Middleton has returned home after spending the past week with Professor and Mrs. Andrew Grindley of London. Mrs. Gene Epterson of Galion, Ohio and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Taylor of Weston visited with their *aunt Mrs. Fred -Middleton and also with their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton. Mr.. and Mrs. Ted Middleton of Stratford and their daughter Nancy Clark and Kyle Clark from Nipissing spent Saturday afternoon with Ted's mother Mrs. Fred 0. PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU'SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 1980. SAVE 40_1 Up to 3 Hours Burning Time FIREPLACE LOGS 5 -Ib size each SAVE 60Q Astral, Red SOCKEYE ±.SAIMON 7.75 -oz tin • (Our Regular Prce 1.29)° (Case of 6 Logs 5.29 Our Reg. Price 7.59 SAVE 2.30) (Compare to Paramount Sockey at 2.39) Fresh BOX-O- CHICKE Contains: (Our Regular Price Ib 1,29 SAVE 40c lb) 3 Leg Quarters, with backs attached 3 Breast. Quarters; with backs & wings attch. 3 Wings 3 Necks & Backs 3 Giblet Packages 89� PORK LOIN ROASTS RIB PORTION OR 49 TENDERLOIN u PORTION •. lb 3 to 31/2 -Ib cut r( Boneless Ib 2.49) LOIN ROAST OR CHAPS (BONELESS LB 2.79) Pork Centre Cut Ib 1.89 PORK LOIN RIB PORTION, COUNTRY STYLE FESH CHICKEN LEG QUARTERS with backs attached BREAST QUARTERS with backs & wings attch. lb MIXED QUARTERS CHICKEN HALVES Whole Cut Up Chickens (Our Regular Price Ib 1.49 - SAVE 30c lb) GRADE "A", EVISCERATED, FROZEN, VAC PACS are Ribs Ib1aL9Chic-kens 310 4,Laverage Ib 99¢ , PREVIOUSLY FROZEN, PORK SIDE Rbs Ib14Spare GRADE "A', EVISCERATED, FROZEN,. VAC PAC COMBINATION - APPROXIMATELY 50% GROUND PORK AND S0% MEDIUM GROUND BEEF • • .Ducks 4 to 5 -Ib average Ground Meat 61.49 FROZEN, NEW ZEALAND, SHOULDER Lamb Chops lb 9951 lb 1.59 A&P, SLICED - MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, REGULAR, THICK, HINT OF MAPLE Side Bacon 500 g vac pac 1.79 Side Bacon 500 g vac pac 1,99 HIGHLINER, FROZEN, BATTER FRIED 32 -OZ PKG MAPLE LEAF, REGULAR OR ALL BEEF • Boston Blue Fish 3.39 Wieners 1-l6vac BLUE WATER, FROZEN i3s 8.OZ PKG MAPLE LEAF pac1.79 300 g VAC PAC 1.39 Ocean Snacks a 1.59 Super Franks BLUE WATER, FROZEN 10 -OZ PKG MAPLE LEAF 500 g PKG Haddock & Chi1.29 Golden Fry Sausages 1.99 Cut from Canada's Finest Grade "A" Beef BONELESS BEEF ROASTS Blade, Chuck Short Rib or Shoulder (Our Regular Price Ib 2.49) SAVE 50c LB Ay; FROM CANA A'S FINEST GRADE "A" BEEF, BONELESS CrosRib Roast 1b 2.29 CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A" BEEF, „EXCELLENT FOR BRAISING Blade Steaks 1e1.69 FRESH, MEDIUM Ground Beef 161.69 CANADA PACKERS, DEVON BRAND Sausages 11,1.49 MAPLE LEAF, BRISKET, VAC PAC Corned Beef 16 2.49 MAPLE LEAF, COIL Polish Sausage Ibl.99 MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, 5 VARIETIES INCLUDING MACARONI & CHEESE & LUNCHEON 375 g VAC PAC Cooked Meats 1.79 SWIFT PREMIUM, SLICED 175 g VAC PAC Cooked Ham 1.49 SWIFT PREMIUM, REGULAR & ALL BEEF, 'BROWN 'M SERVE' Sausages 250gpkg 1.59 SWIFT PREMIUM, SLICED Bologna 375 g vac pac 1.49 Reconstituted LEMON JUICE (Our Reg. Price 1.63) Complete (Our Reg. 675 ml btlJ39 -•-- C-Qncord, White or Red from Concentrate WELCH'S (Our Reg. Price 1.35 ) GRAPE JUICE 24 -11 -oz bit AUNTJEMINA Price 1.63) PANCAKE IyIIX Bkspkg X49 Reg. Price 1.89 ) AUNT JEMINA SYRUP 750 ml bottle 1 69 .�........ Yum Yums, Baby Dills, Sweet Icicles or "New" SWEET MIXED 109 HERSHEYS (Our Reg. Price 1.59) 400 ml prasttc btl Regular (Our Reg. Price 1.43) NORMA- 500 g carton COTTAGE CHEESE MAPLE LEAF BONELESS Dinner Hams 269 Ib. • BACK HALF 249 HAMS Ib.b . Buy '4 --SAVE 3551 Ready -to Serve, Assorted. Varieties Nos (Our Regular Price 31c ea.) HEINZ SOUPS for Buy 7 -SAVE 39? Assorted Varieties MONARCH AD: , ES 9.3 -oz pouch pack for 19 • (Our Regular Price 69c each ) 1 Oatmeal Carob Chips, Digestive, Oatmeal Raisin SAVE 605/` DARE BISCUITS 400 g tin he bag --- 129 Toddler Siz PAMPERS DIAPERS Uncle Ben s Converted 129 Rice BICK'SPI(KLES�m��•�-BROWNfI PICKLES 500 mi jar -.1.r-: BROWN COW (Our Reg. Price 1.67) (Our Reg. Orange Flavour TANG CRYSTALS 49 EAGLE BRAND 14 o=pkg of 2<nv, �- CONDENSED MILK SAVE 504 2 kg pkg 299 Prke 1.75) CampbPil s 159VEGETABLE t Our Regular Price 4.59 ) 10 Oi / ��.�.. SOUP tinoz k P s of 24 99 Parchment Wrapped 1/4 Ib. Squares MONARCH MARGARINg 3 Ib. pkg. Mini, Assorted Varieties NESTLES PUDDINGS pkg of 4, 5 -oz tins 0 From Concentrate A&P ORANGE JUICE 6441 -oz bottle 49 Jane Parker, Assorted Varieties POTATO CHIPS 250 g 79� pkg Our Regular Price 2." (Our Regular Prica.1..59 ) pa. (Our Regular Price 1.69) John Deeves spent a few days with Marion and Jack Smith of Dungan- non. The Enterprising Seniors will meet on November 6 at 2 pm in the Holmesville Church. Anyone over 60 may come and join: Ruby Coterie visited with Alvin and Delores Dutot on the weekend and on Sunday evening at- tended the Old Time Gospel Sing at St: Andrew's Church in Bayfield. Edward and Lois Wise and Edward and Blanche Deeves enjoyed the musical program at St. Andrew's and along with Rev. and Mrs. William Bennett went to the Rectory afterwards for coffee. It's a fact Hard nut shells are easier to crack if first soaked in warm water several hours or over- night. After shelling, dry nutmeats on a paper towel for a few hours before storing.