HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-8-2, Page 4ONIttor Sham 1.13.171eSSIA'er, AVeleeil 2xv, 1888. •EDITORIAL NOTES. Tlin work of revising the voters' lists has been postponed till next May. One half the work of set- ting up the old lists, at the print - bureau, Ottawa, has beeu finished, 3,oao p4ges remaining, 0, P. R. Superintendent *Whyte thinks there is likely to be a ear. plus 0f20,000,000 bushels of wheat Idanitoba this year, which will mean several millions of cash in the pockets of farmers. This is preferable to an abundant grass- hopper crop. THE two vacancies in the Dom- inion Cabinet have been filled by the appointment of Hou. Edward Dewdney to the post of Minister of the Interior and Superintendent General of ludian Aftairs, and Mr. John Haggart to the petition° of Postmaster General. AT the Conservative Convention held m Milton, an Saturday, Mr. David Henderson recently unseat- ed was unanimously elected their candidate to serve as member or Parliament for the county of Hal- ton. Mr. Henderson will come out as a Prohibitionist. The meet- ing was an enthusiastic one and everybody seems confideht of Mr. Henderson's re-election. SINCE the general elections for the Dominion Parliament there have been twenty-seven bye.elec- dons, and of these nineteen have been won by Conservatives, five being gains from the Reformers. The latter have not captured a solitary county held by a Conser- vative. Must be a very discourag- ing record tor our friends, and anything but a hopeful sign for the future for the leeform party. Tan old plea for whiskey w that it would make a man warm in winter and keep him cool in sum- mer. • . The like plea is now indus. triouslyput for commercial annexa- tion in the United States; the man who has grain to sell can send it to the United States and get higher prices than he can get at home; and the man who desires to buy grain can seed to the Unit- ed States and get it much cheaper than he is forced to pay to Canad- ian fareiers. These are the con- tentions of the Reform press. THE Mills tariff bill has passed the United States house of repre- sentatives by a small majority, the vote being in to 149. The bill proposes to make reductions in customs and revenue duties to the amount ot seventy million dollars, It is the thin edge of the wedge introduced by the Democrats to bring about free trade. It has yet to pass the Senate, and as the lat- ter body has a majority of Republi- cans, it is almost safe to say the bill will not become law, espec- ially in view of the approaching elections. — ----- SIR- Richard Cartwright and the Hon. Wilford Laurier will shortly come west to tell the people of this section how poor they are. Mr. Laurier will tell us that Riel was a hero and martyr, and Sir Richard will remind us how much better the country was in 1878 than it is at the present time. Wilford Laurier may be a brave man and fond of military honors but it is decidedly unsuited to him to come to this enlightened community to impart knotaledge, especially out of the Riel and musket line. Sir Richard may discover that the country :s in a terribly wrecked condition, and that the people are becoming bankrupt; but he can- not help realizing that the sim still rises in the east, makes its accustomed voyage threugh the sky and sets in the west just as it did in the days of the Reform Gov- ernment. Re cannot make the people believe other than that the crops are sometimes pretty good; that the fruit is sometimes a fail- ure, and sometimes we got an ex- tra crop ; that sometimes •the cattle don't do well, and then again they turn out extra good; that sometimes the winter wheat is frozen out, and sometimes we get 40 bushels to the acre, as many farmers aro getting this year ; and that one year taken with another things average up pretty •well. Sir Richard Cartwright is out of office, but our 3 per cents are let. ching a fairly good price, and, on the whole things are a-veraging- up pretty well on THE PEOPLE !COW /T. IN tIli4 Deiglihorhood the apple crop this season will be a very large one, and with fair prices will add materially to the income et our farmers- The demand for Canadian apples in Britain is very great, and the prices usually real- ized are more than what are given .for fruit from the United States, Twenty years ago the Americans monopolized the trade, and dealers vioulcl hardly look at a 0a.nadian apple, Since thou rapid strides have been made; the value of our exports have increased from $44,- 000 to the large sum of $65o,000. All that is required to still further itlerea.Sethe export is care exercised in selection and particularly hon. est packing. It is passing strange if the In- dians of the Northwest are on the verge of rebellion, that we do not hear of it through Canadian pap- ers, instead of the news coming by way of New York. it le alleged that the troop robbed the half- breeds of their possessions. This is bogus, as not one instance of a settler or half-breed being robbed by the troops was reported at the time. Those who were found in arms certainly suffered. With re- gard seed grain, if there were any who did not receive a supply it was their own fault, for this year as well as other years Feed grain has been liberally distributed in the Northwest under government supervision. They will, however, hesitate before creating any dis. turbance ; and should they, a clean sweep will be made of them this time. Mnsses. Greenway and Martin are said to have concluded an are rangement with the Northern Pac- ific Railway for the running of the Red River Valley Railroad. This simply means that the railroad which the people of Canada built tor the benefit of Manitoba and the Nortlewest is to be repudiated and its business handed over to a foreign concern. Last week we predicated a division in Mr. Green - way's ranks, at an early date, and already a large section of the gov- ernment supporters are indignant at the Premier's action and threat- en to desert the party. It is indeed very difficult for Mr. Greenway to refrain from exercising his double dealing tactics; a betrayal of trust on his part is trivial mat- ter in his mind, and the people of Manitoba need not be surprised if they hear of him, some day, as suming to sell the province to the Yankees. Park of the terms on which the Northern Pacific accept the road is: that the Canadian Pacific Railway be excluded from running over the road, it being a competitor of the Northern Pac- ific. Great difficulty is experienced in the cheese making dristricts of Ontario in preventing farmers from skimming the milk they semi to the. factories. Inspectors have been appointed to enforce the local law which makes skimming an of. fence, and several convietions have been obtained. The Belle- ville Ontario relates that the in- speciors are brought in contact with sonic strange people. Call- ing at a weleto-do tarmer's house, one of them was surprised to hear a loud noise emanating irom the parlor and on looking inesaw that a prayer meeting was going on. He seized the opportunity to in spect the cellar' and there found several pans ofmilk skimmed. At breakfast the good housewife with marked feeling of regret apol- ogized for not having cream for the tea, as they had sent all their milk to the creamery. The inspec- tor wanted to know where the cream was that was taken from the pans in the cellar. She saw that the cat was out of the bag and promised never to do it again,. That inspector should get promot- ed. Counterfeiters Committed The examination of Chas. Johnston, W. 0. Parsons and Bej. McKenzie, on being engaged in the counterfeiting busi- ness,was taken up at Sarnia on July 25th. There was considerable evidence given. Knight, the party who has been commit- ted for passing counterfeit money at King- ston, gays evidence that lie got $500 -n counterfeits of the Bank of British North America from a man named Coultis at Point nclward, last April; and that John- ston was in the company of Coultis. Knight went to Kingston a couple of days afterwards, and in a couple of limns pass- ed $300 of it. Alex. 13rownley, of Ansa Craig, also gave evidence to the effect that he had obtained counterfeit money from both Parsons and McKenzie and that Johnson told him he was dealing in the money and vvould get it foe linn, The evidence against the three was strong. Chief Sherwood and Inspector O'Ririly of the Secret Service who had been engaged ‘en the ease and who made the arrests, were present at the examintj,tion arid gate testimony. The three plisoners Were committed foe trial, and bail refused, both by the magistrates befere whom tried, arid judge Mativiahon to whom application Was Made, E80110Q1:11,N. P1).the 20th ult„ the wife of eer. P. reayne, of a daughter, eJoborne, oa teeete Mee the wife at Ur, D, Alef4e0, 01 a (1500- 41. MARBIED. 2th, 1888, darighter of John Chinese, Esq„ of Park - DA le!tycounl,:elt. 4Atm4twrbt .1001 drenieits(s)lidieyialv:es n:041u, oulo:ff Nairn, Mr. N. W. Althouse, teacher •of hilL —Monnx Aliso Craig Publics Sobeol, to Miss Nellie, eolsity.Territory, ma the ilth July. JOhn B. 13, formely of Lamely Ont., to Miss Nellie Victoria Morrison, of Aber - Sutra, —13ossnanar,—At Zurich, on tbe 21st bast, at the residence of the bride's brother, Mr, Ed, Rosseuberry,by the Rev, J, W. ()Omaha, of Dasliwood, lite. Frank Smith, of New Duudee,Welmot township, Waterloo Co., to Miss Levine. Bose - berry, of Zurich. Wiea.nevamiosmInnam.010111M 114•1III•11 SSPRAYED., --A VERY HEAeyY aged, Berkshire sow from the preniises on Monday, 23r5 of July. Any information leading to hor recovery will be suitably re- warded. •WM . S ANDERS , Lot 16, oon 8, Stephen ATOTERS' LIT, 1888,—au- v NICIPALITY of the 'Uowaship of Us - borne, County of Iluron,-*Notice is herd), given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the 3rd awl 4th see - tions of theVoters' List Act, the winos re- quired by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the List, mado pursuant to said Act of all persons appearing by the 1aSt 1'0 viseci assessment roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at elections for members of tho Legislative Assembly, and at the Municipal elections, and that said list was first posted un at my aloe, Elimville, on the 31st day of July. 1888, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said List, and if any omissions or other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. GEORGE IV, HOLMAN, ()ig, ko of fxtuliley ,siasisdsik.funicipali ty Dated this 31t d s VOTERS' LIST, 1888.-141UN • icipality of the Village of Exeter, County of Huron. Notice is hereby givou that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons men- tioned in sections 6 and 6 of tho Voters List Act, the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the lists made Pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at elections for members of tho Legislative Assembly and at municipal elections, and that said list was first posted up at my office at the Town Hall on the 25th day of July, 1388. and remains there for inspection Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or other errors aro ifaoluvn. d therein, to take immediate proceedings to haye the said errors corrected according to MICHAEL EACRETT, Village Clerk. Exeter, July 241h, 1888. -VOTERSLIST, f888.--MONI- V cipality of the Township ot Hay, Cbunty of Huron. -Notice is hereby given that I have tranemitted or delivered to the persons men- tioned in the Srd and 4th.seetions of tho Vot- ers' List Act, the copies required by said sec- tion to be so transmitted or delivered of the List, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in thesaid Municipality at elections for mem- bers of the Legislative Assembly, and at the Municipal elections, and that said List was first posted up at my office, lot 9 eon, 9, Hay Township, on the 14th day of July. 1888, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said List. and if any omissions or other errors aro found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. SAMUEL FOSTER, Clerk of the said.Munieipality. Dated this 14th day of July,1803. IRKTON SUMMER OF 7888. We Lead the Trade FOR HONEST GOODS, FOR FULL WEIGHTS, FOR GOOD TEAS, FOR LOWEST PRICES, FOR BOOTS & SHOES, FUR RANGE OF TWEEDS FOR SHARTINGS. FOR COTTONS, FOR DRESS GOODS, FOR LACES of all kinds. DOUPE'S 'Highest Prices paid for Butter and Ep..,gs. WILL BE AT Central dote,. Exeter, On Thursday, Aug 9, From 8 a.m. 1o5 p.m., one day only. PLEASE call EARLY and GIVE TIME, Thos. Speer NI,D, SURGEON; ETC., m, C. P. S. G. S. & L. T. C.D. The Great East India Specialist, FOR THE Treatment of all Chronic Diseases. DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN. ears_p_r_acttee---30 Head Office, -ST. THOMAS. The Doctor has been educated in nearly all of the leading medi eal Colleges and hos. pitals inEuropo., has served as:Surgeon in tile British Artny in. the East Indies ; Sur- geon in the American Army during the late war from 1801 to the close of the same, has treated all nationalities an cLeirentnna.viga- ted tile Globe. Dis thorough education, large and varied pr-tctice vend experience entitle him to rank as a speeialist second to nono cat this continent -for the treatment of those dangerous and dB:rim:tit diseases) that have battled the skill of a local physic. 01111, The following diseases with !many others Successfully treated:- Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, disease of the Lungs, Dyspepairi, Divieases of tho Eye or Ear, Heart, Diseass, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Nervous Debility, Goitre 'ever and:Ague, IVIalariel Affection , elation,. Syphilis, Strictnr , Rtip lure. Skin Diseases, Files, eto Electricity used vtlicin required. The following testimonials and diplomas maY he coon at my officeovith many others from nearly all the medioal aohoole in Eur- ope ; 'Erinity College, Parit-st. Sehool of Medioine.and Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin; BoyalConege of Surgeone, Belt apt, Ireland ;Itoval Celle e of Surgeons, London, 8thgiand; ttoyal tlollege of Surgeons, Edin- burgh and Glasgow, Scotland; Licentiate in Midwifery, arid endorsed by the highest medical authorities in ihi UnitocIS tates and enttati.. Lim above with many lettere frcitrl different parts of the globe. are a medical pasport-witholit fixaminationfs, doubt or quibble --over !every pea and ittievety land from the rising to the setting of the pan. ConSultation free, B�menii,er the date, Absolutely Pure. Thisnowder never varies A, marvel ofpur. Ity, strength and wholesomeness, More econ- =iota than the ordinary kinds amcl cannot be sold in competition with the multitudes of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. --ROYAL BAK- ING POWDER CO -106 Wall street N. Y To the Deaf.—A person cured of Deafness andnoises in the head of 23 years standing, by a eimpleremody. Will send a description 01 11 vast: to any ono lipplying to Monson. , 30 St. Jo t. ,Montreal. °TICE.— The undersig ued, hereby gives notice that, from this date he will not be responsible for any debts con- tracted under his name, uniiist a written notice shall have been received from him: JAMES HODGSON, Usborne July 10th 1888. MACKINAC. The Moat Delightfta SUMMER TOUR Palace Steamer& Low Bates, Pour Trips per Week Between DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Every Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Write for our "Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated, Contains Pall Particulars. Mailed Free. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nay. Cod C. D. WHITCOMB, GEN. Pass. AGT„ • DETROIT. MICH. 'When I say CURE I do not mean merely to stop them for a time, arid then have them re- turn again. I antAx A. RADICAL CUBE. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or 3FALLING SICKNESS A life long study. T wABRAIrr my remedy to OunE the worst cases. Because others have failedis no reason for not nowreeeiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a,PRa n BOTTLE of my IlarAnnximu REMEDY. Give Express and Post Office. It costs you nothing for a, trial, and it will cure you. A.ddress Dr. H. G. ROOT, 37 Yongo St., Toronto, Ont, IMEEEPAIIIIMMEW:Kalx, Memo DR. \wan ngto n Throat & Lung Surgeon, Of Toronto, will be at the Central Ho. tel, Exeter, A.170. AEIth ALL DAY. Catarrh, Bronchitis, Astlitt, Consumption, etc, permanently and effectually cured. A few Prominent Testinaomals of Permanent Cures: Mrs. John McKay, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh and Consumption. John McKelvy, Kingston, Ont. catarrh. Mrs. A. Hopping, Kingston, 'Ont., Broncho Contumption. mr.E. soca, Kingston, Ont„ Catarrh, head and throat. Read W. 11. Storey's Original Testimonial. Catarrh Throat Cured. Listen to W IT Storey, Esq„ of the firm of W II Storey Sc Son, Acton, Glove Manufactur- ers, also President Manufacturers' Assoeiation onge-et, Toronto, DofizCawn.ifida sin.NwroN, 215 y DEAR assure you I feekgrateful for the radical cure you have effected in my throat trouble, and though I dislike having my name appear in oonn notion with the testimonial bus- iness, yet,having regard for those who are similarly affected, as well as having a desire to reengnize the results P. your treatin en t. I make a departure 11 th is . Prior to my acquaint- ance with yen. 1 q, suffered for two years from repeated of catarrhal sore throat each succeedn ..itnek being more prolonged and violent • ot r. th e former. At these thnos I bad violent t fd, coughing, and would dis- chargelargc tirton hies of =cons. Feeling alarmed, I soughr th chest medical skill avail- able, ineludit:!n much -noted Specialist, and took almost E‘ers:/iiing known to medicine witheut experionetng &particle of rolief. Last spring I went to Mirope. Tho change did me good, but on tny rat urn the old trouble was re - eel IV; r..,0 vuOised to v t Oita place, a though won hi consul tyOu 'if though I confess with not r'iidl, toso of ro ting anY benefit. However, 1 'ikos fa vorsb) npres,taii with your candor. and resell:0d ive your treatment a trial'.Lho tee naPPY to inform you. is a eoint.iote id 'Tho 00 marked in its eliaractet n.t ise both inY tieif and tny friends, I row ..st your med* kine seemed adapted to ni,r3n s 0 nod gave re- lief, In tvvo mos. I WriP enli rely well , end have so eontituted through the most unfavorable season of year, You are al iiberty th make that OBO yOu please of thisletter, rind' ellen 'be pleased to answ.er any taint irierr elat'a*o to my ease, Yours vory Mr, vr, V.CPEEr Aoton, jari, lOth,1887i r.4PC0NS(ILrAlrON PREE'SIff.. Aalln Zine ROYAL MAIL STletelefeefelPS. Liverpool and Quebec Servioe, calling at Der- by, Pays of Sailing. ---Parisian, May 24. Poly- nesitin. Friday, 3'ulle 1. Sardinian Thursday, Juno7. , Uireassian loriday, 3 ape 10, Sarnia. tionaliurstjay, jape 1, pumian Th,ursalw, Juno 28, Polynesian Friclay.luly 6, Sardinian Thursday ..Tuly 12. Ciroassian FeidaY 1 tmo 20, Sarmatian 'Thursday jaly 25 ,Parisian Thurs. dab, Aug 2. Polynesian Friday Anal 10. Sur, dinian Thursday Aug 16. oiroeseen Friday, Aug 24. Sarmatian, Thursday, Aug 00, RATES. Cabin Sat 805875, according to Po- sition, lteturn $100, $124, $150. Intermediate Liverpool,Londonderry or Glasgow $30 ; re- tnrit $00. Steerage et lowest rates, Steerage passengers }welted to and from Glasgow, Bel- fast Queonston or London at Liverpool rates. Buy tickets to go home, bring out friends or relatives by the Allan Lino. For further Particulars apply to JOHN SPACKMAN, The only authorized agent in Exeter. aetiOs VAS* One Door South of Post Office --HE HAS -- A NEW AND COMPLETE --STOCK OF -- Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, JOHN BRAWN, UNDERTAKER, CABINET-MAKER, Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS Or EVERY DESORIPTI01,. A Complete Stook of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISHED 6- CON' DUCTED AT Low RATES. My stock of Furniture is un- excelled. 'GIVE ME A CALL s.co Hersey's IS The Place TO Buy C GOOD ap AT DULMAGE S .11888., For July—Cheapest Su- gars, cheapest Teas, cheap- est summer dress goods. For July—Will pay you a better price for Butter and Eggs than you can get in other places. For July—You can get some low drives in Boots & Shoes. Don't fail to call during this month. We are bound to undersell town or vill- age in sugar this month. ODDE CURES Liver Complaint Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache Kidney trouble Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, And all im- purities of the blood from what ever cause aris- ing. The Great 8/ng Vedicine PRICE 75 Cts. (with Pills $1) 1-Zocieler's Little - Liver - PIIIs Very Small and Easy to Take. NO ORIPING NO 'NAUSEA, Sold evetywhete ; price 25 ate Mike Medicine Co, Propa.,, Toronto, Can. Our Sri °GM e N e. 23 permanently restores 4x1i u s'rED l'ITAL1TY, LOST MAN HOOD and G FINE D SIB ILIT Y who n 0 NI or treat - Ment filo, Send eer t itt stampfor our peirove toi sue. Ito nnidoDnii4i.,:e4o,P43f tett tome u4).;09. Wrrop: rent°, tint. ,,.., — — &' —ft or - y ' , ":, 11 IL' FREEMAN'S WORM PovimEnt,. Aro pleas.t to take. Contain their, sista Purgative. Is a F. rP, 011”P, MALI CIMOtlijia ifetroyer of wornis in tiaildrezi 05 Adatt* Everest'a Cough Syru,p CANNOT BE BEATEN. Try it and be eonvinced of its wonderful curative properties. Pries 25 CtS. (Trade Mark,) Tri Everest's, LIVER RE9UL4TO1?, ForDiseases of the Liver, Kidneys de., and purifying of the Blood. Price 51. Six bottles, 55. For sale by all drug- gists. Manufactured only by G. M. EVEREST, Chemist, Porost PUREST, STRONCEST, BEST, CONTAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, or any injurious materials. E. VV. GI 1-1- Err t C1IICAGO, ILL. Lica'fr of the CBLI1E1lAiMI1 ROYAL S'Eas'r oktEa. CEN TRAL Drug Store A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers he best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at Central Drug Store Exetex. C LUTZ. SOO TUE $ Butter Wanted 411". eitheson, EXE TER NORTH, Our Stock'is Well Assortea Pole TITE SEASON'S TRADE. LOW PRICES STILL MAINT.AINED:, GROCERIES!! 16 lbs..:sugar $L00; 13 lbs. white sugar, $T We can't be undersold in Teas from 20 to eee. per lb. BOOLS & Shoes All Styles at Low Prices A, nicely assorted stock of :R NV R FORKS, SOYT.HES and GLASS all sizes (Cheap.) Best 1Viachito Oil 60e per Gal. COAL OIL AS LOW AS 'THE LOWEST A nice Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.75 A ood suit of ready-made elothing Poee Ordered suits got up LI Geed Style. Our DPOS6' Good are "narked down to the Lowest Notch. ClOTTOX, 2OYARDSF011ON3it1OtLA5 A House% and Lot, else a if arm. for Side Apply te SorIN MATHEN SON. ItAY