HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-10-23, Page 21,T'TV CURD CU itpgAI 1~ 'w �iriDu MANI eow Pr I• FREE lOs ' 1418.1 n ►. Av. Rn .• 'ediote Der. 961.1240 •Ilpn 4 Info., Y 17. Apartments for rent S Ads. Big Resuits!: • • Fr'1PF 44,14 r 4a, iY4 XJC YN (44 .14. X17. Apartments for rent OCTOBER'S RENT FREE Twolbedroom apartment Broadloom throughout Stove 8. Fridge " All utilities paid Controlled entrance OAL400 TWO BEDROOM ground floor apt. reasonable. Reply to drawer No. 22 Clinton News -Record. -43,44 APARTMENT AVAILABLE immediately. One three bedroom and one two bedroom in up -town Clinton. Phone 482-9766 or 482-9417 evenings.--38tfar 18. Houses for rent FOR RENT - small house on main highway, close to Clinton. Clean and - com- pletely redecorated, available now, references rec uired. Call 482-3460.-42tf FOR RENT - 5 bedroom house in Clinton with dish- washer, newly carpeted. Phone 482-7857.-42,43 18. Houses for rent u ' TWO BEDROOM Mobile for rent. Morgan's Mobile Homes. Phone 482-7066.-36tf ROYAL MAINTENANCE SMALL ENGINE CLINIC HWY. 4 CLINTON 482-9600 r-� 19. Rooms for rent -THR'E'E" "BEDR:OOM" -house SINGLE MATURE female in Bayfield. Phone' 565-2695 to share upper half of house. or 433-4646.--42 Phone 482-9363.-38tf FARM HOUSE . - two com- plete residences inside. Available Nov.' 1, 1980. Two miles south of Bayfield on Highway 21. Phone 565- 5221.-43tfn TWO BEDROOM semi- detached home in Clinton. Close to shopping. Available immediately. Phone Don 524- 4226 or 524-9131.-43x THREE BEDROOM, 1 floor home 'with rec room, carport on Matilda St. Clinton, No. 325. Phone Harold Workman Real Estate, 482- 3455.-43,44,45ar NEW HOME, furnished, in Bayfield. Available Nov. 1 - June 1. Older persons desired. Phone 565-2749 or 453-2888.-43 • TWO BEDROOM house, finished basement, fireplae -carpeted, . large fenced back yard. $350 plus utilities available now. 482- 3447.-43,44 THREE BEDROOM House, available Nov. 1. $190 plus utilities. Phone 482- 7724,-43,44 DESIRABLE home for rent, Seaforth area, reasonable rent. Call 527-1972.-43,44 HOUSES FOR RENT in 'Vanastra. - Available im- mediately. Phone 482- 3278: -31 tfa r THREE BEDROOM Farm house close to Hensall completely redone. Wall to wall carpeting. $200 per month. Phone 262-2928 or 262- 5768;-40tf 1', AVAILABLE November 1st, 1980, $225.O11 per month, plus utilities - living roam, dining room, three bedrooms, family room, rec room, paved drive. Vanastra. Call 524-7931.-40-44 EKV CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. •CONCRETE FORMING •FOUNDATIONS •MANURE TANKS •FARM BUILDINGS •DRIVE SHEDS •GRAIN BINS CALL: S24.7361 before 5 P.M. 43-4646 after 6 P.M. BUILDER 20. Room&board TWO COZY BEDSITTING rooms suitable ' for retired men,° shared bathroom, three meals included, $12 per day. Mrst...C. Van Damme, 482-3685 Holiday Home.-4ITFAR 23. Commercial property -for rent' MEDIUM SIZED store, with bright cheery living guar ters, ' good main street location centre of town, reasonable rent. Hensall 262- 3205.-40-43 25. Wanted to buys WANTED: Good used fur- niture. Phone- 482- 7922.-8tfar WANTED 48 inch bathroom vanity. Folding baby high- chair and swingamatic. All in good condition. Phone 527- 1269.-43 26. Help wanted HANDYMAN AS superin- tendent for townhouses in Vanastra. Spare time job. Apartment supplied. Phone 482-382fl.-40tfa r H.D. DETROIT Diesel mechanic required, aggressive G.M. dealership, town cif 6,000. Excellent opportunity, Valley Pontiac, Box 58, Drayton Valley, Alberta. TOE OMO. 403-542-5152, Pete or Gary-:-43be EXPERIENCED parts and service manager required for franchised Toyota dealership with RV Center. We offer company benefit plan including medical and dental, $1800 per month plus commission, demo. We want a responsible administrator who is advancement - oriented. Phone or write Mr. Glen Hunter, Korthern Trailer Toyota, 12402 - 100th St., Grande Prairie, Alberta. Phone 403-532-3333.-43bc WATKINS PRODUCTS is looking. for two adults to service your friends, neigh- bours and relatives. Excellent commission. Write Watkins, 504 Lirneridge Court, Hamilton. Call 1-416- 388-2530.--41-46 x GMC DEALERSHIP in Drayton Valley, Alberta requires H.D. truck parts- persorl or experienced parts - person. Wages depending on experience. Good company benefits. CaiI Parts Manager collect 403-542-5443.--43 FOR RENT Three bedroom townhouses, newly decorated. Located in Vanastra, 2 miles from Clinton, quiet surroundings. °2I'9. par month including hetet and hot water. TV cable available. Ideal for retired people, close to Labe Huron. APPLY AT OFFICE BLOCK H UNIT 1 OR - PHONE 482-3828 BETWEEN 6 & 10 P.M. nn .. S 1 -. NC Y 26. He1p.wanted LICENSED FISH PROCESSOR, located in North Vancouver, B.C. Net } Income last three months $4,700. Walk-in cooler, ap- proximately 12' x 24', miscellaneous near -new equipment, truck, etc. Freezer available $75,000. Owner has other interests, Good operation for one or two .' people. Call-- Andrea Boyer 604-985-2131,-43bc MAKE MONEY in your spare time. Learn Income Tax preparation. For free brochure, no obligation, write U &"R Tax Schools, 118 Roxborough Drive, Toronto Ontario M4W 1X4.--43bc Huron County Health Unit will be receiving ap- plications for the position of Assistant Dental Technician for the school health dental program based in the Exeter office, until 'Wednesday, October 29, 1980. Reply in Writing, including resume to. Dr. B. Lynch, Huron County` Health Unit, Court House, Goderich N7A 1M2.-43ar AGENTS WANTED Executive car care operate your own business, full or part "t'iif9e: 1N'e' train: _CALL LONDON- 685.0600 ONDON 685^0600 minimmon 28. Business o' portunity Well-established .income tax preparation franchise. Showing good profit with excellent potential for in- crease. Because, of head office assistance this is an excellent opportunity for someone with limited ex- perience, $1.200. Present franchise.,- assist if necessary. 482-7534.--43 Artists/ Craftsmen Successful co-operative retailouttet in Exeter has vacancies for new members. Call 439-7451 LONDON or 345-2184, SE-AFORTH for 1'nfor- motion. 30 Employment wanted WILL BABYSIT in my own home. Daytime preferably. Phone 482-3773.-43,44 31 Service directory KEN'S •CAR PENTRY - Remodelling renovations, cupboards, rec rooms, carports, flooring, Hunt - Pella windows and patio doors, aluminum siding, windows, doors. Phone 482- 7676. -Ken McNairn.-l2tfar BYERS LLPHO L S TER Y __. We will rebuild recover or restyle your old furniture. Top quality fabrics and workmanship. Call 482-7939, 71 Princess St. W., Clin- ton.-22tf LIGHT BULLDOZING, landscaping,, backfilling etc. Larry Bailey. Phone 523-4438 or 482-9210.-23tf EA VESTROUGHING Seamless, rolled on the job to length required. No leaking joints, available in five colours. Residential - farm - commercial. Ken McCann Enterprises Ltd.. 234-6401 collect, Crediton, Ont. -40-46 SANDBLASTING - Brick - cleaning. White's Sand- blasting Service. Call anytime Wingham 357- 3637.-42,43 MUSIC FOR ALL OC- CASIONS - Live music is best. List of over 50 bands available from Stratford Musicians Association, Box 329, St, Marys, Ontario NOM 2V0 or phone 284-1288 or 271- 1362 (Stratford) .-43,44 FURNITURE stripping and refinishing done. Phone 482- 3508.-43 HOME REPAIR and'° im- provements, custom woodworking, experienced carpenter. Reasonable rates. Phone Peter Herring, 565-2666.==43,44 .s 4R"6 197E M CLINTON' NEWS - RECORD, THURSDAY, OCTOBER .23,108.9-,PAQE 21 INAS SIFIED 111) 31. Servide directory Custom Slaughtering and Processing Kill Day Wednesday LERNER'S D'ASHWOOD 237-3677 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 JOHN. KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING * Farm Buildings it Additions * Renovations PHONE 482-3063 mommommommummom JACK GERRITS; CONSTRUCTION LTD. *Farm *Commercial *Residential - *Buildings *Additions • *Renovations AFFILIATED WITH: CUSTOM SHEET METAL *Fascia *Soffits *Door and Window Jams and Sills *Metal Covered Doors ESTIMATES & QUOTES AT NO OBLIGATION PHONE: 482-7290 31. Service directory. SCREENED TOP SOIL (for Lawns -Gardens - Flowers) ALSO *Crushed Stone ••Crrushed Road Gravel 'Cement Gravel .P.i.t Run Gravel Bpckhoe Work LYLE MONTGOMERY 482-7644 evenings t C' 35. Notice to creditors' IN TUE MATTER OF THE ESTATE • OF JAMES ERNEST CRICH, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the oabove-named, James Ernest Crich; who died on or about the 13th day of Sep- -[ember; 1-98.0; are-Fequired to WATER WELL. DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1.737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775 HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 1214202 -- Lawn -342O2Lawn and Garden Equipment * Repairs * New Lawnmowers and Tillers in stock. GEO. A. BAiRD BACKHOE SERVICE - TRUCKING - EXCAVATING & TRENCHING - SEPTiC'BEDS Geo. A. Baird Brocefield 482-3390/4824)042 1 34 Personal -PREGNANT and DISTRESSED? Married or single, free positive con- fidential support. •Help' is as close as your telephone. BIRTHRLGHT - London (collect) 432-7197 or 524-2913, 357-1769 or 392-6541.-3-52 ' Are you tired of being alone? Are you unattached, separated, single or divorced. Meet that special person. Apply P. 0. Box 104, Owen Sound, N4K 5P1. Please state age. -43,44,45x PFRIMMER CLINIC OF DEEP MUSCLE THERAPY NO: 1 R.R. 2 Bayfield, Ont. Dial 519-482-9335 •BURSITIS •SCIATICA •WHIPLASH •ARTHRITIS• EFFECTS OF STROKE • SPRAINS • HEADACHES • LOWB-ACK PAIN • POOR CIRCULATION are some of the conditions which benefit from . DEEP MUSCLE THERAPY Please call on Mondays or Thursdays for appointments Faustina (Chris) Tugwell D.M.T. Resident Therapist file the same with full par- ticulars with the un- dersigned -by the 3rd day of November, 1980, asafter , that date the assets of the estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of which the un- dersigned shall have notice. DATED at ]Clinton, Ontario, this 1st day of October, 1980. D. GERALD HILTZ, Barrister & Solicitor, 52 Huron Street CLINTON, Ontario Solicitor for the Executrix .-41-43 IN THE ESTATE OF RUTH SALOME MUTCH, late of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. , ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 2nd day of September, 1980, are required to file full particulars thereofwith the undersigned on or before the 15th day.of November, 1980, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 15th day of October, 1980. MENZIES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors. 43,44,45 3'8. Auction sale t3 38. Auction sale' 38. Auction sale eqe7d0a7 J.eceeze(ei NOTICE OF. UPCOMING AUCTION Of Combines, Tractors, Equipment and Misc. Items. To be held for Visscher Farms, R.R. 2, Kippen on: Tuesday, November 11 at 1:15 P,.M. Located 4 miles North East of Hensall. Full line of farm machinery including 3 tractors, equipment, Farmmatic Mill, Feed Tanks and Liquid Manure Equipment. Full Equipment List Next Week Plan To Attend. Albert Visscher-Proprietor. ff44.e, , c Z,J('r7(C%.J AL.:CT.0 NEERS• L.CU CATCRS. APPRA SEF,S N'A.N ST • SLAFCRTH CNTAR 0 NC'K 1W:)' 519 57-',458 ,adwae, //- QZ,i(r/a/e.i AUCTION CALENDAR ATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 - 10:30 A.M. Benmiller Auction of Equipment and Artifacts. Held at the Premises. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30 - 6:30 P.M. Goder;ch-Estate- Auction._,^ Held- .at- 'Scrhfard Vottey Hall. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 - 1:15 P.M. Hensall Property Auction. Held at the Location - Lot 21 Concession 3, Tuckersmith Twp. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11 - 1:15 P.M. Farm Equipment Auction. Visscher Farms. Held at Location 4 miles North East of Hensall. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 - 10 A.M. Kincardine Property Auction: cam( /r/�/l-'Fl `�,1,1r'rlil'4,l Ate. T.0 NEERS• L O..; LATORS. APPPA'SEF7c, • O ' S' • SEM F �RTH ONTAR NOK '�•�, 519r 5.7-1458 ESTATE AUCTION SALE Antique furniture, appliances, bandsaw, etc. to be held at Richard Lobb Barn, Clinton Ont. for the Estate of Harriet Knox. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 at 10 A.M. Large band sow, garage door, flat -to -wail cupboard,__ jam cupboard, round table w/centre pedestal& 5 leaves, six Windsor back chairs, washstand, antique"' dressers, fancy antique high back bed, modern maple bed, dresser & night table, hall table, wicker fern stand,' Quebec heater, small cookstove, two wicker chairs 'in excellent condition, two wooden rockers, upholstered chairs, trunks, chesterfield & chair, library table, lawn chairs, small tables, two fridges, 24" elec- tric stove, rollaway bed, dining table w. chairs & buf- fet, small girls bicycle, electric heaters, chrome table, small iron kettle, oil lamps, crocks & jugs, lots of pic- tures & frames, brass pail, copper boiler, pots & pans, dishes and glassware including several antique pieces plus many items not mentioned. • TERMS CASH Auctioneer Richard Lobb Estate or auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. Richard Lobb: Auctioneer CLINTON 482-7898 411.-4.--..-4,4 HENDRIK GELOK ELECT'RIC RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL I VDUS'TRiAL TRAILER AND R V SERVICE QUALITY WORKMANSHIP AT A REASONABLE PRICE MAINTENANCE - NEW AND Ol n INSTALLATIONS PHONE 519-482-3700 or 482-7007 give yourself a lift! 38. Auction sale & i'Ni ti4' *1 CO. 421' r1! HER' It i It I N soy a": 1 p}'1` / NAM ," :4, 4tr tir+13 38. Auction sale Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR Every Thursday u HENSALL TOCK -SALE SAT. OCT. 25 - 10 A.M. Antiques, furniture, etc. from the estate of Harriet Knox plus ad- ditions, at Richard Lobb's barn. SAT. NOV. 1 at 10 A.M. Furniture, etc. at Richard Lobb's Barn for Mrs. E. Hudie and Mrs. Lawson. 41. To give away TO GIVE AWAY to a good home a seven month old female dog. Part Irish Setter, part Lab has all needles. Phone after 3:00 p.m. 482-.3247,-43 42 Death notice ZWAAN In South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Ontario • on Thur- sday, October 16th, 1980, Chad Peter Zwaan, age 5 months, 20 days. Dear son of Donna Marie Zwaan. Dear.. grandson of Peter ' and Marlene Zwaan. Dear nephew of Linda and Gary Zwaan. A private funeral service was held at the Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall on Saturday., October 18th at 2 p.m. Reverend Stan McDonald officiated. Burial 'was in Baird's Cemetery.-43nx , n SCHELL Mrs. Floyd Schell the former Alice Austin suddenly in St. Petersburg, Florida. She was born near Bayfield, Ont. Daughter of the late Alfred and Alice Austin. Survived by only one brother William of Seaforth. Burial took :place in Florida. -43x e°-)Piidg 's‘ HENSALLAREA FARMit OFFERED BY PUBLIC AUCTION We are pleased to offer by Public Auction 97 acres of Huron County No. 1 soil in a 3900 heat unit area with an average rainfall of 36" per year. Level land, suitably tiled, corner farm, municipal drainage outlets, no buildings. Lands located 33/4 miles 'North of Hensall on Hwy. 4 and 11/4 miles east. Sale Time: November 1st at 1:15 p.m. tint the location - Lot 21 Concession 3, Tucker - smith Township. Selling subject to reasonable reserve. Financing available - for viewing phone Rathwell & Associates 5527-1458. A. ivE E G. .n 4 �. ell rr/�r/•e// ;ijTijAriTri:J GODERICH We are pleased to offer by Public Auction for the Estate of Ethel Craigie and additions, to be held on Thursday, October 30 th at 6:30 P.M. at Saltford Valley Hall Consisting of: Edison Gramophone with 50 Edison records / 4 Section German Style Mahogany Wall Unit / Small Cadby Mahogany Piano / Modern Dry Sink / Love Seat and Matching Chair / Glass Top of Flet -to -Wall / Trunks / Blanket Boxes / Spinning Wheel / 2 Piano Stools / Oak Hall Stand / Oak Hall Bench and Mirror / Oak Hall Table / Fern Stands / Wicker Chair / Tapestry Rocker / Pic- tures & Frames / Oak Drop Front Desk / Living Room Suite / Walnut End Tables / Brass Lamps / Paper Racks / Tri -Light Lamps / 4 pc. Duncan Phyfe Dining Room Suite / 4 Matching Cane Back Chairs / Mahogany Dresser and Chest / Walnut Needlepoint Chair / Ladies and Gents Wing Backed Chairs / Twin Maple Beds / Walnut 5 Drawer Chest / Vanity & Stool / Walnut Night Stands / Large Quantity of Glass & China / Silverware / Vases / China Lamps / Cups / Saucers / Ornaments and Souvenirs / Brass. Also selling approximately 100 new children's toys -current stock. Terms cash ,No reserve *or further 'informa'tion phone Rathwell & Associates at 527.1458 or S27-1336. PRICES START AT $199 S. • INCLUDING FREE 100 KM weekend & weekly gales Available holiday. mint lacer •.y t('ln )24-8411 ST UCICLANDS 334 HURON *0., 0ODERICN ,:/),r71/4:•(.." P r Cii.irrfir/r.� A. , r ('NEE RE-; L. OE AT, ,RS APPPA cE " ,.'n N S. • EiE..Ar ,r `' C N'AR (` NOK 518 5;7-'458 t. ,,$:)31;;I221;700'** N. K • 4'k eq 4 11ige// a Eimer. le. BENMILLER AUCTION OF EQUIPMENT AND ARTIFACTS We have been instructed by Benmiller Inn to liquidate all equipment and artifacts,y from the Old Woolen Mill and the River Mill. To be held in Benmiller on Saturday, October 25, at 10:30 a.m. Consisting of: 3 Diesel Engines with Generators and Control Panels complete/Wayne 5 hp Air Com- pressor/Ingersol Rand 2 hp Air Com- pressor/Hamilto 10 hp 'Gear Reducers/Two Hamilton Ge ucers with Motors/3 Electric Transformers(3K i Submersible Pumps/Coolant Radiators/Commercial Washing Machine/I Beams of Various Length and Sizes/25 Pine and Fir Square Timers/One 5000 Gal. Oil Tank/2 Canoes/Aeration Pump/Soda Acid Fire Fighter on Wheels/Piping/Electrical Panels.. Artifacts: 4 Cast iron Looms/Wool Drye (Pine)/Wool Stret- chers/2000 Spools and Bo bins/Spindles/Lam- Incited Wood Pulleys/30 Wood Molds for' Casting/Rollers/Tables/Cabinets/Moldings/Pine and Oak Doors/Windows/Cast Iron Line Sheaves/Pulleys/Gears/Machine Parts/Fen cing/Brass Items/Lights/14-20 ft. Iron Lamp Posts with Lights/Large Number of Oddities. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Arillacts beyond belief. Bring Your imagination and a friend. Plan to at- tend. For further information phone Rathwell 8, Associates at 527-1458 or 527-1336. e../1'�d'duigeL/' ...4e e7tzGe.5 AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MA'N ST • SFAFORTN• ONTARIO) NOK iWC) ( igi 52i-i4gp : Aa