HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-10-16, Page 21s1 CO O,: TJ SDAY, OM BH Ili, C 21 t The Grade 1 and 2 students at Hullett Central School donned feathers, black , hats and bonnets on Friday to recreate the famous Pilgrim and Indian meeting at Thanksgiving. The event came complete with a.lunchtime turkey dinner and Grade, 2 student Kenneth Penfound and the rest of his classmates quickly devoured the meal. (Shelley McPhee photo) News fromyour neighbors Edythe Beacome, Laura Lyon, Mrs. Russell Good, Mrs. Reg Lawson, Mrs. Marion Hunking and Bernice Norman were among the UCW mem- bers at the Regional Rally for East Huron. The meeting was hosted on October 6 by the -Bayfield. UCW.- Visiting this past week with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace (Zake) McDougall were his brother . Roy McDougall from Sydney, B:C. and his sister. Mrs. Jessie Catalan from Idaho. Also visiting were his niece Mr. and Mrs. M. Girdam from Scarboro. June Fothergill at; tended the ;WL,work shop, for secretary -treasurers and public relation of- Hullett happenings Soccer tournament On October 7, two teams from Hullett competed in a soccer tournament at Brucefield. Five other schools competed. Hullett girls, coached by Mr. Millson finished second and the boys, coached by Mr. bite, trying their hardest, finished sixth. Trip to apple orchard On October 7 the two kindergarten classes went to an apple orchard just outside of dBrussels. They learned about picking, moving, storing and the processing of apples. Their guide was Mrs. Cardiff. Each of the students collected some windfall apples. Safety film On October 2 Grades kindergarten to viewed a film called The School Bus Snftty Chaim- The - purpose of the film was to give the pupils better knowledgeof how much. care is taken to assure that when they ride the bus it is safe. They also learned that if they do not play their part by obeying the rules of the •bus they could cause an accident. We hope that by watching this film the pupils will ride the bus more safely and have a better un- derstanding of the bus system. Soccer On October 2 the Hullett girls' soccer team had a game against Blyth. The game ended in a scoreless tie. Later, in the week, on October 6 the boys' soccer team played the Blyth boys. Blyth won 1- 0. Smile Wallpapering is easy, once you get the hang of it. YORK HEAT PUMP SPECIAL FOR THIS FALL, FREE YORK PROTECTfON SERVICE PLAN, FOR A TOTAL OF FIVE YEARS. Call For Free ESTIMATE WISE APPLIANCE CENTRE A division' of Harold Ylise Ltd. 482,7062 CLINTON ficers on October 9 at th Wesley Willis Unite Church hi Clinton. Mrs. Ida Durnin spen the past week with he sister, Mrs. Edna Holme at Dresden. Mrs. Ted Fothergill Mrs. Don Buchanan an Mrs. Tom Duizer at tended.., the . West Huron WI District Rally in Gorrie on October 6. Edythe Beacom and Laura Lyon were Thanksgiving. guests on Saturday evening with Miss Olive Johnson and Miss Reta Yeo of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook were Thanksgiving guests of their granddaughter, Vicki and Don Colquhoun in Clinton on Saturday evening. On Sunday they visited with their daughter Thelma Ellerby and her family. Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Newby were their family Mr. and Mrs. Don Newby, Suzanne and friend Jim Pearson of New Ham- burg, Mr. and Mrs. Dennie Newby of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Menary, Glen, David and Andrew of New Market. Mr. and ,Mrs. Colin Paterson of London spent the weekend with her parents 'Mrl. and Mrs. Bob Burns. - Norman Alexan HULLETT TOWNSHIP NOTICE of NOMINATION MEETING to be held on MONDAY, OCTOBER 20/00 of 2:00 P.M. in the COMMMMUN1 'Y HALL LONDES TORO er his Water and Erosion Control demonstration at the International Pigwing Match in Woodstock. emember others at Thanksgiving United news TheThanksgiving service at the Londesboro United, Church saw a large turn -out and• the Explorers , and Young ple's group decorated the sanctuary with an abundance of corn, vegetables, fruits and other produce from the fall harvest. Margaret. Taylor and Lorne Hunking.welco med the congregation and the ushers were Gary Wilts, John Cartwright and Robbie and Michael Radford. For the children's time, the meaning of Thanksgiving was discussed and the junior teachers were Beverly Riley and Sally Pollard. Rev. Scott announced that this Sunday the anniversary service, will be held at 11 amand a special anniversary musical program will be held at . $ pm at the church. WI help others A donation of $100 has been given to Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope cancer research drive by .the Londesboro Women's Institute. Also at their October 8 meeting, the group agreed to offer their financial support to the local Lions Club in their project to construct washrooms at the ball park. As well, the WI donated $10 to the St. Helen's WI in recognition of their 75th anniversary. Hattie Wood and Dora Shob- brook will represent the Londesboro WI at the anniversary celebration. Genevieve Allen opened the Londesboro WI meeting with several piano numbers .and president Alice Buchanan reada poem. Twenty-five members and one visitor, Edythe Beacom, answered the roll call by naming a provincial flower. The minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer's report were given by. secretary - treasurer June Fothergill. eluded a letter from Grace Bird, Huron's home economist, who will be working in Middlesex County as of October 6. The group received the resolution which will be voted on at the area convention. The resolution is asking for restrictions on foreign ownership of Ontario farmland. - A letter of thanks was received ,from the Blyth Summer Festival for the meals. ' the ladies prepared for the sum- mer's church suppers. The group was reminded that the 4-H Achievement Day for the Food For Friends project will be held on November 20 at 7 pm in the East Wawanosh School. A thank -you note was received from the Goderich association for the mentally han- dicapped and it was announced that the area convention willbe held in St. Marys on October 27 and 28 with June Fothergill as Lon- desboro's delegate. Shannon Duizer played a special piano solo and Marjorie Duizer reported on the fall rally, held in Gorrie recently.There were 94 present at the meeting and it was suggested. that the Tweedsmuir history books be all kept at a central location in Goderich. Margaret Taylor gave a recitation and Susan Jamieson performed two piano solos. The group was reminded that the card party will be held on October 24 and Jessie Tebbutt will be in charge. On a motion from Annie Vincent and Doreen GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS T/2 o' 5 YEA2 TERM • ANNUAL INTEREST PAYMENTS 131/4 % 5 YEAR - TERM SEMi ANNUAL INTEREST PAYMENTS Carter, it was decided to purchase.. a large colander to drain vegetables. June Fothergill in- troduced Ed the Beacom w o gave the motto, Good citizenship begins at home and she explained the meaning of citizen- ship. Tweedsmuir curator Mrs. Allen gave an in- teresting report, naming residentsand telling where they lived when Tom, Genevieve, Gloria, Keith and Karen moved to the .area from Farquhar in 1947. Since that time, seven houses have been demolished in the Londesboro area, 35 have been built, along with a new school, a ball park, a township shed and other improvements. As well, the population of Londesboro has grown from 142 to 244 now. Following the meeting, lunch was served by Beryl ReidJoan_ Mid __ delgaal and Hattie Snell. Explorers' Expedition On October 9, the Explorers ..met in the church and Cheryl Hulley and Lori Liver-. more explained, the emblem. The picture was shown by Deanna Lyon. Mrs.. Hoggart an- nounced that the Explorers Would be helping the Young People to decorate the church for Thanksgivi, g. Mrs. Whyte read a story and led in a discussion. For crafts, the girls each made a tiny bouquet with a low. Area grad He-a-tt er -. Fo-tir-e-rg i H' graduated from the journalism -print program at Conestoga College in Kitkhener on S epte mber 27. Heather is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fothergill of Londesboro. SCHOOL SUPPORT LIST TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY School Support List prepared as required by the Assessment Act will be publicly posted in the office of the Municipal Clerk on the 9th day of October, 1980. complaints in the nature of requests for corrections to, or deletions for the list may be made by completing' and filing a form obtainable at the Stanley Township office. The last day for filing forms requesting corrections is October 22. 1980. Mel Graham Clerk Treasurer Township_ �arStanley ,Brucafield, Ont. sa R.JL. _IILJQ _1GL .AEL..D 1 _!2 111 IPL III`3 �� j� .are�mave NOTICE QF NOMINATION TO1 NSH41P1 OF TL1cKERSMITH. .h omipations wIlI be recelv_ed'at the Clerk's O*flce by this Clerk of the Iownshlp of Tucker,mith In the period commencing on October 14 and concluding. on October '20 at $:0p PM. for the positions of: A. Reeve. Qeputy Reeve and three 4ounc0iors for the Township of Tuckersmith. d. One member to the Huron County '1$0o111, of Education for the Township of Tuckersmlth and the Town of Clinton. . C. QM! ' member to the Huron -Perth Roman Catholic Separate Schooiloerd.for theTowrlshIps of Tuckersmith and Stanley and the town of Seaforth. Each of the members nominated, if elected are to serve a two-year term,19$1 and 1982. The requ Flom no on arms may 0 o ane from the Clerk's +Office and must be completed, filed with and accepted by the Clerk by the above deadline. For further information regarding tho procedures under the Election Act, contact the undersigned. .1. R. McLachlan, Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Tuekersmith' Box GMB 117, R.R.'5, Clinton, Ontario. inmemonrome WORRIED ABOUT SMOKING? The Huron -Perth Lung Association and the Canadian Cancer Society is going to hold a SMOKING WITHDRAWAL CLINIC The first meeting will be held on Tuesday, October,21._at_7:3O..p.in� �. IN THE BOARD OFFICE OF THE CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL, SHIPLEY STREET The Clinic will operate for 4 weeks with 3 meetings the first -week; 2 the second week and 1 each on the Std and,4th weeks. If you are interested please complete the ef- faced coupon and mail it to the address shown. CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY R.O. BOX 1316 CLINTON, ONTARIO L YES, 1 WOULD BE INTERESTED IN ATTENDING THE. • SMOKING WITHDRAWAL CLINIC NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER •, 111:1-01-25_21 11; 0 0i IM 'i! Rates subject to change without notice INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. 5 Rattenbury ST., Phone 482-9644 Clinton, Ont. . Res. 482-1265 ANNOUNCING THE RELOCATION OF THE PFRIMMER CLINIC N0. 59 FROM RIPLEY TO 58 ELGIN AVE ' t DERICH DEEP MUSCLE THE APY COULD HELP CORRECT SUC CONDITIONS AS: BURSITIS, SCIATICA, WHIPLASH, ARTHRITIS, HEADACHES, BACK PAIN, TENSION., SLEEPLESSNESS, POOR CIRCULATION, AND MUCH MORE. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL: MARIANNE LAWRENCE, RNA, DMT 5Z4-46 PiZZA BUILD YOUR OWN - CHEESE AND SAUCE' 8 SLICE 10 SLICE 12 SLICE �.�s.. '4.00 '5.25 COST PER ITEM: 50' 60` . 70' Double Choose Pepperoni Ham Bacon Double Sauce Mushroom Green Popper Onion Salami ,' Olives Ground Beef Sliced Tomatoes Pineapple Hot Oeoune Peppers PIZZA -EXPRESS SPECIAL - peppeironT• ham • bacon • mushroom groan pepper . onion *SLICE 10 SLICE 12 SLICE $5.25 $6.50 $7.75 HOT GIANT SUBMARINES COLD OR SUPER SUB 2 60 (ham, salami, luncheon meat. double cheese) ASSORTED 1 90 HAM 1 90 ITALIAN SALAMI 1 90 LUNCHEON MEAT 1 90 CHEESE (triple) 1 90 HOT ROAST BEEF HOT CORNED BEEF 2 60 FRENCH FRIES 60 & 1.30 HAMBURGER 1 10 'CHEESEBURGER 1 25 (All subs include cheese, lettuce, tomato and secret sauce) Extra Cheese ,30 ' Hot Peppers .30 QUALITY iNOREDiENTS MAKE THE DIFFERENCE IN OUR SUPERB PIZZAS AND SUBMARINES g°°).-r► le la 4 ACROSS FROM SUNCO'ASt MALL 360 BAYFiELD RD.. GODERICH HURON STREET - CLINTON OPEN: Dally 11 a.m. -1 rtridnidht Frldby,t4 Saturday open 'tit 5 a.m. J N A. MiAtstD.0Otte 1lZtit sustri,