HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-7-26, Page 5DISTRICT DOINGS. GLADSTONE, --- Occurrenees or the r est week 'Through out the Neighborhood in a COMASO Tbe Grend old Gentleman Eeeme to row • younger as the years go by. When urged for the real oeoret Ic Anally teld us, (Not expecting it wonld be published, but here it hi.) Mrs. G. never allows any other kind but Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder med. It's the only reliable, Sold by all grociere. BE PREPARED Pinny of the wort attecks of oholora morbus, orampa, dysentery and colic gonna Suc1den17 in the night and the suost speedy and prompt means must be used against them. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry is the rernedY, Hoop it at hand for emergenoieii, n never fails to oure or relieve. A. SAD LOSS. Loss of appetite and the attendant low spirits, ihilluois and debility, are of yery frequeet ocicarrence. Regvlate the bowels and improve circulation and digestion by using Burdook Blood Bitters whenever these eymptoins are present. Forged 1,000 -franc noteri of Band of France have been discovered in circulation •n Paris. Whether from Starapy land or stagpaut pool, or from the deadly gases of oho BOR. ersslisalarial poisons are the same. Ayer's' Ague Cure, taken according to direations, is warranted specific for malarial disorders. A voloanie eruption has occurred at Makmatz, in japan, by which four hund- red persons were killed and 1000 injared. INDIS1?EINSAI3LE. " I have used Dr. Fowler'a Extract of Wild Strawberry for summer coreplaints. and have given it to my friends. It gives instant relief when all other remedies fel il I would not be without it in my house." Mrs. T. Boil, Weidman, Ont, A despatch from Suithim says that in- tense heat prevaile there, the thermometer recording 120°. Several persons have died from the effects of the heat. Bodily health and vigor way be matained as easily in the heat of summer, as hi the winter months, if the blood is purified and vitalized with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Every person who has used this remedy has been greately benefited.. Take it this month. A despatch from Paris announces the death of Antonin° Etex, the French sculp- tor. A DYING WISH@ to try Burdoek Blood Bitters is often ex- pressed by some sufferer upon tvhons all other treatment has failed. Marvelous results have often been obtained by the wet of this grand restorative and purifying tonic under these aircumstauces. Cholera prevails to an alarming erten among Europeans at Hong llong. AN OLD TIME FAVORITE. The eneon of green fruits and summer drinks is the time when the worst forms of cholera morbus and bowel complaints prevail. As a safeguard, Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry should be kept at hand. For 30 years it has been the most reliable remedy. For Scrofula, Impoverished Rev. Ghee. O'lfeara, Of Petrolea, has been appointed to the oharge of St. ;lames' Church, St. Mary's. Mr. F. O'Neil, con. 4, 13iddulph, has lately added to his stock eight thor- ough -bred Suffolk pigs. I partially believe that Everest's Cough Syrup saved my life. -,-James Eirkpetrick, IVlerehant, Forest, Ont, Mr. W. B. Harruson has assumed the editorial charge of the St. IVIarys Argus, beginning with last week. Harvest throughout the country is well advanced. Reports from all qu riters are favorable beyond antici- pat0n, .1r, Robert Thompson of F'ullarton, ) fortnerly of Elimvilie, has purchased a building in Parkhill, and IS converting it into a first-class hotel. • Everest's Live Regtilator worked wonclerPon me and made me feel like a new man. -Levi II, Slipper, Forest. Mitchel is having new sidewalks made of asphalt. Every 01.11A0 yard costs $6. The Advocate thinks that such a walk is by far to expensive for Mitchell. I had a bad cold on my lungs for two years, everything I tried failed me till I got Everest's Cough Syrup and it oured me. -Mrs. D. A. Fraser, • Parkhill, Ont. The Enslip family, of :Mitchell, skipped off on Saturday night or Sun- day morning last: The loss consists of a couple hundred worth of unpaid debts around town, and for rent. While Mr. H. J. Hurlburt's child- ren, of Mitchell, were playing with the lawn mower, George, the oldest one, got the thumb of his left hand into the knives and left about halt of it there. Ex -Chief of Police Herrington, of btratford, accused of eloping with Mrs W. J. .Henry of that place, has return- • ed home, he having been on a visit to friends in Miohigan. The grist mill owned by I. Easton, and a private dwelling owned by Rob- ert Scafe were burned at Ailsa Ciaig on Thursday the 1,6th about 4 o'clock, a. m. The mill was fully insured. The other day while Mr. Wm. Brownlee, of Usborne, was raising an addition to his barn, one of the work- men by accident, struck his right hand with a sledge hammer, smashing the fingers somewhat. t A serious accident happened in (pcileilian's saw mill Seaforth on Friday last. Mr. Johrild .:11I il lan, an employee in the mill was cutting heading when hie hand sliaped from tha block of wood in front of the saw and complet- ely severed two fingers from his right .. hand. Mr. .T. Currie, Mitchell road, Blau- ...?' shard, met with an unfortunate mishap. .a. few days ago, and will be laid up for the rest of the season. He was engag- ed in hauling hay, when by some . means a pitch fork penetrated and ran completely through the fleshy part of his leg just above the knee joint. A boy named Peter Hill, aged eight years and stx months'whose father works in the savvmill, at Bluevale, was • drowned in the mill•pond at that pleas the other afternoon. He with other boys was playing on a log in the water, when, without ,being seen by any of the others, it is supposed he slipped in, and before discovered life was extinct. 0 • Some evil disposed party or parties went in for wholesale slaughter by breaking about fifty-three panes of glass and also knocking in it panel of the door at NO. 9 school house, in Tuckersmith township, The school board we are pleased/ to see have offered a reward of $10 for the appre- heneion and conviction of the party who did it. On Friday last Capt. Gourley, of the 12th con. Fullerton came near meeting • with a serious accident. He had driv- en on to the barn floor with a load of hay, when the horses stopped sudden- ly, throwing lum from the load to the floor, on his head. Mr. Gourley was badly stunned, but was soon all right again. It is well his neck was not broken. Miss Maggie McNair, of Brussels, met with an accident the other after- noon that, might have had serious re- sults. She was lighting a coal oil stove at G. A. Deadman's residence and while holding the burning match in her hand her apron and dress ignit- • ed unknown to her, and quite a hole was burned in these articles before she got the fire Out. It is understood, says an Ottawa dis- patch, that the difficulty between Eng- land and the United States regarding the Behring Sea matter is about to be settled, the latter agreeing to make • some slight concessions. • A commiss- ion will be appointed to settle the compensation demanded on the part of Canada. Correspondenoe has been • going on for some titne between the two countries but particulars will not be made known until after the • Presidential campaign. Mr. Chas. Stone of Stephen town- ship, recently sank 'a deep well, going 6 feet into the rock or a depth of nearly 140 feet from the surface and was so fortunate as to strike a ' flowing vein of splendid water. The water flows titeadily from the well into the watering trough. A strange fact in connection with it, is that •Mr. Hickey's flowing well about I i miles distant cetteed flowing as soon as Mr. Stone's began. However Mr. Hickey's well was not dried as the water rises nearly to the surface, to which it can easily be pumped. A very destructive fire occurred in • St Mary's on Wednetbay of last week. It orginated in Mies Henry's fancy • goodsistore and soon spread to the adjoining building, in a few hoUrs con - Owning a block of framebuildings owned and occupied by the following persons: -J, 0. Gilpin $6,000, insured for $5,000; R. T. Gilpin $4,000, intim.- acme 2,000; ti, L. Davis, goods Bitted; jos, StairOrd $4, 500, insurance $2,000; Misii Henry, $300. The engines did net work as they sheuld and much •diffidulty was experienced in saving 'adjacont brick structures a eouple of which Were more or less damaged. Blood and General Debility. Scott's Emulsion of Cod .Liver, and Hypo- phsaphites, has no equal in the whole realm of medicine. Read the following 'I gave Scott's Emulsion tomy own ehild for Scrofula, and the effect was rearvellous.”- O. F. Gray, M. D., White Hall, Ind. Put up in 50c. and 1 size. John Murtay, 4th eon., Westminister, while unloading hay with a horse fork on Saturday, had the index finger of hie right hand caught in a pully. The horse Just then started, and tore the finger complete- ly from the hand. Many cures Made by B. B. B. have been those of chronic sufferers known through - 01:11 the district through the very fact of their having been afflicted for years. This naturally creates a Ettrong inpression in favor of this valuable family medicine. Apvion TO MOTEIBISS.-Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick ohild suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so sond at once and get a bottle of "Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its • value is incalculable. It willrelieve the poor llttle sufferer im mediately Depend upon it, mothers; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhcea, regulates the Stomach and 13owe1s, cure§ Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. 'Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by tall druggists thtoughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mite, WINSLOW'S eoTnXNG. S,WEIP "9.21(1. take no other kind. CONSUMPTION CURED. Anold physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma- nent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility entail Nervous Com- plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands ofeasee, has felt it his duty to make itknown to his suffering fellows. Aotuatedby this motive and a desire to relieve hum an suffering, I vesa send free of ob arge, to all who d esire it, this recipe,in German,Preneh or English, With full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing w ith stamp, naming this paper.W. A .NOTES 149 Power's Block Rochester N THE PIONEER Furniture$Undertaking Warerooms. In returning thanks to our numerous cuetomers for past favors it affords us great pleasure in stating that we have got nicely settled in our new and commodioue premises, and are prepared, (if quality and selection of stock, and honest dealing will do it) to supply the wants"of the people of this dotrict, in the furniture and undertaking line, with goods ASTOXIMINGLY LOW PEES. The finest stook in Huron odunty to cinema from. For proof positive as to the extent of our Stock and the low prices at which we Sell, WE INVITE Ali EARLY INSPECTION, We publish no dap trap nonsense, but prodime facts, winch cen be verified in a practical way • Our stook of undettaking goods is very complete, embracing inucral furnishings from the higheat to the lowest grades, and at prices far belOW any in town, An inspection of our goods , is respectfully solicited. S. G-IDLES1 (Suceesser to C. Rs S. Gidley) ODDFELLOW'S BLOOk. July BS. • .-J-, aFfi& - sm.! - 7 WEST 1. Main 13uilding. 2. Agricultural Hall. 3, Horticultural Hall. 4, Poulry Hall. 5. lntereational )3 oneh Show of Dog FA IR G-B4O T.7 N 6. Carriage Hall. 7. Dairy Hall. 8. Agricultural 1 mplement 9. Heavy Machinery Ball, s•3.0. Hog Pens. , -TRY THE - Dominion Laboratory - -iron- Fishing Tackle, Floats, Sinkers, Reels, Fishing Lines, Gaff Hooks, Landing Nets, Jointed Rods, Trolls, Fly Hooks, Tripple hook And the Celebrated. CorkFlo Bait, and Skeleton Baits. GAMES. -Rubber Balls, Base Balls, Base Ball Bats, Lacrosse . Balls, Caps and Croquet Setts. • Japanese Rites, Dominoes, Playing Cards, Chess, Authors, Fire • Crackers, FireOracker Morbans, an • Ilusblers. J. W. BROWNING, Prop DR. FOWLERS oEXT: OF °WI D • TRAVIBERRY CURES HOLERA holera Morbus C---- RAMPSOLti IARRII YSENTERY AND ALL SUM M ER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND FtELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. Dr, CIIASE • Hag a world-wide repute tion as a, physician and author. 11 is Mandrake Dandelion Liver Ono is a triumph of medical skill, curing all diseasoe of the Hindey and Liver, SYMPTOMS OF Kidney Complaint, Eigotiaig r,11.11S in ti3e back; dull pain or weight in be bladder or base Of the abdomen; scald- ing urine ofteu obstreeted ; frequent desire to urinate, especitaly at night, anions agod persons; hot, dry skin, pale complexion red and white deposits, drop dizziness, sour stomach, constipation, piles, liver sical stvellings,i2e. • SYMPTOMS OF 7- • II •.- 1. Pain under the shoulder blades Liver kio plain u jaundice, Sallow eomplexion, a watt*, tired feeling, no life or energy, hoa d ache, dysnep • Ey i ndigestion , Spots, pimples dec. HOW OTJBED : Mandrake and DandeliOnarentiture'sliver rime. and who t combined With kidney r Girt - edies, [lain Dr, (Magee psvor Cure, wilt most positiVely euro all kidney -liver troubles. n actelike a, charm, stimulating the clogged liver, strerigthentn g the kidneys an invigor. ating the Whole body, Sold by all eaters at ono dollar. with rece int book, which alone is worththe money„ Tr.; Dr, Chaee'e Pits are (ho o ly -1-1-LuJa cP,y Kidney -Liver Pala Made ; they act gently yet effectually, May A-41 v I. be taken daring ant oinnleY- ment. They cure kidnoy-liVer - troll bles,heatlaelie.,b' Oneness' eaativenees &,0, One Filth dose Sold by au • dealers. Price 25 cente. T. EDMANSON 00. Bradlord Alants DS A.ND 11. Sheep Pens. 12. Cattle Shodit. 13. Barn for Cattle. 14. Dining Ball, 16. Horse Stables • nisimamong vIIIA.REET REPORTS. (correctedittsceciockp.m. nxnwint A • 131.TII.JDIT.°4 GS, 16. General Oilice,$, 17. Dining Hall of the W. C. .18. Ladies Parlor. 19. Fire Hall. • 20. Grand Stand. Fal1Whe a 1 . Spring Wheat:. Barley... ..• Oats Clover s )ed Timothy " Peas Corn Higgs Butte: .Flourperbbl , • Potatoes,per ... Apples,perbag DriedApplespr b Geese per lb. Turkey per lb Ducks pe or -pr Chickens per pr Hogs,d,ressedpar10 Beef Ilidesrouhg, "• dressed ... Sheepskins each Causkins Wool per lb ... Efayperton . Onionanerbush- Woodper corcl ••• ST: MARYS Fall Whoat Spring ....... Barley TOc "alb vs oe. tr. h. $y. e. . 0. ............ . 32P oeg te: Butter t Po e per bag" Apples per bush 30 43 Wool perlb 20 20 on Bliosirgtrai aitnrtnpseeat(irt gramayn.trave.V..cmcMcliabalilattinnisetterp ,TErlem 000 700 .. lou . . ....... 14 00 14 00 ger ... .111.76 00 7.00 rarmer:, Ationilon •••••=1•103E•111101.01OtE • LONDON. 21, Judges Stand 22. Band Stand, 23. Horse Ring 24. Band St and, T, U. 0 43 10 47 You gal ... 0 79 to 0 79 re Wednesday. ... :02 :o° 5203 4 00 to 4 00 ... 2 50 to 3 00 ... 0 60 to 0 60 0 53: tt no OD 1646 ... 0 15 to 15 •... 00 b 5 65 0 204204 555 002 70 4050050 0508 ... 0 05 to 0 05 ... 0 07 to 08 0 45 to 0 50 ... 0 20 to 0 30 ... 680 to 7 00 ... 4 00 to 5 00 ... 5 50 to 5 50 .. 6 00 to 6 00 ... 0 75 to 1 GC ... 0 50 to 0 70 ... 0 18 to 0 20 ... 80050 800 0 50 to 0 75 ._ 25 to 3 cio Irdemaalft ooking The cheapest spot in taw n for Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Paints, Oils and Glass, dm., &c., if you are, nt call at BISSETrli BROS. We are now offering the balance of our stock of Axes, Gross-eut saws, Lamps and Tubular Lanterns, at cost • 30 D.A.-Y-6 'C:)1\1 -1..1-Y- I We would call your attention to a few of our specialties :-- A _Handsome Brass Library Lamp, - $2 50 A Large Glass Stand Lamp, new design $1. 00 . A Good Tubular Lantern $0 50 90 to 93 A Good Axe and Handle $1 00 ... .. ... 83 93 BD 53 An A 1 Manure Fork 00 S� . . ...... 48 48 And everything at Bock Bottom Prices for Cash. 460 501' 150 2 09 60 65 A full stock of the following lines always on hand -.-Barb wire, Plain Galvanized, An-, 15 15 calent and Viled wire, and Buckthorn Fencing, VCILL3 WOODHAM. The undersigned would respectfully infor 13 he community that theyhavolecteedthe above mills for a term of years; and will be pleased to have a call from all. The mill has recently been improved, by the addition of new mach- inery. 15 15 the intention of the subscribers to add a sot of rolls 88 5000 as possible; and all combined, the Woodham. Grist • Mill • Will be second to none in the West. Gristing and Chopping Done Promptly. Fresh oatmeal constantly on hand for sale or exchanged for oats. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. alarA TRIAL SOLICITED. J. & A. MoNEVIN, A. J. SNELL Merchant Tailor, Has removed to premises otte door north of Browning's drugstore, where there will be found a Well s4yntepol took OF SPRING TWEEDS FOR SUITINGS &c. -ALSO- Scotch, English., Irish, French and Canadian Goods. Made up on the SHORTEST NOTICE AT- -- CONSISTEXTLI PRICEES A CA.iiL WILL CONVINCt. oraluute of cievelanu cutting Sehoo Having purchased our supply of Binder Twine early NVO are now in a position to supp3y. at the lowest possible price. • A full stoce of tinware of all kinds always in stook. Eavetroughing and roofing a epee - laity: Agents for the B & R Metalie Shingle Roofing. Ask for priees. Agents for the, celebrated Raymond Sewing Maclaine. BISSETT BROS., Exeter The Times has 3,000 Readers spc C' .41• ° 4;b - e °. op 05,. se, so • .1e, 0 V e, ..S.‘,$ oes• is?„'s e,C° c, 0.c.a.o• Noo-' o'c'?° .000 i>vocs,` ,z).14 ,oc -4;2 a. ,.c` 44's. .v.e- 0 z>. e1 .c•e• If 43„'is o 0 C., $s i•S?'"45- '%,> $0* .cs* raN4,1,z) ee .co• 44,,b, 446' cp Ass- ,,..bts Kees • 4,1.r .ZY ° C5 • Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxford Street, • late 533, Oxford Street, London. AV Purchasers should, look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots: the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. SPRING 1888. SPRING Carnets. Curtains. 13, I S Now thatHouse-Cleanina time is near, we invite your in- spection to our BIC+ stoolt:: of Carpets, Curtains, and those Fancy Window Blinds, &o. Whon buying Wall Paper don't, forget that the Old Establ;,hed carries the Biggest Stook and Latest Am- erican Patterns. Lots of Fancy Ceiling Papers witl" Corners to match Ilirimlow Blinds W ape; h, ...11101110.raintinsafinfat., J.AMES P1(.3h. ARE), Exeter.