HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-7-26, Page 4glAT "OUT gi1111$0. rijsy, Ju erits2O I68fi. EDITORIAL NOTES. 'rent latest about Hon. Edward Blake is that he will return to Oan ada in poorer health than when he was benefitted by his so- jouru in Italy, but on reaching England his old trouble became as bad as ever, and since then there has been no improvement. Tax electors in Cumberland!, N. S., have not a very high: opinion of prohibition, according :to the retures of the recent contest. Mr. Dickey, the Conservative nominee', was elected over -Mr. Casey, pro- hibitionist, by e majerity of about 700. E. P. RoR, the oted author, died on Friday morning last at Newbury, N. Y. at the age of 50 years. Mr- Roe was formerly a preacher, but his health, becoming impaired he gave up preaching and devoted his time to literature. 'While E. P. Roe passes away his works and memory will not fade for hundreds of years to come, Wirane a radius of three miles ot Perham, Minn., 6,000 bushels of grass hoppers were harvested within the past tew days. The crop is away above the average. It would be well tor Sir Richard, and Mr. Blake, on his return, to go over and help harvest the hoppers. Their golden opinions of that country might possible become more realistic, as to the abundance of the crops. THE report of the veterinaries detailed to report upon the disease among cattle in the neighborhood of Paisley shows that it is not pleuro -pneumonia from which the beasts suffer, but splencia apop- lexy, which is not contagious. The American papers have given wide publicity to the statement that pleuro-pnenmonia existed among Canadian cattle, and they should now publish the denial. Bot they wont. • REPORTS from the Canadian Northwest, Russia and •India show that the grain harvests in these countries -will be numerous if present prospects are born out, and that there will be more bread- stufls for exportithan ever betore. In case of any troubles in Europe this fall or next spring the sup. plies of food. will be available at all events and the fi.ehtingitmen will not have to march on empty stom- nchs if their superiors have money to trade it. Dee British Empire is now the largest on the globe in square miles, its area being 8,950,00o, Russia being next with 8,50o,000, then comes China, with 4,500,000, fourth the UnitedStates, 3,5po,000. In population China takes first pla:e with 420.000,000, then the British Empire, 310,000,000, next Russia 103,000,000, with France in fourth place with 62,000,000, the United States taking fifth with 51,000,000. "The Exeter Times has taken to the questionable enterprise of publishing the addresses of persons in the United States who sell counterfeit money. The TIMES ought to devote its space toboom- ing home industries and give the "green goods" men a wide berth. They are not a desirable class of people to deal with."—London Advertiser. Art' we to infer that our cotem. has been going the “green goods" fellows one?.or why does it know they are not a desirable class of people to deal with? They need tolbe given a narrow berth and exposed at every turn.. TEE new alien labor law of the United States is being forced with much vigor along the frontier. At Port Huron the other day sixty Canadian employes of the Grand Trunk Railway, working in Port Huron, and living in Sarnia, had to pick up their traps and seeure work where they board and sleep, or else betome citizens of the coun- try in which they labor and from which they draw their pay. The TJ. S. laborers came down heavily upon the American trovernrnent with the plea that as the Manufac- tureS enjoyed a high protective tariff, it was only fair that they should be like favored in the tise of the capital they possess, namely their laber. Of course the U - laborers were right; if a country, is good enough for a man to Work mi. it is surely good enough forhim to make his home, 1',IsTorquay has hot one left of the great majority that supported him in the last Manitoba, Legislature. 'Five of his form- er snpportera liave seats in the present Houee, ent Mr. Gillies is the only one that acknowledges Noreuay as leader." -Sarnia ObeerVer. They must ilecessarily then re- cognize Mr. Greenway as the head; hut just bow long such will be the case time only can tell. I -le has been known to betray the conh,-1- ence of his supporters years ago, and bY his recent negotiations with his masters, the Directors ot the U. S. Northern Pacifio Railway Company, one is constrained to believe that he is again bringing his peradion conchict into prac- tice. GREEN WAY at present enjoys, a good strong following in the Manitoba Legislature, mid .is doing pretty much as he pleases. Such,l.flowever, will not be the ease very long as a divisimi in the ranks is sure to take place, follow. ed by the growth of an opposition. Mr.. Gt eeuway made wonderful promises and now that he is m a positiou to fulfil them, he refrains, and while in some instances he very reluctantly complies,in others he prefers te sell the people as is an old failing of his. His first act alter getting his big majority, was to go to Chicago to sell the Prov- incial railroad to the Northern Pacific Company, • This road was to have been a competing road and a distinct corporation accord- ing to Mr. Greenway's promises; but he hands it over to be controll- ed by Americans- In the minds of some, especially the sore head of the Brandon Sun, Manitoba is fairly scooting along the road to prosperity, but doubtless it will be found that matters will go along pretty much, if as good, as they have been going, only that, by the first public act, the new leader has given the public cause to be- lieve the the result will be any- thiug but favorable, and decidedly more to the detrurnent of Manitoba that were those of Hr. Morquay's administration. Were so Tie oft;the disappointed politicians removed we imagine there would be less trouble in the political camp of Manitoba. Frank Leslie's Sunda.y Magazine FOR AUGUST Continues George Macdonald's fine story, "The Elect Lady," and begins a new story, the scene laid in Old France, entitled, "Genevieve; or, The Children of Port Royal." There is also a short story by Amanda M. Douglas, entitled, "Miss Brooke's Adventure." .A.11 illustrated article. "Glimpses of Mission. Life Among the 1VIaories," tells of early missionary struggles in New Zeland. Pen and Pencil Sketches of Shadeland," depicts a charming spot in our own country, and an elaborately illustrated article on "La Fontaine's Fables" tells us much about the French fabulist and his works. This number contains many portraits: the new Meth- odist Bishops, Vincent, Fitzgerald, New man, Joyce -and Goodsell, the Presby- terian Moderators; Th.. 0. L. Thomp- son, and Dr. J. J. Bullock; the Rev. J. H. M. Pollord, of Charleston, S. C.; the Rev. Ezekiel E. Smith, the new Minister to Liberia, and the newly electeciBishop W.A. Leonard, of South- ern Ohio. Dr. Talmage's sermon is on "Reformation. from Evil Habits" and there are many interesting short articles and beautiful illustrations. The num- ber concludes with a fine ' hymn tune. "We Give Immortal Praise, by Frank L. Sealy, of Newark, N. J. _ • • Fergus Falls, Minn., July 20.—The grasshopper war at Perhamfeontinues. Although over ten thousand bushels have been caught, they are still being taken at a lively rate: Very few have flown off. A lot rose yesterday and ilew Eve or • six miles, and when they alighted 45 bushels of them were caught. Last e Monday night over 100 bushels were caught in a single field. One man caught 40gbusbels on Monday. Mr. George D. White, of Blanshard, has made an assignment. J. Moore, a farmer of the 5th con, Westminster, while drawing in hay with a hired man on Monday, met with a serious accident. The horses took fright, and ran away with the load until a wire fence was reached. when Mr. Moore was thrown off. He was picked up unconscious. A doctor pro- nouneed his internal injuries to,be of a serious character, .11E;i0Z/211: Mr, J. J. Anderson, Wingham,:owns a farm in Turnberry, being lot 23 on the 8th concession. One day lately he set fire to a brush heap on the place and it burned so well thet he tried it again on Saturday last. This time the fire proved too Much for him, as it got into his barn, which, with its contents, was totally destroy- ed, together with abotitalseventy cords of wood lying close hy.VV-ITaoraz,'"' On Wedneeday of last week, while Mr. Jas Currie of the Mitchell Road • / e Blanshard, was unloading hay in the barn, he fell off the load, the fork slipping, handle first, at the same time. The instant the end of the fork struck the floor one of the tines enter- ed Mr. Currie's leg about two inches below the knee and passing through cane out about the middle of the thigh having traversed through seven or eight inches of muscle. Geo. M. Branton, of Delaware town- ship, has purchased the west half of the south half of' lot IO, 4 COP); Lobo, from Mr. A. A, Campbell for $2,700. A sad hareeit accident °caved on tbe farm of Mr. Jas. Law, ROSA, one day last Week, Pis hired Man was engaged in driving a mowing machine, when it struelr a large stone iri the 'held The sudden jsr threw the man from his seat onto the lenives result- ing in the freoture of the right WM in two places, road several ugly geshes lied it not been for the fact that the horsestepped he woeld undoubtedly have been killed. OTERS' LIST, '888. --KUN ieipitlity of tho Village of Exeter, Conn t of Huron. N otioe is hereby Riven that I have trousleitted or delivered to the n emus men- tioned in sections 5 and 0 of th1 Voters List Act, the copies required by said seotions to be so transmitted or delivereil. of tlio lists made Pursuant to said Aet, of all persons appearing by the last revised Asselisment Rol/ of the said Alanicipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at eleotions for members of the Legislative Assembly and at munieipal eleetions, and that said list was first posted no at my office at the Town Hall on the 25th day of July, 1888. and remains there for inspection Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to hare the said errors corroded according to law. MICI1AEL ACREITT. -Viliege Clerk, Exeter, July 241,18. M ORTG AGE SALE OF VAL- u-r-LuaLie village property Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained ln a tainINDENTIJEE ofiMOBTGAGE, whit:4 will 00 produeed at time of sale, made by May- or et Crocker and jamas CI-00%er to the Veis- dor there -will be sold by public; action, at B11.00/08 HOTEL, in the village o t VILL18, FEIDA.Y, the 27th clay of ,fULY, 1888, at 3 o'elockP. liL, by ME, IGEN GILL, ,auctioneer. Subject to such conditions as shall then be produced the following proper- ty, : All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of lanct :and premises situate,lying and Doing in the Township of li. sborno tho County of Huron and Province of Ontario, containing by a.clre.ea.suremout One half of an aere/be the same more or lost.heing composed apart pad parcel of lotnumber TEN. in. the 81XTE concession of the saidTownship of us- • borne and which may bo better known and described as follow s that is to say; Com- mencing at a stake 4 chains southerly from the north-east corner of said lot number ten, Thence southerly two ohe.ins. Thong e wesi- erly two chains and ftfty links. Thence nortberly two ohaizas, Thence easterly .two chains and fifty links to the place of beginn- ing There is a comfortable frame dwelling houso and good wagon -maker's shop on the premises ; also a small orchard of choice eatnatie.trees. This property is it good business '.1.2ims or S.—Ton per cent. cash at tune of sale, and the balance in 80 days, .e.or further particulars appl:t to ELLIOT & ELLIOT Vendor's Solintors, Exeter. Dated July 10th, 1886. • WESTER'S !Ala! Industral& Arts Exhibition, LONDON, CANADA, goth to 29th Sept., 1888, NINE t25,000 Appropriated for Prizes, Attraotions. etc. $132.000 value of new Grounds and Build- ings. 5200.000 Display of Agricultural and other Machinery. $500,000 Live Stook Exhibit. Grand International Bench Show of Doge. The Indian Tribes of Ontario are prepar- ing an immense exhibit of manufactureA arti- cles, agricultural produotions and curiosities of the old hunting days. There will be LAB, GER PRIZES, GRA.NDER ATTRACTIONS, more to see and more to learn than at any prev- ious exhibition. Prize lists andall other information may be had on application to the Secretary. CAPT. A. W.PORTE, GEO. MoBliCOM, President. secretary. A New System I — I -- I -- I It will pay you to try my BREADS/BUNS --MADE UNDER TRH -- Improved System of Bread Mak- ing. The Bread is sweeter and will retain its moisture longer than any other in uae. A trial solicited. You will always find the • Largest and Finest Assortment of Pastry, Cakes, Confec- • tioner-y, Oranges, Lemons eco., m7ST361M.- ---,AT— E A. FOLLICK'S, MAIN -ST., EXETER. -VOTERS' LIST, 1883.---MLNI- V cipality of the Township of Hay, County Of Huron—Notice ishereby given thathave transmitted or delivered to the persons men- tioned in the krd. and 4tle_sections of the Vot- ers' List Act, the copies required by said sec- tion to be so transmitted or delivered of the List, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll of the said Afunioipality to be entitled to vote inthesaid Municipality at elections for mem- bers of the Legislative Assembly, and at the Municipal elections. and that said List was first posted up at my office, lot 9 000, 9, I-Iflav Township, on the 14th day of July, 1888, and remttins there for inspection. Electors are called 'men to examine the said List, and if any omissions or other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings tO have the said errors corrected according to law. SAMUEL FOSTER, Clerk of the said Municipality. Dated this 14th day of July 1888, NOW TO NICAIZZ MONEY Go and see Doupe & Co's New Spring Goods. See their Prints, their Cottons, their Ginghains, their Dress.Goodes, their Shirtings, their Pantings, their Suitlngs, their Tweede, Their Laces Th(eir Bought for Spot Cash from the best hotise and managed by a Pracheel Milliner, of Twelve Years' experience. SEE OUR GOODS, • SEE OUR PRIVES And you will be coevineed that yen can save from 1.0 to 20 PER CENT. By buying goods from ts. Highest miens prices paid for flutter and Ego. HouSe and Lots for Sale 'Cheap. S. DO,UPE & Co, Absoiutegv Puye. This powder never varies A. marvel of pur. itytatrongth and wholesomeness. More econ- omical than the ordinary- kinds and cannot be Bold in competition with the multitudes of low test, short •.veigb.t., alund or phosphate powders. Sold only in eatus,—POYAL BAK- ING -POWDER CO..1.06 Wall street N.Y Fro the Deaf.--A•person cured of A.. Doafnessandnoises in the 'h'ead of 23 years standing, bY a •.imple remedy. Will send a description of it rim to any one applying to birbotS0x,30 St. John -St., Montreal.. OTICE.— The undersigned, hereby gives notice that, from this date he will not be responsible for any debts con- tracted under his name, unless a written notice shall have been received from him: JAMES HODGSON. Osborne July 10th 1888. MACKINAC. The Most Delightful SUMMER TOUR Valzoe Steamers. Low Bates. Your Trips per Week Between DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Every 'Week /fay Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND write for our Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated. Contains Bull Yartioulars. Free. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nay. Co. C. D. WHITCOMB. GEN. PASS. AST.. DETROIT. mici4. • !CURE FITS! When I say CUBE I do not mean merely to stop them for a time. and then have them re- turn again. I MEAN A RADICAL OURE. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY FALLING SICKNESS, A lifelong study. 1 WARRANT my remedy to CURE the worst eases. Because others have falledis no reason fornot nowreceiving a cure. Bend at once or a treatise and aFREBBorren OX my Irravirmutree Rmahrer. Give Express and Post Office. It costs you nothing Tor trial, and it will cure you. Address Dr. H. G. ROOT. 87 Yoga St„ Toronto, Ont. DR. Washington, Throat & Lung Surgeon, Of Toronto, will be at the Central Ho- tel, Exeter, .4.E3t12. • ALL DAY. Catarrh ,Bronehitis , Astha, Consumptio n, etc, permanently and effectually cured. A few Prominent Testimonials of Permanent Cures: Mrs. John McKay,. Kingston, Ont., Catarrh. and Consumption. John McKelvy, Rut eaten, Ont., catarrh. Mrs.A. Iforiping, Kingston, Ont., 13roneho Con tutu ption. Mr.E.Seott, Kingston, Ont„ Catarrh, head and throat. Read W. II, Storey's Orilinal Testimonial. Catarrh Thro'i't Cured. Listen to W Storeysq., of the .firm of W II Storey &Son, Acton, Glove Manufactur- ers, also President Manufacturers' Association of Canada. Ds. WASHINGTON, 215 YOng0-St., TOrOntOf DEAR aesure you 1 feel grateful for the radioal curb you have effected in my throat trouble, and though I dislike having my name appearin connection with the testbnotial bus- iness. yet, having regard for those who aro similarly affectedas well as having a ddsire tO reeognise the resulb4 . your treatment, I make a departure in this ?'($t. Prior tO my acquaint- ance with you. r •t.i suifornd for two years from repeated ticks of catarrhal sore throat each Succeedii ;tack being more prolonged arid violent *th the former. At those times I had violent Itt cf coughing, and would die - charge large queiii files of Mucous, Peeling alarmed, I sought thebest medical shill avail- able, inoludir-g much -noted Spocialist, and took almost vs cry thing known to inedioine without experiencing a partiele of relief. Last spring I went to 1:4:re pe. The ehange did MO good, but on toy tut urn the old trouble was re- newed. Seeing you gOvertised te Visit this place, I thdught I well bi etinsitItYou althotigh confess with not re eel, bore of re, ring any benefit. However, 1 vors fa Vurabl g 1...essed with your candor. ao,1 resolved . ;°..°1 your treatment it trial. 'I he I eat] t. 111,ppy te • inform you, is a comr.Itte lne so marked in its chars:4Am as t . Ise oat inY seif and my friends, Prow too C ..st your med- icine gowned adopted it, it:yet:Se anti gave re.. lief In tWO Hu% I Wile or:sir:0 well,andhave so continued through the most unfavorable season of year, You art at liberty to make ,What use you Pleitse of this letter, nnd4 shall be pleased to arAitOr an7 enuniriose '4*/*O to nlY 089 iO YoUrs very `enlyr ° Ave IT. STOREY Acton ,Jon. 1911i 518ti7. !"CONSULTATION Allan. - Line lloyAly MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Liverpool:and Qa9bee Serviee, calling at Dor- by. Days of saiiing.—Parisitte,l‘tay 24, Poly- nesi au. Friday, June 1. Sardinian ThursdaY, Jane 7. Circassian Pritill}', Juno • 15' Sall" - tion, Thursday, J1110 21, Parigan Thursday, J tine 23, 1 olynestan lIzidayJ uly 6. Sardinian Thiirktay jalY 12. Oireassian Friday June 20. Aug 24. Sarmatian, Thursday, Ang 81). Sarmatian ThursdaY_SulY 28, Parisian mars- dah .2. Polynesian Priclay .Angi 10. Sar- dinian Thursday Aug 16, Circassian loridaY. RATES. Cabin 550, $66,575, according to per salon, Return 5100, 5125, 5150. Intermediate Liverpool, Londonderry or Glasgow $80 ; re- turn 00. Steerage at lowest rates, Steerage passengers hooked to and from Glasgow, Del fast Quoenston or London at Liverpool rates. Buy tickets too holne, bring out friends or relatives by the Allan Line. For further Particularsapply to JOHN SPACKMAN, The only authorized agent in Exeter. (Olo One Door South of PoSt °Moe --HE HAS --- A NEW AND CO1IIPJjE!H0. ---STOCK Boots & Shoes Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. • GEO. MANSON, JOHN BRAWN, UNDERTAKER •a • CABINET-MAKER, Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. AComplete Stock of Robes 86 Trimmings mow, on hand. FUNERALS FURNISHED 6, CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My stock of Furniture is un- excelled. •1,-,ciivE ME A CALL s. c. Hersey's IS The Place TO Buy Cheap GOODS. ULIVITAGE'S lEIRMT011'. -1888Iu For July—Cheapest Su -- gars, cheapest Teas, cheap- est summer dress goods. For July --Will pay you a better price for Butter and Eggs than you can get in other places. For July—You can get some low drives in Boots & Shoes. Don't fail to call during this ,month We are bound to undersell town or vill- age in sugar this month, /DR.1113DEIER'SG • BURDOCK /compoutio4 CURES Liver Oomph/Ant Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache Kidney trouble Rheumatism, Sltinniseasee, , And all im- purities of the blood from what ever catise ing The Great Spring IWeaicine PRICE 76 Cts. (with Pills $1.) DV. Nodeler's . Little - Liver . Very Sinai). and EasY to Take. NO GRIPING. • NO NAUSEA, Sold everywhere ; price 25 ete. Union Medicine CO. Prang., Toronto, Can. ek-1111- E -N.N1 O., Specific. No, 28 porinanontlY restores EXHAUSTED VITALITY, LOST MAN HOOD and 0 VINETIAT, DEBILITY when, other treat - Meat bus, Send 0 =to. IA Stamps for our Tree tise an O 1)Lrectiotss for home mire, Te- rsokero Ilammxn 00,, 843 Spadine Ave, To. route, Ont. PREEMAN'S WITOrtIVE POVIDE-11,a,: Are plea:watt to t Courni,1 their own Purgative. Zs it s. Lu" 1..11 oet:gutna,4 foticroyer of ivorr..4.b, in 0440m:ft oc Adult* EvereSt's Cough. Syrup CANNOT BE BEATEN. Try it and be convinced. of it wonderful curative properties, Pries 25 cts. • (Trade Mark,) Try Everest's LIVER REGULATOR, For Disee.ses of the Liver, Kidneys ito., and Purifying of the Blood.. Price $1. Six bottles, 55. For sale by all drug- gists. Manufactured only by G. M. EVEREST, Chemist, Forest PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST, CONTAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, .4-- - or any injurious materials. E. W. GILLETT, "Th= 117, L." BlanTr piths CSILZERATED /57AL 7n.e.sT nAggs, CEN TRAL Drug Store A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- • et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at Central Drug Store Exeter. C LUTZ. 500 TUBS Butter Wanted Blatheson, EXETER NORTH, Our Stock is Well Assortea E011 THE SEASON'S LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAiNat GROCERIES 16 lbs. Esugar $1.003 13 lbs. White sugar, $1 We can't be undersold in Teas from 20 to 76o, per'lb. Boots 85 Shoes All Styles at Low Prices , A. nicely assorted stook of HARDWRE. FORKS, S0/THES and GLASS all sizes (C/heap.) Best Machine Oil 30e poi, Gal. COAL OIL AS LOW AS 'PIIE LOWEST A nice Tca Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.76 A (ma suit of ready-made clothing ;o $0 Ordered suits got up in Good Style. Our Dross' Good at.e' marked down to the Lowest Notch. COTTON, 20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAli A Ilouse and Lot, rtlso Aiittrnt for Salo Apply to • JOHN IVIAT.11:ENS ON'. ITAY P. 0. r. ,e .1'' a 1.; . ...1%-.1.1.1. ' PREEMAN'S WITOrtIVE POVIDE-11,a,: Are plea:watt to t Courni,1 their own Purgative. Zs it s. Lu" 1..11 oet:gutna,4 foticroyer of ivorr..4.b, in 0440m:ft oc Adult* EvereSt's Cough. Syrup CANNOT BE BEATEN. Try it and be convinced. of it wonderful curative properties, Pries 25 cts. • (Trade Mark,) Try Everest's LIVER REGULATOR, For Disee.ses of the Liver, Kidneys ito., and Purifying of the Blood.. Price $1. Six bottles, 55. For sale by all drug- gists. Manufactured only by G. M. EVEREST, Chemist, Forest PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST, CONTAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, .4-- - or any injurious materials. E. W. GILLETT, "Th= 117, L." BlanTr piths CSILZERATED /57AL 7n.e.sT nAggs, CEN TRAL Drug Store A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- • et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at Central Drug Store Exeter. C LUTZ. 500 TUBS Butter Wanted Blatheson, EXETER NORTH, Our Stock is Well Assortea E011 THE SEASON'S LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAiNat GROCERIES 16 lbs. Esugar $1.003 13 lbs. White sugar, $1 We can't be undersold in Teas from 20 to 76o, per'lb. Boots 85 Shoes All Styles at Low Prices , A. nicely assorted stook of HARDWRE. FORKS, S0/THES and GLASS all sizes (C/heap.) Best Machine Oil 30e poi, Gal. COAL OIL AS LOW AS 'PIIE LOWEST A nice Tca Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.76 A (ma suit of ready-made clothing ;o $0 Ordered suits got up in Good Style. Our Dross' Good at.e' marked down to the Lowest Notch. COTTON, 20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAli A Ilouse and Lot, rtlso Aiittrnt for Salo Apply to • JOHN IVIAT.11:ENS ON'. ITAY P. 0.