HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-7-26, Page 3c9.e- liaaini. ciao of farmers who are uneble to hire Charity of the RehreWa. AlMa Ladieff 0011ege.
help, Doses any one If BOW of a remedy? Vey Jewish association
vviether a club, sr, Teloas,
or debating aseiety, a trineloal perR
ty, a mut- studentalrem Columbia,
one atism,
----. a r, l
Our F080 In The Air. i TOadlit0010 BA reed. uu4insuratce frathruity, a leusineso league, Texas, Arkauses, 0 ttsWile Winnipeg, Chi-
ae s fBrih
It is a wonderfel faot that the ate we 1 The edible varietiee are nnanerone. The or what not elae, is by those• concerned in
°ago, Duluth, New York and other distant
breathe oontaine fosse see deadly aud ievisible 1 writer has eaten enjeyably of over one lama it deemed incomplete if it does not do some` poust. It zoo) oaks, toeeezene dal of eecte,h,
as the malignent opirite with which "client ' dred and confidently eXpeots to add mauY thing for ohaiity. At every wedding, ere, efficient work alga fine occonanto4ation
opinion peopled it. Most epidemics are due more to the WA. The late D. Curti, of nleiTY"Ineking' feStivel and inemeriel "le' base° so filled its hallo that Sr IleW buildine,
to thews ii noon enesties. To be sure, it is daTorth carotins, oatelogeee one hundred, and bration, public or private, and oven in the
cot $20,000, has been erected this year.
i tivelve edible kinds faun() by. him in that :hens° of death' the helc or
vellintaq ear: 65 Pp. Calendar fa 00.
probable that the earth and. orgettio hodWi .
on the eartb) and not the air. generate theM. I state. Every day myoophagists are aaagni lege t° some charitY is cousiiicuelis. An° * I B. D.
Addressa Prinoipal Austin )3 D
They are taken up as dust ands being little ' to their cuisine sipeoies not heretofore testa when peblie calls are mode In the gyms
heavier than air, are long suspended in it. Ito tboaafety.pront in eatiag, and even those gogues for lontributionts in oid of a oharitys "Women are the dearest, =teat creatures
bad reputation.
They are IMMO. by the general name of which have long borne's, the realmneez are icloh as are evoked no- in the World, bet they 04'0 tell bow a Ape
fits until they tee the number."
miorobes-microficolfic forms of life. OnlY i The inyoophagiet seleeta from wood or where else' Res 1 COVOR OM cure S to one rtheute.
a few of the many classes of microbes are field a apeoinlen of toadstool whieh iv its
harmful, just as only a few of the millions external appearance extends aninvitation to A Cheap Letter Scale. A young lady in Toronto is said to have
of slimes of larger vegetable growth are , t17 it. Hard, dry, leathery) fetid, slimy or A °heal' but sufacientlY accurate scale had five lovers all totted Samuel. Her
044i:items 1 decoratosiug ones Ire left rigidly alone -as for weighing lettere can be mede e° of the PlietegraPb album is a book of Sam.
In 133 an epidemic fever. characterized I they s ould be. Cerefuliy removing tbe cheapest ma er a s.
by great dearesssion. Inflammation of the fu gus from its habitation and after noting Te a Pl000 of brimmatich about a fen't
• 1 A. Cure for Peunkennet4S•
piece is long, and cut off the ends equate and eane opium habit, depoominsfa, the morphine habit
brenobial tubee and lungs, and by an umen* leo botanical character/shoe, a sinoll nervous prostration caused by the use of aobaeo,
sant cough, swept over the world from east I tasted raw ; if it 18 nauseous, it is thrown smooth- Glue a card to one end; to the wakefulnessmental depression4 softening of the
to west. Its advent was sudden,aIni In I away and branded as non -edible; if it',is hot, other fasten a weight, -a atone will do -so
branetc., premature a age, lose of Vitality onweed
d l
most cases the 'Pers011 was well again.m les° acrid, Or bitter, a small piece is cooked that when that end is placed in water by over-exertion of the brain, anose ot natural
strength, from any cause whatever, Men --Young,
than a. fortnight. It was quite fate!, tow. v,fthout seathning ; if it retaina any dia. about two.thircis of toe wood will 136 sub' old or middle aged --who are broken down trom any
ever; to the aged and the weak, This Was agreeable qualities over the coals, it is in'and- merged, and the stick will stand upright. of the Above eaueee, or any :muse 'totem/Waned above
the famous infieerza. lea in like manner ; if it loses them all, NOW put the whole in water, and lay send your addreee wile orals in stamps tor Llibon's
Treatise, in book form, of Dieeaties of Man, Bootle
The same melody 'has repeated ite ravages larger nieces are cooked and eaten un. upon the card anything Wifich you know sent sealed and secure trem observation. oddreee K.
weighs just an ounce. Mark the point to ea Lenox, 47 Weinnoon !street Bad Toronto, Ont.
which this weight duke your broomstick
scale; then load it with two outlaw, and
mark that pOillb. In this way you oan gra.
rifiabe the scale so that yosi can weigh any
light article.
The minister gastight to improve the time
by giving Bobby a town in morality. "My
boy," he old, "1 have lived 45 years, and
have never used tobamoo it any form nor
told a he, nor more, nor played hoOkey,
nor-" "Have you got any little boys ?"
interrupted Bobby. "No,I have never
had any little boys." "Well, they are
mighty lucky, ' said Bobby.
YELLOW CARE. -Two cups ti sugar, four
ego, onehalf cup of butter, one cup of
sweet milk, three teaspoons baking powder,
three cups of flour. ,
" Another goods by fortune's hand is,given,
A wife is the peculiar gift of Heaven.'
le your wife changed and your home un-
happy ? Does she go about with gloom ;on
her face and do you see no more the smile
that won you ? It is because she ia bilious.
Bile causes half the misery of the worn..
Her system is clogged up, her head aches.
Get her a vial of Dr. Pierce's pleasant Pel-
lets and they will give her relief and the
atmosphere of home willgrow bright again.
One tiny, sugar-coated Granule a dose.
The minister vainly doth squander his
time while seeking earth's evils to check,
when he lectures in language, however sub-
lime, to a man with a boil on his neck.
That dainty lady tripping by,
How light her step, how bright her eye,
How fresh her cheek with healthful glow,
Like roses that in Mayfime blow I
And yetlew weeks have passed away
Since shelves fading, day by day.
The doctor's skill could naught avail;
Weaker. she grew, and thin and pale
At last, yaille in a hopeless frame,
One clay she ea d "There is a name
I've often seen -a rerredy-
Perhaps 'twill help; r cart but try.°
And so according to direction'
Sho took Dr. Pierce's ravorltePrescripti on,
And every baleful symptom fled,
And she was raised as front the dead.
-aometimes over extensienstracto of out.
try, sometimes only locally -many times
since the Middle Ages. If it is of microbic
erigu4-41.8 . probable, ---what inconceivable
lover= of microbes must have filled the
air 1 Of course, no precaution oould avail,
enePt tile habitual mainthnan.°8 of high sexy that it should be; for in one family of
health and god hygienic condition& gill-beariug toadstools -the Amanitas -no
Malaria iS thle to =disrobes which reach sign either cooked or raw is given of ita
deadly properties. This is the only family
to whioh deaths have been traced; and the
botanical characteristios of its members must
be thoroughly mastered, There is no other
method of testing that is safe. Charms of
salt and silver are as useless as the romances
of the fortune.teller, and even worse; for,
if believed in, they inspire a confidence that
leada directly to serious results.
Many persons may experience unpleasant
effects foul eating toadstools, because of
rich cooking or indigestion, which are not
caused by inherent injurious properties in
the toadstool. "What is one man's meat
is another man's poisou" is a proverb as true
of toadstools aa anything elste. There are
many varieties not friendly to delicate tato-
reecho. A wineglassful of whiskey and
sweet oil, repeated if neoessary will help
them along safely should they happen to be
eaten. The effects of these kinds are ex-
perienced almost immediatele after eating,
and yield promptly to simple treatment;
but the poison of the Amanita does not
manifest itself for from eight to twelve
hours after ingestion, and by this pectin'.
lathy announces itself. In this event send
for a phydoisin at once. One eightieth to
one sixtieth of a grain of atropine adminis-
tered at a dose eulecutsineously until the
poison is counteracted is an antidote.
The object of the mycologist should be to
encourage and toster the study of this in-
teresting and plentiful form of plant -life;
for in so doing he points the way to many
It is novi some three years since we drat pleasures and disseminates the knowledge
came to the country. My huaband and my- that will in a great measure prevent the
self were both country bred, but soon after accidents occurring from indiscriminate
our utaarlage removed to the nearest city, toadstool -eating. But, be this knowledge
and,within its busy precincts many years ever so wide -spread, there will be enough
had passed away, flecked with both ahadow foolhardy people to afford annual announce.
and sunshine. meats of deaths and. wide -spread obituary
To *had been given four merry.faced notices for which tha whole toadstool family
childreilk, but when we returned to the must suffer,
country we b -ought but two, and those were
delicate little creatures which showed very
plainly that they were just out from under
the physician's care. As for myself,:i was
butjust able to make the journey, and we
_bad moved but twenty miles out.
lis -was nothing new for me to be siok, as a
great part of my life had been spent in close
acquaintance with the medicine vial, audit
was not strange that my, children were deli-
cate too. The two who had been removed
from pain and sickness Jived long enough to
so twine the tendrils of the maternal heart
about them as abnostto break it asunder when
they went away, and for the sake of the two
remaining as well as for myself, it was de-
cider' to try the value of country air.
As was but natural, soon upon arrival at
our new home I began to look about me,,ex-
pecting to see only plump, rosy.cheeked
farmers' wives, alfie to walk, drive, or 'per-
form any reasonable amount of labor, What
then, was my* dismay to find that with one
solitary exception every woman of my own
age in the neighborhood suffered in a greater
or less degree from ill health, and that the
country doctor had more than he could Co to
attend to thee half -sick patients I oould
not but wonder why it was so. Here amid
the luxuriance of the country I suppood
everyone must be well. How sweet. the
morning air filled witla the fragrance of
countiesel wild flowers 1 What a delightful
contrast to the smoky atmosphere to which
I had been accustomed 1 How eagerly I
opened my mouth to driak in the rich neo.
tar satisdeci that I had found the right
medicine at last.
til the kind either gives signs of nox-
ious qualities or ,proves to be harm-
less. If the specimen ia mild and pleasant
to the taste. (a small piece) both raw
and cooked, the same ore is observed until
a. full meal is oaten; and Ibis very noes -
their victims either from the air, by i▪ n-
halation, or from drinking water which
has absorbed them. Boil the water, avoid
the night air, pleep in the higher -rooms of
the house, and guard against all excesses.
Typholti fever is caused by raiorobes from
the discharges of a previous patient which
either have foand access to drinking water,
or have been taken up dried into the air.
Microbes flourish in all kinds of moist filth.
The chief safeguard is general cleanliness,
the boiling of all suspected water, and ample
ventiiation and sunshine.
Diphtheria, searletlever, whooping -cough
and measles are due to microbes given off
from the skin or breath of the patient.
They either float in the air of the room, or
become attached to the furniture, walls and
bedding. Avoid ideated rooms and persons.
Attendants should keep their stomachs in an
active condition with digestible food, but
should not overload them. Moat microbes
are digested and rendered harmless by a
vigorous stomach.
The surest prophylactics -as preventives
are called -are high health, cleanliness,
abundance of air 'anti sunshine, the boiling
of water and milk, and the avoidance of
whatever depresses the paysical ea stem-
loseisf sleep, protracted watching and all
exceases, and cheerful courage.
B.4111. ef FarMer'S Wives.
And yet people were sick even here
What could be the cause? I spent much
time thinking about it, and fearing lest even
this last chance should be taken from me.
But in spite- of my depressing thoughts, I
soon began to rally. I surprised myself at
the amount of work I accomplished and be-
gat to feel encouraged.
The children began to show signs of im-
provement, and I went to remark right
here, that their improvement has so far be-
come an established fact, that no doubt re -
instils in nay mind relative to the propriety Look Here.
of bringing up children in the country in
preference to the city. They seldom need Do .you feel blue and deapondent ? Do
medicine Of any kind, and never a dootor; pains rack and tear away at nerve and mus-
t* are out in ell kinds of weather, and ole, and have you been disappointed in find
very seldom have a cold, whereao the former ing a remedy that will afford certain and.
days and nights were so characterized by speedy relief. If so, go at once to any drug
coughs and hoarseness as to keep the ma- store and buy a *ample bottle, of Poison's
ternal heart trembling with fem.. Netviline. Poison's /gerviline never fails
Would I were al310 to report such improve. to relieve neuralgia, cramps, headache,
rheumatism, and all internol or external
meet in myself, nut on the contrary after
the first few months, in which, as I said be Paine. B. Carman, druggist, Morris.
burgh, writes : " All the parties I supply
fore, I accomplished more than I had ever
dated dream of, my health begat to decline, sneak veryfavorably of Nerviline, and
and'sq became worse than before. always purchase' a secolid lot." Poison's
Nerviline is sold in time -Tie bottles at 10
ladiesibegan to show theinseives which even
cents ; large size 25 Cents -by all druggists
the Weeks:less of former years had failed to
devalop. My daily duties became a burden and etnintry dealer's everywhere. Try a
to me and eibt knowing what better to do ten cent bottle.
called in the country doctor and became a.
member a that -east army of halasiok far. Where the Fault Rested.
mot -wive&
He -I was so mortified that you should
There is no doubt in my ou▪ nd that all this tee me fell from my bioyele, Mise Maudes
might have beeu avoided. it vas evident but I oan shore yeu the fault resithd entire.
that country air Was juat what I neededaand ly on the bicycle.
that under favorable circumstance's I might She -Yea, for a moment, Mr. Cleelip, and
have nearly if not quito regained my health, then the Movie rested entirety on the
and that this monster ovetwerk has abolen ionic
from me lily lot chance. And another self-
evident fact Is this that many a poor woman , Doni)le-Aon Brain Pod.
Is suffering under like oircuinstancee.
" Yee." ash' Uncle &lotus'No been
There is no life slo pleasant at: country %kin' brain food fo' ter atimulate my mom -
lie; there 18 no platui Bo BOitablO for 9°11,14 on' jt' wukin' furit-tateaa"
childreneither frolt a moral or physonal ss I hope it ba e wort ed sefReiently br you
stanclpoitt ; there io no work or, healthful os to remembet;Utiole Rados, that you have
farm -work; no class of welneti shoula enioY °geed tno ativenty.hve bento for ovet a year."
tether health than the farmer's wife, and it " Yet, 88h; dat Was site ob de foot things
ia ta *tate of things to be deplored that all a smembeted, ana Jae as 1 wao gwih6 lama
these adVantages Are rnore than over.rtiled fee tet ay de money I also 'inenifsered 4:lat I
by the eireeence of the dread monster vettddent hoe huftni lel' ter buy a codfish
'kg tees:110OG"a ivif, Dat brain food, Mistab Swill, am er
ell course this refers otuy ▪ to the poorer gteat diSdoVett."
The time for ooean and lake travel has
arrived and many persons who are anti-
cipating a trip throat are beginning to in.
quire of their faraily physioians for a remedy
tor sea.sickness. Bromide of potash, anti
urine, and a hundred other drugs have
been recommended for this very distressing
inconvenience of ocean travel. Both of the
drugs named, as well as others, have been
greatly, extolled by those who claim to have
derived much benefit, from their use. It
ought to be known; however, to all who rely
upon those or other drugs for relief from sea.
mokness, that the relief thus obtained is not
an unmixed good. The drugs named, as well
as all others which are capable of p-oduoing
such a state of insensibility in the nervous
system as will prevent this disease, are capa-
ble of doing so, only when administered in
doses which are reallypoisonous, and capa-
ble of doing serious injury. In smaller doses
than this, they rarely afford any relief. It
really is a questisn, as to which is the.great.
er evil, the nausea and distress of sea-siok.
ness or the poisoning of the nervous system
for several days in succession, before and
during the journey. Sea siekne.ss is rarely
fatal, and generally leaves an individual
none the worse, if indeed he is not really
better, for the general clearing out and the
enforced abstinence.
A new prooesdhas been patented by whicn
seals can be made to grow plush.
Whenever Your stomach or Rowels get ant of at
Der, oefieltig BIliontinese. Dyspepeln, or Indigestion
mad their attendant avile, take at once a don of Dr.
Oareon's Stomach Bitters. Beat 5 mediolne.
Ail Druggiete. 60 oeitte.
When a ship "lays to" is it because she
is eggs.hausted.
people who are subject to bed breath, foul ooate
IlOngtie, or any disorder of the Stomach, flan at one
be relieved br using Dr. Carson's Stomach Bittern
th old and tried remedyilcdi von, useeviss
WORKFOR AEI. SS° a week andexpensee
paid. Valuable outfit and particulate
tree. P.O.VICHERE Auensta Maine
MORONTO Cutting School -Scientific and re-
liable systems taught whereby etylish, perfect -
fitting garments ore produced. Outtere haviog trots -
be should secure mysysteme and ensure future sue
cess. Eetire satisfaction guaranteed. Shirt system
taught separate. A rare cheese for young Men to
acquire a lucrative professior. S. CORRIG/S, Prop.,
122 Yonge St. Terme on applicetion.
Teacher--" What advantage had the old
Greeks over us, Hama?" Hans (drawing a
long breath)-" They did not have to learn
A Reward of $500
is offered by the manufacturers of Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy, for a case of catarrh which
they cannot cure. The mild, soothing,
cleansing and healing properties of this re-
medy are irresisitble. 50 ciente, by deuggioes.
Some .men becerne bald quite early. in
life, while otbairs die and have the& will,
offered for probate before their heirs fall
Steamships, sailing weekly between Montreal
and Liverpool. Saloon tickets, Montreal to Liverpool,
$40, $60 and O. Return tickets, $80, $00 and $110
according to steamer and accommodation. Inter.
mediate, 730; Round trip tickets, $00. Steerage, $20 ;
Round trip tickets, $40. For further particulars and
to secure births, apply to 11. E. hIURRAY, Genera.
Manager, 1 Custom House Square, Montreal, or to the
Local Agents in the different Townsend Cities.
The modern skeleton La' the closet -The
bustle at night.
CIPtabISSS AMR Renown restores grey and faded
hair to its naturat color and prevents falling out.
A foot.note-'s Please use the mat. 407.
Tiny Twins.
Probably the most diminutive speohnen
of humanity in this vicinity is to be seen
in Lansingburga Twelve weeks ago twine
-a boy and a girl -were born to a family
named Blumer. At birth the twins weigh-
ed a little less than three pounds, and an
ordinary finger ring could be elippisd over
the hand or foot of either child. Some
weeks since the boy died, and the girl, al-
though now three months old, does not tip
the scales at three pounds. She is a wee,
bit of a thing, and can be held in the palm'
of the hand. The child seerna to have very
good health, however.
BEAVER LINE of sirEunsnupki,
-BMWS WSERLT Sta•wszli--
Saloon Tickets, $40, $50, $60. Return, $80, SOO
8110. Intermediate, SSO. Steerage, $20. Apply to
II. E. MURRAY, General Manager,
1 Cuetom HouseSquare, MontreaL
Toronto Safe Works.
SAULTER BROS., tbuifiirst
Felt and Gravel nu Inv
Estimates given. OonntrY Work a specialty.
PATENTS ,1120T:t:l?w,Inur (21=t212:,?),Tigac.t
et earn 1Vasher. Address G180. 115.
PERRIS, SI Church St, Toronto.
Dominion for our House-
hold Spacialties. Address TAmBox Broa, Toronto, Ont.
ivioNEyiTTf:111`,.N. (t3.1.1Z'otagg'12'itg:
Rstabliched 1860. 12 Ring-et.En.,m4colraointf.6"
224 KingSt. E , (in rear) Toronto.
oils, and Burning Brands, 8m, Send
for Catalogue. BARBER BROS. aa,
Out 1 Inetantly threaded without passing timed
through the eye. Agents coin inaone,y sellizg them
Sample packet by mail 150, dozen packets $1 00.
W linen DIanufactnring Co.. Toronto, Ont.
Public Library Buildinge,Toronto. Students from
British Columbia, California, Kansas, Illinois, and
quite a number of other States and Provineea, now
in attendance. Write for Deecriptive Circulars,
President. See'y & Manager.
fluramer's heat debilitates bot1.
novo and body, and Head-
ache, Sleeplessitess, Ner-
vous 'Prostration, tad ant
"all -played -out" eensation proyes
*that Paetra's OELERY CoRPOUND
'011014d be used now, Th ia nonaje.
,cine restores health to Nerves,
°Kidneys. Liver, and Bow -
tots, and imparts life and energy,
Ito the heat prostrated system.
Vacations or no vacations, l'AltrztEl
eine for this season. It is swim..
4ific coraleination of the best'
tonics, and those -who use it begin
'the bot summer days with clear
heads, strong nerves, and
fgeneral good health. PAINE'S
elbLERY Coatoovxia is old by all
druggists, $1 a bottle. Six for $5.
Montreal P.Q.
lot eather
Cheap Excursion
Will leave all noinIs on the 0.11 11, G.T.B,,
aud. N, N, W. R. e, in (tote rio, on.
sboas AUGERS, bore 20 fee
per hour. Also Rock Arnie -Hand, Horse or
steam Power. Send for Catalogue.
Laldkaw Hanntactnring.Co.
Hatemene, Orer.
"E1011 elegant Lithographic Picture ot City of
Totaken from the Bay, and showing all
the leading buildinge, gardene, drives, stations,
wharves, eta Size 24x30 inches. Sample copy gent to
ony address for 60e.
36 Ring St, East, Toronto. .
tor v'Efftfr: Zfrt123I-
and go to work. Agen4t0e0WCirn'terdASclid.r6gets°,1. amPY•
A. G. WATSON, Manager,
Toronto Willard Tract De oaitory, Toronto,
Bicycles IC OL IIIMB1A.
Also sen0. forlist of some of our Second-hnnd ma-
chines at greatly reduced prices. -
22 Church St , Taranto.
Bicycles !
OVER. 100
Seemed • Howl Binyelles
safeties and Tricycles:.
Send for List and Cetnlogn,
Agents wonted In every town.
Desiring t obtain a BOsinceff Education, or become
profitlient n Shorthand and Typewriting, should ate
tend the
Arcade, Yong° street, Toronto.
yor Circular& eto., Mdress C. O'DE1A. Seeretary
F 0 It-
Fare for Round Trip; $28
Treiass leaye TORONTO at 11 p.m. AUG,
The party will be accompatied by J.
TICKETS issued at all stations and good
to return for GO DAY* also for to lay
over on return at WINNIPEG.
For informatioa apply to all Agents of
C.P.R., G,T.R., or
Canadian Paoli° Railway Ticket Offioe,
Don't wait until yoa
are burnt out or robbed,
buy a Safe now and
sleep eesy .and be sure
and get price& eta, of
t h e New Champion
677 Craig St., P. 0. Box OM Montreal, P. Q,
Young Men
SUFFERING from the effects of early evil habits, the
reeult of ignorance and folly, who find themselves
weak, nervous and exhausted; ale° Mono -Mom and
Orm Men, who are broken down from the effects of
abuse or over -work, and in advanced life teel the
roneequencea of youthful exeees, send. for and reed
ht. V. Luheee Treatise on the Mimeo of Men. The
book will be- sent sealed to any address on receipt of
two 30 steams. Addrees
61. V. LUBON, Wahneton St E., Toronto, Ont.
Manufacturers of the Highest Grades
Lathes College
420 to 428 King St. West TORONTO
Manager. Seo.- frees.
113ARTIES wishing to purohaee Unproved Manitoba
1. Farms, front 80 acres upwarde, with immediate
possession, call or svrite to G. I. IL/MESON, Me -
Arthur's Block, Main street, Winnipeg. Information
furnished free of charge, and settlera assisted in
making selection, Moser to LOAN at current rates
of interest,.
First of Ladies' Colleges. Hes graduated ever 230
in full course. Pull faculties in Literature, Langua-
ges, Science and Att. Lergeet College Bu lding in
Dominion, Opens Sept. 0,1888. Address Principal,
Rev. A. BURNS, D.D. LLD.
Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships
Sailing during winter from Portland every Tbursday
and Halifax everySaturday to Liverpool, and in sum.
neer from Quebee every Saturday to Liverpoolmalling
at Londonderry to land maile end passengere for
Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via Hall
felt and St. John's, N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly
during summer months. The steamers of the Glas-
gow Imes eall during' wintee to and from Batas
Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during Mina,
met betiveen Gla•gow and Montreal weekly; Glee
gow and Boston -weekly, and Glasgow and Philadel
phia fortnightly.
For freight, passage or other infonnation apply to
A. Sehumaoher & Co. Raltinuire ; S. Cunard & Co.,
Rattier ; Shea & Co.,'St. John's, Nlid, Wm. Thong>
ten & CO., St. John N. B.' Allen & Go., Obitiago
Love & Alden, New York ;1 Borulier, Toronto ;
Allans, Rae Co., Quebec: ; Wm. Broome, Philadel.
plata ; IL A. Allen, Portland, Boston, Montreal.
We want 00000 MAN in your looality to pick tip
for us. flaeh furnished on eatisfacbory guaranty
Address, O. S. PASS, Hyde Park, Vernient, U.S.
The Shoe and Leather _Reporter, N,Y., end Shea
and beather Review, Chicago, the leading trade pe. -
pore in the tr. 5, in the Ilide line, have emit tlaeir
repreeentativel to investigate Mr, Page's basinees,
and after a therongli examination and comparison,
the Reporter eivee him this endorsement;
"We behave titat in extent of light -weight raw tna-,
taloa eetteetect ant/ carried, Mr. Page holds the lead
of any wmpetitor, and that his present stoele is the
largest held by arty house inthis counttlf.•
And tee Revield ewe :
"After e most thoreugh investigation of Mr.
PajJS'9 btie4ie98 as compared with, others in same mite,
led have beeonwitthy etitiefled teat ill hiA tpedialty,
lightiveight stock ho ia unotseetimuday toe tagrest
dealer itt thio country, white in superiority of qua/.
ity,he is eonfeegedfy at the head,"
QIIDDY If Ms. rags Misinese is the largest in its
line in Use United States, le it not the best possible
bilit to a hi heet prices / It he did
Stained Glass
76 Mug' St. W. Toronto. I
We will send by mail an ap-,
propriategeift to each maiden,
wife, mother or cook -one to
a farnily---whe will try the
Cut the red circlefrom the
label and send it in a letter
stating honest opinion after
fair trial. Either a5, 10 or 25
cent size will seems° tfie gift.
.Any grocer or storekeeper
knows where to getlt if askee
for by you.--.4cfcfress--
Thaleyyllayoe Od
20.3 Triage Street,
The Cheapest place in
Canada for
New and second -h
Agents for
Repairing of Band In
struments a specialty.
Send for Catalogue
Barnum Wire s& Iron Works, Wiliam, Ont
Made from 3-16 Steel Rods,
with Heavy Iron Frame and
Iron Foundation.
We are offering the Fence at ex-
ceptionally low prices.
Iron Fence Cresting,
Stable Fittings,
and all kinds of Iron and Brass
Toroth), G01461101 of Mum Lb..
, Would he no.tura ly get more Skins than
. .. •
P00 mi 0 'Et TIT M CDT "CATM.A.`1‘11-01R,..
nee ele3E X MC Ea 737- REIL
.. iti-ixtsxvx.-wh:se
� 3r-ri ..4416. "X" CO Mt 3115:1
kinds of food, when the SYSTEM is ran down in eases of
MENTAL and PHYSICAL OVERSTRAINANGs causing disability,
JOHNSTON'S FLITID REEF will supply Strong Nouristment that can be
retained and theroughly digested by the weakest stomach. It will give
toile to the stomach, restore VMS te from whatever cause, ors
and supply food for Brain, Bone and Muscle.
e-"'G`ein trl4141.1.
IN 4 YEAT'6.
There ark many summon of
" Peerless "
but none equal it in lubricating properties. Fsatit*
ISRS, IIILLMBN eta, find none equal to the 011ictrENS
Peerless made' by
Sold by dealers everywhere.
Capital and Fun& noW over $3,00f,000.'
A Hoine CoMpany, Established October 1871.
TO this Date, °Other MT, there has been returned :
unisionwis.miammiimemosimosimiammummilim To the holni of Policy holderareath-elaims)...... . . ... . .... .
lion. G. W. Allan, Premsent any of his conineti tots in the same Bee?
ete,,aisotiocanna. Ale t ildnpgislioneasa.
DDD fifteen yeere With great sueemse, Wad treatmen 1,oaned P011ophOl tir On e cent' y of t f Polio Off ... . . ..... 82,204 08
00,240 Oa
To the holders tif metered gn Tama PelitlieS 26,402 ea
lqerimus 1)ebilitv. To Policy -beldam On surrender o Policies 98,06 00
To Polley.helders tei Catcr mats goleding those tolooatsd end being palcP,... ..... 482,644 00
incladIng pitilti, *Oat artihoitile pa., Gnarl Beesesio bee boin ob used fOr the nee To boldere Of ketealtsg 0.61 ...is.. a l•ii0 V I; 0 6 II 0., 14 4 • • 6 • 4 • • 10'0 ...... 6 • •11. . 0 ... 0 0 •1 16•01/7 1141
50 TEACHERS: ZAatlogilgil9Zomawion,
tuition. SS and opviar t' pet ft
'ogruc"- ''uotspnvmtunYugalittilig, Netvoun Debfilte. and all dioneed arising tram ex-
otos inTorto over 10,060. Amount ovet$15,66040030
rutatitio-trott W. P. llowr,Itoo, C.13., •
iviCE,PrtE8115UNTS-W;takta . go*Atto thleteu,lestl,
*1.&01)01iiiikt litanittgbigpfrectori
lithietteitable after 2 'Vete an- niter Yenta
i allay feeteeetien, boos, ointosesitked bride, lotii of vitality, rinsing in lion
echoes, eblideitt, reatell,eta C.4 60;0;1,1* ilillInforthatlen tha ouri..041,00,tion, tut,. rot oat, :by, au atuttout
Potce 41 pet boki ot 6 boxes for tS, et will he twit by .
it titivtitaltitly• teildeSted that all foit the it 6, ve60 " dee. mei 61 tioneition
comoostal6ba aserotod Di to ma POP P
t tiEDIO1NE CO Toronto,
'Cot; VoisfeatgArtrigl, rec,,frIntettrgi wit int