The Exeter Times, 1888-7-26, Page 1AcTicAL Watcb,Maker & Inv.°ller Foe the Fineet Stook and Cheapest Goods to be found in Ontario call on C Relehentba°h Waieh -mak or Jeweller ,Fsi Optioian, Parkhill, A. Fine Assort q.Meet of Sil- verware. Re •pairing ef all kin ds Promptly Sr satisfao t o r ily done. Ne work sent to4P.,"eth,,,t.., the cities but all exe -, , outed in his own eetablishment, under his personal saner- eisiore Spectacles of all sizes to suit all sights. .A triallsolietted. C. ItEXCE(ENHACH, LEGAL. [li. DICKSON Barrister Soli. 1 ) 4• citel cf Supreme Court,Notarypubnc Conveyancer Commissioner, . Money to Loan. Offioiu Fansoine Block, Exeter , R H. COLLINS, Barrister Solfoitor- Convolranoer, Eto . .1 ' PiXISTE11, - ONT. OfficeStemwell'sBioek Hall sold ofdoe.)" AEmOUR W. FORD, Solicitor in the Supreme Comet of Ontario, C onve yam er, Commi ssioneri &o., &o. Special, attenttou given to the colleotien of ceaims in the United. States: Patents procured', money to loan at loweet rates. 0 dice : (Ames :House Block, St, Marys , Ont. F4LLIOT-& ELLIOT, Earristers,. Solicitonjolaries Conveyancers &c. ‘I'Mottey to Loan at Lowest Bates of Interest. OFFICE, - MAIN- STREET, EX.ETER. B. V. ELLIOT. ELLIOT. irENTAL. • ti L. ximi•Twxsw, 4:117F1C E : OVII7 0,.4'EiLlS Ban& Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. H Ii1NS1rAN ,DENTIST.L.D.S Santivell's Bleek, Main-st, Exeter, Extrants Teeth without pain, by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold Filings and all other dental work the loesb possible. Goes co Ztrazon on last Thursday in - eaolt month: MEDICAL 1.1•••=.M••••••• bUliZ, D. M., %...1 • Officee,thiseesidence Exeter I W. BROWNING D., 11. 0 C.1 • P.S,Gracluabeyietoriatiniversity.061,30 ofdiresidence,DorcznionLaborator y. Exe ter R. ELYNDMAN, coroner fer the County of Barron. Office, opposite Mr. . Carling's store, Exeter. TAR. . A.. ROLLIbi , M. O. P.S o. Office, Main S..Exeter,Ont.Residen 00 haus erecently occupied by P . 118q. AUCTIONEERS. TTENRY EILBER, Licensed Ado- tioneer for Hay, Stephen, and. MnGilli- ayWOwnshie: &Iles oon ducted at moderate rates. Office—At Post•office,Orediton,Ont TOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the EY Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promutly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. VETERINARY. TENNENT & TENNENT5 VETERINARY - SURGEONS, ne, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College. °swum : One ?leer South of Town Hall. • MONEY TO LOAN. TIONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 64, percent, $25,000 Private Funds_ Bost Loaning Companies represented, L.31, DICE.SON, Barrister, Exetor INSURANCE . • THE WATE RLOO t MU TTJAL FIRE INSURANCE CO, Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE WATERLOO, ONT. This comeanv has been Over Eighteen years insuccessfol operation in Western On- tario antic ontinues to insure againstloss or damage by Eire ,Buildings,Morchan cli ufactori es,and otho description s oflinsur- able peoperty • Intending insurers have the optiott of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System , During the past -ben years this Company hasissued 57,000 Policies, covering property to theaanount of 340,872,088 ; anclpaid in lo sa- es a lone $700,752,00 • AssetS, 8176,100.00, consisting 0! Cash n ili%nk, Goternmen t D o po sit , d the u wet- esserlPeeiniuna Noteson handandin force. j, Wannine D. President. C.M.TA7nolt, Secretary. 3.B. Hucieces,Inspector. CHAS. SELL Agonttor Exeter and vicinity. the Great English )Preseriptiem. A euccessful leledicine,used over 30 years in thousands of cases, „Cures • Sperntatorrhea, Nervous qWeakness, Emissions, Impotency and all dieeases caused by abuse. serene] indiscretion, or over-exertion. [smut] Six packages Guaranteed to Cereuthencalothers Pail. Ask your Druggist for 'rho'Great English rrefterletithn, take no substitute. One package •$1. Six 80, by mail. Write for Pamphlet, Addrees Elikeitat Cheinca Co., Detroit* Iflich• CENTRAL Barber Shop, FANSON'S BLOCK. A. Hastings, Prop. Shaving and keit cutting /11 the latest styles O f tile art. 'Ivory attention paid io cutting Ladies and Ohddren's Hair. SWITCHES MADE TO ()IMRE A CAL soLtOrrn AND HURON & .MIDDTESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERETEEY nay." VOL. XV, NO; 47. lotsonnxmausamtpremrszel EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JtLY 26, 1888. rallommxtuaixarmsramsoamr JOIIN War= & SONS Publisher sandProprietors Market Square General Store - The utulersigned would inform the pub - lie that he has just received, his SPRING STOOK --INCLUDING— A full line of Dry -Goods, Hate cis Gaps, and Crockery, Boots and Sheen Those wishing anything in my line will find it to tlmif advantage to call and in spec!. my goods and prices. Highest prices paid for But- ter and Eggs and all kinds of produce. J. P. Ross. Languor, Headache, Constipation Removed bY Tarrant)fi SeltZer Ap4A411t. Sold by Tarrant &Cm,N.Y., end Druggists everywhere. For Sale. Three firs t -class ferms--100 acres eaoh—Lon. don Road, within one mile of Exeter. Apply to ELI,IOT & ELLIOT, Solicitors, cire.,Exoter. For Sale. A good. farm for sale on easy terms 1o230 con 2, township of Daborne, 100 aores, gcod buildings and fences, wellunderdrained convenient to cherches and sehool. Apply to .Elliot es Elliot, barristers', or John Trick, Exeter. Farm for Sale. Ninety acres, being lot 6, con. 4, in the town- ship of Stephen, six miles from Exeter. 80 acme cleared; balancein bush. Soil is first- class. Good brick house, two barns, orchard, two wells and springs. Well fenced end every- thing handy. Will be sold Ghee -ells . Apply on the premises. FRANK EVANS. June 14. ORRDITC11, P. 0. T1ARM FOR SALE. --The dersigned offers fori sale his farm, beinglob Ad. con.5, township of Usborne, two inf,les and a half from Exeter,100 acres, about 85 acmes cleared and in first class state of cultivation, the remainder bush, in which there is some very valuable oak and black ash %ail timber; the farm is also well farmed and drained; there are upon the premises, a Drat olass brick dwelling bones, vial first class cellars, two good barns; two never failing springs aud one first ois ss orchard. Forpartioulars apply on the premises, to THOMe.S SHUTE. Exeter p. 0. Out. Dress -Making! Mrs. Bissett and Miss Welsh beg to in- form the public that they are opening out business, and cais be found on the corner of William and Gidley streets. ----- Dress-making done in all the Latest Styles. Lessons on Fancy Work given.—Stamping a specialty. Orclerepromptly attend- ed to. A call solicited. ---TFIE--- Baron Pzrail Works The subscriber would respectfully announce to the public that he has now on hand a largo stock of the various kinds Of wooden pumps.; and thatbe has added facilities, by which he oan supply ordered work on the very shortest notice. nis rumrs ARE WELL AND VANORIFILY KNOWN', AND REQUIRE bo LAUDING smite. Woll-digging contracted for a, moderato rates, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. A call solicited. GEO. CUD MORE Exeter, july,1888. Huron Street. THE INTERCOLONIAL AILWAY OF CANADA, The direct route between the watt and .11 poirits on the levy& St. Lawrence and 13ate de Chalour, Peovinee of Quebec, aleo for New 13ranswick, Nova Scotia. Prince dWa rd and elope 13r oboe Wands, Newfoundland and St. Pierre. All the popular summer sea bathing and ft ening xesorts are along this lino, New mud elegant Buiret Sleeping and Day Care rue on through Expeess tritine, be, tweet' Montreal, Halifax and Si. John. ,European 1ait and 'PaSSelinael assongereidnennsat Britain er he c onti- tient by leavitig Mentroal 00 Thiirstley, will Join otieware .rdail stoamee: at Itinieuski, the game oveeiiig. . The attention of slaippord is directed to the superior .offered by thle route for transport of floer ,ted general merchain (nee intended tenithe L'aetern'Tneeinees end biewfoundlitede also foe shipprolits of geein and produte intended foe the European rearltet, Tielrets maybe obteined mid all informa- tion ahOut the r onto, freight and passenger rates on application to ItoBBBT B.MOODI1S, Westernlaanght & P nes et g.tr Agent 0811,osaingouso Bleck, York St. Toronto 'Chief Suporintoodent, liailway ()face, Sfoticton, N 11, Uateb 30, '80 'ROUND ME _COUNTRY. -By Our Own Correspondents. • Greenway. Eanirs —Mr. James Shoddeoh has rented Mr. J. 0, Corbett's farm, Corbett, for a terra of 3 years.---Afessrs. Rufus Mc- Pherson, Jae. W. Wilson and eeveral others, have purehased new wind mills, for their deep \voile .—Miss Ernie Wilson re- turned home last Monday from Varna, where elle has spent number of vreeka visiting at Ur, Joseph Foster's.—The rain, tbe rain, the laoautiful refreshing drops, desceuded in great abundance last Sabbath afternoon.—A. large 'number of our enter- prising farmers have purobased new self binders this season, among them were R. Webb, A. Gleadening, R. L. Wilson and F. Ulens.—Pure bees honey for sale at the Boston Home. • Eliza:wine. Bnines.--A party • consisting of fifteen young Witte and six young men visited the lake on Thursday aud had lots of fun.— The noise of the binder 10 heard in the land.—The long desired rain has come at last to beautify nature .—The people of this vioinitv are looking for a curiosity named Miss Spixfiszle.—Meny people tied their horses to Mr. T. Andrews on Dorninion Day, and as a result several trees were badly barked.— We forgot lust week to state theta trayelling doctor passed through this place, who, by the simple application of plasters, could draw many cihronie dis- eases out of the system. May he live to heal the sick. Ciranton. linters.--Baee Ball every evening.— Thomas Blackwell is home from the rook- iesa—Mr. Brewer has ereoted a platform in front of the min for aocoranaodation of his many oustomera.—D. M. Jerynra, of ton, was was visiting friends in the village last week.—The Rev. Mr. Sellery, B. D., of Liman, occupied Mr. Campbell's pulpit oia Sunday last. —Th e following are the playera of the Greaten first nine B. B. 0.: C. Webb, p.; E. Perry, c.; Dr. Morgan, hit b.; Brooks, 2nd b. ; O. Dormin, 3rd b, ; S. Levitt, r. f.; E. Culbert, 1. f.; 3. West - man, o. 1.; D. Jameson, s. s.—Mr. R. Eddy has returned frora the Northwest where he delivered a car load of horses.' He proposes going back shortly with an- other load as high prices are paid for horses that are considered second olass in this seation.—A garden social under the auspices of the Trinity Church, Preened Hill, was held at Mr. T. Densmore% 10th eon., Blanshard, on Friday evening 20812 inst. A. number of our young folks attend- ed and tell us they had a big time. The araount realized was somewhere aboitt 040.00. Biddulph. Thomas Cronyn says if he don't change his mind he won't spare Sam. Bert Carrigan says he has the best little woman in the country to make butter, if she gets a chance. Miss Julia Cain is away visiting friends in Westrainister. We wish you a pleasant time, Julia. Miss Margaret McLaughlin, the sweet singer, a Biddelph, is now in Saginaw pursuing ber musical studiee. The cie.nk fence eau be purchased by applying to either Wellington or Blucher at Lucan P. 0. Wm. Whalenisays he would not degrade himself by writing up Cedar Vale Arms anct he is glad the blager from Granton made a distinction in his favor. Jas. Shea, of the 10th con., daily wan- ders along the banks of the Bauble in search of his health which he lost some time ago. John Maher visited Granton on Saturday last and puroh.ased a bottle if Mr. Prewer'ff hair vigor which he says is the best he over used. ,Tim Lamphier says that Mike Shea has lately become totally unfit for work. Jim thinks be spent too many nights out look- ing at the moon or the women in some other rnan'e house.; Wm. Whalen, manager of the Roman line B. B. 0,, is ready to match his team te play against the Coursey line teem on Aug 4th, in connection with the Commer- cial HI3i012 debitte. The game to be played in the forenoon, and the debate in the afternoon, Pat'k Casey, manager of "Scotland's Pride," has again returned to John Dorsey. John is afraid Pat is a little deranged as be wakes the whole neighborhood every night crying, Whoa Scotty, Bey Laden°, end then whistling the Irishman's heart for the ladies. R. Curtain, Zr., a practical eiegineer, has invented an inspirator which will draw water out of a well ata distance of 10 rods even though the water be 40 down, This will be quite a help to threshers and engin- (Mrs in genera', Your correspondent visited W. Taylor's miteral spring in Liman a few days ago and there eaw quite a curiosity 112 the form of o duck with 3 lege and a head like a parrot. It subsists almost entirely on Mineral wet- er itrid 'monks eel/oral words very plainly, its principal sentence being, hewever, wel. eonse all. The old reliable Pat Curtin has rearted a bue from Adate to Liman and intenda running it tri -weekly. He made his initial trip on Saturday last and was well loaded with passengers and fringht. We tinder. etand ho purpotes to buy John kent's 14Texican to mate hie piebald. We tvish him suceese, King Hedging and Robert Cooper Were, raising stone in the bed of the rivek, last week. They overturned, a largo stone When an enormous snake root their .gazo. The snake obarged on than, hut Om cries soon attracted Frank Kent who proetired tt shot gun and Shot the reptile which nentsured 19 feet 2 inebes in leugth aed 0 feet 3.1 inches in oircumferenee. ICing hag for - Warded it te his brother, itobert oho new in Toronto, to have it stuffed, and purposes keeping it as a curiosity. Bed Sam le endeavoring to negociate a trade with Ted Twine,. HA wants to trade bis imported horse to Tad for Robbie Burns and offers to take $3700 to boot, The deal will likely be nsede. ' One of the greatest feats in dentistry was performed by George H. at hie resid- ence a few days ago. Peter Butler, of Litwin, owns a lerge mule which had a tooth growing away batik in its iaw and could not be reaphed by an instrument. Aunt 'Mann' George assisted by Harry Dobbs split the jaw of the mule and. bored a bole tbreogh the tooth *hue getting a hold Iona lever. The first yank brought the tooth out. Na vet. in the country was able to extract it, and great praiee is duo to George and Harry. Cland:ebove. The Base Ball Club is going a head full scoot. Mr. Jae. Marrs wlao was visiting her friends and relatives in leanitoba, returned last week. • Mr, Arthur Sutton, medical student at Toronto, is bores for vacation. Art,. looks quite professional, The Misses Summers, of 'Parkhill, are the guests of Mr. Daniel Shoff, postmaster, of this village. John holland, of Sault Ste Made, is home for a few days visiting his parents, of this place. Miss Kate Lovett, milliner, of London, is the guises of Miss Blackwell, of this Miss Ramsey, of London. is spending her vacation at Mr. Jas. harrs', ex -reeve . of McGillivray. Mr. A. E. Neil, railway despatcher, of Stratford, spent a few days last week with Mr. E. Blaoltwell, egg merchant, of thist Pitee' Harry Shoff has returued home to this place for his holidays. Better stop school teaching Earry ; you are beginning to look thin. We had a call last week from the vice president of the Ball Electric Light Co., Mr. E. 0. Jones, son of 11,Ir. Francis Jones, of this place. His shadow getteth no smaller. Mr. Willie Ryan, assistant sheriff, of London and son of the ex -reeve of -Bid. dulph. is spending a few weeks among his many friends and relatives in this place. He is just reeuvering from a severe, attaok of malaria fever. Mr. Summers, an extensive :land owner in lovva, is taking a trip through Canada, and is at present stopping at his unclean Mr. Shoff. Bela a handeome young man wealthy and unmarried. Fair maidens hark! • Rather an amusing incident occurred here last Saturday evening. One of the Lucan bakers while going his round went into a house to deliver some bread. and while one some misobievous urchins in- serted a board between the two back wheels. In a few minutes Jranes came out and started off at full speed. After going about 40 rods he became aware that all wasnot right. He dismounted and with some difficulty dialoged the plank. He vows vengeance on the perpetrators of the trick "veritaa pravalet." (Received too late for last issue.) Mr. Hiram Thompson erected a fine frame barn last Tuesday. Miss Annie Shannon, of „Cleveland,Ohio, is at present visiting ber friends in this place. Miss May Flannagan who has been at- tending the Seminary in Goderioh, bas rettivned home for vacation. Mr. Jas. Carter, president of the B. B. 0. has kindly pieseeted the olub with the use of a field. for the season. Miss Lydia Bice, who has been attend- ing high school at Oampbellford, is home spending vacation. She wrote for a third last examination. The sheep fiend is around. again, Mr. Robert Hedging and. Me. Geo. Williams bad several sheep worried ono night last week. Elmer Hodgins has come home for his vacation, from Parkhill High Sobool. He will try for a first next winter. We expect to hear great things from Elmer before a great while. The Olandeboye firet nine B. B. 0. has re -organized with the following officers: Ames Carter, President; Geo. &glare, Vie° President; Belie Hodgins, Secretary and Treasurer •, I. W. Bla0kwell, Captain, • Some of the knowing ones say there is going to be a better harvest this year than we have had for five years • and it looks like it. The wheat is very heavy in most 10ealities. The spring crops are splendid too, espeoially the oats. The fruit is not quite as good as last year, but there is go- ing to be fair crap Of apples and pears. There is every prospect of an abutident crop of potatoes. The annual installation of the offioers of Ciandeboye Court of Forestere took place on Saturday night. The following are the officers: C. R.—Y. Bradley ; Vice C. R— E. Hedging; Fin. SOO.-- E. Hodgins; Reis, Sem—W. Blackwell; Past 0, R.- 0. Campbell ; Treasurer- -D. Oollins ; Chap,—Rev. Mr. Downie; Physician—J. Sutton; J. Woodward—R. 3. McNamee ; 3. Woodwatd—A. Clark; S. Beadle—I. DiX011; 3, Beadle --E. Monro; C. D,B. C. E. HOOpor, IP CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. To wino nnrreit : Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named dis- ease. By its timely 'Use theueands of hopeless casea haire been permanently cured, I ehall be glad to trend two bottle of my reined) rann to any of year readers who have consumption if they Will send me their lilxpress and P. 0, address. Respeetfally, Da. T. A. SLOCUM, Toronto, Ont, 37 one street, Although he has become a social lion hi liluglend, Bert Harto loisgs to get home, agein, The late Edinued Gurney, of England$ - Was one of the several men from who Goo, Elliot waS said to have drawn Daniel Dor- onda. It terns otit that the Shakespeare statue to l'arie is the euttionle ef a anggeotion, folloWed up by odici cagii, a an English. men, hr, Xtughten, Lisborne. Tir4T OitiPmEn couple of Weeks, ago there appeared a petty item in the Usborne correspondence to -the Advo. age, concerning a joke whioh its egotistical ancl romping correspondent was wont to palm off as a; faot. Trnely several neighbors had ettgregated where tEe twe young, tinkers were in camp, and did talk trade, but at the tinkers' proposal, Amongst other things, the colt whioh was slightly crippled. WAS spoken of and a prof- fer to exchange it for a watoh jokingly made. It was not necessary for the tin- kers to to to a neighbor's house for inforra- ation relative to the oolG, 00 were they dispoaed to mistake the joke in earnest, a alert walk to an adjacent barn would have taken them te the oolt ; and it is presum- ed that they are well enough posted on horse flesh to learn for themselves the true oondition of the colt. The item is a mere fame and it was construed into the,mean-. ing giyen merely out of animosity. But the drive was not very extensive nor at pal. itable for the unsuseeptible commuuity of the 4th COD. A Nmenson. - r e Urediton, Pansoxan.—Miss Annie Hill, ot London, is'spending a few weeks with her sisters here.—Mr. Joshua Brown is home from Nebraska after having trrevelled consider- ably in the Western States and working at his trade.—Mr. C. Z wiker left on Tues. day morning on an extended trip to Eur- • ope. He intends visiting London, Paris, Glasgow and also a number of cities in Gerroauy before returning —We wish him a pleasant journey.—Mr. Wat Lewis and family are away on a vxsit• near Sarnia. -- Miss Lizzie Smith is home from Detroit and will spend the summer with her par- ents here. BRIEVS.—A number from here intend going to Berlin this week to see the grand band tournament and musical festival.— The bay crops are in most of places oyer and a number of farmers ia this vicinity have started to cut wheat.—The storm on Monday last was very severe here, but as far as has been ascertained no serious damage was sustained in this section. In some instances the grain was badly lodged and in other places femme were blown down. While it lasted the rain descended in torrents and WAS one of tbe heaviest we hare had in this section for a number of years, flooding the streets and raising the side walks; and it is indeed strange that we got off so luckily.—Flax pulling has again commenced and a large number of children and others are busily engaged. This indnatry is a great benefit to the vill- age and surrounding (enmity and gives employment to a large number of people during the whole year.—Although the majority of reformers in this vicinity would liked to have seen Mr. Kibler appointed as license inspector, they feel satisfied with hr. Bishop in the way he made the appointment, as Mr. Ballantyne is a com- petent man to fill the position. They do not therefore agree* with "temperance first" in his.statemente and proolairn them to be utterly false.—The Holtamann and Brown families spent a jovial time picnic- ing at Grand Bend on Monday last. —The eclipse of the moon on Sunday night was witnessed by a great many here but the -view was somewhat spoiled by the heavy The Molsons Bank fOgA.RTSISE1).1,3X pA.ALlAZIENT,1805) Paid up Cepita,1 30000,000 870,000 Orr ore the P eblie 450011 CENT , INT ERE $T P8010 AN'NUM for money on J)El'OSIT RECE(IPTS AliDafpR,A CENT,Ile'PEREST PERANNUM Foe Money in Savings B an.kD ep ' m 't (Lately Ee-Oponed. For further pertioularsapply at The Bank Alain Street, 00xeter. arnek.) 11011)15 -- 10 a m. scu sp m, Seturde.ye,10 4, ra.tO A. A. 0. DENOVAN, Exeter, Oot, Se, '87. , , . Manage aosmostesmancamomommayamort4/44zwarcizawmanagada420414,440 Zurich.. • The flax pullers have began their work in earnest. Self binclore are again taken lute use and harvesting is beginning. bre. 0. Lippert, :tailor, and employ, t, spent Tuesday afternoon on the breezy shore of Lake Heron. Our enterprising postinaster has placed new let:er boxes in the offiee, and now we elaim to have one of the neatest post offices in the county. Tbe rain storm on Monday was wore. palsied by hail at the lake. No hail fell in Znriole. Kiss Edith :Steinbach is home again. looking none the worse for her sojourn in Walkerton, Dyer isimck again front Toronto. While there he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Well, Seniors old residents of Zueirds. We are pleased to say that Will, has a:splendid connection as a tailor. joseph Templeton, of Stanley Town- ship, committed suicide by hanging him- self in his barn barn on Saturday morning last, He was abont 30 years of age and unmarried. • He had a good farm and was working' it successfully with a hired Man, and his mother kept house for him. Ile appeared perfectly sane on the previons evening. No ODO can tell what made him do the rash aot, An inquest was beld and O verdict rendered accordingly. We are always pleased to welcome vieit- ors to our town, because we are proud of it. It is a well known fact that the question has been asked by non-residents, "Isn't Zurich a great place for drinking!" and other such questions, which would lead one to believe that our popular little town was away below par. Probably the best way to account for ,such an opinion is this: Zur- ich as well as other small towns are visited by a certain class of young and. elderly men., who do not wish their friends at home to think that they would get "just a little bit fnuny," take this alternative by giving the small neighboring towns no oocasional visit and going in for a good time dui. Friends at home got on to the racket and of course somebody let the cat out of the bag and then the visited town must shoulder the consequence. We al- ways wish to make visitors at home, but parties who wish to have a good. time un- known to their friends at home, will kindly not give our prospering little towo away agam. The family picnic whioh took place in Taylor's Grove last week was one of those pleasant events we like to write about. The party ooneisted of fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, eousins, son, daughters and. all thereat. They started in four big carriages. Dinner was served at 11.30 a. m., and everybody ate sumptuously. After the inner wan had been satisfied they participated in swinging, boating and the various games, At 3 p. m. a procession headed by the porde band was formed wbich rot reserited the wax and. Rutter, covea hoof and ox tail, goose and needle, • tin and s WPC/ pipes and butter and eggs, industries of Zurich_ After a march of 20 rods, a halt was made at the L. B. Fountain. After refreshments the pro- cession proceeded down the bank the band playingI several appropriate airs. On reaching the refreshing water Dr. Watt and the homely man proceeded to launch the steamer "Nancy Bell" and got the ris- ing generation. on board fox a trip moss the lake; but one of the youngsters got frightened, and the captain had to unload Latoan. and go back to the pienie ground. In° the meantime the rest were amusing theensel- FAIMWZat.—A. long fatewell to the spicy yes throwing sand down eaeh other's bank Luoan oolamn, No mom will the witty and playing with lake shore pebbles, items under the heading of Lucan news After which they retnrned to the grounds appear in the TIMES. We sterted to Gorr- and cleared st good track for the race. espond from Luau f 'sr pure amusement. There were 15 entries, lst prize a purse of We inteuded to Injure no one; and if Some 370, 2nd $50, and ard $5. Molly jim and of the more think -skinned and ignorant Jessie Jitelt made a tie, and were obliged to have got angry we feel sorry for them. make another heat, which was won by Ia a quiet anni dead little town like this Molly Jack who came in of a mile ahead. where even the earning of a commercial TeSSO Jaek tripped over a dead. fisli and so traveller onoe a week, is a source of excite- had to he contented with 2nd Money. ment, the coming of the Exeter Times After supper they returned home happy was looked forward to from week to week after their days' sport. OS a Bourn of great pleasure. But we have passed in our checks pat away the deck, Ur. Lang Wins, , and henceforth will 'draw no more. We a, do not stop the correspondence through The suit of Isbisher TS. Lang which is consalidation of two actions one of Lang fear, as we love or fear no one ; we ask no compliments from any one, nor feel vs. Ishieher ancounty court suit, and the ourselves under a compliment to any one. other of Ishisher vs Lang a high court suit We • merely tried to amuse the reading eame on for trial before His Lordehip Mr. public, but we have found., like many Justice McMahon at the Assizes, held, last other illustrious charaoters that we have week at Port Authur, in the district of been casting pearls before elephants. Thunder Bay. R. II:Conine, of this vill- Some other correspondent will likely take age, appeared as counsel for Mr. Lang. and our place. No doubt he wm be a geed Mr. Delamere of Toronto a.ncl gr. Keefer, of Port Auther, for the plaintiff's, the and pioue young man, and his items may not ruffle the feelings of the halmerites as Ishishers. The contention of the plaintiffs ours did. We were sorry t3 be compelled was that the defendant, Lang, contracted to quit, bat when oar town council and the to deliver to them a ear load of good win- Biddulph township eourmil arose ha their ter apples at Port Arthur, while the defen- might and said the Three cannot have clant'sicontention was that ho.contracted our manatee, we thought it best to sreg only to Ship from. Exeter 0 car load of quietly away into the lihad es of silent apples addressed to the plaintiff s.Ead obscurity, there td dwell in peaae, like the plaintiffs contention been heldjby mighty actors who have been hiesed on the learned. jucrge to be the .correct eon - the stage by an ignorant audience, and stiuction of the contract between them have gone away disgusted with all man. and the defendant, such a holding would kied. We also feel disgusted, and if we do have entirely disposed of the consalidated happen to be endowed with those finer action 'in favor of the plaintiff% and feelings *lash vibrate in every oonsitin entitle them to damages against the clef 071 - heart 'Mob as the maesee are not possessed dent; but the judge after heating the case of we are mere to be pitied than blamed, fully, argured hy the respective counsel Sotne of our items may have cut end ctit for the parties, decided that the defendants deeply, hut wo „our, el° public that we construction of the contract was ' the 0 ant 00 harm to anybody, and oven our COrrect one, thus disposing erttirely of the moot jeakaa monies cannot bat say that plaintiff s cats adversely to them. The ot>r feeble idols boyo on boon 0,158120l. judge further ruled that the defendant Again `we bid yen all a kind farewell, inia should. he entitled to a trial to ascertain the amount of de.may,es to which he was we hope when the distant years have dirntned the hatred emeteeentertain towards elitttled in his own county,a, le, in the us, to meet all the readers of ,the Exeter C°u'lliY 01 atmni alt(1 th6vei°r° mode an Txuno in that bettet; lona above where order that the venue should be changed frent Port Arthur to Gederich. 'iVe con- fect races, prise fights, duels and walk, gratulate our townsman Mr. Lang, on ing huddles de not take plaeci and where the 8110000S With with which he met. Both red hot items ate not Written. Our there flow fast as we write this artiele and our lir'Long"(1 Mr, C°Bin3 sPettk hIghlY of the delightful character of their trip hartsaeygsonorde.bfuyIbut el: we are again oompelledito icom Godonob to Port Arthur, They say C that the tTnited Ettpire is one of the fin. We haVe already awned the eervices Of eet equipped and servited steamers on the analiet correSpOndent in twain, so that our many medal, in dila plito owl Tiobaity tippet- Ln,kes, her Officere front the captain • way be supplied. reguiaoy ow, wok with dowtmari treating the 'passengers with the latest news. En. Tutus.) the greatest kindness and eourtesy. The rtund trit) item OrOderiell Feet tO Arthur show that fodder vfiii be it, very peer Bap.' these were tight days spoilt admidat the A.tiviees trona the midituid CAntries one Duluth °certified but eight days and ply Ana Many ferblere try to, 0,311 thoit boldest iterl most magncent 0000017 Of took, the eontinent Of Atnerieit.