The Exeter Times, 1888-7-19, Page 8St..111A-1"0E' re.113.tiJ3Tit,eLUO1', A, QE 'L VOR TIFWaSTBUN ASsintAtler, cox. rANT.• of Torolion ; cels0 or Ate i'l(fENIX .VIRE N SUP:AN ON COIVPA IN , of immlon. Englanktim BuAL (IA N A DIAN of • Mon. .ar d the SBIT1:41.1 EX! 1'1E14 1.11('E SURANC) 001111MNY„ . 'established 1847. klaets over $3,000,000; • .•e aims amt bonus QSjiU. ever M.000,e00, 40 CAL BW$.--4Ve shall be haPPY to ro- 0.4ilte t frA antes, from any part of the Century, tietas af 4oc.at tzews, 814,014 .ote ac7 .eideats,or .aay Laterest44 inci(Zent what,•• ever, from, any of ear sUbSoribers or reads ers tioneralt plop the pa/pose of publiationO gtv exagv Binaeg. THURSDAY, JULY 19th 188$. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Tun Und ersigned would announce to the public that he has now on hand. one of the best assorted stocks of harness, boots and shoes, &c. in town, and would eall special attention to his Scotch Collars, Children's Carriages, Fe Express Waggons, AS they are the best in the' market, and at prices to suit the tunes. Boot & shoe re- pairing pramptly attended to.; Call and be convinced. C. Ramuerr, Exeter. Moolc out for Them, Counterfeit $5 notes on the Bmik of British North America itre being eirenla- ted in Toronto. Several of these notes have been recently presented at toe counters of the Bank of British,' North Amex ice. aud the imperial Bank.'Every, one of these notes, so far, has been stamp.: eel according to the regulations of th5, Dominion Government :as being .'coniatet felt, and will not he re -issued. The public is warned to look out fr. eoluiter' feit notes on the Bank of &Weil North America. Shows. Fall Shows will be held this season ai follows : South Huron, at Seaforth, on Monday and Tuesday, September 17th and 18th ; Clinton, on'W ednesday, Thoes- day and Friday, September 19th, 20th and. 21st ; Exeter, on Monday and Tuesday, Octobee 1st mid 2nd ; Proderich, On Tues- day, Wednesday, ThursdaY and Friday, October 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th ; Toronto, from the 10th to the 22nd of September ; t he Provincial at Kingston from the 10th to the 15th of September ; the Western, at London. from the 20t1to the 29th of September. The dates of othersin which our readers are interested will be given “S soon as they are ascertained. Election of Officers. At the last regular nieetina of Curt Exeter No. 123, 1. 0. F half on Friday evening, the 13t1 inst., the following officers, who had 1,een previously elected, were installed by 0 D Bro. L. H. Dick- son, viz :-- C. R., Bro. James Clarke V. C. R. " Geo. W. Holman. R. S. " S. Westaway. F. S. " A. G. Dyer "J. J. Pickard. " J'intes Down " J. A. Rollins, M. D. " J ames Gould " Geo. Anderson C. 0, Phy. S. W. J. W. S. B. 'YR. N. Rowe. J. B. " David Mill A. Scc'y. " t. Eaurett. Personal. The Rev S. F. Robinson, rector. of Exeter, has returned home and occupied his acctistomed place in the pulpit of Christ Church on Sunday last The rev- erend aentleman informs us that His 9 Hon. Charles Robinson, . announced to preach here on Sunday, was unable to do so, having contracted a severe cold and from the effects of which he was compell– ed. to remain indoors.—Mr. Hegnander has returned from Montreal.—Several of the Liman "lights" were in town during the week.—Mr. William McKay and wife of Exeter, are visiting in the neighborhood. of Goderioh.—The Misses Colley of St. Marys, were visiting friends in Ushorne, last week. - -Mr. 3. W. Green, of the Parkhill Gazette, has sent us a report ,f the 12th July celebration; in that place ! but as we than a representative present our confrere's report cannot be used. We • thank him, nevertheless, for his kindness.. Several citizens are away holidaying.— Mr M M Rosebrugh, manager of the telephone lines in Toronto, and a former resident of Exeter, is at present visiting friends" here.—Mrs D Spicer is visiting at Hanover. --Mr James Atkinson is lying - ill with inflammation of the. bowels. –Mr W May, of the Parkhill High School is spending vacation with friends in this neighborhood Council Notes. The council met byorder of the reeve, at the town hall, Exeter, I lth July, 1888. All present. The minutes of the previoes meeting were read andcontirmed. Moved by T B Carling. sec. by 3 Pickard, that .3 dozen pails be procured for the nse of the Fire. department —Carried. Two ladders to be ordered from Mr. A, Cottle. The road inspector was instructed to grade and gravel the street at north of Memorial church.—It was resolved that the clerk ask for tenders for nails per keg. Piper to be supplied with necessaries by the sanitary inspeetor with necessary medaine until further orders ; not to ex-. eeed $5, on motion of T B Carling sec by J. Pickard, The clerk reported. $505.43 required by the county for county pur- poses. The constable to dispose of all the saleable articles belonging to Mark Clarke (with his, Clarke's, consent) and apply the proceeds to his sustenance. A com- munication from the Board of Health, recommending a plank bottom in the drain on Ann street for, say 300 feet from Hawkshaw's hotel, was read and laid over until a fature meeting, on motion of T B Carling seconded by T E McCallum, MOverl by T H MeCallurn seConded by W G Bissett that tide council adjourn for two weeks —Carried. The fare from Exeter to Sarnia o eivin holiday, will be $1 round trip. Several eorrespondence were received as we went to press, too late for this issue: The nnmber of births, deaths and mar- riages registered from 1st Jannery to let July lit the township of Stephen, are as follows. ;---Births, 64, deaths 22, marriages 22 C. PROUTY. Yeetaday, (Wednesday) while Wm. Cornish of Usborne was helping to enload hay on the farm of Mr Isaac Harness, 2nd, con Ilsborne, the scaffolding 0,11 WhiCh the Oar Is run, gave way, the or and. fork Ailing ripen his bead crating a deep and ;ugly gash. It was a very narrow escape, ifiterri serious: injury ot death, z;41*Tarfrr2._.-notoryt,rstimulsrorrrmasatavetwetwekavat=cazemstgars.rmwttweseevor.amapareto nrovitres, Mr, V. Armstrong, teaoher, of Par, iS spending yaoation in Exeter, Dr, Rollins has eonnected his house and office with telephone. "Gerdie," the itinerant hat cleaner, is i1.1 town. ' A ease of typhoid fever is reported in towfl. The raspberry prop promises to bo Prolitie. The season has just opened, Tho street waterer is yery assiduous in his efforts to keep the streets damp. The stone is being deliYered for the new bridge, the erection of which will be coMmenced at once. Mr, Jas. Oke, ;of Exeter; shipped frinp Cliaton. station, on Monday,.a' ear lOad of Cattle .bought ,of Stanbury of London Road; Stanley. We are glad to notice that steps 'are being taken towards having the open drain that crossesimain-st. considerably improved by a new plank bottom: On Friday last While Mr. Will Poll - and. was exercising, he sprained his ankle sericitsly, and as a consequence. was housed for a few days The Weather has been somewhat warmduring the week, the ram absent- ing itself, somewhat to the deterior- ation of the later crops which liacl given signs a yielding well. While handling goods the other morn- ing a heavy box fell on Mr. 'Richard Farmer's leg, injuring it severely, and. from the effects of which he was confin- ed to the hails° for a time. On Sunday last while Mr. Thos. and Mr. John Shut ,i were driving to church, their horse stumbled while descending a hill, the consequences being a pair of broken shafts. • The Canadian Press Association have this year chosen an all rail excursion te Portland and Boston. It is thought 'that many will avail themselves of the outing. The reeve has been pleased to pro- claim Friday, August 17th, as civic holiday for Exeter. The only attrac- tion as yet on dit is the excursion to Sarnia SoMe private and confidential letters have been shown us, adyertising the sale of counterfeit American greenbacks. The address is H. Howard, Hoboken P. 0., New Jersey, U. S. The posts for the telephone line have been erected as far south as Lupan, and ere ninny weeks the wire will have been strung and the system in full operation. According to the New Era, Clinton is favored with more than her share of &ad beats. Of several old residents recently left, it says they did not pay thole way, and people who had dealings with them rue that they were not on the c. o. d. principle. It may be interesting to many of his frieads in Exeter to know that W. C. Manning has left Cleveland and gone to Omaha, Neb., in which place he will reside for at least one year. We wish W. C. every success, as he is deserv- ing of such. The base ball match on Tuesday evg. between clubs of the north and. south. of the town, resulted in a tie of eleven runs each at the sixth innings. These social games between the two ends would be more appreciated were less foul language used, While Mr. Dan Wood, of Wood Bros. was enlarging the watering place for the cattle, on their farm on lake road; cn Monday, he exhumed a pair of antlers which measure over four feet: They must have been buried for years as the species of deer of which the above are rhe remains have been extinct hereabouts for centuries. Constable Gill on. Friday last, upon instructions from authorities in Sarnia, arrested a man named McKenzie, upon a charge, we are told, of supposed im- plication in uttering counterfeit money. Saturday he was taken to London thence to Sarnia where., he will, possibly, be exam in ed. It is announced that the Ontario Gov- ernment will shortly cancel all the commissions Of those police magistrates in counties where the Seat Act has been defeated, it having been "under• stood at the outset that their official relations would. terminate in case the Act was repealed. The driving mare belonging to the TlarBs has almost fully recovered. from the serious injuries sustained some months ago'while endeavoring to jump over a four foot gate. Her case was a bad one, having had several punctiiree made in her abdomen, and it was thought the beast would not rally. She is now being .driven regularly. On Friday last it team of ball tossers was hurriedly got together and bent on a' days spurt drove, to Hensall to play the b. b. club of that place. For the first few innings the Exeter boys white- washed the Hensallites, but,becoming careless by over -confidence allowed the Hensall club overtake and defeat thein by a score of 16714, with one innings to Spare. A couple of the mdst ardent sp,orts of Exeter betook themselves to the swamp on Friday each astride an equine itt quest of the unwary fox. For a time they made splendid headway, but owing, to the roughness of the country and the uncommonly high fences, they were finallyunable to Bob along so serenely, and after exhausting them- selves and horses returned home empty bagged. • Chief Gill, of Exeter, last 'week arrested Benjamin McKenzie, an alle,ge ed member of the Johnson gang of 'Counterfeiters. McKenZie has been up areund Sault Ste. Marie "shoving the queer," it is said, and returned to his home in Exeter a few weeks ago. He Was taken to London, and handed over to Government Deteetive O'Leary, who removed hint to Sarnia for trial'. The twelfth of July dawned Very itis auspieiously, but, notWithstanding the brethren of this neighborhood with- stood the' storm, and m large numbers went to Parkhill where the day WA8 royally eelebrated, the weather in the afternoon turning out as fine fta &Mid be &Sired, They returned early with it pleasing glow upon their faces, indi- cative of having spent 4 pleasant day in the lively little town of Parkhill; and speak highly of the treatment and accommodation accorded them by 'the brethren and eitizens generally of ParkhilL The D. P. R. have issued a Second editonof their "Canadian'Pacifie Prim,7 er," itt whieh they set forth the simmer tours On the line. The -Work is fully illustrated,. furnished with several maps, and the explanatory letter -press Matter is ample and interesting. ' The Attention of oer Subscribers' is reSpectfidly called to .the address labels on their papers, to see that the dates thereon are oorrect and right. To be correct date' shonld show the time up to which the subscription is paid ; to be right no date should. indicate an arrear- age. We will be pleased ,at the .earhest nitiniation to attend to the former, and. trust such .of oar subscribers as have Oc- casion will not delay in attending to the A. lady and her daughter returning from Forest to London boarded the wrong train at the pressing Saturday evening, and were brought to ..EXoter. They had. to remain here until Monday morning. The lady throws the burden ,of the blame on the conductor, as she says he did not mil their tickets at all, oe he should have done; and they, dis- eovering their error, might have got on the :southern bound train' at Centralia and thus reached London that evening. A' town subscriber wants to, k no w Why the Proceedings of the school beard ard 'not mblialied or if that bod , StrIliti THEY corpm.—Anotber bankrupt atoek from the eity , of St, Thomas, has been received at Brederiek's bankrupt store, hlactor ; mid those goods will be • opened out or Wednesday, and the g set sale will eenamence oa TharAday, jrd y 19, Mad ciontinue for ton dayil. T.IiiS is at mag- mfieent stock of beatitifal goods, and is one of the best stooks the sebscriber „has OVOr offered for .sale .in etook a splendid assortment of colored and black silks, end a shake lot of dress goods, velvets,, (to, Ltu, • Pall and see the stock. Ib %+411 do you , trouble to ebony goods, The last chewed, as the sUbsoribee has to vacate the store ; end in, order to make a clean sweep ,goods wiil bo ollered at a great. sae:nice. Eig bargains will be given. All must bp veld. Store is one dem. north of the nowtown nal If)tor, July, 18S8. • I W Broderiek, P ; Country werehants woubl do well to call end seeure job bole. , ,CONSUMPTION SURELY 01/RED, To run EDVXOU Please infurm your readers that nave a positiee remedy for the above named dis- ease. By its timely uee thousands of hopeless liens have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottlee of my remed3 num to *MY of your readers who have consumptinn if they will send Me their Exmess aud P.. 0,, address. Respectfully, Da. A. SLOCUM, rioronto, Ont. 37 'Yong° st; eet. SIM convenes at all? He says he is interest Languor, Headache, ' Constipation Removed bY Tarrant,f. Seltzer Aperient. ed in what is done by the board and wishes to see the minutes in print. We °en give subscriber no Mformaion other than that we have not heard of meetingsince Tannery, nor are we aware of any business having been transacted by said board If th c- retary does not choose to hand ns the minutes, he will, at least, oblige us by letting Us know of the meetings and we shall send a reporter. While driving through the Country on Sunday, to what point we ehall not Mention, Mr., John Shute came upon a couple of dogs killing sheep in the vicinity of theboundary between Us - borne and Hibbert, Mr. Shute, being posseeSed, of considerable presence of mind did not disturb , the doge but reported his discovery to a farmerin the neighborhood, who at mice set to work to discover the owner of the dogs, and found him. The sheep belonged to Mr. Andrew Stewart. Mr. Shute's conduct in 'thus going to the trbuble of informing the community as to the fate of the sheep was -highly commend- ed by all. Mr.' S has had ;Several of his flock killed by dogs, and knows boiv to sympathize with others in a like position. • The Brandon Sun contains the follow- ing :—"Mr."L. Hardy. at one time reeve cf.Exeter, chat ; arrived in the city- on Friday last, on his way to Vir- den, Man. Mr. Hardy expressed him- self as being well pleased :with ltlanito- oa, and more than pleased with Bran don. He says that the farmers in On- tario are waiting the result of the present crop, and if it is anything nearly as good as that of „lastyear an influx of immigration/may be looked for from that part./ Mr. Hardy has a farm \a short distance from Virden." Our friend, Mr. Hardy, need not worry about the crops in Ontario, as the out- look at present is unprecedently prom- ising. In some instances the, yield • of fall wheat, it is estimated, will be from 35 to 40 bushels to the acre. Quoit pitching is the popular. pastime with the elderly and youngd men of Exeter. Alinost nightly matches are gotten up and .some good pitching is done. The match, thus -far, of the season'and one in which considerable interest was centred, took place on Saturday evening, between clubs of the north and south ends, on the grounds near the Metropolitan. The contest - ems wore: north end, H. Levett, A. Davie, G. Anderson and W. }Trading; south end: N. D. Hurdon, J. Elliot, T. Oke and Fred Collins. They were paired off as follows: , Elliot; 8; Oke, 5- 13. Hurdmi, 3; Collins, 6-9. Davis, 7; Anderson, 14-21. Levett, 13; Har- ding, 9-22; resulting totally in a score. of 43-22 in favor of the north end club Some very good . pitching was One by the north end club, as well as by the south end, the latter, having had but very little practice this season. Mr. Thos. Carder, of Rutland, Vt.;' who is spending a few weeks in this neighborhood reports having it good time, Canada beinta far superior, with respect to beauty and .progressive- nees, than .he had any conception. of. Mr. Carder has visited the lake, and various other points of interest and says he will have a. long and entertaining story to tell the Yanks in his neighbor- hood, on his return home. He says he never felt so much at home, continually meeting scores of his countrymen, and many persons of his native town. Mr. Carder will remain here for some weeks longer and expects to have the -pleasure of "writing up the country" for Rutland papers, in order that people in the Eastern States may be made aware of the fact that Canada is the finest country on the continent. We feel confident that Mr. Carder will do us .justice. A couple of old residents of this neigh- borhood have passed away during the week in the persons of Mr. Robt Howard of Exeter and Mr John Harness of Hay, the former of cancer in the under lip, the latter of infirmity. Both were highly res- pected: Mr 1:lowarcl resided in Usborne township for some time previous to his coining to Exeter many years ago: He was father of jellies, William and Edward Howard, of Exeter ; and has besides very many connections here: 6-04-4-4 A cowboy walked into the bank of La Junta, at Outchinson, It 1.30 o'clock Sat- urday afteenoon, and covering cashier Phillips with a revolver, ordered hirn to drop all the funds of the bank into a bag he placed on the counter, • The cashier Complied with alacrity, and the daring robber at once mounted his horse and tis - caped. The aliment of the loss le estim- ated at from t16,000 to $28,000. There is no clue, For Scrofula, Impoverished Blood and General Debility. Seat's. Etiirtsiem qf end Liver, and Appo- phosphites, hag no equal in the whole realm ol medicine. teed the following ; 'I gave Seott's Emulsion tomy own child fOr Scrofula, and the effect was ri,arvellotte."- 0. F. Gray, lud,, rut up id 50s. aud ti size, Sold by Tarrant & Co, N.Y., and Druggists everywhere. "c.VA \TTED rrive intelligent me- • ehanies ,fifteen clerks thirtyf tamers, fir teen teachers, male or female, and a numberof oreachers or Christian work- ers. From $60 to 8200 per month for bright, capable persons. Only those open forpositions and are bona fide ap.olioants will be' answered. Write fully. '1'. S. LINSCOTT, BRANTFORD. TO A.DVERTISERS.—Lowest Rates for advertising in 1000 good newspapers sent free. Address GEO. P. ROWELL Sc CO., 10 Spruce St,, N. Y. For Sale. Three first-class farms— -I 00 acres each—Lon. don Road, within one mile of Exeter. Apply to ELLIOT A: ELLIOT, Solicitors, &c., Exeter. To Let. STATION HOTEL TO LET, Easy Terms. Apply to the undersigned. June 14.— I. CARLING. For Sale. A good farm for sale oneasy terms lot 32 eon 2, township of Usborne, 100 acres, &sod buildings and fences, wellundordrained convenient to churches and school. Apply to „Elliot (5.: Elliot , barristers, or John Vrick, Exeter. Farm for bale. Ninety acres, being lot 0, con. 4, in the town- ship of Stephen, six miles from Exeter. SO acres cleared ; balance in bush. 8011 is first- elass. Good brick house, two barns, orchard, two wells and springs. Well fenced and every- thing handy. Will be sold che, -dv . Apply on the premises. ERASE. EVANS, June 14. CRRDITON, P. 0, 1:TIARM FOR SALE.—The un- dersigned offers fort sale his farm, being lot 14. con, 5, township of "Osborne, two miles and u half from Exeter,100 acres, about 85 acres clearea and in first class state of cultivation, the remainder bush, in which there is some very valuable oak and black ash tail timber; the farra is also well fenced and drained; there are upon the premises. a first class brick dwelling house, with Lint class cellars, two good barns; two never failing springs and one first cis ss orchard. For particulars apply an the premis es, to THOMAS SHIITE. Exeter P. 0. Ont. EITEL Call on G. A. H. for Groceries I It Teas Spices " Dashwood flour "Petty Hams and Bacon Smoking tobacco a five cent piece with every 3 plugs. LI. TS POWDERED E - 99 PER CENT PUREST, STRONCEST, BEST. Heady for Use in any quantity. For snaking Soap, Softening Water, Disin- fecting, and a hundred other nses. A can equals 20 pounds Sal Soda. 'Sold by all Grocers and Druggists, ;W. GILLETT, TORONTO ,AND °MUM. THE INTERCOLONIA.1.1 RAILWAY OF CANADA, ----- The direct route between the west and points ou the lower St. Lawrence and Pale de Chaleur, Province of Quebec, also for New Prunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward and Cape Breton Islands, Newfoundland and St. Pierre. All the popular summer sea bathing and fishing resorts are along this line, New and elegant Buffet Sleeping andbay Cara run on through Express trains, be- tween Montreal, Halifax and St. John. Canadian .European Mail and Passenger Route. Bassengersfonetreitt Britain or4lie trent by leaving Montreal oil Thursday, will join outward malisteamer at timouski tho same evening. - The attention of s1njpers it dirootod to the Superior fecilitiee offered by tine ratite for transport of flour and general inerehan- dize intended for the tastert Provinces and Newfoundland, also for shipments of grain and' produce intended for the Eluropean market. Tickets maybe obtained and all informa-, bleu about the route, freight and passenger retail oh application to 14011E11T tiponin, Western Freight &Passenger Agent ,98itriln tiostesafeek,Ydritt. TOoonto D. POTTINGElt, Chief Stiperlittendent., 11 ailWa, Office, Moncton, l B, Pilardh 25, '88 ...V,W.....nP=a,...aqcruanoavNmrsnator. The Undersigned wishes to inform the pnblie in general that ho keeps —constantly in, stock:— AU .kinds of BUILDINQ IVIAT El-31AL I DRESSED OR UNDRES$BD,•• Bell Stuff, Flooring, Siding, clressecl--inch, tuelf-and-a-quarter, iuch-and-a half and two inch. Sash Doors, Blinds, Mouldings and all Finuct isinMaterial, Lath, Sze. SHINGLES A SPEOIALTY.--Competition challent,ted., The best andthe largest stock, and at lowest prices. Shingles A 1. , 4.11 dressed lumber thoroughly seasoned and ready for Ilse. No shrinkage assured. A call will bear out the above. THE OLD ESTAI3LISHED. Jas. illis Main-st AgentsWanted Immediately GOOD WAGES, STEADY NI''onk., R. L. 'HERRICK, & Co, • Nurserymen, 101ITON, N. Y. Bow te Make N E Go and see Doupe tte Co's New Spring Goods. See their Prints, their Cottons, their Ginghams, their; Drees -Goods, their Shirtings, their Pantings, their Suitings, their Twoeds, Their Laces Their Millinery. Bought for Spot Cash from the best house and managed by a Practical Milliner, of Twelve Years' experienee. SEE OUR GOODS, SEE OUR PRICES And yon will be convinced that you can save from 10 to 20 PER CENT. By bnying goods from us. Highest plices „prices paid for Butter and Eggs. House and Lots for Sale Cheap. J. DO CT.PE & Co, Spring '88 Samwell Pickartl Are now showing full lines of Dress Goods, Silks, _Satins, Marveleaux, and in all the most fashionable colors. Also a fine assortment of Black Silks, including the special make. Durable,war- ranted not ts cord. ills° a fine assortmont Laces, Embroidery Bead Trimm,in,g Gloves, Bos- iery, c. Our stock is complete in everydepartment and will be sold at hard -time prices. Dress Mrs. Bissett and Miss Welsh beg to in- form the public that they are opening out business, and nen be fouud on the corner of William and Gidley streets, Dress -making done in all the Latest Styles. Lessons on Fancy Work given.—Stamping a specialty. Orders promptly attend- ed to. A call solicited. A Great Tumble In Prices! —AT THE— Cheap Store, Crediton Dry -Goods, Boots c't Shoes, Felt and Straw bats (about 400 to select from.) FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. New Goods arriving every week, and prices to suit Hard Times. The highest price for any quantity of Butter & Eggs. 1/47% MITONELL, Cheap Store Crediton Tic Vrt And examine Senior's Show Window where you will see some &stolen pho- tos, equal to any City Work. THERE ! BID I NOT TELL 7011 SO ! And you can rely upon getting value for your money everytime. • Cabinet Photographs $3 a dozen. $1.50 FOR CARDS. He also has a fine.line of Photo Frames and Mats, at Right Prices. PICTURE FRAME MOULDING IN ALL STYLES. — and — Seetts JOSEPH SENIOR, 0.pposite H. Spackman's Tinshop, AIMING'S Visitors to Exeter —Would do well to call and inspect OUMAGNIFICENT STOCK OF DRESS -GOODS One of the Newest, Cheapest & Best Stocks in town. Black and Colored Cashmeres. Black and Colored Silks and Satins, Colored ?lushes. geglkon Cloths, Jersey Cloaks, Black Dress Materials and Mourning CiiScids, Woollen shawls and Fascinators, hi all Colors, and prices, Also a fine range of Staples. Fine lines of gloves iu Kid, Cloth and Jersey. NOSIEItY GOOD ASSORTMENT AND .EXTRA ("HEAP. Gents' Furnishings.—Fine Display in Hats, Ties, Braces, Whitiv and Colored Handkerchiefs, Shirts and Drawers. .1 Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Overooatings, Pantings & Suitiings. PANTS MADE TO ORDER IN THE LATEST STYLES AND at THE LOWEST PRICES. BOOTS AND SHOES,—A very large oonsignieui jusfrebeived, of the very best styles and quality, in Ladies', Gents and Children's, CALL AND INSPEOT, IT WILI,1 NOT'COST ANYTHING. A full line of Glassware and °kook- ery-ware always on hand. Our Croeery Department is Com,plete. Baiter, Eggs and all kinds Of Produce taken in exchange, nta she very highest price old. a CALL SOLICITED. 1. CARLING, Mainmst., Exeter