HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-7-19, Page 5•" -se meessatesesterteusexeseszotteettesselesteav DISTRICT DOINGS, 1blitoliell Connell at the at meet- ing purohased the driving perk At Occurrences et the Past weelc 'fear °ugh. f that place for $1,500, and will in let- ure run it, One ofthe etrangeet freaks of nature in the Qattle line that has ever been known in Erie Township cn be wit need on the farm or M. J. Thompson, who resides about three miles from Acton. About a inoeth atto a Durham bred cow geve birth to a, heifer calf sired by a pure bred Der- ham boll. Mr. Thompson was eurpris- ed as well he might be, when he found that the calf had three well -formed ears on the right aide cfl the head, and a strenge protuberance right in the middle of the back. He thought at first that he would kill the animal, but as it was tine and healthy and perfect in every respect, he changed his mind. 'Ate calf is now as healthy andlivelY SB any on the farm, and the lump on the back has developed into a well.d fined horn. out the Neighfierhood inn Collets(' • • 11'o rue. Mr. Jos. Walker, of McGillivray left the other day for Manitoba. Paelthill and Allsa ()rale are to have te'ephone connection with the line vvhicle rims through Exeter. It is Ptated that the joint worm this year has. done damage to timothy a crop mot hitherto attacked by the pest. Prosecutions for violatiens of the Crook's At hava commenced, as on. Wednesday one Spooner, of Clinton was fined $20 anti coots forselling liqu- or after hours. Mr, Thos. Seiallacombe, late of Hen- sel!, but Pirmerly with Ogilvie le Co., at Sealiskth, now fills the position va- cated by Mr. Swallow, at Irwin'ts Sten. dard Elevator, Clinton. The ferms of H. Rawlings and ,Istis. Gammon, Bosanquet, and Wm, Auld, Warvviols, have been entered for the Provincial prize competition, under the auspices of the Agricultural and Arts Association. The dld friends of Mr. W. Westcott, of Morpeth, formely of Tuckersmith, vvill regret to hear (et the death of his wife, vshiteh took plape on Friday last. The deceased was fornaerly a Miss Smith, of the 5nd con. of Stanley. At Clinton, the other day, 140 head of cattle were weighed and shieped to the old country, by Mr. Morgan of Osh- awa, who puz.chasecl thernfrom Mr. W. McLean of ()Linton. AR who know him will be sorry to learn that Mr John 'Yelling, of London road just below Brucefield, lies at the Point of death from paralysis, wtth no hope of recovery. He for years filled the post of assessor, and is held in high respect by all. Rev. J. V, Smith, pastor of the Dun- das,Cantre Methodist Church London, has been granted a summer vacation of six weeks or MOre and is going to Great Britain. Lie expects to leave on Tuesday, 24th. A St. Itlarys party, comprising some 20 or 25 of the gay and festive of that 'town, are =kin preparations to de- part for -Port Stanley next Week tor a two weeks' camping seas on.. The party willte chaperoned" by Mr, and 1VIrs. $. Martin. • - • The libel su ts between the editors 01' ihe IVIitcheil Advocete and Recorder have been settled, each 'to pay their own costs, apologize to each other without .comment, and tor*ever after hold their 'peace. Let btotherly love oontiiie 1 rho other Morning Mr.JohnCown,of Bright,,shot a pure.whitia crow an the farm ot re Win Oaborn lot 1 con:8 Blandtord. , Its feathers are mbar • white, and the beak and legs. are also' white, ' Mr. Cown is having the curios- ity snffech • re Saturday afternoon last Mr. Ed. • anes residen •e, Parkhill was partici.- • Ily,deibioyed by fire, the speedy arriv; al of assistange only preventing its to- tal destruetiore •Mr. Manes loss will be heavy. Causedefectife stove pipes. e• At lust the Parkhill Connell. have, -ee taken a, lime:Able move; having the open clitcic:which crosses main street so excavate'cl as to allow water to pass freely away, preventing its becoming' stagnan • Brussels Butigete—'-Therd is nothing like courtesy. A youth went into the post office, the other aity for a paper, •and when he pointed out ' that it was • ':there, he' Was politely told to go to • h--4 by the assistant postmaster." A man named Mc.I.Censie, a builder, of Exeter,who had just returned:from the `Soo," was arrested at that place Saturday by Constable 0.11.. Chief of Police Williams left in the aft'ernoon • to bring the prisoner here. Reds re- puted to be counterSeiter.essLondon Free PrefiT, A little. daughter of Mr. Humphrey Pardy,of WestNissouri,met with an un fertunate accident Friday. • Her f tth er was putting hay with a mower and observed his little girl at the corner of the field. Ile spoke sharpeiy to the • horses, but instead of halting they in- creased their speed, with the result that one of the poor little girl's legs was cut off and the other injured by the machine. •, Mrs, David Williams, of Mitchell, • met with another mishap while on her way to church on Sunday morning last. She stepped upon alonse plank in the sidewalk and fell, °tatting her face and receiving other Injuries. It is ooly a short timo since the old lady fells while coming out of church, and • fractured a bone in one of her legs. E. W. GILLETT, el'er Toronto. Otit. Whether ferns ewatur y land or stagnant pool, or fi,pm the deadly gases of city sowers malaria) poisons aro 'the $111.130. Ayer's Ague .0nre, fakeit aceording to clis ections, is a 'warranted epecilic for, tnalarial dis- orders. • Geo. Murray; ,of the 1,0,th concession of Zerra ,while , mowing Friday morn- ing met with areaccident which almoet ost him his lites„ A, balky horse was attached to the .ertutchine, and Mr. •Murray got his wife to sit on the seat while lie used persuasion with the Em- its:lel. The hos' gave a sharp turn and started oft` The knife canght Mr. Murray at both ankles, almost sever - 1. a tbe tibia bone of the right, and flicting 5 two-inch gash in the left. ADY10E TO Al.OTHT1118.---ATO you disturbed at night and broken of your rost by a siek child Suffering and erYing with pain of Cutting' Teeth? If so sond at onoe ttistl get a bottle of "MrS.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is inealculabie. It will relieve the pour Ilttle sufferer 110 ntediatsly ;..,epend upon it, mothers', thero is no Mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Ditirrlicea, regulates the Stoianteh and Boweis,eures Wind Colic, Sortous Gums reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system, 'SUB. Winslow 's Soothing Syrup" 'for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one, of tin oldeet and host female physicians and nurses in tho United States; an a is for sale by. all droggists throughout the' world, Prom twenty-five coats a bottie, Bo sure and ask for 'Mlle. WINSI4OW'S 0^OVEHNO.' Ei-auP "and take no other kind- . CONSTIlarTION CURED. Anold phYsiol,an, retired from practice, having had plastin his hands by an Flavt 'adieu mIssion'ar Y".'th 0 fOrmuleof a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and. perma-• Bent cure 'of Consumption, Bronehitis,,Ca- taxrla, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also m positive and cure for Nervous Debility andail Nervous Goon - plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers, in thonsa.ods ofcases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his muffering fellows. Actuatedby t,, teltlye audit desire to relieve hum (111 131111reNii, I wi send free of charge, 00 1111 who' desire :t, this recipe, in Gertnan,French or English, wItb tultdirectionofer preparing and using. Sent by mail oy address:rex w ith stamp, •naming this pap e w. A . NOYES .149 POwer's Biota' TiC..01113t6T T '•• ' The regular querterly meeting of the Huron Medical Association 'Wits held in the classroom ot the Mechanics' nstitute, Seaforth, at 2p.m, On July 1 Oth. The president, Dr, Young. tieing absetit, the vice president, Dr. Gunn, occupied the chair. Several interesting cases were presented and several pap, ere; were read, Dr. Worthington read itn instructiye paper on "Injuries of the train," relating CeSeS Whieliqvul Come under his obseryatidn. Dr. Campbell, ofSetiforth, and Dr. Elliott, of Brucetield, related the history or interesting cases, Mose who took port in the discussionvvere Drs Worth- ington, steKld Smith, Qampbell, Nic al, iSleTavish, Gunn, and Elliott. Several Medical sttidents were preseritt McLeod Gibson, And Ewing. The members were delighted with the meeting, and Anticipate a pr espeiceis future for the society. The itext quarterly meeting will be held at Clinton. A SAD LOSS. LoSs or appetite mid the attendant low Spirits, dullnoas and debility, are of very frequent ocourranee. Reguloto the bowel •andins* eirOnlitlion and digeetion by using dock Blood Bitters Whenever these sYmPtolna are present. A Lin ooln (Ills,) telegs am saybl—Land- lord Scully's agents deny the report that their employer is about to sell all his I11in- BORN. . CAIN: —Ill USbOTIle., 011 the lfith hist, the wife of Mr., -Chas Cain of a sou. Ilowic—In Exeter. on the 15th inst, the wife of Mr Robert Rowe, of a daughler. BlIOWNING1—ID Exeter, an the 131.11 last, wife of J W Browning of a daughter Husorix:—In Usborne, on the llth hist, the wife of the lase Andrew HunIciu, of a daughter, •• MARRIED'. • •.1tIsit1r•-•-lis.wszssL-Ati the' reSidet ee of the • the bride's parents. Wesil bo • Monday July 2n0, by Ede A G Harris, Mr Henry Markes, of Parkhill, to Miss Charlotte Hawkins. , DIED. ASHTON In Usborne, on this 16th hist, 5 51,daughter of the late Francis Ashton, aged 21 years 2 mos assa 23 days HoW-1.111)—ru 1L'seter, on the 161u hist, r- Robert kb:sward, figod 75 years 4 mos • and 20 days ilsnisisss:—In Hay on the 17th inst, John Harnes-i; aged 60 years 6 mos and 17 •days ' ole °stet ea. INDISPENSIBLE "I hove used Dr, Fowler's Hgtraet of Wild Strawberry for Summer coMplaints and have given it to nay Mends, It gives lustatit selief whorl all other remedies fail. 1 would not be without it in my house!' Mrs T. Boil. Weidman, Ont. A. Denver (Col,) despatch says: --Chief Pialis the once 010101 qus Chief of the rene- ged Utes in North Park, has committed brticide. • BE PREPARED Massy of tho 'worst attacks of cholera mashes, cramps, dysentry and colic coma suddenly in the night and the most speedy and prompt DIP112113 =net be used against them, • D1', Fowler's Extract of Wild. Straw- berlY is Vin remedy, Keep it at hand tor emergencies. kr :sr:Yu-a irsout to extre �r relieve. • The Conamittie of the vhole of the 1,1. S. 'Soviet> of Ilepresentatiees have refused by a vote of 102 M 120 to strike wool irons the fres list. A DYING NI ISH to try Burdock Blood Bitters is often cxliressed by Senne buffeter upon W110111 ftll other , treatment has failed. Marvellous, results have often beim obtained by the use of this gland restorative and purifying tonic noder these ciretionstasices, 000lrtaller White, of rho mounted police. says the Northwest half-breeds received some assistance last spring, and are now contented, and quietly gathering in their It is reported that the Canadian l'aeilic Railway -has purchased the Duluth. South Shore ct itlautio Railway. .A.UCTION SALE OF Valluabievny.g.Tiroperty Tho Kellaway property on Victoria street, will be sold by Taisho Auction, on Wednes- day, the 25th day of ju 1 y et., 001 the prom • Dies, by Mr. ,fohn Gill, auctioneer, Bu.bject to such conditions as shall then be produced.. There is a comfortable frame cottage and good outbuildings en the premises; slot) choice fruit trees and grape vines. For further particulars apply 10 __ EblitoT Veudor's Soliators. —THE— raq oAs The subscriber would nyineetfully announce to the public that he has now on hand a la,rge Stock of the various kinds of wooden pumps; and that he has added faellities,by which he eau supply ordered work on the very shortest HIS PUMPS !AI/KNELL AND 12.'.5.V0IZADLY KNOW N, AND 111,1QtrIni5 140 LA.0 DIN G HERR. t . eontradted for a moderate rates, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. A call solicited. GEO. OTJDMORE. Exeter, July,ISSS. Huron Street. CAUSING AN IMPRESSION Many sures made by B. 13. B. have been those of oh tonic sufferers known through- out the district tin ough the 'very fact of their 'having been afflicted for years. This naturally eretitOS a kreng inpression in favor of this valuable family medicine. Sir joint Hy. Bi and, President of the Orange ,Free State., is dead. , AN OLD TIME FAVORITE. Tbe qeasou cf gseen fruits and surnmeh drinks is the time when the worst forins of cholera morbus and bowel com»laints prevail. As a safeguard, Dr. Fowler's Extract of 'Wild Stitiw.berry should be kept at hand. For 30 years it has been the most reliable remedy. Ex -Fin oress Victotia of Germany has re- quested Dr. Mackenzie to prepare for her 51 true hisiory of the late Emperor Frederick's illoess; in. order to correot the German doctors! assertions. 13odily.health and vigor may , be main- tained as easily ia the heat of summer, 118 10 illt5 winter snonths, if the blood is purified and vitalized with Ayer's Sarsapa- rilla. Ii)Very person who lisr: used this remedy has been greatly benefited. Take it this mouth.. . At Maryborough ou Satnrday the Kelly moonlighters were sentenced to .penal servi- tude for terms ranging from seven to fifteen years. 'VOTERS' LIST, eirmlity of tiro Township ot may, 0 linty of Thiron.--Notioo iR hereby give., that' have trs estoirted or delivered to the persons men- ' Boned tsr tins Sett sind45h'soction8 of the Vot- ere.!,List Act, the copies required by said see - sliest tai be so transmitted or deliyored of the 'Dist:made pursuant tO,said Act, of all Persons anlicarihg by the last revised assessment roll • ofthe said Municipality to be entitled to vote in thosaidskinnioinality at elections for mem- bers of,the Ilegislative assembly; and at the Munieipalelectionsand that sant List was tirst posted un at lily office, lot 9 eon, 9. Bay Township, on tho 14th day of July. 1886, and remains thero for insn-ction. 'Electors are called upon to examinethe said List. and ok any omisSions or other errors are .found therein, to take immediate proceeding's to have the strid errors eorrected according to law. SAMUEL FOSTER, • Clerk of the said Municipality. Dated this 14th day of 3tily,1858, THE LARGEST SCALE WORKS • IN CANADA. • OVER 100 STYLES OF 1-1AN; SCALES, •GRAIN SCALES, FARM SCALES. TEA SCALE, IMPROVED SHOW OASES MONEY •DRAWERS Veit ellOPPerS AND ilt1tCHERs, SUPPLIES ki:011KSS IN vont? • Write for 10101.1 Ci W1LSON & SO1110 1,t0V ESPLANAOE STREET EAST ToF1ONTO, ONT, slention this pler every time you write, IMPERIAL Cream Tartar Baking Powder is marls from Pare Crystal Cream Tartar arid English Soda. It has no equal. Sold by all grocers. Insist on having the Imperial. . Fire in l3owmanv.ille destroyed the Alma hotel, '1`t5ni5y Congregational ehurolt and the xesidence of Mrs. Shaw. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS,- DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, iNDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE, OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, • THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arisio,e, from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, DOWEL:" BLOOD. rus IIILBURN & CO .I'VArtr:31,1rec.. VA.LS]!1 111.111111S v. COMMON SENSE P.SACTIQB, Professional , pretetudon is often wrong by ilogniatio tales, while common gense as content to be right without them, , This is Pr0-011121(Mtly tine fl$ regards the science of medicine ; oald the euperioritY of a com mon sense prootice over the eut-end- driecl,system of the more sive e of premed - (Mt, Imis been abundantly established by tho success of HossLowsr's world-renowned remedies. A: MIS AXtritODA1110(y roan is especially appreciated in Spain and in all parts of Smith America. The Spanish people ltoow that his preparations will cure, with entire certainty, what are usually termed hopeless cases. Immense success has attended the.use of the Pills in 'the violent fevers and severe arid dangerous bowel complaints moro or less prevalent in all those parts daring the somber and autumn. In fact, their, operation in disorders of this kind is little short of miraoulous. Signor Joss kfartissez, a gentleman from • Havauna, recently arrbed itt Cadiz, has stated through the trees that on 5 he voy- age he was attacked with rneltgnsnt foyer, accompanied with 'vosuiting, purging, and terrible ratio stud constliction of the bowel's. The ship's physicititt deemed hint peat recovery, and, as a last resort, st box of Holloway's Pills was taken from the doe - t�' s medicine chest, and (i dose adminis- tered to the sick. man. Froro thet hour, aoctording to his own account, he began 11 convalesce, and before the vessel entered Use harbor of Cadiz be was quite well. 'Facts like this render arguments un- necessary, and with such facts the jonruals ot Mexico, Brazil, Central America'Peru, Chili, Buenos Ayres, and all Spanish America literary tefon. Nor is the repu- tation ttf the Ointment. As a means of eradicating blotches of tho skiu, Forofula, and nil external disorders, less thoroughly estribliohoti or less -widely known. Our ladles use it with confidence as a means of 'removing superficial blemishes, for they arts imam Multi it contains no deleterious substance; nnaas a family curative for redoeiug extesior inflammation, and heal- ing wounds and bruises, it is esteemed above every other outward application by all ranks.—Moleworth Dr. 011A.SE Ras a world-wide reputation 118 51 physician and author. N 115 11taill114111.15 1)1111/itaion. VOY (lute is 0. Minutih of medical skill, curios all diseasesti tint ISindey and Liver, . SYSEPTOSeS Kidne,y Complaint1115101, T)IRI'vess"14 eels OR a ft the back ti dull pain or weight In oo bladder or os se of the Miriam.= ; 'ug uvino of tau obbtrocted; Iceqiierst desire to urinate, °spot...tasty at Isiah t, among aged persons; hot, dry skin, pale crimplestiou rad and white deposits, drop dizziness, sour stomach , constipation, stiles, liver steal swell', otos , iSos, SYSIPTOMS Liver Coln plaint Path 1"1"r tb° shoulder blades, jaundice, %anew complexion, U. wears , ti ed feeling, no life or energy, luta cl ache, dyspop. indigestion , spots, pimples dr, HOW CUltED : ontletelion arena tm C...1411 vor ure13. and who coniined with ltidney rem- edies, 55 101 tor. 01ittes Liver (1015 0, r11i wl positively cure all kidney -liver troubles. It acts like a eh firm stim snotty': the clooged liver, strengthen Ug the kid neys an if ovigor. atilt g the wholo body. Sold by ati 'Ionian at otto dol far. v ith rebeipt book, which alas 0 to worth the money, ree,4„„,,,Dreehnse's eins nre the o ly Kiano,t;ivor Pills mit ; thley Live flit gently yet effectuas•l , May s.ss he taken droving Any employ- pind rnent. They mire ' sfilnesysjiyee 0 trembles, bIOS &Mlle. . Len earl costiveness &e. One,Pill des,. Sol(1 by /1,11 dealeris, Pries 25 dents. • T. lit' 10111A.NSON s• CO. ' Bradford .Ont,, Manta. ITARKET REPORTS. BSET41t (Corrected DAS o'elockp.m. Wednesday. PalitY iss ... 0 92 to 93 Spriug Woes. t 0 70 to 0 70 isarlos Oats Cloves '4 d !Timothy " Peas Corn Neel Butte) Flom 5 a) bbl Potarosb,per twlat1 . Aluiles,per bag 5)'Ic0App1e pr Geese oor lb . Turkey peril, Ducks per pr Chicken sper pr • ... Frogs,dressod pea 10 Seel 1,1 [derive -an g, dressed .,. eheepekins etOatifttkthst Web) per lb. ... 0010 50 0 4$ to 47 4 00 to 400 2 50 to 15 00 0 60 to 0 60 0 58 to 0 06 0 14 to u 111 14 to 015 0(10 5 85 65 tO 70 40 to 0 50 004(0000 ... 0 05 to 0 06 0 07 to 08 0 45 to 050 0 20 to 0 30 6 80 to 7 00 4 00 to 5 00 5 50 to 5 50 6 00 to 00 0 75 to 1 CC 050 to 0 70 0 18 to 0 20 flay porton .. 800 to 8 00 nuionsperbust; 0 00 to .0 75 Woodrier cord 25 to 8 oci ST: MAIM ' tF4 sp votharlibisnwr, ......... o ........ . ......... . . . „. 50 53 48 Clover Seed..... ........ ..... ti 0480 Timeth, . 50 905 Pens.— .............. ..... ..... . 60 65 Eggs 'utter ...... ................... .......... '34 15 Potatee,i per bag 710 3t Alvies per ......... 30 48 HaYoos .......... 82000 8 2503 Wool perlb SOItlitu'rbisett‘,1. p‘e'r, bbl.. • 20 00 0000 . 14 GO 14 00 Bran per 1'011 gimmumistravyamilargooesonowsmsavisiewlm....11,1=',......., 6.00 700 armors, Ationtioni INIY,31DRIAL MXLLB WOOD 11.A111. ',The :undersigned would respectfully infer 0 he (01) 101 mu nit y that they have leasedthe above txtiliSfor a term of years ; and will be pleased to have a cell fromitil. The mill has 'recently, beonimproved, by the addition of new mach- inery. 111 15 the intention of Cs° subscribers to wed a set of tolls as soon as possible; and all combined, the Woodham Grist Mill • Will be second to nono in tbe West. • —x—x— Gristing and chopping Dono Promptly. Fresh oatmeal constantly on hand for sate or exchaaged for oats. ,SATISFACT/ON GUARANTEED. Athr A. TRIAL SOLICITED. • '3. igz A. MoNEVIN, J. SNELL Merchant Tailor, Has removed. to ptemieee ono door north or BrowoiowB drug store, where there will he found n Wen AsseatA Stook • OF SPRING TWEEDS FOR SUITINGS &c. -----Atso-- Scotch., :English, Irish, Frezielj 41)4 Ca.n.adian. Gob Made up or. the SFIORTEST NOTICE •----AND AT— — COXSISTENTLY 'OW PRIOEES A. CALL WIEJL CONVINCE. S.,11MLZ4,, 01.411.tate3. of CleVbta.nd Cutting Sclioo LOOK OtTT FOR Summer Goods • I am in receipt of a choice and weli. selected stock of Fresh Groceries 1 would -also inOrm my numerous friend's and customers that I Will, be on the road next week with My peddling waggon. liouse 6c, Lot FOR SALE—Opposite TaWn 1-111.11. T. pay,lia.n.IlIa —TRY TIM,— Dominion Laboratory Fishing Tackle, Floats, Sinkers, Reels, Fiehing Lines, Gaff Hooks, Landing Nets jointed Rods, Trolls, Fy 1100168, Tripple hook And the Celebrated CorkFlet Beit, mid Skeleton Baits. GAMES. --Rubber Balls. Base Balls, Base Bali Bats, Lacrosse Balls, Caps and Croquet Setts. Japanese Kites, Dominoes, Playing Cards Chess, Authors, Fire Crackers, iireCracker iViorbans, 511 Husblers. J. W. 13H0WNI1'G, Prop, QUEEN CITY OIL WORKS I-138 8 01 M.2 - c'st Toronto.fsEvery Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used on all machinery during the,. Illshibition. It Las beets awarded NINE.,GOLD MEDALS duriug the last three years 1 --See that you get Peerless. It is ouly made by &mina., aociras cfc CO,, T01101\11'0 • FOR SALE BY JAS. PICKARD, Looking The cheapest spot in to n for Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Paints, Oils and Glass, &c., dos., if yon are, e call at BISSETT BROS. We are now offering the balance of our stock of Axes, Cross -cut saws, Lamps and Tubular Lanterns, at cost 30 D.A.--5E'S OIfJIY We wouldeall your attention to a few of our specialties :— A Handsome Brass Library Lamp, A Large Glass Stand Lamp. new design A Good Tubular Laatern A Good Axe and Handle An Al Manure Fork And everything at Book Bottom Prices for Cash. t $2 50. $1 OD $D 5e •$1 00 0 80 A full stock of the following linea always on hand'.—Barb wire, Plain Galvanized, An - °teem aapiled wire, and Buckthora Fencing. Having purehased our supply of BinderTwine early we are now in a position to supply at tuts lowest possible price. A full stoce ef tiuware of all kinas always in stock. Eavetroughing and roofing a spees laity. Agents for the 13 & E Ibatailo Shiugle Roofing. Ask for prices. Agents for the celebrated Raynaond Seiviug Macnine. BISSETT BROS., Exeter, 0 •A't•'-e00 `b•-\*'' .09 b. e'cls'e;Cv7se's %. 4' ''' ce 0 ,.0 e., . •,. ,.... . 0,. , cs,...,, 1:0c::.(b.vt:: ':.,,..:;\ (0 C., 0 .2„. .,S1\ 0C t.c -•c$'' 1 c's c'C t..,- - e, '0•` "S‘-'1 e ' oee; ecs- , -cee - eot, . * • ec"C ' e& ell 0 it' e'Ss. ° .e., AO .cee ..cese. Aset. •R',c$:, v -,P # N. .V7 .„00--. 'ON.' e,,cci ee, 9 .s„ 040,4,46,4 0 .zotf,, kos .4sVli ss.o. , _or ete• beef' esse" ;seem ..es .5 Maniffaetured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxford Street, ',- late 533, Oxford. Street, London. j Parchafters ohould look to the label on the Boxes and. Pots' If the aedress is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious, SPRING 1888. Carmets. SP ING Curtains.. Now that House -Cleaning time is near, we invite your ir,l- speO,ti;on tO:ditr BTG stook of Oarpocs, Cartains, and those Tartu .V,Vindow Blinds, &o, \\11,ri 11nying 'Waif, Panel' don't forget that the Old Establis'ried w'aries the Bigge-,st Stook and Latest Am- , erican Patterns. t Lots of Fancy Papers wit • Corners to match Window Blinds JAMES PlUA.:ARD, Exeter.