HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-09-25, Page 24PAQ LINTONNEWS,RECO AY, SEPTEM ER 25,1980 BASEMENT BARGAIN - SALE - Friday, October 17 from 7430 p.m„ at Wesleyoffillis United Church. Good used Clothing for tots - to teens..39,42 1R6AS-T BEEF SUPPER Brucefield United Church, October 8, 1980 from 5.7 p,m. Adults $5. Children 8.12, $2.50. Under eight free. Advance tickets only. --39,40 Clinton Canadian Legion Men's Euchre League begins Tuesday, October 7 at 8:15 p.m. Non, Legion Members also welcome. -39,40x WALK FOR LIFE, Saturday,---0ctober--18,9- a.m. Bethel Pentecostal Church to OPP Station return. Proceeds for Goderich and District Pro Life education. Distance 10 km. "Make It A Family- Affair" - children 10 and under must be with adult. Sponsored by most Goderich churches. Co- ordinated by K of C. Show your concern for human life - participate !.-39 PRE-SCHOOL STORY. HOUR at Clinton Public School in the library every second Tuesday, commencing Sept. 30 from 2:30-3:30 p.m. Three and Four year olds welcome Accompanied by an adult. WELCOME TO CHSS FESTIVAL SINGLES Commencement Ser- ' dance Friday,September Friday, Sept, 26, 26, Victorian Inn, 1980 at 8:15 pem., in school Stratford. Dancing 9:00 auditorium.- -Graduates, Pan. to 1:00 .a.m, parents and friends in- Welcome all singles over vited.,-38,39 25. No blue Jeans. -39 THE SALVATION Army Thrift Store, 80 King St., Clinton, penny or bag and flower sale for the month of September. ---36-39 THE HURONIC REBEKAH LODGE will be holding a dessert euchre in the Lodge rooms on Princess $t. E., Clinton on Wed., Oct. 29 at 1:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. -39 BAZAAR FESTIVAL - Saturday, November 15, 1980- fronr--24:-30—prrrt- Ontario Street United Church, Clinton. -39 CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thursday 8 p.m, First regular card $1.: restricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of $15. $5 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200 must each week.-20tfar HURON FISH & GAME Bingo every Sunday -at 1:30 p.m. First regular card $1.00, restricted to 16 years or over. Jackpot $100 must go each week. 15 regular games of $10 - $5 least on Split.-37tfar CIDERFEST SIPPIN' CIDER ' CONCERT Tickets are available at Mary's Sewing Centre, Clin- ton; the Expositor, Seaforth or call 482-3326 or 327-1860. Adults '3, children '1.50. En- - tertalnment-includes 7 -time fiddling champion Ed Gyurki and a host of area talent. Refreshments tooj Septem- ber 27th, 8 •p.m., Seaforth Highschool. • BROWNIES DRIVE-IN THEATRE Beech St., Clinton BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8:00 PM. FIRST SHOW AT 8:20 P.M. FRIDAY. SATURDAY, SUNDAY -SEPT. 26-27-28 MAXWELL SMART is AGENT 86 ;PRESCHOOL STORY HOUR - Clinton Public • School every second Tuesday commencing Sept; 30, From 2:30.3130 p.m. for all 3 and 4 year olds accompanied by an " adult are welcome, -48,39 THE 6TH VAN EGIVIOND CIDERFEST is scheduled for Sunday, September 28 at the Van Egmond House in Egmondville. New events, for Saturday, September 27 only; In- clude house tours and a Bavarian tent from 1:30 - 5:30 p.m,, and, a Sippin' Cider Concert at SDHS featuring Ed Gyurki and a host of others at 8 p.m. Watch for our display ad elsewhere in this paper. -38,39 SEWING COURSES: at Mary's Sewing Centre starting Monday, Oct. 6 at 1 p.m. Advanced sewers, Starting Tuesday, Oct. 7 at 1 p.m. Basic knits. At CHSS starting Monday, Oct. 6 at 7:30 p.m. Beginners. At CHSS starting Tuesday, Oct. 7 at 7:30 p.m. Basic knits. Courses 8 weeks, 21/2 hour classes. Enrol by phoning Mary's 482-7036 or by phoning CHSS 482-3471.-39ar ANNIVERSARY SER- VIESon Sunday, , Sept, 28, 1980 at Ontario Street United Church. 11 a.m. Rev. R. ball from North Street United Church, Goderich. 7:30 p.m. Rev. W. Ball of Thamesford United Church with social hour to follow. -38,39 by Steve Cooke Don't forget on •Saturday night we have our big banquet dance; The banquetwill be served. at 7 p.m. and the Royalaires will be providing the music from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m, This is actually our big 50th anniversary Celebration since, we missed out last year, and that's why it's labelled "50 + 1". Tickets are available at the bar, so get yours now, and plan to attend. Don Armstrong reported that we had an excellent Legion Golf • Tournament on Sunday at Bayview Golf Course. Seventy-four people were registered and turned in •some excellent golf s.cdre.s.,_but-Tixn West -of_ • Bayfield registered the best,of the lot to take the • overall championship. Al Pennie won the top Legion spot. Don also reported that a chapifrom Scotland who is over on a visit, (but who usually spends his spare time .on the links at St. Andrews), also registered for • the tournament and turned in the low net score, (And all this time I only thought they used nets in hockey games). Don would also like to thank the volunteers who made the evening afterwards such an enjoyable affair. The general meeting held on Monday night was attended by a bare 18 members. Not a very good show from a branch with over 130 members enrolled. Hopefully we will see more interest in the workings of •the branch in the future. One of the things discussed at the meeting was Legion 'Bursaries. Apparently, this fund which is supplied by the Ladies Auxiliary, is growing by leaps and bounds, and only a lack of applications keeps it from being distributed more widely. Any student Who is a son or daughter of a Legion member (ordinary, ladies' auxiliary, associate or BINGO every Tuesday Evening at Vanastra Centre, RR5 Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card, $1.00; 15 regular $15 games, three share -the - wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must go! Admission restricted to 16 years and over-52tfar Smile affiliate) ' W. -eligible to As you may know, we apply for one of these have a new bartender on bursaries and should staff and we hope Stan contact their guidance Smith will be with us for a counsellor at school to while. As you know, obtain the necessayY forms. Anyone applyir?g however;-luests. at the Legion MUST be signed should be careful to fill in and a good deal of out the application out completely, as any sretasnpponkesihbolullidtye rslieto lies seeon omissions will cause the that this is done. Let's , application to be retur- help Stan out by doing ned • this little function without The Legion has also being asked. The other voted to donate $200 to the problem Stan may run Boy Scout Jamboree into is that being un - Fund to help send these familiar with the woorthswcohuitles members. He may ask to -- pb°royjseootn. Ththis Byesee. your card. Please will also be embarking on keep, in mind pat he is other fund raising ac- only doing Ms job in tivities , (apple days, protecting the branch, so bottle drives, etc.) in the please no hassles. future, and Legion That's all forthis week, members are encouraged so we'll look forward to _supPart- _these—a.c.,...seing-you..at_the, cince... Saturday night. tivities. 4 Come in and enjoy a new * dining experieliCe this Friday and Saturday, Sept. 26 & 27 For our COUNTRY PLATTER -sr Where the action is.... Come on out and listen to the best in top 40 dance hits—with our new disc . -3r jockey, •• .4( 44******************** JUST $6.50 ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL Highway No. 8 West, Clinton • 12:30 TO 2:30 P.M. Come, relax with us Sunday! We'vepepred a special Buffet just for -you. You will enjoy suc- culent Prime Roast Beef, Soup, Salads, Desserts and Coffee, served if you wish in our beautiful gardens. All the food & ambiance you can take in, and all for just one very low price! Gather up the whole family and join us...Sunday! BenmillerOnt., just7 kilometres easter Goderith on Huron County Road 1, just off Highway 8 VICTORIA DINING ROOM 0406 v• - o . NUDE BOUM THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Huron Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society will be held -Monday, Sept. 29th at North St. United Church, Goderich at16:30 p.m. Tickets for the dinner may be obtained by contacting a member of the Cancer Society executive in your corn ' munity or calling the office in Clinton at 482- 7832. Guest speaker is Dr. R. J. Anderson of Yic- toria Hospital, Lon- don. -38,39 -The man Who said 'talk is cheap' never 110 to face his wife's divdrce lawyer." - , _.• .........---,....,..........-----1 i . WEDDING • RECEPTION for Mr. & Mrs. PETER LOVELL (nee Donna Coley Sept. 27, 1980 Saltford Everyone Welcome yi ....-.............-.......................--......-.......-.../. IN THE CLINTON HOTEL 15 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT and is proud to feature.... • Delicious Daily Lunch Specials Beginning SUNDAY, SEPT. 28 SITIMORGASBORD N oSundaysoNp i vi. — EVERY WEDNESDAY _ SENIOR CITIZENS' . OA 10 DAY . OFF Specializing in EUROPEAN CUISINE HOURS: 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Mon. to Sat. NOON -8 P.M. Sunday OF EXCITING HARNESS RACING AT THE.... CLINTON KINSMEN RACEWAY Sundays September 28th Post Time 1:30 p.m. FEATURE EVENTS *FINAL FOR MOLSON'S DRIVER AWARDS Leading Drivers (in no particular order) are: • Terry Kerr, Don Larkin, Larry DeCalawe, Fred Sadler, Wayne McLean, Randy McLean, Randy Henry, Art Abbott • John Muir and Jim Wallace *CLINTON CENTENNIAL PACE: PURSE $2,000. *RACE AGAINST MS (Proceeds toward Multiple Sclerosis) *ANSTETT JEWELLERS DAY ' Each winning driver and the winner of the draw receives a watch courtesy of Anstett Jewellers Limited FRIDAY -SATURDAY -SUNDAY SEPT. 26th -27th -28th • Starts THURSDAY! Colonel Sanders Recipe tntlick9 fried Iticken Manaer's Special ofthe Month. A bucket of 15 pieces of enucy ne Nks. Lolonel Sandrs' Pimp* ADULT ENTERTAINMENT (Formerly AGUA•PRO) SCUBA -DIVING Sport Diver Course Commencing October 16,19.80 at the VANASTRA COMMIliiITY CENTRE STARTS SUNDAY, SEPT. 28 -OCT. 2 SHOWTIMES: ONE SHOWING $:00PM. On/y chance could have thrown thern together. Now, nothing can pull them apart. Course length 42 hours 12 weeks - S115.00 FOR INFORMATION CONTACT:, Vanastra Community, Centre - 482-3544 or Sid Scroggs '482-3151. Candidates may obtain' NAM, AMC, or CMAS Certific.tion recognized worldwide. All aged above 15 may register •ENROLL NOW— . rarAt REGISTRATION IS LIMITED HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 PHONE 524-9951 PHONE 5247811 AIR CONDITIONED PROGIIAM SUBJECT T. CHAN E WITH U NOT CE -464,46.64#11 • • I ' 1 A CANADIAN COMPANY at the special price of 50 — Regular $7.95 — SATURDAY & SUNDAY SEPT. 27th & SEPT. 28th There's nothing like it. ethic y fred Chsekett 227 Main St Exeter Col Sandors' Ra. po 94 Elgin Ave, East,• Goderich A CANADIAN 90NFNY Colonel Sanders' boys and girls crake it "finger lickire good."