HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-09-25, Page 3Municipal elections.....
• firom, gage 1
Lobb noted, "I'll always be interested
in Clinton and hope to help the council
in the future.
There will be $ome other changes in
the Clinton council this term. Coun-
cil's newst member Councillor Rob
Parr has announced that he won't be
dunning again and Councillor George
Rumba said he won't likely be
seeking re-election. Other longtime
Councillors Frank Van Altena,
Rosemary. Armstrong and Ron
McKay have not committed them-
selvesto the November election.
However Deputy Reeve Ernie -Brown
hopes to be back in action as a
After 16 years of service, Bayfield's
Reeve Frank McFadden is thinking of
stepping out of municipal politics.
Reeve McFadden has served on
council since 1964 and has been the
- reeve -twice during -tha time:
He commented, "I hope to continue
to help in the community but I won't
interfer with the new council."
Bayfield Council already has an
open vacancy, left by Councillor Milt
Van Patter and some other council
members are undecided as to their
future involvement in local politics.
. Councillor Gwen P.embet"tonwould
like to see at least one more woman on
council but is unsure whether she'll be
putting her name on the voter's ballot,
As in Goderich Township, Bayfield
councillors are still weighing the pros
and .cons of running for the upcoming
election, Like Bayfield Councillor Reg
Wilson, many haven't, made a firm
decision yet and will be waiting until,
the last minute.
from page X.
they are givenjew special privileges
for the use of the centre. As well, the
residents say that the new $285,000
addition to the Rec Centre is another
added expense, although 'the entire
township has been charged with this
Vanastr-a residents Peter—Mantel--is--
organizing tonight's meeting and
hopes that the community will be well
represented. Along with discussion on
the upcoming OMB hearing, Mr.
Mantel hopes that some consideration
will be given to candidates to the
upcoming ratepayers meeting and the
November 10 municipal election.
by mcphee
"You use colored toilet paper,"
sue gasped.'
"Yea," I explained, "It's been on
the market for a few years now."
" know it has," she retaliated,
"Arida, it should be taken off this
I didn't like the tone of voice this
lady was using but I took the bait,
"And why's that?"
She went on to say that colored
toilet paper users are polluting the
earth. It seems, so she said, that
-- the colored dye in the paper comes
out when the paper is flushed down
the toilet and is just making a mess
of our environment.
"But," I begged,. "I only use half -
colored stuff. Mine's mostly white
and just has a few little blue birds
here and there." •
She offered no sympathy and
excepted' no excuses,"It doesn't
matter there's still color in it."
A brainwave then hit, "Well what
about white toilet paper .then,"I
stated. "It doesn't come out like
that you know. They've got to add
color to make it white.`
She had a reasonable ex-
planation,, something about
bleaching not being as damaging
or polluting.-
olluting.-But I wasn't interested, "After
all," I thought, "Who fights about
toilet paper."
Yet when you consider it,'old t.p.
is rather an important part of our
society and most people have quite
strong feelings and opinions about,:
their toilet paper.
Like my friend, some are
horrified at the thought of colored.
There are two-ply toilet paper
people, squeezers and non -
squeezers. Some like to spend a few
more bucks to buy monogrammed
tissue and now there's even duo -
purpose toilet paper, you can read
it first, Yes, they're now printing
jokes and useless arid useful bits of
trivia on the little sheets and, they
make great topics for conversation
at a dull party.
Yet despite i4,necessity in the
world, people don't spend much
time thinking about toilet paper.
We seem to take it for granted, but
I can remember during the
macaroni dinners days of college
when money was scarce, we had tp
scrape our pennies together to buy
the cheapest brand of toilet paper
ih the store_
Separate administrators pay raised
The Huron -Perth
Catholic .School Board
approved salary a in-
ncreases or its ad-
ministrative staff at a
meeting in Dublin
Monday night.
Director of Education,
William Eckert, was
given an increase of 4.98
percent for a 17 -month
term bringing his salary
$46,500 plus benefits.
{ first instalment of
000 covers the period
August 1, 1980 to
December 31, 1980 and an
additional :$1,000 for the
period January 1, 1981 to
December 1, 1981,
Superintendent of
Education, John
McCauley, received an
increase Of 7.89 percent
amounting to $3,000 for a
one-year term (January
1, 1981 to December 31,
1981) bringing his salary
up to $41,000 plus
-Superintendent of
Business and Finance,
Jack Lane,received an
'increase of 9.4 percent for
a 17 -month term bringing
his salary to $35,200 plus
benefits. His first in -
Crease of $1,000 covers
the period August 1, 1080
to December 31, 1980 and
the second instalment of
$3,000 for the term of
January 1, 1981 to
December 31, 1981.
Ed Rowland, Co-
ordinator of Plant and
Maintenance was given a
10.6 percent. increase
($2,000) for a one year
period, January 1, 1981 to
December 31, 1981
bringing his salary
Jack Lane was granted
four weeks holidays
We found out then that eV en toilet
paper has varying degrees of
quality, the cheaper the price
sticker, the coarser the grain.
But there's always been some
consolation since toilet paper, no
matter the kind, has more than one
use. The tissues make great
streamers and it's always fun to
watch the rolls unravel when you
throw them through the air. WhenI
was just a kid, the yards and yards
of tissue made great bandages
when we played hospital and there
wasn't another thing better to use
when we decided to do horror
stories. Everyone of those has a
mummy you know.
And once we had done the
damage and got a licking from
mum, the cardboard rolls where
just the thing to cheer us up. They
made great musical horns and
when we felt really creative we'd
draw faces on the roll and make
dolls out of them.
Perhaps I have a fixation with
toilet paper, but it always played
an important roll in my. life: After
the doll and doctor stages, toilet
paper took on new meaning for. my
friends and I and it we thought it
was an. ingenious answer to writing
paper. The challenge was to write
the longest t.p. letter and I vaguely.:
remember one of my sagas
stretching out to five feet. But
there was a definite art to toilet
paper letters. - 'Writing with
markers only smeared the author's
words and lead pencils tore the
sensitive paper. But a good
ballpoint pen worked wonders and
careful writers where even able to
compose their t.p. letters on a
But I know I really shouldn't be
telling you about toilet paper.
That's not normal. We're supposed
to discreetly shop for the stuff and
never linger too long in the toilet
paper aisle. TV commercials have
taught us not to squeeze it and
we're never to say "toilet paper"
out loud, only mention it in faint,
embarrassed whispers.
And so good, old, reliable toilet
paper remains.,the silent underdog
in our society. But next time you
look .at your roll, remember to
appreciate it. I mean, where would
we be without it. Just think of the
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with the purchase of selected models of
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offer ends October 11th, 1980 and is limited -to
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It was long, wet night for Clinton Public Utilities crews as the worked to restore
power to several blocks in town. Wires and poles were brought down by high
winds Monday evening which snapped off a large branch on Kirk Street. Here
Albert Valkenburg inserts a new fuse for linesman Bruce Schoenhals. (Mites
Fitzgerald photo) 4
during the year since he
has beenwith the board.
since it was established.
Administrative staff
will receive a mileage
rate of 25 cents per mile,
an increase from; 22 cents
per axle,
The inaugural meeting
for the next term was set
for Monday, December 1,
Although Mr. Eckert
announced he would give
each trustee the op-
n xy to announce
whether he would be
seeking re-election for
the 1981-82 term, only
three board members
said they would be letting
their names stand --
Ronald Marcy, Stratford;
Tim McDonnell, Gad -
shill ;
ad -shill; and Gregory
Fleming, Crediton. Three
aaigi no, Michael Con-
nolly, : Kippen; John
O'Drowsky, St. Marys
and Mickey Vere who
recently moved from
Stratford to Clinton.
Arthur Haid, Listowel,
was absent.
The remaining seven
trustees indicated they
had not made uptheir
minds or had no com-
The fuel oil tender for
heating nine schools was
awarded to Shell Oil
Company which offered a
firm discount of 1.16 cents
per litre for a total cost to
the board of $49,422.
Mr. Eckert and Mr.
McCauley gave a •'
presentation of the
board's Guidelines for
Discipline which has been
under study by a com-
mittee and updated.
Discussions were held
with 20 parents and 20
students (not as one
group) to get their points
of view on the subject.
The students were from
Grades ,.-'Z and 8. Mr.
Eckert said . 20 was a
small number to in-
terview but that there
was not enough staff to do
more. The need for the.
study in the province was
suggested to school
boards by the ministry of
education. Mr. Eckert
said he believed the time
was well spent in doing
the study.
Notice is hero.. bey oven to the
Municipal. Electors ef
In the County of Huron that the pearled during which
nomination papers play be flied in the office of the
clerk for the purpose of municipal electionswill com-
mence on October' 16th at the hour of $;30 o'clock
and close on October 20th at the hour of $ o'clock p.m.
for the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons
for the office (s) of one member of'the Huron and ,Perth.
Counties combined "Roman Catholic Separate School
Zona Board representing the Town of Goderich, that
Town of Clinton and the Township of Goderich; of which
all Electors are hereby required to take notice and.
govern themselves accordingly, and further take
notice that the manner in which said `nominations shall
be filed is set forth to section 36 at The Municipal Elec-
tions Act which provides that:
How nominated - 36 - (1) A person may be nominated as
a candidate for the office by filing in the office of the
clerk, during the normal office hours of the clerk within
the period In which nominations may-befiled;- a
nomination paper in prescribed form which: (a) shall be
signed by a least ten electors whose names are entered
in the polling lists of electors entitled to vote in an
election to such office: (b) shall state the name and ad-
dress of the person nominated in, such manner as will
identify him and the office for which he is nominated;
(c) shall state the name and address of each elector
signing the nomination paper and. where the office for
which the person is nominated is.a member of a school
board, that such nominator is a public or 'a separate
school elector, as the fact is. 1974 c.32, s.20 (1).
Consent and declaration to be filed (2) No nomination is
validunless there is filed with the nomination paper a
consent in writing to the nomination and a declaration'
of qualification in the prescribed form by the person
Public school nominators (3)•- A nomination paper
nominating a person for an office the holder of which is
required to be elected by public school electors shall be
signed by public school electors only. 1974 c.32, s.20 (2).
Separate school nominators (4) A nomination paper
nominating a person for an office the holder of which is
required to be elected by separate schoe i electors shall
be signed by separate school electors oily. 1974, 3. 32,
5.20 (3).
Separate nomination papers (5) Each person to be
nominated for erection to an office shall be nominated
by a separate nomination paper, but an elector may
sign more than one nomination paper for the same per-
son and the nomination papers of more than one per-
son'. 1972,. c95, s.34 (5).
Clerk to keep nomination paper (6) After a nomination
paper is filed with the clerk it shall remain in the
posses"cion of the clerk.
Onus on persons nominated (7) the onus is on the per-
son nominated for election to an office to file a bona.
fide nomination paper.
If a greater number of candidates than required to fill
the said offices are nominated, and make the required
declarations, notice of the time for the holding of the
poll, including the advance poll and notice of the last
day for making applications for a certificate to vote by
proxy will be given forthwith.
Given under my hand this twenty-second day of Sep-
tember, 1980.
Larry J. McCabe
57 West Street
Returning Officer
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