HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-7-12, Page 71aAtillF4D TO TgE
now Curtaiit eloper and Crew or the Zouave
Were Itound and Rescued.
wifkiten Melt lashed to the mainmast of a
water logged hulk, over which the seas
constantly broke for three days, with scarcely
auy water or food, two men killed and
several vessels passing, but signals unheeded
and no assistenoe rendered!
Such in, brief was the experience of
Captain, Soper and tae crew of the ship
Zouave, ae vitiated to a reporter by Mate
Albert Richmond, of the Zouave, on board tite
ship Leanice--vvhich rescued them.
The Zouave left Mobile on April 20 load-
ed with pitc}i pine lumber tor Queens-
borough, England. The crew consested of
fifteen, all told. The veseel encountered a
suocessioo of gales soon after leaving port
and souridedtbefore them mo et of the thne
under geosetwingecl maintopsail. 011 was
used, but it proved. of little effect in the rag-
ing emie. The vessel sprang a leak, and for
twenty days the men toiled at the pumps,
the water conetantly gaining, despite their
On May 22 a hurricane Amok her .aft on
the port side and the old hull was unable to
withstaod the tempest's fury. She went on
her beam ends and the fore and mizzen masts
went by the board. The captain had decided
on abandoning her as the tempest had lulled,
just before the hurricane came upon them.
The steward and cabin boy at the time had
gone below to secure some provisions. The
former is supposed to have been drowned.
The cabin boy escaped. A sailor who
jumped into the water went down like leacl
and wet lost. Another was knocked off his
feet and his head cut open. He managed
to regain his footing, however, and joined
his mates, who were clinging deeperately to
the shrouds, and port rigging. The vessel
remained in that position,
with the sea dash-
ing over' the men and' almost washing thein
away from their precarious position. Then
she suddenly righted. The fore and. mizzen
rigging liad broken loose. a
The men climbed into the main rigging
and lashed themselves to the mainmast.
One of them discovered part of a porpoise
tail in the crosstrees, and this on the second
day was divided among the crew and raven-
ously devoured.
It rained a little on May 21, and the men
managed to catch a little water in their
hands which they greedily drank. But it
was only sufficient to aggravate their thirst.
Several vessels passed that day, but too far
away to be hailed, and the men had nothing
to use as a signal except a piece of blanket
which Mate Richmond had seoured.
They had practically given up hope when,
at five o'clock on the morning of the 25th,
the officers of the Larnica saw the signal
and bore dawn on the wreck. Captain Soper
had auffertid the most from exposure,' but all
were able 'am walk and were transferred to
the Larnioa's decks in the ship's lifeboat.
The seas were still running tremendously
high, but the transfer was accomplished
without accident.
The 'arnica had experienced, like the
Zouavet gale after gale, but had passed.
through them in good shape. Everything
moveable was washed from her decks, but
her rigging and hull were unimpared. Her
voyage after rescuing the Zoilave's crew,
however, was marked with an incident' that
very narrowly missed being a tragedy. On
.the night of June 3rd a Seotole senor named
Badiman, stealing noiselessly to the berth
of another sailor, named Wheeler, stabbed
the sleeping man in seven places With a
sheath knife. Wheeler's cries awoke the
other sailors, who speedily seoured and dis-
armed the Scotchman, although he struggl-
e cidesperately, Bandimem was put in irons
and. locked in one of the. staterooms of the
cabin. His subsequerit conduct proved to
Captain J3oyd that he had a lunatic sailor on
his hands. The man was closely watched
until the ship reached her dock at Erie Basin
The wounds inflicted on Wheeler were
not of a serious nature, though loss of olood
made him vary weak. Beaidiman will be
handed over to the Enelish authorities.
Kanake out to put up the Wile. He
didn't see any when he went out, and in
veetigation disclosed, that the small Kansas&
had eaten up all the paste and thrown the
posters away. He begged some of the com-
pany to stick them up, but they were an
to high-toned, and Booth had to go off
huneelf io the middle of the elight and, paste
his bills up. He said he oame back with
fifty dollars, just as he started, and they
had lived on bananas principally.
Carlyle's Deeoription o 'Oar.
When are the nations of the earth going
to. be Wiiee enongh to see the folly and the
wickedness of war? How loag is it to be
before they rank the man with a sword by
his side with the other man with a cleaver
over his shoulder, only putting the latter in
point of honor a great way furbher up, for he
kills aheep, and Wanks in order to feed men,
while the 'former mangles men in order to
feed pride, lust, cruelty, and every crime
known either in the codes of earth or of
heaven. It is worth while reprinting once
more Carlyle's well known description of
war in all its native hideousness and ab-
"What, speaking in quite unofficial ban -
gage, is the net purport and upshot of
War? To my own knowledge, for example,
there dwell and toil, in the British villege
of Damdrudge, usually some five hundred
souls. Frorn these, by certain Natural
Enemies' of the French, there are succes-
sively selected, during the French war, say,
thirty able-bodied men; Dumdrudge, at her
own expense, has suckled and nursed them;
she has, not without difficalty and sorrow,
fed them up to manhood, and even trained
them to crafts, so that one can weave, an-
other build, another hammer, and the weak-
est can stand. under thirty stone avoirchn
pois. Nevertheless, amid much weeping
and swearing, they are selected; all dressed
in red; and shipped away, at the public
°barges, some two thousand miles, or say
only to the south of Spain ; and fed there
till wanted. And now to that same
spot in the south of Spain, are thirty
similar French artisans, from a French
Dumdrudge, in like manner wending; till
at length, after infinite effort, the two part-
ies come into actual juxtaposition; and
Thirty stands fronting Thirty, each with a
gun in his hand; straightway the word
'Fire' is given; and they blow the souls out
of one another; and in place of sixty brisk,
useful craftsmen, the world has sixty dead
carcasses which it must bury, and anew
shed teara for. Had these men any quarrel?
Busy as the Devil is, not the smallest I They
lived far enough apart; were the entirest
strangers; nay, in so wide a Universe, there
was even, unconadously, by commerce,
some mutual helpfulness between them.
How then? Simpleton 1 their Governors had
fallen out; and, instead of shooting one
another, had the cunning to make these
poor blockheads shoot. -Alas, so is it in
Deutschland, and hitherto in all lands;
still as of old, " What devilrysoever Kings
do, the Greeks must pay the piper 1"
Is all that not honestly, literally true?
Have thec'bears thus described been one bit
less abused or more justifiable than is here
set forth? And yet men still go prancing
like so many lunatic monkeys to the music
of the fife and drum, and so called ministers
of the Prince of Peace preach their inflated,
illiterate, bombast, which they call patriotic
sermons in order to 'make fowl and. boys,
nay, even glrle„ to fall in love with war.
The wars ief European and American
nations during the period from 1790 to 1880,
or ninety years, destroyed four millions and
four hundred. and seventy thousands of
human lives; and fifteen billions and two
hundred and thirty-fi.ve millions of dollars
of the proceeds of human industries. This
is an average of fifty thousand lives and of
WOO hundred and sixty five millions of dol-
lars for each year of that period. And
what has been the net gain from all this
waste? Gain ! It has been only loss, and
this immense loss of life and property
would all have been avoided, if nominal and
professed Christian nations had been Chris-
tian in spirit and in truth, -if the wisest,
purest, and most cultivated Callen= citi-
zens had guided the elation.
Mrs. Stowe in Florida,
A writer in the Lewiston, Me., Journal,
peaking of Mrs. Harriet 'Beecher Stowe
and her Florida home, says:
The style of the interior is neither litera-
ry, religious, artistic, nor rural, but a pecu-
liar combination of all four, which is a fain.
ily trait. Prominent in the study, in a.
niche between two windows, stands' a pic-
ture of Trenry Ward Beecher, so large, so
strong, so life -like, that it seems as if he
were the host, standing ready to entertain
the guest e of his siker. Many fine pinntinge
of a semi-religibus beat cover the walls, and
by the old' mestere. Her book -shelves are
ranged in the walls, not hanging outside
them or in cases, and flowers in the greatest
profusion fill evert" nook and corner.. Blue
pervades the furnishing; the Venus de Mite,
the Madonna and Child, and the Duke and
Duchess of Argyll. keep each other
mute company through the long un-
broken stillness which bespeaks the ft'e-
9uent absences of the gentle hostess, for she
is a great outdoor woman, anil may be. seen
taking her walks, step by step,through the
trees these beautiful June mornings, her
plain black chess coVered with dandelion
down, her hands filled with flowers, and her
thin, dark ,face, browned by constant ex-
posure, framed in loose gray looks and
black bonnet neither, peaceful nor troubled,
but waiting.
The dim gray eyes light up in converge -
tion, ad wine sprite come from between
the pale lips, now and again, that impress
one with what muse have been. Her man-
ners have a more kindly than courteous
air, and are tinted with the grace of modern
as well act old-time customs. Her hearing
is weladerfully acute, awl her intelligence
glides ehlong side by tide with her gueets,
whom she receives with the air of an old
traveler hailing a young one from some for-
eign part -neither curious nor inteteeted,
but forbearing.
Where Canada as the Advantage.
Montreal Wilne89: Ib come incredible
that even in 1VIontana eight men dolud stops
train and rob the pastongers, but this moiler -
ed near jut:lotion City on Sunday nighle A
light on the trade gapped the traln, fuel,
ade of bullets soared everyone into obedience
and the robbere then went through the cars
aud robbed the passegere. The only man
who resited got a bullet through his hat to
quiet him. It was on he Northern Paoifio
Railway that thins occurred. lied it been on
the Canadian Paeific What a noteworthy eir-
ournattenhe it Would hate tieemed to the whole
United States press. But over there they
treat Mich Oceurrence cal less tittkpiiiiling
than the sea serpent, and Often tnakie hOth
the subject of metriment,
Slavery in Brasil Abolished.
The enthusittsin of the Braziliahe over the
abolition of slavery in the empire of Brazil
is glowingly described in thepapers of Rio de
Janeiro. We are told that the rejoicing
was universal, and that the whole popula-
tion, of all colors, were overcome with noble
emotion. In order to give the great sot of
abolition a sacred character the Senate held
a Sunday session for its adoption'and the
Princess Regent put her eignature to iton the
same day. The city was hung with ban-
ners, the citizens marched in gay procession,
bans of music played as they paraded, and
the feast of freedom was tuned into a caruiv-
al of glory. There seems' to have been
hardly a sign of ,opppsitiqn, either in the
Senate or itmong' the people to the not Of
abolition, which has given luthre to the reign
of Dom Pedro, and which was promoted and
signed by the worthy Princess who reigns in
his absence. Virhen. we recall the =cum-
stanees under which emancipation was
brought about in Spanish America and in the
British West Indies, and in the Southern
States of our Milan we intist give especial
honor to Brazil anceher rulers for what has
been so happily accomplished.
Vert? great talkers must lie mord or lese,
fot there he not Miough truth in 0/det8nee t�,
keep their tongues' wagging.
Quaok Advortisements
Are rapidly becoming a nuisance, and we
think it behooves publishers to examine into
the metits of many articles puffed up in their
columns. We do not deny that • many
meritoroue remedies are properly to be class-
ed under this heading. Take the hundreds
and thousands relieved from severe suffer-
ing by the use ' of Poison's NEnveraeo,
would it not be unreasonable to expect
them to ,condemn that far-famed remedy.
Now we ktiew for a fact that Poison's
Nerviline is without exception the most
powerful, pleasant and certain remedy in
the world for pain. It cannot fail, for it
goes right to the bottom of pain, penetrates
to the nerves, soothes them into quiethese,
and afford e prompt and permanent relief.
Nerviline is sold by all druggists. Semple
only 10 cents. Try it.
Moving Rapidly.
Policeman (to citizen clinging to lamp
post) -My friend, you will have to move on.
Citizen -Move (hie) on! Gra-graollowe
ofshur, I'm (hid makin' fifty miltsh 'n hour
Rama Thrift.
Little Girl---Mts. Brown tha want kt to
know if she could borrow a dozen egga. She
wants to put 'em under a hen,
Neighbor -So you've got a hen setting,
have you? I didn't know you helot hens.
Little Glirl.-Xern we don't, but Mire.
Smith 'a genti' ter Tend ,us a herr that wants
ter 'tot; ati' me thought if yoti'd bend us
eggs some, We've got the nest ourieIfs,
Ex,boarding.house keeper (itt 'heaven's
gate) -May I come in? St. Petera-Pm afraid
the children Would annoy yen. The place
Withoilt children is Over there to the left.
Craft is merely the supplement of inferior
Woman tempted man to eat ; he took to
drinking of hinagelt.-(Swift.
The fundamental goelities of true friend-
ship are constancy and Adelity.
Culture is getting the power, through
readine, to estimate the proportion and
relation in what we read.
The follies of the fool are hidden from
hunself, but known to the world; thoseof
the wise man are known to himself, but hid-
den from the world, --[Confucius.
If two men have a misunderstanding it is
better to talk it out than to fights it oue. An
enlightened understanding is better in such
a OREM than a bloody nose or a pair of black
eyes. -[T. V. Powderly.
At whatever period of life friendships
are formed, so long as they continue sin-
cere and affectionate, they form undoubt-
edly one of the greatest blessings we can
To be happy is no selfish indulgence no
favored condition of fortune; it is a duty we
owe to others and to ourselves, a state of mind
which we should all strive to acquire.
It has been asserted that if men were to
confine their conversation to what they
understand, we should witness frequentin
on earth what St. John witnessed once in
heaven: "Silence for the space of half-an-
hour.- [Catholic Annual.
The maxim that has been laid down by
certain crooked politicians, to behave to a
friend with the same guarded caution as we
would do to an enemy, because it is possible
that he may one day become such, disoloses
a mind that was never made for the enjoy-
ment of friendship.
Human nature is not a machine to be
built after a model, and set to do exactly
the work prescribed for it, but a tree,
which requires to grow and develop itself
on all sides, according to the tendency of
the inward forces which make it a living
thing. -[John Stuart Mill.
Consumption Surely Cured.
T0 1.••• simou :-Please inform your readers that
i have a poeitive remedy ter the above named die -
ease, By its timely use thoueands of hopeless tirieee
have been permanently cured. eball be glad to
send two bottles of my remedy Sans to any of your
readers who have coneumptlon if they will send me
their L'xprees and P. 0. address. Respeotfully,
Da. T. A. t.citaisi, 87 Yonge St., Toronto Out.
Black lace toilets ale as popular as ever.
The opium habit, depsomania, the morphine habit
A Cure ter Drunkenness.
nervone Prostration caused by the use of tobacco,
wakefulness, mental depression, softening of the
brain, etc., prematnre old age, loss of vitality caused
y mer.exertion of the brain, and Ion of natural
Strength? from any cause whatever. Men -young
old or middle aged -who are broken down from any
of the above causes, or anycauee notwientioned above
send yew aeldrees min vents !note:ape for Luton's
Treatise; in book form, of Piseasee of Man, Books
sent sealed and secure from obaervation. Address M.
V. LOBOS, de weilineton steeet Ent Toronto, out
A. fatal encounter occurred in Constanti-
nople between Nubian and Albanian sections
of the Imperial Guard.
Dual Colon netts 'ouree in one minute.
People who NM etojeot uad °rearm, foul mate
ongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, ean at ono
be relieved bv tieing Dr. Oarson'e Stood& Bitters
bh Old and tried verneay. voux lartureiet
It is stated that, notwithstanding assumed I
confifielme the death of Emperor Frederick
dhiassraca7sed in Paris a feeling very muoh like
CYNGALESS HAIR RENEWER restores grey and ded
hair to its wawat color and prevents falling ou
A.. P. 405.
larmleawevarienramivesivama '
,,etown, Ont.
gleam Washer. Address GEO. D.
FERRIS, sr Church St, Toronto.
11Kittt ValuALL*alroautrealgalpciaertiPoeulner:
free. P.O.IVIGKERY, Augusta, Maine.
s2 t. E., Toronto.
No delay. dnoriPreasrpluondeLnOwe %Yeti*.
MIS 58 EWD L 311, Financial AO.,
.tcoblij4h 1860. rrIORONTO Cutting School- Soientific and re.
liable systems taught.whereby stylish, perfect -
fitting garments ere produced. Cutters havieg trou-
ble should secure my systems and ensure future sue.
cess, Entire satiefaction guaranteed. Shirt system
taught Beparate. A ram chaeue for young wen to
acquire a lucrative professior. S. CORRIGAN, P/Op ,
120 Tonga St Ter
There is not a horse willing, to work but
oan get his food and shelter in requital; a
thing the two -footed worker has to seek for,
to solicit 000asionally in vain. And yet it is
currently reported that the two -footed
worker has an immortal soul within him. -
There is something nobler than all these
-something that rises above wealth and
power, something above lands and palaces,
something above raiment and gold. It is
the love of right, the cultivation of the
moral nature, the desire to do justice, the
inextinguishable love of human liberty. -
[Robert Ingersoll.
A minister's vvifeiwho is not so serious-
minded as her husband is, tells some laugh-
able stories relating to marriage ceremonies
which her husband performed while they
were living in a newly settled. district in the
This minister always felt it to be his duty
to give each young couple a little serious
advice before he performed the marriage
ceremony, and for this purpose he usually
took them aside, one at a time, and talked
very soberly to each of them regarding the
great importance of the step they were to
take and the new responsibilities they were
to assume.
One day he talked in his most earnest
manner f or several minutes to ayoungWO,
man who had come to be married to a bright -
looking young man.
"And now," he said, in dosing, "1 hope
you fully realize the extreme importance of
the step you are taking, and that you are
prepared for it." '
"Prepared" she said, innocently, "well,
if I ain't prepared. I don't know who is. I've
got four common quilts and two nice ones,
and four brand new feather bedis, ten sheets
and twelve paha of pillow slips, four all -linen
table -cloths, a dozen spoons and a good six -
quart brass kittle. If I ain't prepared no
girl in this county ever was 1"
"Promising Churohes.
At the Unitarian festival in Boston a min-
ister from St. Louis remarked that when
ministers came to the "unfenced pasture"
in the West he was always tempted to warn
thein of the privations that awaited them
in "promising churches "-that is, churches
that promise to pay $700 a year or more
and do not keep their promise. Some min-
isters have found such "pi omising churches"
without taking such a long trip.
Purest Ray Serene.
Nurse (to father of triplets) -Ah, sorr,
they. he perfect little gema !
• Father (dubiously) -Yes, but give me
Solitaires in preference to clusters everytime.
Will You Bead This for $500?
For many years the manufaoturers of Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Remedy, who are abundantly
responsible financially, as any one can easily
ascertain by enquiry, have offered, in good
faith, a deeding reward of $500 for a mole
of nasal catarrh, no matter how bad or of
how long standing, which they cannot cure.
The Remedy is sold -by druggists at 50 cents.
The red bandanna boom is spreading 11
over the Country.
'• One breaks the glass and cuts his fingers;
But they whom Truth and Wisdom lead,
Can sather honey from a .weed."
Those who are wise and who love the
truth, will believe what we say when we tell
them that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
has done more to relieve the sufferings of
women, than another medicines now known
to science. It cures all irregularities, inter-
nal inflammation and ulceration, displace-
ments and kindred trouble:a. It its the only
medicine for women, sold by druggists,
wilder a pOSityge guarantee from ihematufac-
turers, that it will give satisfaction in every
°Me, or money will be refunded. This guar.
antee has been priuted on the bottle -wrap-
per, and faithfully carried out for many
Red bandanna handkerchiefs have risen
in price.
, "Logic is Logic."
,Now there was the case of our friend Mc -
He said to himself, in his resolute way,
That a cough which wag growing from bad
to worse
Must:be cured, in spite of a derider purse.
An ocean voyage was out of the question,
A Florida, trip a titaness suggestion;
Yet die he wouldn't 1 Ilis money he paid
For the '4 Golden Medical Discovery," by
Dr. Pierce made;
And as Sound as a nut itl his health th-day-a
"1 Logio is logio, that's all I say."
Count Richter, who was recently desighat-
• ed ea SWedish Ambaseador at London, hae
1 comniitted soioide by shooting
Whenever your stoineoh or Bawds get Out of of
der. eausing Biliatieina Dyspepsia, or Indigestion
And their attendant evil% take tit onee a dote of Dr.
lOarson'li Sixlinadh tattoo. Beet family Malebo.
1 All Dtuggists, 50 dente.
Red le the color of the naeliing InoMent,
CAN 4.014. M 12IlSIaRs UNIVElitte.tier,
Public Library Buildings,Toronto. Students from
British Oolumbia, California, Kansas Illinois and
quite a number of other States and Provineee, now
in attendance. Write for Descriptive Circulars.
President. See'y & Manager.
els, and Burning Brands, &o, Send
for Catalogue. BARBER BROS. CO.,
22i Kinn E , (in rear) Toronto.
FOSTER. Profusely Illustrated
-Sales Marvellous - Nearly
405,000. Sand $1.50 for nappy,
and go to work. Agents wanted, Address,
A. G. WATSON, Manager,
Toronto Willard Tract Depository, Toronto.
AUGERS, bore 20 fee
per hour. • Aleo Rook Drills -Rand, Horse or
steam Power. Send. for Catalogue.
Laidlaw manufacturing Co.
Bicycles AND
Also send for list of some of our Second-hand ma-
chines at greatly reduced prices.
22 church Sb, Toronto.
Roofing Felt, slaters' Felt, DeafeniniFelt,
Carpet Paper, Building Paper, Roofing Pitch.
, Coal Tar, Lake Gravel,
Office: 4 Adelaide St. East, Toronto.
$000nd nand 011;7'00
and Trioyeles.
,$eud for List. New Catalogue
ready to
Manufacturers of the Highest Grades
For The Nervous
The Debilitated
The Aged.
URS Nervous Prostration,Nervous Head.
ache,Neuralgia, NervousWeakness,
Stomach and Liver Diseases, and all
affections of the Kidneys.
ononoia W. B017TON, STAMFORD, CONN., says: '
"For two years I was a sufferer front nervous de.
bility, and thank God and the discoverer of the
valuable remedy that Pant's enmity Comm=
cured me. .ii ia a valuable remedy. EOns znaY 18
live. Let any one write to me for advice:,
"r believe PAINEM CELERY COMPOUND soma my
life. XS' trouble seemed to be an internal humor,
Defore I used it I WAS coeerea with, an eruption from
"head to heel." The eruption is rapidly healing,
and I am Ave hundred per cent, better every wen:,
For two years past I have been a great sufferer
from kidney and liver troubles, attended with dys.
pepsta and constipation., Before I began to take
CELERY COMPOuND it seemed as though everything
ailedrae. Now I cau say ne:Aing ails me.
"I have been using PAINE% CELERY COMPOUND
and it has done me more good for kidneys and lame
back than any other medicine I have ever taken.
Hundreds of testimonials have been received from
persons who have used this remedy with remarkable
benefit. Send for eirmilar.
Price 01.00. Sold by Druggiste.
Montreal, Que.
Felt and caravel t
Estimates given, Conntry work a speoialty.
Desiring. t obtain 'a Business Education or become
proficient n Shorthand and Typewriting should at-
tend the
'Arcade, Youge street, Toronto.
For Circulars, eta., Address C. O'DSA. Secretary
We will send by nmilan ap-
propriate gift to each inaiden,
wife, mne otber or cook-oto
a bunily—who will try the
Cnt the red circle from the
label and send it in a letter
stating honest opinion after
fair trial. Either a5, 10 or 25
cent size will securethe gift.
Any grocer or storekeeper
.1cnows *here to anti tif asked
itir by you.—A ififeew.-
PROOFratn1on -
J. .1 J. TAYLOR,
Toronto Safe Works.
IX years' trial, and over
6,000 in use has proved
th 8 machine the best; f
sizes Send tor circular.
S. S ,2IMI3AL14,
Inventor and Mattufacturet
07 Craig St,
P0. Box 945, Montreal, P.Q
Young Men
SUFFERING from the effect:4 of early evil habits, the
result oi *no melee tind folly, Who find themselves
weak, nervous and exhausted ; aleo Mitonic•Acinn and
Orn MEN, who SYS broken down 186 8h6 effecte 61
abuse or over -work, and in Dammed life feel the
consequences of youthful exeesa, Send for and read•
V. aubocesTreatise or, the Diseases' of Men. The
bOok Will be eent sealed to any address on receipt of
two 80. stamps, AddreSe
DI, V. LUIION, Well:net:on St. E., Toronto, Ont.
OF MUSIC/— CaPital and rands Dew over $ ,006,000.1
BEAD °MCC, - • , 15 TORONTO ST.,
lioe. G. W. Allan Ptcaldont A 11o100 Company, EStablished October
Hon, Chancellor Boyd 3hG GeO. COX", tm.,Vice.Proldonts
Saloon Tickets, $10, $50, $60. Return, $50, 890
$110. Intermediate, $30. Steerage, $20. Apply to
H. E. MURRAY, Geneml Manager,
• 1 Custom House Square, Montreal.
ARTIES wishing to purohaee improved Manitoba
Parra% frrm 80 acres upwards, with immediate
possession, call or write to G. 1. 31ATILSON, Mc -
Arthur's Block, Main street, Winnipeg. Information
furnished free Of charge, and settlers assisted in
making selection. MONEY 10 LOAN at current rates
of interest.
420 to 426 King St. West, TORONTO
E, G, GOODER aau, J. O. OOPP,
Manager. Seo..freas.
Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships
Sailing during winter from Portland every Thursday
and Halifax everySaturday to Liverpoil, and In sum-
mer from Quebec every Saturday taiverpool,callhilil
at Londonderry to land mails and passengers for
Scotland and Ireland; also from Beltimore. via Hau
fax and St John's, N,.r., ta Liverpool,fortnightly
durilie summer months. The steamers of the Glas-
gow Imes sail during winter to and. from Halifax
Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during sum.
mer between Gle..govr and Montreal weekly; Glas-
gow and Boston weekly, and Glalgow and Philadel•
phie fortnightly,
• For freight, passage or other information apply to
A. Schumacher &Co., Baltimore • S. Cunard t Co
• Banter ; Shea b Co., St. John's, Nfld., Wm. Thoum
son a Co., St. John, N. B.; Allen & Co., Obieago
Love & Alden, New rork ; H. Berulier, Toronto;
Aliens, Rae & 010„ Quebec •, Win. Brookie,
phia; H. .A. Allen, Portland, Boston, Montreal.
Stained • Glass
76 King St. W.• Toronto,
Merchants, Butchers AND TRADERS
We want a GOOD MAN in your locality to pick up
for us. Cash furnished on satisfactory guaranty
Address, 0. S. Pees, Hyde Park, Vermont, U.S.
The Shoe and Ltather _Reporter, N.Y., and Shoe
and Leather Review, Chicago, the leading trade pa-
pers in the U. S. in the Hide line, have sent thew
representativei to investigate Mr. Page's business,
and after a thorongh examination and comparison,
the Reporter gives him this endowment;
"We believe that in extent of lieht-weight raw ma-
terial collected and carried, Afr. Page holds the lead
of any competitor, and that hie present stoc7c is the
largest he'd by any house in this country,'
And the Review s tys :
"After a most thorough investigation of Mr.
Page's business as compared with others in sante line,
we have become fully satisfied tnat in his specialty,
light -weighs stock, he is unquestionably the lagrest
dealer in thio country, while tn superiority of qua.
ity, he is confessedly at the head."
Qusity : If Mr. Page's business is the largest in its
line in the United States, is it not the best possible
proof of his ability to pay highest prices? It he did
not do so, would he natarally get more Skins than
any of hi competitors in the saane line? fa'
Whaleyilloyoe 85 00
283 Yonge Street,
' Toronto.
The Cheapest ;place to
Canada for
New and secoad-hand,
Agents for
&Ltd "HIGH AM!
Rewiring of Band In
struarents a spealalty
Sand for 0 etelogn
When I say Cram Ido not mean merely to
stop them for a time, and then have theln re-
turn again. I MEAN A RADICAL CURE.
I have made the .disease ot.
rrrs lEIPTLEPSY or
A lifelong study. I taeoatener Int' remedy to
Conn the worst cases. Because others- hey°
failedie no reasonifor not now receiving a cure.
Bend at once for 'a treatise and a,Fito e BOTaam
Of my INFALLIBLE itEmEDF,, Give Texprese
and Post Office. It costs you nothing for a
trial, and it will cure you. Address
H. G. ROOT. 37 Yonge Ste Toronto,' Ont,
ittatat t‘ianteensara.
Nervous Debility.
• DR,. GRAY'S Specific has been used for the pas
fifteen years with great success, in the treatment of
Nervoue Debility, and all diseases arising from ex.
ceases, over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing in
the ears, palpitation, etc. For Bale by all druggists.
Price 81 per box, or 6 boxes for $5, or will be sent by
mail on receipt of price. Pamphlet on application
rVIE greatest dis.
covery of the
present age for Emu-
1,ArisNo Tint l3owina
Lwan Arm &easy
feet Blood Perifier. A
few in Hamilton who
have been benefitted
by its use : Mrs. M.
Keenan, 192 Robert
St„ cured of Erysipe-
las of 2 years' stand.
ing ; Robert Cornell,
24 South St., dau_gh-
ter of Epileptic Fits
after six years' sutler.
ng; Jennie Birrell,
55. WaInnt St., oured ot weakness, and Lung
Trouble; Sohn Wood, 95' Cathcart St , oured of
Liver, Complaint and B liousness, used on'y three
ilfty-cent bottle:4 • Mrs. T. Beal, 6 Augusta 81-4
troubled for years with Nervous Prostration, to
small bottles gave her great relief. Sold at 500. 8c $1.91 .
P. P. DAUNT & (10., Proprietors,
Everybody feels the exhausting ard debilitating effect of the warn' weather and it is the duty
of every one to sustatn the strength by taking highly nnttirtons food. •
Is pre-emineittly a food specially adapted to elsis season of the sear. It gives tone to the stomach, stimu'
lates the appetite, keeps the system well nonriehed and fortifies it against the many disorders peculiar to
warm Weather.
.There are:many IMITATIONS 01
" Peer
but notte equal 18 10 lubricating propertiee. Fame.
ERB, MILLMIIN etc, find none equal to the 0880011Peerless made' by .
Sold by clealere everywhere.
A. Morgan Cosby, Esq., 1105, 158810000
.50 TEACHERS: tvAllg11,4!1,4C,ILTV,Ittful'.:g,e,
1 s1aotian,c,v0eal Alt °Tett, Vlat,tight.tingiig, harnmay,
,ntrctin, rnplla vey enter ac Aly oto
Ancl nrd only warned.
eau , ets,;reitalsetc, Calcadertiving thilinforuation
ltiebeila ate shoolshcarIngarneenewilt ndiare
it inaticutarly requested that 011 correaporidence for th
? Cos. Yongc Street ate Wilier Ave, TOROS TO,
To this Date, October 81, 1887, thine has been returned:
To the holders of matured Endowment Poll:ilea, ..* . • •" '''''''' *• • • ***. • •*• • • • . • •• *694209,429429 0939
To the helm of Policy holders (death -claims)... ... '''''
To Policy -holden on surrender of POileles, . *.:.„. , .• • •..." . ' •••.*,.'.. - . • MOO
To Policy -holders for Cada profits (inolueini th'o'n'alle*eated a.nd.being-Pt.1• le..:.....::::: 402,54_4 01
'Loaned to Polley -holders an tliWitr'i‘i;.cirti;,Wi'oliel'e't%'...*:::::::.`.":::.....%': '' . '' . ' . ''''''''''''' !
TO holders of Annuity Bends.
, Ilimlia..11ameadi.
Policies in Force Over i0,0410.• •Amount over515,600060
, PRESIDENT—Rat. 5nt W, P. ItowLoTo, C.B.• R.C.11.0.
VICE-PRESIDRNTS—Wlann ttiatift, &O.; tDWAttn 1/o&121ti t so.
S. IL CDONALD, Ilionagb* Director.
Polities Nentoifeitable after 2 Yeats ttni Indefeasible after 8 years,
. •iram