HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-09-18, Page 16PAYE' 1 TONNE f; SFR • ammossuslat A/. i✓ tlediotlrP occ. 961.1200 40406 ;Oro 1. Articles for sale DRY SLAB WOOD, cam- pfire wood, body '• wood, delivered. Phone 482- 9250.--19tf ORGANS - PIANOS. Wurlitzer: the best in keyboards. One year's free lessons included with organ purchase. Pulsifer Music, Seaforth. Closed Wed- nes<1a3�,-34tfar - S-RE `f;`U'RSDAY, su `wogR 18, 19$0. Ads... Resu1ts!• _ r • " 1 .',!X1W S V4.,4s..t1o. 1 .rt10“ t•#ttr.nn, ti NI Y DRY HARDWOOD - Will deliver. Bob Thompson. Phone 482-7171. --36.39 COOK WOODSTOVE and chimney 26 inch console colour TV. Phone 482- 3124.-37,38 CHOICE -LEAN BEEF by the side, ready for freezer, government inspected, farmers prices. Frank Falconer. Phone 482- 9128.-37,38 GERHARD HEINTZMAN upright piano. Playpen bassinet baby bath, men's golf clubs and bag like new. Phone 565-2101.-38 ON hea one som $35. - Phone 482-9422.-38x IL BURNING space 20. in good condition; gal. oil tank with $20. - one table saw FARMERS, Craft and flea mark et every Saturday 8-5 at the Theatre building Vanastra, something for everyone, dealers invited 482-3762.-38x FOR SALE cucumbers for *pickling located on Highway 8, 5 miles east of Clinton. John Segeren 482-9217.-38- 40 BEATTY twin piston water pump rebuilt. Phone 262= 5585.-38 , PIONEER STEREO 8 -track player and two Audio -Vox deluxe stereo speakers two months old. Must sell. Phone 262-5585.-38 GOOD SUPPLY, OF FALL BULBS NOW IN STOCK VERBEEK'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE 22 Isaac St. CLINTON 482-9333 SWIMMING 'POOL MANUFACTURER OVERSTOCKED Must close out all 1980, models and sizes. Huge savings on above ground and in -ground pools of, steel and aluminum. No monthly payments until 1981. Call IMPERIAL POOLS toll free 1-800- 268-5970. , FALL SALE ON NURSERY, STOCK c 20 % OFF 1 TREES AND SHRUBS While stock lasts! So hurry in. HURON RIDGE ACRES David Steckle & family R.R. 2 ZUKICH 565-2122 VANASTRA HOME FURNISHINGS 2 miles south of Clinton on Highway No. 4 *NEW OR USED HOME FURNISHINGS *APPLIANCES •LAWN ORNAMENTS Open: 6 days a week 482.192 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display -Advertising Tuesday -4800 p.nr. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Yard sale 3. Garage sale 4. Antiques for sale 5. Cars for sale 6. Trucks for sale 7. R.V ;s for sale 8. Marine 9. Automotive 10. Pets for sale 12. Real estate for sale 13. Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties 15. Out of town properties 16. Articles for rent 17. Apartments for rent 18. Houses for rent 19. Rooms for rent 20. Room & board. 21. Cottages for rent 22. Lots for rent 23.,Commercial•property for rent PHONE 6. Trucks for sale 1974 FORD 3/4 ton pickup with excellent custom-built racks and tarp. Best offer. Phone Dungannon, 529- '1618.-380 '69 '69 FORD 1 ton short wheel base truck with flat rack. Phone 482-9851.--38 12. Real estate 24. Wanted to rent 25. Wanted to buy 26. Help wanted 27. Wanted (general) 28. Business opportunity 29. Tenders. 30. Employment wanted 31. Service directory 34. Personal 35. Notice to creditors 36. Announcements, notices 37. Mortgages 38. Auction sale 39. Educational 40, Lost & Found 41. To give away 42. Death notice 43. .Births 44. Engagements 45. Marriages !46. In emoriam X47. Car of thanks 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5. p. 1. Articles for sale McINTOSH APPLES, prune and grand duke plums, fresh apple cider, red and white potatoes and honey. Closed Mnndays and Thursdays. Art Bell's Fruit Farms. Phone 524-8037.---38tf TWO LARGE pieces of shag carpet. Also a dehumidifier. Phone 527-1819.-38 LADY'S LEATHER Coat with detachable furlining size 18. Sessions antique pendulum clock. Also Mossberg 22 rifle with Weaver '6' power scope. Phone 482-7762.--38 • TOMATOES: Pick your own or we will pick for orders. Huron Ridge Acres. RR 2 Zurich. Phone 565- 2122.-38,39,40 'NEW' 200 gal. oil tank. Some filler and vent pipes. Phone 482-9375.-38 ANTIQUE Pool Table with hand carved frame 41/2 x 9. Brunswick -Balk - Calendar. Phone 482-3733.-38ar MOTORCYCLE - '75 Suzuki 100 in good condition for street -and trail use, recently overhauled. Phone 482-3179 _after 4:00p.m.--838 ONE YEAR OLD Roosters, $5.00 each. Custom picking• Orders taken one week in advance. Phone 529-7542 or 529-7373.-38-40 28 RABBIT CAGES with feeder for hay and pellets,. plus complete automatic watering system. One Kawasaki motor cycle 900-21 excellent condition. Phone 482-3295 after 5:30 p.m. -37,38 ANTIQUE china cabinet; barbecue; 2 double beds; 1 single bed; Colonial chest of drawers and night table. Phone 482-3505.-38x SQUASH, Tomatoes, pep- pers, etc. plus nursery stock for fall planting trees, shrubs and evergreens. Phone 482- 9995.-38ar SWIMMING POOL CLOSEOUTS Manufacturer has new 1980 pools, regular price of '2,190 now at end cif season special of '1,488. Pools equipped with pump, motor filter, fen- cing, patio and walk around deck. Call IM- iiERIALPOOLS • toll free 1.800-268-5970. 2. Yard Sale SEPT. 20 Seaforth, Ont., at 96 Coleman St. and 52 Crombie St. 10 - 5, Household articles, farm tools, rolls of new Page woven wire 30 Inches high by 300 feet long. In case of rain cancelled. 38 5. Cars for sale 1973 LTD country squire stationwagon. Fair condition $700 or best offer. Phone 565- 5250.-37,38 CLEAN 197E Ford Pinto, 4 - cylinder, mechanical and body good condition. As is $1,500 ,firm. Will certify. Phone 565-5343.-38 1973. MUSTANG, ' 351 Cleveland, power steering . and brakes, am -fm radio, brakes recently done. Needs body work. Selling as is, $1,000 or best offer. Phone 524-9484 after 5 p- m .-38,39nx 1973 FORD Stationwagon, trailer hitch, new front tires, $500. or best offer. Phone 565- 5250.-38x 1970 MAVERICK $600 or best offer. Excellent condition. Clean interior. Phone 482- 3805`er6p.m.-38 6. Trucks for sale 1974 FORD VAN fully car- peted with curtains, bed and table. Phone 565-2813.-38 ° for sale 60' x 12' NEW YORKER with add -a -room sit up in Meneset Mobile Park. Phone 482- 7066.-37,38 LAUCKNER REALTY • INC. Member of the London St. Thomas MLS BAYFIELD VILLAGE: 3 bedroom winterized home on lea acre lot. SUMMER COTTAGE Overlooking the river and valley on land- scaped lot. Lots for Sale LISTINGS WANTED ADAM FLOWERS Box 41, Bayfield 565-2813 Les Davison Co. Ltd. REALTOR. OPEN HOUSES Friday evening Sept. 19 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Beautifully decorated 3 bedroom home with Franklin fireplace. Owner open to offers, so come let's talk a deal at 11 Victoria Rd., Vanastra Saturday morning 10 a.m. -12 noon. Sept.20 , Handyman special. 3 bedroom electric heat on large lot in Varna asking '19,500. but open to offers. A bargain worth viewing. See you theme. For more details on these properties Pho e: DAVID CHRISTIE 482-7295 or drop into our Brucefield Information Centre. IFIED Les .l)aviso. Co. Ltd. REALTOR GODERICH APARTMENT H@USE - ''5 Units Ex- cellent Location, very few vacancies, A good investment. For further details call 482-7295. Brussels stqrrivith large apartb Main St. Priced' sell. 6000 SQ. FT. INDUSTRIAL; BUILDING in Vanastra. Priced to sell, owner very anxious to sell. TREED BUILDII LOT - 75 x 125,r Beach. One of few choice lots left. 9,000 SQ. FT. INDUSTRIAL BUILDING excellent terms, ,town assistance available to industry if you locate here. 504 ACRE FARM - 400 acres workable. Ex- cellent cash crop land reasonably priced at '595,000.00 THIS farm is also set up for 400 head of beef a,nd 90 sows. Call for more details. COMMERCIAL BUILDING - with large store and up to 3 apartments. '° Priced at only '25,000. Call for further details. Be sure and call. 100'S OF COMMERCIAL OPPORTUNITIES AVAI- LABLE. Call us•first when it comes to buying or selling you business. DAVID CHRISTIE 482-7295 or drop into our Brucefield Information Centre. 12. Real estate for sale Attention Farmers A. For Sale REGISTERED polled hereford bulls, ready for service, Halter -broken.. Ed Powell RR ' 1, Wingham. Phone 335-3893.-38,39 B. Custom Work CUSTOM SWATHING and SILO FILLING. Phone Henk Reinink 523-9202.--23tfar CUSTOM BIG 'round baling CoZondag 565-5308.-23tf YANMAR DIESEL POWER 131/2 h.p. - 33 hip. Huron County's Yanmar Dealer III II AND SONS LTD. • CLINTON 402.34 09 11111011111111.111.111111 B. Custom Work 19i'BtN1 N G - grain and corn. Phone Peter Slotegraaf at 524-4734 or Jack Slotegraaf ate 524- 7082.-32-39 CUSTOM CORN and soybean combining. Second combine for large acreage. Trucking available. Brian Wilson 527-1123.-38-43 D. Li%estock 'PUREBRED Landrace Breeder Boar, 11/2 years old. Good worker. Milton Dale, 482-7537.-38x FIVE-YEAR-OLD paint horse. Well broken to ride. Phone -565-2813.-38 Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Vidor Hargrsov.s Clinton -452.7211 Barry Millar EsNor • 236.4717 Ktrkion • 2244253 Douglas Carrufh.rt • 437-2734 Grog ryr Hdirsrsavas - 262-2614 YGu'tr� FIND WNA-r YOU NEED IN --OUR USINGS! PRICE REDUCED: Price now reduced to 522,500 on this centrally located Rattenbury St, hd'me, near schools. 175 'ACRES: Near Lucknow on 86 High- way. 50. acres suitable for gravel. Nice buildings and a pleasant location. Listed at 5265,000. 80 ACRES : Goderich Township. Farm or Recreation property. Contains excellent spring -fed ponds and small cottage. Make an offer! Too AT Wiarton, Includes 70 acres hardwood bush. Full price 535,000. 5 ACRES with split level home and 90 sow barn, near Seaforth. Phone 527- 1269.-37,38 MOBILE HOME for sale, 12' x 60' and workshop 24' •x 36' on lot 85' x 132'. Septic tank and drilled well. Approximately 9 miles northwest of Seaforth. Phone 487. 3', BEST BUY in Vanastra. Three bedroom stucco house with semi -finished basement. Good investment property. Very reasonable terms. Phone Jack Stuart 482-3733.-38ar C.14. al. ' O. 421.. 1st 'A. 12.' Real estate for sale FOUR BEDROOM vinyl sided, insulated house with large lot within Clinton, Must be seen to be appreciated. Phone 482-9407.--••38 13. Mobile homes bile Home for rent. Morgan's Mobile Homes. Phone 482-7066.-4tf FOR SALE or Rent -,44' x 23' bungalow set up in Morgan's Mobile Home Park.. Phone 4824066.-37,38 G. K. REALTY INC • 14 Isaac Street, Clinton Ontario. OFFICE: 482-9747 AND 482-3721 D. CLARE SAGER PETE BOS HAL HARTLEY • 524-8995 ' 524-7081 482-3693 CLINTON ',Beautiful 1 brick raised ranch, featuring finished family roofs, 11,2 baths, 4 bedrooms, 24' above ground pool, built in 1974. Owner tran- sferred. 109 Wintercourt Cres, S. List price $58,400.00_ • CLINTON - new listing. Ten year old three bedroom one storey, angelstone and aluminum on newly paved street, recreation room, well landscaped. Well built , heats easily; Owner moving away. 240 Queen St. Call Hal Hartley for price. SEE our full ad in current issue of the "Real Estates". IF YOU ARE THINKING OF BUYIItG OR SELLING -.CONTACT G.K. REALTY INC. COUNTRYSETTING $49•900. 1Y2 storey natural. wood (special woodseal) house, on Mailticind river, approx. 330 feet frontage and 150' dep. th average. Taxes '291.00. Nine rooms, rear attached garage: driveway, school bus route, near Holmesville, " kifchen, 2 bedroom, 3 piece bath, 1st floor. 2 panelled rooms used as storage second floor. Own dug well, spring fed, pumping system F.A.O. wtr (o). New roof 1980, new special wood seal 1980, fireplace, potbelly stove. No basement, footing. Building in excellent shape. Just move in. Napool, two lights go, drapes go, special pump goes, T.V. tower negotiable, mortgage '29,000 (due Sept./80) cash to mortgage. Seen via agent only, 24 hours notice. Owner confined due to shift work. Year round living quarters, owner lived there for years. Good cross country ski area. CALL: 519-348-8765 Ken Hamilton - Salesman R. KOWALCHUK REAL ESTATE LTD. Sarnia Rd., R.R. 3 London N6B 2K3 4 ACRE HOBBY' FARM: 2 buildings, drilled well, but no house. Village of Drayton. One building was used for cage layers, over 4,500 sq. ft. Asking $40,000. BLYTH: Large home on a double lot, excellent for a family. $44,500. BLYTH: Lower priced 11 2 storey recently sided. 517,900. BRUCEFIELD: 1i/2 storey home on nice lot. 530,000. BAYFIELD: Cottage near the main -beach ori TuyII Street. List 531,000. HENSALL: 2 properties just listed on No. 4 High- way, possible cam- mercial uses subject to rezoning. CALL: JOHN DUDDY 482.3652 LEAH OR BUDD KUEHL 482-1304 VAL GILBERT 482-7833 OFFICE 482.066 REAL ESTATE LTD. . CLINTON: HAROLD WORKMAN 482-3455 PETERDAMSMA 482-9849 SEAFORTH: HENRY MERO 5?7.043 ONTARIO ST. • immaculate brick home, 3 bedrooms, dining room, famllyroom, nice•rear yard. *60,000. COUNTRY ESTATE • Imrnaiculato condition on 15acres with an historical background. '135,000. Soo our brochure for other properties. 3b'1 1 NAM E. r1 '{.t 4, 11 16. Articles for rent FORMAL RENTALS. Dress upl Ga formal! We have the complete Wedding Service at Campbell's Men's Wear, Main St., Clinton (Formerly Pickett and Campbell's Ltd.)---14tf ,PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable cement mixer. Power trowls, Form ties stacked, Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich 236- 4954.- -16tfa r ., • .- PROFESSIONAL CARPET Cleaning system by U -Clean. $12 per day rental, hourly or weekly rentals also available. Norholme Decorating, 4182- 3528.-37,38,39,40 17. Apartments for rent APARTMENT for rent, fridge and stove supplied, single mature person. Phone 482-9711 or after 6 p.m. 482- 9573.-38tf UPSTAIRS one bedroom stove and fridge supplied $145 a month. Call 482-7304 or '482-3766.-34d TWO BEDROOM all utilities included. Adult Building. No children. No pets. 201 King St. 482-7028 or 482-9237.-36tf 2 storey Duplex, lovely, renovated 2 and 3 bedroom apartments, with private entrance and yard, frig. & stove supplied, close to down- town Clinton. '180 - '210 plus utilities. Call: 529-7949 ELIZABETH COURT Located in Hensall 1 BEDROOM available now, October 1 or Nov. 1 PRICE '225. mo. FEATURES: Shag carpetin throughout, Appliances, Laundry Facilities, all Utilities paid. FOR ENQUIRIES HENSALL 262-3448 LONDON 453-2280 48 tf. ' 12. Real estate for sale BAILEY Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523-9338 BLYTH - 2 bdrm. brick bungalow, electric heat, carport, full basement. Everything in•new condition. Priced to sell. HULLETT TWP. - red brick 'school house, 2 miles south of Auburn -Excellent condition. Treed lot. NEW LISTING - Goderich Twp. 13 acres with 1 floor bungalow. Farrowing barn will handle 50 sows. 4 acres wooded. RED BRICK DOUBLE HOME ON Rattenbury St., low down payment con- sidered. HULLETT TWP. - 100 acres, 87 workable with new home and two barns equipped for 1100 hogs. 4 MILES FROM CLINTON - 15 acres wooded property with private lake, stocked with trout. Exceptional new ranch type home with all the extras. Shown only by ap- pointment to serious clients. CLINTON - Joseph St., 114 storey frame duplexed home on large lot Reasonably priced. LONDESBORO AREA - 90 acres, 80 workable, no building. 50 ACRES - Colborne Twp. 6 acres new producing or- chard, drilled well and hydro service. 2 ACRI bu ild in ippen, good FOOD FOR THOUGHT Nature does great things for nothing. 17. Apartments for rent TWO BEDROOM Apartment available Oct 1 reasonable. Reply to drawer' No. 20. Clinton News -Record, Clinton; Ont.r-37,38,39 IDEAL FOR Working Girl. Newly decorated apartment, including fridge and stove, heat supplied $160. monthly, downtown Clinton;, Phone 482-3305.--37tfar NEWLY DECORATED one 1 bedroom apartment, broadloomed, air con- ditioning and heat paid. $190 monthly. Available now. Phone 482-3533.-37tf APARTMENTS AVAILABLE immediately. One three bedroom and one two bedroom in up -town Clinton. Phone 482-9766. or 482-9417 evenings.-38tfar 18. Houses for rent HOUSES FOR RENT in Vanastra. Available im- mediately. Phone 482- 3278.-31 tfa r NEW 3 BEDROOM brink house in Brucefield. $225 per month. Phone 482- 7561.-37,38 THREE BEDROOM House, rec room with Franklin fireplace, 4 pc. bathroom, new oil furnace, % mile east of Varna on paved road. Available October 1. Phone 482-9102.-37tf TWO BEDROOM House, 3 pc. bath living room, kit- chen, storage porch. Available immediately. For rent with, option to buy. Apply 125 North St. Clin- ton. -37,38 RESTORED 3 BEDROOM Victorian home in Dungannon on large double lot with mature , trees,; Beautifully decorated, pink floors, country kitchen, large living and dining rooms, 2 piece and 5 piece bath main floor laundry. $375 plus utilities. References required. 529-7935 or 52‘ 2874.-37,38 HOUSE ON Victoria St., Clinton, 3 bedroom, gas furnace. Immediate possession. $150. per month. Phone 482-7601.-38ar ,SMALL FURNISHED, °electric heated house, suitable for one or two adults. $75. per month for reliable tenant. Phone 482- 9244 evenings. -38 THREE BEDROOM House, Clinton, 4 pc. bath, laundry room, oil heat, available April I5. $175.00 plus utilities per month. For appointment apply in writing to Drawer 21, c -o Clinton News -Record. Box 39Clinton.-38x THREE BEDROOM House for rent in Clinton, with garage, conveniently located on Mill Street, $250. per month. Phone 482-7088.-38 3 Bedroom Half -Duplex Newly renovated, frig & stove, In Clinton. '180 plus utilities. Call: 529-7949 19. Rooms for rent SINGLE MATURE female to share upper half of house. Phone482-9363.--38tf • 24. Wanted to rent s ROTO TILLER FOR RENT BY HOUR OR DAY VERBEEK'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE 22 ISAAC ST. CLINTON 25. Wanted 'to buy LOGS AND STANDING TIMBER. Apply Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, NOM 1A0 or phone 232- 4450.--45tfar o.i..r«arr..a al