HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-09-18, Page 13McMillan -Stanley elLIB'BY • IP • ID • III . LIBBYS — - • TOMATO JUICE 4,ntle • _ Pry" LARGE SIZE FANCY •• " TOMATu JUICE,....w=feri,- 48 FL OZ TINS F ' 0 .R . LIBBYS _ i-----.,y� CORN •' i.� j ja" q. 12 -14 FL OZ ..TINS FANCY PEAS • CREAM CORN KERNEL CORN MIXED . VEG F 0 . R COFFEE_ 2 VARIETIES . TASTERS41 , CHOICE8 az. 99 LIBBYS4 SPAGHETTI ALPHAGETTI & OR CHEESE " r. f VARIETIES LIBBYS' six '15, JUC 2 VARIETIES LIBBYS `BEANS 'TIN LIBBYS - IN SAUCE • KIDNEY F O $ BEANS 1 TINS R ff., TRY OUR OWN BRAND 8 DELICIOUS VARIETIES ZEHRS BOOKIES NIAGARA FROZEN CONCENTRATED ORANGE JUICE Live 1..n Seaforth ON WS-RECOXI !,'x' RSPAY, S PTMB. R 10 1900,PAQ, Seaforth and Ron, Blanchard of Walton, the groom's friends and Danny Stanley of RR 5, Clinton, the bride's brother. The ringbearer was Kevin Jones of Brucefield, cousin of the bride. The organist was Mrs. Carol Carter, with soloist Mrs, Sandra Pepper. Following he wedding, a reception was held at Family Paradise Hall, Walton, where guests attended the wedding from Saskatoon, Detroit and 13racebridge. Following a wedding trip to Collingwood, the couple are residing at RR 5, Seaforth. Prior to her marriage,. theri a was honored at showers held at the home of Mrs. a ma ones Shelley, Anne Cavell Stanley,, daughter of Mrs. Audrey Stanley of RR 5, Clinton and William Thomas McMillan, of RR 5, Seaforth., son of 14r. and Mrs. Robert McMillan of Seaforth, were married in First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth on August 22. Rev. T. A. Duke of- ficiated at the double ring ceremony. The bride was given in marriage by her brother Lonny Stanley of Stratford. The maid of honor was Cindy Young of RR 5, Clinton, sister of the a bride. The bridesmaids were Debbie Jones of Brucefield, Susan Coombs of Seafoh, friends of the b d bride and Patti Stanley of RR 5, Clinton, sister of the bride. The flowergirl was Kerry Stanley of RR 5, Seaforth, daughter of the bride. The best man was Stanley McClure of Walton, friend of the groom, The ushers were Robert McClure, of RR 2, Brucefield, the bride's aunt and at the home of Mrs. Edythe Coleman, the groom's aunt. A miscellaneous shower was also held at the home of Cindy Young, the bride's sister. (Photo by Ellis) Mit : rnd lr1F Mai k Nichpison Bride mak es gown Central Baptist Church in Brantford was filled with garden flowers for • the July 28 wedding of NESTLE.. OD • • fb c t` DE LICIOU.S FLAVOURS FOUR 5 oz. _, —k e�, py TINS ;'.. . - . NESTLE MINI 4 PKG. OF 4 SERVINGS NESTLE SOUPTIME. . COFFEE_ 2 VARIETIES . TASTERS41 , CHOICE8 az. 99 INSTANT CHOC. DRINK MIX NESTLE NESTLE 750 gr. IF. r r NESCAFE - 10 oz. JARQUIK INSTANTNESTLE COFFEE 4W. $ - PKG. OF 10 SERVINGS 1DHO;1Af.29 NESCAFE DECAFFEINATED `INSTANTid sr ,COFFEE IA 7 2 VARIETIES NESTLE $ ICED TEA oz 1.89 SCHNEIDERS FROZEN- 250g SIZE GOOD 'X' MEATY PIES McCAIN FRESH FROZEN FRENCH FR IES 400-450 g BAG CHICKEN TURKEY OR LBEEFSTEAK ALLENS CHOICE APPLE JUICE 48 FriNOz 12.5 FL. OZ. TIN FABRIC SOFTENER BOirCE SHEETS 6O ' � wPK 3.5 LB. BAG EACH CAPRI FOAMY MILKBATN 3 SCENTS �70-0m1 PENi0.NETI COOKWARE SET 8 PIECE SET .99 750 ml RETURNABLES GLAD - THE STRONG ONES HAVARTI tlR MOZZARELLA WESTONS RASPBERRY NTN. DEW, DIET PEPSI OR GARBAGE $ • BADEN SWISS PLUS ■ PEPSI GBASPKGqFO • CHEESE 12 oz 7 ROLLS PKG OF 4 VETCHERS_ PARKAY SWEEYENER AL $ L67OZEN FRE TSOFT RARINES�sL77 CRISPYCRUST 700 7 WESTON HAMBURG OR NOT DOG ROLLS PKG OF 12 WESTON REGULAR SLICED SANDWICH BREAD HIGH LINER - FROZEN SOLE IN BATTER WHITEF ONLY 24 oz1112°R 14 oz. � PKG � ZO"x24" POSTER SIZE ENLARGEMENT FROM ANY COLOUR NEGATIVE 110,126 OR 135 OFFER EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TUES. SEPT. 30 ALLOW UP TO 3 MEEKS FOR DELIVERY HIGH LINER FAMILY SIZE FISH IN BATTER sA Ad HEINZ STRAINED FRUIT, REGULAR COUNTRY VEGETABLES OR JUICES PRICE KITCHEN FOODBY 128m1-3B.BAWHIPPED UTTER ANOTHER WAY TO SAVE AT ZEHRS BAKE SHOP . AVAILABLE ONLY IN STORES HAVING AN IN STORE BAKE SHOP 250 g. .19 ,'HOVIS OR BRAN 59'BREAD �AF�_ _ 1►9� FRESH DINNER ROLLSDOZEN • When you shop at Zehrs you II receive a free coupon which entitles you to 52 00 off any ticket's you purchase for the Miss Oktoberfest Pageant to be held Thursday October gat Kitchener s New Centre in the Square ppr fine markets... of fine foods ii, Aze h ii s WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS 4 Mark John Nicholson and Geraldine Augustine, both from London. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Nicholson of Clinton and the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arne Augustine of Brantford. For the double ring ceremony the bride wore a traditional wedding gown she had made. The long dress was made from knit de knit lace and an aunt . in Winnipeg created her bouquet of 'silk flowers Nancy Kerwin of Belmore was the maid of honor and . the bridesmaids were the groom sisters Louann Nicholson of Clinton, Linda Wilks of Edmonton and a friend of the bride's Donna Smith- of Brant- ford. A niece of the groom's Melanie Wilks was the flowergirl. David From of London was the best man and guests were ushered into the church by brothers of the bride, Joel and Arne Augustine of Brantford, and brother-in-law Dennis • .Wilks of Edmonton. The ring bearer was Matthew Wilks, a nephew of the groom's. Special guests included Mrs. D.W. Dyck, gran- dmother of the bride from Chiliwack, B.C. and Jeff Augustine, blind brother of the bride. Following the ceremony a reception was held hin the Bran- tford Church auditorium and the hall was. filled with decorations made by the bride's mother. After returning from a wedding trip to Orillia and newlyweds made her home in London. ,.. P,if.is set annual banquet The Board of Directors of the gaderich . and District Pro Life Group met on September 9 when plans were finalized for their upcoming general meeting and banquet, which will. be held in the form of a pot luck supper. The ladies from the Christian . 'Reformed. Church in Clinton will be hosting this year's event. The banquet will take place at the Christian School Gyrntorium, Princess St., Clinton on Tuesday, October 7 at 6: 30 p.m. .-... 'Me group was very fortunate in obtaining a guest speaker of ex- ceptional calibre, with vast experience in the health service field. His topic is - Human Life - What Lies Ahead? Major John Connors (Ret.), Ottawa is a Health Services Con- sultant (in private practice). He is past president of the Defense Medical Association of Canada. He lectures nationally in the areas .of Medical Jurisprudence, Hospital Law, Human Relations, Hospital Organization a d •Administration and T hniques of Instrution an Public Speaking.He is urrently retained by the Valade Vitae Service of Winnipeg to provide consulting and education liaison support to the pre - life educational groups in Ontario. Some sof his former professional activitie. s were as a soldier In the Royal Canadian ;Army Medical Corps for 32 Years; Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of Misericordia General Hospital, Winnipeg; Founding Member of the Medico -Moral Committee of Manitoba, member of the Tutorial Faculty, Canadian Hospi.tall Association, special consultant (Legislation), Manitoba Committee on Human Experimen- tation. xperimen- tation. He is the author of texts and papers in the medicolegal, teaching and health care fields. His most recent works are a series of papers, entitled 'Abortion, What About the Mother?' It is a study about some of the physical and psychological - psychiatric conditions w,hith may be ex- perienced by a mother who has undergone a therapeutic abortion. Major Connors will be - on Bill Thompson's Open Line Radio Sho on Monday, October 6, 9 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. ( M102 Wingham). The, subject will be 'The Quality of Life'. Sorority group learn exercises The Xi Epsilon Beta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi sorority held their first regular meeting on Tuesday, September 9, at the home of Lipda Meade. Following an exhilarating and in- formative" program led by Linda on "exercise" the business meeting got underway. Correspondence was read and discussed and the executive reports given. Of special interest to the members was the information on the Legacy membership for daughters, nieces or granddaughters of Sorority members. 'This year, to cdmmemorate the 50th anniversary of Beta Sigma Phi, a special gold necklace and membership card is given to girls enrolled in the Legacy program and a special ceremony to Join the Calvinettes Calvinettes are girls aged 11 to 14 inclusive. The club meets every • Tuesday from 8 until 9:30 p.m. in the Clinton Christian Reformed Church. At club meetings they study Bible lessons, -badge work, and make crafts: During the season they have Autumn Tea some fun activities and do community service pro- jects. The Calvinettes wear a uniform - white blouse, navy T h ee H u r o n i v e w neekerte eLonee_a i-l-iary have set the mark the occasion has been prepared. The social committee has planned a trip to, London to see a show and as well, discussed the annual Surprise Break- fast. Ways and Means reminded everyone of the bake sale. and used book sale on November 29 at the Town Hall and also the Sorority Spring Dance on March 28 at the arena. The service report outlined details of scholarships at CHSS and plans for a children's corner in the waiting room at the Clinton Hospital. Arrangements are also being made for presenting the money raised .for the Clinton Hospital teaching aids and the Huron Day Centre for the Homebound. After ad- journment of the business meeting, the usual delicious lunch was served. Auxiliary set receive a magazine entitled Touch. This magazzine ° has stories for the girls. Bible lessons, poems, puzzles, etc. •The club's membership fee is $14 for the first year girls. This Covers - "Touch"'magazine subscription. The Calvinettes would like t� invite any girl age 11 to. 14 to come and join their club. The first evening of the season is game night, on Tuesday, September 23 at the gym of the Christian School. If you are interested and would like to know more about Calvinettes you can phone Mrs. Helen Roorda at 482-7862. WE WILL eE PLIIASED TO SERVE YOU IN HWY. NO. 8 OUR MANAGER IS: RAY HURD GODERICH HURON RD. OPEN WED THURS., FRI. EVENINGS kala`. art auction STRATFORD - A giant aution of original Canadian and in- ternational art is being held on September 26 at 8 pm at the Knights of Columbus Centre in Stratford. Sponsored by the Perth County Division of the Canadian Mental Health Association, funds from the venture will be used to promote educational programs on mental health, to inform the public and also to develop programs - to support people in the community who are in need of sup- port due to emotional and mental problems. The gala art auction will be conducted by Beaux Arts Inter - nationale under the guidance of curator Evie Ai m i s. The auctioneer will be Neil Fogel of New York. Canadian artists featured will include William Kurelek, Jack Reid, Jack Bush, Toni Onley, Grant Hillman, Josh Silburt, Robert Bateman, Ron Bolt, Norval Morriseau, Conrad and Toiler Cranston. Work of international artists will also be auc- tioned and will include paintings by Henry Moore, Miro, Chagall, Vasarely, Dali, Hibel, Picasso. The gala will also include sculptures and Eskimo carvings. date of October 8 for their annual Autumn Tea and are looking for donations or produce an,d baking for their sale table. Plans for the tea and the plea',..for, donations were discussed at, the group's Septennber meeting when they met in the chapel. Mrs. Lockhart opened the meeting by reading /m em and Mrs. Ruby Phillips read the minutes of the last meeting. Mrs. Marion Powell gave the treasurer's report. The Auxiliary will be organizing the September birthday party for Huronview residents since the Clinton Women's Institute are unable to look after it this month. After the meeting, Mrs. Betty Scratch en- tertained the ladies with refreshments and the next meeting was scheduled to be held on October 20 at 10:30 am. Smile Our little puppy is so nice, He plays and barks and speaks, There's only one thing wrong with hire, Our Little puppy LEAR.S! 1•i`=-•b•..;i, M•� ..JuYYiiYl�lii.�iu�ri�l4 .,,�y.�_IL'`�`r..r...�ul