HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-09-18, Page 12/super special/ PAGE 12 CLINTOH HHW$$RECOR R 'Z SE 'TEMP R 18,1980 News from your neighbors Mr. Bert Shobbrook was • admitted to St. Joseph's Hospital, London on September 9 for surgery. Congratulations went out as a number of and Margaret Snell at the guest speaker, Seaforth Legion, on Heather Fothergill is Friday night, spending some time with Supper guests with Mr. her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lawson on and Mrs. Colonel Marks September 8 were Mrs. at RR 3, Listowel, Hope Wright from Los Mrs. A. Allwork of friends attended the 25th Angeles, California and Stap 1 e h u r s t Kent, wedding anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. E.F. England is visiting with Bev and Helen Wallace in Warren from London. Mrs. Margaret Taylor, -anal— M-rs --tee d- —� 4rs-, Hope- (Taylor) centre on Friday night. Fothergill and Nancy Wright and Mr. and Mrs. As well, people from attended the 125th an- Verne Dale visited with the area attended the 50th niversary service at Mrs. Margaret Taylor. wedding anniversary Wallace on Sunday. Rev. Mr. and Mrs Bob Burns celebrations for Helmer Clinton Brittean was the visited on Sunday with Berean Unit is thanked September 9 was the meeting date of the Berean Unit of the UCW. Leader Helen Lawson welcomed the ladies and 10 members answered the roll call. Laura Lyon presented the treasurer's and secretary's report and corresporidence included thank-yoL notes from Elsie Shaddick, Bob Burns, Florence Vivian, the Lawson family and two :otters from the group's foster child Lam Sue Bing. Hattie Wood will write to the foster childthis month 'and Dora Shobbrookwill continue the correspondence in October. Happy Birthday was sung ,for Addie Hunking and Elsie Shaddick was named to clean the church brass for October. Berean Unit will be the guests of the Aimwell Unit and will visit the resource centre in Mit- chell on Septemver 15 They will meet at the church at 7:15 pm. Edythe Beacom and Mary Longman led the worship and program. A reading was given by Mrs. Longman and Mrs. Smile - Smile _ often; it in- creases your face value. Beacom gave a reading. Mrs. Hunking, Margaret Good, Mrs. Longman, Mrs. Wood and Mrs. Lawson each read por- tions of the scripture and additional readings were given by Mrs. Beacom and Mrs. Longman. Lunch was served by Mrs. Wood 'and Ida Durnin. United Church news Gordon Shobbrook welcomed the. congregation to the Lon.desboro . United Church on Sunday morning and the ushers were Cheryl Bromley, Lisa- Duizer, "Connie Hoggart ,and Karen Wright: Rev. Scott reminded parents who are seeking baptism for their children that 'he will meet 'with them on September 29 at 8 pm in the church. Rev. Scott le in the worship service nd the children's sto was a, illustrated with a picture of a clown. Rev. Scott explained that' people try to hide what they do, but God knows and forgives. The junior teachers were Joan Shepherd and Florence Cartwright. The choir sang a special- selection with Barb Bosnian as the choir director and Louise McGregor accompanying at thr organ. Overboe bowls high After two nights of bowling, Team 1 is in first place, • with 10 points. Team 3 is close behind in' second place with 7 points and Team 4 has 6 points. Team 2 is in last place with 5 points. So far, Penny Overboe has the high average with 195 and Dorothy Airdrie is the runner-up with 181. The high triple is held„by Reino Wilts with 601 and the runner-up is Mrs. Overboe with 579. Nancy Wallace has improved her high single and now has a score of 252 and Mrs. Overboe is close behind with 248. Rory. Maize had the mpst improved score of 24 and Nancy Wallace has plus 18. Hidden scores were Kwon by Reino Wilts and Nancy Fothergill. Three links pick officers by Bertha MacGregor The "Three Links” Senior Citizens met on Tuesday evening and enjoyed a delicious pot- luck dinner, followed by their opening meeting for the season. Bertha MacGregor presided for the business with Mrs. Alf Ross presiding at the piano. Mrs. Dorothy Brintnell gave the treasurer's _r.eport 1n- the absence of Mrs. Bert Horton and Elmer Trick of Clinton played several numbers on the piano. Mrs. Harold Parker favoured in her usual pleasing manner with readings. Mrs. Irene Johns of Exeter was a guest and gave an interesting report of the highlights of the Convention she .at- tended in Kingston in August. Mrs.la Love President of one No. 8 gave an interesting ad- dre-ss and installed the officers for the'next term. They are: president, Mrs. Ruby Bell; 1st vice- pres., Mrs. 'Eileen -R--annn-ie 2nd vice -pros. ; Mrs. Carl Payne;. secretary, Mrs. Irene Davis; treasurer, Mrs. Dorothy Brintnell; pianist, Mrs. Alf Ross. Mrs.' Ruby Bell presided for the Holrnesville.... r • from page 11 children and keeping the interest high all summer. Coaches this. year in- cluded Hugh and Marty Lobb, Bill Crawford, Dave Hemmingway and Donna Martin. The Goderich Township midget girls played an exhibition game against Auburn for a win. They now wait to play against the winner of the Auburn and Varna se,rjes for a chance at the cham- pionship cup. The Goderich Township midget boys played their first game against Westfield for a win. In their second game the boys didn't fare as well and Westfield came away with the victory. The final deciding game in the series was set for Sep - tem ber 17. ' The Porter's 11111 slo- pitch team met the Londesboro Lions and came away with a win. This was the final game for the season in the slo- pitch league. On October 5 at 12:30 pm the Porter's Hill Gun Club- will be holding a turkey shoot at Art Bell's farm. The event is open to anyone who wishes to bring their shotgun and try their luck. The Goderich Township squirt girls were the top team in the play-offs so Doug and Barb Norman treated the team to a Toronto Blue Jay's game last weekend. All Goderich Township o ball players who played in at least three games are now sporting a ',new bar on- their jacke'ts. These come com- pliments of the township recreation board and the i1't`irnm ittee . remainder of the meeting thanking the members for electing her for President. The October meeting is set for October 14th and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Taylor a and Mrs. Anita Bengough are on entertainment with Mrs. Mickle, Mrs. Sherritt and Bertha MacGregor on social. Unit I Hensall U.C.W. Mrs. Walter Spencer presided for the Sep- tember llth meeting of Unit No. I of the U.C.W. of Mensal' United Church. Following her opening poem, Anita Cook used for her study a new thrust in value education commonly called Moral Values Education. Our children and youth need more than ever to learn how to analyze moral issues and to° arrive at moral judgements. Institutions and families appeared to have stopped discussing relevant questions and have forfeited their in- fluence. Do we all,school trustees-,• teachers and parents really un- derstand what we are buying when we turn for help to the new moral values education? Lorna read the scripture using as her theme "Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled". Mrs. Don Joynt con- ducted the business, discussing the General meeting at 7 pm on October 6th with,, special speaker to be. secured. Visiting will be held at Queensway in October. Letters from our adapted Tarn to page 18 + their daughter, Barb and Colin Paterson in London and celebrated Bob's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. McLeod of Mississauga spent the weekend with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Shillinglaw. Mr. and Mrs.' William Scott - -of-Es-eondcido, California were guests with Mrs. Jim Scott Sr. during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scott and Julie of Goderich spent Sunday with his mother Mrs. Jim Scott Sr. iL.tt: council Hallett Gbuncii is not the Veenstra drain froni satisfied with plans to;. •Tuckersnnith Tpwnship, close roads in the Hullett In another motion they Wildlife Area, approved a tile drain loan At their September l application from Ralph meeting council • voiced Buffinga, noting that it is their concern over the issue and passed a motion noting their dissatisfaction with the offer of the ,ministry of governmental services andstating s attng that they want to negotiate a trade with the Wingham branch of the ministry of natural resources on a piece of • property. Council decided that an offer of $2 from the ministry was not a suitable payment to cover the closure of Concession 4-5 from lots 7 subject to township bylaws, government guidelines and the availability of funds. A bylaw to impose special drainage rates on land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act, in the amount of $26,600 was studied,. Council gave the bylaw three readings and it was passed. Permission was given to close certain township roads from September 17- 20 for the Bird Dog Trials Association, The to 20 and Sideroads 10 and association will be 11 and 15 and 16. The responsible to erect closure -of- th-eSe involves ctosu ezl sigmas. some 80 acres. Instead The township is send they hope to pursue previous discussions regarding a property trade. In other business council passed a motion requesting a clean-out of application forms into the ministry of tran- sportation and com- munication for the possibility of blacktop - ping, concession road 10 and 11, west of Highway discusses road closures 4,, Council approved building permits for: Hank ,Pardys, house; Dirk Westerhout, ad. dition to ' barn; Duke Buffinga, shed; Robert Peel, grain storage; Tony VanDorp, three storage bins; Grant Sparling, two storage bins; vi1lial ViAcent, .addition to residence and alterations ;Qeorge Hoggart, shed. Happenings from llulieU: School Opens The students of Fiullett are back to school again for another year! The enrollment this year has declined from 295 to 290 people. One member of our staff, Mrs. Johnstone, has moved and has been -replaced by Mrs. Supeene to teach Grade 4 part time and music to all grades. Everyone is looking forward to another--ane;---_ex= citing year at Hullett. Newspaper Staff This year's crew are looking forward to in- forming you of all the news at Hullett. Editors: Angela Schneider and Joy McC.linehey. Reporters: Robert rrt A .darns, Robbie Radford, Cheryl Bromley and Julie Daer, Grad :Six visits the fair • On Thursday, Sep- tember 11, the Grade Six class went to the Western Fair. They were given sheets on which they were to answer questions on certain exhibits there. The fair was enjoyed by all. rs,Supeene we come School began on Sep- tember 2 with a new addition to the teaching staff. Mrs. Supeene is now a resident of Lon- desboro. She is teaching the Language Arts to grade four in the morning anal mugrades one through' eightsicto in the af- ternoon. She is also leading the school band which she has never done before and said she is enjoying very much. Mrs. Supeene has played the trombone, flute, clarinet and guitar in a band before. Mrs. Supeene hopes to help.:, lead the junior choir Before . Mrs. Supeene she travelled around seven different schools in Kent County and taught each class a half an hour each week. We all hope that Mrs. Supeene has a happy, long, and memorable stay at Hullett. •'01 1 III OFF ABOVE SALE PRICE MAPLE LEAF 250 gr. PEPPERONI Niort4 SLICED VARIETIESF ms aFn i SALAMI OR SMOKIE SAVE! VALUABLE COUPON SAVE! tai SAUSAGE BOLOGNA 500PKG g stWITH THIS COUPON MAPLE LEAF STICKS pkg. MARIAN-- __ MAPLE LEAF COOKED r'°' CANADA PACKERS BARGAINS ALL ZEHRS MARKETS CANADA 'A' GRADE CHUCK CUTS SHORT RIB YOUNG'& TENDER MAPLE LEAF FULLY COOKED SMOKED PICNICS PORK SHOULDERS READY TO EAT A Ib. /'e ifitizetteditt rel- CANADA o CANADA 'A' GRADE CHUCK CUT - CROSS CUT RIB ROAST 1.9 YOUNG & TENDER FULL OF NUTRITION STEW BEEF Ib. l• 9S MAPLE LEAF BONELESS BUTTS COTTAGEROLL'I. SWEET PICKLED MAPLE LEAF ""(BLAD BONE' REMOVED) ROASTS oR. ROUND BONE SHOULDER OR TENDER BLADE"..____. SPECIAL! AT OUR CUSTOM SERVICE DELI MAPLE LEAF POPULAR "COUNTRY KITCHEN'$ 4? HAM STORE SLICED 0 Ib. SHNEIDERS SLICED BEERWURST - SALAMI OR JAGWURST 2079 PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL CLOSING TUESDA*Y, SEPTEMBER 23,1980 4. f SCHNEIDERS CHICKEN -LUNCHEON -M&C COLD -MEATS =75 g Pk, sLS9 SMALL SKINLESS LINKS SMOKIES 300 gr. pkg. sf.49 ASTM SMOKED 500 �� ,� KIL.LET STRIPS g r. e9 A REAL MONEY SAVER! MAPLE LEAF BAVARIAN SAUSAGE 500 gr. pkg. s EVEN LESS WITH COUPON BELOW! WIENERS MAPLE LEAF REGULAR OR I 3 ALL BEEF 1 Ib. PKG. Ib. SCHNEIDERS 500 gr. PKG. OKTOBERFEST PORKBURGERS *1.69 MAPLE LEAF SLICED LEAN SIDE BACON 5009.1.68 MAPLE LEAF FULLY COOKED MINI STYLE DINNER HAMIb. READ TO EAT 175 r. SAUSAGE 500 gr g COUPON EXPIRES SEPT 23 HAM STEAKS • ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER PLEASE • ammo MAPLE LEAF . , FINE -COARSE -CREAMY #f.49 LIVERWURST .159 EMU TENDER SNOW WHITE ONTARIO MUSHROOMS s arthritis isanybody ulness THE Iftthurts PITH PIM seevour godly SOOFly He 00105 BLUE OR GREEN ONTARIO GRAPES Ato CUCUMBERS EA V FOR HOME OR OFFICE .STURDY s" POT DIEFFENBACHIA • 9 4 QT.' BASKET ONTARIO NO. 1 LARGE GREEN CELERY STA.LKS /*ONTARIO NO. 1 GRADE YOUNG ,CARROTS G Ib. BAG. CALIFORNIA GROWN POO' SWEET'. CANTALOUPES ea. ONT. NO. 1 GRADE SWEET GREEN PEPPERS Ib. 9° ONTARIO NO. 1 GRADE ROMAINE LETTUCE b8. 49 r^ -