HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-09-18, Page 9'.he food was very g000at the Gala Pool party barbecue last Saturday night as Mr. and Mrs. Fred CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, T, i>I RSDAY,'SEPT MBgR 18, 1990, -,,,PAG 9 Pillage clubs keep. busy • schedules of events. The " ,Auburn Village Trustees held their September meeting in the town hall last Saturday night with the chairman, Warner Andrews in charge. The - minuteswere accepted as read by the village clerk, Mrs. Ross Dobie. Repairs to the town hall were discussed. and the possible equip- ment necessary to keep up the maintenance work. It was decided to have sections of sidewalk replaced in the village. It was stated that new signs are needed for some of the streets. A public pay D telephpne y a aske ,t.Q. e eich dMr: and Mrs. ten -Caldwell- sl owed-owedd in the vil1age. with their smiling faces. (Shelley McPhee photo) The dog problem is still in the village. It is hoped that the residents will obey the law and keep their animals under control. A letter of thanks was read from Miss Janet Samborn of Auburn, Michigan thanking for all kindnesses when their slo-pitch team visited here. Mrs. Wilma Berlin, .newspaper correspon- dent, Auburn Michigan also sent a copy of their paper with pictures taken when they visited here. the AUBURN Eleanor Bradnock, editor cdvocate rrrs■n.� About. the people you know Mr. and Mrs. Jim Towe returned last week from Souris, Manitoba where they had been visiting the Reverend and Mrs. Fred Carson and Patrick. Mr. Daryl Bst1t) of Brandon, Manitoba returned recently after visiting his parents „Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ball and Miss. Brenda Ball. Mr. and Mrs. George Rueger, Danny, Terry and Wendy of London visited last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. .Donald Cartwright, David, Derrick and Lorie. Mr. J.K. Young of Mitchell visited last Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnston and Miss Laura Phillips. Mr. Tom Anderson of Oakvillevisited last week with his brother Mr. Oliver Anderson and.Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. Celia Taylor of Goderich visited friends in the village last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McNall and Mr. and Mrs. Wray Wilcox, all of Welland visi ted last Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnston, Miss Laura Phillips and Mrs. Helen Jagger of Droit- wich, England. Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson visited in London over last weekend and with Mrs. Mary Johnston and Jennifer. and Mr. and Mrs. George Robb, Heather and Michael. Walkerburn Club will -hold their annual meeting on September 30 at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Garth McClinchey.t The program is to be in the charge of Mrs. Roy Daer and Mrs. Lloyd Penfound and the lunch committee will be Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey and Mrs. Ron Gress. - There will be no Sunday school at Knox United Church next Sunday September 21 due to the Donnybrook church anniversary. Mrs. Helen Jagger of Droitwich, England is visiting her cousins, Miss Laura Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston. Mrs. Robert Peck, Mrs. Tom Lawlor, Mrs. Gordon Chamney, Mrd. Kenneth McDougall, Mrs. Rick Hawley, Mrs. Emmerson Rodger, Mrs. Major Youngblut, Mrs. Myrtle Munro, Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mrs. Tom Jardin, Mrs. Roy Daer and Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock attended the 75th anniversary of the :Clinton Women's Institute last Wednesday and heard the provincial president, Mrs. Florence Diamond as the guest speaker. Guests during last week with' Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davies were Dr. -and Mrs. Murray Barr of London, Mr. and .Mrs. Millard McKenzie of St. Thomas; Mrs. Edna ISippell and Charles Wi of Stratford, Mr. Mrs. Earl McLell London, Mr. and M by nd �n, s. Bruce McLellan, Belmont; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bastla, London and Mr. and Mr`s` Morris Monck of Hamilton . Mrs. Lorie Rutkowicz of Vancouver visited on Monday with Mrs. Eleanor iradnock. Open air serv.ice held . St. Mark's - Anglican Church had its special Open Air Church service last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lawrence and family in the Maitland Block; Hullett Township. The Reverend William Craven,rector, was in charge and the music was led by Mrs. Barry Millian as pianist, Lorie Millian on the tam•borine and Stephen Millian on the guitar_._ Rev. Craven spoke on the Parable of the Talents and challenged the children and young people to use their special talents well in life as each one has at least one special one. The offering was received ° by Jim Schneider and Donald Cartwright. Following the service a gift was presented to Mrs. Helen Jagger of England and a farewell gift to Mr. and Mrs. Jim' Towe will be presented later. Mr. and Mrs. Towe were unable to be present due to illness. A delicious smorgasbord dinner was served to everyone, convened by Mrs. Jim Schneider and Mrs. Fred Lawrence. Members of the Girl's Club were also guests. A large decorated cake in the form of a cross made by Mrs. Schneider was presented to Rev. and Mrs, Craven welcoming them of- ficially to the Parish. Best interest *1 a SEMI-ANNUAL We represent many Trust Companies. We are often able to arrange for the highest inferest being offered on Guaranteed Investment Certificates. * Sublect to change EXETER 235.2420 Gaiser-Kneale Insurance Agency Int. CLINTON 482-414t' l Following the dinner races and contests were run by Mrs. Fred Lawrence assisted by Mrs. .Jim Schneider.: Results were preschoolers , Michael Schneider, Martie Lawrence ; 6"0 7 years, Lana Lawrence, Wendy Rueger ; Boys, Jeff Nesbitt; Michael Millian; gorls, Kim Scott, Angela Millian, Boys, `Dennis Schneider. Angela Sc-h-neid-er's relay team won over Anna -Marie Young's team. Other contests were done with the same teams. 3 -legged race, Angela Millian and Anna- • Marie Young; Dennis Schneider and Michael Millian. Guessing articles in a bag, Mrs. Donald Cartwright, Mrs. Celia Taylor, Mrs. Florence Daer; youngest present, Martie Lawrence; far- thest away, Mrs. George Rueger; oldest boy present, Dennis Schneider. Mrs. Craven gave out the prizes to the winners. Mr. Craven thanked the Lawrences for the use of their home, the Millian family for their musical contribution and all who had assisted in any way. MEMORIAL HALL BOARD All members were present\ at the Auburn Community Memorial Hall Board last Monday evening with the chair- man Ralph Campbell in charge. The secretary M. -s. Donald Haines read the minutes and repairs to the hall were discussed. It was' noticed that several windows had been , broken by stones and also plans were made to install the fans in the ceiling. Jim Glousher was asked to contact Fred Lawrence on this matter. The board decided to replace the toilets and Reeve Joe Hunking will ask Tom Duizer to do this. The resignation of Mrs. Donald Cartwright who was part-time caretaker was accepted with regret. Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock was asked to see Mrs. John Blok about caretaking and she ac- cepted the position as of October 10. The drams along the hall were discussed as also the renting of the hall for various occasions. The members gave their approval to have a Rodgers honored on 25th r1early 100 relatives, friends and neighbours gathered in the Auburn Community Memorial hall to honour Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rodger on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. The hall was at- tractively decorated with streamers and wedding bells. Miss Vickie Rodger was in charge of the guest book. Guests were welcomed by Mr. and Mrs. Rodger and their attendants of 25 years ago Mr. Bill Helesic ' of Goderich, brother-in-law of the groom, and Mrs. Louise Tideswell of Clinton, sister of the bride, Warren Rodger, eldest son, congratulated his parents on behalf of family and friends and presented them with a purse of money. Bill and Joan thanked everyone. Music for dancing was supplied by Kevin, disc jockey of Ernie Kings studio, Wingham. Many gifts were also received. A smorgasbord lunch was served by members of the family. trophy shelf built near the rear of the hall. Due to demand the members agreed that a public telephone should ,be in- stalled in the village and this will be taken to the Auburn Trustee Board for further study. LIONS CLl'„1B 'The first meeting of the Auburn and District. Lion's Club was held last week in the Auburn Community Memorial hall with 12 members present. The dinner was served by - members of the Auburn Women's Institute. Guest for the evening was Lion Ted Reiimpel from the Mit- chell Lion's Club, The rneetir}g was opened with the induction of several new officers by Lion Ted Heimpel, President, Lion Steve Campbell; 1st vice president, Lion Jim Schneider; Past President, Lion Bud Chamney; Tail Twister 4-H club starts The first 4-H meeting of Auburn I was held at the' home of Mrs. Lynn Chamney on September 8. For the fall project, Food for Friends, the election of officers took place and were chosen as follows: President Gail Dobie, vice-president - Sharon Glousher, secretary- (roving) first - Debbie Scott, press reporter - Lorie Cart- wright. Lynn Chamney is the leader and Erma Cartwright is the assistant. The giris answered the roll call with their books and also answered the questions. They learned how to cook with a wok. After they cooked Chinese Style Pork - consisting of carrots, green peppers, onions, rice and chopped pork, some of the girls tried eating it with chopsticks and this proved very interesting. " The members were told to try it on members of their family sometime in the next week and report to 'meeting two how they liked it. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Erma Cartwright on September 15 at 6: 0 P.M, Knox rtICW meet Members of Unit One of the Knox United Church Women met last Wed- nesday evening, Sep- tember 10 The leader, Mrs. Dorothy Grange welcomed everyone. Names were drawn and groups formed to look after the worship, service 'Mr and lunch. s. Maurice Bean, Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer and Mrs. Major YoungbIut were given a few minutes to prepare the worship service. The group was divided into three groups and all discussed topics they would like to have at the unit meetings. A skit was given by Mrs. Jack Armstrong, Mrs. Peter Verbeek, Mrs: Ruhr Koopmans and Mrs. Gerald McDowell. Miss Brenda Ball gave an interesting and in- formative talk on drying flowers and weeds for a flower arrangement. She also had a display of colored dried grasses and books. The meeting was closed with the Miipah benediction followed by a lunch of cookies and tea. Several bags of cookies Lion Ross Dobie. Lion Bob Worsell gave the secretary's report and Lion Doug Chamney gave the treasurer's report. These were adopted on motion of Lionl Fred Lawrence and seconded by Lion Bill Sproul. The financial statement by Lion IVIarinus Bakker, seconded by Lion Ross Dobie Bud Chamney who has been named chairman of the Leader. Dog com- mittee for District A9. A discussion took place of future projects and fund- raising events followed by the wish to thank, all those who Iraad•` helped -in any way to make the Ladies Softball tour- nament such a success. Motion to adjourn was matte by Lion Jim Schneider, seconded by Lion Marinus Bakker. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Auburn Horticultural Society will observe the 30th anniversary of it's founding with a pot -luck dinner, September 26 at 6: 30, This was decided at the Executive meeting held last week at the home of the president Mrs. Ross Robinson, It was decided to purchase premium bulbs for the members and also buy bulbs to be planted for spring blooming, A project whi,,;h has been talked about for several years, that of placing a bench. on Manchester Garden for a resting place, resulted in Stev,art Ball •being asked to look into buying one, ISaffodils Will also -The - purchased to plant along the side of the hall. For the special an- niversary Mr. Les Chapman of Goderich will be guest speaker. Mrs. Tom Jardin and Mrs. Tom Lawlor were asked to decorate for the occasion. There will be more information at a later date. were prepared to be taken to friends. Everyone was reminded of the West section of . Huron Presbyterial which will be held October 7 in the Auburn Knox United Church. •OP Ship your livestock with FRANK VOOGEL DASHWOOD Shipper To United Co-operatives Of Ontario Livestock Department, Toronto Monday is shipping day from Varna Stockyards CALL DASHWOOD 238-2707 OR BAYFIELD 565-2636 by 7130 A.M. For Prompt Service Also Western Stockers & Feeders Available 88840-117 by Banvil ,turns beauty into ENERGY SAVING COMFORT Now available at the A division of Herold Wise Limited SAYFIELD RD., CLINTON 482-7062 262 Bayfield Rd., CLINTON 482-7062 Other Energy Savers Include ...YORK HEAT PUMPS ...SUREFIRE -COMBINATION FURNACES wood & oil wood & electric (new) ...GE POTSCRUBBER 11 Dishwasher spves hundreds of gallons of hot water a year. ...GE MICROWAVE OVENS ...INGLIS Automatic Washers with Suds saver ...INGLIS Electronic Dry system ...JENN-AIR CONVECTION OVENS ...CARMOR WOOD STOVES s Now is the time to WINTERIZE with 11111111111114 PRESTONE 11 I -FREEZE .AVIATION GROUND SCHOOL WILL BE HELD THIS YEAR AT THE GODERICH DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Winter -Summer Silicone Formulated '8 by wARNI NO/AVERTI SSE MEP WARNING/AVER UNION CARBIDE AT 30.•° PER PERSON THIS IS LESS THAN 1/2 OUR REGULAR FEE (BRING A FRIEND) No need to get your Pilots licence, just come for a night out if you like! Two qualified flight instructors on staff. Get all -year protection against winter freeze-up and summer boil -over. Permanent, won't evaporate or boil away or foam. Mixes well with other types. Effective from - 64° to 136°C. 548-Q15 STARTS TUESDAY, OCT. °7 at 7:30 P.M M. Contact: Lloyd or Pod at Western Air Services 524$304 OR G.D.C.I. 524.7353 (LINDA) ZURICH 236.4393 HENSALL 262.3042