HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-09-18, Page 77,17
Don't put those golf clubs away; head. for
by Pinehurst, N.C. and
aro amaa fQlg Myrtle Beach, S.C.
You must have noticed Myrtle Beach has over 30
the day. s -getting :shorter golf courses and hun-
and that tint edging so, dreds of places to stay,.
many of the leaves offering a variety ear' �ety of deals
already. Once those for the golfer. One
leaves begin to fall we all. package that comes to
• know that the white+" stuff 1 mind at Myrtle Beach
is just around the corner. and gives you six nights
.For many golfers this lodging, six clays of golf
means the end of golf (up to 36 holes a day) on
until the spring - months 23 championship courses,
away However, there is and delicious free break-
a' way to enjoy your fast : each morning, All
favorite sport even in the this for only $109.60 per
dead of winter. ' The person. At the same
solution. - head location are indoor and
somewhere sunny and . outdoor pools, two lighted
warm. There's nothing tennis courts, a games
like a sunny .vacation to room and the rooms are
break up the winter located right on the
blahs! Why not include ocean. Flights go
golf in your holiday plans 'regularly to the Carolinas
and get-the-ixst-edant-itis-eas essible
worlds? by car, which you can
Right now golf ' also use to get around
magazines are full of ads while you're there.
inviting you to drop your Two other ' "inns" at
shovel, grab your clubs Myrtle Beach (there are
and go. Even though three) offer several golf
we're not scraping those Packages one as low as
windshields yet, now's $107 for seven days, six
the time to plan that golf nights. Of course, these
vacation.. are only two of the many
Before buying your golf holidays you can
ticket there are a few enjoy at Myrtle Beach.
things you may want to Pinehurst - the golf
consider and plan for. capital of the world is
The two major located in North Carolina
decisions are where and
when? To me they seem
to go hand in hand as
often the . when governs
the where and vice
versa. As we all know the
winters are long, drawn-
out affairs and when you
can only ;get away for a
week or two, the big
decision is when. Do you
go, before Christmas and
beat rising costs -. but
have to face January,
February and March? Do
you go at Christmas when
you have the time, but
costs are as high as -the
crowds? Or do you wait
and go in the spring just
before you come down
with cabin fever?
Decisions! Decisions!
November , and early
December are ideal
times to visit golf areas
that are nottoo far south
such as the Carolinas and
Bermuda, These places
often offer reduced rates
at this time of year, that
continue through the
-winter. Generally o mid=
winter can become quite
chilly if you're hoping to
combine your golf
holiday with sunning on
the beach.
In the Carolinas on the
eastern seaboard of the
States, the two best-
known places are
and it's the home of many
super courses. From
information I obtained,
Pinehurst tends to be
slightly more expensive
than Myrtle Beach. Many
resorts offer three day
packages. Until mid-
November you can stay
in a hotel, lodge or villa
for . three to five nights
with continental -break-
fast, clinic or private
lessons, golf cart, green
fees, golf: gift kit and
more - starting at $60 per
night per 2, person.
Weekend packages are
ideal for someone with
little time, who may want
to drive down
Bermuda ° is another
world and for someone
who wants to get away
from it all, Bermuda is'
the place to go. For its
size, Bermuda has more
golf courses. per acre of
land than anywhere else
in the world. A variety of
golf holidays are
available and the
weather is great for
golfing right through the
year, although it's cool in
mid -winter. It is a short
flight from Toronto to
Hamilton where shop-
ping, ,,sight-seeing arid
nightly entertainment
can be for any calibre of
golfer. The Belmont and
Race ramblings......
•frompage 6
August and -are by Royal
Melody -Victorious
Harmony, the latter
having seven record
performers already.
Bill Bennett of Seaforth
finished third driving
Nota Slowpoke that he co-
owns with Don Carter of
Seaforth, while Randy
Henry was fourth with J
C Lornie Lee for Douglas
Kerr of Dungannon.
Almas Prince was
second with Gord
Pullman on the bike for
Jack Mcllwain ° of
Seaforth in the: trot, while
Pltrl Bisback of S o r
was fourth with his
Reflected Way four-year-
old gelding Prompt
Ames Pride, a three-
year-old filly by Ames
Hanover -Dainty Debbie,
was second after some
interference just past the
half when another horse
broke in front of her.
Owned by Jean and Ben
Feagan of Goderich, she
has a p, 2:08.3 record
already this year with
two wins and two seconds
from four lifetime starts
with Randy Henry up.
John Muir was third
driving 1<TK for Vincent
O'Shea of Granton in the
sixth, while Art Abbott
took fourth with Jay Dee
Lonesome for James D.
Taylor of Hensall.
Mark Mcllwain of
Seaforth was the lucky
winner this week of the
Bulova watch, courtesy
of Anstett Jewellers Ltd.
of Clinton.
There will be two more
weeks of racing at Clinton
with post time at 1:30
p.m. each Sunday af-
ternoon. Qualifying races
will be held again this
week at 12:30p.rn.
. Frank MacDonald was
second at Elmira
Raceway on Friday night
with Wee Devil which he
trains at Clinton for
owner Albert Deblock of
At Hanover Raceway
on Saturday night, Randy
Henry was a winner with
Swinging Beauty for Bob
Daer of Goderich and
finished second driving
trotter Marclif Mike for
owner Margaret Walsh of
Brussels and trainer
Walter Oster of Clinton.
Jeffrey lei, the pretty
gray gelding that was
claimed from Dale
Kennedy of Seaforth, at
Clinton on August 31 won
at Woodstock on Sep-
tember 9 and again at
Dresden on September
14. Finishing second in
the latter ' race was
Hyatts Treasure, a pacer
that was familiar to this
area when he raced for
August De Groof of
ow tual ow um owLKawasakiii-
I kiT
)ARME. MOTORCYCLESCORREtr��, = and Snowmobiles
\ - •X, !�
o, COUP Rv
HOURS: MON. - SAT. 10.10/SUN. 12-6
Southampton Princess means. Florida. If you away. Treasure o
alt here ll e T.
are dust two of many a summer, offered this package last
hotels offer. n why not golf there all.
i � winter? winter with round trip air
reasonable golf packages wi • The courses in fare from Toronto,ac-
on are far tooa.
on an island designed td commodation, golf and a
take your mind off winter numerous to look at each.car for $269 per person
worries. individuality'. The main , per week a
;� Pand only $349
Farther south are the centres. are Tampa, St. for ' two weeks,. Worth
islands. of Jamiaca, Pete s, Orlando and Fort looking into!
Bahamas; Barbados. Lauderdale. Many people A final note. Many
Eaoh area has. realized drive down each Winter courses have a dress code
the market for golf and when expenses are so ladies be sure to take a
vacations and a a visit to shared, as well as driving golf skirt along in case
your travel agency will tine, it's a great way to shorts and sun tops are
show you costs, schedules go. It's also handy to have
frowned on. Often the
and amenities. The the car to get around. If men, can only wear shorts
Bahamas boasts 16you hesitate about with knee socks and tank
courses with Nassau driving, flying is the tops are not allowed.
sporting five and answer and this winter Don't forget your hat as
Freeport - Lucaya having many airlines offer great the hot sun can play
seven. More than a dozen fares to Florida. Once havoc with our winter
airlines fly there there, the possibilities for complexions. Plan now to
regularly and _golf holidays are endless. be sure
you won't be
the proximity to the U.S. Tarpon Woods Golf and. disappointed and happy
-eutsdown-flight-time--and---Ea f-irig!
MBA.28, 1980—B'AOE 7
the sunny south° instead
was Herb Cowan 73; low
net (civilian) was Stail
Connolly 00; hidden hole
winne.r, Ken Cardno;
most honest golfer, Tom
Tryan; closest to pin on
No. 5, Wayne Lyons;
longest drive, Rick
cost. Rates at golf resorts Tampa offers a chance to On 'Wednesday, Sep -
vary from $45-$65 per live in a condominium on tember I0 the OPP Indian
night with green fees the course. For four Summer Tournament
around $12-$20 a day. people it's excellent with was underway at our
On -the west coast of the two bedrooms, two full local course. More than
States, California's a bathrooms, a fully 120 golfers took part in
golfer's paradise with equipped kitchen and the event, which lasted
world famous chain- lovely living area. Along from early Wednesday
pionship courses, many with the adjacent course morning until late that
of them hosting P.G.A. there are several others night. An excellent prize
.tour.events. Return nearby, which will be nd� table and super meal was
flightto California from probleiii'to reach -5ince-a ' added to fine weather to
Toronto are often car is included in the help make the day a great
available at reduced package (unlimited success, Jim McLeod of
rates if you book ahead. mileage). Disneyworld is Seaforth, organizer of the
Once in California there a two hour drive, with tournament felt that it
Busch Gardens and other was'a great success:
attractions nearby. Low gross (police) was
Tennis courts and a pool Ed Daer with 73; low net
are available, with horse (police) was Doug Spitzig
racing only five minutes 69 ; low gross (civilian)
are numerous areas to
choose from where golf is
supreme. San Diego has
many courses making
your selection a chore.
All through California.
there are hundreds of
-courses, not to mention
the courses in New
Mexico, Arizona 'and
of -her southern states:
Farther away, but a
paradise for sure, is
lovely Hawaii where you
can step outside your
hotel to golf, tennis,
beautiful beaches and
warm weather. From
Toronto flights are more
expensive than other
areas. Many hotels in
Hawaii offer golfers a
real deal. A great place to
sharpen your game.
Last but not least I
mention Florida, because
for many people - winter
• from page 6
Novice A - Charlie
Maaskant, Randy Ford,
John Maaskant; novice B
- Pete Demaline, John
Lambert, Paul Kemps;
novice C - Dean Watt,
Paul Kloosterman, Steve
Junior A - Hugo
Maaskant, Adrian
Kemps, Paul Van Oss;
junior B - Stuart
Galloway, Dan Ryerson,
Paul Hartmen; junior C -
Brad Armstrong, Sean
Van Dongen, Kevin
Enduro A - Roger
Hunter, Rick -Rogers,
John Morgan; Enduro B -
Mike Maaskan°t, Phil
Dykstra, Jeff Hooster-
man; Enduro C - Steve
Prentice, Allan Bonte
Gelok, Mike Mossip.
Bill Smiley
• from page 4
either brothels or
For most of the
document, the by-law
dwells in metres, squared
-and 'decimaled: -•I know
very few , people over
thirty who would know a
metre from a
maskinonge. Somebody
on council must have
cornered the market on
metre sticks.
Then this baffling by-
law moves into "hec-
tares." What the heck is a
hectare? To me, it's an
ancient French
(Canadian) piece.tof land
about as accurate as an
acre, which nobody
understands either.
Here's an example.:
"RM2 uses are permitted
as specified to a
maximum of 550 persons
per hectare." Is it a
square mile? Is it a
"H!acre" wit' an accent?
This is crazy. When I
was a councillor, we
could knock off three or
four by=laws in a
meeting, and everybody
understood • them.
"Moved and seconded
that there shall be no
loitering in the cemetery,
except by those who are
among the dead, not the
quick." That sort of
This, big fat by-law is
for the birds. Or the
lawyc s. Not for us old
muni, ipal politicians.
Remember what I
sugg <ted at the begin-
nirf of this column?
For, it. Otherwise you
`snip,. end up in,
"Detached dwelling
unit," which allows "3.2
persons per unit stan-
dard." Not two. Not four.
Start Sept.22nd, 1980
Vanastra Recreation Centre
2 miles south of Clinton
For information about classes
Ca I I:482-3544
Jerry MacLean & Son Sports — Your
On Friday, Bayfield
Boatyards held a small
tournament with about 20
fellows competing for
On Thursday night, the
4 and drawn with
final men's night before
the bash, Larry Broome
Bill Roberton and his 35
''he 79 total provedood
enough to take the first
place honors.
The hash on Friday
begins at 5p ,m. for those
who wishgolf. olf.
delicious buffet is
planned for 8 p.m. and the
paty will continue. The
bash will end an eacceilent
season for the men's
a .out an end of
season dance on October
18? If you have a better
suggestion call the
011040400.40 ,
The Clinton Scout troop staged their first bingo
under the grandstand last Monday night, and even
though they lost $300 in the deal, they are going to
'stage another later this fall. (James Fitzgerald
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